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(On-the-Job Training Journey amidst Pandemic)

As the online classes and the lockdown in Philippines started, it was a bit
difficult to adjust at first due to several reasons. But as I gradually became used to
the online platforms, I can say that I am finally comfortable to online-learning.
Undoubtedly, it was because the efforts of my professors and the university staff.
The quality of the classes barely varied from offline style. In fact, it had become
easier for students to participate in discussions. The time and efforts invested by the
teachers is highly applaudable, because even though the classes were not offline,
we could still connect with professors through email, for questions and doubts to
which, they replied promptly. Moreover, the university has been so supporting that
several services were modified to help the students in their home country.

It was indeed a challenging journey for me as a student to have my on-the-job

training in these trying times of our country, which is currently facing and fighting the
global pandemic. But aside from the challenges that it gives, I still found myself
braver, stronger, and give my best to fulfill my on-the-job training program.

I cannot believe that I could conquer my fears and finish my on-the-job

training amidst the pandemic. It is because while having the on-the-job training, I
have so many fear that developed at that time, fear of my health, my family’s health,
my child, and so many “what if’s?”.

But yes, I thank God I still have the courage and the drive to continue to
pursue my on-the-job training program at that time. And I cannot do it on my own
without the help of the people around me. Also, I am very grateful to my family, who
encourages me to finish what I started, my co-workers and head of the office, my
child, and Prof. Regi Aaron and the University of Mindanao.

Every time I think of the graduation to come, I always felt the happiness of
finally! This is it, this is the moment that we’ve all been waiting for the trials, the
hardships, the sleepless nights, and the challenge that we’ve been facing will finally
pay off. It was indeed a “fruit of thy labor.” I can already see my Family’s faces full of
joy and excitement that finally! I can graduate anytime on the degree that I enrolled
at UM Tagum College.

As I walk on the journey of my on-the-job training, every time I talked to my

classmates and share the challenges that they are also facing, we do our best to
encourage each other and never ever lose hope. Keep on fighting, success is always
given to those who wait, and always be positive not in covid 19 but be positive in all
the negativity that life has given to us because always remember that God is always
there to protect and guide those who are in pain and experiencing burdens in life.
God never ever failed us.

Therefore I conclude that nothing beats experience as the perfect learning

tool. This On-the-Job Training served as my stepping stone to pursue my
dream. This training gave me an inspiration to be more serious and
focused in studying. I was encouraged to do more efforts in my studies. Despite the
short period of my training, it was still a very meaningful one. The training enriched
my confidence created a foundation of being a good employee someday. The
training made me realize that it is really good to know what you’re doing and to love

As a student, what I can do for now is to learn whatever I can in

school, be inspired love the path I am taking, and do my best in everything I
do, with positive outlook in mind. I realized that I should be more focused in
school and do everything heartily and with all that I can. It is also very warm to
the heart to know that you have accomplished something and even warmer
when there are people who are so proud of what you have done and I felt this
feeling during my On-the-Job Training. It inspired me to be more determined and
competitive in everything that I do in my daily life as a student today and as a
professional someday. My On-the-Job Training is very helpful and will very
helpful to me as I continue to take my journey as fourth year student in the field
of Business Administration. It really gave me a taste of the real world – a sight of
what lies after I graduate.
After the training, I learned that OJT is not just a requirement to be
completed but it is an opportunity to show what skills, knowledge and talents that I
have and also an opportunity to experience the feeling of being a professional

Aside from the experience that I had relating to my course, this on-the-
job training program allowed me to get acquainted with the employees of
AZDevelopers Corp. Being with them is a pleasure because I was working
with them. During my stay there as trainee, they kept on encouraging and
motivating me to study hard and to do my best always. I really had a very
meaningful and memorable on-the-job training at AZDevelopers Corp. Though I
already finished working there as a trainee, I am looking forward to working with
them, not as trainee anymore, but a professional like them, someday.

In the place where I well trained I experience how to mingle with those people
around me, just like my supervisor said that don’t be shy especially when somebody
offer you for example a food just simply accept their offer and be thankful to them
else they might feel sad since they offer you yet you didn’t accept and learn to be
more humble and approachable with those people around you. In that way you may
develop yourself confidence.

As I move closer to my
dreams, I will always
remember the lessons and
values I have
learned from the government
such as be alert, flexible and
credible, work effective and
have a competence, diversify
capabilities, build teamwork
and act professional.
Even most of the times I
failed, I should still always be
the person who is always
to learn, accept that failures
are just steps in reaching my
goals and I thank God for
everything. I
am now ready and prepared to
face the real world and work
for the better.
My entire On-the-Job-Training
taught me these letters
Aim High. Make a Difference.
Grab Opportunities. Prove
Yourself. Never lose Hope.
As I move closer to my
dreams, I will always
remember the lessons and
values I have
learned from the government
such as be alert, flexible and
credible, work effective and
have a competence, diversify
capabilities, build teamwork
and act professional.
Even most of the times I
failed, I should still always be
the person who is always
to learn, accept that failures
are just steps in reaching my
goals and I thank God for
everything. I
am now ready and prepared to
face the real world and work
for the better.
My entire On-the-Job-Training
taught me these letters
Aim High. Make a Difference.
Grab Opportunities. Prove
Yourself. Never lose Hope.
For those who will take their on-the-job training in the future, my advice is you
need to take serious the tasked assigned to you, since this is a chance for you to see
yourself if what things you can do better or to exceed more, what are your
weaknesses to make it your strength. This will really help you to develop your skills
and knowledge that you’ve been learning for how many years in school. You need to
be more strategic when it comes to work, for you to do the tasked faster and properly
done well. Show them that you are not just only a trainee but you are just like an
employee that taking his/her job well done and make them proud of you. Self-
discipline is one thing that a trainee needs to improve especially when it comes to
time management because it is very important in any sector of job. In result, the
company might absorb you in the future if you have a good performance.

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