Predictive Model For Early Math Skills Based On Structural Equations

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Predictive model for early math skills based on structural equations

Article  in  Scandinavian Journal of Psychology · August 2016

DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12317


11 299

5 authors, including:

Estíbaliz Aragón Mendizábal Jose I. Navarro

Universidad de Cádiz Universidad de Cádiz


Manuel Aguilar Gamal Cerda Etchepare

Universidad de Cádiz University of Concepción


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Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2016, 57, 489–494 DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12317

Cognition and Neurosciences

Predictive model for early math skills based on structural equations
~ 1
Department of Psychology, University of Cadiz, Puerto Real-Cadiz, Spain
Department of Methodology of Research, University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile

Aragon, E., Navarro, J. I., Aguilar, M., Cerda, G. & Garcıa-Sede~

no, M. (2016). Predictive model for early math skills based on structural equations.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 489–494.

Early math skills are determined by higher cognitive processes that are particularly important for acquiring and developing skills during a child’s early
education. Such processes could be a critical target for identifying students at risk for math learning difficulties. Few studies have considered the use of a
structural equation method to rationalize these relations. Participating in this study were 207 preschool students ages 59 to 72 months, 108 boys and 99
girls. Performance with respect to early math skills, early literacy, general intelligence, working memory, and short-term memory was assessed. A
structural equation model explaining 64.3% of the variance in early math skills was applied. Early literacy exhibited the highest statistical significance
(b = 0.443, p < 0.05), followed by intelligence (b = 0.286, p < 0.05), working memory (b = 0.220, p < 0.05), and short-term memory (b = 0.213,
p < 0.05). Correlations between the independent variables were also significant (p < 0.05). According to the results, cognitive variables should be included
in remedial intervention programs.
Key words: Early childhood education, early literacy, mathematical cognition, early mathematics.
Estıbaliz Aragon, Department of Psychology, University of Cadiz, 11510 Puerto Real-Cadiz, Spain. Tel: +34-956 016563; fax: +34-956 01 64 19;

INTRODUCTION early literacy skills are a factor in the development of early

numeracy (McClelland, Cameron, Connor, Farris, Jewkes &
The prevalence of specific learning disability among school-age Morrison, 2007; Kleemans, Peeters, Segers & Verhoeven, 2012).
children is 5% to 15%, according to the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), and Carey (2004) suggests that verbal issues play a role in the
the prevalence of math learning difficulties (MLDs) in particular is development of number concepts through early experience of
5% to 9% (Geary, 2011). Students with MLD often exhibit a relevant language (Hodent, Bryant & Houde, 2005) and
characteristic cognitive pattern of being unable to adequately solve subsequently through integration of the number word sequence
mathematical problems and calculations and of having math skills with symbolic representations of small sets of items. “During the
that do not correspond to their age or their year in school (Fuchs, preschool years, quantity discrimination, basic arithmetic and
Fuchs, Powell, Seethaler, Cirino & Fletcher, 2008). Several counting abilities become integrated within children’s increasing
possible hypotheses might explain the emergence of MLD (No€el, language skills to produce verbal counting ability” (cited by
Rousselle & Visscher, 2014), including those that focus on deficits Norwalk, DiPerma & Lei, 2014, p. 87). This current study shares
in specific domain processes. Along these lines is work by this second group of hypotheses, considering the deficits in
Butterworth and Reigosa-Crespo (2007) and Wilson and Dehaene general domain cognitive processes. For understanding MLD, it is
(2007), who considered that MLD is caused by a general necessary to know the precise cognitive processes underlying
malfunction modifying representation of numerical magnitudes. early mathematical learning in typically developing children.
Meanwhile, Rousselle and No€el (2007) posited that MLD arises Early math skills are controlled by higher cognitive processes
from difficulty in comprehending the representation of numerical that are especially important for the acquisition and development
quantities from the symbolic codes. of skills when children first enter school (Mi~ nano & Castejon,
Another set of hypotheses references deficits in general domain 2011; Navarro, Aguilar, Alcalde, Ruiz, Marchena & Menacho,
cognitive processes, such as working memory and its different 2011). The importance of general cognitive abilities in MLD is
mechanisms (Friso-van den Bos, Kroesbergen & van Luit, 2014; supported by the definition of MLD and developmental
Passolunghi & Lanfranchi, 2012), intelligence (Dodonova & dyscalculia (DD). Rubinsten and Henik (2009) use the term DD to
Dodonov, 2012), or literacy (Aragon, Navarro, Aguilar & Cerda, describe deficits in basic numerical skills, such as the processing
2015). Early literacy has been associated with early math skills in of a quantity of items. The term MLD also is used to refer to
several works because of overlap in difficulties in mathematics numeracy difficulties that arise from a deficit in certain general
and reading (Barbaresi, Katusic, Colligan, Weaver & Jacobsen, cognitive abilities such as attention, working memory, and
2005). Hypothetical rationalization for the extensive relations visuospatial processing. It is relevant to consider the role of
between these subjects include cognitive (Rohde & Thompson, cognitive processes related to math performance at early ages
2007), genetic (Hart, Petrill, Thompson & Plomin, 2009), and because these processes can be a critical aspect of identifying
environmental links (Anders, Rossbach, Weinert et al., 2012; students at risk for MLD (Duncan, Claessens, Huston et al., 2007;
Melhuish, Phan, Sylva, Sammons, Siraj-Blatchford & Taggart, 
Gonzalez-Castro, Rodriguez, Cueli, Cabeza & Alvarez, 2014).
2008). Research from cognitive psychology has suggested that Consequently, procedures to prevent deficits in mathematical skills

