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BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬

‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Box ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة‬
)‫(وضع الكلمات في الفراغات‬
Unit One
Test (1)
)‫(اختبارات وزارية‬
‫يمارس‬ ‫كاحل‬ ‫يعطس‬ ‫حبوب‬ ‫ينزف‬ ‫جلد‬ ‫بعمق‬
take up , ankle , sneeze , pills , bleeding , skin , deeply
1. You have to take two of these …………… three times a day.
‫عادة‬ ‫مراهقين‬
2. Most smokers ……………
take up the habit of smoking when they are teenagers.
3. The ……………
skin on my legs is very dry.
4. I twisted my ……………
ankle playing football.
5. It was a very deep cut and it was ……………
bleeding a lot
sneeze when I put pepper
6. I always …………… on my food.
7. She cut her hand. I think it is …………… bleeding

.‫ تم وضع خطوط خضراء تحت الكلمات المهمة والمرشحة للسنين القادمة‬:‫مالحظة‬

Test (2)

‫ملتوي‬ ‫يغمى عليه‬ ‫يتصاعد‬ ‫عض‬ ‫متوازن‬ ‫متقرحة‬ ‫ينزف‬

sprained , faint , goes up , bit , balanced , sore , bleeding
‫مصابين بالسكر‬
1. In Britain, the number of diabetics ……………
goes up every day.
‫يبتلع‬ ‫حنجرة‬
2. I can't swallow. I have a …………… throat.
3. I feel dizzy, I think I am going to ……………
‫كاحل‬ ‫منع‬
sprained ankle
4. His …………… prevented him from playing with the team.

5. The shark ……………

bit Zaid's arm.
6. Everyone should eat a ……………
balanced diet.
‫إصبع قدم‬ ‫زجاج‬
7. My toe is ……………
bleeding I cut it on a piece of glass.

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (3)
‫ألم‬ ‫اندهشت‬ ‫يؤلم‬ ‫مرتعبين‬ ‫يجرب ارتداء‬ ‫كسرت‬ ‫غير صحي‬
pain , puzzled , hurts , frightened , try on , broken , unhealthy
1. My back …………… all the time.
try on these jeans?
2. Would you like to ……………
‫تعطلت‬ ‫صحراء‬
3. We were very ……………
frightened when our car broke down in the desert.
4. Where exactly is the …………… and how long have you had it?
puzzled to see such a strange question.
5. I was ……………
6. She can't play tennis. She has …………… her right arm.
unhealthy to live in a polluted place.
7. It is ……………

Test (4)

‫جافة‬ ‫ممنوع‬ ‫الصق‬ ‫يتقيأ‬ ‫مواد كيميائية‬ ‫صحة‬ ‫مناسبة‬

dry , illegal , plaster , sick , chemicals , health , proper

1. He was ……………
sick three times in the night.
2. Smoking is destroying a lot of people's ……………
3. My lips are really ……………
dry and sore.
‫عينان‬ ‫متقرحة‬ ‫مسبح‬
chemicals in the pool.
4. My eyes are sore from the ……………
‫تغطي‬ ‫جرح‬ plaster
5. To cover a cut, you need ……………
6. It is …………… to sell cigarettes to children under 18.
‫تدفع‬ ‫ما لم رعاية صحية‬
proper care
7. The government shouldn't pay for people's healthcare unless they take……………
of themselves.

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (5)
‫عطس‬ ‫يسعل‬ ‫مسكنات‬ ‫يعطس‬ ‫عالج دوائي‬ ‫متورمة‬
sneezed , coughs , painkillers , sneezes , medication , swollen
‫رهيب‬ ‫صداع‬ painkillers
1. I've got a terrible headache, can I take some ……………?
2. Have you taken any ……………
medication for the pain?
3. Ali covered his mouth when he ……………
4. I've got a pain in my knee. It's really……………
5. We often say "Bless you" when somebody……………

