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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .




1 Watch author Paro Anand

2 Our ‘Wizard Corner’ on
3 In The Edition:
4 Also Coming Up: You Ask, Newspaper in

and Nayanika Mahtani on goes to Principals tell The Author Answers... WEB EDITION level two. The ‘How To’ section you how to cope with interactive QandA session with
TOIStudent/ will feature new DIYs the lockdown popular authors
Busting fake news “Save the planet" is just
HALDI-DOODH an expression of arro-
TO FIGHT gance. The planet was


COVID-19? here before we arrive,
NOT TRUE and will kick us out if we
don't respect it.

Whatsapp forward on fight-
WHAT: The government ing coronavirus by having hal-
announced the cre- THE DIFFERENCE: di-doodh or haldi with warm
water has been doing the rounds.
ation of PM-CARES to deal with the
coronavirus outbreak after the
While PM-CARES lists deal- While turmeric is a natural antibi-
otic with great healing properties,
ing with emergency situa- there is no research linking turmer- WE HAVE YOUR SAT/SUN COVERED
Prime Minister’s office received
tions “like posed by the ic’s benefits with protection from coro-
“spontaneous and innumerable navirus. “No matter how much of
Covid-19 pandemic”, the ON OUR FB
requests for making generous dona-
PMNRF lists providing Watch Ruskin Bond
tions to support the government in
relief to “families of those live at 6:30pm
the wake of this emergency”.
killed in natural calami- on Sunday at
ties” and bearing the https://www.facebook.c
“expenses for medical om/TOIStudent/
The fund fulfils the
WHY: “need for having a treatment” of needy peo-
dedicated national fund with the ple etc.
READ: James Potter and the Hall of
primary objective of dealing with Elders' Crossing
turmeric you have, it’s not a shield
any kind of emergency or distress situation, like posed against COVID-19 if you come in con- An unofficial work of fan fiction as fol-
by the Covid-19 pandemic”. It’s a public charitable trust The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) low-up to Harry Potter series. In this
with the PM as the chairman and Union defence, home
THE OTHER FUND: established in 1948 entirely with public contribu-
tact with an infected person,” informs
obstetrician Dr Puneet Bedi. The best we meet James Sirius Potter (son of
way to stay safe is by maintaining so-
and finance minister as other members. This fund will tions, also accepts voluntary contributions from individuals, organisations, trusts, cial distancing. Meanwhile, enjoy hal-
Harry Potter) in his first year at
enable micro-donations. companies and institutions etc, like what PM-CARES seeks to do. di-doodh – it’s good for health – but it Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
can’t save you from corona! Wizardry.

How to download: Find the book on

THANKS then click on
... for all the articles you have shared on how to cope with lockdown. Here download eBook beneath the book
are a few. We will post all the articles on description.

Trying to be more creative Netflix, yoga and the Routine has LISTEN: The Tale of Peter Rabbit by
Beatrix Potter on
and productive works... changed! The story is nar-
Staying at home and being away I kept thinking this lockdown will not I had plans to execute with friends
rated by actress Rose Byrne. It is about
from friends and school can be gloomy. affect me. After all, I can laze around!and family during vacations and was
a mischievous and disobedient young
But I am taking this lockdown with full Not surprisingly, I was wrong. After a heartbroken because those plans fell
Peter Rabbit as he gets into, and is
optimism and trying best to cope with few days of eating chips and watching flat! But I have learnt to cope. I
chased about, the garden of Mr
it. I took a personal inventory, and ‘Netflix’, I realised that this was revise last year’s school-
focused on tasks that I usually don’t work, play games
find time for in my busy schedule, Growing like the potted plant and chat with How to listen: Head to www.story-
like, cooking, and enjoying music. One afternoon, I was sitting near the potted plants family. I also keep and the book is avail-
Our school has also taken a great in my balcony and talking to them. A tendril of the in touch with able under their April Featured
initiative for online studies. I think all violet pansy curled around my fingers. This experi- friends online, learn Videos section.
of us should take this lockdown posi- ence was novel. Lockdown suddenly had a meaning – new skills.
tively and try to be more creative from being filled with a sense of languor, I felt a — Neha Varadharajan,
and productive. Class IX, The Orbis ACTIVITY
surge of creativity, life and a willingness to bond
— ANANYA SHARMA, J.M. International with my family, my friends. It was a feel- School, Pune If you could draft a letter to the
School, Delhi ing of growth... honourable PM of India, Shri
This lockdown time was a blessing in that waking up early and — Aadrit Banerjee, Class XI/A, Apeejay Self discovery Narendra Modi giving him ideas
Difficult at first, but now disguise. I worked on my lifestyle and watching the sunrise is indeed School, Park Street time for me on how to resolve the recession
all is well improved upon it. It made me realise a surreal experience. At first, issue... what would you write?
I took a positive approach
coping was difficult because Send us a well compiled letter in
becoming too old too being at home and using the time
after exams all we wanted to do not more than 70 words. Do send
Restarted old hobbies, taught life hacks to my daughter fast. I started clean- for self-reflection. Since I am avid
was to visit the malls. Anyway, reader I read books related to past your class, school and location
I start my day with a walk around the house and some yoga with our fami- ing my room and
now I have got into a routine history. I take up time to call my details. Some of your write-ups
ly. Apart from some work from home activities, I make it a point to spend proceeded to do
of reading good books and old friends and relatives bring up will be published Next Week.
quality time with family. Interestingly, I tried some different recipes yoga! Best deci-
helping my mom with house- the nostalgia which made me ten Rush in your mails to
which was fun. I have also restarted certain hobbies which I didn’t find sion.
hold chores. That’s good years younger.
time for earlier. Taught few things to my daughter, including life hacks GAYATRI HARIDAS,
too. with the subject
like cooking which I couldn’t do due to a busy schedule. class X D, DPS East, — CALISTA JAYANTHI, KG Coordinator
— VANSHIKA ATRI, Class IX 'Letter to
— T. Mahalakshmi, Librarian, National Model Senior Secondary School Bangalore ALG Met’School, Coimbatore
student, Delhi the PM'

