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[G.R. NO.

151900 : August 30, 2005]  Significantly, while Jonathan Chua was named as a plaintiff to the suit, it was
explicitly qualified in the second paragraph of the complaint that he was being
CHRISTINE CHUA, Petitioners, v. JORGE TORRES and ANTONIO "impleaded as a necessary party-plaintiff".6 There was no allegation in the
BELTRAN, Respondents. complaint of any damage or injury sustained by Jonathan. Neither did
Jonathan Chua sign any verification or certification against forum-shopping.8

 The RTC dismissed the complaint on the ground that Jonathan Chua had not
FACTS: executed a certification against forum-shopping which was in violation of
Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of Civil Procedure
 On 24 October 2001, a complaint for damages was lodged before the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City, Branch 126. The complaint was  Petitioner then filed a motion for reconsideration which was denied by the
filed by Christine Chua, petitioner, impleading her brother Jonathan Chua RTC.
as a necessary co-plaintiff, against Jorge Torres, the owner of a Caltex
Service Center and Antonio Beltran, an employee of the said establishment  Thereafter, petitioner elevated the matter directly to the Supreme Court by
and the head of its Sales and Collection Division. way of Petition for Review under Rule 45, raising a purely legal question.
 The complaint alleged that on April 3, 2000, Jonathan Chua issued his
personal RCBC Check in the amount of P9,849.20 in favor of Caltex as
payment for diesel oil. However, the check was dishonored by the drawee ISSUE: Whether or not it was proper for petitioner Christine Chua to have impleaded
bank on the ground that the account was closed. A demand letter was then her brother as a necessary party?
sent to Christine Chua informing her of the dishonor of the check and
demanding payment. However, Christine ignored such on the ground that she
was not the one who issued the check.
RULING: The Supreme Court ruled in the negative since Jonathan was not a
 Beltran then instituted a criminal action for violation of Batas Pambansa necessary party in the complaint.
Bilang 22 against Christine with the MTC of Caloocan City, Branch 50 without
bothering to ascertain who had actually issued the check. The MTC then Section 8, Rule 7 of the Rules of Civil Procedure defines a necessary party as "one
issued a warrant of arrest against Christine Chua wherein the police tasked who is not indispensable but who ought to be joined as a party if complete relief is to
with serving it looked for her in her residence, her brother’s repair shop and be accorded as to those already parties, or for a complete determination or
even at her school in Manila Central University where she was enrolled as a settlement of the claim subject of the action."24 Necessary parties are those whose
medical student. Such act allegedly caused the embarrassment and "social presence is necessary to adjudicate the whole controversy, but whose interests are
humiliation" of Christine. so far separable that a final decree can be made in their absence without affecting
 According to her, Beltran’s purported negligence amounted to either
malicious prosecution or serious defamation since she was not the one who In the case, Jonathan Chua does not stand to be affected should the RTC rule either
issued the check. On the other hand, Torres, as employer of Beltran, was favorably or unfavorably of the complaint. There can be complete relief granted to
alleged to have failed to observe the diligence of a good father of the family to Christine Chua and complete determination of the case even if Jonathan was not
prevent the damage she suffered by petitioner. Moral and exemplary impleaded. This is due to the nature of the cause of action of the complaint, which
damages together with attorney's fees were sought to the total amount of alleges an injury personal to petitioner, and the relief prayed for, which is to be
Two Million Pesos. adjudicated solely to petitioner. There is no allegation in the complaint alleging any
violation or omission of any right of Jonathan, either arising from contract or from Indispensable parties – those without whom no final determination can be
law. had of an action

Jonathan would stand unaffected by the final ruling on the complaint. The judicial Necessary parties – those that are not indispensable but who ought to be
confirmation or rejection of the allegations therein, or grant or denial of the reliefs joined as parties if complete relief is to be accorded as to those already
prayed for will not infringe on or augment any of his rights under the law.
parties or for the complete determination or settlement of the claim subject of
Further, the Court held that the RTC erred in dismissing the instant complaint. the action
Section 11, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure states that: Neither
misjoinder nor non-joinder of parties is ground for dismissal of an action.  No valid judgment can be had without indispensable party. But without a
Hence, it should not have mattered to the RTC that Jonathan Chua had failed to sign necessary party, there can be valid judgment but the whole controversy is
the certification against forum-shopping, since he was misjoined as a plaintiff in the not resolved.
first place. The RTC could have motu proprio dropped Jonathan as a plaintiff.
 Jonathan Chua was impleaded as a necessary party since he issued the
Possible questions: dishonored check.
 Indispensable vs Necessary Party