6. We don't say "Bless you" when somebody……………
Unit Two
Test (6)

‫اثر االقدام‬ ‫نشالين‬ ‫جوزة التشغيل‬ ‫غرامة‬ ‫يطيع‬ ‫ترتكب‬

footprints , pickpockets , ignition , fine , obey , commit

1. Don't leave your keys in the ……………
2. Drivers must …………… the speed limit.
footprints can tell you what type ‫يرتدي‬
3. …………… of shoes a thief was wearing.
commit a crime, ‫يعتقل‬
4. If you …………… the police will arrest you.
‫مزدحمة‬ ‫ تجذب اماكن‬pickpockets
5. Crowded areas attract ……………… who try to steal people's wallets.
‫تدفع‬ ‫بطاقة غرامة‬
6. You must pay a …………… when you get a ticket.

Test (7)

‫فارغة‬ ‫لص منازل‬ ‫سائب‬ ‫ممتلكات‬ ‫مكسورة‬ ‫حقق مع‬

empty , burglar , unattended , property , broken , investigated
1. None of the missing ……………
property has been found.
‫ محفظة نقود‬unattended ‫مصطبة‬/‫مقعد‬
2. Don't leave your wallet …………… on the bus bench.
3. There is nothing in the bag. It is ……………
4. The police investigated
…………… the criminal and put him in prison.
‫وراء يختفي‬ ‫شجيرات‬
5. A …………… can hide behind trees and bushes.
broken lights.
6. your car mustn't have ……………

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (8)

‫سرقة‬ ‫خوذة‬ ‫يقود‬ ‫بصمات االصابع‬

robbery , screen , helmet , drive , fingerprints
‫تسوق‬ ‫ماطور‬ ‫ترتدي‬
1. When you ride a motorcycle, you must wear a ……………
‫مكالمة حصلوا‬ robbery last night.
2. The police got a call about a ……………
‫حزام االمان‬
3. You mustn't …………… without your seat belt on.
‫يراقب‬ screen
4. The security guard was watching the ……………
‫وصلوا الى‬ ‫موقع جريمة‬ ‫اثر اقدام‬
5. When the police got to the crime scene, they found footprints and……………

Test (9)

‫حالة‬ ‫يبدل‬ ‫وقعت‬ ‫يأخذ‬ ‫دورة‬ ‫يدع‬

condition , replace , occurred , take , roundabout , let
‫سرقة‬ ‫ثمينة‬ ‫سرقت‬
occurred yesterday and valuable
1. A robbery …………… things were stolen.
‫مستعملة‬ condition
2. I bought a used car, but it is in a very good ……………
replace ‫صلب‬
3. I have to …………… the door. It is not solid.
4. You can take the bus, so you don’t have to …………… your car.
5. You must slow down at a roundabout
……………, but you don’t have to stop.
‫عبور للمشاة‬
6. You must let people cross the street at a pedestrian crossing.

Unit Three

Test (10)

‫لقب‬ ‫مهندس معماري‬ ‫خائف‬ ‫مهارات‬ ‫حانوت‬ ‫مرشد سياحي‬

title , architect , scared , skills , canteen , tour guide
1. I am hungry, let's have lunch in the college ……………
2. What is your ……………?title Is it Mrs. Miss or Dr.?
‫دروة‬ ‫يحسن‬ skills
3. I would like to go on a computer course to improve my ……………
‫قليالا‬ ‫مرتفعات‬
scared of heights.
4. I'm a bit ……………
tour guide She takes tourists ‫مشاهدة المعالم‬
5. My sister is a …………… sightseeing in London every day.
6. Who designed that amazing building? My uncle, he is a famous ……………
‫صمم‬ ‫مذهل‬

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (11)
‫غرفة صغيرة‬
‫مؤهالت‬ ‫تتضمن‬ ‫حرفية‬ ‫زجاجية‬ ‫اقسام داخلية‬ ‫صحفية‬
qualifications , involve , literal , booth , hostels , journalist
1. What does water technology ……………?
2. We have our own students ……………
3. I can't get that job because I don't have the right ………………..
‫مقال‬ ‫سفن شراعية خليجية‬
4. Have you read the article about dhows in this magazine? It's by my aunt, who is a journalist
‫شبيه بالصندوق‬ ‫مترجمين‬
5. A ……………
booth is a box-like room where interpreters work.
‫ترجمة‬ ‫مفيد‬
literal translation
6. …………… is sometimes not useful.

