Aircraft Performance - Keys Notes

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• 50ft for Class B or A (<15° AoB at take-off or • Area beyond the runway that aircraft may

normal landings) fly at below the screen height

• CS25 – Large Aircraft Requirements • 35ft for Class A (dry take-off or steep • Minimum 75m either side of the centre-line
• CS23 – Small Aircraft Requirements approach) • Slope not exceeding 1.25%
• 15ft for Class A (wet take-off) • Maximum of 50% TORA

• Class A – MEJ/Turboprops - >5700kg or >9

• Class B – Turboprops/Pistons - ≤5700kg • Occurs when the stopway and clearway are
MCTOM and ≤9 Pax (CAP MEP 1.2) of equal length
• Class C – Pistons - >5700kg or >9 Pax • Artificially created by ignoring any clearway
beyond the stopway

• Measured Performance – Average flown by

test pilots
• Items in the clearway must be frangible
• Gross Performance – Average of a fleet
• TORA – Take-Off Run Available • This means they will break on impact
flown by line pilots
▪ Length suitable for take-off ground run • Presents minimal hazard to aircraft
• Net Performance – Gross performance
degraded by a safety factor • ASDA – Accelerate Stop Distance Available
• MCTOM – Maximum Certified Take-Off Mass ▪ TORA + Stopway
• AEO – All Engines Operative ▪ Cannot permanently withstand aircraft
• OEI – One Engine Inoperative • TODA – Take-Off Distance Available
▪ TORA + Clearway
• LDA – Landing Distance Available
• Take-Off – Brake Release Point to Screen ▪ Length suitable for landing ground run
• T/O Climb – Screen Height to 1500ft AGL
• En-Route – 1500ft AGL to 1000ft AGL • Area beyond the runway on the centre-line
• Approach – 1000ft AGL to Screen Height • At least as wide as the runway
• Landing – Screen Height to Full Stop • Supports an aircraft in an RTO
• May be longer than the clearway
• Take-Off Distance Required (TODR) can be • Speed ↑ = Thrust ↓ FLLTOM is reduced when…
split into ground roll and airborne distance ▪ Jet engines using RAM effect have an • Pressure altitude increases
(to reach screen height) initial thrust decrease then increase • Engine Bleeds on
• TODR is directly affected by the aircraft • Altitude ↑ = Thrust ↓ • Runway upslope
mass ▪ Supercharged piston engines have • Temperature increases
2 constant thrust whilst MAP is constant
• TODR = v ⁄2a • Runway surface contamination
• Temperature ↑ = Thrust ↓ • Tailwind increases
▪ Flat rated jet engines give constant • Flaps allow an increase in FLLTOM
thrust up to a certain temperature These factors increase TODR (the limiting factor)

CLTOM is reduced when…

• Temperature is increased
• Pressure altitude increases
• Engine Bleeds are on
• Any flap deflection reduces CLTOM
• Prevailing winds do not affect CLTOM
These factors reduce ROC & CG (limiting factors)

• VMBE - Maximum Brake Energy Speed

• V1 – Decision Speed • Flap extension reduces the stalling speed
• Friction reduces as lift increases
• VR – Rotation Speed and therefore reduces TORR
• Runway contamination increases
• VLOF – Main Gear Leaves the Ground
• Any deflection increases drag and therefore
impingement and displacement drag
reduces climb performance
• VF – Final Velocity at Screen Height
• Used for distant obstacles

• FLTOM – Field Limited Take-Off Mass -

Restricted by TODA
• CLTOM – Climb Limited Take-Off Mass -
Restricted by the climb performance
• The lowest of FLTOM and CLTOM gives us
PLTOM (Performance Limited Take-Off Mass)
Thrust - Drag
• ROC = TAS x ⁄Weight
• ROC = TAS x CG
• Maximum Rate of Climb = VY
• Dependent on Excess Power
• a = Climb (Air) or Flight Path (Ground) Angle ▪ PA - PR⁄W
• Load Factor = Lift⁄Weight = cos(a)
Thrust - Drag
• sin(a) = ⁄Weight
• VX is constant & VY decreases with altitude
• Load Factor is <1 as lift is less than weight • Usually an IAS, but both increase as a TAS
• This is because thrust offsets the difference • Both increase with increased mass
• Both decrease with increased drag
• VY is always ≥ VX

