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And In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.

It’s the life in your years.

-Abraham Lincoln
To channelize the creative aspect of
the students, the class has come up
with the class magazine .I hope this ef-
fort of our young minds will serve as a
stepping stone towards the many miles
stones they have to cover in pursuit of
excellence. I congratulate all the con-
tributors and the editorial board for
bringing out such a beautiful magazine.

Sumithra MD
Assistant Professor
Dept. Computer Science
On behalf of the students of S6 Cs2,
I'm proud to present to you our class Magazine 'Carpe

'Carpe Diem' is a Latin Word meaning 'Seize

the Moment', it has been used many times-
to signify change, uniqueness and encourage
people to live a life without regrets. Carpe Diem is
about not wasting a moment of time, but acting on your
ideas today! Daring to dream the impossible and hav-
ing the courage to make it real. Thats what creates great
minds and inspirational people. So Lets Carpe Diem!

Anyone opening the magazine must be

wondering why it's all black and white, except
maybe for the few pictures. When every one
else might be presenting colourful ones, we for a
change decided to bring beauty to black and white.

I thank all my wonderful classmates for their

generous contributions and our staff advi-
sor Sumithra Ma'am for her great support.
Sneha VL
Chief Editor

Editorial Board

Editors Cover Page and Layout

Reshma D S Sneha VL
Vinita V Nayak
Letter to a Father 1
Capturing the Beauty and the Beast 4
Wondrous Dream 5
Sieze the Moment 6
Test your IQ 7
ICT for Digital India 8
What's in a name? 11
The Bhagavad Gita 12
Amazing Facts 14
Who knows our class Best? 16
Don't Let Go 17
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 22
An Invitation 23
Life without Limits 25
Wow! Really? 28
Lolz!!! 29
Families Designed In Frozen Frames 31
Why Failure Is Good for Success 33
Riddles 35
Smell An iPAD 36
Unsung Heroes 38
Puzzles 44
Book Review 46
Where Will We Be in 2050? 48
Do dark clouds have silver lining?? 50
One Teacher,One Book,One pen can change The World... 52
Fulfillment in Life, for a Woman 55
The Pros And Cons Of Driving 56
Narendra Modi: The New Face Of India 58
Tension 61
Math Brain Teaser 62
Why do we Dream? 64
A Versatile Person 66
Aurum Designing, Aurm Art 69
Women in Sports 72
Sleeping Well 75
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara 76
Why Loiter? Women And Risks In India 78
Life in S6 CS2!! ;) 79
Carpe Diem! 85
The kidilams of CS2 89
Short Story

Letter to a Father Sneha VL

Radhika felt better once she entered the “If he doesn’t care, I’ll raise her like
school gates. She walked through the she didn’t have one.” Radhika re-
corridors acknowledging all the passing plied, her voice trembling with anger.
students’ morning wishes. Her day had
started pretty rough. She fought with Raj Vinita very well knew that that was her cue
all night. Which continued till today morn- to stop pressing on. She has known Rad-
ing when he walked out on her. She hika long enough to understand her anger.
knew he wasn’t gone. He’ll come back She sighed and quickly changed the subject.
from office tonight, when they’ll sit down
and decide about their future relationship. Radhika was happily married for 7 long
years, with a beautiful five year old daugh-
“Good morning Radhika” Vinita wished ter. She was very well satisfied with her
her as she entered the staff’s room. job as a high school English teacher. Ev-
erything was perfect until Raj came up with
“Good morning” she replied half heartedly. moving to another city, where he thought
there’ll be better opportunities for him. Rad-
“Is something wrong?” she enquired, edg- hika refused to give up her comfortable
ing closer to her once Radhika was seated. job. They have been arguing for months
and neither of them was willing to bow a
“The usual” she replied with a sigh. “I little for the other. That morning Raj de-
think it’s over. Finally.” clared his decision. He was moving, wheth-
er she wanted to come with him or not.
Vinita didn’t seem to share her relief,
on the contrary, she was worried for her After the bell rang for the first period she
friend. “What about Sakshi?” walked to her class. The only time she gets
to let go of her worries is when she is
“She’ll get adjusted. Anyways she’s just teaching, where most of the stories seems
five, I don’t think it will affect her much. to have a happy ending. It felt like a perfect
Yes, he will be gone most of the time, but world to be in.
he’ll of course spend time with her.”
She entered the class and was greeted
Vinita wanted to tell her how wrong she with a warm good morning. After taking
was. “But he’ll be moving right? Won’t she the attendance she remembered they were
need her father?” given an assignment. She was telling them
about the book ‘Letters from a Father to His
Daughter’, which were a collection of

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 1

letters written by Jawaharlal Nehru to You were so proud but, was trying so
his daughter. She had asked them to hard not to show it. You never did. Think-
write a letter to their father as an exer- ing that that would make me over confi-
cise for the creative writing class. dent. You were my greatest critic, when
everyone else says it’s perfect, you would
She walked through the class peeping point out its most minute mistakes, maybe
at each note books to see if everyone that’s what made me such a perfectionist.
had attempted it. She came across one I remember the day I came home crying
that piqued her interest. after a fight with my best friend of five
years. I remember telling you, ‘Dad it’s
“That’s good writing Avantika” she said over. It will never be the same anymore’
as she picked up her notebook. “Why for the first time in my life, I had felt
don’t you read it in class?” alone. But I was wrong. You took me for a
movie that day. Just you and me, and we
Avantika hesitantly walked to the front talked in the dark. You told me to never
of the class carrying her notebook. Rad- lose hope on people. However hard they
hika retreated to the back to watch her. hurt you, don’t let them go. Because it
One of the things she encouraged her might be hurting them more than it’s hurt-
class was public speaking. ing you. You told me to let go, to smile
at her tomorrow like nothing ever hap-
Avantika took a deep breath and started. pened, and if she still cared, she’ll come
around. And that’s just what happened.
Dear Dad,
Today, when I’m feeling alone, I remember
How are you? I guess I don’t really all the things you told me. How I should
need to point out how much I miss never let people go. But still there are
you. You used to be always busy. Al- days that I cry alone. When ma’s too busy,
ways away, it gets boring when it’s just when I feel like I don’t have anyone to talk
me and ma. It used to be so much to, I think of all the fun things we used to
fun when you were around. Remember do together. The occasional movies, walks
that vacation we had in Manali? You in the morning, discussions over dinner,
were so worried that I’ll catch a cold how you would sneak in a novel during
that you covered me with sweater after exams when ma has strictly prohibited it.
sweater, and how we used to play catch
inside the house and that time that we I miss all the laughter we used to have,
broke ma’s favourite vase? Catch was when we used to be a family. Now I feel
banned from the house after that. How lonely even in a room filled with people,
you tease ma with her cooking, telling because you were the only person who
her it needs more salt more that and could read me like a book. I always won-
this even when it’s perfect. I miss those dered why daughters were more attached
days. We used to hang out a lot. There to their fathers, well... now I know why.
was not a thing that I didn’t tell you.
I still remember the day I brought my Avantika
first medal home.

2 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

The class was in a dead silence. Rad- “Avantika?” Vinita asked suddenly sur-
hika waited for someone to start an ap- prised at the mention of the name.”The
plause. Surely everybody would agree Avantika in your class?” Radhika nod-
how touching it was. But no one ut- ded, “I really want Raj to read it, he is
tered a word as Avantika walked a father too, and he should know what
back to her seat and sat down. a daughter-” she continued, but suddenly
stopped when she looked at Vinita, who
“That was really good, I’m sure your father still didn’t seem to have believed her.
will like it as well, please show it to him “Why? What is it?”
will you?” Radhika told her as she walked
near her. By then the bell rang. She re- “It’s just that” Vinita said, “Avantika’s fa-
minded the class about their next assign- ther died when she was very young,
ment and walked towards the staff room. about five or six”

She couldn’t stop thinking about the let- Radhika stared at her friend speechless.
ter. How true it was. In everybody’s busy “What? But what about all the things she
life, we tend to forget our children, al- wrote? The time she spent with her
ways busy with work, conferences and father? It seemed like he was just busy
meetings. We never wondered how it or moved away!”
would affect our kids. Wouldn’t they want
someone to talk to every day about “I know” Vinita sighed “I don’t think she
school? About who they met? About the even remembers him correctly. I think
new friends they made? Whether they she made most of those situations on
had a fight? Wont they want someone to her own, may be they were things she
tell them what to do when suddenly they wanted to do with her father, the things
feel all alone? Radhika couldn’t even she wanted him to tell her. That’s so
remember the name of Sakshi’s best sad” Vinita said and then looked to her
friend. Was it Pooja or Priya? She re- friend who was staring blankly at her
ally needs to have a talk with her today. desk, not having the heart to believe
the truth. She recalled the letter, and
Radhika hoped with her heart that realised how the whole letter was in a
Avantika would show that letter to past tense and the look on everyone’s
her father. The PTA meeting is com- face when she had finished reading it.
ing next month. Maybe she could meet
with her father and ask him herself. “I think you should have Raj read it” Vi-
nita said at last.
Radhika sat at her desk, Vinita came after
a few minutes. She noticed a smile on her “Yes, I should” Radhika replied, and then
face that she hadn’t seen that morning. she placed both her palms over her face
and cried.
“What happened?” Vinita asked her
friend as she sat on her chair. Radhika ***
explained what happened in class, about
Avantika’s letter and how she felt about

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 3


Capturing The Beauty

And The Beast
Sruthi K

Wow! She has traveled most of the Nation-

al parks in India and Tanzania. She
That’s going to be the expression you are is a photography consultant and con-
going to have when you look into Rathika ducts field workshops for all those en-
Ramaswamy, Wildlife photographer’s thusiast about wildlife photography.
In her own words “I don’t think as a woman
Rathika Ramasamy is well known wildlife I find any difficulties; wildlife photography
and nature photographer a native of Chen- is a tough job, there will be lots of practi-
nai and now based in New Delhi. She is cal constraints. But if you have a will, then
first women wild life photographer in India definitely you can overcome them. Cam-
who has been venturing into the wild to era and animals are not gender biased!
capture and share its beauty. Wildlife photography is challenging but
rewarding. If you love wildlife, it is very
A computer engineer with an MBA, she is satisfying work. Being a naturalist having
into nature photography for the last seven good in depth knowledge of the subject –
years. She is passionate about birds and is mammals, birds, their habitat and behavior
specializing in bird photography. Her work patterns helps. If you have patience, and
has been showcased in National and In- perseverance, you will be rewarded with
ternational publications. Her birds images memorable images.”
have been credited in field guides, books,
calendars and postcards. Her portfolio of ***
images reflects her passion, persever-
ance, patience and brilliance.

