Build-Build-Build: General Chemistry 1 Virtual Laboratory Report

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Time Bound
University of San Agustin Appearance/Organization
General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000 Analysis:
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44 AVERAGE/FINAL SCORE:

General Chemistry 1

Performance Task No. 5

Name : _________________________Year & Section: ____________________Date: _________________

I. Objective:
1. Design using multimedia, demonstration, or models a representation or simulation of atomic structure.
2. Recognize common isotopes and their uses
3. Represent compounds using chemical formulas, structural formulas and models.

II. Introduction:

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of an element. Atoms
combine to form molecules, which then interact to form solids, gases, or liquids. For example, water is
composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms that have combined to form water molecules. Many biological
processes are devoted to breaking down molecules into their component atoms so they can be reassembled
into a more useful molecule. (

III. Materials Needed:

Cellphone/Laptop/computer with internet connection

IV. Procedures
A. Building an Atom
1. Go to
2. Click Atom and tick Net Charge, Mass Number and Stable/Unstable.
3. Build a stable model with a neutral atom of the following elements: H, C and O
4. Drag the protons in the nucleus and add electrons to make it neutral. Then, add neutrons in the
middle. Note: Make sure that your model represents the correct atomic number and mass number of
that element.
5. Record how many p+ , e- , n0 in each element.

B. Building an Isotope
1. Go to
University of San Agustin
General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44

2. Tick the Symbol and Abundance in Nature

3. Check the stable isotopes of the He, C and Ne by adding or removing neutrons.
Note: There could one or more stable isotopes for each element.
4. Record your observation.

C. Building a Compound
1. Go to
2. Click Single and make the models of the H2O and CO2 by dragging and dropping the elements.
3. Click 3D and click the Ball-and-stick model and Space-filling model these compounds.
4. Click Playground and create the models of acetic acid and carbon tertrachloride. Repeat Step 3.

V. Documentation
(Documentation or pictures taken as proof of performing the activity properly; should be with caption)

VI. Data and Observation:

A. Building an Atom
Element Atomic Structure # of Sub-atomic particles
p+ =

Hydrogen e- =

n0 =

p+ =

e- =
n0 =

p+ =

Oxygen e- =

n0 =

B. Building an Isotope
Isotopes Atomic Structure/s Symbol/s # of Sub-atomic
University of San Agustin
General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44

Helium p+ =

e- =

n0 =

Carbon p+ =

e- =

n0 =

Neon p+ =

e- =

n0 =

C. Building a Compound
Compound Molecular Empirical Structural Ball-and-Stick Space-Filling
Formula Formula Formula Model Model



Acetic acid


VII. Analysis:
University of San Agustin
General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44

A. Answer the following questions

1. Describe the structure of an atom and its subatomic particles in a maximum of 5 sentences.

2. Which particle/s account/s for the atomic number and mass number of an element?

3. What is an isotope? What does the number next to an isotope signify?

4. Name two elements of with isotopes; describe each isotope and enumerate its uses.

5. How can you distinguish between atoms, molecules and ions?

6. Differentiate empirical formulas from molecular formulas.

7. How are models used to represent a compound?

VIII. Conclusion:
(Answers the objective of the activity and relate the result to personal life experience or realizations)
University of San Agustin
General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44

Category 5 4 3 2 1
Illustration/Diagrams Thorough, detailed Somewhat thorough, Lacks thorough, detailed Little to no thorough, No illustrations/diagrams
illustrations/ diagrams detailed illustrations/ illustrations/ diagrams detailed illustrations/ No documentation
are given. There is diagrams are given. are given. There is diagrams are given. No video
documentation while There is documentation documentation while There is documentation
doing the activity and while doing the activity doing the activity and while doing the activity
has captions. There’s a and has captions. limited captions. and no captions.
video time lapse. There’s a vide time
Conclusion/Reflection Summary describes the Summary describes the Summary describes the Summary describes the No conclusion/reflection
skills learned, the skills learned, the skills learned, the skills learned, the
information learned and information learned are information learned and information learned, but
some future applications stated but no future some future applications incomplete and some
to real life situations are applications to real life to real life situations are future applications to
stated and clearly situations. stated but are not real life situations are
explained. explained stated but not explained.
Analysis Answers all the Answers most of the Answers some of Answers some of No answer at all
questions completely questions correctly and questions correctly and questions but
and comprehensively. comprehensively comprehensively incomplete.
Time-bound Submits the activity Submits the activity on Submits the activity 1 Submits the activity 2 Submits the activity
before the deadline. the deadline. day after the deadline. days after the deadline. more than 5 days after
the deadline.
Appearance The lab report is The lab report is slightly The lab report is The lab report is The lab report is
organized, uses organized, uses organized, but uses in disorganized, uses disorganized in all
appropriate and uniform appropriate and uniform appropriate and uniform inappropriate and aspects.
font size/style and color. font size/style and color. font size/style and color. uniform font size/style
and color.

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