G.R. No. L-44339 December 2, 1987  The complaint alleged that Crisanta Seno approached Marcos Mangubat in
1961 to negotiate with him a mortgage over the subject parcel of land so she
can pay off a previous indebtedness. They agreed on a mortgage for the
sum of P15,000.00 with interest of 2% a month payable every month and that
as long as the interest is being paid, the mortgage over the property will not
be foreclosed.
MANGUBAT, defendants.
 Crisanta Seno then agreed to the execution of a Deed Of Absolute Sale over
the subject property for P5,000 in favor of Mangubat, Andres Evangelista and
Bienvenido Mangubat on July 17, 1961 upon the assurance of Mangubat that
FACTS: he will respect their true agreement on the mortgage.
 Crisanta Seno and other plaintiffs filed a complaint on August 29, 1969
seeking for:  On January 8, 1962, Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat executed
a Deed of Absolute Sale transferring their share in the property to defendant
1) the reformation of a Deed of Sale executed in favor of defendant Marcos Mangubat which the latter was able to obtain a title in his name.
Marcos Mangubat, Bienvenido Mangubat and Andres Evangelista; and
 Plaintiff Crisanta F. Seno continued paying defendant Marcos Mangubat the
2) the annulment of a subsequent sale to defendant spouses Francisco 2% interest per month. However, when she failed to pay sometime in 1963,
Luzame and Vergita Penaflor of a parcel of land in Paranaque, Rizal. she was sued for ejectment by defendant Marcos Mangubat alleging non-
payment of rentals.
 Thereafter, plaintiff Crisanta F. Seno learned that defendant Marcos The Supreme Court held that defendants Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido
Mangubat sold the subject property in favor of spouses Francisco Luzame Mangubat are not indispensable parties but rather necessary parties.
and Vergita Penaflor for the sum of P10,000.00 on January 14, 1969. The
Indispensable parties are those with such an interest in the controversy that a final
defendant spouses Luzame then filed an ejectment case against plaintiff
decree would necessarily affect their rights, so that the courts cannot proceed
Crisanta Seno for alleged non-payment of rentals.
without their presence. Under Section 7 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Civil Procedure,
they must always be joined either as plaintiffs or defendants, for the court cannot
 Plaintiffs alleged that defendant spouses Francisco Luzame and Vergita
proceed without them.
Penaflor bought the property in bad faith since they had knowledge of the
circumstances surrounding the transaction between her and defendant In the present case, there are no rights of defendants Andres Evangelista and
Marcos Mangubat; Bienvenido Mangubat to be safeguarded if the sale should be held to be in fact an
absolute sale nor if the sale is held to be an equitable mortgage since they have
 On October 20, 1975, the trial court ordered the inclusion as defendants of already sold their share in the property to Marcos Mangubat. Hence, they no longer
Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat on the ground that they are have any interest in the subject property. However, being parties to the instrument
indispensable parties. In compliance to such, the plaintiffs filed their amended sought to be reformed, their presence is necessary in order to settle all the possible
complaint impleading Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat as issues of the controversy.
However, the Supreme Court held that the order of the lower court to be join
Evangelista and Mangubat as parties defendants was proper in accordance with
 The newly impleaded defendants moved for the dismissal of the case against
Sec. 8 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Civil Procedure.
them on the ground of prescription which was granted by the court. It cited
Art. 1144 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, which provides that an action Sec. 8. Joinder of proper parties. — When persons who are not
upon a written contract must be brought within 10 years from the time the indispensable but who ought to be parties if complete relief is to be
right of action accrued. accorded as between those already parties, have not been made parties
and are subject to the jurisdiction of the court as to both service of process
 Defendants Luzame and Penaflor and Marcos Mangubat, in their motion for and venue, the court shall order them summoned to appear in the action.
reconsideration asked the court to dismiss the case against all the But the court may, in its discretion, proceed in the action without making
defendants which was granted. such persons parties, and the judgment rendered therein shall be without
prejudice to the rights of such persons.
 The plaintiffs filed a motion for reconsideration of the foregoing order but was
denied by the trial court on January 17, 1973. Hence, an appeal was brought
before the Court of Appeals which certified the instant case to the Supreme SUB ISSUES:
Court holding that the assignment of errors made by plaintiffs in their appeal
raised purely legal questions. (1) Whether or not the action against defendants has prescribed in view of Art. 1144,
Civil Code, which provides that the action must be brought ten years from the time
the right of action accrues?
ISSUE: Whether or not defendants Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat YES. In the instant case, defendants Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat
are indispensable parties in the case without whom no action can be taken thereon? were only impleaded in the amended complaint of December 29, 1971 or ten (10)
years, five (5) months and twelve (12) days from July 17, 1961 the date of execution
of the subject Deed of Absolute Sale, clearly more than the ten (10) year prescriptive (4) Whether or not the dismissal against all defendants was proper?
Yes because plaintiffs are barred by laches to bring suit against them. A perusal of
the records shows that from t he time of the execution of the deed of sale on July 17,
1961 to the time of the filing of the present complaint on August 29, 1969 or a period
(2) Whether or not the complaint should not have been dismissed but the court
of 8 years, I month and 12 days, plaintiffs never took any step to enforce their rights
proceeded with a trial on the merits because there is an issue of fact appearing on
which they claim to have despite the several opportunities available to them.
the pleadings, that is, that defendants Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat
were mere dummies of defendant Marcos Mangubat? As defendants-appellees contend, before the nine-year period lapsed, plaintiffs never
raised a voice to protest against all these proceedings. They chose to sleep on their
NO. Since the action against defendants had prescribed, the court a quo properly
rights and to rely on defendants' alleged word that their true agreement would be
ordered the dismissal of the complaint.
respected rather than bring their grievances to a court of law. However, when an
ejectment case was filed against them just when the 10-year prescriptive period for
bringing of their suit was nearly over, they finally decided to stake their claim against
(3) Whether or not that the prescription of action against defendants Andres the defendants.
Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat was personal to them and could not include
defendant Marcos Mangubat? By the negligence of plaintiffs in asserting their rights for an unreasonable length of
time, they are now forever precluded from enforcing whatever right they may have
NO. In the instant case, the parties discharged were the original vendees who have against defendants.
since transferred their interest in the subject property to one of the original co-
vendees, and the latter after having been vested with absolute title over the subject
property sold the same to defendants spouses Luzame. the trial court may still be
able to grant plaintiffs' demands for reformation of the instrument and annulment of
subsequent sale if after trial on the merits, plaintiffs prove their allegations that POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:
defendants Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido Mangubat were in fact were
dummies of Marcos Mangubat and that the sale executed on July 17, 1961 was in
reality an equitable mortgage.
 Who are Andres and Bienvenido?
By the dismissal of the case against defendants Andres Evangelista and Bienvenido
Mangubat, the court a quo had lost jurisdiction over them. We have already pointed
out that the joinder of proper parties is necessary in order to determine all the
possible issues of the controversy; but if for some reason or another it is not possible They are the alleged co-vendees of the subject property together with Marcos
to join them, as when they are out of the jurisdiction of the Court, the court may Mangubat.
proceed without them, and the judgment that may be rendered shall be without
prejudice to their rights.22 Hence, notwithstanding the absence of said defendants,
the court could still proceed with the trial of the case as against the remaining
defendants in accordance with Sec. 8 of Rule 3.