Test (12)

‫مستوى‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫أجور مقطوعة‬ ‫مؤتمر‬ ‫ذوي خبرة‬ ‫دورة‬

level , university , freelance , conference , experienced , course
‫غير متواصل‬
1. She pays money from her irregular ……………
freelance work.
2. All our teachers are qualified and highly……………
‫اكتشف‬ level
3. I did a test to find out what …………… my English was.
‫منتجة للنفط‬ conference
4. There were speakers from every oil producing country at the …………….
‫علوم‬ ‫شهادة‬
university and get a science
5. I want to go to …………… degree.
course to improve my skills.
6. I would like to go on computer …………

Test (13)

‫مرهق‬/‫متوتر‬ ‫مصطلحات هيئة تدريسية‬ ‫طيار‬ ‫تفاصيل‬ ‫يسمح‬ ‫نصيحة‬

stressful , staff , terms , pilot , details , permit , advice
‫السكن مع العوائل‬ ‫داخل البيت‬
1. Most private homestays do not ……………
permit smoking indoors.
2. Captain Yousif has been a …………… for ten years.
‫هندسة‬ ‫معرفة‬ ‫تقنية‬ terms
3. Studying engineering needs knowledge in technical……………
staff ‫متعاون‬ ‫ودود‬
4. All the …………… are really helpful and friendly.
details ‫تحت‬
5. Write your name here and all the other …………… underneath.
‫غرفة المترجمين‬
6. Working alone in a booth is ……………
7. One of my teachers gave me some very good …………

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (14)

‫هندسة معمارية‬ ‫علم البيئة‬ ‫حانوت‬ ‫مرهق‬ ‫بيئة‬ ‫بعد التخرج‬ ‫مهنة‬
architecture, ecology , canteen, stressful, environment, postgraduate , career
‫مهنة‬ ‫مترجمة‬ stressful
1. My career as an interpreter is ……………
postgraduate ‫شهادة دبلوم‬ ‫ترجمة‬
2. He has a ……………… diploma in interpreting.
ecology and the environment.
3. I am interested in ……………
architecture in famous universities, like Harvard.
4. Zaha Hadid started to teach ………………
‫يجهز‬ canteen
5. Breakfast is provided and students can buy other meals in the on-site…………
6. Children need a happy home environment
7. I’m interested in the environment. I would like a …………… in ecology.
Unit Four
Test (15)

‫وقعنا‬ ‫شاغر‬ ‫شواغر‬ ‫وقت الفراغ‬ ‫تنافسية‬ ‫طموح‬

signed , vacancy , vacancies , leisure , competitive , ambitious
1. I couldn't get a job. There was no ……………
leisure time.
2. She doesn't seem to know what to do with her ……………
‫راتب‬ ‫ممتازة‬ ‫صيغ‬ ‫شروط‬
competitive salary and excellent terms
3. We offer a …………… and conditions.
‫أتدرب‬ ‫مصمم مواقع‬ vacancies
4. I want to train as a web-designer, but there were no ……..…………
‫عقود‬ ‫اقسام‬
signed contracts
5. We …………… with three London department stores.
6. Ali wants to be a doctor. He is very ……………

Test (16)
‫مبيعات‬ ‫يتنافس‬ ‫استثمرنا‬ ‫أسسنا‬ ‫دخل‬ ‫تزوج‬
sales , compete , invested , set up , income , got married
1. Our …………… are very good.
invested lot of money in the business.
2. We ……………
compete with the Chinese market.
3. It is difficult to ……………
got married to Ghassan two years ago.
4. Muna ………………
5. The new work gave him a good ……………
set up
6. We …………… our own company last September.