With an amazing sense of timing she cap-

tures some of the most amazing moments
from wildlife. Apart from doing wildlife pho-
tography she also conducts workshops on
wildlife photography.

In 2008, Birds of India selected her as one

of the top bird photographer in India. In
2010 she published her first photo book on
“Bird Photography”.

4 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Wondrous Dream
Thamji Bayar

I would love to go the place

Where I can find endmost peace
And a place where gladness
Will not cease at any instant.

A place where there is no falling-out

Between any single fellow
And a place where I can
Do more for needy and poor.

A place where good dreams accomplish

And the land is tranquil and naive
Where all are righteous and endearing
With no avarice and noise

A place where love and support

Meet each other and always
There is something good to think
And keep for well being.

I know, it can never happen and

If so, it may be a wondrous dream,
I hope God will ratify such a world
Whenever all would love to reach there.


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 5


Sieze the Moment

Suma Prakash

For each and every person the life varies..

Every one walk on the same path ,view the same faces each day but their life
Life as many think is not independent of the past...
Life is always about the present depending on which we shape the future

By present we need to live

Every day
Every hour
Every moment
Every moment is precious
So make sure we don’t miss our moment!

We can preserve the moment

In our camera or mind
The choice is ours...
If we live each moment by capturing the life in camera
Then our life becomes the soul of the camera not ours...
Try to live the moment whole heartedly
So that our mind becomes our camera..

Then to relive the moments we won’t need photographs

We would need only our mind-Our Soul!
So whatever may happen...
Live the present moment to fullest
Because only God knows what our next moment will be..

Ie.. Seize the moment!!

6 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Quizes and Riddles

Test your IQ
Reshma C

Below are five questions that determine your iq

1. You are participating in a overtake the second person.what

position are you in?

2. If you overtake the last person, then you are?

3. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add 1000. Now add a 30 to it.add an
other 1000. Now add a 20. Again add 1000 and 10. What is the total?

4. Mary’s father has 5 daughters.1.nana 2. Nene 3. Nono 4. Nini.

What is the name of 5th daughter?

5. There is a mute person who wants to buy a imitating the

action presses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.
Now if there is a blind person who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses
how should he express??


1. Second
2. Cannot overtake the last person
3. 4100
4. Mary
5. Open his mouth and ask for sunglasses.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 7


ICT for Digital India

Vinita V Nayak

Digital India was the initiative started by Gov- 7. Help farmers with value based informa-
ernment of India to integrate the Government tion to improve their productivity and pro-
departments and the people of India to en- vide timely information to traders, artisans,
sure effective governance. Digital India has fisherman etc.
three core areas
8. Entertainment through broadcasting,
1. Digital Infrastructure gaming and multimedia services at door-
2. Delivering services digitally steps in remote areas.
3. Digital Literacy

The potential of ICT can be manifested in 9. News delivery, which helps, integrates
several ways which in turn would bring about people in diverse groups and at different
development in both economic and social places.
sectors. It also helps in citizen empowerment
through delivery of efficient government ser- 10. Serve the physically disabled and
vices. Some examples of the ICT enabled disadvantaged to enable them take advan-
services include: tages of what technologies have to offer.

1. Government interfaces for filing tax, bill- As a student I have certain

ings, statutory record collection, etc. to em- ideas which can be used in the Literacy
power citizens with information leading to sector. I personally think that improving
transparency. the literacy sector would in turn help every
other sector too.
2. Efficient services for health care, educa-
tion and disaster mitigation. 1. Using E Mail to Communicate with Stu-
3. Access to information on rights and re-
sponsibilities for citizen empowerment. With the lack of schools in rural ar-
eas we can actually provide e-learning op-
4. Access to vast educational content for im- portunity to students. Traveling to very far
proving literacy. places can be exhausting for the students
in rural areas. Making the school reach
5. Help entrepreneurs in gainful employment them through a single projector screen
and improve their economic condition. would help the students in one village.
Using a dedicated web-based email ad-
6. Efficient disbursement of loans, pensions dress, students would be able to e-mail
and maintenance of authentic person and their essays/homework and then get feed-
property records. back and suggestions for improvements.

8 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

This would enable students to make posi- Podcasting isn’t just for revision either
tive use of their home ICT equipment – it can be used to record student as-
and use the ICT resources outside of les- sessments, for a quite literal pupil voice
son time. With the majority of students exercise, or even by the teacher to re-
having access to the internet outside of cord revision notes and ideas.
school, this would empower students to
organize and submit work electronically.

2. Blogging the class 4. Online feedback forms

A blog is quite literally an online diary. Based This allows students to complete forms
on a calendar format you post messages and administration online, automating all
online. This basic concept has a multitude the processes. Once completed by the
of uses. In terms of education the format is individual teacher the form is immedi-
ideal to post summaries of lessons or provide ately e-mailed to all relevant individuals.
support for additional work. To extend a les- The information collected by the form
son you could provide students with a series is stored in a database and can be im-
of additional web links or a copy of the re- ported into a spreadsheet.This replaces
sources used in the lesson. The whole thing the previous slow, paper-based system
is very powerful and there are so many ways and is developing into a really effective
it can lead to the effective use of ICT. A blog technique.
is actually the easiest way for anyone to cre-
ate their own website. A feedback or request for help form can
be put on the intranet or any website.
This means you can setup another
There are many blogging tools available on means of support for students.
the internet and we can now actually setup
blogs using the school’s own webspace.
Once a basic blog has been setup they are ***
very easy to keep up to date. For further de-
velopment we could actually provide each
student with their own login - this means
the teacher could blog their own informa-
tion and ideas and then students can leave
comments and requests. As you have con-
trol over everything you are able to moderate
(i.e. check) messages before they appear.

3. Podcasting with Students

An innovative way to make students revise.

With the growth in MP3s the concept of pod-
casting can been created. Podcasting in its
simplest form is recording your voice. Pod-
casting is actually incredibly simple. Every
single PC comes with a program ‘Sound re-
corder’. Plug a microphone in the PC, load
the program and press ‘record’.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 9


Reshma DS

10 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


What’s in a name?
Reshma B Daniel

Arose by any other name, smells as sweet. This is a quote by William Shakespeare. I do
agree, that if we called a rose a cactus, and that had been what it was originally called,
we would have found that the object cactus would be a red flower with fragrant stamen.

Name is important in a man’s life. Everyone recognizes a person by name. Name

is used for expressing their individuality. It is the grouping of several letters of an
alphabet, which represent the identification of a person. It distinguishes you from
other people. People choose the names they like because they think these names
are interesting or creative or just feel that it will suit that person. If you like your
name you automatically have a reason to feel good about yourself. It gives con-
fidence and makes you feel presentable to others and that’s not the case if you
don’t like it. Living with a name that we like or one that we dislike does have seri-
ous consequences on self-confidence, happiness or the way we relate to others
in society. But that does not mean the person’s name make any effect on his/ her

The physical appearance and qualities of a person are not related to their names.
Parents name their children at birth and thus a person’s name depends almost en-
tirely on the parents. Parents tend to pick out names before the children are born
so that doesn’t mean they can determine their child’s personality and attitude. We
can say that personalities can be a part of genetics, but name is not a genetic at

It is just mere coincidence that some people with same names have similar per-
sonalities. We are all similar to each other to some extent. It’s not our names that
determine this, it’s just human nature, I suppose. I simply believe people share
many common traits in personality, no matter what their name, birth date, and
even culture. We are all “Human” and all have “human” behaviors and expecta-

Thus I feel names are used to express our identity and it has no significance on
our personality, it just makes us unique. Always feel good about the uniqueness…

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 11


The Bhagavad Gita

Meenu PJ

The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a The concept of such detached action is also
dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and called Nishkam Karma, a term not used in the
his guide Lord Krishna. Facing the duty to kill Gita. Krishna, in the following verses, elabo-
his relatives, Arjuna is “exhorted by his chari- rates on the role actions, performed without de-
oteer, Krishna, among others, to stop hesitat- sire and attachment, play in attaining freedom
ing and fulfill his Kshatriya (warrior) duty as a from material bondage and transmigration:
warrior and kill.” Inserted in this appeal to ksha-
trahrdaya (heroism) is “a dialogue between To action alone hast thou a right and never
diverging attitudes concerning and methods at all to its fruits; let not the fruits of action be
toward the attainment of liberation (moksha). thy motive; neither let there be in thee any
attachment to inaction
The Bhagavad Gita presents a synthesis of
the Brahmanical concept of Dharma, theistic Fixed in yoga, do thy work, O Winner of
bhakti, the yogic ideals of liberation through wealth (Arjuna), abandoning attachment,
jnana, and Samkhyaphilosophy. with an even mind in success and failure, for
evenness of mind is called yoga. (2.47-8)
Numerous commentaries have been written
on the Bhagavad Gita with widely differing With the body, with the mind, with the intel-
views on the essentials. Vedanta commenta- lect, even merely with the senses, the Yogis
tors read varying relations between Self en perform action toward self-purification, hav-
Brahman in the text while the setting of the ing abandoned attachment. He who is disci-
Gita in a battlefield has been interpreted as plined in Yoga, having abandoned the fruit of
an allegory for the ethical and moral strug- action, attains steady peace. (5.11)
gles of the human life.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi writes, “The
Karma yoga object of the Gita appears to me to be that
of showing the most excellent way to attain
According to Fowler, since it is impossible for self-realization”, and this can be achieved
living beings to avoid action all together, the by selfless action, “By desireless action; by
Bhagavad Gita therefore offers a practical renouncing fruits of action; by dedicating all
approach to liberation in the form of Karma activities to God, i.e., by surrendering one-
yoga. The path of Karma yoga upholds the self to Him body and soul.” Gandhi called
necessity of action. However, this action is Gita, The Gospel of Selfless Action.] In order
to be undertaken without any attachment to to achieve true liberation, it is important to
the work or desire for results. Bhagavad Gita control all mental desires and tendencies to
terms this “inaction in action and action in in- enjoy sense pleasures. The following verses
action (4.18)”. illustrate this:

12 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

When a man dwells in his mind on the ob-
ject of sense, attachment to them is pro-
duced. From attachment springs de-
sire and from desire comes anger.

From anger arises bewilderment, from be-

wilderment loss of memory; and from loss of
memory, the destruction of intelligence and
from the destruction of intelligence he per-
ishes. (2.62-3)


Meenu PJ

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 13


Some Amazing and

Unknown Facts
Vidya G

1.) Ants never sleep!

