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Journal of Food Engineering 18 (1993) 229-245

Extrusion and Extrudate Properties of Rice Flour*

K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh$ & H. E. Huff

Departments of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science and Human Nutrition,

University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 652 11, USA

(Received October 1990; revised version received 10 January 1992;

accepted 19 February 1992)


Rice flour was extruded with a filly intermeshing, corotating twin-screw

extruder (APV Baker MPF50125). Rice bran was added at levels of 10, 20
and 30%. All treatments were run at screw speeds of 200 and 300 rpm.
Both specific energy and product temperature in the metering section
decreased with the addition of rice bran and increased at the higher screw
speed. Both radial and axial expansion increased at 10% rice bran and
decreased at higher levels. Shear strength increased with bran levels over
IO% and with the increase in screw speed. Extrudates that contained bran
were darker than those that did not. An examination of the puff micro-
structure showed an increase in structural organization at 10% rice bran
and decreased cell size and incomplete cells at higher levels.


An increasing interest exists in developing snack foods and cereals that

are processed by twin-screw extrusion (Hauck, 1980). Extrusion pro-
vides a high-volume, low-cost alternative to conventional food process-
ing methods (Horn & Bronikowski, 1979). Extrusion cooking relies on
the conversion of shear and frictional energy to heat which is used to
cook the feed material (Hauck, 1981). A large variance in product vis-

*Contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 11

$To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Jorrrnal of Food Etlgirleeritg 0260-,U774/92/$OS.O0 - 0 1992 Elsevier Science
Publishers Ltd. England. Printed in Great Britain
230 K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

cosity occurs from the heat and pressure in the extruder, resulting in
fluctuating shear forces. This phenomenon makes the mathematical
modeling of the extrusion process difficult (Bain, 1979). Therefore,
studying the effects of changes in feed formulation and processing
variables is invaluable in order to determine how extrudate properties
are influenced in developing new products.
The public’s concern for the prevention of cancer and lowering of
serum cholesterol level provides the marketing opportunity for the
incorporation of dietary fiber in everday foods. Presently, oat and wheat
bran are popular food additives for this purpose (Polizzoto et al., 1983).
However, new evidence indicates that rice bran is as effective as oat bran
in its ability to lower serum cholesterol levels (Saunders, 1990). The
cholesterol-lowering effects of rice bran and oat bran on hamsters have
been reported (Kahlon et al., 1990). No statistical difference was found
between the cholesterol-lowering effects of rice bran and oat bran.
Although the health benefits of rice bran have been recognized, very
few studies have been published concerning the incorporation of rice
bran into processed foods. One study was performed using rice bran in a
standardized muffin batter (Polizzoto et al., 1983). Information concern-
ing the processing of several other dietary fibers is available. The effects
of fiber in breadmaking were reported by Pomeranz et al. (1977). Up to
15% of the flour was replaced by wheat bran, resulting in a darker,
denser loaf that was harder than loaves containing cellulose or oat hulls.
A study comparing the effects of oat and wheat fibers determined that
increasing the amount of dietary fiber led to an extrudate with higher
bulk density and lower radial expansion (Hsieh et al., 1989). A micro-
structure study of extruded corn meal with oat fiber or wheat fiber
showed that both fibers decreased the cell size, resulting in a denser
product (Lue et al., 1990). It was shown that with the whole grain wheat
flour, the dietary fiber content was increased by the extrusion process
(Bjorck et al., 1984). Previous studies on the incorporation of dietary
fiber in baked and extruded products are based on maximum fiber levels
of 25% and 30%, respectively (Polizzoto et al., 1983; Hsieh et al., 1989).
An important variable in controlling extrusion operation parameters
and product properties is the speed of the extruder screws (Harper,
1981). Della Valle et al. (1987) found no clear influence of screw speed
on product temperature and die pressure. Other studies showed that die
pressure decreased with increasing screw speed (Hsieh et al., 1989,
1990~). In addition, Andersson et al. ( 198 1) and Paton and Spratt
(1984) reported that an increase in screw speed resulted in a more
expanded, less hard product. Hsieh et al., (1990a) and Lue et al. (1990)
showed that extrudates of lower radial expansions, greater axial expan-
Extrusion of rice flour and rice bran 231

sions and greater bulk densities were obtained when the screw speed was
increased. Chinnaswamy and Hanna (1988) found that the expansion of
corn starch either increased or decreased with screw speed depending
upon the range of screw speed. Thus, results of studies on the effects of
screw speed on die pressure, product temperature and product proper-
ties vary in the extrusion of starch and fiber-containing products, indicat-
ing that further study is warranted (Colonna et al., 1989). The primary
objectives of this study were to (1) examine variations on several
important extruder operation parameters such as specific energy, pro-
duct temperature and die pressure, and (2) look for trends in product
properties due to the effects of adding bran to a rice flour feed and
increasing the extruder screw speed.


