37 - Assignment Sample - A Good Sample

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Table of Contents

Company information...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
I. Mission statement, vision statement and objectives at Hershey............................................................................................... 4
The role of business strategy.................................................................................................................................................. 5
II. Marco environment analysis........................................................................................................................................................6
Hershey’s PESTLE in America market..................................................................................................................................... 6
Importance of macro environment analysis...........................................................................................................................8
Porter’s five forces model....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Hershey’s five forces model analysis....................................................................................................................................10
Critical success factors in confectionery segments.............................................................................................................. 12
III. Stakeholders Analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Significance of stakeholder analysis..................................................................................................................................... 15
IV. Opportunities and Threats of Hershey’s company (SWOT).................................................................................................... 15
References...................................................................................................................................................................................... 17


As a manager of Hershey's Development Strategy, a comprehensive organizational report will be

conducted that includes an assessment of both Hershey's internal and external environment . In this task,
Hershey's strategic context will be identified in the first and macroeconomic audits conducted for
Hershey using the relevant analytical models will be presented in part two. The third part, the detailed
analysis and stakeholder map for Hershey will be covered. Based on all the external analysis above,
identifying and analyzing O&T from SWOT that Hershey is currently facing is presented in the final part.

Company information.

Hershey Company was founded in 1884 , the founder of the company was Milton Hershey and it is one
of the largest chocolate manufacturing companies in US. Starting with Crystal A Caramels, it has
expanded into a chocolate company including products such as milk chocolate, Cookies 'n' Creame,
Kisses, Krackel, Mr. Goodbar and syrup. Hershey operates in more than 90 countries providing more than
80 brands to consumers around the world. Hershey's headquarters are in Pennsylvania, and many other
factories in various places such as Tennessee, Mexico, Memphis, Virginia and Stuarts Draft among others
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2020).

I. Mission statement, vision statement and objectives at Hershey.

Every business needs to describe their purpose and orientation so they use the mission to express this.
Therefore, Hershey also needs a mission statement to show what will they do and why does Hershey
exist. Hershey Company creates chocolate brands that people love. Hershey bring sweet moments to the
world every day, summarizes the company, company people, company past and future. In addition, the
company take great pride in Hershey brand. The mission statement shows Hershey is determined to
meet the needs of consumers by providing quality products. Hershey's main focus on its customers and
how the company produces goods and services that keep consumers engaged by making them happy
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2020). The “fun and enjoyment” and “Make brands that people love”
components are part of the reasons why Hershey is successful as it aims to satisfy the customers.
Hershey has successful brands such as Hershey Bliss, Kit Kat, Hershey Kisses, Almond Joy, Twizzlers, and
Ice Breakers. These brands are popular among the consumers because Hershey focuses on making the

“world best treats”. The treats are so popular that almost 81 million units of Hershey Kisses brand are
produced daily to meet the market demand (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2020).

In order to have strategies that help companies grow and succeed, every company needs a vision
statement. Hershey’s vision is “to offer the best merchandise at the best prices and to make your
shopping experience enjoyable” (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2020). The first is to offer the best
merchandise at the best prices. Company focus on all the potential customers to Hershey products. The
company has operations in more than 90 countries and they aim to expand the services by offering
products at prices that everyone can afford. The second is to make your shopping experience enjoyable.
Hershey focus on making sure that customers get value for their money. Hershey has also invested in
supporting disadvantaged people such as establishing Hershey Trust Company to help disadvantaged
children (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2020).

Every business has some objectives set up each year for all members of the company to come up with
appropriate strategies to achieve that objectives. Hershey's objectives for 2018 is to conserve
ecosystems, reduce its impact on the climate and conserve natural resources,namely 23.6 million pounds
of packaging reduction and 13% reduction in greenhouse gas intensity. And the company has achieved
its goals by the end of 2018. Besides, Hershey's objectives for 2020 is to make sure its ingredients and
ingredients are sourced responsibly. Hershey is on track to meet some of its responsible sourcing
commitments by 2020 and has achieved the objectives of delivering 100% certified sustainable cocoa
(the objective that Hershey achieved by early 2020. ), 100% RSPO certified balanced-weight palm oil and
100% certified third-party sustainable pulp and paper products in the U.S. and Canada
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2020).

The role of business strategy.

Business strategies play an important role in an organization. A business strategy creates a vision and
direction for the entire organization. It is important that everyone in a company has a clear goal and is
following the direction or mission of the organization. A strategy can provide this vision and prevent
individuals from losing their company's goals. Furthermore, a company can create a competitive
advantage by creating a business strategy, eventually understanding more about the nature of the
company and company oriented market (McGee et al., 1995).