2.) When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
3.) Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or
mother; because they were both deaf.
4.) An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
5.) “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
6.) Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage
and the bone hardens, between the ages of 2-6 years.
7.) Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
8.) Butterflies taste with their feet.
9.) A “jiffy”, is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
10.) It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
11.) Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
12.) Minus 40° Celsius, is exactly the same as minus 40° Fahrenheit.
13.) No word in the English language rhymes with month - orange - silver -or- purple.
14.) Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump”.
15.) Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
16.) Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
17.) The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
18.) The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
uses every letter in the English language.
19.) The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar
surrendered after 38 minutes.
20.) The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
21.) The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word
you want.
22.) Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.
23.) TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one
row of the keyboard.
24.) You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
25.) Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will di-
gest itself.
26.) The dot over the letter “i” is called a ‘Tittle’.

14 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Sruthi Sebastian

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 15


Who Knows Our

Class The Best??
Neena Jojith

Across: Down:
1. One who has Discrete Structures in her name. 2. One who has irresistible tension,
esp. in LAB.
4.”Thattattin marayathe penne...”. 3. A renowned “Chaluist”.
6. As lean as... 5. ”Entha oru chiri...
As flexible as... Entha randu mizhikal...
7. The perfectionist of our class. Entha oru style...
8. One who has a dimple so admirable. 6. ”Ullalla...Ullalla...
9. One who finds it so hard to control her laughter.
10. Popularly known as “_______ and party”.



16 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Short Story

Don’t Let Go
Sneha VL

Autumn. When the leaves fall. The dawn Every day I tried to push him out of my
before a new beginning. Life wasn’t sup- mind, why is it so hard? To forget some-
posed to change. I was supposed to stay one you don’t even know? I keep tell-
the same. A new year, in a new place with ing myself to let go. But I can’t. Why is
so many faces of which I recognised none. that? I have criticised all my friends dur-
Life was supposed to be simple. At least for ing their heart breaks. I waved it off as
me it used to be. School, home, study, sleep something so silly but now how am I so
and the cycle repeats. But then I guess what broken even though nothing happened.
everyone says is true. There is more to life
than school and home. There’s a place out- When I told her, Aditi laughed.
side this comfort zone- the rest of the world.
“Oh my god! The critic has fallen at last!”
I met him in college. You couldn’t actually She said through her laughter.
say ‘met’. I saw him for the first time in my
college. He was in a different branch than “It’s not funny. Not even close.” I fired back,
me. I saw him when I passed his class one really annoyed.
day. I didn’t know what it was. Some peo-
ple call it love at first sight. Others call it an “I’m sorry. It’s just that, you were the last
infatuation. I prefer the latter. I didn’t even person on earth that I expected something
know his name. I would see him every day like this to happen to.” She said “Anyways,
in college, but never bothered to ask any- let’s find out the lucky guy okay?”
one his name. May be I was fighting myself
for why I needed to know it. “No. I don’t want to” I said firmly. “I said this
to you to make me feel better, not because
Days passed and then months. Infatuations I wanted your help”
weren’t supposed to last. Was it? Then why
did this one? I kept questioning myself. But But the one thing about Aditi is her curios-
the harder I tried, the more difficult it be- ity. Within an hour she found out about him,
came for me to let go. Some people would something I couldn’t for the past one year.
call it silly. You are hung up over a guy and Then I guess, I never tried.
you don’t even know his name? Does he
know you? Well that was the tough part. He His name was Varun. Same year as I was.
didn’t even know I existed. He’s class topper and extremely talented
singer. Not that it was important. Because
well, he doesn’t know me.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 17

Second year passed in a flash. And then He looked mad. Really pissed off. He
third year began. Aditi can be very persua- saw me coming, glanced over and ig-
sive, which can be very annoying. All through nored. To him I was just someone pass-
the year, she suggested different plans to ing by. I was just one of the thousands
somehow meet him, because, according to of students studying there. Why would
her, before you know it final year may pass he care who I was? Why should he?
and I will very much regret it. Though she
didn’t get a chance to meet him, she became I decided to walk past him. He was not
BFFs with his best friend, who just hap- part of my life. Neither was I in his. So I
pened to be a very old classmate of hers. shouldn’t care.

But that’s when fate intervenes. Whenev- You will regret this.
er we get to talk to his friend he is never
around. Best friends can be annoying, when you
realise the truth in some things they say. I
Sometimes when I look at him, I see a sad- stopped. I turned.
ness in his face, like he’s hiding something.
Some pain that he doesn’t want to show. “Are you okay?” I asked, very well know-
He smiles through it, but when he’s stand- ing that that was the most stupidest thing I
ing somewhere alone, he drops that mask. could’ve asked.
But then, it’s not just him. Every one of us
has that side, don’t we? That dark side we He turned to me and I knew he was sur-
refuse to show, the one that we push down prised. There I was, someone he didn’t
every time and still tries to resurface. Each even know, someone just passing by, ask-
one of has that dark secret. It’s what makes ing about his life. I looked at him and re-
us who we are. alised. I didn’t know this person. I didn’t
know his life. What he liked and what he
“His parents got divorced” Aditi said “Ash- didn’t. But still there I was.
ish told me. They had been fighting for a
while and finally it was over. He was always “Yeah” he replied and smiled.
at his house, because he didn’t like to stay
at his” “Shouldn’t you be in class?” I asked, just
for the sake of asking.
Why did I feel sad about it? Knowing he
was in pain. Why did it make me feel sad? He smiled again. “It’s college”, he pointed
I always wondered what was going inside out. “Who doesn’t bunk?”
his head. Whether he was happy. Whether
he was hurt. If he had anyone to talk to. “Yeah”, I agreed, “But it’s usually for hang-
ing out with friends or catching a movie, not
It gets so frustrating, seeing him so close brooding”
and not being able to know him.
He was taken aback. “Who said I was
I pushed it all away. I can’t let it bother me brooding?”
anymore. Why should I? I have to let go.
I remember that day. I was late for the lab. “Well, you look like you are” I replied. Be-
there. Was he crying? No he wasn’t. cause of your parents maybe, or is there
something else. Something you haven’t
told your friends?

18 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

He laughed lightly and looked away. Maybe The year passed. I never talked to him af-
this was my signal to leave. But why couldn’t ter that day. I never saw him much. But I
I? I was not even his friend? Why would felt better inside. He might not know my
he talk to me? Especially about his life? name. But at least he knew I existed, that
is, if he remembered my face. But that
“You wouldn’t understand” he said finally. doesn’t matter. Somehow, it didn’t matter.

“Try me” I challenged. I was stupid. By talking to him for a few moments, it’s like
I got a glimpse of who he was.
“Well,” he said, “Have you ever felt like giv-
ing up?” Another autumn came by, leaves fell. Aditi
ran up to me in class and sat next to me
On you? Many times. I just wish I could. out of breath. She didn’t say anything for
some time. Just sat there. She looked like
“What do you mean?” I asked. she had seen a ghost.

“When life gets tough. Have you ever felt “Something wrong?” I asked as I smiled at
like giving up? To stop trying to get up?” he my annoying friend.
was still looking away from me.
I still remember the way she looked at me
What was I supposed to say to that? I knew when she said it. “He died.”
something was wrong. I wanted to sit next
to him. Ask him what the problem was, try I never knew how two words could inflict
to find a solution, make him feel better. But so much pain in someone. She didn’t need
I couldn’t do that now, could I. I was a no to say who? She knew I understood. “He
one. killed himself. They found him today morn-
“I think everybody has that time at least
once in your life” I said, though till today I We both sat there. She didn’t say anything
have no idea from were those words came to me that day. I understood her dilemma.
from. “You don’t lose if you fall down. You What was she supposed to do? Console
lose when you can’t get back up again. me? Why? Who was he to me?
I don’t remember the rest of the day. That
He looked at me. I knew he thought I was day to me, ended with that conversation. I
stupid. Even I thought so. But whatever he didn’t know what I was supposed to feel. I
thought, he didn’t say that out loud. “Right” fought with myself, reasoned with myself.
he replied and smiled again. “You are late. But for what? So that it will make me feel
You should be getting back to class” he better?
pointed out.
Now, how can I ever let go.
“Yup” I said, and turned and walked away.
What was it that hurt him? Why did he feel ******
like giving up? I felt so helpless. Like watch-
ing someone getting burned and not being “Priya?” Aditi called, waving her hand in
able to help. Just watching and getting my- front of my eyes. ” Are you day dreaming?”
self burned from the inside.
“Huh?” I looked at her.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 19

“Girl! You gotta stop doing that, sometimes He looked down after he said the last part.
you freak me out!” Aditi replied with a sigh. It must’ve been hard on him. He was his
I smiled. best friend. I couldn’t even imagine the
pain he could’ve gone through. What if
Bangalore. Where life starts for most soft- something happened to Aditi? I wouldn’t
ware engineers. For someone from the be able to forgive myself ever even if
south, you feel a little left out at first, but there was nothing I could have done.
then that’s how you learn to live right? By
finding your place in the world. By trying to “Do you know why?” I asked hesitantly. It
fit in. has been three years but still, he looked
“Sorry” I said as I went back to work. She
smiled back. “Family stuff. Pressure. You can never know
what goes through peoples mind some
************ days.” He said as he looked towards the
street. “Hey, didn’t you talk to him once?”
It’s autumn again. And three years have
passed. I’m in a new city. With new peo- “Yeah, but how did you know?”
ple, but luckily Aditi tagged along too.
When in school you think this is the world, “I was there” he said with a smile. “When
in college you feel that that is the world. you were walking away. I came looking for
But it’s when you actually see it that it him. What did you say to him?”
makes you feel so small. In a big city with
so many people. You’ll still feel alone. “Well, nothing, I just asked him why he
wasn’t going to class” there wasn’t any
Aditi was late and I was sipping my coffee, need to let him know the rest. “Why?”
waiting for her. I saw someone walk over to
me, from the corner of my eye. “Well” he said with a sigh, “He was different
for a few days. Though... it didn’t last. I wish
“Priya?” I looked up at the owner of the he knew about you”
voice. It took some time, but I recognised
him. Yeah. Well, I wished the same. For three years.

“Ashish!” I said surprised. “You are in Ban- “Well” he said as he checked his watch. “I
galore?” should get going. It was nice seeing you.
Tell Aditi okay?”
“No” he said as he sat on the seat opposite
to me. “Here for a training. I’m going back “Sure” I said.
He got up to leave but then turned around.
We took some time to catch up. It’s not that
I didn’t enjoy meeting him. But it brought ”Oh, by the way, he knew your name. He
back something that I’ve been trying to asked me that day.” He said, smiled and
bury inside. walked away.

“You liked him, didn’t you?” he asked, I I wish he knew about you.
looked up at him shaken. “Aditi told me. Af-
ter he... After it happened.”