 What original complaint was filed?

A complaint for the reformation of a Deed of Sale executed in favor of defendant The deed of sale executed between Crisanta Seno and Marcos and Bienvenido
Marcos Mangubat; and the annulment of a subsequent sale to defendant spouses Mangubat and Evangelista.
Francisco Luzame and Vergita Penaflor of a parcel of land in Paranaque, Rizal.

 What instrument is sought to be reformed?

G.R. No. 201816               April 8, 2013 civil action. Neither could the "Heirs of Fian" be made as defendant, not being
a juridical person as well. She added that since the names of all the heirs of
the late spouses Mesina and spouses Fian were not individually named, the
MESINA, Petitioners,
complaint is infirmed, warranting its dismissal.
 The RTC then granted the motion to dismiss ruling that the Rules of Court is
AL., Respondents.
explicit that only natural or juridical persons or entities authorized by law may
be parties in a civil action. The Heirs of Mesina as plaintiffs and the Heirs of
Fian as defendants do not fall with the category of natural or juridical persons
FACTS: as contemplated by law. Said heirs not having been individually named could
 During their lifetime, the late spouses Faustino and Genoveva Mesina bought not be the real parties in interest. Hence, the complaint states no cause of
from spouses Domingo Fian Sr. and Maria Fian (spouses Fian) two parcels of action.
land on installment. Upon the death of the spouses Fian, their heirs, claiming
ownership of the parcels of land and taking possession of them––refused to  On December 27, 2005, petitioners moved for reconsideration which was
acknowledge the payments for the lots and denied that their late parents sold denied by the RTC. Aggrieved, petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals.
the property to the spouses Mesina.
 The Court of Appeals then affirmed the RTC decision ruling that all the heirs
 Meanwhile, the spouses Mesina passed away. It was then the Heirs of of the spouses Fian are indispensable parties and should have been
Mesina that demanded for the Heirs of Fian to vacate the lots and to turn over impleaded in the complaint. Petitioners filed their Motion for Reconsideration,
the possession of the properties. However, the Heirs of Fian refused to do so. which was likewise denied by the CA.

 On August 8, 2005, Norman, as attorney for his siblings Victor, Maria and  Hence, petitioners filed a petition for review under Rule 45 with the Supreme
Lorna, filed an action for quieting of title and damages before the Court.
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 14 in Baybay, Leyte against the Heirs
of Fian, naming only Theresa Fian Yray (Theresa) as the representative of
the Heirs of Fian. ISSUE: Whether or not the complaint of petitioners states no cause of action?