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490 E. Aragon et al. Scand J Psychol 57 (2016)

should include interventions that enhance cognitive abilities variables are integrated. Considering the findings on cognitive
(Cerda, Perez, Navarro, Aguilar, Casas & Aragon, 2015). variables and their connection with early math skills, a explicative
In recent years, researchers have focused on the study of theoretical model was developed. Early math skills are a function of
factors involved in math skill in early childhood (Cirino, 2011; different interrelated factors, and an effective way to understand the
Kleemans, Segers & Verhoeven, 2011; Kytt€al€a, Aunio & complexity of psychological processes, such as those involved in the

Hautam€aki, 2010; Ostergren & Tr€aff, 2013; Passolunghi & present study, is the multivariate analysis procedure. The main
Lanfranchi, 2012). It is necessary to consider the isolated role of limitation of these techniques, however, could be the difficulty in
cognitive skills when analyzing the contribution of these considering more than one relation at a time (Cupani, 2012). This
indicators to variabilities in math skills. Nevertheless, it is also study overcame this limitation by providing a SEM using multiple
important to examine these factors as they interact with other indicators and multiple causes. Accordingly, this model could
variables, thus indirectly influencing the acquisition of math skills. provide a framework of variables that directly or indirectly influence
Therefore, in this study, variables that research has defined as the acquisition of early math skills (Friso-van den Bos et al., 2014;
being related to early numeracy, such as working memory, short- Toll & Van Luit, 2014). SEMs for estimating the effects and
term memory, intelligence, and early literacy, were evaluated. relations among multiple variables are less restrictive than regression
Several studies have explored the role of cognitive processes in models because SEM allows measurement of errors including
arithmetic (Nunes, Bryant, Barros & Sylva, 2012) while other both criterion variables (dependent) and explanatory variables
studies have emphasized the role in language skills (Nevo & (independent). It also allows defining direct and indirect effects
Breznitz, 2013; Tr€aff, 2013) and mathematics (Alloway & between factors and establishes or “confirms” relations between
Passolunghi, 2011; Kytt€al€a, Kanerva & Kroesbergen, 2015; Purpura factors considering theoretical assumptions. Because exogenous
& Ganley, 2014). Baddeley (2000) considered short-term memory variables can be correlated with one another, as in this study,
to be a component of the working memory that contributes to establishing these relations would not be possible in a conventional
variability in early math skills (No€el, 2009; Swanson & Kim, 2007). €
regression model (Kline, 2015; Ostergren & Tr€aff 2013).
It is also important to consider the role of intelligence in acquiring Consequently, our main objective was to use structural
numerical knowledge as well as the relationship between equation modeling for examining the association between domain
intelligence and both working memory and short-term memory general variables (i.e., short-term memory, working memory,
(Colom, Rebollo, Abad & Shih, 2006; Kytt€al€a & Lehto, 2008; general intellectual ability and reading skills) and math skills in
Tillman, Nyberg & Bohlin, 2008). Intelligence contributes to the preschool children.
acquisition, understanding, and organizing of new information and
establishes the bases for early learning and for the consolidation of
concepts (Kvist & Gustafson, 2008). Therefore, intelligence could METHODS
be an influence on the development of mathematical skills
(Dodonova & Dodonov, 2012; Gullick, Sprute & Temple, 2011). Participants
Finally, factors associated with language skills, such as Participating in this study were 207 preschool students who ranged in age
phonological awareness, knowledge of the written code, and skills from 59 months to 72 months (M = 65.37, SD = 3.53). Of the 207
related to oral language, are considered to be linked to early math participants, 99 were girls, and they ranged in age from 59 months to
71 months (M = 65.22, SD = 3.47). Among the 108 boys, ages ranged
skills (Kleemans et al., 2011; Sarama, Lange, Clements & Wolfe,
from 59 months to 72 months (M = 65.51, SD = 3.60). Students attended
2012). As a result, the dynamic learning mechanism should be one of four schools, two of which were semi-private and two that were
similar with respect to both language and math skills (Betts, public. All schools were located in cities of approximately 125,000
Pickart & Heistad, 2009; Purpura, Hume, Sims & Lonigan, 2011). inhabitants and served a socioeconomic population regarded as middle
Koponen, Aunola, Ahonen, and Nurmi (2007) demonstrated that class. The early childhood education curriculum in Spain does not provide
reading fluency and calculation processes require similar storage explicit instructional content related to number sense (LOMCE, 2013).
and retrieval of verbal and verbal–visual associations. Moreover,
specific reading skills, such as letter knowledge and phonological
factors, are associated with covariance between reading and
Early Numeracy Test ENT-R (Van Luit & Van de Rijt, 2009) . The ENT-
simple arithmetic tasks, leading to significant correlations between
R assesses nine components of early mathematical competencies, clustered
the two skills (Cirino, 2011). The current research focused on the into two categories: (1) relational skills, including comparison concepts,
role of early literacy in explaining the acquisition of early math classification, one-to-one correspondence, and seriation; and (2) numerical
skills, but the relation between early literacy and other variables skills, including verbal counting, structured counting, resultative counting
also has been treated as a factor. Such variables include working (counting without the need to point or touch), general number knowledge,
memory (Van der Sluis, de Jong & Van der Leij, 2007), short- and estimation. A computer version of the ENT-R was used to measure
early mathematical knowledge. This test was composed of three parallel
term memory (Majerus & Boukebza, 2013), intelligence versions of 45 items each, and each version of the test had a maximum
(Rajchert, Zułtak & Smulczyk, 2014; Van Tilborg, Segers, Van score of 45 points (1 point for each correct item). The ENT-R average test
Balkom & Verhoeven, 2014), and early literacy (Cirino, 2011; application time was approximately 30 minutes, and it was administered
LeFevre, Fast, Skwarchuk et al., 2010). individually to each student. The Cronbach’s alpha was 0.90.
One method for studying these relations is using structural
Get Ready to Read! Screening Tool (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 2003). This
equation models (SEMs), which generally rely on an assumption of assessment consists of 20 items for assessing early literacy. Each item
an influence of very few explanatory variables (Kline, 2015). This presents four response options of which only one is correct. The early
study applies a consistent SEM in which several explanatory literacy level was determined by assessing knowledge of the written text

