Ra 11310

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IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11310 OR "AN "ACT INSTITUTIONALIZING THE PANTAWID PAMILYANG PILIPINO PROGRAM” Pursuant Section 25 of Republic Act (RA) No. 11310, or ctherwise known 2s “An ‘Actnstutlonatzing the Pantawid Pamlyang Pipino Program (4Ps), tho Dopatmont of Social ‘Welfare and Development (DSWD), in consulation wit parinr governmen. agencies and stakeholdrs, hereby issues, adopts and promulgates the folowing implementing rules 2nd Feguiatons (IRR) RULEL TITLE ‘Section 1. This set of rules and regulations shall be known a8 the IRR of RA No. 11310, “fn het nstialonazing the AP" RULE I DECLARATION OF POLICIES ‘Seton 2. The State shal promote a ust and dynamic socal order thereby upting its citizens ‘and marpinalzed sectors from poverty through poe tat provide adequate social services, ‘romote full employment ng standard of ving, and an improved quay tie fr ‘The State recognizes the need to foster social justice consistant wih the provsions of Article Xil ofthe 1887 Constituton, speceay: 1. The Congress shal give highest priority othe enactment of measures that protect and ‘enhance he right ofthe people to human dignity, reduce social, economic and political ‘equalities, and remove cura! nequties by equtablycftsing weath and poll power forthe common good: »b. The prometion of social justice shall include the commitment to crate economic ‘opportunities based on freedom of nave and et retance, “Towards tis end, the State shall establish programs that invest and hamess our county’ human capital and improvement of delvery of basic services to the poor, partculty ‘education, heath and nubion, which is an inlerention antipated to bresk. the Intergeneational eye of poverty Break the inergenerational cycle of poverty through investment in hunan capital and improved access and delvery of basic services tothe poor, parouaty education, health, nutilon, and eary chidhood care and development and employment and social services, 4. Promote gender equally and empowerment of women and protectin of chiens "ight: ©. Achiove universal primary education; 1 Reduce child moray, moby, malnutiton and hunger, 9. Improve maternal health and reduce maternal morally: and h. Encure heathy ves and promote wol-bing fora 6 1% pee PF RULE Il PANTAWID PAMILYANG PILIPINO PROGRAM ‘Section 3. The 4Pss the national poverty reduction strategy and a human capa investment rogram that provides condsonal cash transfer to qualified ousehold-beneficares tis a0 2 human development program which provides social protection, socal assistance, social ‘evelopment and coher complementary support services in partnership wih concemed ‘agencies, local government and oer stakeholders towards proving the heath and nation, ‘education and secio-aconomic aspects ofthe Ives. ‘Section 4. The conaitonal cash transfer to qualifed householé-benefiiaries has a maximum Period of seven (7) years. For existing househods, the maximum period of seven (7) years ‘Shall be reckoned fom the implementation ofthese rules provided tha they are st eke land are fil able and wiling to comply with the rogram condone, However, the National Advisory Council (NAC) may recommend a longer period under ‘exceptional circumstances through issuances of esolutons and guidelines consistent wth he ‘adopted or used standardized wrgeting System, RULE IV, DEFINITION OF TERMS ‘Section 5. As used in this IRR, the folowing terms are defined, as flows: Authorized Government Depository Banks (AGDBSs) refer to bantng instutons ‘accredited and managed by government which is aso calogoized es goverment ‘onned and -contoled corporation (GOCC) or government franca nstuton Case Management refers to @ process used by the DSIND to enate the qualified ‘ousehold-benetcares to improve thoi functoring by dealing with er dicutios Specify 9 comping with the terms of the Program. shal rte fo & mutually ‘greed process of assessing, planning, managing, coordinating and advocating fr Services and oer interventions towards improving he welhbeng of households using {he Socal Welfare and Development indicator (SWDI} and othr eat eos; ©. Case Manager refers to program staff directly working wih qualfed householé- ‘beneficiaries to eflect change and assist them to improve thelr wel-baing They are the ciy? munipal inks and other staf trained in case, management process, counsong, famly therapy. group process, project management and other related training, 38 may be determined by the DSWD: ‘4. Compliance Verification refers tothe checking and monitoring