 Thereafter, on September 5, 2005, respondent Theresa filed a Motion to

Dismiss the complaint, arguing that the complaint states no cause of action RULING:
and that the case should be dismissed for gross violation of Sections 1 and 2
NO. The infirmity in the complaint is not a failure to state a cause of action but a non-
of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. She claims that the "Heirs of Mesina" could
joinder of an indispensable party.
not be considered as a juridical person or entity authorized by law to file a
Failure to state a cause of action refers to the insufficiency of the pleading. A from notice with a warning that his failure to do so shall mean dismissal of the
complaint states a cause of action if it avers the existence of the three essential complaint.
elements of a cause of action, namely:
(a) The legal right of the plaintiff;
(b) The correlative obligation of the defendant; and
(c) The act or omission of the defendant in violation of said right.9
 Whether or not there was defective verification in the case?
By a simple reading of the elements of a failure to state a cause of action, it can be
NO. That the verification of the complaint does not include the phrase "or based on
readily seen that the inclusion of Theresa’s co-heirs does not fall under any of the
authentic records" does not make the verification defective. Notably, the provision
above elements.
used the disjunctive word "or." The word "or" is a disjunctive article indicating an
Non-joinder means the "failure to bring a person who is a necessary party or in alternative.14 As such, "personal knowledge" and "authentic records" need not concur
this case an indispensable party into a lawsuit."10 An indispensable party, on the in a verification as they are to be taken separately.
other hand, is a party-in-interest without whom no final determination can be had of
Also, verification, like in most cases required by the rules of procedure, is a formal
the action, and who shall be joined either as plaintiff or defendant.11
requirement, not jurisdictional. It is mainly intended to secure an assurance that
As such, this is properly a non-joinder of indispensable party, the indispensable matters which are alleged are done in good faith or are true and correct and not of
parties who were not included in the complaint being the other heirs of Fian, and not mere speculation. Thus, when circumstances so warrant, as in the case at hand, "the
a failure of the complaint to state a cause of action. court may simply order the correction of unverified pleadings or act on it and waive
strict compliance with the rules in order that the ends of justice may thereby be
The Supreme Court cited the case of Pamplona Plantation Company, Inc. v.
Tinghil wherein it held that :
“The non-joinder of indispensable parties is not a ground for the dismissal of
an action. At any stage of a judicial proceeding and/or at such times as are  If the indispensable party is not impleaded, there can be no valid judgment.
just, parties may be added on the motion of a party or on the initiative of the
tribunal concerned. If the plaintiff refuses to implead an indispensable party  But it is a ground for dismissal if there is an order to implead and the party
despite the order of the court, that court may dismiss the complaint for the fails to do so.
plaintiff’s failure to comply with the order. The remedy is to implead the non-
party claimed to be indispensable. (Sec.11, Rule 3 of the Rules of Civil
Thus, the dismissal of the case for failure to state a cause of action is improper.
What the trial court should have done is to direct petitioner Norman Mesina to
implead all the heirs of Domingo Fian, Sr. as defendants within a reasonable time
[G.R. No. 152272 : March 05, 2012] VS. FIL-ESTATE LAND, INC., et al., RESPONDENTS.
[G. R. NO. 152397]  A TRO was then issued against Fil-Estate for a period of twenty (20) days
while several hearings were conducted to determine the propriety of the
HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., et al., RESPONDENTS. On February 26, 1999, Fil-Estate, filed a motion to dismiss arguing that the
complaint failed to state a cause of action and that it was improperly filed as a
class suit.
 On January 20, 1999, Juana Complex I Homeowners Association, Inc.
 On March 3, 1999, the RTC issued granted the Writ of Preliminary Injunction
(JCHA) together with individual residents of Juana Complex I and other
and required JCHA to post a bond.
neighboring subdivisions instituted a complaint for damages, in its own behalf
and as a class suit representing the regular commuters and motorists of
 Fil-Estate filed a motion for reconsideration arguing, among others, that JCHA
Juana Complex I and neighboring subdivisions who were deprived of the use
failed to satisfy the requirements for the issuance of a WPI.
of La Paz Road, against Fil-Estate Land, Inc., Fil-estate Ecocentrum
Corporation (FEEC), La Paz Housing & Development Corporation (La Paz),
 The RTC then denied both the motion to dismiss and the motion for
and Warbird Security Agency and their respective officers.
reconsideration filed by Fil-Estate.
 The complaint alleged that petitioners were regular commuters and motorists
 Hence, Fil-Estate, filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition before the CA.
who constantly travelled towards the direction of Manila and Calamba and
They contended that the complaint failed to state a cause of action; that it
used the entry and exit toll gates of South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) by
was improperly filed as a class suit; and that defendants failed to show
passing through right-of-way public road known as La Paz Road for more
that they had a clear and unmistakable right to the use of La Paz Road.
than ten years.
They further claimed that La Paz Road was a torrens registered private
road and there was neither a voluntary nor legal easement constituted
 However, on August 1998, Fil-estate excavated, broke and deliberately
over it.
ruined La Paz Road which prevented them from passing said road. Although
the residents restored it to make it passable, Fil-estate excavated the road
 The CA partially granting the petition. It ruled that:
-the complaint sufficiently stated a cause of action when JCHA, et al. alleged
in their complaint that they had been using La Paz Road for more than ten
 According to petitioners, the act of Fil-estate in excavating La Paz Road
(10) years and that their right was violated when Fil-Estate closed and
caused damage, prejudice, inconvenience, annoyance, and loss of precious
excavated the road.
hours to them, the commuters and motorists because traffic was re-routed to
-It sustained the RTC ruling that the complaint was properly filed as a class
narrow streets that caused terrible traffic congestion and hazard. The
suit as it was shown that the case was of common interest and that the
petitioners argued that its permanent closure would not only prejudice their
individuals sought to be represented were so numerous that it was
right to free and unhampered use of the property but would also cause great
impractical to include all of them as parties.
damage and irreparable injury.
-The CA, however, annulled the Writ of Preliminary Injunction for failure of
JCHA to prove their clear and present right over La Paz Road.
 JCHA also prayed for the immediate issuance of a Temporary Restraining
Order (TRO) or a writ of preliminary injunction (WPI) to enjoin Fil-Estate, et al.
 The CA ordered the remand of the case to the RTC for a full-blown trial on
from stopping and intimidating them in their use of La Paz Road.
the merits.
Hence, two consolidated petitions for review were filed by the JCHA and Fil In the case, the suit is clearly one that benefits all commuters and motorists who use
Estate Land assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals. La Paz Road. The Supreme Court quoted the CA in holding that:
The subject matter of the instant case, i.e., the closure and excavation of the La Paz
Road, is initially shown to be of common or general interest to many persons. The
ISSUE: Whether or not the complaint filed by Juana Complex Homeowners records reveal that numerous individuals have filed manifestations with the lower
Association was improperly filed as a class suit? court, conveying their intention to join private respondents in the suit and claiming
that they are similarly situated with private respondents for they were also prejudiced
by the acts of petitioners in closing and excavating the La Paz Road. Moreover, the
RULING: individuals sought to be represented by private respondents in the suit are so
numerous that it is impracticable to join them all as parties and be named individually
NO. The Supreme Court held that the complaint of JCHI was properly filed as a as plaintiffs in the complaint. These individuals claim to be residents of various
class suit. barangays in Biñan, Laguna and other barangays in San Pedro, Laguna.
Section 12, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court defines a class suit, as follows:
Sec. 12. Class suit. – When the subject matter of the controversy is one of
common or general interest to many persons so numerous that it is
impracticable to join all as parties, a number of them which the court finds to POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:
be sufficiently numerous and representative as to fully protect the interests of
 What was the original complaint?
all concerned may sue or defend for the benefit of all. Any party in interest
 A complaint for damages and a prayer for the issuance of a temporary
shall have the right to intervene to protect his individual interest.
restraining order and writ of preliminary injunction filed by Juana Complex
I Homeowners Association.

The necessary elements for the maintenance of a class suit are:   Desistance from what?
1) the subject matter of controversy is one of common or general interest  JCHA prayed that Fil Estate desist from stopping and intimidating them
to many persons; from using La Paz Road.

2) the parties affected are so numerous that it is impracticable to bring

them all to court; and
3) the parties bringing the class suit are sufficiently numerous or
representative of the class and can fully protect the interests of all

(1) Whether or not the complaint states a cause of action?