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Unit Five
Test (17)

‫ساحل البحر‬ ‫تربط‬ ‫مثالي‬ ‫بشكل تام‬ ‫بشكل استثنائي‬ ‫رجل االعمال‬
seafront , fasten , ideal , thoroughly , exceptionally , businessman
‫سياح‬ ‫هادئة‬
1. Kerkennah is an ……………
ideal place for tourists who want a peaceful holiday.
2. The food was exceptionally
…………… good.
thoroughly ‫تمتعت‬
3. I’ve …………… enjoyed our holiday with safar tour.
‫طائرة‬ ‫تقلع‬ ‫حزام االمان‬
4. When the plane takes off, you have to …………… your seat belt.
‫مهمة‬ businessman
5. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the ……………
6. let's go for a walk along the …………… this evening.

Test (18)
‫تذكرة صعود‬
‫جميل‬ ‫ال تصدق‬ ‫جولة سياحية‬ ‫حسن الضيافة‬ ‫بصدق‬ ‫صحة‬
spectacular, incredible, excursion, hospitality, honestly, boarding, wellbeing

1. I can ……………
honestly say that it was the best holiday I have ever had.
boarding card, so I couldn't get into the plane.
2. I lost my ……………
‫تغرب‬ ‫منظر‬
spectacular view of the day.
3. As the sun began to set, we had a ……………
4. Arabs are famous for their ……………
‫غداء سفري‬
5. Hotels will often give you packed lunch on a full day ……………
‫حسن الضيافة‬ incredible
6. Their hospitality was ……………
‫مطفأ‬ wellbeing
7. Leaving your mobile switched off is good for your ……………

Test (19)
‫وجبة غذاء‬
‫وكالة السفر‬ ‫شقة يسمح فيها بالطبخ‬ ‫سفرة كروب‬ ‫سفري جاهز‬ ‫مشاهدة المعالم تأجير سيارة جسدي‬
travel agency, self-catering apartment, package deal, packed lunch, physical, car hire, sightseeing
1. If we get a self-catering apartment in Spain, we can buy food at the market and make our
own meals.
2. Let’s not go on a package deal to Italy.
3. Let’s go and buy our tickets at that travel agency in Al Saad Street.
4. The hotel kitchen will make a packed lunch for anyone who Is going on the tour tomorrow.
‫نقل عام‬
5. You can’t rely on public transport on that island. You should find out about car hire .
6. In the afternoon, we did some sightseeing.
7. I have to do physical exercise at least four times a week.

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Unit Six
Test (20)

‫بطاقة ائتمان‬ ‫باألنترنت‬ ‫يسحب‬ ‫تستخدم‬ ‫فرع‬ ‫اقساط‬ ‫منتهي الصالحية‬

credit card , online , withdraw , used , branch , instalments , expired

1. You can ……………

withdraw money from an ATM.
‫يسدد‬ ‫قرض‬
2. How many …………… do you have to make to pay back your loan?
‫بطاقات الصرف‬ used
3. The cards can be …………… at any ATM.
4. If you have internet access, you can bank ……………
branch of our bank near the university.
5. There is a ……………
‫نقدا ا‬ ‫صك‬
6. I haven't got a credit
…………… card yet, so I pay everything by cash or by cheque.

7. I’m afraid your card is no longer valid. It expired a week ago.

Test (21)

‫االدنى‬ ‫نلغي‬ ‫رصيد‬ ‫تستثمر‬ ‫قيمة‬ ‫كشف حساب‬ ‫سحب مبلغ‬

minimum , cancel , balance , invest , value , statement , withdrawal
‫استثمار‬ ‫كذلك‬ ‫تهبط‬
1. The ……………
value of an investment can go down as well as up.
minimum ‫رصيد‬
2. The …………… balance is 1,000 Iraqi dinars.
3. The bank statement shows I have a lot of money in my account.
4. If we …………… your cards now, no one else will be able to use them.
invest your money Don't keep it in a box under your bed
5. Try to ……………
‫كلي‬ ‫مبلغ‬/‫مقدار‬ ‫حساب‬
balance is the total
6. …………… amount of money you have in your account.
7. There must be a mistake. I didn’t make this withdrawal last week.