Delhi Public School Whitefield, Bengaluru
bedlam: means a state of uproar and
The tiny tots of Delhi Public School,
he reappearance of Wuhan’s
What’s the right word? 1 confusion
Kollam, Kerala are spreading the
message of breaking the corona chain,
by staying safe at home.
(From left row wise: Kalhara (nursery),
T favourite breakfast noodles - hot
dry noodles - is a tasty sign that
life is slowly getting back to normal in the
Given below are four pairs of words and five pair
of sentences. In each case, choose the appropri-
ate word for each of the sentences.
Origin: from an asylum called Hospital of
St Mary of Bethlehem
jersey: a knitted material or a
Minha Firoz and Ravishankar RS
(preparatory) and Nandita Jayanth of
Chinese city at the epicenter of the global
coronavirus outbreak.
1. illicit / elicit
a) The detective tried to ……………………… fur- 2 sweater made from it
nursery, Aniruddha V (preschool), ther information from the witness. Origin: originally made in Jersey, one of
Shreyashankar R S (nursery), Johan b) The ………………….. possession of guns was the Channel Islands
Mithun ( preschool), Christina Maria his crime.
jovial: joyous and good
(nursery), Daksha R (prep), Meera Arun
(prep), Meera Arun (preparatory),
2. complement/compliment
a) Our full…………………..of staff will be available 3 humoured
Martha Stella Begin (prepatatory), next week. Origin: people born under the influence of
Avnitha Subi (nursery ), Kasa Ambu b) We must …………………. her on her efficiency. the planet Jupiter (Jove) are said to be of
(preschool) and Hanaan Bnd Jissam 3. ingenious/ingenuous happy disposition
(preparatory) a) Mary is ……………………. in spite of her out-
What is 'hot dry noodles'? sandwich: two slices (originally of
Have an interesting collage or
These noodles, also known as 'reganmian',
is a favourite snack, usually sold from carts
ward show of sophistication.
b) That is a most ……………….creation. 4 bread) with a filling in between
video to share? Or have you or in small restaurants. The noodles is as 4. eligible/illegible Origin: The Earl of Sandwich had a meal
STAY and your friends come up with much a trademark of Wuhan as deep-dish a) Correction becomes difficult when children’s prepared in this way to avoid interrupting
music to cope with the lock- writing is ………………. . a game of cards
HOME down? Tell us more at
pizza is for Chicago or spaghetti is for
b) She was not ……………….. to compete because
vandal: a person who damages beau-
log in to
People in the virus-hit city are now
flocking to carts to get their dry noodles - it
she was too old.
ANSWERS: 1. a) elicit, b) illicit; 2. a) complement,
5 tiful things

SAFE to post your articles/ views is a sign of how we humans have a strong b) compliment; 3. a) ingenuous, b) ingenious;
Origin: The Vandals were a race of people
who caused great destruction in Europe
online... desire to enjoy the familiar ‘taste and 4. a) illegible, b) eligible
about 1,500 years ago
smells’ post a calamity and the like.

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