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we have discussed that the number of forces acting on body can be replaced by resultant force.
Resultant force is a net force acting on a body. The body will have tendency to move in the direction of
resultant force. But if the resultant of all the forces acting on a body is zero, then body will remain at rest
This is called as equilibrium.

Equilibrium can be defined as, "when resultant of all the forces acting on a body is zero, then that body is
said to be in equilibrium“.
Conditions of Equilibrium

Resultant force acting on a body is given by

Therefore, for resultant to be zero, Rx; and Ry must be equal to zero. If resultant of given forces is zero,
then body will not translate. But, if the body is acted upon by two equal, opposite and parallel forces,
forming a couple, then the resultant of forces forming a couple is Zero. But there will be moment due to
forces forming a couple acting on a body i.e. , then the body will have tendency of rotation. A body in
equilibrium will neither have tendency to translate nor to rotate. Hence, for equilibrium, resultant force
and resultant moment must be equal to zero.

Hence, the conditions of equilibrium are

Support Reactions

A body can not move in all the directions. Restriction to the motion of a
body in any direction is called as support. e.g., Consider a cylinder of
weight W resting on a horizontal surface as shown in Fig.(a) Its motion in
downward direction is restricted by the horizontal surface. i. e., the
horizontal surface" is supporting the cylinder. Hence, horizontal surface is
called as support.
The action of the cylinder is to press the horizontal surface at point 'N in downward direction. By
Newton's Third law to every action, there is equal and opposite reaction. Hence, the horizontal surface
will exert a reaction RA in opposite direction i.e., in upward direction as shown in Fig. (b)

Types of Support and Support Reactions

(1) Frictionless or Smooth Support

In frictionless or smooth support, reaction acts perpendicular to the

contact surface and towards the body.
(2) Knife edge support

In knife edge support, reaction acts perpendicular to the point of contact.

(3) Roller support

In roller support reaction acts perpendicular to the contact surface.

(4) Hinge Support

In hinge support, motion is restricted in horizontal and vertical direction. Hence, . there are two reactions,
one in horizontal direction (Rx) and other in vertical direction (Ry).

(5) Fixed support / Built in Support

In fixed support, motion is restricted in horizontal and vertical direction. 'Therefore, two components of
reaction, RAx' RAy. Rotational motion is also restricted, hence there will be resistive I fixing moment, i.e.,
Problem 1

A body at rest is subjected to the action of forces

as shown in Fig. Find the forces P and Q if the
system is in equilibrium.
Problem 2
Two equal loads of 2500 N are supported by a
flexible string ABCD at point B and C. Find the
tension in the portion AB, BC, CD of the string.
Problem 3
Three smooth rollers are supported between
stationary surfaces as shown in Fig. Find the
reactions at on point of contacts.
Problem 4
Determine the force P applied at 45° to the
horizontal, just necessary to start a roller 100cm
diameter over an obstruction 25cm high, if the
roller weighs 1000 N. Also find the magnitude and
direction of P when it is minimum.
To find Pmin let the angle made by force P with
horizontal is .

(i) When the roller is about to start over the block,

it will loose contact with the ground and hence, For P to be minimum, denominator sin (150 - ) must
there will not be any reaction at point 1 between be maximum and maximum of sin(150 - )= 1
the roller. :. R1 = 0 as shown in Fig.
Problem 5 FBD of Q :
Three identical smooth rollers each of weight
Wand radius 'R' are in equilibrium between two
smooth inclined surfaces as shown in Fig. Find the
minimum angle '' for equilibrium of three rollers.

When the inclination of the plane will be minimum,

rollers P and R will tend to move away from each
other and losses contacts at point 5. Hence, reaction
R5 will be zero (R5 = 0). .
FBD of P :

Identify the point of contacts of rollers with

inclined "surfaces as 1 and 2. Rollers are in contact
with each other at points 3, 4 and 5. As the rollers
are of same size (identical), joining" their centres
will form an equilateral triangle. Reactions at point
3,4 and 5 i.e., R3, R4 and R5 will be along the line
joining the centre of the rollers.
Two Force Member

When any member i. e., Rod is connected at its

ends by frictionless pins or frictionless hinges, no
force acts between the ends, no couple acts in
between the ends, then such a member is called as
two force member. In two force member, resultant
reaction always acts along the axis of the member,
It is subjected to axial force only, which may be
tensile or compressive in nature. FED of two force
member is not required for the solution of
problem. Draw FBD of bodies where two force
member is connected.
Problem 6
Determine reactions at A, B and C for the frame
shown in Fig.

