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Republic of the Philippines


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Trimester 2021 ED 702 (Sociology of Education)

Name: Ma. Kaye O. Andrino

First of all, Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is

perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. There is a quick
propagation of knowledge in an educated society. Furthermore, there is
a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most

noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread.
Important developments in war equipment, medicine, computers, take
place due to Education

My Educational experiences in my middle Grades 4-6 thought me a lot

of memories on preparing myself to be in higher grade. Performing on
class but mostly I prioritize playing than studying. However, I never
regret those times I got low grades which the government requires. I
remember those times I went with my friends during lunch time, we ate
together, sharing food that we had and going back to school a little bit
late since their house was away from the school.

My Highschool years was too different form my elementary years. I

spent my night studying and I got more serious that time. I slept late at
night during exams because I prepared myself for the test and luckily
most of my subjects, I got a perfect score. This time I was eager to learn
more and started opening myself to a close door before.

I consider that my school belong to urban. I consider that m experiences

would be different if I attended another school since the have different
policies and school has different activities.
There are lots of extracurricular activities in my school, but me as a shy-
type student didn’t accept any challenges. I only took challenges in
classroom but outside classroom is a no for me.

My parents were only involved in school activities during recognition

and Homeroom PTA meeting.

That was all of m experiences before but this time I take every
opportunity because I realized that opportunity comes once.

Above all things I could say that “Education is a ray of light in the
darkness”. It certainly is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right
of every Human on this Planet. To deny this right is evil. Uneducated
youth is the worst thing for Humanity. Above all, the governments of all
countries must ensure to spread Education.

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