The objectives of Hoa Phat Group in 2018 is to achieve 50,000 billion consolidated revenue, up 15%
compared to 2017 revenue. The strategy is to increase the number of products produced annually by
putting into operation a new factory (galvanized and cold-plated corrugated iron sheet factory) with a
higher capacity, in particular with a capacity of 400,000 tons/ year. Since then the number of products of
the company will increase many times to increase revenue for the group. The results are announced in
the 2018 financial statements, the Group reached 56,580 billion dong of consolidated revenue and VND
8,600 billion profit after tax, up 21% and 7% compared to 2017, exceeding 3% and 7% compared to the
2018 plan. In order to achieve this objective in 2018, the Group has successfully launched a galvanized
and cold-plated corrugated iron sheet factory with a capacity of 400,000 tons / year putting into
operation the paint - plating stage and from April 2018. This factory has made the Group's revenue
reached a great leap forward compared to previous years (HoaphatCompanyWebsite, 2018).

II. Marco environment analysis

Hershey’s PESTLE in America market.

Every business needs to understand the growth or recession of the market as well as the business
position, opportunities and direction for its operations, so does Hershey. So PESTEL is an extremely
useful strategic tool to help us accomplish the above. Here is the PESTLE analysis of Hershey company.


The United States is a multi-party political system and there have been many changes in state policies
under Donald Trump thus resulting in instability in the political environment in the United States.
Typically the US-China trade war in 2018. This trade war has caused exports from the US to China to
account for less than 1% of GDP, 8% of total US exports. In addition, Asian countries also affected as
South Korea can lose 0.4% of GDP, Malaysia and Taiwan is 0.6% of GDP, etc. These things affected U.S.
sales and exports in 2018. On the other hand, in this trade war China was the party that suffered the
heavier losses when exports from China to the US accounted for nearly 4% of GDP and 20% of China's
export value. This shows that countries like China will have difficulty in exporting goods to the US but this
is an advantage point for the US economy in general and for Hershey in particular (WTO, 2018).

ECONOMIC factors

According to statistics of the World Bank, the US GDP in 2017 was 19.49 trillion USD and the US GDP in
2018 was 20.54 trillion USD, up 1.05 trillion compared to 2017 (WorldBank, 2018). In addition, US
unemployment rate in 2018 is 3.7% and the unemployment rate in 2019 of 3,6% is the lowest rate over
50 year. The number of applications for unemployment benefits for the first time in the US in 2019
decreased from 214,000 to 206,000. In addition, the number of jobs in the US non-agricultural sector in
November 2018 increased by 155,000 jobs, after increasing 237,000 jobs in October (Vu, 2019) .

From the increase in GDP and the decrease of unemployment rate (decreased 0,1% in 2019 compared to
2018), Hershey has brought many favorable conditions. The falling unemployment rate indicates that the
average income of Americans will increase, so they will have more demand in purchasing Hershey
products. Higher customer demand helps Hershey increase sales and add new customers to the company.

SOCIAL factors.

For Americans, the eating habits for sweets are quite high. And with the outbreak of the Covid-19
epidemic, social inequality has left Americans isolated in their homes so they have more time to relax.
These factors can boost Hershey's buying trend. On the other hand, Americans are more concerned
about health factors than this can make Hershey's chocolate consumption reduce because chocolate
contains a lot of sugar (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2019).


Hersheys is constantly improving its technology to bring better treatment to customers. With the
development of current 4.0 technology, there are many channels to promote products for Hershey to
help Hershey bring customers closer to them. Customers can buy Hershey products online through sites
like Amazon or Hershey's homepage etc, it is an easy, convenient way. In addition, Hershey applies Al
technology on the Hershey stores. The company uses a kiosk provided by Affictiva (reading and analyzing
human emotions from a single expression) to attract users' smiles. This is proving very beneficial for the
company as the retailer is seeing more traffic than before (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2019).

LEGAL factors.

Up to the end of 2019, Hershey imports cocoa mainly from Canada and imports sugar mainly from
Mexico. Under the US import tax, goods imported from Canada and Mexico are exempt from import tax
or enjoy preferential tax rates lower than the MFN tax rate because they are located in the North
American Free Trade Area (NAFTA). This has many advantages for Hershey, firstly the company can
reduce the cost of importing raw materials, the second can help Hershey's products are cheaper than
other competitors to create advantages. competition in the industry (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2019).


