Aspects of The Topic Readings

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Running head: SPIRITUALITY 1

What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting? What is your view of the

analysis of disease and healing in the readings? Explain


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What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting? What is

your view of the analysis of disease and healing in the readings? Explain

From the reading, the most interesting topic is the relationship between medicine and

science. Scientifics beliefs state that the human body is created to repair itself with time,

hence why the body can heal wounds and cuts (Honeycutt & Honeycutt, 2012). Additionally,

the body has an immune system which fights against diseases and infections. I find this topic

fascinating since though science, man has found a way to increase his life span, but the will

of God always prevails, as people still die after multiple medical procedures.

From the reading, the rapport between the healthcare process, which entails diagnosis

and treatment, and issue of spirituality. A disease is defined as a disorder in the natural

functioning of a human body, either from an infection or physical harm. On the other hand,

healing is the process which the body returns to its natural state. Healing is greatly associated

with spirituality since most spiritual people believe that it is natural for a body to heal.

However, through medicine and the healthcare process, the ability of a human body to heal

has been enhanced. A disease can be detected before causing too much harm to the human

body. After detection, the disease is given the appropriate treatment measure to allow for

healing and recovery.

As a spiritual person, the relationship between disease and healing fascinates me.

Although the body is supposed to heal naturally, with proper healthcare, the healing

processes are advanced. Additionally, some disorders which cannot heal naturally are

corrected with the help of medicine. For instance, although a cancer patient’s body might not

recover naturally, the patient’s life may be prolonged with the help of chemotherapy.


Honeycutt, J. D., & Honeycutt, J. C. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 8,088,057. Washington, DC:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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