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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment,

selection and induction of staff
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to execute tasks associated with the
recruitment cycle and apply in-depth knowledge of the work of the organisation, and how
recruitment and selection practices fit with other human resources functions.

This unit applies to individuals who support recruitment, selection and induction functions under the
direction of a human resource manager.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

To achieve competency in this unit students must demonstrate their ability to:
1. Plan for recruitment
2. Plan for selection
3. Support selection process
4. Induct successful candidate

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
● prepare job descriptions
● use job descriptions to support sourcing, selecting and appointing suitable staff
● use different advertising channels to promote vacancies and/or establish a potential talent
● consult with managers to gain approvals
● develop selection criteria and interview questions in consultation with relevant personnel
● schedule interviews and advise relevant people of times, dates and venues
● participate in interviews and other selection techniques including assessing candidates
against selection criteria to short list them
● obtain referees' reports
● prepare and distribute a selection report including feedback to give unsuccessful
● advise unsuccessful candidates of the results
● secure preferred candidate’s agreement and provide an employment contract
● advise other staff of the successful candidate and arrange induction.

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
● identify documentation required for recruitment, selection and induction
● explain human resources life cycle and the place of recruitment and selection
● identify legislation relevant to recruitment, selection and induction of staff
● describe channels and technology to advertise vacancies
● explain a range of interviewing techniques and other selection processes and their

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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff


General Assessment Information

This information is designed to provide you with a full overview of the tasks you need to
successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit.
You must achieve a satisfactory performance in each of the assessment tasks in order to be
deemed competent in the relevant unit. Where necessary, the assessment tasks are divided into
parts or steps. These are designed to take you through a step by step approach to completing the

First and foremost, please contact your assessor to discuss any necessary adjustments that may
need to be made prior to completing these tasks. The instructions for each of the assessment
tasks are logically sequenced. If you have any questions, contact your assessor immediately. If
there is a practical component to your assessment, you will need to discuss the arrangements for
its completion with your assessor in advance.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Once you have completed all of the tasks, complete the Assessment Cover Sheet, sign the
declaration and forward along with your documentation to your assessor. It should be uploaded
along with the assessment on to the RTO manager.

Submitting Assessment Tasks

All written assessment tasks must be typed and submitted with the provided cover sheet.
Your trainer/assessor will tell you when assessments are due. It is your responsibility to ensure that
assessment tasks are submitted on or before their due date.
Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated with your trainer in specific
circumstances. You must request this prior to the due date, and extensions due to illness will
require a medical certificate. Extensions will be confirmed by your trainer/assessor.
Where assessment tasks are submitted following the conclusion of the unit of competency without
a medical certificate or extension, a late submission fee for each assessment task will be charged.

Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessment tasks: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires
more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when you have achieved S for all
completed assessment tasks and by meeting all the performance criteria. If you fail to meet this
requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be
re-assessed according to George Brown College policy.
If you are deemed Not Competent by your assessor and require re-assessment, you will be
informed of the process. A fee may be charged according to George Brown College policy.
If all assessment tasks are not completed for a qualification, a certificate will not be awarded. A
Statement of Attainment for completed units of competency will be provided.

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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Your Results
Your assessor is committed to providing you with detailed feedback on the outcomes of the
assessment and will provide guidance on areas for improvement. In most instances, you should
only need to complete the sections of the assessment that were deemed not satisfactory. However,
it is important to remember that depending on the task, it may be necessary to repeat the whole
task (for example presentations or the delivery of a training session).
You are entitled to view your results at any time by asking your trainer/assessor.

Reasonable Adjustment
George Brown College supports individual differences in the learning environment and provides
‘reasonable adjustment’ in training and assessment activities to support every learner. If you have
any special needs that make it difficult for you to complete your learning or assessments, you
should discuss this with your assessor beforehand and will be provided with reasonable
alternatives to assist you to complete the required tasks such as completing tests verbally or using
an interpreter.

What happens if you do not agree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, or disagree with the decision once it is made,
or believe that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal. The first step is to discuss the
matter with your trainer.
If you still do not agree with the results, refer to the GBC Complaints and Appeals Policy and speak
to the Student Services Team.