Test (22)
‫عربون‬ ‫يجري صيانة‬ ‫رصيد‬ ‫قرض‬ ‫يزيد‬ ‫المفعول‬ ‫جاري‬
down payment, maintain, balance, loan, maintain, valid, current
1. loan
I got a …………… from‫جاري‬
the bank to buy a car.
‫حساب‬ ‫رصيد‬
2. maintain
If you have a current account, you have to…………… your balance.
3. A ……………
current account comes with a cheque book.
‫كلي‬ balance
4. The total …………… was less than a million.
5. I'm afraid your card is no longer ……………valid
6. My father lent me the money to put a …………………
down payment on a new car.
7. maintain my old car.
It costs a lot of money to……………
BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Unit Seven
Test (23)
‫يسجل‬ ‫مكثف‬ ‫الزامي‬ ‫طبية‬ ‫الحد االعلى‬ ‫تقوي‬ ‫فوجئ‬
register, intensive, mandatory, medical, maximum, enhance , astounded
‫تأهيل‬ mandatory if you want to study in England.
1. A qualification in English is……………
intensive language Course.
2. Many students take an ……………
maximum number of students is 10.
3. The ……………
enhance your computer skills
4. You can …………… by taking an evening class.
register for this class by completing ‫باألنترنت‬
5. You can …………… a form online.
a medical student she should qualify
6. She's …………… as a doctor in two years' time.
7. I was astounded I couldn’t believe how helpful they were!

Test (24)

‫مؤتمر‬ ‫سجلت‬ ‫فوجئ‬ ‫ورشة عمل‬ ‫مكان‬ ‫يشرف على‬ ‫تصميم رقمي‬
conference, enrolled, astounded, workshop, venue, supervise , graphic design
1. I'm on my way to register for a computer ……………
‫عالم‬ ‫يحضر‬ conference once or twice a year.
2. I'm a scientist. I attend a ……………
enrolled on a language course because I love to travel.
3. I ……………
4. If you are a manager, you have to…………… other employees.
‫حفلة موسيقية‬
5. The place where you hold a course or concert…………….
astounded by the help available
6. He was really …………… in the bank.
7. Photographer may want to take classes in digital graphic design.

Test (25)
‫معلومات‬ ‫أمين مكتبة‬ ‫مستوى‬ ‫أجور الدورة‬ ‫طلب‬
information, librarian, placement, course fees, application
1. You must send your …..…………
application to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July.
2. On the first day, the students take a placement
…………… test.
informationfor people who are looking for the right career.
3. The library has a range of ……………
‫مسبقا ا‬
course fees in advance.
4. You have to pay the ……………
‫اتدرب‬ ‫مكتبات‬
a librarian because I love books and libraries.
5. I'd like to train as ……………

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (26)

‫يسجل‬ ‫مؤتمر‬ ‫قبلت‬ ‫لغة الجسد‬ ‫يشرف على‬ ‫يحسن‬ ‫مؤهالت‬

enroll, conference, admitted, body language, supervise , improve, qualifications
1. Being able to read ……….…………
body language is vital. ‫ضروري جداا‬
‫تقنيين‬ ‫موظفين‬
supervise new employees
2. Our company needs technicians to……………
‫عالم‬ ‫حضر‬ conference in London.
3. Last summer my father who is a scientist attended a big ……………
4. Next year I plan to …………… on a course to improve my English.
‫ممتازة‬ ‫عازفة بيانو‬ admitted to a very good music school.
5. Because she is an excellent pianist, Ameena was ……………
improve your computer skills by taking an evening class.
6. You can……………
7. When I left school l had few qualifications, but I got a good job after taking a computer class

Unit Eight
Test (27)