YES. In the present case, the Court finds the allegations in the complaint sufficient to Road – which was sought to be protected by the injunctive writ. They merely anchor
establish a cause of action. First, JCHA, et al.’s averments in the complaint show a their purported right over the La Paz Road on the bare allegation that they have
demandable right over La Paz Road. These are: (1) their right to use the road on the been using the same as public road right-of-way for more than ten years.
basis of their allegation that they had been using the road for more than 10 years;
and (2) an easement of a right of way has been constituted over the said roads.
A writ of preliminary injunction is available to prevent a threatened or continuous
There is no other road as wide as La Paz Road existing in the vicinity and it is the
irremediable injury to parties before their claims can be thoroughly studied and
shortest, convenient and safe route towards SLEX Halang that the commuters and
adjudicated.[25]  The requisites for its issuance are: (1) the existence of a clear and
motorists may use. Second, there is an alleged violation of such right committed by
unmistakable right that must be protected; and (2) an urgent and paramount
Fil-Estate, et al. when they excavated the road and prevented the commuters and
necessity for the writ to prevent serious damage. [26]  For the writ to issue, the right
motorists from using the same. Third, JCHA, et al. consequently suffered injury and
sought to be protected must be a present right, a legal right which must be shown to
that a valid judgment could have been rendered in accordance with the relief sought
be clear and positive.[27] This means that the persons applying for the writ must show
that they have an ostensible right to the final relief prayed for in their complaint.[28]

(2) Whether or not a WPI is warranted?

NO. In the case at bench, JCHA, et al. failed to establish a prima facie proof of
violation of their right to justify the issuance of a WPI. Their right to the use of La Paz
Road is disputable since they have no clear legal right therein. Private respondents
failed to prove as yet that they have a clear and unmistakable right over the La Paz

[G.R. NO. 143365 : December 4, 2008] enclosing the land. Hence, they prayed that they be declared the true and
rightful owners of the land in question.
 At the hearing on 1 June 1984, only the counsel for spouses Palanogs
PALANOG, Respondent.
appeared. The hearing was then reset and the court directed the spouses
Saligumbas to secure the services of another counsel who would be ready on
such date. However, the order sent to Eliseo Saligumba, Sr. was returned to
FACTS: the court unserved with the notation "Party Deceased" while the order sent to
 Monica and Avelino Palanog (Spouses Palanog), filed a complaint on defendant Valeria Saligumba was returned with the notation "Party in Manila.”
February 28, 1977 for Quieting of Title with Damages against defendants,
spouses Valeria Saligumba and Eliseo Saligumba, Sr. (spouses Saligumbas),  At the hearing on 15 August 1984, the trial court stated that Atty. Miralles,
before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 3, Kalibo, Aklan. The complaint who had not withdrawn as counsel for spouses Saligumbas despite his
alleged that the spouses Palanogs had been in actual, open, adverse and appointment as Municipal Circuit Trial Court judge, would be held responsible
continuous possession as owners for more than 50 years of a parcel of land for the case of spouses Saligumbas until he formally withdrew as counsel.
located in Solido, Nabas, Aklan. The trial court reminded Atty. Miralles to secure the consent of spouses
Saligumbas for his withdrawal. A copy of the order was sent to Valeria
 The spouses Saligumbas allegedly prevented them from entering and Saligumba but the same was returned unserved with the notation "Party in
residing on the subject premises and had destroyed the barbed wires Manila."7
 Petitioners Saligumba then filed a Petition for Review with the Supreme
 Thereafter, Atty. Miralles then moved for postponement on the ground that Court. They argued that the decision in Civil Case No. 2570 is null and void
his client was sick. However, the presentation of evidence of Spouses since there was no proper substitution of the deceased spouses Saligumbas
Palanogs continued and the Spouses Palanogs thereafter rested their case. despite the trial court's knowledge that the deceased spouses Saligumbas
 On the next hearing on 3 June 1985, only spouses Palanogs and counsel were no longer represented by counsel. They argue that they were deprived
appeared. Upon motion of the spouses Palanogs, spouses Saligumbas were of due process and justice was not duly served on them.
deemed to have waived the presentation of their evidence.
ISSUE: Whether or not the decision in Civil Case No. 2570 is null and void since
 On 3 August 1987, after a lapse of more than two years, the trial court
there was no proper substitution of the deceased Spouses Saligumbas?
considered the case submitted for decision. Judgment was then rendered on
August 7, 1987 declaring spouses Palanogs the lawful owners of the subject
land and ordering spouses Saligumbas to vacate the premises and restore
possession to spouses Palanogs. A copy of the court’s decision was then RULING:
furnished to the parties by an order dated August 7, 1987. No. The decision in Civil Case No. 2570 is valid. The Supreme Court held that under
Section 16, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court, it is the duty of counsel for the
 Thereafter, a motion for the issuance of a writ of execution of the said deceased to inform the court of the death of his client. The failure of counsel to
decision was filed. However, the trial court, in its Order dated 8 May 1997, comply with his duty under Section 16 to inform the court of the death of his client
ruled that since more than five years had elapsed after the date of its finality, and the non-substitution of such party will not invalidate the proceedings and the
the decision could no longer be executed by mere motion. judgment thereon if the action survives the death of such party. The decision
rendered shall bind the party's successor-in-interest.
 Thus, on 9 May 1997, Monica Palanog (respondent), now a widow, filed a
Complaint before the RTC Branch 5 seeking to revive and enforce the In the case, Civil Case No. 2570 is an action for quieting of title with damages which
Decision dated 7 August 1987 in Civil Case No. 2570 which she claimed has is an action involving real property. It is an action that survives pursuant to Section 1,
not been barred by the statute of limitations. She impleaded petitioners Rule 8716 as the claim is not extinguished by the death of a party.
Generoso Saligumba and Ernesto Saligumba, the heirs and children of the Section 17, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court 17 provides that after a party dies
spouses Saligumbas, as defendants. and the claim is not thereby extinguished, the court shall order, upon proper notice,
the legal representative of the deceased to appear and to be substituted for the
 Petitioner Generoso Saligumba, for himself and in representation of his deceased, within a period of thirty (30) days, or within such time as may be granted.
brother Ernesto who was out of the country working as a seaman, engaged
the services of the Public Attorney's Office. Thereafter, the Saligumbas filed While it is true that the trial court, after receiving an informal notice of death by the
an answer alleging that: (1) respondent had no cause of action; (2) the mere notation in the envelopes, failed to order the appearance of the legal
spouses Saligumbas died while Civil Case No. 2570 was pending and no representative or heir of the deceased. However, Section 17 is explicit that the duty
order of substitution was issued and hence, the trial was null and void; and of the court to order the legal representative or heir to appear arises only "upon
(3) the court did not acquire jurisdiction over the heirs of the spouses proper notice." The notation "Party-Deceased" on the unserved notices could not be
Saligumbas and therefore, the judgment was not binding on them. the "proper notice" contemplated by the rule.
Atty. Miralles who continued to represent the Saligumbas since he did not formally
 The RTC-Branch 5 rendered a decision in favor of respondent ordering the withdrew as their counsel never notified the court of the death’s of his clients. He
revival of judgment in Civil Case No. 2570. continued to represent the deceased spouses even after the latter's demise. Thus,
his failure to inform the court of his clients’ demise did not invalidate the proceedings POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:
in the Civil Case.
 How did counsel notify the death of his client?
 There was no notification from counsel. It was only through the court order that
was returned underserved with a notation that Eliseo Saligumba Sr. had died.

