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APHS Elementary Department

1st Quarter SY 2021-2022

1st Quarterly Examination in English 2

Section:_______________                                                                     Date:____________________

A. Directions: Read and understand the story “Going Bananas” by Andrew Frinkle

Going Bananas
Story by Andrew Frinkle

Jane had a cat named Bananas. Bananas was her

best friend in the world. They played together every day.

Bananas was a yellow cat. He was very fast. He

was a very silly cat. Bananas liked to play chase.

Bananas like to chase his tail. Bananas liked to

chase a ball of string. Most of all, Bananas liked to chase Jane and
play with her long hair.

One day, Jane got a haircut, Jane liked her new haircut. It was short.

Bananas did not like her new haircut. Bananas did not know her with short hair. He did not
know who she was. Bananas hid from Jane.

Jane was very sad. “Mom, Bananas does not like me now!” She cried.

“He will get used to your haircut, Jane. Do not worry.”

Mom was right! Three days later, Bananas was not scared of her. Bananas chased her again.
But, Bananas still could not play with her hair.

Four months later, Jane’s hair was long again. Bananas like Jane’s long hair. Bananas played
with her long hair again.

Jane did not get hair cut short again for a long time. Her cat liked her long hair.

Best of all, both Jane and Bananas had yellow hair. That made them the same. They were best
II. Comprehension Questions

B. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. (5 pts.)

1. What color is Bananas the cat?

A. Brown
B. Yellow
C. Black
D. White

2. Which of these does Bananas like to chase?

A. Dogs
B. Cheese
C. Newspaper
D. Jane’s long hair

3. What happens when Jane gets a haircut?

A. She looks silly.

B. She looks better.
C. She looks the same.
D. Bananas do not know her.

4. How does Jane feel when Bananas does not know her?

A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Angry
D. Tired

5. How does Jane feel when her hair grows back and Bananas liked her again?

A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Angry
D. Tired
Vowel Sounds
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowel sounds. (8 pts)

1. The boy dropped his _ rm and frowned.

2. My pen seems to be running out of _ nk.

3. There was a c _ r accident a while ago in that road.

4. They have so many d_ cks in the pond.

5. The b _ rd sang high and clearly in the tree.

6. She absent-mindedly left her _ mbrella on the bus.

7. An _pple a day keeps the doctor away.

8. I bought a carton of eggs. a batter made from flour and _ gg.

Consonant Blends

A. Directions: Complete he sentences with correct consonant blends. (10 pts.)

1. Cassey always has a nice _________ on her face.

2. The __________was green all summer long.

3. “Do you like Arriane’s new red __________ for school?”

4. My brother wants a new toy _________ for his birthday.

5. It’s so cold last night because of the heavy rain so, I get my ________ before I go
to sleep.
6. Aliyah uses a _________ to clean their house.

7. Carlos brought a __________ for their school camping.

8. Finn bought his dad a _________ as a birthday present.

9. Brian like his ________ turned off while sleeping.

10. The Grade 2 students treat the _________ with reverence during the flag

Common and Proper Nouns

A. Directions: Identify the underlined noun in the sentence. Write common or proper on
the space provided. (7 pts.)

1. I am going to National Book Store later afternoon. _____________

2. Cheryl was sick all week. _____________
3. My grandfather reads newspaper during breakfast. _____________
4. Mayor Vico Sotto is the mayor of this city. ____________
5. We bought our grocery at Puregold. ______________
6. We will go to Bicol next year. _____________
7. Sarah will visit her cousin on Sunday. __________

B. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Write a proper noun that could replace the
underlined common noun in each sentence. (10 pts.)

1. My family and I live on that street.

2. My father drives me to school every day.
3. I sit next to the girl in my class.
4. The teacher enjoys her class with her enthusiastic students.
5. I love to listen to that song.
6. We are moving to Korea next month.
7. The doctor will come tomorrow to visit Vicky.
8. My mom always prepares for me a sweet juice for recess.
9. Kiara represents her hometown province.
10. Every week end my family and I like to watch movie on Netflix.

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