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Which one of the following is not a Boson?

IGATE 19941
(a) He (b)H (c)He (d) photon
Theenergy of asingle particle in an infinite potential box is E.n? whereE hr2ma,n= 1, 2,3,..

three non-interacting bosons are in such a

(a) 3E potential box, the ground state energy of the systetn w
(b) 4E (c)6E GATE 1998|
. Twospin-|2 fermions having spins S, andS, interact via a potential V(r)= S, S,V,(r). The
ofthis potential in the singlet and triplet states, contributios
respectively, are GATE 20041
(a) (T) andV(r) (b)V,(r)andV,(r)
(c)(r)andV,(r) (dV,()and 4v,(r)
The wavetunctions
oftwo identical particles in state n and s are given by d, (r) and o. (r, ). respectively
The particles obey Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. The state ofthe combined two-particle system is
expressed as IGATE 2006|

(a) o. ()+o.(r,) (b) .G)4.(,)+0,()%. (r)]

0. (r:)-.(5,)%,(7)] (d) , (7)¢. (T,)

Consider the wavefunction y = y(i,+)x, for a fermionic system cons1sting oftwo spin-half particles. The

spatial part ofthe wavefunction is given by IGATE 2012

vi.) (E)%. (E)+0.(G)4,G)]

Where o, and o, are single particle states. The spin part x, of the wavefunction with spin states

andB should be

(a)ap-Ba) (b) a - B a ) (c) aa (d) pp

6 The ground state and the first excited state wave functions ofa one dimensional intinite potential well are
vi and . respectively. When two spin-up clectrons are placed in this potential, which one of the

following, with x and x, denoting the position ofthe two clectrons, correctly represents the space part of

the ground state wave function of the system? IGATE 20141

(a) i (x1)v2(1)-vi(2}V2( 2)] (b) V w2()+v()v(

(c) ( )w2(a1)+Vi(2}v2{) (d) 5 Vily)w2()-vilr;)v.(u)]

Which one of the following is a fermion?
IGATE 2014]
(a) a particle (b) Be nucleus (c) Hydrogen atom (d) Deuteron

The Paul1 matrices for three particles are o,, õ, and o,, respectively. The dimension ofthe Hilher
space required to define an operator O = ö, o, x o, ISs IGATE 2015|

Let the Hamiltonian for two spin and and

particlesof equal masses m, momenta p, p, positions r and

be H = P p mo ( +)+ ko, 6,, where o, and 6, denote thecorresponding Pauli

2m 2m
matrices, hw
=0.1el' and k =0.2 elV.If the ground state has net spin zero, then the energy (in e
IGATE 2015
10. Consider a system ofeight non-interacting, identical quantum particles of spin- ina one dimensional box of

length L. The minimum excitation energy of the system, in unitsof

is GATE 2015
11 If s and 5, are the spin operators of the two electrons of a He atom, the value of (5, 5,) for the ground
state is
IGATE 2016
(a) (b)-- (c) 0 (d)
12 A two-dimensional square rigid box ofside L contains six
non-interacting electrons at T= 0K. The mass

of the electron is The

ground state energy of the
system of electrons, in units
lits of
of - is
GATE 2016|
13. For a spin-%particle, let 1) and ) denote its spin up and spindown states, respectively. If

l)0)417) 19)U9-14W)) umpositestates

and are of two such particles,
which ofthe following statements is true for theirtotalspin $? IGATE20191
(a) S=I for la) and lb) is not an eigenstateof the operatorS
(6)1a)is not an eigenstateof the operator, S* andS= 0 for |b)
(c) S =0 for |a) and S =1 for |6)
(d) S= I for la), and S= 0 for 1b)
The minimum energyof a collection of6
non-interacting electrons of spin -

placed in a one
infinite square well potential of width L is
ICSIR Dec 20121
(a) 14Th?/mL2 (b) 91 h /mL (c) 7h/mL2 (d) 3h/ mL2

3. Consider a system oftwo non-interacting identical fermions, each ofmass m in an infinite

square well potential
the potential inside to be zero and ignore spin). The composite wavefunction for the
ofwidtha (Take
system with total energy
the well
S ICSIR June 2014]
(a)sin sin 27x (2TX1 sin
aL a a a

(b) Sin n sina

2T2 +Sin
aL a

a 2a sin (31tX2a sin
(d)sin cos**2-sin*2sin2||
(d)al a a a
hror sinNal spin- * partxlesot mass m are o n t a toa oncdimensional boxot length L, but are other
wN i e Aumng that they are nNHMeTNtng. the cixrgRSOf the lowest two enengy eigenstates in units of

CSIR Dec. 20181

() and o (6)6and9 (c) 6 and I1 (d) 3 and 9

Teiamihonian of twv nteracting partces, one wTth spin-I and the other with spun-, is given by

H 4S, SB(S,, +S,)

where S and S. denote the spin operators of the first and socond particles, respectively, and A and B are

larget eigenvalue of this Hamitonian is ICSIR Dec. 20191

pstne a n s t a n t s The

(a)4-36) (b) 3A+Bh )04+Bh) (d) 4h+3Bh

TwO spn emors of mas m are confined to move in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of widthL. If

(in unts of S
the arcks are knownto be inaspin uplet state, the ground state energy of the system 2ml
d)5 ICSIR Dec. 2019
(3) (c) 3

paricles All particles have the

same mas,
and four spin-
Aone-dineasional box contains one spin 0particle
and the first excited
=nE, n=l 23- The energies ofthe groundCSIR
hence he single particle energies are E, respectively, Dec. 2019
ofparticles are,
ofthe sysiem ofparticke energies ofthe system
c)1E and 14E (d) 10E and 13 E
10Eand 12E b)11 Eand20E
represenit the spin-upzrd
Thespatial part ofa two-electron state issvmmetricunderexchange.lfand state 1
spin-down states respectively ofeach particle, the spin-part ofthe two-particle
JEST 2012
(a )
(4)1)-1)4)E (a(4)1)-1)-)) 2
2 Consider a system oftwo spin-1/2 particles with total spin S =S, +S,, where S, and.S, are m termsof Paul
matrices o,. The spin triplet projection operator is JEST 2012
(a) (b) (C)5
The grond state energy of identical
monic oscillator potential of
spin-1/2 particles which are subject toa one-dimensional simple har-
o 15
JEST 2012
(a)ho b)ho (c)ho (d) 5ho
Two electrons are confined in a one dimensional box o 1cugth L. 1l Lue Vc-electron states are given by
y.(x)=V2/L sin (nrx/L). What would be the ground state
are aranged to have the same spin state? wave function y(x, x- ) ifboth electons
JEST 2013]
b) vxx,) =


d) v(x,x.)-<sin L
ASumple model ofa helium-like atomwith electron-electron interaction is replaced by Hooke's law örce s

described by hamiltonian(}+V:}+mo (+)-mor i-Ef. What isthe exaxt ground sate


energy? JEST 20131

(a) E-ho1+V1+2) ) E- A)

(c) E-hov1- d) E-hof1+/-)

. The lov quantum mechanical energy ofa particle confined ina one-dimensional box of size Lis 2 eV.

for a system of three non-interacting spin-1/2 par

r g y of the quantum mechanical ground
JEST 2014]
ticles is
(a) 6 eV (b) 10eV
(c) 12 eV

Suppose the spin degrees offreedom ofa 2-paticle system can bedeseribed bya 21-dimensional Hilbert
Subspace. Which among the following could be the spin ofone of the particles? |JEST 2017

(What 6) . (C) (d) 2

8. is the diflerence between the maximum and the minmum eigenvalues of a system ot two electrons whose
Hamiltonian is H+ JS, S,, where S, and S, are the coresponding spin angular momentum operators of
two electrons?
JEST 2018
(a) 4 (b) /2 (c) 3./4 (d)J
9. Suppose the spin degree of fYeedom
of two particles (non-zero rest and mass and non-zero spin) is described
completelybya Hilbert space of dimension twenty one. Which ofthe following could be the spin of one of the
particles? JEST 2018
(a) 2 (b) 3/2 (c) (d) 1/2
10. Consider two coupled harmonic oscillators ofmass m each. The Hamiltonian describing the oscillators is

h-2m 2m
The eigenvalues of H are given by (with n, and n, being non-negatlive integers)
(a) E =ho(n, +n, +1)

(c) a h JEST 20181

I1. Consider a system of 1S non-interacting spin-polarized electrons, They are trapped in a two dimensional

isotropic harmonic oscillator potential V(s, y) =;mo (r*+y). The angularfrequency a issuch that hao=1
in some chosen unit. What is the ground stateenergyof the system in the same units? JEST 2019
w T
A system consists of two identical particles, cach of which can be in any one
of the two quantum states. The
allowed states are
(a) 3 symmetric and antisymmetric (b) I symmetric and 3 antisymmetric
(c)l symmetric and 1 antisymmetrIc (d) 3 symmetric and 3 antisymmetrnc

0.for 0Sx SL
Considera onedimensional nfinite square well potential x)= othe
If two dentical non- interacting bosons occupy the lowest two energy levels, the unnomalzed wavefunction
of the combined svstem is
given by
(a) V,.X) =sin

b) v.x,) = sinsin
Jsin L(2TX
2 TX
(c) (.X,) =sin sin 27TX
L +sin TL sin L

(d) v(x.x, ) =- sin

in 27TX 4+ Sin
L 20sin

in L
0 SxL
Consider a one-dimensional infinite square well potential V(x) =

Ifeach ofthe lowest two energy levels are occupied byidentical non-interacting bosonic particles(one in each
ievel). then the unnomalized wave function ofthe combined system is:

(a) v ( X . X2 ) = sin TAL

sin 27
(b)(x. :) )=sin TTXJsin isin 2
Sin 2x
(c) vX) =

sin L |sin sinsin snL

(d) vx .X,) =sinsin sin insin
Lithium has threeelectronsin the state v, (F);v2() and v3().
The wavefunction of the three electrons (together) can be written as
(a) v, ( Jv. (F )v, (r) (b) ( v,()-v,(v:(Fv.())
) v Vi)v,)
(c) (,()u, ()+viGv,(G)v, (F)) d) ( ) V:() v,()
Considera system of two spin-halfparticles,in a state with total spin quantum number S 0. Theeigenvalue
of the spn Hamilonian H A S, S, (A is a positive constant) in this state is:

(a) Ah4 (b) Ah 4 (c) 3A/4

(d)-3Ah 4
6. What isthe groundstate energy of six non-interacting electrons in a 2-dimensional, isotropic, simple harmon
oscillator charactenzed by o?
(a) 3ho (b) 5ho (c) 10 ho (d) 12 ho

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