© 2016 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Scand J Psychol 57 (2016) Math skills and cognition 491

(comprehension and letter discrimination) and phonological awareness factors. The estimation robust maximum likelihood method was applied.
(knowledge about rhyme, letter sounds, and word segmentation). The Taking as reference the directions of Hu and Bentler (1999), different
Cronbach’s alpha was 0.78. indices were used to contrast the suitability of the proposed models. These
included the chi-square statistic of Satorra and Bentler, Bentler-Bonett’s
CPM. Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (Raven, 1996) . This non-normed fit index (NNFI), the comparative fit index (CFI), goodness of
classic test measures the general intelligence (g factor) of children. It fit index, and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). With
assesses the ability to make sense of disorganized or confusing material by these calculations, a model to identify the factors that influence the variance
managing nonverbal constructs that allow for the comprehension of a of early math skills was obtained (Kline, 2015). Standardized coefficients of
complex structure. Nonverbal intelligence reflects the ability to reason the regression model were also analyzed and achieved an optimal fit
based on figurative stimuli and regardless of cultural influences. The (adjustment ≥ 0.95 rates, RMSEA ≤ 0.05).
Cronbach’s alpha was 0.82.

Digit Span Test. WISC-IV. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, RESULTS
Fourth Edition (Wechsler, 2005). This test consists of two tasks. The
forward digit span task assesses phonological short-term memory while
Based on the main objective of this study, a SEM was applied.
the backward digit span task evaluates phonological working memory. The model analyzed the relation between the latent variable and
Tests consist of 8 items, and each test comprises two trials. For the digit the variables identified by updated literature as influencing early
span forward task, the evaluator says a series of numbers that the student math competence. Before the final model calculation, a
repeats in the same order. For the digit span backward task, students say preliminary CFA was carried out. The resulting preliminary
the numbers in reverse order from that given by the evaluator. The
Cronbach’s alphas for the backward and forward digit span tests were 0.76
robust model included early math skills. This latent factor was
and 0.78, respectively. calculated throughout the nine variables evaluated by ENT-R
(v²SB = 85.38, p = 0.01; CFI = 0.943; NNFI = 0.923; NFI =
0.846; RMSEA = 0.048; IC (0.02–0.06)) (Fig. 1). The calculated
Procedure and data analysis model included early math skills (latent factor) and four
Considering the sample and the different assessment tools used, two
standardized variables, as presented in Table 1.
evaluation sessions were conducted. Evaluators were trained in the After the preliminary calculation, a second model was developed.
application of these instruments. In the first session, early literacy and The latent variable for this model (according to ENT-R structure)
early numeracy skills were assessed. In the second session, intelligence consisted of the two factors ‘relational skills’ and ‘numerical skills’
and memory tests were administered. All tests were conducted under (v²SB = 36.25, p = 0.05; CFI = 0.96; NNFI = 0.936; NFI =
optimum conditions of applicability. The assessments, ranging from 30 to
0.888; RMSEA = 0.05; IC (0.00–0.08)). To assess the model
45 minutes, were individually conducted during school hours and included
randomly distributed inter-sessions and intra-sessions. adjustment, we employed the recommendations of Hu and Bentler
After the principal and teachers were notified and gave their consent (1999). The results indicated that the model fit was v²SB = 2.47,
and agreement to cooperate, the parents were notified by the researchers p = 0.29; CFI = 0.995; NNFI = 0.959; NFI = 0.987; RMSEA =
before the evaluation began. After parents were informed about the study, 0.05; and IC (00–15) (Fig. 2). These results suggested an optimal
their informed consent was requested, thus complying with the ethical