Rice flour feed

Long grain rice flour @L-100) was obtained from Rivianna Foods
(Houston, Texas) and stabilized rice bran was obtained from Riceland
Foods (Stuttgart, Arkansas). The compositions of rice flour and rice bran
are given in Table 1. The moisture, protein, fat and ash contents of the
rice flour and rice bran were analyzed by AOAC methods of Sections
7.003, 7.033-7.037, 7.060 and 7.009 (AOAC, 1984). Rice bran was
mixed with rice flour in concentrations up to 30% weight/weight (w/w)
basis. Mixing was carried out using an l&9-liter Hobart mixer (Model
A-200-F, Hobart Corp., Troy, Ohio) for 5 min.

Extrusion processing

The extrusion was performed in an APV Baker MPF50/25 corotating,

intermeshing twin-screw extruder (APV Baker, Grand Rapids, Michi-
gan). A high-shear screw configuration was used as shown in Fig. 1
(Hsieh et al., 1989). With the high-shear configuration an L:D
ratio of 15 : 1 was sufficient for gelatinization (Hsieh et al., 1989). The
screw diameter was 50 mm. The extruded material was forced through
two circular dies, each converging to a final diameter of 3.2 mm. The
temperature of zones 2-6 were set initially at 26.7, 51*7,93*3, 121.1 and
121*1”C, respectively. Product temperature was significantly higher due
to shear. The feed zones of the extruder were cooled by water. The screw
speed was held at 200 rpm and was increased to a constant speed of
300 rpm.
232 K. id. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

Each rice flour treatment was fed into the extruder with a twin-screw
volumetric feeder (K-tron Corp., Pitman, New Jersey). The feed rate was
monitored and maintained at 50 kg/h. Water was added to the flour or
flour and bran mixture inside the extruder, downstream from the feed
port, at a rate about 6.0 kg/h so that the feed moisture was maintained at
21% (wet basis). A four-blade cutter was used, rotating at 340 rpm. A
PC-AT/XT computer (Northgate, Plymouth, Minnesota) recorded
product and barrel temperatures, torque, screw speed, cutter speed and

Composition of Rice Flour and Rice Bran

Component Rice flour Rice bran

V@ ?W

Protein 7.8 15.8

Fat 0.4 20.9
Fiber 0.3-0.7 * 26.0-30.0 *
Ash 0.4 10.3
Moisture 12.0 9.2

“Supplied by producer.


ZONE 6 1 6 1 4 3 1 2 I 1
CC) 121 121 93 62 24 24

LENGTH SO , 62.5, 67.5 ,25, SO ,57.937.9 60, 125 225

(mm) 1 I 1, I,, I I I
DEGREES -30 so so -60 60 30

Fig. 1. A side view schematic diagram of the high-shear screw configuration used in
this research. Screw elements from right to left are: 225mm feed screw, 125mm 30
forwarding paddles, 50-mm single lead screw, 37.5~mm 60°C forwarding paddles, 37.5
mm 60°C reversing paddles, 50-mm single lead screw, 25-mm 90°C paddles, 87.5~mm
30°C forwarding paddles, 62.5-mm 30°C reversing paddles and 50-mm single lead
screw. The star * indicates position of thermocouple measuring product temperature at
metering zone. FS, Feed screw; FP, forward paddles; BP, reversing paddles; SLS, single
lead screw.
Extrusion of rice flour and rice bran 233

feed rate simultaneously with extruder operation. Specific energy input

was calculated using the following formula (Hsieh et al., 1990b):

rpm (run) x O/&Torque(run) x kW (rated)

Specific energy = (1)
rpm (rated) 100 Feed rate

For each run, the initial feed material was introduced and the first
sample was collected after a 5-min period of steady temperature and
pressures of the extruder had elapsed. After a 4-min sampling time, the
next treatment was introduced to replace the initial feed material. Subse-
quent samples were taken after the previous treatment was completely
extruded and a new steady state was reached. After its collection, each
sample was dried in a fluidized bed dryer at 65°C. Final product
moisture was about 6% wet basis.