20 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

What if he did? Would he be still alive. Know-
ing that there was someone who loved him? ***********
Would he have had the will to live? What
would have happened if she had told him? If “Varun!” Ashish called out to his friend
she had the guts to go talk to him. To be his
friend. Would that have changed anything? “Here you are. Aren’t you coming to class?”
That’s when he noticed a retreating figure
About eight hundred thousand people sui- and his friend staring after it.
cide every year, worldwide, of this about
one hundred and thirty five thousands are “Do you know who that is?” he asked, look-
Indians. An average of fifteen suicides an ing up to his friend.
hour, about three hundred and seventy a
day, of which about hundred are due to “Yeah” he replied. “I think that’s Priya, she’s
family issues and pressure. But why? We in my friend’s class. Why?” he asked.
never know what they are going through do
we? Varun got up from where he was sitting and
walked towards his friend. “She’s an opti-
From my life and what I went through, I re- mist”
alised one thing. No one’s ever alone. No
one’s ever unloved. There is always at least “Is that a bad thing” he asked confused.
one person who loves you, from some-
where far. Someone you haven’t even met “No” and he laughed. “It’s just that...” he
yet. Someone who knows nothing about said as he turned again towards the cor-
you. Someone who doesn’t care who you ridor, but she was already gone. He turned
are or where you came from. Whenever back again and started walking towards
you feel like letting go, giving up, know that class. “I think I could use some”
there is someone who is dying to meet you.
You might think you are doing others a fa-
vour by leaving, or maybe you think you ***
can’t keep going anymore. But, you are
wrong. I never knew him, but I wanted to
know him. I wanted to know what his likes
were. His favourite movie, favourite song.
How he was when he was small. What was
that pain he was trying to hide, the pain that
finally took control of him. All we talked for
were few minutes, or even less. But the
pain he left me was for a life time. I might
be able to move on. But I’ll never be able
to let go of that past. He was the reason
for my smile every day. And he never even
knew it. What if he had?

Anytime you feel like giving up. Know that

you are the reason for somebody’s smile
today. So don’t let go.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 21


If Winter comes can

spring be far behind?
Reshma B Daniel

The quotation is referred to in the last of Optimism is the attitude of life which must be
Shelly’s famous poem “Ode to the West formed. An optimistic outlook is a healthy
Wind”. In the poem, the poet identifies him- sign of life and struggle. It makes us self
self with west wind, which, to him, is both radiant and grant fixity of purpose. It take
the destroyer and the preserver. The poet away passivity and grants pertinacity of ef-
has dead thoughts which he would like to forts. It teaches patience and perseverance.
be scattered by the west wind like dead It makes us persons of indomitable will and
leaves. In place of these dead thoughts, he lofty aspirations. “Practice begets facility”.
wants new and fresh thoughts to be born Therefore, it is better to wear out than to rust
in him. As from an unextinguished hearth, out in inactivity. It is rightly said “people do not
ashes and sparks are spread by the wind lack strength, they lack will” – Victor Hugo.
so the poet wants his message of hope to
be delivered to the frustrated mankind. As ***
winter is sure to be followed by spring, in
the same way, dark and unhappy days of
life are bound to be followed by period of
happiness and joy. Winter is the symbol of
desolation and barrenners whereas spring
stands for joyousness and fruitfulness.

The quotation assumes significant applica-

tion to the present state of affairs. The man
today is passing through a period of mis-
erable existence. The days of darkness
and frustration constitute the life of man.
The world today is collapsing into a help-
less state of boredom. The weariness, fret
and fever of life have made man to deduce
“where but to think is to be full of sorrow”.

We must realize that in the course of life

good and evil days follow in succession.
But we must bear sufferings with patience
and fortitude in the hope that spring follows
winter, joy will follow sorrow.

22 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


An Invitation
Nicy Susan Koshy

Mathematics Dept.,
Circular road,
Rectangle P.O,
Square line.

Mr. Algebra,
Mathematical house,
Parabola road,

Dear Mr. Algebra,

I wish to inform you of the marriage of my son ‘Zero’ with my friend’s daughter
‘Infinity’. They wished to marry and so I consulted Mr. Calculus about this and he has
come out with the good news that they will lead a happy and prosperous life. As you
know, zero in association with infinity is infinity.

My son Zero is very popular among students and has proved to be a majority
in various examinations.

Please inform your relatives Mr. Formula, Mrs. Theorem and Mr. Proof about
the marriage .Also, please do consult pandit Logarithm to fix an auspicious date.

Don’t forget to invite your uncle Statistics and your neighbors Ms. Sine, Mr.
Cos and Mrs. Tan. Convey my ‘remainder’ to your beloved wife Mrs. Symmetry. Hope
you will attend the function.
Yours faithfully,

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 23


Urmila S R

24 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Life Without Limits

Vinita V Nayak

Imagine getting through your busy day people, business professionals and
without hands or feet. Picture your life church congregations of all sizes. Today
without the ability to walk, care for your this dynamic young evangelist has accom-
basic needs, or even embrace those you plished more than most people achieve in
love. Meet Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced a lifetime. He’s an author, musician, actor,
VOO-yee-cheech). Without any medical and his hobbies include fishing, painting
explanation or warning, Nick was born and swimming. In 2007, Nick made the
in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without long journey from Australia to southern
arms and legs. Three sonograms failed to California where he is the president of the
reveal complications. And yet, the Vujicic international non-profit ministry, Life With-
family was destined to cope with both the out Limbs, which was established in 2005.
challenge and blessing of raising a son
who refused to allow his physical condi- Nick says, “If God can use a man with-
tion to limit his lifestyle. out arms and legs to be His hands and
feet, then He will certainly use any willing
The early days were difficult. Throughout heart!”
his childhood, Nick not only dealt with the
typical challenges of school and adoles- Here are 3 reasons why he inspires us
cence, but he also struggled with depres-
sion and loneliness. Nick constantly won- 1. He exudes wholeheartedness.
dered why he was different than all the
other kids. He questioned the purpose of Nick begins his talk emphatically with an
life, or if he even had a purpose. oft-heard line: “You are beautiful just the
way you are.” He shares how he used to
According to Nick, the victory over his be taunted by bullies, “You’ll never make
struggles, as well as his strength and pas- it,” or “You are destined for a life of loneli-
sion for life today, can be credited to his ness because no one will ever love you.”
faith in God. His family, friends and the He allowed them to determine his worth.
many people he has encountered along He even contemplated killing himself by
the journey have inspired him to carry on, drowning in a tub.
as well.
Determined to move away from these lies,
Since his first speaking engagement at he focused his energy on believing in his
age 19, Nick has traveled around the own worth and self-love. He willed himself
world, sharing his story with millions, to move away from experiencing shame
sometimes in stadiums filled to capacity, to allowing vulnerability, yet cultivating re-
speaking to a range of diverse groups silience to others’ words.
such as students, teachers, young

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 25

This vulnerability is what Brene Brown People who practice gratitude often report
defines as “being honest with how we better immune systems, better sleep, and
feel, about our fears, about what we need more positivity. They also feel less lonely,
and then asking for what we need.” In- less isolated and more generous.
stead of being driven by fear and weak-
ness, vulnerability means being driven For Nick, being grateful means focusing
by courage to be one’s authentic self. on what he has, what Emmons calls an
affirmation of goodness: there are good
In pushing to love and be himself, Nick things in the world, and we have received
chose what Brown terms wholehearted- some of them. It also provides a means
ness, choosing to engage in the world and for Nick to figure out where that good-
with the world from a place of worthiness. ness is coming from, in Emmons’ words,
Nick chooses to believe that he is not de- “recognizing a humble dependence
fined by what others see or the work that on others.” Nick credits his parents for
he has done. Instead, he makes choices treating him as a normal child, his wife
that stem from knowing what is important Kanae for unwavering love, and God
to him: family, self-compassion, and love. for giving him this life to inspire others.

2. He embodies gratitude 3. He exemplifies goodness in human be-

Born with no arms and legs, he is ex-
tremely thankful for a little foot (or chick- After Nick is done with his speech, he is
en drumstick as he affectionately terms joined on stage by two Singaporeans.
it) that enables him to brush his teeth, The first is Aishah Samad, a 41-year old
drive a car, type on a computer and much ex-Singapore national shooter who con-
more. tracted a severe bacterial infection in July
2012 which eventually led to the ampu-
With what he has, he has managed to live tation of her arms and legs. The second
an independent life, write 4 books, and is Jason Chee, a Navy serviceman who
bring inspiration to others. lost both his legs and his left arm in a
shipboard accident in December 2012.
He explains that spending life comparing
oneself to others who are better, richer, Nick demonstrates extreme humility and
more beautiful is bound to breed discon- empathy by sharing that he has had it
tent. For example, if he constantly wished lucky because he was born with no arms
to have limbs, he would have no mental and legs. Coping for him means figuring
space to consider new ideas to leverage his out how to manage without something
chicken drumstick to reach his full potential. he never had, Coping for them is learn-
ing to do without what they have always
The role of gratitude on living a full life is known, a significantly tougher job. In this
not new. In his research, Robert Emmons moment, he puts them, their feelings, and
has found that being grateful has signifi- their plight above his.
cant physical, psychological and social
benefits. As CEO of non-profit company Life With-
out Limbs, driven by a firm belief in God,
Nick hopes to inspire others that hope

26 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

prevails despite challenges and ob-
stacles in life if one can still find the
strength to overcome them. In this spir-
it, he shares his plans to set up a train-
ing academy to train speakers to share
this message, and extends this op-
portunity to both Aishah and Jason.

Researcher Stephen Post suggests

there is a strong positive correlation be-
tween altruism (or helping others) and
well-being, health, and longevity. In a re-
cent study by UnitedHealthcare and Vol-
unteerMatch, of 4582 American adults,
89 percent responded that helping has
improved [their] sense of well-being
and 78 percent reported that it helps re-
covery from loss and disappointment.

In setting up Life Without Limbs, Nick

reaches out beyond himself, supporting
love and hope in others.


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 27

Quotes and Facts

Wow! Really?
Nicy Susan Koshy

A Winner Is Not One Who Never Fails…

But One Who Never Quits!!