‫يقلل‬ ‫بحكمة‬ ‫إزالة الغابات‬ ‫أنظمة‬ ‫متجدد‬ ‫يعوض عن‬

limit, wisely, deforestation, regulations, renewable, replace
‫تستمر‬ ‫انواع‬ ‫تختفي‬
deforestation continues,
1. If ……………… many species of animal will disappear.
‫علماء‬ ‫ضرر‬ ‫بيئة‬
2. Scientists are finding ways to …………… damage to the environment.
‫الريح‬ ‫مصدر‬ ‫طاقة‬
renewable source
3. wind is a …………… of energy.
‫نتبع‬ ‫سالمة‬
4. we have to follow a lot safety regulations
replace the trees that are cut down.
5. We need to ……………
‫أرض‬ ‫موارد‬
6. We need to use the earth's resources ……………

Test (28)

‫يعاد تدويرها‬ ‫نفايات‬ ‫تدفن‬ ‫نفايات‬ ‫تفسد‬ ‫كوارث‬

recycled, waste, buried, waste, spoil, disasters
1. Waste is often burnt or ……………
‫ حقول طاقة الريح‬spoil ‫مناظر طبيعية‬
2. Some people say that wind farms……………the landscape.
3. In some countries more than 50% of waste is ……………
‫يعيد تدوير‬ waste
4. Today more and more people are recycling their ……………
‫يلوث‬ ‫منتجات‬ ‫مصنع‬
5. The river has been polluted by ……………products from the factory.
‫ طبيعية‬disasters
6. There have been a lot of natural ……………in the last few years.

BOX ‫أسئلة وزارية بطريقة الــ‬
‫ رضوان العبيدي‬:‫أستاذ‬
Test (29)

‫ضروري جداا‬ ‫إزالة الغابات‬ ‫تدمير‬ ‫محاصيل‬ ‫يُفصل‬ ‫إزالة الغابات‬

essential, deforestation, destruction, crops, separated, deforestation.
‫حنطة‬ ‫شعير‬
1. Wheat and barley are …………… crops grown in Iraq.
‫نقلل‬ ‫تلوث‬
essential to find ways to reduce the pollution ‫بيئة‬
2. It is …………… of the environment.
‫نفايات‬ ‫انواع‬
separated into different types.
3. The waste is often ……………
4. The process of cutting down trees is called deforestation
5. Many animals are endangered because of ………………
‫ضروري جداا‬ ‫غابات ممطرة‬
destruction of rainforests.
6. It is essential that something is done about the …….………

:‫ للسادس االعدادي وكما يلي‬Activity ‫) في كتاب‬Box( ‫لوحظ في األسئلة الوزارية للسنين األخيرة حدوث تحويرات في أسئلة تمارين‬

:Box ‫احيانا ا يتحول سؤال االختيارات النحوية الى وضع الكلمة في الفراغ‬

1. The story was beautifully written. )2020 ‫(تمهيدي احيائي وتطبيقي‬

The story was (beautiful/ beautifully) written.

2. The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the screen. (3‫ ص‬Activity ‫)كتاب‬
The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the screen

‫مقترحة‬ )2020 ‫(الدور األول تطبيقي‬

I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are sore from the chemicals in the pool.
(3 ‫ ص‬Activity ‫)كتاب‬
‫مواد كيميائية‬
3. My eyes are sore from the chemicals in the pool. )2020 ‫(الدور األول أدبي‬
4. I'm interested in the environment I would like a career in ecology. (69 ‫ ص‬Activity ‫)كتاب‬
‫علم البيئة‬
I'm interested in ecology and the environment. )2020 ‫(الدور الثاني تكميلي‬
5. When you ride a motorcycle you must wear a helmet. (42 ‫ ص‬Activity ‫)كتاب‬
When you ride a motorcycle, you must wear a helmet. )2020 ‫(الدور الثاني تكميلي‬

6. Your car mustn't have broken lights. (42 ‫ ص‬Activity ‫)كتاب‬

Your car mustn’t have broken lights. )2020 ‫(الدور الثالث‬

7. You must slow down at a roundabout, but you don't have to stop.(42 ‫ ص‬Activity ‫)كتاب‬
You must slow down at a roundabout. ‫ وعليه يجب حفظ كل معاني كلمات األسئلة‬،‫لذا يجب االنتباه الشديد إلى تبديل الكلمة‬.


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