According to Hershey SR report, Hersheys takes environmental impact very seriously and constantly
trying to reduce carbon emissions and make its supply chain more sustainable. It decided to work in a
way that would be consistent with the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The
new plant opened at West Hershey is a waste-free landfill and features such as getting energy from
renewable sources and water harvesting systems. Hershey Company 2018 was recognized as one of the
best Corporate Citizens of the United States in Corporate Responsibility magazine
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Importance of macro environment analysis.

According to Kadirov's article on the role of the macro environment, the macro environment is a useful
strategic tool to understand market growth or decline, business position, potential and operational
direction. The macro environment has many factors influencing the development of appropriate
strategies for all organizations and the most important ones are politics, society, economy and
technology. There are also environmental and legal factors that may have political factors. An analysis
incorporates many issues and that is how a company looks at its market, a local business unit, a strategic
choice that means access to a new market, opportunities for cooperation and potential investment. Each
of them is important because they play a major role in the overall business environment (Kadirov, 2011).
The factor in macro environment that affects Hershey most is technology. Technology helps the
company market its products through various marketing channels so more customers know the company.


In addition, based on the development of technology, Hershey applies high-tech machines, Al, etc that
make the company's customers more satisfied with the company.

This is an example of the success of careful macro-environment research. Mc Donald's succeeded in

opening Mc Donald's in France. The company researched that French loved their country and preferred
to use French’s ingredients to make food. Understanding this point, Mc Donald's bought French
ingredients to make food to sell so Mc Donald's received great favor from the French. Because of this
success, the company revenue in 2013 achieved 4.46 billion euros in France market. France was named
the most profitable market for Mc Donald's except for the US (Nguyen, 2014).

On the other hand, Disney is a case of failure when not studying the macro environment carefully. That's
Disney opening Disney Land in Paris, France. When Disneyland was in the process of construction, many
trees were cut down causing environmental pollution, but the French loved the trees and the
environment, so the French people around the Disneyland area were very dissatisfied with the
Disneyland construction. Moreover, French people eat and drink at set times like they usually have lunch
at 12 o'clock, but Disneyland has built a quite small restaurant in the Disneyland, which leads to the fact
that a large number of customers come to eat there at 12h, causing employees can’t serve for all
customers and lack of space for them. This makes the revenue here decreased and it is considered a big
failure of Disney (Yue, 2009).

Porter’s five forces model.

Michael Porter's Five Forces model is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces in all
industries and helps identify industry weaknesses and strengths. This model is based on the assumption
that there are five sector environmental forces that will determine the level of competition and
attractiveness of an industry / sector. The model will help us understand the organization's current
competitive position and the position it wants to achieve in the future (Grundy, 2006).

Hershey’s five forces model analysis.

Rivalry between competitors ( High).

(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018)

Acccording to Hershey SR 2018, the US chocolate market is dominated by leading chocolate companies
including Hershey's, Mars, Lindt, and Nestle, which hold a majority of the market share. As the chart
shows, Hershey has the largest market share with 43.8% and Mars is the second with 30% market share
in the US. Mars is currently a formidable competitor to Hershey, Mars's products are similar to Hershey's
products, especially Mars Wrigley Confectionery white chocolate, M & M white chocolate, and chocolate
Black Twix are examples of products that are following consumer demand for higher quality and
healthier products. Hershey also diversifies products to suit the needs of consumers with less sugar,
better for health and suitable for both adults and children. The prices of the two brands are also
negligible between 1-3 cents. With similar strategies, similar products and prices lead to high levels of
competition in the industry (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Barriers of new entry (High).

The entry of competitors will be difficult because there are already well-established companies in this
market. These include big names like Mars, Ferrero, Lindt. The big companies mentioned above that
have built their brand position in the market and in the hearts of customers through the history of
establishment, they also have loyal customers who will only buy the company's products; the investment
in the industry is also very high etc. These things create high barriers to entry for new that want to join
this market (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Threats of Substitution (High).

Supermarkets tend to copy popular chocolates (eg Nestle Kit Kat) and offer their own brands on shelves
for cheaper price. In addition, confectionery is brought to snack or as a gift. In this way, substitutes exist
such as chips, fruit, drinks, etc but Chocolate still has a higher score than other substitutes products
because they are easy to preserve. There is no notable switching cost while recent price increase could
favour substitutes. Besides, more and more people are aware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle,
especially after many blogs and news programs have begun to focus on these. The first suggestion in
health advice is to stop consuming sugary products. As chocolates themselves are high in sugar, more
and more people avoid chocolates and their consumption is declining. This creates another opportunity
for substitutes products. So, threat of substitutes are high (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Power of buyers ( High).