Height Loss
• DG % = ⁄Range x 100
Drag - Thrust
• DG % = ⁄Weight x 100

Height Gain⁄
• CG % = Distance
x 100
Thrust - Drag
• CG % = ⁄Weight x 100 • Absolute Ceiling – 0fpm ROC
• Maximum Climb Gradient = VX • Service Ceiling – 100fpm ROC
▪ Jets = VMD • Performance Ceiling – 300fpm ROC AEO
▪ Props ≈ VMP • Optimum Altitude – Highest SR
• Highest when the aircraft is clean ▪ Increases as weight decreases (Jets)
• The distance travelled with the available • Climbing through low altitudes, IAS is • Increased Fuel Consumption
fuel constant as VMO is limiting • Decreased Range and Endurance
• Can be used as a measure of efficiency • Through higher altitudes, Mach No. is • Increased Longitudinal Stability
• SR = nm⁄kg = TAS⁄Fuel Flow = TAS⁄SFC x P constant as MMO is limiting • Increased Stall Speed
• Remember Eat Chicken Tikka Masala • Decreased Absolute Ceiling
• Long Range Cruise = 4% Faster than Max • Decreased Rate of Climb
Range • Same effects as a heavier aircraft
• The length of time an aircraft can fly for ▪ Closer to Max SR than normal to get as far
• Found when fuel consumption is least as possible
• Decreased Longitudinal Stability
• Light Pitch Stick Forces (could overstress)
• Best Endurance is the bottom of the curve, VS < VMP < VX(P) < VY(P) < VMD/VX(J) < VY(J) < 1.32 VMD • Increased Range and Endurance
Best SR is the tangent through the origin • Decreased Stall Speed
• Best Endurance Speed < Best SR Speed • Same effects as a lighter aircraft
• Temperature ↑ = Range/Endurance ↓
• Weight ↑ = Range/Endurance ↓
• Best Endurance = VMD
▪ Because SFC ∝ Mass
• Best SR = 1.32 VMD
▪ This is because a much greater TAS can
be achieved for a minimal drag increase
▪ Related to the TAS/Drag Ratio • Tailwind increases range but has no effect
on endurance
PROPS: • For maximum ground range, fly slower in a
• Best Endurance = VMP tailwind and faster in a headwind
• Best SR = VMD
▪ Related to the TAS/Power Required Ratio
• VREF – Speed at 50ft (Screen Height)
▪ Greater of VMCL, 1.3 VS0 (Class B) or 1.23
VSR0 (Class A)
• VMCL – Minimum Control Speed for Landing
• VS0 – Stall Speed (Landing Config)
• VSR0 – Stall Ref. Speed (Landing Config)
▪ ≈ 6% faster than VS0
Drag - Thrust
• ROD = TAS x ⁄Weight
• ROD = TAS x sin(a) • Aerodynamic Drag
• Brake Drag (increased with Anti-Skid)
• Reverse Thrust

• Glide Angle is only affected by AoA and

configuration (minimum at VMP)
LDR increases when…
• Heavier aircraft have higher IAS and ROD
but will glide the same distance
• Mass increases (VREF increases)
• A lighter aircraft will glide for the longest • Air density decreases (TAS increases)
time (endurance) • Tailwind increases
• Runway downslope
• Less flaps are used

• Landing Distance Required (LDR) can be • Same factors that affect CLTOM (Chapter 3)
split into the flare and the ground run
• Measured from Screen Height to Full Stop
• Technique is a positive touchdown, full
• LDR = −VREF ⁄2a
reverse and brakes ASAP
• CAP gives us gross performance data • Minimum 4% climb gradient at take-off GS x Height Gain
• Distance = ⁄
ROC x 100
• Applying aerodrome specific factors gives power and flaps in the take-off position
• ROC = TAS x CG
gross specific performance
• For additional equations, see CAP MEP 3.2
• Applying regulatory factors to this gives net