While we may not be in a position to assist you with language training or specific LLN training, our
assessors will work with you to ensure that you are supported throughout your qualification. If you
require individual tutoring this may attract an additional fee (see Student Handbook). Support may
be offered by your assessor, or for more specialist support you may need to contact GBC

A Note on Plagiarism and Referencing

Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people are presented as
your own. Information, ideas etc. quoted or paraphrased from another source such as the Internet,
must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas and
the source listed in brackets. You must also list the sources at the end of your assessment.
Sources of information, ideas etc. must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s surname
(including author’s full name, name of document/ book / internet etc. and year and place of
publishing) or may be included in brackets in the text.
As a general rule it is advisable to never copy another person’s work. Should it appear that a
student’s work has been copied or does not appear to be authentic, you will be asked to speak to
your Course Coordinator and required to re-submit it. A fee may be charged according to George
Brown College policy.

Contacting the RTO

If you should need further support or assistance please do not hesitate to contact The Student
Services Team.

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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
There are two assessments for this unit:

1. Written Questions
For this assessment, you are to read the questions and respond in writing with the most suitable
answer. There are twelve questions, all of which must be completed. Most questions require short
answers although some questions require a more detailed response. You may use various sources
of information including workbooks, internet and other documents, but must list and reference your
sources. Your assessor will advise you when this is due.

2. Project
For this project you are required to demonstrate you can support the recruitment, selection and
induction process for a business.
This is a major project with four (4) stages:
● Stage 1: preparing for recruitment
● Stage 2: preparing for and documenting the selection process
● Stage 3: participating in a recruitment interview; and
● Stage 4: planning and organising the induction.
This is based on a simulated business. You are required to go through the recruitment and
selection process and complete the required documents including job description, position
specification and advertisement.
Several tasks involve the need to consult with managers and other employees. You will need to
form a team of 3 or 4 colleagues who will act as a management team.

You are required to undertake a recruitment interview of 3 candidates for the position for which you
are recruiting. This will be observed by your assessor.
Your assessor will advise when this is due.

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For this assessment you are required to complete tasks associated with the recruitment cycle, and
apply in-depth knowledge of the work of the organisation, and how recruitment and selection
practices fit with other human resources functions. You must demonstrate your ability to:
● Plan for recruitment
● Plan for selection
● Support selection process
● Induct successful candidate
You are to base this project on the simulated business in the scenario below.
In order to do this project, you will need to form a team of 3 or 4 managers or supervisors, played
by other students.
Please note that even though you will be consulting with the team, this is not a group
assignment, and you must submit your own work.
In order to complete this project, you need to undertake and complete a number of practical tasks
over a period of time.
This project is in four (4) stages; each with a number of tasks. Each stage will be based around the
same business scenario.
Your assessor will advise when this project is to be submitted.
To complete this project you should use suitable software for recruitment and selection. Ask your
assessor if you have any questions.

You are the supervisor working in a section in a supermarket. You are in charge of several
employees and must assist the Shift Manager and Recruitment Manager to recruit new staff as
required. You have been put in charge of planning the recruitment and selection and preparing
the documents.
The shop employs sales staff, shelf fillers, checkout staff, supervisors, managers, storeroom
assistants, visual display assistants and clerical assistants. Many of the staff are students or
casual workers so the shop has a high turnover of staff and you need to recruit on a regular
The supermarket is now looking for another supervisor to supervise the sales team.
You will need to form a ‘management team’ with two (2) other colleagues. At various stages of
the project you will be required to consult with them and seek their feedback on some of the
work you have done.

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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Stage 1: Planning the recruitment
You need to employ a new person for one of the jobs in the business above.
1. Meet with your management team to identify the position for which you are going to recruit.
Discuss the requirements for the job, the strategy for recruiting and the timelines for recruitment.
You will need approximately 30 – 60 minutes for this meeting.
Write notes from the meeting including:
● a brief description of the business i.e. name, services provided, etc.
● what the person in the position will do
● whether or not it will be full-time or part time, casual or permanent position etc.
Note: you must each draft up notes on the above requirements for assessment purposes.

2. Prepare a detailed job description for the job for which you are recruiting.
Check the job description to make sure that it complies with the company policies and procedures
(Appendix), and relevant legislation such as Equal Employment Opportunity, and any health and
safety considerations.
3. Meet with your team to seek their feedback on the job description and to obtain their approval to
go ahead with advertising the position. Make notes on the outcomes of the meeting. You should
make sure that each job description:
● accurately reflects the job
● provides all necessary information for applicants to apply
● is compliant with the Company Policies and Procedures on Recruitment & Selection of staff
● is compliant with relevant legislation.
The meeting should take approximately 30 minutes.

