Grammar Exercise Present Perfect

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from parenthesis using
present perfect or simple past :
1.-I ______________my homework yet . ( finish )
2.-Mary ________already __________ five letters. ( write )
3.-Tom _________ to this town in 1994. (moved )
4.-My friend _____________ in Canada two years ago. (be )
5.-I ______________ to Barcelona many times (be )
6.-Last week, Mary and Paul ___________ to the cinema. (go )
7.-I can't take any pictures because I _______________ a new camera yet. (buy )
8.-Caroline (miss) _______________ the schoolbus yesterday.(miss )
9.-William _________already __________up his room.(clean )
10.- My best friend and I _______________each other for over fifteen years.We still get
together once a week . (know )

II.- Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs from parenthesis using
the simple past or present perfect and then answer .
1.- _________you ever __________abroad ? (travel)
2.-_________you _________your best friend yesterday ? ( see )

3.-What time __________your brother /sister _____________ today ? (get up )

4.-How long ________you _________English ? ( study )
5.-When ______your parents ________married ? (get )

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