Measurment of product properties

For each treatment, the lengths and widths (i.e. diameters) of 50 puffs
were measured. The specific volume measurements were replicated five
times using the canola seed displacement method which was modified
from the sand displacement method (Park, 1976). The specific volume
was calculated as the extrudate volume divided by the sample weight.
The apparent bulk density of the extrudate was measured by filling a
container of known volume with the product (Harper, 1981). The weight
of the product was divided by the volume of the container to get the
apparent bulk density. The apparent bulk density of the whole puffs was
replicated three times.
Ten puffs were sheared across their cross-section using a
Warner-Bratzler shear on a Model 1132 Instron (Instron Corp., Canton,
Massachusetts). The shear strength was reported as the force required
divided by the cross-sectional area.
Color readings were taken of the ground sample using a Hunter D25L
Colorimeter (Hunter Associates Lab., Reston, Virginia).
Each treatment was run in duplicate. The average values of the two
replications are reported. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS


Ten to twenty puffs from each treatment were dried in a convection

oven. The dried puffs were stored in glass jars until their preparation as
samples. Samples of the puff surface and interior were cut to 1 cm* and
234 K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

mounted on stubs. The samples were then sputter-coated with gold-pal-

ladium (Model E5 100, Polaron Instruments, Cambridge, Massachu-
setts). Photographs were taken with a JEOL JSM-35 scanning
microscope (Japan) at a magnification of 15 times. Areas that were
representative of the extrudate and centrally located were selected to be


Extruder operation parameters

The specific energy input of the extruder decreased significantly

(P< O-05) with the addition of rice bran up to 30% (Table 2). The result is
different from our previous findings that adding either wheat fiber (up to
30%) or oat fiber (up to 20%) to corn meal had no appreciable effects on
specific energy input (Hsieh et al., 1989). This phenomenon can be
explained by the higher fat content of the rice bran (20.9%) than wheat
fiber (46%) or oat fiber (0.5%). Fats tend to lubricate and hence reduce
the viscosity of the dough mass inside the extruder (Smith, 1976). The
reduction in dough viscosity would lower the mechanical energy input
from the extruder drive. Because of the increasing fat content of the
dough as the level of rice bran was increased, the specific energy input of
the extruder decreased. This was further reflected by the product

Percentage Torque, Specific Energy Input, Product Temperature in the Metering Section
and Die Pressure

Percentage Screw speed Torque Specific energy Product Die pressure

rice bran (rpm) I%) WI@ temperature @Pa)

0 200 76-O 626 173 3672 a

10 200 69.9 576 172 36370,~
20 200 57.5 472 166 3571h
30 200 SO.4 414 161 3423
0 300 59.6 711 177 2933 C,d
10 300 53.1 646 174 2936 C,y
20 300 44.5 539 163 3124
30 300 38.0 460 157 2980d,’

a,h.C,d,eMean~ with at least one superscript in common are not significantly different.
Values that do not share a superscript are significantly different. (PC 0.05).
Extrusion of rice flour and rice bran 23.5

temperature, measured in the metering section of the extruder, which

also decreased as the specific energy was reduced (Table 2). This is
consistent with the report that decreasing specific energy input reduced
product temperature (Guy & Horne, 1988).
Table 2 also shows that the specific energy input was significantly
higher at 300 r-pm than that at 200 rpm (PC 0.05). Similar results were
found from other researchers and our laboratory (Tsao et al., 1978;
Fletcher et al., 1985; Della Valle et al., 1989; Hsieh et al., 1989, 1990a).
Martelli (1983) indicated that the total power, Z, (kW), transmitted from
the main motor to the screws was:

Z,= C,/.iNo2+-
where C, is a constant based on screw geometry, o is angular velocity of
the screw (l/s), N is number of filled flights, Q is volumetric output rate
(m3/s), Kf is the conductance (m”) of the die, and ,u and $ are melt visco-
sity and average viscosity (Pa s) over the filled channels. The feed rate was
kept constant so N was inversely proportional to w because the material
was incompressible (Lancaster, 1971). Also the output rate was a
constant at steady state. The melt viscosity and average viscosity are
closely related to the product temperature in the metering section which
did not change significantly with the screw speed (Table 2). Therefore,
the power consumption and hence specific energy input increased with
increasing screw speed. The increase was not as great as expected,
however, due to a lower number of filled flights as the screw speed was
increased (Tayeb et al., 1989).
Die pressure showed a slight decrease at 200 rpm and almost no
change at 300 rpm (Table 2). According to Martelli (1983), die pressure
was related to the feed rate and viscosity of dough as:

where Q, p and K, are the output rate, melt viscosity and die conduct-
ance as mentioned previously. Because the output rate and die con-
ductance remained constant, the pressure needed for extrusion was
proportional to the melt viscosity of the dough. The melt viscosity was
dependent upon the composition and temperature of the dough.
Compositionwise, the fat content of the dough mass increased with
increasing rice bran level, which caused a decrease in the melt viscosity.
The product temperature, however, decreased with increasing rice bran
236 K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