undertaken using Standardized monitoring tol o ensure that the qualfied househaks Seneficorise ‘comply with the condtons for eidement set forth bythe 4Ps; ‘2. Conditional Cash Grant refers tothe amount receved by the qualied household benefictaries who comply wth the conditions for entilement 4. Educational Facility refers to schoo! oF any stuctue oF space, with or without ‘marked visible Doundares, which setter recognized by the goverment or known by the communi as leaming space frelon ‘9. Family Development Sessions refer to appropiate monthly actives conducted with ‘and attended by the grantees or responsible person towards enhancing thei parenting eapabilies, thereby encouraging them to. be more aetve ciizens of the # 6 TPP we tk Graduation rofers to the improvement of the lovl of wol-being of pror households ffom surival and subsistence to salf-suficoncy towards thr evento ext rom the Program trough provision of inlegrated and hotstc suppor services and programs; Grantee refers to the most responsible adut member ofthe quakfed household benefisary authorized o receive the condenal cash transfer, Grievance Redress System refesto the mechanism ofthe DSWD uhich addresses. and resolves issues and concerns related tothe implementation of the Program: Health Facility refers to barangay heath station, rural heath unt. barangay health contr, inary or hospital, Household refers tothe socal unt consisting of a person ning alone ora group of persons who sleepin the same housing unit including any place of dveing o fai, fd have common arrangement forthe preparation and consumption of food, Household Registration relers to the process of enrling eligble household beneicares inthe 45 Institutionalization refers to making the 4Ps an added function of the DSWD and a regular program funded fom ts annual appropriation; "Near-Poor Households refer to households whose estimated per capita income is ‘within ten percent (103) above the poverty threshold ata given year. The 10% cul-off ‘Shallbe the basis, untl the government as established ts offal ner-poor poly ‘They are considered as neae poor duo to hgh sk of subsequently fllng again ito poverty, They shall also be ientfed through the adopted standaxdized targeting system Parent Groups refer to qualified household-beneficares clustered based on thelr residence proxmiy being headed by a parent leader, Poor refers to households whose income fale bok the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and Development Aulhorty (NEDA) and cannot afford in a Uetained manner to provide thir minimum basie needs of food, heals, education, housing and other essential amenities of ite Poverty Threshold rears othe minimum income! expenditure requied fora fami Individual to moet tho basi food and non food requirements based on Phippine Statistics Authority (PSA) definion of poverty teshol, Preventive Health Check-up refers to heath and nution services comprising of complete immunization, deworming, gfowth and. development - montotng, ‘management of chighood dlseases, minuto, and services fr pregnant, lactating and postpartum women, ‘Qualified Household-Beneficiaries rfer to househols identified bythe DSIND for tenttloment to the monthly condtional cash granis as proved unde Rule V of this IRR; Iie understood tha only households whose members are resident Fipino clizens are quatied in the Program; In addon, thesa householés are doomed ee A i J ot 4 i v i vA Responsible Person refers tothe parent or guardian inthe qualified househeld- benicar, ‘v. Skiled Health Professionals rer to competent matemal, newer, chid and ‘eolescont neath and nuttin profesional, educated, tained an regulated in ‘ecordance wh the national and ternational standards Ww. Social Services refer to. range of services tat fact he achleverent of the level ‘of well-being ofthe qualified househol- beneficiaries 2. Supply Side refers othe educational and heath facies such as scheols and health tonter and other related serdces in a spect ares that are necessery for quaified household beneicares fo comply wih the set cndions ofthe Program: 1. Standardized Targeting System refers {oa system fr identiying whe and where the poor householis ae, trough the generation of sodo-economic dafabase of poor Frouscholis that is\ adopted by ational government agencies (NGAS) and Implemented by the DSWD, 2. Sustainable Livethood Program (SLP) refers othe ivetinood and cazabaty bing program managed by the DSWD forthe poor, vulnerable and margaalized famiios nd individuals to help mprove their socio-economic conditions trough accessing and ‘Scquing