• Take-off speeds can be found from the

table in Figure 2.1
• VR – Rotation Speed
• Climb graph gives air distance – use the
▪ Must be higher than VS1
formula - NAM⁄TAS = NGM⁄GS
• Speed at 50ft (VREF) must be:
▪ A safe speed under reasonable conditions • At reference zero, the aircraft is already at
▪ ≥ 1.2 VS1 50ft so remember to subtract/add 50ft
• Minimum 50ft clearance
• Use factored winds (50% headwind, 150% • Use formula instead of the wind graphs -
Wind Speed x cos(difference in angles)
• Remember to calculate pressure altitude if
• No Stopway/Clearway:
QNH ≠ 1013
▪ TORR = TODR(GROSS) x 1.25
• Do not confuse TAS and IAS
• With Stopway/Clearway • Minimum 3.3% climb gradient with flaps
▪ TORR = TODR(GROSS) x 1 • If the question asks for a distance
in landing position at VREF
required, it expects the net value
▪ ASDR = TODR(GROSS) x 1.3
▪ TODR = TODR(GROSS) x 1.15
• FLLTOM calculated using the shortest of
• VREF ≤ 1.3 VS0
these distances
• Surface/Slope Factors:
▪ Dry Grass – x1.2
▪ Wet Grass – x1.3 • LDR = LDR(GROSS) x1.43
▪ 1% upslope – x1.05 • Surface/Slope Factors:
• All these factors in CAP SEP 2.1.1 • Grass – x1.15
• Wet – x1.15
• 1% downslope – x1.05
• All these factors in CAP SEP 2.1.1
• Worst engine to fail (highest yaw moment) • The same as SEP • Approach Climb – Go-around initiated
• Into wind engine for counteracting props • All these factors in CAP MEP 2.1.1 during the approach
• For clockwise propellers, the critical engine ▪ Minimum 2.5% CG
is the left engine: • Landing Climb – Go-around initiated just
before touchdown (“Balked Landing”)
▪ Minimum 0.75% CG
• All requirements in CAP MEP 5.1.2/5.1.3

• The same as SEP

• All factors in CAP MEP 5.1.1
• AEO Climb Gradient Requirements
• A failure increases VX and decreases VY ▪ 4% at Screen Height
• Increases power required and total drag • OEI Climb Gradient Requirements • The same as SEP
▪ Measurably Positive at 400ft
▪ 0.75% at 1500ft
• VMC – Minimum Control Speed • All requirements in CAP MEP 3.1.2
• The same as SEP, plus…
▪ Enough to maintain control with 5° AoB
• ASDA graph gives net performance and
▪ ≤ 1.2 VS1
assumes no stopway or clearway
• VEF – Speed at which the critical engine is • Minimum 50ft clearance
assumed to fail • Use factored winds (50% headwind, 150%
• AEO Climb Gradient is factored by 0.77
• VR – Rotation Speed • Above a cloud base, use OEI CG
▪ ≥ 1.05 VMC • For accountability area, see CAP MEP 3.1.1
▪ ≥ 1.1 VS1
• Speed at 50ft (VREF) must be:
▪ A safe speed under reasonable conditions • Net Gradient = Gross Gradient +0.5%
▪ ≥ 1.1 VMC
▪ ≥ 1.2 VS1

• VREF ≤ 1.3 VS0

• VMCG – Minimum Control Speed (Ground) • VMCA is limiting at high air densities, large • Clearway but No Stopway:
▪ Determined without nose-wheel flap angles and low weights ▪ TOD > ASD
steering to simulate wet conditions • VMU is limiting in the opposite conditions ▪ V1 must be lower
▪ Does not account for crosswind • Stopway but No Clearway:
▪ Engine thrust and rudder deflection the ▪ TOD < ASD
most important parameters V1 is increased when… ▪ V1 will be higher
• VMCA – Minimum Control Speed (Air) • Pressure altitude increases • For balanced fields, there’s a single V1 value
▪ Must maintain straight flight • Air temperature increases • See CAP MRJT 2.5.1
• VSR – Reference Stall Speed • TOM increases
• Flap deflection decreases
• Headwind increases
• V1 – Decision Speed • Runway upslope • 2 engines - ≥0% CG
▪ ≥ VMCG (this can be forced by increasing V1) VR is the same but not affected by wind or slope • 3 engines – ≥0.3% CG
▪ ≤ VMBE
• 4 engines - ≥0.5% CG
▪ ≤ VR V2 is decreased when… • Gear down, flaps in T/O config at V2
▪ See CAP MRJT 1.3 • Pressure altitude increases • No bank permitted below 50ft/½ wingspan
• VR – Rotation Speed • Air temperature increases
▪ ≥ V1 • TOM decreases
▪ ≥ 1.05 VMCA • Flap deflection increases • 2 engines - ≥2.4% CG
▪ Allows V2 at Screen Height VMCG/VMCA the same but not affected by mass or flaps • 3 engines – ≥2.7% CG
▪ Ensures VLOF ≥ 1.1 VMU (AEO) or ≥ 1.05 VMU • 4 engines - ≥3.0% CG
(OEI) - 1.08 and 1.04 if geometry limited • Gear up, flaps in T/O config at V2 + 10kts
• V2 (MIN) – Minimum Safety Speed • Maximum 15° AoB
• Regulatory take-off distances the highest of:
▪ ≥ 1.1 VMCA
▪ AEO distance x1.15
▪ ≥ 1.13 VSR for 2/3 engine turboprops and
▪ OEI distance
turbojets without OEI provisions • 2 engines - ≥1.2% CG
▪ ≥ 1.08 VSR for 4+ engine turboprops and • 3 engines – ≥1.5% CG
turbojets with provisions • 4 engines - ≥1.7% CG
• V2 – Safety Speed • Initiated at or before V1 • Gear up, flaps retracting, accelerating
▪ ≥ V2 (MIN) • Above V1, you must take-off
▪ ≥ VR + Speed Attained to Screen Height • 2 second delay between VEF and V1 for
recognition • Same CG requirements as Segment 3
• First action is to reduce thrust • Gear up, flaps up, max continuous thrust at
• Dependent on ASDA final segment speed
• Thrust increases as OAT decreases • Reduces operating costs and noise and
• Below a certain OAT, thrust is limited increases engine life
• Assumed Temperature Take-Off may be
overridden by applying TOGA power
• 35ft clearance in the net take-off path • Derated Thrust cannot be
• Factored winds used for take-off calcs. • Restrictions listed in CAP MRJT 2.8.1
• For accountability area, see CAP MEP 3.1.1 • Also not used if windshear reported
• ASDR decreases but TODR increases