Stage 2: Planning the selection

Having decided on the requirements of the job you will be recruiting you must now assist in the
recruitment and selection process.
1. Firstly you must decide on how you are going to advertise. Choose at least two (2) suitable
channels and the technology to advertise the vacancy. Include consideration of any networks
where you might source suitable applicants.
You must ensure that the advertisement channels selected:
● follow your company Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures (Appendix)
● are appropriate for the type of job being advertised
● will reach a wide range of suitable candidates.
Write a brief report (in the form of an email to the Recruitment Manager, or your supervisor) on
your two selected methods and the reasons for your choice, submit it and seek approval. (Your
assessor will act in this role)
2. Write up the documents you will need including:
● a detailed position specification

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● two (2) advertisements for the position using different media including an internet
advertisement (approx. 200 words) and a print-based advertisement (approx. 30 lines) for the
Following your advertising, you have received several applications for the position. Many of
these were from people who did not provide all the necessary information or who had just left
school and had no working experience. Your team has decided that you need people who
can start work immediately with minimum training and have narrowed it down to three
applicants whom you want to interview.
Make notes to explain the selection for the shortlisting.
You are now required to interview the three potential candidates for the position.
First you must organise the selections panel:
● Decide on a date and location and inform your management team and the short-listed
candidates of the details (email).
● Write up the selection criteria and develop a list of ten (10) interview questions, making sure
that they comply with legislative requirements.

Stage 3: The selection process

You will now go through the selection process to decide on the successful candidate.
1. Conduct an interview of the three (3) short-listed candidates. You should do this together with
your management team who will be on the recruitment panel, each asking 2 – 3 questions. The
interview should be about 8 - 10 minutes for each of the three candidates.
Ask your supervisor or manager to provide feedback on your interviewing techniques using the
attached Interview Evaluation Checklist. You should also do a self-evaluation using the

Role Play:
You need to participate in a role play of the interview. Other students will take it in turns to play
one of the roles described below. Your assessor will evaluate your performance using the
Performance Criteria outlined below (using the Interview Evaluation Checklist). Your
assessor will observe you and mark you on the same Performance Criteria. You should
also do a self-evaluation using the checklist.
Your short-listed candidate are:
● Giovanni Rosso
● Tony Wilson
● Samantha Kuo
Details are attached.
Your assessor will advise you when this will take place.

2. After the interview, you must meet with the other panel members and recommend your preferred
candidate. You should each make a ranking of the candidates and then negotiate with the
panel until you agree on the selection. Address any variations from your agreed procedures.
3. Write a brief, clear selection report for distribution to other managers, making recommendations
for the appointment of the preferred candidate. In the report you must include:

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● Position details and the selection criteria

● How you advertised and recruited
● The recommended candidate and reasons for recommendation
● List of applicants that were unsuccessful but suitable for future appointment and those not
● How you determined the applicant’s suitability for the position
● How you will secure the preferred candidate’s agreement
● How you will conduct reference checks following the interview
● How you will advise other staff of your proposed selection
● An evaluation of the interview: include the Observation Sheets of your performance

4. You now need to inform the candidates of the decision. Write the following letters:
(a) an email advising the successful candidate of the job offer (Send this to your assessor who will
respond whether or not they are still available.)
(b) a letter advising unsuccessful candidates.

Stage 4: The induction process

You have now made a selection and your new staff member is about to start work. You will need to
help him/her feel at home and introduce him to your company and the other staff.
1. List the necessary administrative arrangements you will need to make for pay and employee
record keeping and list the documents you will need to supply to the new employee.
2. Write a memo to the other managers and staff advising them of the new appointment and the
candidate's starting date and when to commence record keeping and pay.
3. Plan the induction including:
● an outline of the induction presentation to be given
● a description of how the induction program will take place, including timeframes, who will
conduct the induction

Submission Requirements
You need to submit:
● Job Descriptions for the position, and;
● notes on the outcome of the meeting with the other managers approving the job description
● Position Specification detailing the skills and knowledge required for the position
● brief report (in the form of an email on your two selected methods for advertising and the
reasons for your choice).
● an internet advertisement (approx. 200 words) and a print-based advertisement (approx. 30
lines) for the position
● the Selection Criteria and 10 interview questions for the candidates
● selection report
● an email advising the successful candidate of the job offer
● a letter advising unsuccessful candidates

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● memo to the other managers and staff advising of appointment

● an outline of the induction presentation to be given and a description of how the induction
program will take place, including timeframes, who will conduct the induction
● notes from meetings with your management team
● Interview Evaluation Checklist and self-evaluation.