necessary aasets to engage ih and maintain Uviving lveihaods; The one fine lvethood assttance ie Inthe form of mic enterprise development (MD) and ‘employment fatation (EF). The MD track provides miroenlerrise interventions to {he poor or savings generaton whe ve EF rack provides ilervemlons that facile employment ‘2, Social Welfare and Development Indicators (SWI i a case management tool Spoctically Geveloped by the DSWD fo atsecs and monitor the wel-being of the households of APs. bb. Transaction Account refers to an account inthe frm of deposit account or electronic ‘money! welet, held with AGDBs snd other Bangko Sentral ng Plipinas (BSP)- Fegulated financial sere provdere which can be used to siore money, send payments, and receive deposts its an essential nancial service is own ight and an alco sorve as a gateway to oer fnancil services, and ‘ce. Vulnerable Groups refertothase who experience higher degree of social excusion ‘and epvaton than the general population, nd those who go ‘hough diicut ‘leumstances, inauding but nt limited to the flowing () chien, () wemen, (i) fraigenovs people (IPs), (v) homeless set familes (HEF) and () groups that ‘experience & higher risk of poverty Inline with the Special Protecton Operational Framework of NEDA. RULE V. SELECTION OF QUALIFIED HOUSEHOLDS. "AND CRITERIA FOR ELIGIBILITY ‘Section 6. On a nationwide basi, he DSIVD shal select qualified housshokt benefice of the 4P5 ucng a slandardzed targeting system. Unt anew standardized tarpeting system i ‘Suopied bythe government, the Nalional Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction {NFETS-PR) or Listahanan shal be utzed by the DSIND unser this Rue ¢ PER AS uv ‘ Section 7. The DSWD shall ensure the use ofa uniform, objective, and transparent procedure a identifying poor households as potential beneficiaries. Further. k shall conduct a regular revalidation of beneficiary targeting every three (3) years. Section 8. Farmers including farm workers, fisher folks, homeless families, IPs those inthe informal setter sector, those in geographicallyisolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) including those in areas without electricity, persons wih aisabilies (PWDs) and other vulnerable groups shall be automaticaly included inthe standardizes targeting system to be ‘conducted by the DSWD. The lists of those included inthe above-meritoned sectors and other vulnerable groups under this Section shall be provided by the respecive appropriate ‘overnment agencies, Section 9, To be slgible for the cash grants, households automaticaly included in the standardized targeting system under Section 8 must meet the folowing cit {Classified as poor and near-poor based on the adopted standardize targeting system and the povery threshold issued by the PSA al the te of selector b. Have members who are aged zero (0) to eighteen (18) years ol ar have members who ate pregnant at the time ofregitration; an {2 Wiling to comaly with the conditions set in the oath of commitment and mutual ‘greed hovshald intervention pan (HIP), RULE VI, CONDITIONAL CASH TRANSFER TO BENEFICIARIES ‘Section 10. The Acvisory Council shal cetermine te regularity and the amount of conditional ‘ah transfer (CCT) to beneficiaries through a resolution by the NAC, as apalcy-making body ofthe Program, wth the folowing schemes: ‘2. CCT grant per child enrallad in daycare and elementary programs shall ot be lower than Three Hundred Pesos (PnP300.00) per month perch fora maximum often (10) montis per year, . CCT grant per chiléenralled in junior high schoo! shall not be lower than Five Hundred Pesos (PhPS00.00) per month per child fr a maximum often (10) nanths per year, ‘6 CCT grant per child enrolled in senior high schoo! shall nat be lower than Seven Hiuncred Pesos (PhP700.00) per month per child for a maximum ef ten (10) months per year, and 4. Haith and nutton grant shall not be lower than Seven Hundred Fity Pesos (PhP750,00) per month for a maximum of twelve (12) months per year Section 11. The heath and nutstion grant component aims to promte healthy practices and family development, Improve the health ané nultonal status of pregnart and postpartum ‘mothers, infants and young children: and inereaes the use of heath service by the qualified hhouseholé-benefciary. The health and nutrition grant isa fxed amount ane does not depend ‘on the number of members in the household, Section 12. The gran shall be in accordance with the approved program Umeline released for a paricular period in a year. The grarts shal be timely and accurately released based on the compliance of