model because it explains 64.3% of the variance in explaining early
standards for psychological research.
To analyze the data, the SPSS 19.0 statistical package was used, and math skills. The standardized coefficients for the different variables
EQS 6.2 software was used to represent the interaction among different were early literacy (b = 0.443; p < 0.05), intelligence (b = 0.286;

Fig. 1. Preliminary model calculated through the nine components of Early Numeracy Test-R.

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Table 1. Mean, standard deviation (SD), and correlations of the variables included in the model

Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Relational tasks 11.51 3.04 1

2. Numerical tasks 9.52 4.47 0.458** 1
3. Forward Digit Span (Short-term memory) 5.65 1.36 0.194** 0.310** 1
4. Backward Digit Span (Working memory) 3.75 1.66 0.370** 0.361* 0.217** 1
5. Get Ready to Read (Early literacy) 16.57 2.49 0.423** 0.489** 0.174* 0.409** 1
6. Raven (Intelligence) 15.79 3.91 0.298** 0.410** 0.158* 0.265** 0.340** 1

Notes: **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.

Fig. 2. Structural equation model for multiple indicators and multiple causes: proposed complex links among early literacy variables, fluid intelligence,
short-term memory, and working memory as explanatory factors of early math skills.

p < 0.05), working memory (b = 0.220; p < 0.05), and short-term Working memory is critical for retrieving number facts and for
memory (b = 0.213; p < 0.05). fluency in manipulating information and thus may explain individual
The correlations between the independent variables were differences in math performance (Alloway, Gathercole, Adams,
significant (p < 0.05). The highest correlation was between €
Willis, Eaglen & Lamont, 2011; Gullick et al., 2011; Ostergren &
working memory and early literacy (r = 0.409; p < 0.05). Early Tr€aff, 2013; Purpura et al., 2014). In the present study, working
literacy correlated with intelligence (r = 0.340; p < 0.05) and memory was a significant factor in early math skills because it
short-term memory (r = 0.217; p < 0.05). Similarly, a significant directly influenced math performance in 5-year-old children.
correlation between working memory and intelligence (r = 0.265; Intelligence also emerged as a significant explanatory variable in
p < 0.05) was also found. Finally, the lowest correlations were math skills at an early age. Consistent with previous studies (Gullick
obtained between early literacy and short-term memory €
et al., 2011; Ostergren & Tr€aff, 2013), our results indicated that
(r = 0.174; p < 0.05) and between short-term memory and intelligence is related to performance in mathematics skills as well.
intelligence (r = 0.158; p < 0.05). Finally, early literacy showed the highest statistical weight for
early math skills, suggesting a strong relation between linguistic
precursors and math (Alloway et al., 2005; Cirino, 2011). Few SEM
DISCUSSION models integrate early literacy as an explanatory factor of math skills
The main goal of this study was to establish a model based on acquisition. Most current models take into account only the
structural equation analysis that explains the impact and statistical €
cognitive variables (Bull, Espy & Wiebe, 2008; Ostergren & Tr€aff,
weight of the different cognitive factors that may influence early 2013), so the finding that early literacy has a greater weight than
math skills. Accomplishing this goal required an understanding of other explanatory variables in this SEM model is a significant result.
the factors that explain math skills because of the importance that Previous authors have reported significant correlations between
these cognitive capacities have in the subsequent development of early literacy and intelligence and short-term memory
more complex mathematical skills and abilities (Duncan et al., (Passolunghi & Lanfranchi, 2012; Van Tilborg et al., 2014; Van
2007). Weerdenburg, Verhoeven, Van Balkom & Bosman, 2009),

© 2016 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Scand J Psychol 57 (2016) Math skills and cognition 493

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