According to Hershey SR report, Hershey buyers are scattered all over the world and they are in huge
quantities. An increasing number of competitors offering the same type of product at a lower cost can be
the cause of changing customer loyalty. Customers have more and more choices and they don't have
anything binding them not to buy in another company. So, the power of buyers are high
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Power of Suppliers ( Low).

Although the number of suppliers is huge, Hershey has a higher bargaining power than suppliers.
Hershey can buy raw materials at a cheaper price and in larger quantities than a medium-sized business

can. Specially, Hershey has contracts with third parties with the aim of enhancing its strategic advantage
and cost-effective production in product sourcing. So, the power of Suppliers are low
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).
Critical success factors in confectionery segments.
In each industry, there are many factors that can lead to success, particularly for confectionery segment
with factors such as safety, quality and product diversity. The first is product safety that establish
standards for toxicity and microbiological hazards, and procedures and practices to ensure that
standards are met, ensuring that products are absolutely safe . In addition, consumers are informed
about the standards of protection being applied to products (Gardner, 2019). The second is quality of
products that include the development, organization and implementation of a range of activities to
maintain or improve the safety and quality of products. This begins when the product is formed and
continues in the selection and purchase of raw materials and in processing, packaging, distribution and
marketing. In addition, quality products also need to ensure the level of nutrition to improve the health
of the product ( Gardner, 2019). The final is diversify of products that related to expand product
portfolio to suit market and social needs, business environment conditions in order to create a
reasonable and effective product structure for businesses ( Gardner, 2019) .

According to Hershey SR report, the company focus on the safety of the product. Company’s food safety,
quality and compliance requirements are defined by company’s Product Excellence Program (PEP). This
program incorporates industry standards set out by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and often
exceeds minimum standards. Company have obtained GFSI certification in all 15 (100 percent) of
company wholly owned facilities. Hershey's PEP is also designed to identify and prevent food safety risks
in company supply chain, supported by audits from government agencies and company in-house quality-
assurance staff (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018). In 2018, company's Quality and Regulatory
Compliance team updated the Food Safety program to address the requirements of FDA’s final rule on
intentional adulteration, which aims to reduce the risks of tampering and other intentional acts designed
to inflict wide scale public health harm (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

III. Stakeholders Analysis.

To achieve corporate missions, Hershey requires significant innovation, commitment and action from its
stakeholders. That is why it is important for Hershey to keep a regular and open dialogue with various
stakeholders. Hershey's internal stakeholders accompany the company's employees, shareholders. The
remaining stakeholders of Hershey, also external stakeholders, include customers, local communities,
suppliers ( HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2019).

For shareholders of Hershey, Milton Hershey School Trust is currently the largest shareholder, with 29%
of shares outstanding. Next, Hershey have BlackRock, Inc. and The Vanguard Group, Inc. as the second
and third largest shareholders, holding 7.8% and 6.0%, of the shares outstanding, respectively
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018). As of 2020, Hershey has 14 520 employees (HersheyCompanyWebsite,
2020). Hershey's customers are both children and adults. Adults from 20 to 45 years old and children
from 5 to 18 years old and others as mass merchandisers, wholesale distributors, and wholesale clubs,
drug stores, chain grocery stores, and convenience stores (C-stores), etc (HersheyCompanyWebsite,
2018). Suppliers of Hershey such as American Soil Technologies Inc, Treehouse Food Inc, International
Flavors and Fragrances Inc and so on. They provide for Hershey the best ingredient to manufacture our
products (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Medelow matrix is an effective tool to analysis stakeholder of a company. Mendelow came up with the
idea that our analysis of stakeholder management should be based on the power and ability to influence
their business operations. In other words, all stakeholders are by definition interested in doing business
at a greater or lower level, and some are much stronger than others (Mendelow, 1981). Hershey's
Mendelow matrix includes customers, shareholders, local communities and government
(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

Hershey’s stakeholder mapping.

High C. Keep satisfied D. Key players

Customers Shareholders

Power A. Minimal effort B. Keep informed

Local communities Suppliers


Low Interest High

(HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018)

Group A in the map attached to local communities. They don't have much power on the company and
receive little direct interest of the company, but Hershey still feels the need to connect with communities
around the world where company's stores and places are located or set the factory of the company's
supplier. The policy developed for this group is minimal effort.