quaified househa)ibenefciry members. The inal grants shall be rlezead to the hovsahole pation of the registration process. IPS and other A ‘lnerble groups, and other qualified householt-beneficanis resting In GIDA shall be {cated in accordance wih toe parkclar needs, dynamics and cute, folowing ights- based strategies fo provide them with convenient and cost-effective means to cole! thor cash grant RULE Vil. MODE OF CASH TRANSFER Section 13. The DSWD shal provide qualiled housshol-benefiari wih rect access to ‘cach grants that ke secured via transaction accounts Syeugh any number of AGDBS. Moreover, DSWD shalliplement more frequent payouts. For localities not adequately served by an AGDB, the DSIND may, by islf or through an ‘AGDE, contact the services of rural banks, tit banks, cooperative banks, and instutons ‘engaged in money remiances dul acceded by the BSP. ‘To ensure direct and secured access to cash grants bythe qualified householt- benefits, the sama shal be edited direct Yo ther ransacton accounts eld and meintaned in ary [BSP regulated financial inst. The AGDBs shall ensure that the channels through which the quatied household beneficaies can acceus thei transaction aocouts are adequate, avaiable ad accessible to ‘the qualified houschols-bonoficaresrogrdess of the geographical cations. Conswtatons vith the stakeholders sal be hed in order to determine the effency ofthe AGDBS. “The DSWD shall coordinate wih BSP fo promote an enabling regtatory envianment in oder to ensure adequocy, avalabiy and sccessibity of ansacion channels ne wih the atonal strategy for francial incon RULE Vil. CONDITIONS FOR ENTITLEMENT ‘Section 14, As appcable, all qualifled household-beneiiares shall comply with all the {olwing condtone asa requrement fr continued progam eligbiy 12. Pregnant women must vai of pre-natal senvces, gv bith na heath acy attonded bya akiled Health profesional and receive post-partum care and postpartum visi, ‘and essential newbom care and postnatal flow up vist for her newoor infant; b. Chiiren zero (0) to five (5) years old must receive reguar preventive health and futiton services ineluding check-ups and vaccination, growth and. developmont ‘monitoring, and prmoten rom the Cty! Municipal Heath Conor, Rural Heath Uns, ‘or Barangay Heath Staton to aval applicable health services, based cn existing DOH ‘uideines; {Children one 1) to fourteen (14) years old must aval of deworing pis! medicines at least twice a year, 14. Chidren three (2) to four (4) years old must attend day care service or pre-schoot ‘lassas and at leat mainiain class attendance a arate of eighty Sve parcnt (65%) ‘ofthe time per monty, {Children to eighteen (18) years old must attend elementary or secondary classes at ‘maintain a class attendance a arale of feast 85% of Je tine per month and . ? ¢ JP wih ios ~~ ger wt" {Atleast 1 sponsible person or any appropriate member ofthe household must attend Family Development Sessions (FDS) conducted bythe DSWD, at leas once a month This shal include al sessions and programs conducted by DSWD ands pana. ‘Whenever applicable allcandtons prided under a b, cand fof Secton 14 c Rule Vl, shat be compte with nord to receve the heath and ution grant povided under Section 10 (@)of Rule Vi, andin reference to RA No. 11748, otherwise known as "Kalusugen at Nutsyon Fig Mag-Nanay Act” “Tho mochanics of Alemaive Devery Mode (ADM), Alomatve Leaning Systems (ALS) and ‘ther specalized mode and other dalvery mode sysiom in checking the atendance cfchidren ‘51018 years od wis- is regular educational facies shal bo formulated Section 15, Any or all of the conditions for entilement may be suspended by the DSWD ‘Secretary during times of calamtes, war and armed conics and force majeure situation In _ccordarte with relevant lav and DSWD Gusdlines In such eaces, ful eompance to such ‘ondtions are deemed waived and paymens lo beneficiaries shall bo prac in ful RULE IX. CASE MANAGEMENT AND NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS ‘Section 18, The DSWD shall develop a soto standardized procedures, mechanisms and tools to ensure that housshols-bonaicares are asgesoed on ther love of well bir and sta of ‘ompeance fo the candiione of the Program upon enty into and unl they ext fom the ‘rogram win 27-year tmaline. Undl anew tole developed the Program svall perodcally fsdminister the SWDI to assess and montr the wel-beng of the qualfed househols- [Beneficiaries They shall be engaged in amutualy aged HIP, tho goal of when to support their compliance with condiions and achive an improved level of wel-bexg lowards sol. reliance. To