improperly laid in Manila for the realty covered by the real estate mortgage
is situated in Makati, therefore the action to annul the foreclosure sale
G. R. No. 76431 October 16, 1989 should be filed in the Regional Trial Court of Makati.
FORTUNE MOTORS, (PHILS.) INC., petitioner,
vs.  However, this was opposed by petitioner Fortune Motors alleging that its action
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, METROPOLITAN BANK and TRUST "is a personal action" and that "the issue is the validity of the extrajudicial
COMPANY, respondents. foreclosure proceedings" so that it may have a new one year period to redeem.

 The lower court reserved the resolution of the Bank's motion to dismiss until after
the trial on the merits.

 Private respondent Metropolitan Bank extended various loans to petitioner  The Bank filed a motion for reconsideration which was denied by the lower court.
Fortune Motors in the total sum of P32,500,000.00 which loan was secured by a
real estate mortgage on the Fortune building and lot in Makati, Rizal. Due to  On June 11, 1986 the respondent Bank filed a petition for certiorari and
financial difficulties and the onslaught of economic recession, the petitioner was prohibition in the Court of Appeals which was granted by the CA. The complaint
not able to pay the loan which became due. in the Civil Case No. 85-33218 is dismissed without prejudice to its being filed in
the proper venue.
 For failure of the petitioner to pay the loans, the respondent bank initiated
extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings. The mortgaged property was sold at public  A motion for reconsideration was filed by Fortune Motors which was however
auction for the price of P47,899,264.91 with the mortgagee Bank as the highest denied. Hence, the petition for review on certiorari was filed by petitioner with the
bidder. The sheriff's certificate of sale was registered on October 24, 1984 and Supreme Court.
had a one-year redemption period to expire on October 24,1985.

 On October 21, 1985, three days before the expiration of the redemption
ISSUE: Whether petitioner's action for annulment of the real estate mortgage extrajudicial
period, petitioner Fortune Motors filed a complaint for annulment of the
foreclosure sale of Fortune Building is a personal action?
extrajudicial foreclosure sale. It alleged that the foreclosure was premature
because its obligation to the Bank was not yet due, the publication of the notice
of sale was incomplete, there was no public auction, and the price for which the
property was sold was "shockingly low". RULING:

No. A prayer for annulment or rescission of contract does not operate to efface the true
 Before summons could be served, private respondent Bank filed a motion to
objectives and nature of the action which is to recover real property. Hence, the Court held
dismiss the complaint on the ground that the venue of the action was
that an action for the annulment or rescission of a sale of real property is a real action. Its
prime objective is to recover said real property.

While it is true that petitioner does not directly seek the recovery of title or possession of the
property in question, his action for annulment of sale and his claim for damages are closely
intertwined with the issue of ownership of the building which, under the law, is considered
immovable property, the recovery of which is petitioner's primary objective.

In the case, respondent Court of Appeals, therefore, did not err in dismissing the case on the
ground of improper venue (Sec. 2, Rule 4) which was timely raised (Sec. 1, Rule 16).

10,000,000.8 To secure this obligation, PAGLAUM executed three Real

Estate Mortgages on behalf of HealthTech and in favor of Union Bank.9 It
G.R. No. 179018               June 18, 2012 must be noted that the Real Estate Mortgage, on the provision regarding the
venue of all suits and actions arising out of or in connection therewith,
vs. Section 9. Venue. – The venue of all suits and actions arising out of or in connection
UNION BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, NOTARY PUBLIC JOHN DOE, and with this Mortgage shall be in Makati, Metro Manila or in the place where any of the
REGISTER OF DEEDS of Cebu City and Cebu Province Respondents. Mortgaged Properties is located, at the absolute option of the Mortgagee, the parties
J. KING & SONS CO., INC. Intervenor. hereto waiving any other venue.10 (Emphasis supplied.)

However, under the two Real Estate Mortgages dated 11 February 1994, the
following version appears:
Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court, assailing the Decision dated 31 May 20071 and Resolution dated 24 July 2007 Section 9. Venue. – The venue of all suits and actions arising out of or in connection
issued by the Court of Appeals (CA). with this Mortgage shall be in Cebu City Metro Manila or in the place where any of
the Mortgaged Properties is located, at the absolute option of the Mortgagee, the
xxxxxxxxxxxxx any other venue.11 (Emphasis supplied.)

FACTS: Meanwhile, the same provision in the Real Estate Mortgage dated 22 April 1998
contains the following:
 Petitioner Paglaum Management and Development Corporation (PAGLAUM)
is the registered owner of three parcels of land located in the Province of Section 9. Venue. – The venue of all suits and actions arising out of or in connection
Cebu which were co-owned by Benjamin B. Dy, the president of petitioner with this Mortgage shall be in _________ or in the place where any of the Mortgaged
Health Marketing Technologies, Inc. (HealthTech). Properties is located, at the absolute option of the Mortgagee, the parties hereto
waiving any other venue.12

HealthTech and Union Bank agreed to subsequent renewals and increases in the
credit line,13 with the total amount of debt reaching ₱ 36,500,000.14 Unfortunately,
 On February 3, nn m1994, respondent Union Bank of the Philippines according to HealthTech, the 1997 Asian financial crisis adversely affected its
(Union Bank) extended HealthTech a credit line in the amount of ₱
business and caused it difficulty in meeting its obligations with Union Bank.15 Thus, on the choice of venue must be interpreted with the convenience of the parties in
on 11 December 1998, both parties entered into a Restructuring Agreement,16 which mind and the view that any obscurity therein was caused by Union Bank.29
states that any action or proceeding arising out of or in connection therewith shall be
commenced in Makati City, with both parties waiving any other venue.17 On the other hand, Union Bank contends that: (a) the Restructuring Agreement is
applicable only to the contract of loan, and not to the Real Estate Mortgage, and (b)
Despite the Restructuring Agreement, HealthTech failed to pay its obligation, the mortgage contracts explicitly state that the choice of venue exclusively belongs to
prompting Union Bank to send a demand letter dated 9 October 2000, stating that it.30
the latter would be constrained to institute foreclosure proceedings, unless
HealthTech settled its account in full.18 Meanwhile, intervenor J. King & Sons Company, Inc. adopts the position of Union
Bank and reiterates the position that Cebu City is the proper venue.31
Since HealthTech defaulted on its payment, Union Bank extra-judicially foreclosed
the mortgaged properties.19 The bank, as the sole bidder in the auction sale, was The sole issue to be resolved is whether Makati City is the proper venue to assail the
then issued a Certificate of Sale dated 24 May 2001.20 Thereafter, it filed a Petition foreclosure of the subject real estate mortgage. This Court rules in the affirmative.
for Consolidation of Title.21
Civil Case No. 01-1567, being an action for Annulment of Sale and Titles resulting
Consequently, HealthTech filed a Complaint for Annulment of Sale and Titles with from the extrajudicial foreclosure by Union Bank of the mortgaged real properties, is
Damages and Application for Temporary Restraining Order and Writ of Injunction classified as a real action. In Fortune Motors v. Court of Appeals,32 this Court held
dated 23 October 2001, praying for: (a) the issuance of a temporary restraining that a case seeking to annul a foreclosure of a real estate mortgage is a real action,
order, and later a writ of preliminary injunction, directing Union Bank to refrain from viz:
exercising acts of ownership over the foreclosed properties; (b) the annulment of the
extra-judicial foreclosure of real properties; (c) the cancellation of the registration of An action to annul a real estate mortgage foreclosure sale is no different from an
the Certificates of Sale and the resulting titles issued; (d) the reinstatement of action to annul a private sale of real property. (Muñoz v. Llamas, 87 Phil. 737, 1950).
PAGLAUM’s ownership over the subject properties; and (e) the payment of
damages.22 The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 01-1567 and raffled to the While it is true that petitioner does not directly seek the recovery of title or
Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Makati City, Branch 134 (RTC possession of the property in question, his action for annulment of sale and his claim
Br. 134), which issued in favor of PAGLAUM and HealthTech a Writ of Preliminary for damages are closely intertwined with the issue of ownership of the building which,
Injunction restraining Union Bank from proceeding with the auction sale of the three under the law, is considered immovable property, the recovery of which is petitioner’s
mortgaged properties.23 primary objective. The prevalent doctrine is that an action for the annulment or
rescission of a sale of real property does not operate to efface the fundamental and
On 23 November 2001, Union Bank filed a Motion to Dismiss on the following prime objective and nature of the case, which is to recover said real property. It is a
grounds: (a) lack of jurisdiction over the issuance of the injunctive relief; (b) improper real action.33
venue; and (c) lack of authority of the person who signed the Complaint.24 RTC Br.
134 granted this Motion in its Order dated 11 March 2003, resulting in the dismissal Being a real action, the filing and trial of the Civil Case No. 01-1567 should be
of the case, as well as the dissolution of the Writ of Preliminary Injunction.25 It governed by the following relevant provisions of the Rules of Court (the Rules):
likewise denied the subsequent Motion for Reconsideration filed by PAGLAUM and
HealthTech.26 Rule 4
PAGLAUM and HealthTech elevated the case to the CA, which affirmed the Order
dated 11 March 200327 and denied the Motion for Reconsideration.28 Section 1. Venue of real actions. – Actions affecting title to or possession of real
property, or interest therein, shall be commenced and tried in the proper court which
In the instant Petition, PAGLAUM and HealthTech argue that: (a) the Restructuring
Agreement governs the choice of venue between the parties, and (b) the agreement
has jurisdiction over the area wherein the real property involved, or a portion thereof, is whether the venue that should be followed is that contained in the Real Estate
is situated. Mortgages, as contended by Union Bank, or that in the Restructuring Agreement, as
posited by PAGLAUM and HealthTech. This Court rules that the venue stipulation in
Forcible entry and detainer actions shall be commenced and tried in the municipal the Restructuring Agreement should be controlling.
trial court of the municipality or city wherein the real property involved, or a portion
thereof, is situated. The Real Estate Mortgages were executed by PAGLAUM in favor of Union Bank to
secure the credit line extended by the latter to HealthTech. All three mortgage
Sec. 3. When Rule not applicable. – This Rule shall not apply – contracts contain a dragnet clause, which secures succeeding obligations, including
renewals, extensions, amendments or novations thereof, incurred by HealthTech
(a) In those cases where a specific rule or law provides otherwise; or from Union Bank, to wit:

