Powerfull Presentation Skills

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“Powerfull Presentation Skills”

Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

Ivo Selvia Agusti, SE., M.Si

By Group 3
1.Rendy Indrawan S. Siahaan 7212444008
2.Santa Lusia Sianturi 7213144012
3.Friska Mei Rospita Sibuea 7213144019
4.Windah Sulastri Gultom 7213344002
5.Chintia Agave L. Sianturi 7212444007
6.Fadhila Khairunnisa Mukhtar 7211144004
7.Meylia Andini 7213344003

Prodi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran

Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Negeri Medan
A. Meaning of Skill
Skill is an ability to use reason, mind, ideas and creativity in doing, changing or also
making something more meaningful so that it produces a value from the results of the
The person who is said to be skilled is a person who is in the work or completion of a
job, done quickly, correctly and precisely according to the instructions requested.

B. Meaning of Presentation
A presentation is an active activity in which a speaker conveys and communicates
ideas and information to a group of audiences. Presentation is a form of oral report on a
particular fact to a communicant.

C. Why Do You Need Powerful Presentation Skills?

 To be able to give presentations with confidence, competence and clarity

 To develop and use factual, logical and interesting supporting material
 To use non-verbals to add power to your presentation
 To control nervousness
 To answer questions effectively
 To handle yourself with poise and confidence while addressing a group


Any public speaking situation is made up of four major components:

 The Audience
 The Occasion
 The Speech
 The Speaker

Each affects the other. If a speech is well written, yet the delivery unpolished, it takes
away from you the speaker achieving your purpose. If you can't communicate your
message, it does not matter how brilliant that message is. If you don't know your
audience, you will not be able to tailor your message to meet their expectations. If the
occasion is celebratory and your speech is serious, you may find yourself in an
uncomfortable situation.

The Audience

Even before beginning preparation of your speech, it is essential to know whom

you will be talking to. An analysis of the audience will often dictate the approach that
you will take in writing your speech. An audience of senior executives will differ greatly
from a group of new hires. In the same way that you design products for the consumer,
you will design speeches for the specific audience you want to reach.

The effective speaker tries to gather as much audience data as possible before,
during and after the speech. Before the speech gather your information from program
organizers, organizational literature, newspaper stories, casual contacts and office
personnel. During your speech your best source of information will be the non-verbal
(sometimes verbal) cues given by the audience. After your speech you can sometimes
remain a few minutes and ask audience members how they liked it.

The Occasion

The occasion will help you determine your subject matter. If it is to be a

presentation to generate new business for your company, then you will most likely be
part of a team, and have a very specific subject to speak about. If your audience has been
forced to assemble and has no idea that your talk is to be about cutbacks and layoffs,
then you need to plan enough time for a question-and-answer period. Know exactly
what the occasion is before you begin to prepare your presentation.

You will also need to find out about the facility you will be speaking in — what
kind of equipment will be supplied (VCR, slide projector, overhead projector, easel, flip
chart) and what you will need to supply yourself. It is up to you as the speaker to make
sure all necessary arrangements are made and to arrive early enough to ensure
everything is set up to your satisfaction, or to make any needed adjustments.

The Speech

Creating, writing, and delivering an effective speech involves following ten steps: They

 Step 1 — Type of Speech

 Step 2 — Develop a Central Theme
 Step 3 — Collect the Data
 Step 4 — Select the Method of Organization
 Step 5 — Outline Your Speech
 Step 6 — Introduce Your Speech
 Step 7 — The Body of Your Speech
 Step 8 — Supporting Materials
 Step 9 — The Conclusion
 Step 10 — Handling the Q & A's
The Speaker

As the speaker, you will be the center of attention. For most people, that can be
an uncomfortable experience leading to physical as well as emotional symptoms of
stress. Successful speakers harness that stress and turn it into a feeling of excitement
and anticipation. You, too, can become a more confident and relaxed presenter by using
these time-tested techniques:

Before or during your speech, your mouth or throat may become dry because
you are nervous or because talking brings in air which dries your mouth. Drinking
room-temperature water with lemon will keep you from going dry.

If you are unsure how to present yourself, remember to SOFTEN:

 Smile
 Open Stance
 Forward Lean
 Tone of voice is warm and professional
 Eye contact with different members of the audience
 Nodding to convey understanding and to keep things positive

E.What Makes A Presentation Powerful?

These 4 characteristics of a Powerful Presentation will encourage audience engagement

and help you stay comfortable:

1) Eye Contact
Focus for 3-5 seconds on an individual audience member before moving to
another for 3-5 seconds. You want to see each person looking back to create a
moment of connection. More than anything else, this keeps you centered and your
audience engaged.
2) Animation

Use your hands and body to help you tell your story. Extend energy into your gestures.

3) Movement

Move purposefully and intentionally throughout the room, and when you stop, be
still; don't wander or rock back and forth.

4) Voice
Vary projection, pitch, and pace to engage your audience and reflect the different
points of your message. And don't forget to pause now and then for effect


 https://pendidikan.co.id/pengertian-keterampilan-macam-contoh-dan-
 https://edwardlowe.org/how-to-develop-powerful-presentation-skills/
 https://www.managementstudyguide.com/effective-presentation-skills.htm

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