• Increases all required distances

• >0.3mm covering >25% of the runway • V1 will therefore decrease
• Increases all required distances, except • Obstacle clearance is reduced
compact snow and ice only increase ASDR • Reduces the limiting mass by 7700kg
• Decreases maximum mass, V1 and VR • V1 reduction is based on the new mass but
• Standing water, slush, wet/dry snow must be above VMCG
increase impingement drag so V1 reduction is • All details in CAP MRJT 2.9
smaller as contamination gets thicker
• Drag increases then decreases in the
ground roll
• Reverse thrust inoperative will increase
ASDR if the runway is wet
• See CAP Figure 4.14 to help answer Q’s

• a.k.a “Improved Climb Procedure”

• Used to improve climb gradient (obstacle
• Allows a higher take-off mass
• Limited by FLLTOM and Tyre Speed Limit
• 1000ft clearance at level off altitude • Turbojet – LDR x1.67 (60% of runway)
• 2000ft clearance during the driftdown • Turboprop – LDR x1.43 (70% of runway)
• Thrust Available • Positive gradient at 1500ft AAL • Wet – x1.15
• Buffet Onset (Low or High-Speed Stall) • If these requirements can’t be met, jettison • May be less if the Flight Manual says so
▪ VS = VDD – Aerodynamic Ceiling fuel ASAP • Graph questions give net performance data
▪ 0.3G margin (40° AoB) applied for (no need to apply factors)
maneuvering ceiling • Used for destinations and alternates
• Greatest Clearance – Fly VMD
▪ VX for jets, VY for props
• Optimum altitude may not have optimum • Greatest Range • Landing considered both in still air and
winds ▪ 1.32 VMD (VY) for jets, VMD for props forecast winds
• Trade is applied when tailwind exceeds the • Most restrictive used to find FLLLM
losses • a.k.a use 0 wind or the tailwind
• For multiple runways, pick the least of the
highest Still Air and Wind effective masses
• Cost Index = Cost of Time⁄Cost of Fuel • VREF >1.23 VSR0
• Low Cost Index = Low Speed/Max Range • VREF is regulatory and does not change
• High Cost Index = High Speed/Shortest Time based on turbulence • Affected by temperature, slope, wind,
pressure altitude, mass, flap position and
runway length
• Non-ETOPS – 60 mins at OEI cruise speed in • Fuel dumping may be necessary to meet • Within limits – No waiting time
still air, ISA conditions these requirements • Outside limits – Wait 53 mins and check
• ETOPS approval can extend this Landing Climb: thermal plugs
• Based on AEO, landing flap and gear down • See CAP MRJT 5.2
• Minimum 3.2% CG at aerodrome conditions
• Climb Speed >1.23 VSR and >VMCL
• Remaining thrust < drag
Discontinued Approach Climb:
• Cannot maintain speed/altitude/range
• Based on OEI, approach flap and gear up
• Driftdown – descent to an altitude that can
• Minimum 2.1% CG (2 Engines)
be maintained
• Minimum 2.4% CG (3 Engines)
• Minimum 2.7% CG (4 Engines)
• Normal approach speed <1.4 VSR

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