Present all of the above information in a folder clearly labelled and submit to your assessor.

Assessment Criteria
Your assessor will be assessing you against the criteria in the attached Marking Guide.

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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Interview Roles:
Information for interviewers:

Role 1 Giovanni Rosso
Giovanni has worked as a sales assistant for 15 years. He has no formal qualifications but has a
number of references praising his ability as a great salesman. He had his own shop for a few
years. His CV shows that he used to doing the purchasing and manage the shop whilst his wife
did the accounts and served in the shop. He is friendly and open and very confident of his
Role 2 Tony Wilson
Tony finished his Certificate III in Retail Operations 5 years ago. He has worked in sales
overseas including in London. He loves retail, especially in music and information technology
but has never been in a supervisory or management position. He seems to be very quiet and
Role 3 Samantha Kuo
Samantha finished her qualifications as a cook eight years ago and has been working as a chef
since then. Where she works, she is responsible for ordering stock, preparing the menus,
supervising staff, looking after food safety and dietary cooking. She is looking for a change in

Information for candidates:

Role 1 Giovanni Rosso
You have worked as a sales assistant for 15 years. You don’t have any formal qualifications but
have a number of references praising your ability as a great salesman. You had your own shop
for a few years in which you used to do the purchasing and manage the shop whilst your wife
did the accounts and also served in the shop. You are very confident of your ability to do the
Role 2 Tony Wilson
You finished your Certificate III in Retail Operations 5 years ago. You have worked in sales
overseas including in London. You like retail, especially in music and information technology but
have never been in a supervisory or management position. You are sick of working as a sales
assistant and want to progress to a management position.
Role 3 Samantha Kuo
You finished your qualifications as a cook eight years ago and have been working as a chef
since then. Where you currently work you are responsible for ordering stock, preparing the
menus, supervising staff, looking after food safety and dietary cooking. You are looking for a
change in career and for a job with less pressure and that doesn’t have shift work.

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Interview Evaluation Checklist

(to be completed by assessor and student for self-evaluation)

Student Name:


Performance Criteria Yes No

Did the interviewer demonstrate active listening through taking

notes, maintaining eye contact or repeating key points represented
by the candidate?

Were the questions asked in the interview appropriate to the Job

Description and Position Specification?

Did the interviewer allow appropriate time for the candidate to

answer the questions effectively?

Was there a variety of questions asked by the interviewer (such as

open, closed, behavioural, skills based)?

Was the interviewer able to build rapport with the candidate?

Did the interviewer allow the candidate time to ask any questions
and were the answers appropriate?
Feedback to interviewer:

Signature of Date:

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Student’s name:

Student ID:

Assessor’s name:

Date of assessment:

BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of

Unit of competency:

Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Stage 1: Planning the recruitment

Discuss and determine recruitment requirements

with management team?

Prepare a detailed job description for the position

that is compliant with:
€ accurately reflects the job
€ provides all necessary information for
applicants to apply
€ is compliant with the Company Policies and
Procedures on Recruitment & Selection of

€ is compliant with relevant legislation?

Obtain feedback on the job description from the

management team and obtain their approval to go
ahead with advertising the position?

Produce notes of outcomes of management


Stage 2: Planning the selection

Select two suitable channels and the technology to

advertise the vacancy that:
● follow the company Policy and Procedures
on recruitment
● are appropriate for the type of job being
● will reach a wide range of suitable

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BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

And write a brief report (in the form of an email to

the Recruitment Manager) the reasons for the

Write up the required documents including:

€ a detailed position specification

€ two advertisements for the position

including an internet advertisement and a
newspaper advertisement?

Short-list the applicants in conjunction with the

management team and make notes to explain the

Stage 3: Selection Process

Conduct the interviews including:

€ demonstrated active listening through

taking notes, maintaining eye contact or
repeating key points represented by the

€ asked appropriate questions in the interview

appropriate to the job description and
Position Specification?

€ allowed appropriate time for the candidate

to answer the questions effectively?