(b) Where the parties have validly agreed in writing before the filing of the Section 1. Secured Obligations. – The obligations secured by this Mortgage (the
action on the exclusive venue thereof. (Emphasis supplied.) "Secured Obligations") are the following:

In Sps. Lantin v. Lantion,34 this Court explained that a venue stipulation must contain a) All the obligations of the Borrower and/or the Mortgagor under: (i) the
words that show exclusivity or restrictiveness, as follows: Notes, the Agreement, and this Mortgage; (ii) any and all instruments or
documents issued upon the renewal, extension, amendment or novation of
At the outset, we must make clear that under Section 4 (b) of Rule 4 of the 1997 the Notes, the Agreement and this Mortgage, irrespective of whether such
Rules of Civil Procedure, the general rules on venue of actions shall not apply where obligations as renewed, extended, amended or novated are in the nature of
the parties, before the filing of the action, have validly agreed in writing on an new, separate or additional obligations; and (iii) any and all instruments or
exclusive venue. The mere stipulation on the venue of an action, however, is not documents issued pursuant to the Notes, the Agreement and this Mortgage;
enough to preclude parties from bringing a case in other venues. The parties must
be able to show that such stipulation is exclusive. In the absence of qualifying or b) All other obligations of the Borrower and/or the Mortgagor in favor of the
restrictive words, the stipulation should be deemed as merely an agreement on an Mortgagee, whether presently owing or hereinafter incurred and whether or
additional forum, not as limiting venue to the specified place. not arising from or connected with the Agreement, the Notes and/or this
Mortgage; and
x x x           x x x          x x x
c) Any and all expenses which may be incurred in collecting any and all of the
Clearly, the words "exclusively" and "waiving for this purpose any other venue" are above and in enforcing any and all rights, powers and remedies of the
restrictive and used advisedly to meet the requirements.35 (Emphasis supplied.) Mortgagee under this Mortgage.36

According to the Rules, real actions shall be commenced and tried in the court that On the other hand, the Restructuring Agreement was entered into by HealthTech
has jurisdiction over the area where the property is situated. In this case, all the and Union Bank to modify the entire loan obligation. Section 7 thereof provides:
mortgaged properties are located in the Province of Cebu. Thus, following the
general rule, PAGLAUM and HealthTech should have filed their case in Cebu, and Security. – The principal, interests, penalties and other charges for which the
not in Makati. BORROWER may be bound to the BANK under the terms of this Restructuring
Agreement, including the renewal, extension, amendment or novation of this
However, the Rules provide an exception, in that real actions can be commenced Restructuring Agreement, irrespective of whether the obligations arising out of or in
and tried in a court other than where the property is situated in instances where the connection with this Restructuring Agreement, as renewed, extended, amended or
parties have previously and validly agreed in writing on the exclusive venue thereof. novated, are in the nature of new, separate or additional obligations, and all other
In the case at bar, the parties claim that such an agreement exists. The only dispute instruments or documents covering the Indebtedness or otherwise made pursuant to
this Restructuring Agreement (the "Secured Obligations"), shall continue to be February 1994, the phrase "parties hereto waiving" – from the entire phrase "the
secured by the following security arrangements (the "Collaterals"): parties hereto waiving any other venue" – was stricken from the final executed
contract. Following the ruling in Sps. Lantin as earlier quoted, in the absence of
a. Real Estate Mortgage dated February 11, 1994 executed by Paglaum qualifying or restrictive words, the venue stipulation should only be deemed as an
Management and Development Corporation over a 474 square meter agreement on an additional forum, and not as a restriction on a specified
property covered by TCT No. 112489; place.1âwphi1

b. Real Estate Mortgage dated February 11, 1994 executed by Paglaum Considering that Makati City was agreed upon by the parties to be the venue for all
Management and Development Corporation over a 2,796 square meter actions arising out of or in connection with the loan obligation incurred by
property covered by TCT No. T-68516; HealthTech, as well as the Real Estate Mortgages executed by PAGLAUM, the CA
committed reversible error in affirming the dismissal of Civil Case No. 01-1567 by
c. Real Estate Mortgage dated April 22, 1998 executed by Paglaum RTC Br. 134 on the ground of improper venue.
Management and Development Corporation over a 3,711 square meter
property covered by TCT No. 112488; WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is GRANTED. The Decision dated 31 May
2007 and Resolution dated 24 July 2007 in CA-G.R. CV No. 82053 of the Court of
d. Continuing Surety Agreement of Benjamin B. Dy; Appeals, as well as the Orders dated 11 March 2003 and 19 September 2003 issued
by the Regional Trial Court, Makati City, Branch 134, are REVERSED and SET
Without need of any further act and deed, the existing Collaterals, shall remain in full ASIDE. The Complaint in Civil Case No. 01-1567 is hereby REINSTATED.
force and effect and continue to secure the payment and performance of the
obligations of the BORROWER arising from the Notes and this Restructuring SO ORDERED.
Agreement.37 (Emphasis supplied.)

Meanwhile, Section 20 of the Restructuring Agreement as regards the venue of

actions state:

20. Venue – Venue of any action or proceeding arising out of or connected with this
Restructuring Agreement, the Note, the Collateral and any and all related documents
shall be in Makati City, [HealthTech] and [Union Bank] hereby waiving any other
venue.38 (Emphasis supplied.)

These quoted provisions of the Real Estate Mortgages and the later Restructuring
Agreement clearly reveal the intention of the parties to implement a restrictive venue
stipulation, which applies not only to the principal obligation, but also to the
mortgages. The phrase "waiving any other venue" plainly shows that the choice of
Makati City as the venue for actions arising out of or in connection with the
Restructuring Agreement and the Collateral, with the Real Estate Mortgages being
explicitly defined as such, is exclusive.

Even if this Court were to consider the venue stipulations under the Real Estate
Mortgages, it must be underscored that those provisions did not contain words
showing exclusivity or restrictiveness. In fact, in the Real Estate Mortgages dated 11

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