Officials rejected a candidate for a news broadcaster’s post since hsvoicewas not
found fitHe was also told that with his obnoxiously long name,he would never be fa-
mous. He is

In 1962,four nervous young musicians played their first record audition for the execu-
tives of Decca Recording Company.The executives were not impressed.While turning
down this group of musicians,theysaid,”We don’t like their sound.Guitars are on their
way out.Te group was called

In 1944,the Director of Blue Book Modelling Agency told modelling hopeful Norma
JeannBaker,”You’d better learn secretarial work or else get married”. She went on and

A small boy,the fifth amongst seven siblings of a poor family wasselling newspapers in
a small seaside village to earn his living.He was not exceptionally smart at school, but
was fascinated by religion and rockets. The first rocket he built crashed. A missile that
he built crashed multiple times and he was made a butt of ridicule.He is the person to
have scripted the Space Odyssey of India.He is


In the 1940s, a young inventor named Chester Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations
,including some of the biggest in the country.They all turned him down.After 7 long
years of rejection ,he finally got a tiny company,The Haloid to purchase the rights to
his invention-an electrostatic paper copying process. The Haloid company came to be
known as

A school teacher scolded a boy for not aying attention to mathematics and for not eing
able to solve simle problems. She told him that he would never become anybody in life.
That little boy was

28 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Vinita V Nayak

Boss: Where were you born? At the scene of an accident a man was
Sardar: India .. crying: O God! I have lost my hand, oh!
Boss: which part? Sardar: Control yourself. Don’t cry. See
Sardar: What ‘which part’? Whole body was that man. He has lost his head. Is he cry-
born in India . ing?

*************************************************** ************************************************
************** *****************

2 sardar were fixing a bomb in a car. Sardar bought a new mobile. He called ev-
Sardar 1: What would you do if the bomb eryone in his Phone Book and told them:
explodes while fixing. “My mobile number has changed, earlier it
Sardar 2: Dont worry, I have one more. was Nokia 3310, now it is 6710”
*************************************************** *******************
************** Jasbir visits an art gallery: I suppose this
horrible looking thing is what you call mod-
Sardar: What is the name of your car? ern art?
Lady: I forgot the name, but is starts with ‘T’. Art dealer: I beg your pardon sir, that is a
Sardar: Oh, what a strange car, starts with mirror.
Tea. All cars that I know start with petrol. ************************************************
************** Santa: I am a most proud Sardar, My son
is in medical college.
Sardar joined new job. 1st day he worked Banta: Really, what is he studying?
till late evening on the computer. Boss was
happy and asked what you did till evening. Santa: No is not studying, they are study-
Sardar: Keyboard alphabets were not in ing him.
order, so I made it alright. ************************************************
Sardar: U cheated me.
Shopkeeper: No, I sold a good radio to u.
Sardar: Radio label shows Made in Japan
but radio says this is ‘All India Radio! ‘


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 29

Banta: Why is your wife shouting at you?
Santa: Instead of posting her photo on Face-
book, by mistake I uploaded it on OLX!
Santa went to a restaurant in China.
Waiter: Sir, I have Stewed Liver, Boiled
Tongue and Frog’s Legs.
Santa: I am not a doctor who can address
your health problems. I am hungry. So just
get me a Menu Card!
Drunk Santa reaches home pretty late night.
Jeeto: Peekay Aaya Hai?
Santa: Nahi. Abhi Bas Poster Aaya Hai.
Movie December Mein Aayegi!
In an interview, Interviewer: How does an
electric motor run?
Sardar: Dhhuuuurrrrrrrrrr. .....
Inteviewer shouts: Stop it.
Sardar: Dhhuurrrr dhup dhup dhup...


Tourist: Whose skeleton is that?

Sardar: An old king’s skeleton.
Tourist: Who’s that smaller skeleton next to
Sardar: That was same king’s skeleton when
he was a child.

30 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Families Designed In
Frozen Frames
Nicy Susan Koshy

What started as a technique for freezing fe- Babies are designed and planned like
male eggs to enable women with cancer to careers, not for joy but for necessity.
store eggs prior to chemotherapy has now
become a service perquisite. A woman can Oocyte cryopreservation or freezing of
freeze her eggs to promote her career and a woman’s eggs is stated to be an op-
climb the corporate ladder by deferring moth- tion to extend fertility and delay mother-
erhood. In another dimension, posthumous hood. Silicon Valley technology giants
impregnation and creation of babies by as- have offered $20,000 to both full-time
sisted and collaborative modern techniques and part-time women employees to
such as in-vitriofertilisation or cryopreserva- freeze their eggs and store them in or-
tion of gametes and eggs may evoke strong der to enable these women to focus on
notions about life, parenthood and immortal- their careers and delay child bearing.
ity. Such posthumous artificial reproduction
has given rise to legal issues that current While everybody talks of the rights of
outdated laws cannot address. Banking is no the father and mother-to-be, nobody has
longer associated with just money but with looked at the rights of the unborn child.
sperms and eggs as well.
Postponing conception for career ad-
A volley of arguments has followed the offers vancement takes away the rights of an
of freezing embryos to postpone motherhood. unborn child. Be it a frozen embryo in a
These range from the risks of tampering with cryogenic jar or a frozen sperm or egg
the order of nature, unwarranted interference in a bank, a human life may be at stake.
between a woman and motherhood, subject-
ing the woman to health risks, expensive Besides issues of morality and ethics,
time-consuming medical procedures and there is no focus on the ‘right to life’ of an
promising “fertility insurance,” and deferring unborn child. From the perspective of this
child birth plans with assured career progres- child, his right to be born cannot be fro-
sion. Now the reality is that overworked pro- zen once he is meant to be procreated.
fessionals are conveniently using such tech- For a child to be born and for him to enjoy
niques since they are physically apart at the the company of his young parents needs
time of conception. Families are thus sought determination. . A child born to parents af-
to be designed in frozen frames for couples ter 20 years of his frozen conception de-
who are career-minded. Invention has over- prives him of the young companionship
taken human relationships in this race. of his healthy parents which he would
have enjoyed, had he not

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 31

been consigned to posterity. This angle
seems to have been totally ignored so far.

Egg, sperm and embryo banking which

were alien concepts will now enter the
home, and the family and will have to give
rise to a new set of laws and rights. Issues
may also arise if, after freezing the eggs,
the child is not conceived because of medi-
cal complications or unsuccessful retrieval
of eggs. There is no law which assures and
guarantees a woman who has frozen her
eggs a healthy child. By offering money
for freezing and preserving eggs and bar-
gaining away the joys of a natural process
for fast-tracking careers, these corporate
organisations are sending out exploitative

In the interest of nature, joyful parenting,

and the psychological welfare of an un-
born child, it may be necessary to enact a
law that provides incentives and benefits
for surrogates or parents who conceive
naturally. Providing leave for fertility treat-
ments, maternity leave for foster moth-
ers, time for child care and adoption ben-
efits may be feasible. Work places could
provide special rooms or play rooms in
crèches for children of working mothers.

Providing yearly sabbaticals which do not

affect career prospects of working women,
can further promote timely parenthood.Un-
less and until a clear empathetic attitude is
depicted, utilisation of female manpower
may become a tool in the hands of career
launchers who will keep in deep freeze pa-
rental joys.


32 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Why Failure Is Good

for Success
Vineetha Mathew

The sweetest victory is the one that’s From the likes of Augustine, Darwin and
most difficult. The one that requires you to Freud to the business mavericks and
reach down deep inside, to fight with ev- sports legends of today, failure is as power-
erything you’ve got, to be willing to leave ful a tool as any in reaching great success.
everything out there on the battlefield—
without knowing, until that do-or-die mo- “Failure and defeat are life’s greatest teach-
ment, if your heroic effort will be enough. ers [but] sadly, most people, and particularly
conservative corporate cultures, don’t want
Society doesn’t reward defeat, and you to go there,” says Ralph Heath, managing
won’t find many failures documented in his- partner of Synergy Leadership Group and
tory books. The exceptions are those fail- author of Celebrating Failure: The Power of
ures that become steppingstones to later Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Think-
success. Such is the case with Thomas ing Big. “Instead they choose to play it safe,
Edison, whose most memorable invention to fly below the radar, repeating the same
was the light bulb, which purportedly took safe choices over and over again. They op-
him 1,000 tries before he developed a suc- erate under the belief that if they make no
cessful prototype. “How did it feel to fail waves, they attract no attention; no one will
1,000 times?” a reporter asked. “I didn’t fail yell at them for failing because they gener-
1,000 times,” Edison responded. “The light ally never attempt anything great at which
bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” they could possibly fail (or succeed).”

Unlike Edison, many of us avoid the pros- However, in today’s post-recession econo-
pect of failure. In fact, we’re so focused on my, some employers are no longer shying
not failing that we don’t aim for success, away from failure—they’re embracing it.
settling instead for a life of mediocrity. According to a recent article in Business-
When we do make missteps, we gloss over Week, many companies are deliberately
them, selectively editing out the miscal- seeking out those with track records reflect-
culations or mistakes in our life’s résumé. ing both failure and success, believing that
those who have been in the trenches, sur-
When we take a closer look at the great vived battle and come out on the other side
thinkers throughout history, a willingness to have irreplaceable experience and perse-
take on failure isn’t a new or extraordinary verance. They’re veterans of failure.
thought at all.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 33

“The quickest road to success is to possess female pilot to fly solo over the Atlantic
an attitude toward failure of ‘no fear,’ ” says Ocean. Although her final flight proved
Heath. “To do their work well, to be suc- fateful, Maxwell believes she knew
cessful and to keep their companies com- the risk—and that the potential reward
petitive, leaders and workers on the front was worth it. “[Earhart’s] advice when it
lines need to stick their necks out a mile came to risk was simple and direct: ‘De-
every day. They have to deliver risky, edgy, cide whether or not the goal is worth the
breakthrough ideas, plans, presentations, risks involved. If it is, stop worrying.’ ”
advice, technology, products, leadership,
bills and more. And they have to deliver all Of course, the risks you take should be
this fearlessly—without any fear whatsoev- calculated; you shouldn’t fly blindly into the
er of failure, rejection or punishment.” night and simply hope for the best. Achiev-
ing the goal or at least waging a heroic ef-
The same holds true for personal quests, fort requires preparation, practice and some
whether in overcoming some specific awareness of your skills and talents.
challenge or reaching your full poten-
tial in all aspects of life. To achieve your ***
personal best, to reach unparalleled
heights, to make the impossible pos-
sible, you can’t fear failure, you must
think big, and you have to push yourself.

When we think of people with this mindset,

we imagine the daredevils, the pioneers,
the inventors, the explorers: They embrace
failure as a necessary step to unprecedent-
ed success.

But you don’t have to walk a tightrope, climb

Mount Everest or cure polio to employ this
mindset in your own life. When the rewards
of success are great, embracing possible
failure is key to taking on a variety of chal-
lenges, whether you’re reinventing your-
self by starting a new business or allowing
yourself to trust another person to build a
deeper relationship.