Group B is a group with high interest from the company but has little power, Hershey's object in this
group is suppliers. Because Hershey has a high ability to self-supply raw materials, this group of
stakeholders has little power, but it still receives a lot of attention from Hershey for quality suppliers or
reasonable raw material cost suppliers.

According to group C in the Hershey stakeholder map, customers is a factor with a lot of power but a low
level of interest of company, so this stakeholder must be treated. Customers have a high level of power
because they have a lot of choices when customers buy products instead of buying Hershey products.
Hershey has a lot of competitors in the same industry as Mars, Nestle or companies that have a
substitution products for chocolate. In addition, consumer trends also influence Hershey's strategic plans.
Therefore, the best policy for this group is to keep them satisfied.

The key players in Group D are the most powerful and get the most interest from the organization. For
Hershey, the key players are shareholders. Shareholders have a lot of interest in the company and have a
lot of power because each of their actions can affect the success or development of the company
through capital withdrawal, capital contribution. The company believes that a stable and long-term
relationship is the key to mutual growth and strengthening their sustainability issues. Therefore, the best
policy is to keep key players satisfied.

Significance of stakeholder analysis.

Stakeholder research is critical to making a company's strategy. Strategic planners and developers can
use stakeholder analysis to identify key actors to assess their benefits, position, and importance in
relation to the strategy. This allows strategic and policy developers to interact more effectively with key
stakeholders and increase support for a given program. If this analysis is conducted before making
strategic decisions, the strategic planners can detect to prevent potential errors of that strategy. Since
then the probability of success of the strategy is higher(Brugha and Varvasovszky, 2000).

IV. Opportunities and Threats of Hershey’s company (SWOT).

Through analysis from the Hershey macro environment, it is possible to draw on the opportunities and
challenges they encounter. The first is about the opportunities in Hershey's SWOT analysis. The first
opportunity is increase brand awareness. By using marketing channels to raise user awareness about
Hershey products and help customers love it more. The second is a great opportunity to create stronger
distribution networks. Because Hershey is primarily a chocolate seller, it needs the right attraction to
create a strong distribution network (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).

In contrast, Hershey's also have to face some threats. The first is high competition that is one of the
major threats to Hershey's establishment that there is very high competition in the chocolate segment.
There are Mars, M & M and Cadbury are strong brands in this segment. Therefore, Hershey always fights
against these opponents at every step. The second is health issue by chocolates. More and more people
are becoming aware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle especially after many blogs and news programs
have started focusing on these. The first suggestion in the health advice is to stop consumption of sugar

or sugar-based products. As chocolates themselves are heavily sugar based, more and more people are
not buying chocolates (HersheyCompanyWebsite, 2018).


In summary, as a manager of Hershey's strategic development, the first part of the assignment is
summarized, evaluated and analyzed the external environment of the chosen company. This assignment
will be the premise to continue the analysis of the internal environment of the chosen company to
propose the best business strategy for Hershey.


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Index of comments

1.1 Achieved P1, P3, M1, M3

2.1 1. Strengths:

- Proper applications of key strategic concepts (mission, visions, objectives) have been made to Hershey company.

- A general discussion on the importance of business strategy has been provided reasonably. The Hoa Phat
example has been discussed effectively to illustrate the significance of business strategy.

- PESTEL framework has been understood and applied reasonably for Hershey in the US with clear evidences.

- Proper discussion and example to evaluate the importance of macro environment for the strategic development of
Hershey and other businesses in general. (M1 achieved)

- Good understanding on industry analysis. Suitable Porter's analysis for Burberry has been devised with the
strength of each force has been identified and justified.

- Main CSFs for confectionery industry in general and for Hershey in specific have been identified and discussed at
the end of Porter's analysis. (M3 achieved)

- Different stakeholders of Hershey have been identified basically. The stakeholder mapping has been devised and
explained accordingly.

- Key opportunities and threats have been concluded based on the key findings of the external analyses at the end
of the report.

2. Weaknesses:

- No final conclusion on the market profitability potential and key impacting forces for the company has been made
based on Porter's analysis.

3. How to further improve:

- All sources needs referencing correctly in Harvard style (both inside and at the end of the assignment). They
should be sorted from A to Z.

- There should be better transition between different sections in assignment.

Keep up the good effort! Well done!

Final result: achieved P1, P3, M1, M3

Assessor: Nguyen Thuy Linh (25 July 2020)

4.1 The mission statement should be presented as a direct quotation.

9.1 Effective discussion on the importance of macro environment on the strategic development of businesses with
useful examples.
Index of comments

12.1 Good discussion on CSF for confectionery industry in general and Hershey in specific.

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