content, which resulted in an increase in the melt viscosity. Therefore,

the observed changes in die pressure, as the level of rice bran was
increased, were a combination of two effects which tended to compen-
sate for each other. The slight decrease in die pressure at 200 rpm as the
rice bran level was increased indicated that the effect of rising fat content
slightly dominated the effect of the declining product temperature. On
the other hand, the relatively steady die pressure at 300 rpm probably
reflected that these two effects on melt viscosity exerted to the same
extent. The abrupt increase in die pressure at 20% rice bran level and
300 rpm screw speed, however, was unexpected and needed further
investigation (Table 2).
Table 2 also shows that die pressures at 200 rpm and at all rice bran
levels, were significantly lower than those at 300 rpm (p < 0.05). In addi-
tion to the effect of dough viscosity at the melting section, die pressure is
directly proportional to the number of filled flights in the extruder
(Martelli, 1983). Increasing screw speed decreased the number of filled
flights but its effect on dough viscosity was less pronounced due to a
relatively small change of product temperature (Table 2). Therefore, die
pressure decreased as the screw speed was increased. Similar pheno-
mena have been reported (Andersson et al., 1981; Fletcher et al., 1985;
Della Valle et al., 1987; Hsieh et al., 1989, 1990a) or predicted (Tayeb
et al., 1988).


The radial expansion of the extrudate is shown in Fig. 2. The addition of

10% rice bran caused a small increase in product diameter. Further

104 Cl0
0 10 20 30


Fig. 2. Effects of rice bran concentration and screw speed on extrudate diameter and
length. Open symbols: 200 rpm. Closed symbols: 300 rpm.
Extrusion of rice flour and rice bran 237

increases in rice bran content reduced extrudate radial expansion

(P< O-05). Decreased puff diameters at every level of oat fiber or wheat
fiber were reported (Hsieh et al., 1989). Lower expansion due to the
presence of bran was also described by Pomeranz et al. ( 1977). In addi-
tion, the fat content from rice bran, which caused a lower product tem-
perature as the rice bran level was increased, also contributed to the
decrease of puff diameter (Faubion & Hoseney, 1982). Therefore, as the
rice bran level was increased, extrudate radial expansion or product
diameter was reduced. The higher radial expansion at 10% rice bran
than that at 0% will be discussed along with axial expansion later.
Lower radial expansion at the higher screw speed is also consistent
with previous findings (Hsieh et al., 1989, 1990~). At the higher screw
speed, the mean residence time of the dough mass in the extruder was
less (Altomare & Ghossi, 1986). Thus, Chinnaswamy and Hanna (1988)
speculated that the lower radial expansion may be due to lower levels of
gelatinization of starch. The lower radial expansion also correspond to
decreased pressure exerted on the die by the dough at the higher screw
The most drastic change in product axial expansion was the increase
that occurred with 10% rice bran (Fig. 2). The reduction in axial expan-
sion at 20 and 30% rice bran levels was contrary to reported effects
(Launay & Lisch, 1983; Hsieh et al., 1989). In addition, at the higher
screw speed axial expansion was higher at 0 and 10% rice bran levels
(P< 0.05) but the trend reversed at 20 and 30% rice bran levels (Fig. 2).
These results suggested that the extrudate axial expansion was closely
related to the product temperatures at the metering section, which
decreased with increasing rice bran content (Table 2). Furthermore, at
the higher screw speed, product temperatures were higher at 0 and 10%
rice bran levels but lower at 20 and 30% rice bran levels, respectively.
Higher product temperature caused lower dough viscosity but increased
dough plasticity. This results in a more readily deformed extrudate and
higher axial expansion. Effect of dough viscosity and plasticity cannot
explain the lower axial expansion at 0% rice bran level, which had a
higher product temperature than that at 10% rice bran level, however. It
is speculated that at 10% rice bran content, the presence of rice bran
served as the additional nucleation sites for water evaporation as the
extrudate exited from the die and, therefore, both radial and axial expan-
sions at 10% rice bran level were greater than those at 0% rice bran level.
The effects of rice bran on the specific volume and the apparent bulk
density (Fig. 3) agree with the radial and axial expansion data. There was
no signficant difference in specific volume and apparent bulk density as a
238 K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

result of screw speed (P> O-05). The lower radial expansion at 300 rpm
was compensated for by the higher axial expansion.

Shear strength

The shear strength of the extrudate shows an inverse relationship to

radial expansion (Fig. 4). As anticipated, the shear strength slightly
decreased at 10% rice bran level but increased with further increase in
rice bran level (Hsieh et al., 1989). Faubion and Hoseney (1982) also
reported that lipid addition decreased shearing and breaking strengths of
extrudate. Figure 4 shows that the dominating factor for the extrudate
shearing strength was its radial expansion, not lipid content which


Fig. 3. Effects of rice bran concentration and screw speed on specific volume and
apparent bulk density. Open symbols: 200 rpm. Closed symbols: 300 rpm.

0 10 20 30


Fig. 4. Effects of rice bran concentration and screw speed on the shear strength of the
extrudate. Open symbols: 200 rpm. Closed symbols: 300 rpm.
Extrusion of rice flour and rice bran 239

Lightness (L = 100 is white, L = 0 is black) of Product

Percentage rice Screw speed L

bran (rpm)

0 200 71.84”
10 200 60.40 I’
20 200 55%0’,”
30 200 49.4 1’
0 300 71.72”
10 300 61.70”
20 300 55.13’.
30 300 51.88”.‘,,

with at least one superscript in common are not signficantly different.

Fig. 5. SEM photographs of extrudate surface at a magnification of 15 times. At 200

rpm: (A) 0% bran; (B) 10% bran; (C) 20% bran; (D) 30% bran.
240 K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

increased with rice bran content. A microstructure study found that

extrudate cell size was decreased with the addition of dietary fiber (Lue
et al., 1990). Therefore, it can be concluded that the increased density in
the radial direction resulted in a higher shear strength.
The increase in screw speed also increased the shear strength of the
extrudate (PC 0.05). This phenomenon was attributed to the decreased
radial expansion, as described above.


Increasing the level of rice bran produced a darker extrudate (Table 3).
The increase in darkness can be attributed to the darkness of the bran
compared to the nearly white rice flour. A study on the effect of bran on
loaves of bread revealed a darker crust and interior due to the bran

Fig. 6. SEM photographs of extrudate surface at a magnification of 15 times. At 300

rpm: (A) 0% bran; (B) 10% bran; (C) 20% bran;(D) 30% bran.
Extrusion of rice flour and rice bran 241

(Pomeranz et al., 1977). The increase in screw speed had no signficant

effect (DO.05) on the darkness of the extrudate. Lightness due to
decreasing fiber in crispbread was similarly noted (Andersson et al.,


In examining the surface of the extrudate a visible trend was seen (Figs 5
and 6). As the rice bran content increased, the surface became rougher.
The parallel, evenly spaced ‘ripples’ at 100% rice flour became more
pronounced as they surrounded the bumps and craters on the puffs
containing 30% rice bran. An increase in surface flaws was found previ-
ously with dietary fiber content (Lue et al., 1990). The size of the holes
on the surface decreased with higher levels of bran, indicating a greater

Fig. 7. SEM photographs of extrudate interior at a magnification of 15 times. At 200

rpm: (A) 0% bran; (B) 10% bran; (C) 20% bran; (D) 30% bran.
242 K. M. Grenus, F. Hsieh, H. E. Huff

resistance to shattering. The surface was smoother at 300 rpm (Fig. 6) in

puffs containing up to 10% rice bran, but was smoother at 200 rpm (Fig.
5) for higher levels of bran. By examining the response surfaces of a
previous study (Owusu-Ansah et al., 1984), it was seen that the proper-
ties of the dough had different effects on extrudate integrity at different
screw speeds.
An increase in dietary fiber resulted in a small interior extrudate cell
size (Figs 7 and 8). Similar effects have been noted (Andersson et al.,
198 1). The smaller, denser cells explain the decreased expansion and the
increased shear strength resulting from the rice bran. From the micro-
graphs (Figs 7 and 8), it can be seen that variation due to fiber content
was more pronounced at 200 rpm than at 300 r-pm. Accordingly, the
graphs of diameter and shear strength of the extrudate had greater slopes
over rice bran content at 200 rpm. There appeared to be a transition in

Fig. 8. SEM photographs of extrudate interior at a magnification of 15 times. At 300

rpm: (A) 0% bran;(B) 10% bran;(C) 20% bran;(D) 30% bran.
Extrusion of riceflour and rice bran 243

cell integrity at 10% rice bran. At 100% rice flour the cells were large
and lacked definition, resulting in incomplete cells. At 10% rice bran the
cells were still large but were more organized and complete. With higher
levels of rice bran the cells were smaller but less structured, resulting
once again in incomplete cells. A transition at 10% rice bran in extrudate
axial expansion, specific volume, apparent bulk density and shear
strength were explained by the microstructural changes within the puff.


The authors express appreciation to Riceland Foods (Stuttgart,

Arkansas) for providing the stabilized rice bran for this study.


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