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Nguyễn Thị Kim Cúc

MSSV: 030435190025

1.Sentence: anything italicized represents a sentence or (similarly abstract) part of a sentence, such as a
phrase or a word.

Utterance: single quotation marks represents an utterance

2.Yes. We loosely characterise a sentence as true or false according to whether what we understand of
the sentence seems true or false to us.

3.Yes. It is the utterance and not the sentence that is recorded on paper or in audio tape and it is tied
to a specifiable time, place and participants

4.No. Unlike utterances , sentences exist (if at all) only in the mind. So, the sentence is not set in time
or space nor tied to any particular participants: speakers, hearers, writers, readers

6.Yes. Depend on their knowledge, people can state something in right or wrong way.

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