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Discuss what resources are often necessary for nonacute care for cardiorespiratory issues.

Explain how they support patient independence and decrease readmission.

Non-acute care is meant for maintaining and the provision of long-term care to patients suffering
from chronic illnesses. It includes home health, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, long term care.
Health care leaders must equip with strong tools and resources to manage inventory and costs.
The purchasing structure of health system must designed based on the geographical needs of the
patient. Educate health care workers to make cost effective care decisions (Stewart, Manmathan,
& Wilkinson, 2017). Cardiorespiratory issues arise due to disruptions in the circulatory and
respiratory system which affects the functioning and capacity of the cardiorespiratory system. 

Furthermore, resources that are often necessary for non-acute care for cardiorespiratory issues
include community-based resources such as facilities, personnel, and funds that help in the
provision of critical care and supporting patients in managing long-term conditions (Baker &
Fatoye, 2019). In addition to that, non acute care for the cardiorespiratory issues involves taking
prevention as well as to reduce the risk of the disease. The patient should indulge in the physical
activities such as walking. Walking for at least 35 minutes daily can prevent the cardiovascular
disease by maintaining the blood pressure, healthy weight as well as reducing the high blood
glucose levels. People should adopt healthy lifestyle such as eating healthy foods, elimination of
alcohol consumption etc. They should avoid smoking, caffeinated beverages (Yusuf et al, 2015).

The regular monitoring of the health and getting regular checks can prevent the disease
occurrence as well as if the disease is at initial stage it can be cured easily. Taking medication on
time along with healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of readmission.


Baker, E., & Fatoye, F. (2019). Patient perceived impact of nurse-led self-management
interventions for COPD: A systematic review of qualitative research. International Journal of
Nursing Studies. 91, 22-34. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2018.12.004. 

Stewart, J., Manmathan, G., & Wilkinson, P. (2017). Primary prevention of cardiovascular
disease: A review of contemporary guidance and literature. JRSM cardiovascular disease, 6,
2048004016687211. doi:10.1177/2048004016687211
Yusuf, S., Wood, D., Ralston, J., & Reddy, K. S. (2015). The World Heart Federation’s vision
for worldwide cardiovascular disease prevention. The Lancet, 386(9991), 399-402

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