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Year and Section: BSA-1A

Instruction: Write a reaction paper or critique on the proclamation
of independence of Filipino people. Identify the strengths and
weaknesses of the topic.

Be guided of the following questions:

1. What was the Act of Proclamation of the Philippine Independence?
2. What was the author’s basis for proclaiming
Philippine Independence? Does this basis justify the
independence proclamation? How So?
3. What does it mean to be an independent country? Explain.
4. Do you think that the Philippines is indeed an
independent country? How do you say so?

As the proclamation of Philippine Independence was prepared by Ambrosio Bautista, the

proclamation was declared in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898. After Spain was defeated
at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War, Filipino revolutionary
forces led by General Emilio Aguinaldo issued the Declaration of Independence,
declaring the Philippines' sovereignty and independence from Spanish colonial control.
The statement was not recognized by the US or Spain because the Spanish government
surrendered the Philippines to the US in the 1898 Treaty of Paris in exchange for
compensation for Spanish expenses and property lost.

The author's basis in preparing the act of proclamation comes from Aguinaldo. It
justifies the basis of the author from Aguinaldo who believed that declaring Philippine
independence was important. He believed that such a step would motivate the people
to fight the Spaniards more fiercely while also causing international countries to
recognize the country's independence. 

After the proclamation, the Philippines is now an independent country. For me, there are
different definitions when we talk about an independent country. Independent countries
and states have their government and are not dominated by other countries. Citizens are
free to benefit from the program and projects of the Government. Also, they can develop
and implement their own foreign and domestic policies. 

The Philippines, in my opinion, is now an independent country. We shall be essential in

helping our country find true freedom and independence as long as we Filipinos still care
about the land of our birth and are eager to support our country, and as long as we
continue to instill in the minds of the youth our values and personality as Filipino people.

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