“To achieve any worthy goal, you must take

risks,” says writer and speaker John C.
Maxwell. In his book Failing Forward: Turn-
ing Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Suc-
cess, he points to the example of legendary
aviator Amelia Earhart, who set several re-
cords and achieved many firsts in her life-
time, including being the first

34 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Quizes and Riddles

Vishagini V

1. A fellow encountered a bear in a waste- 4. A poor farmer went to the market to sell
land. There was nobody else there. Both some peas and lentils. However, as he
were frightened and ran away. Fellow to had only one sack and didn’t want to mix
the north, bear to the west. Suddenly the peas and lentils, he poured in the peas
fellow stopped, aimed his gun to the south first, tied the sack in the middle, and then
and shot the bear. What color was the filled the top portion of the sack with the
bear? lentils. At the market a rich innkeeper hap-
( if the bear ran about 3.14 times faster pened by with his own sack. He wanted
than the fellow (still westwards), the fellow to buy the peas, but he did not want the
could have shot straight in front of him, lentils.
however for the booty he would have to go Pouring the seed anywhere else but the
to the south.) sacks is considered soiling. Trading sacks
is not allowed. The farmer can’t cut a hole
Answer: in his sack.
How would you transfer the peas to the
It all happened on the North Pole. When innkeeper’s sack, which he wants to keep,
the man shot, he must have been right without soiling the produce?
on the North Pole. Getting it? So it makes
sense to assume that the only color the Answer:
bear could be was WHITE. The marines were standing back against
the sides of the ship so they were looking
at each other. It does not matter where the
2. Who makes it, has no need of it. ship is (of course it does not apply to the
Who buys it, has no use for it. North and South Pole)
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it? 5. What occurs once in every minute,
twice in every moment, yet never in a
Answer: thousand years?
A coffin.
3. There was a green house. Inside the The letter m.
green house there was a white house.
Inside the white house there was a red
house. Inside the red house there were
lots of babies. What is it?


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 35


Smell An iPAD
Vandana R

The physical book meets its many avatars

That musty smell of a wood-panelled book- It’s not just to do with finding a book on-
store, that hunt for a rare title, the feel of the line. Technology has also changed the
leather-bound visage of a classic. To walk way we consume a book. Just download a
through the, maze of tall shelves, to dive book onto any smart device-a Kindle or an
into the crevices of a labyrinthine library, iPad-and you can start reading right away.
the joy of browsing for long hours. Well, all
this may have a romantic ring to it but now This has led to a veritable reading revolu-
the hunt for a coveted book is not so long- tion, whose demise pundits keep predict-
winded. In fact, it’s just a click away. ing at least once every decade. Reading is
cool again. We are now consuming the writ-
Log on to one of the several websites, ten word at a speed and quantity which far
key in the book’s name, hit the search surpasses any other era. That too with far
button, find, order and voila! It will get fewer bookshops, public libraries or read-
delivered to your doorstep in a matter ing rooms. Simran Kaur, a young account-
of a couple of days. Not a muscle needs ing professional, swears by her Kindle.
to be stretched anymore to reach out “What is great about it is that you can carry
for a book you have hungered for long. as many books as you want”. And a boon
for travellers. Also, they no longer need
It’s cause for celebration for many a reader. to occupy precious space in our tiny flats.
Author and journalist Shabnam Minwalla
enthusiastically recommends online book- It doesn’t stop at iPads, tabs and Kindles
shopping. A mother of three, she tells the alone. There are several products and apps
story of her family’s quest for the third book to help us read on the go. Audio books are
in the Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants also making books more accessible. Sim-
series. “I tried looking for it everywhere. ply push in a CD or pen drive and get an
Then one fine day I just gave up and went authentic reading or re-enactment of your
online and located it in a matter of minutes”, favourite book. In fact, audio books loaded
she says. As a young crime fiction junkie, as a part of their on-board entertainment
she used to find it difficult to locate many ti- package.
tles of a series. “That won’t be the case with
my daughters and it’s Flipkart and Amazon There is even a Twitter account solely dedi-
that has made it possible”, she says. cated to retelling the one lakh shlokas of
the Mahabharata through tweets.

36 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Internet is the fastest, as well as
the cheapest, informer and enter-
tainment channel in present times.

As with music, which has come a long way

from LP records, spool tapes, cassettes,
discs, pen drives and Blue Ray to wearable
music in a music in a watch, the format of
the book may have changed from what Jo-
hannes Gutenberg published in the 1450s.
Yet, its transformative impact on humanity
increases with time.


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 37

Cover Article

The Unsung Heroes

Priya Mary Jose
In this world where actors and athletes “I am there for all those who have no one,”
are revered,where we have so many she says with a lot of affection. You can see
great heroes who helped change the flashes of her life as she talks about her jour-
world, we often forget to remember the ney and how she became the “mother”. Be-
unsung heroes who changed the course ing an unwanted child, she was nicknamed
of history silently and without fanfare. “Chindhi” which means a torn piece of cloth.
Maybe we simply never heard of them.
Born on born on 14 November, 1948 at Pim-
We know about Malala Yousafai, a young pri Meghe village in Wardha district of Ma-
activist for female education...we know harashtra, she was keen on completing her
about Narendra Modi who started out as education and used Bharadi tree leaves to
a tea vendor and became prime Minis- write as the family could not afford a slate.
ter of India...we know a lot of freedom Her early marriage put an end to her desire
fighters,polititians and activists who are to study.
known for their great deeds.Yet what about
those who truly made a difference and went “I was told there are only two processions
unrecognized for their selfless acts? in a woman’s life; once when she gets mar-
ried and the other when she dies. Imagine
She Begged On Streets So She Could my state of mind when they took me in a
Feed Every Orphan She Saw! Can procession to my husband’s home in Na-
You Imagine Anyone More Heroic? vargaon forest in Wardha,” she says.

Sindhutai Sapkal is much more than just She got married at a tender age of 10 to a
a name. The 68-year-old lady hides many 30-year old man. Her abusive husband beat
stories behind her strong personality. Full her up and threw her out of the house when
of energy and passion, Sindhutai is com- she was 20 and nine-months pregnant. She
monly referred to as “Mother of Orphans” gave birth to a baby girl in a cow shelter out-
and as she talks about her life and her chil- side their house the same day and walked a
dren you can see the pain, the troubles and few kilometres in that condition to her moth-
the miseries she has faced and overcome er’s place, who refused to give shelter to her.
with her hard work during her life But, from
all the emotions you see on her face, an un- “I cut the umbilical cord with a sharp-edged
usual sense of confidence, which she has stone lying nearby,” she recalls.
derived over the years through her experi-
ence, is something you get inspired from.

38 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

The incident deeply affected her and she Till date she continues to fight for the
thought of committing suicide, but gave next meal. She does not take support
up that thought and started begging at from anyone but still gives speeches to
railway platforms for food to look after her earn her daily bread and butter.
“By God’s grace I had good communica-
As she spent more time begging, she re- tion skills. I could go and talk to people
alized that there are many orphans and and influence them. Hunger made me
children abandoned by their parents. speak and this became my source of in-
come. I give many speeches at various
Having faced the difficulties herself, she places and this gets me some money
could feel their pain and she decided to which I use to take care of my children,”
adopt them. She started begging more she says.
earnestly in order to feed the many chil-
dren that she had adopted. Gradually she Many years after being abandoned by
decided to adopt every child who came her husband, he came back to her and
across as an orphan and, over a period apologized for his harsh deeds. Having
of time, she emerged as the “mother of devoted all her life to the orphans, she
orphans”. forgave him and accepted him as her
child, as she could only harbour moth-
Till date she has adopted and nurtured erly love for all. She affectionately intro-
over 1,400 orphans, helped them get an duces her 80-year old husband as the
education, got them married and sup- eldest child.
ported them to settle down in life. She is
fondly referred to as “mai” (mother). The The Judge Who Stood Against The
children are not given up for adoption. Prime Minister
She treats them as her own and some of
them are now lawyers, doctors and engi- A man so honourable that it cost him his
neers. job, so brave that he stood up against
the Prime Minister when others didn’t
“When I was out myself on the streets dare to, a judge so fair that he did not
begging for food and fighting for surviv- think of the consequences when he
al each day, I realized that there are so stood for the right decision.
many orphans who have nobody to go to.
I decided to take care of them and raise The man in context is Hans Raj Khanna,a
them as my own,” Sindhutai says. judge of supreme court of India during
1967-77. He stood for all the qualities
To eliminate the feeling of partial- required of a judge.
ity among children she gave away her
biological daughter to Shrimant Dag- Born in Amritsar, Punjab on July 3,
du Sheth Halwai, Pune. Her daugh- 1912, Khanna was the son of a freedom
ter herself runs an orphanage today. fighter Sarb Dyal Khanna who was a
lawyer and later became the mayor of
Sindhutai with her love and compassion Amritsar. Khanna’s mother died young
has gathered a huge family of 207 sons- and his grandmother looked after the
in-law, 36 daughters-in-law and over household.
1000 grandchildren.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 39

Following his father’s footsteps, Khanna The court went by the majority and de-
decided to study law after school. Soon clared that a person has no remedy for
after receiving the degree he started illegal detentions, unauthorized demo-
his own practice which was a success. litions, murder and mayhem. The Su-
preme Court sanctioned “the rule of law-
He had given many life changing deci- lessness.”
sions in his life but the one thing that we
admire him for the most is his stand in the Khanna sensed that after his stand, his
Habeas Corpus case (ADM Jabalpur vs judgeship might be in jeopardy. On the
Shivkant Shukla) during Indira Gandhi’s day he was to give his opinion for the fat-
emergency, what is considered to be the ed case, he had mentioned to his sister,
darkest hour in Indian democracy. “I have prepared my judgment, which is
going to cost me the Chief Justice-ship of
When Indira Gandhi lost her election India.” He was soon proved right.
case on June 12, 1975, she was grant-
ed only conditional stay which meant In spite of enjoying the support and re-
that she could not exercise her voting or spect of all the bar associations and the
speaking powers in the Lok Sabha and entire legal community, he was supersed-
became just a nominal prime minister. ed for the post of Chief Justice of India by
Indira Gandhi in January 1977, and the
She immediately declared a state of in- same day he sent in his resignation.
ternal emergency. This gave her the au-
thority to rule by decree, which allowed
her to suspend elections and civil liber- The Man Who Carved A Road Through
ties. This type of rule is often used by dic- The Mountain So His People Could
tators. Reach A Doctor In Time

He was the only judge in a five-member This is the story of an ordinary man.
bench to go against the decision that if
a person is ill-treated or his family mem- He was an outcast, a landless labourer
bers are detained without legal authority, who had to trek across an entire moun-
he can’t approach the court for any justice tain every day, just to reach the farm that
and there is no remedy to this situation. he worked on. It was a treacherous trek,
and led to accidents often. His people
While all the other four agreed to this con- needed help, there were lives at stake
tention and supported the government, every day. He decided, if no one would
Khanna maintained that the state had no help his people, he would. Then, without
power to deprive a person of his life and pausing for a thought, he went ahead and
liberty without legal authority. did just that with his bare hands.

