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Kartika Alviani


Faqih abidurahman

Fenny Efendi 201912500940

Fresti Nurjanah 201912501077

Ignas dheana 201912500905


There are Jingling musical group¹ from the city, there are also joker group² and also acrobat group.
But I believe Dukuh Paruk Ronggeng group is the most liked by viewer too.Srintil unmoved³ by
stimulation that Mr Ranu has offered. He also keep beeing speechless⁴ when Sakarya follows to push
him. Finally the messenger from districts' office is standing.

His words sound such as a threat. "Think carefully Dukuh Paruk, we don't lose if you refuse this
request. Otherwise, you can face the difficulties because you have made districts' side are

Mr Ranu gets out with a gloomy face. Sintil follows him with a worried look. Sakarya stucked, there is
no word he can say even when Mr Ranu says good bye. After Mr Ranu has just gone Sakarya
managed to open his mouth.

_1. Keroncong (java musical) group

2. People who make jokes

3. Silent or quite

4. Can't say anything_


In those words, there was a fear of impending trouble as hinted at by the strange omens of the past
few days.

"You have disappointed a prijaji, something that a villager like us should not do. Oh, my grandson,
you don't realize that you are a subject."



"If I persist, will I be punished?"

Srintil's question is evidence of a retrograde move. Sakarya sees the door starting to open but the
old man hides his feelings.

"Why not? We are the slaves. We are obliged to obey orders. Even the wishes of the Retainers. To
refuse is tantamount to inviting the law. Well, do you dare to do it?"

Sakarya deliberately exaggerated his words. He hopes Srintil will change his mind. But srintil's
answer surprised even the masterpiece.

"That's it! I'm willing to accept the punishment. I was imprisoned too! How should I dance if my
heart doesn't want to?. Grandpa knows, don't you, a dance only lives when the heart and soul dance
with it."

Without waiting for his grandfather's response, Srintil got up. At the door of the living room, he met
his grandmother.

The term priyayi or blue-blooded is a social class that refers to the aristocratic class. It is the highest
class in society because it is a descendant of the royal family.

Villager is people who are descendants of the initial inhabitants of a place, and have built their
culture in that place with indigenous status as ethnic groups who are not immigrants from other


From the “Tali sampiran” Srintil pulled out a piece of cloth that she had put on her shoulder and
went out. Srintil walked quickly to the Tampi house. Goder's has been there since morning.

Before reaching the destination, srintil has stopped in front of the house of Sakum, her heart was
impressed by the atmosphere. The blind “calung” musician was weaving bamboo steamer. Her
hands were skilled, as though there were eyes on each fingertip.

Behind it are arranged woven goods that have been finished, ready to be used as money if someone
needs it. Ah, everybody knows what the amount of money Sakum received in the pocket for her
wickerwork. Four kids.

What is seen by srintil is a picture of severe inadequacy. sakum's house is only four - masted,
doyong, chicken and the winds is free to go in and out of every direction.


is a bamboo tube xylophone used in the Indonesian music of Sundanese, Banyumasan,

and Balinese.[1][2] The calung (instrument) consists of multiple bamboo tubes which are struck at the base
to produce a woody sound. In the Balinese Gamelan gong kebyar, the metallophone Jublag can also be
known as Calung, it has a one-octave range, and is generally utilized to play mid-range melodies.

Tali sampiran : clothesline made of tambang rope

From inside people can see clouds in the sky and stars at the night. The house or the shack seems
slum and dirty.

Sakum's Pocket poverty can be observed her four children.

Her first kid is a girl, she is nine years old.

Her hair is red hair corn.

The corners of his lips are made up

Cokop seems crust lichen.

Her face and her eyes seems pilled, not glowing.

Her skin is dead with dirt, especially on her nape and calves.

Now, she sits lean back on the wall.

She is waiting her younger brother that walks on the ground.

Sakum's other two children is

is grubing up at the ground beside the house.

That two children are naked.

the spine's teeth sticking out of the skin.

Their weak hands hang helplessly.

They explore the hole of the stray dogs =orong2

"Shit" said her youngest kid.

" These stray dogs hole plunged into the ground. Under the rock"

"You are stupid" said her sister.

" every stray dogs hole has a cave. Move please"


"You idiot," said her brother. Each orong-orong hole has a "cave" away from you.

The older brother squatted right over the “orong orong” hole, holding his “kulup” and peeing point
because of the flooding of warm water and the people emerged. Two pairs of hands vie to catch him
on the low point of defeat and was knocked backwards by his brother's push. But the older one had
vanished into the kitchen. The orong in its grasp soon died in hot cinders a minute later the soil
insect digested in its mouth.
Sakum doesn't seem bothered by the hustle and bustle of his children, her fingers continue to work
on weaving or cutting the overgrown bamboo flakes. If I still hear my son's voice it's a good sign
they're still alive. It's a haembert jester that's not once out of the mouth.

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