achieve his end, convergence inilatves iwolvng resources an programs and Services provided by partner agencies and organizations shall be accessed end mobizzed ‘through the Adsory Counc. Section 17. The responsible person of a reported qualified householt-benefiary who fais 0 comply vith alleondtons set orth under Re Vil fi IRR hel at fret e netfied in wring, ‘Thereafter the payment of cash grants wal rmediatly be terminated whol prjudos to any ‘case management process ofthe DSWWD. ‘Section 18, After 4 consecutive months of wilful non-compliance, the housetold-beneficany al be subject fo Intensive case management. The conduct of tensive case management bythe DSWD shal befor the purpose of detying and resolving bares mpsiing tom fom complying withthe terms ofthe Program and enable them to comply agai, ‘Seaton 19, The grants of qualfed household-beneiiares shall nt be fret incase they falto comply wth the condtons for reasons beyond thes contol subject to case management siratogies. In cases where the necessary social services 10 aid their compliance are ‘navaiabl, they shal be rafeed tothe concemed agency for sppropiae aon, Im addon, households with chiiron with dsabiliie; with IPs, and those in GIDA, whose pecula uation are determined to cause thelr inabily Yo comply with the prog'am conditions, Shall not be penalized by winheldng ther cash grant under nis Rule, Proved tat, pont ‘Shall be made to adress the stuston that rtited inthe inabaty of complance by these groups. Circumstances not mentoned inthe immediately preceding paragraph shall be considered ‘wif non-compance tothe conditons ofthe Program. ce WA x 1 we wo ‘Section 20. Should the qualifed househald-benefciary member so ncifed persist in not ‘Complying wih the conditions wihin a period of one (1) year since the day of recep ofthe ‘writen lication, the qualified household bonsetary member shal be renoved from the ‘rogram. There sal be proper notice tothe non-compant qualified househols-beneficary orto removal rom the program. Gudenes forthe removal of non-compliant beneficiaries Shallbe formulated by the DSWD, wit the approval of he NAC. However, interventions shall be conducted bythe respective government agency vis- vi the on-compllance ofthe qualified househed-benelicary member based on a tpectic care ‘managoment intervention plan to address the reason fr now somphance. RULE X. FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS 'AND FORMATION OF PARENT GROUPS Section 2. In reference o Rule Vil Section 14 ofthis IRR, atleast one 1) responsible person must atiend FOS conducted by the DSWD and ts implementing painers s least once month Section 22. The FDS shall be dlvered by the DSWD with its implementing partners sha aim fo provide a verue fo enhance and acquire new skils and knowledge responding 10 {alr parental oles and responsibities, promoting the concept of shared parenting. Ht shall ‘cus on health and nufion, education, econame and psychosocial needs che chigren, wile prometing postive family values it shal senglhen martal relationships, and farther ‘advocate active iizenship, spriual development, gender sensitivity, disses resiony, ‘inane Weracy, elrepreneural eile and voluntesriom fads communty evelopment. ‘The FDS wil bocome a venue to promote the roles ofthe qualified household -wonetiais a community members in har respective communies by enhancing thes levelofparpation {and contribution in community development. It shall bean avenve to ansfom households fom passive allendees to decision-makers, thereby alowing them to develop beneficial Programs andor projects fr thelr respective communities. ‘Youth Development Sessions (YDS) shall be encouraged among the young members ofthe households, Section 23. The grants of the qualified household-beneiiares shal be organized into Parent Groupe as astalagy and ¢ venue forthe FDS implementation. They shall establah peer support and cooperation among the qualified household bonefcais ard monitor the ‘performance in complying wih the conons ofthe Progra. Section 24. Each Parent Group shall select one (1) Parent Leader (PL) and one (1) Assistant PL based on a sot cieria by the DSWD, and both shall serve as communty leaders and ‘volunteers fora preserbed term of service: Parent Leaders may asst the DGD inthe case ‘management of quafled Rouschols bonefisais, RULE XI, PERIODIC ASSESSMENT ‘Section 25, The Php Institute or Development Studies (PIDS) shal conduct an impact ‘assessment every trae (3) years. The imped! assessment shall cover the eveiation of

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