In his dissent, Khanna said, “What is at It was 1960. Landless laborers, the
stake is the rule of law… the question is Musahars, lived amid rocky terrain in the
whether the law speaking through the remote Atri block of Gaya, Bihar, in north-
authority of the Court shall be absolutely ern India. In the community of
silenced and rendered mute…”

40 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Gehlour, they were regarded the lowest Dashrath bought a hammer, chisel, and
of the low in a caste-ridden society, and crowbar. He had to sell his goats, which
denied the basics: water supply, electric- meant a lower income for his family. He
ity, a school, a medical center. climbed to the top, and started chipping
away at the mountain. Years later, he
A 300-foot tall mountain loomed between would recount,
them and all the basic facilities that they
had always longed for. “That mountain had shattered so
many pots and claimed so many lives.
Like all the Musahar men, Dashrath Man- I could not bear that it had hurt my
jhi worked on the other side of the moun- wife. If it took all my life now, I would
tain. At noon, his wife Phaguni would carve us a road through the mountain.”
bring his lunch. As they had no road, the
trek took hours over the mountain. Dash- Word spread far and wide. He would start
rath tilled fields for a landlord on the other early in the morning, chip the mountain
side. He would quarry stone. And in a few for a few hours, then work on the fields,
hours from then, he would be tired and and come back to work on the mountain
hungry. again. He would hardly sleep. The villag-
ers gradually began to respect him, and
Phaguni, Dashrath’s wife, prepared for started donating food to his family. He
her treacherous climb up the mountain. eventually quit his wage job, and start-
She wrapped the ‘rotis’, filled a container ed spending as much time as he could,
with a thin curry, and bundled the food breaking the mountain.
into a square of cloth. She picked a small
pot of water, and hoisted it on her head. Then, Phaguni fell ill. The doctor was in
Her children sat playing by their hut in the Wazirganj, which stood just on the other
small Musahar settlement in the moun- side of the mountain, but the road lead-
tain’s shadow. ing to it was 75 kilometers long. Unable
to make the journey, she passed away.
He would watch and wait for Phaguni. Her death not only enraged him more, it
That day, she would come to him empty spurred him on.
handed, injured. As the harsh sun beat
down, Phaguni tripped on loose rock, and It was not an easy task. He would often
was badly injured. Her water pot shat- get hurt by the rocks falling from the un-
tered. She slid down several feet, injuring yielding mountain. He would rest and
her leg. Hours past noon, she limped to then start again. At times, he helped peo-
her husband. He was angry at her for be- ple carry their things over the mountain
ing late for a small fee, money to feed his chil-
dren. After 10 years, as Manjhi chipped
But on seeing her tears, he made a deci- away, people saw a cleft in the mountain
sion. He decided that he was not going to and some came to help.
wait for anyone to solve his problems, he
was going to do-it-himself. In 1982, Gehlour was in for a surprise.

HE CUT THROUGH THE MOUNTAIN Manjhi broke through that last thin wall of
WITH JUST A HAMMER, A CHISEL, rock, and walked into the other side of the
AND CROWBARS. mountain.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 41

.After 22 years, Dashrath Das Manjhi, the If I did not, no one would,” Manjhi’s words
common man, the landless laborer, had reflect the reality of our country.
broken the mountain: he had carved out
a road 360 feet long, 30 feet wide. Wa- Now that he is gone, his people are still
zirganj, with its doctors, jobs, and school, poor. There are electricity poles, but no
was now only 5 kilometers away. People electricity; a tube well, but no water; no
from 60 villages in Atri could use his road. real hospital, no real livelihoods, little ed-
Children had to walk only 3 kilometers to ucation. Manjhi’s son lost his own wife re-
reach school. Grateful, they began to call cently to an illness. After all these years,
him ‘Baba’, the revered man. their fate was sealed by another mountain:
poverty, the inability to pay for a doctor, for
But Dashrath did not stop there. He getting the necessary treatment on time.
began knocking on the Government’s
doors, asking for the road to be tarred
and connected to the main road. He did Seeing Her Own House Getting
the unthinkable to get the government’s Washed Away Did Not Stop This Young
attention, he walked along the railway Girl From Saving A 1000 Lives!
line all the way to New Delhi, the capi-
tal. He submitted a petition there, for On June 16, 2013, one of the worst cloud
his road, for a hospital for his people, a bursts struck the state of Uttarakhand.
school and water. In July 2006, Dashrath Millions were rendered homeless and
went to the then Bihar Chief Minister Nit- many lost their lives. It’s been almost a
ish Kumar’s ‘Junta Durbar’. The minister, year now and yet the process of rehabili-
overwhelmed, got up and offered ‘Baba’ tation and relocation of many is a ques-
his chair, his minister’s seat; a rare honor tion mark. Amidst this, here is an inspiring
for a man of Manjhi’s social status. story of a young brave heart from Bankoli
village in Uttarkashi district, one of the
The government rewarded his efforts with worst affected districts during the floods.
a plot of land; Manjhi promptly donated
the land back for a hospital. They also Mamta Rawat is 24 years old. Yet, she did
nominated him for the ‘Padma Shree’, not let her tender age confine her sheer
but the forest ministry officials fought the strength of purpose, as she saved over a
nomination, calling his work illegal. “I do 1000 lives during the flash floods of Ut-
not care for these awards, this fame, the tarakhand last June. While pilgrims were
money,” he said. “All I want is a road, a moving down to escape the fury of the
school, and a hospital for our people. floods from the upper reaches of Uttar-
They toil so hard. It will help their women kashi and Gangotri, Mamta was making
and children.” her way up on her own to be part of the
rescue effort. She had no official badge,
On August 17, 2007, Dashrath Manjhi, the no uniform, no map, no government or-
man who had conquered a mountain lost his der or logistical support.
battle with cancer. All his life he had toiled
for his people and for no personal gain. Her reason was simple “I am a resident of
Uttarakashi and I have the skills required
“I started this work out of love for my wife, to help people. If I do not come forward
but continued it for my people. at these times of trouble, who will?” she

42 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

A trained mountaineer from the Nehru In- completely washed away taking away the
stitute of Mountaineering, Mamta was in only roof over her family and her head.
charge of a group of 30 school children Today she lives with her family of 6 mem-
from various parts of the country who had bers under a tinned roof.
come to Dyara Top in Uttarkashi for an
adventure outing. She was then work- But, the simple-hearted girl lives her life
ing as a freelance instructor with INME, as any other day. Even when asked by an
a Delhi based Adventure sport company Dehradun based NGO, Leap Foundation,
that does children’s adventure camps. what help she required with regard to her
With floods ravaging, she, along with two house she mentioned that it was noth-
other persons, took these kids to safety ing that she required but it’s her village
across landsides and a shaking bridge that required rope/cable bridges to cross
over river Aksai Ganga, personally tak- over the rivers, as all the old bridges were
ing each child on foot across the bridge washed away by the river then.
which the raging water threatened to
wash away. Having dropped out of school to take care
of her mother and her home, Mamta after
After having got all the children back a great struggle managed to do her Basic
safely to Uttarkashi town she took care of Mountaineering Course from the Nehru
the terrified children, all in the age group Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi.
between 14-16 years, giving them cour- But, it took her two years after her Ba-
age and support. Once the route from sic Course to save up another Rs 5000
Uttarakashi opened up towards Dehra- to do her Advance Course. She did it with
dun she made sure each child was safely the hope that she could get employment
surrendered to his/her parent and she in the adventure field. Having performed
immediately left to complete the unfin- very well in the Advance course, she got
ished work. This time around it was to a sponsor to fund her next course – the
help the pilgrims who were stranded and Method of Instruction course. She then
were traversing down to Uttarkashi from went on to do her Search and Rescue
Gangotri, the roads having been washed Course. All these courses finally paid off
away completely. and today she is a professional moun-
taineer and a qualified instructor.
Mamta then joined the Nehru Institute of
Mountaineering team and helped in the Mamta, the only earning member of her
search and rescue operations. There are family, is a determined young Gharwali
tales of this girl that will mesmerise peo- girl who always puts others first and then
ple. While, on the rescue mission she car- thinks about herself. Unfortunately such
ried a middle-aged pilgrim woman on her is her plight that she has received no
back as the lady was unconscious. She compensation from the Government only
carried her on her back – like a moun- because she did not file her papers on
taineer carries a rucksack– and ran down time.
the rocky terrain for over 3km to help her
get evacuated by a helicopter for further Summiting4Hope, a social initiative
medical treatment. She was helping peo- started by a mountaineer, came across
ple during these troubled times even as Mamta while on relief operations in Utta-
her own house was washed away in the rakashi and decided they would build a
floods. Her house was part damaged in permanent shelter for her and her family.
the 2012 floods and last year the remain-
ing got ***

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 43

Quizes and Riddles

Vishagini V

SHE-GOAT, WOLF AND CABBAGE • The boat only has room for 2 (monkeys
or humans).
A farmer returns from the market, where • Monkeys can jump out of the boat
he bought a she-goat, a cabbage and a when it’s banked.
wolf. On the way home he must cross a
river. His boat is small and won’t fit more
than one of his purchases. He cannot ANSWER: The three columns represent
leave the she-goat alone with the cab- the left bank, the boat, and the right bank
bage (because the she-goat would eat it), respectively. The < and > indicates the
nor he can leave the she-goat alone with direction of motion of the boat.
the wolf (because the she-goat would be HHHMmm
eaten). HHHm Mm>
How can the farmer get everything on the HHHm <M m
other side in this river crossing puzzle? HHH Mm> m
HHH <M mm
HM HH> mm
Take the she-goat to the other side. Go Hm HM> Hm
back, take cabbage, unload it on the Hm <Hm HM
other side where you load the she-goat, mm HH> HM
go back and unload it. Take the wolf to mm <M HHH
the other side where you unload it. Go m Mm> HHH
back for the she-goat m <M HHHm
Mm> HHHm

Another river crossing puzzle goes as THE BARBERSHOP PUZZLE

Three humans, one big monkey and two A traveler arrives in a small town and
small monkeys are to cross a river: decides he wants to get a haircut. There
• Only humans and the big monkey can are only two barbershops in town - one
row the boat. on East Street and one on West Street.
• At all times, the number of humans on The East Street barbershop is a mess,
either side of the river must be greater or and the barber has the worst haircut the
equal to the number of monkeys on that traveler has ever seen. The West Street
side. (Or else the humans will be eaten barbershop is neat and clean, its barber’s
by the monkeys!) hair looks as good as a movie star’s.

44 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Which barbershop does the traveler go to
for his haircut, and why?

The traveler goes to have his hair cut at
the barbershop on East Street. He figures
that since there are only two barbershops
in town the East Street barber must have
his hair cut by the West Street barber and
vice versa. So if the traveler wants to look
as good as the West Street barber (the
one with the good haircut), he’d better
go to the man who cuts the West Street
barber’s hair - the East Street barber.
By the way, the reason the West Street
barbershop is so clean and neat is that it
seldom gets customers.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 45

Book Review

Priya Mary Jose

Synopsis: What if playing computer games Insignia is set in the future, on a planet
could save the world... And what if the earth that is slap bang in the middle of
Government’s secret weapon was you? World War III. However, this is not World
War III in the way that we would imag-
ine it to be, with governments launching
More than anything, Tom Raines wants nuclear missiles and other weapons of
to be important, though his shadowy life mass destruction at each other and un-
is anything but that. For years, Tom’s imaginable loss of human life. Instead,
drifted from casino to casino with his un- it is a war waged by multi-national cor-
lucky gambler of a dad, gaming for their porations, and one in which there are
survival. Keeping a roof over their heads no human casualties at all. This war
depends on a careful combination of skill, is being fought far out in the solar sys-
luck, con artistry, and staying invisible. tem where the fleets of space drones
are controlled by the minds of teenag-
Then one day, Tom stops being invis- ers, from the safety of the Pentagon.
ible. Someone’s been watching his vir-
tual-reality prowess, and he’s offered the Insignia is one of the best science fiction
incredible—a place at the Pentagonal novels I have ever read. It’s a fast paced
Spire, an elite military academy. There, story, action packed, and full of interga-
Tom’s instincts for combat will be put to lactic fighting with robots, sending fellow
the test, and if he passes, he’ll become classmates viruses (because they have
a member of the Intrasolar Forces, help- computers installed in their brains, of
ing to lead his country to victory in World course) that makes them giggle uncon-
War Three. Finally, he’ll be someone im- trollably or fall in love with a podium, and
portant: a superhuman war machine with spending time in playing virtual reality
the tech skills that every virtual-reality video games that feel incredibly real…
warrior dreams of. Life at the Spire holds
everything that Tom’s always wanted— The protogonist Tom Raines is a
friends, the possibility of a girlfriend, and snarky,humorous character who has
a life where his every action matters— zero respect for authority,a quality which
but what will it cost him? quickly earns him plenty of enemies in
a world fraught with danger and corrup-
tion. It was also precisely this quality that
brought him to the attention of the gen-
eral in the US army who hoped

46 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Tom’s disregard for rules and incredible When I first picked up the book,although
mastery of tactics would enable him to it looked interesting I never expected it
make spontaneous decisions that could to hook me the way it did.Once I started
help tip the war in their favour.With a little I just couldn’t put it down. You don’t have
persuasion, Tom finds himself enrolling to be a techie genius to understand the
to train with the best of the best, and his sci-fi elements.It is the sort of book that
life his changed forever. will blow your mind either way.

I loved the way SJ Kincaid wrote her

characters and the they interacted in the
story, with the banter, pranks and dares.
There are moments in this story which
will have you laughing out loud, and there
are moments when you might also feel
tears of a very different nature start to well
in your eyes. It also deals with themes
such a friendship,loyalty, personal iden-
tity, corporate greed and corruption.We
find Tom making friends with Vikram,
who sees himself as a bit of a joker, and
Wyatt, the geeky girl who just happens
to be an expert on all things computer/
software related and an absent minded
boy,Yuri.The banter between the charac-
ters and the light heartedness they bring
to even the most serious situations is
very refreshing. As the book progresses
we also see the relationship between the
four friends tested time and time again.

Insignia is one of those rare books that

has everything -action, adventure, hu-
mour, romance and a plot that races
along like a runaway train, all anchored
in the world of computer games. Despite
being the first book a trilogy it also has
a ‘proper’ end to it, but Insignia doesn’t
need a cliffhanger ending to encourage
readers to ache longingly for the sequel,
the characters and the quality of the sto-
rytelling are what will have young people
coming back for more.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 47


Where Will We
Be in 2050? Taniya F Thomas
What does the future hold? What will the world construction projects, using raw materials
look like in decades to come? What will life that need not come from Earth. But will
be like for our children—and their children? people follow them? The practical case for
sending people into space gets ever-weak-
These are perhaps some of the biggest er with each advance in robots and minia-
questions that confront humanity. Almost turisation. But I’m nonetheless an enthu-
everyone at some point in life contem- siast for manned missions - to the moon,
plates them. to Mars and even beyond - simply as a
long-range adventure for (at least a few)
Hollywood has its own predictions. Futur- humans. Some claim that computers will,
ologists paint fanciful pictures, with flying by 2050, achieve human capabilities. Of
cars and robots to assist every human course, in some respects they already have.
need. Doomsayers see the world being de-
stroyed. Even some of the most renowned What picture do current facts and trends
minds in the scientific community now urge paint for the future?
people to abandon Earth before it is de-
stroyed by nuclear war or by natural disas- To understand where the world is
ter. Others see global warming as a contrib- headed, we must examine how
uting factor to man’s supposed destruction. many human beings are on Earth to-
day—and how many will be in 2050.
2050 (MML) will be a common year start-
ing on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar But to fully appreciate these trends, some
(dominical letter B), the 2050th year of the basic history is required. First consider that
Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) 210 years ago, in 1800, the world popula-
designations, the 50th year of the 3rd mil- tion was under 1 billion people. By 1900,
lennium, the 50th year of the 21st centu- the population had grown to 1.65 billion.
ry, and the 1st year of the 2050s decade. Fifty years later, the population was over
2.5 billion.
I hope that by 2050 the entire solar sys-
tem will have been explored and mapped In 1950, there were on average 19 peo-
by flotillas of tiny robotic craft. Robots and ple per square mile. (Realize that much of
“fabricators” may enable large Earth is uninhabitable, so in actuality this
number is far greater.)

48 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

By 2050, the number of people keep going up unless we change how we
per square mile will increase to 67. use it…Women in developing countries
walk an average of 3.7 miles to get wa-
Consider the current state of the world’s ter…In 15 years, 1.8 billion people will
children. Over 25,000 under age five die live in regions of severe water scarcity.”
each day! One of the goals of the UN
is to reduce child mortality. Since child Food production will be another mam-
death rates have decreased over the moth challenge in 2050. Studies reveal
past few decades, one could reasonably that food production will need to increase
estimate they will continue to decline. by 70 percent to feed the over 9 billion
people on Earth. While many planners
The UN estimates the child mortality rate are cautiously optimistic that this can be
will fall from 71 per 1,000 births to 31. done, one must understand that today
While one could argue that this view is too people are starving all over the world.
optimistic, this still means that over 3.7 mil-
lion children will die each year at the mid- The world of 2050 is a world of contrasts
point of this century! and paradoxes. On the one hand, sci-
ence and technology have continued to
The cumulative number of deaths from advance in response to emerging cri-
2010 through 2050, taking into account the ses, challenges and opportunities. This
decrease stated above, is over 250 million has created radical transformations in
children—more than a quarter billion. genetics, nanotechnology, biotechnol-
ogy and related fields. On the other
Water is one of the most important re- hand, many of these same technolo-
sources on Earth. Across the globe, na- gies have been so disruptive that it has
tions are preparing for water scarcity. led to a more frightening, unpredict-
able and chaotic world than ever before.
India, one of the most populous countries
in the world, is bracing itself for shortag- Humanity is now at a crossroads that will
es as it expects its demand to double by determine its future path for centuries to
2050. IRC International Water and Sanita- come – survival or destruction, prosperity
tion Centre reports that almost every Arab or collapse.
country will face water shortages in the
coming decades.
Sandia Lab News, a publication connect-
ed to the U.S. National Nuclear Security
Administration, revealed, “By 2025 more
than half the nations in the world will face
freshwater stress or shortages and by
2050 as much as 75 percent of the world’s
population could face freshwater scarcity.”

The National Geographic April 2010 article

states: “With 83 million more people on
earth each year, water demand will

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 49

Short Story

Do dark clouds have

silver lining??
Pratibha Padmanabhan

Hair put up in a braid, the sari draping “The light just goes off and every
around my waist, I see a very vague pic- night all you feel is pure numbness”.
ture on the screen. Eyes wide open to see
the colorful film, in just black and white. They say, it’s her clothes, they say it’s the
They say “her life is all about the night.” smile, or behavior, family status, or proba-
Then senses start to trigger and some- bly even the enjoyment I acquire. Shame-
where deep down, I realize the screen that less people like me don’t deserve a life.
shows the 36-24-36 is none other than me.
Life? Life is something which changed its
What people often say is true “My life is definition at different phases of my life.
all about the night”, because the sun rise ABC…, is not meant for us. Us often
is something that failed to bring light into equates itself to women in our society.
my life. But since my gene makes me do weird
stuff, the A-Z remains the secret of my life.
“Brother, please turn left and stop at the
first gate”. The eyes turn around and give There is no wooden framed degree deco-
a smile. Smile?? Yes, the most recognized rating my wall. The brown covered “diary”
one. as they say, which defines a friend, is the
The gates open to a bright room. “Mumma,
You know the government has passed a Life is about staying beautiful to the man
new law against rape, our sad days will of your life, they say. But when the man
end soon right?” decides to find more physical beauty, you
take a step forward to become beautiful to
Rape, that’s what defines “harassment the world, for that man which became my
against your wish”. But suddenly my heart life, my son.
skips a beat when I realize life has taken
me to a junction where wishes don’t mat- Beauty often attracts attention. But at
ter. times you are just so beautiful that the
world goes blind and you are the only per-
son who witness’s it.

50 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Behind every mask called “face” and
behind every covering called “person-
ality” and most importantly behind ev-
ery human called “woman” there are
the same difficulties and the same
emotions, visible to the world or not.

But when you respect yourself, the beauty

just increases, no matter if you know the
ABC’s or not!!


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 51

One Teacher,One Book,One
pen can change The World...
Preetha S

One person on the world stage today, an Her activism resulted in a nomination for
unlikely person of tender years, brave be- the International Children’s Peace Prize in
yond bounds yet exceedingly humble, has 2011. That same year, she was awarded
stood as a magnificent beacon of human Pakistan’s National Youth Peace Prize.
rights. Malala Yousafzai is her name...
As Malala became more recognized, the
On July 12, 1997, