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Individual Assignment 3
(Number 53: Leadership)

Prepared for:
Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohamed Fadzil bin Che Din

Prepared by:
Name : Nurul Shafiqah binti Tarmize

Matrix Number : 2191047

Group : 2ZP45B

Submission Date : 5th August 2021

Identify (1) issue, phenomena, variable or things related to decision making (DM). Explain
the meaning and the importance in decision making (DM) and its impact on conflict

Decision making is a complex-phenomena which is thoroughly interwoven in everyday

life. The decision-making process is a vital leadership role that is progressively getting complex
owing to technology and politic-socio-economic aspects. Decision making has evolved as one of
the most dynamic, continuing, demanding, and active topics of leadership research in
organizational leadership and management operations. Leaders with strong decision-making skills
can think strategically from a variety of opportunities. Leadership is more than just a formal
position, power, authority, behavior, personality trait, a set of important objectives,
delegation, charisma and inspiration, and charisma. Everything must be all-encompassing,
ongoing, strategic, systemic, productive, positive, as accomplishment, mission and vision
fulfillment, team building, success, and profit making.

Leadership is a skill that is required for leaders and managers in order to ensure the
organization manages to achieve the objectives. Every company's sustainability is dependent on
how its leaders make decisions that influence everyone in the organization. These are the decisions
that result in large resource commitments, which have a considerable influence on the business as
a whole and its long-term success. Leaders must know what decisions to make while keeping all
employees in consideration. Followers will be less devoted to the team if their leaders have doubts
about the organization's decisions. Employees' active participation should be incorporated in most
decision-making processes because the employees are the ones who put these decisions into
action. Leaders must be able to both lead and manage. Otherwise, the organizations will suffer
extinction if they do not properly lead and manage.

Definition of Leadership

Leadership can be defined as the act of persuading others to achieve their aims; followers
may be less devoted to the team if the leader questions their judgments. It can also be defined as
the ability to influence the behavior of others. It is also described as the ability to persuade a group
to work toward a common objective. Leaders must create future visions and inspire organizational
members to desire to attain those objectives. Leaders are not like other individuals in that they do
not require the "proper stuff," which is not equally present in all people. Self-confidence, excellent
communication and managerial abilities, creative and inventive thinking, tenacity in the face of
failure, readiness to take chances, openness to change, and levelheadedness and reactiveness in
times of crisis are all qualities of an effective leader. Some people can learn to lead via their regular
experiences. Furthermore, some people do not possess positions of power or corporate titles, but
they nevertheless exhibit leadership via their actions and skills to inspire others to act on their
dreams for something greater than the status quo. A leader brings the team together by clearly
establishing goals and communicating objectives so that every member of the team understands
the ultimate goal they are working toward. By defining and enforcing deadlines, they also keep
the team on track and moving ahead. An excellent leader does this by monitoring each team
member's development and assisting them in resolving any difficulties before they become major

Importance of Leadership in Decision Making.

In an organization, the leader will always face challenges where they have to make wise
decision. Since the employees will only follow the instructions from the employer, it is very
important for the leader or employer to choose the best decision that would satisfy majority of the
organization. At times, the leader may find it impossible to make a decision that satisfy everyone
in the organization. And when this happens, the leader needs to make decision that would benefit
majority of the employees and that will help to reach the organization’s objectives. Decision
making is very crucial in effective leadership. Some people may have weaker leadership because
they are not good in decision making. In some circumstances, leaders need to make decision on
time and in some other circumstances, the decision has to be discussed with others before being
proceed. All employees in every organization depends on the decisions and policies that their
leader makes for them, it is important the for leaders to develop effective decision-making skills
and strategies. All leaders should always consider the participation and involvement of their
workers in some decision making in the organization because research has shown that
organizations are as good as they people that work for them. Employee involvement results in
superior quality decisions which produce encouraging organizational and personal outcomes.
Hence, the leader needs to decide which situation requires which style of decision making.

