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1. People read books

Reading gives our brains a workout  because comprehending text requires more mental
energy than (1đ)
2. The invention helps people
Many inventions helped our communication easier such as the telephone which let us
talk across long distances.(1đ)
3. The children are educated (1đ)
Education is important to children because education helps children learn how to think
4. The sight arouses a desire.
When you’re feeling of being turned on sexually, your body experiences physical and
emotional changes.(1đ)
5. I saw a statue
Tran Hung Dao Statue set at the edge of a pond with a fountain. Although the fountain
wasn’t on during my visit.(1đ)
6. I went around the city
I went around the city by myself a few weeks ago looking for a place to stay(1đ)
7. I visited cinemas.
We’d already been to the CGV cinema twice that week.
8. Motor vehicles have killed people. (1đ)
Marry’s car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle. The accident has left
her a vegetable.(1đ)

9. Food causes anxiety.

Sugar is a contributor to overall anxiety(1đ)

10.The atmosphere was peaceful.

I enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere while Maryam was praying in the pagoda.(1đ)
11.I heard the cry.
When my father went, I heard my mother crying.(1đ)
12.The journey made me tired.
The journey made me tired because we did the long journey to Wales in 12 hours.(1đ)

13.Schools and hospitals are built.

Hanoi prioritizes building hospitals and schools(1đ)
14.Money is indispensable.
Money helps us achieve our life's goals and supports (1đ)
15.People cause much trouble.
Someone who causes problems, often by being violent or by making others argue or not
obey people in authority
16.We communicate with people.
Effective communication is defined as communication between two or more persons in
which the intended message is − properly encoded. (1đ)
17.Countries compete with one another.
Countries compete economically because they compete politically to gain regional and
worldwide power and influence(1đ)
18.Science helps human
Science is valued by society because the application of scientific knowledge helps to
satisfy many basic human needs and improve living standards (1đ)
19.Every citizen should be conscious of this.
As a good and responsible citizen of the country, first one must be aware of the
fundamental rights and duties (1đ)
20.Teachers are friendly.
My math teacher is friendly (1đ)
21.I can pass the examination.
 if you try hard, you can pass the test (1đ)
22.English is used.
English is widely used in many countries today (1đ)
23.Knowledge of language enriches our mind.
 Languages helps improve people's thinking skills and memory abilities (1đ)
24.We appreciate the value of music.
Music affects the growth of a child's brain academically, emotionally, physically and
spiritually. (1đ)
25.It contributes to men’s success.
A successful man knows or seeks to find the balance between fueling that purpose and
sacrificing himself and others to make it happen (1đ)
26.We can acquire from books.
Knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learned (1đ)

27.It entertains people.

We hired a magician to entertain the children (1đ)
28.The town is situated on the island.
The town is situated on the island's southwestern coast, on a small peninsula with a
shallow exterior bay and a deep, inner landlocked harbour. (1đ)
29.I spent my leisure time.
 One of my leisure pursuits is hanging out with my friend. (1đ)
30.I can improve my language.
I improve my English by communicating with foreigners (1đ)
31.They realize the value.
We've seen our house diminish greatly in value over the last six months. (1đ)
32.Human courage has been displayed.
The cause was morally compelling : a people fighting with impressive courage against
colonial rule (1đ)
33.Energy of man has contributed to the comfort.
34.The devastation has always arouse the conscience.
35.Industries benefit from the presence of graduates.
36.Precious animals are endangered.
Species can become extinct when humans over hunt and over fish, pollute the
environment, destroy habitats , and introduce new species to areas. (1đ)
37.People commit the crimes.
Young people who commit serious crimes, such as robbery or violent attacks should be
punished in the same way as adults (1đ)
38.The rights are protected by the court.
The court is where the law is enforced (1đ)
39.Smoking should be discouraged.
Smoking should be discouraged because it damages the heart and blood circulation
40,This caused sorrow and anxiety. (1đ)
People experience anxiety include nightmares, panic attacks, and painful thoughts or
memories that you can’t control. (1đ)
Trần Quốc Huy

1. FOOD : Fast food is bad for your health because it can cause the following problems
2. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Advancement in the science and technology in many areas
has made the lives of people more advance than the ancient time
3. TRAVEL: There are numerous reasons why you should travel with a group of close friends.
4. CULTURE: Cohabitation is becoming a common cultural trend among young Vietnamese
5. READING BOOKS: The advantages of beginning to improve reading abilities at a children
6. MOVIE: You must witness the incredible movie moments from "Train to Busan" in the
7. INDUSTRY: English language industry offers many job opportunities, it is often the
nominated language to use in many industries.
8. BUSINESS: My friends often asked me about my ideal future profession, and I always
replied that I wanted to work in the business.
9. JOB: There are so many benefits if students work part-time while studying at university
10. FASHION: People usually make judgements about others from the clothes they wear.
11. MONEY: Money is the most important thing in life. No one can live without money.
12. EDUCATION: Among all Vietnamese education problems, outmoded teaching systems
are one of the chief issues plaguing the Vietnamese instruction system
13. NATURE: Natural disasters can happen at anytime, and it's important to be prepared. 
14. HOLIDAY: A holiday is one of the most important parts of anyone's life
15. CRIME: Crime happens in impoverished regions as a result of systemic inequality.
16. PUNISHMENT: The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for society
17. ENGLISH: English language industry offers many job opportunities, it is often the
nominated language to use in many industries.

18. UNIFORM: School uniforms will reduce the amount of inappropriate clothes that students
19. ENVIRONMENT: The government should make policies to minimize the activities to
minimize the activities that affect the environment.
20. POLLUTION: Air pollution in Ho Chi Minh City in the worst in Viet Nam for a bumber
of reasons.
21. MEMORY: Memory loss can be caused by a lot of different things

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