Rod AB is a two force member because no force
and couple is acting between A & B, we have to
draw FBD of BC. Force in the rod AB (FAB) is acting
along axis,(at 60°). It can be either tensile. or As AB is a two force member, reaction at A i.e. RA,
compressive. will be equal to axial force FAB induced, in the rod AB.

RA = FAB = 1154.7N
Problem 7
A frame is loaded and supported as shown in Fig.
Find forces in rod AB and BC.

Both rods AB and BC are two force member.

Hence, no need to draw their FBD, rather FBD of
their point of intersection i.e. B is sufficient to
solve the problem.
Problem 8 FBD of Cylinder A:
Two cylinders of weight 2000 N and 1000 N are
resting on smooth inclined planes as shown in
Fig. They are connected by a weightless bar AB.
Find the magnitude of the force P required to
hold the system in equilibrium.

FBD of Cylinder B:

Rod AB is a two force member as it is weightless,

no force and couple is acting between ends A and
B. Hence, FBD of AB is not required. It can be
replaced by force FAB acting along the axis of rod.
FBD of cylinder A should be considered first as it
contains less number of unknowns compared to
Problem 9
Determine the reactions at the points of contact
1, 2 and 3. Assume smooth surfaces.

MA = 1 kg,
MB= 4 kg
RA =1 Cm
RB = 4 Cm

Reaction at point 2 will be along the line joining
the centre of two cylinders i.e. AB. But the given
data is not sufficient to determine the
inclination() of line AB.
Hence combined FBD of A and B can be drawn
for the analysis. so that as cylinders are not
separated from 2, the reaction R2 will not
appear in this FBD and we can find reactions R1
and R3·
Problem 10
A roller of weight W = 1000 N rest on a smooth
inclined plane. It is kept from rolling down the
inclined plane by a string AC. Find the tension in
the string and the reaction at the point of contact

By Lami's theorem
Problem 11
A man raises a 12. kg joist of length 4 m by pulling
the rope. Find the tension in the rope and the
reaction at A

Problem 12
The beam AB is hinged at A and supported at B by
a vertical cord which passes over a frictionless
pulley at C and carries at its end a load P = 40 KN
as shown in Fig.; Determine the distance 'x' from
A at which a load Q = 80 KN must be placed on
the beam if it is to remain in equilibrium in a
horizontal position. Also find pin reactions A and
Problem 13
A weightless bar is placed in a horizontal position
on the smooth inclines as shown in Fig. Find 'x' at
which the 200 N force should be placed from
point B to keep the bar horizontal.
Problem 14
A 30 kg collar may slide on a frictionless vertical
rod and is connected to a 34 kg, counter weight.
Find the value-of 'h' for which the system is in

From Fig. in triangle ADB

Collar can slide in vertical direction over the rod.

Collar . can not move in horizontal direction.
Hence, there will be a reaction RA between
collar and rod in horizontal' direction.
Problem 15
Determine the reactions at the supports of the
beam as shown in Fig.

Solution : Refer F.B.D. of beam AB given in Fig.

Problem 16
Determine the support reactions of the beam
as shown in Fig.

Solution : Refer F.B.D. of beam AB given in Fig.

Problem 17
Find the reactions at the support of the beam
applying conditions of equilibrium.

Solution : Refer F.B.D. of beam AB given in Fig.

Problem 18
Find the reactions at the supports of the beam AB
loaded as shown in Fig.

Solution : Refer F.B.D. of beam AB given in Fig.

Problem 19
Find analytically the support reaction at B and the
load P, for the beam shown in Fig., if reaction at
support A is zero.

Solution : Refer F.B.D. of beam AB given in Fig.

Problem 20
A beam AB of span 3m, overhanging on both
sides is loaded as shown in Fig. Determine the
reactions at the supports A and B.
Problem 21
A beam AB 5 m long, supported on two
intermediate supports 3 m apart, carries a
uniformly distributed load of 0.6 KN/m. The beam
also carries two concentrated loads of 3 KN at left
hand end A, and 5 KN at the right hand end B as
shown in Fig. Determine the location of the two
supports, so that both the reactions are equal

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