Wrong decision will leave a huge impact to not only individuals, but to organization as
well. Wrong decision may hunt one for a very long period of time. When viewed as an indecisive
leader, a manager's failure to make a choice may generate confusion among employees and disrupt
overall productivity and efficiency. The employees will lose respect to the leader as they might
think that the leader is incapable of leading the organization. Great leaders also know when to act
fast and continue with the knowledge at hand, and when to take their time and acquire more
information. Leaders must know when to quit when they want to seek new information or paths.
While a huge amount of data may be beneficial in an ideal world, the data collection procedure
may be time-consuming, and the massive amount of data can also be paralyzing, diverting attention
away from the larger picture or crucial data points.

Great leaders know how to combine emotion and logic in order to make decisions that
benefit themselves, their workers, their customers and stakeholders, and their companies. Making
excellent judgments in challenging situations is no easy task since they include change,
uncertainty, worry, tension, and often the unpleasant reactions of others. Leaders who remain
transparent in the manner in which they make decisions and why they choose different styles,
dependent on the type of decision, are able to build trust and respect. Making decisions is what
leaders and managers do every day in their individual workplace. Thus, apart from individual or
group outcomes, leadership decision making is at the heart of virtually all management work and
a key driver of organizational outcomes. A manager who not only has common sense, but has the
ability to act quickly in any given situation is viewed more favorably among the employees.
Decision making does not allow for second guessing. A manager must make the determination
based on the facts presented, and proceed with a quick and professional judgment.

Impact of Leadership on Conflict Management.

Conflict management is described as the capacity to recognize and resolve problems in an

efficient and equitable manner. On a daily basis, leaders must deal with dispute resolution. Leaders
must remember to deal with the problem and resist the temptation to become embroiled in
unrelated topics. Leaders must ensure that they interact with their teams on a regular basis and that
they define a vision. Conflict in the workplace can have a negative influence on employee
performance and impede the attainment of corporate goals. Leaders are frequently faced with
handling conflict smoothly. Identification of the conflicting source requires a detailed examination
of the issue. Doing things that others do not want to undertake is part of being a leader. This
involves resolving conflicts. When addressing only one person's point of view, the leader must use
caution. The leader must acquire knowledge, become more self-aware, and be prepared for the
unexpected. A goal for conflict management should be defined, and tactics tailored to achieve that
objective should be executed. This strategic strategy might help the leader stay on track and solve
the problem at hand. A leader's job description includes conflict management. Developing abilities
in conflict resolution in the workplace via self-awareness, communication, respect, and
appreciation for others are critical components of a leader's job in ensuring conflict is handled and
organizational goals are emphasized. Conflict is managed will determine whether the outcome will
be positive and productive, or negative and destructive. Leaders are taught to lead change,
development, and transformation in organizations. One-way leaders can accomplish their goals is
through effective conflict management.

Conflict is unavoidable regardless of the situation or persons involved. To get a

constructive outcome from conflict, leaders and teams must realize that conflict not only exists,
but is also necessary. Understanding conflict enables leaders to manage it more effectively and can
pave the way for positive outcomes. Conflict management may be an active force that allows
leaders to cultivate healthy relationships within their businesses, which can lead to successful
productivity. Disagreement resolution must be part of a leader's toolkit and used when conflict
develops within a team or organization. If conflict is not resolved in a timely way, it can have a
negative impact on the morale of the organization as well as cause greater problems later on. If
this occurs, it may be more difficult to settle than if the issue had been addressed promptly and
efficiently. Leaders must be able to perceive conflict as a source of problems inside their team or
company. If they can use their leadership abilities to determine which conflict-handling mode is
needed for each circumstance, they may create an opportunity to enhance team structure and
dynamics, eventually achieving their objective of changing, developing, and transforming
organizations. When dealing with conflict resolution through an opportunity lens, conflict can be
a healthy enabler of growth for your organization as well as professional advancement for all
parties involved. Effective leaders understand that the most real relationships with their workers,
clients, and external partners do not begin until there is some sort of friction between them.

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