€ asked a variety of questions (such as open,

closed, behavioural, skills based)?

€ built rapport with the candidate?

€ allowed the candidate time to ask any

questions and answered appropriately?
Submit evaluation of the interview including the
Interview Evaluation Checklist & Self-evaluation of
own performance?

Write a brief, clear selection report, making

recommendations for the appointment of the
preferred candidate and including:

€ Position details and the selection criteria

€ How the job was advertised and recruited

€ The recommended candidate and reasons

for recommendation

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€ List of applicants that were unsuccessful

but suitable for future appointment and
those not suitable

€ How the applicant’s suitability for the

position was determined

€ How the preferred candidate’s agreement

was secured

€ How reference checks following the

interview would be conducted

€ How other staff of the proposed selection

would be advised?
Inform the candidates of the decision and write the
following letters:

€ email advising the successful candidate of

the job offer and seeking confirmation

€ letter advising unsuccessful candidates?

Stage 4: Induction Process

Listed the necessary administrative arrangements

required to make for pay and employee record
keeping and the documents needed to supply to
the new employee?

Write a memo to the other managers and staff

advising them of the new appointment and the
candidate's starting date and date to commence
pay and record keeping?

Plan and develop an induction program including

all appropriate information?

Feedback to student:

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Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student’s signature: Date:



● Each member of the store’s staff is competent for the functions they perform according to the
relevant Duty Statements.
● The Company is responsible for providing a safe work environment including the office, storage
area and shop floor.
● The Company is committed to providing professional development (PD) opportunities to all
employed staff and will provide regular information and bulletins to staff on relevant training
● The Company will conduct regular reviews of staff performance and will conduct appraisal
interviews on a yearly basis.
● The Company is an Equal Opportunity employer. The company adheres to a policy of making
employment decisions without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national
origin, citizenship, age or disability. The company will not accept sexual harassment,
discrimination, illicit drug use or any other workplace activity that may bring discredit to the
● The Company will comply with all relevant legislation and regulations.
● This Policy is communicated to and understood by all staff.
● The Company abides by all State and Federal employment laws in dealings with staff and

This procedure covers all aspects of the recruitment process followed by the business and
management staff in acquiring new temporary contract or permanent staff, including advertising,
selection criteria, interviewing and engaging.

● The Company management will provide all staff with clear and correct position descriptions
● The Company management will conduct regular staff reviews and annual appraisals for staff
and propose appropriate professional development opportunities.

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● The Company management will ensure that all staff are provided with current information
about legislative and regulatory requirements.
● The Company will hold regular staff and management meetings to inform staff and enable
input into the management and provision of services.
● The CEO is responsible for the identification of human resources needed in consultation with
the Operations and Recruitment Manager
● Recruitment will be conducted in a manner to reach the widest possible number of candidates
● Recruitment methods must be as cost effective as possible and utilise current technology
where appropriate
● All candidates interested in applying for positions at the Company will be sent the following
items by Recruitment Manager:
● Information regarding the position to be filled including selection criteria, position
description and remuneration information.
● Application form
● All completed forms are returned to the Recruitment Manager for processing.
● The Recruitment Manager assesses each application and makes confirmatory calls or general
enquiries to confirm the validity and accuracy of the submitted documents and the skills level
and experience of the applicant.
● All applicants are interviewed by the Recruitment Manager. If an appointment is to proceed,
the following is forwarded to the applicant by the CEO advising they are successful and
detailing commencement details and:
● an Employment Agreement
● relevant position description.
● Photocopies of the following documents are taken by the Recruitment Manager:
● resume
● qualifications
● references
● confidentiality agreement
● All staff are required to bring original qualifications when they go for their interview. All original
qualifications presented by candidates must be sighted and photocopies verified by a Justice of
the Peace or other authorised person and noted.
● These records are kept current with updated copies provided as required, and stored securely
for the required period.
● The CEO will deal with all human resources management matters involving dismissal or official
● In cases of gross misconduct, the Company reserves the right to dismiss a staff member
immediately without notice. Such circumstances may include such things as:
● theft
● refusal or neglect of duty
● immoral conduct or indecency
● sexual harassment;
● possession, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs
● fighting or possession of offensive weapons
● abuse of the Company personnel, property, plant or equipment
● issue of threats

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● sexual misconduct / misadventure with employees.

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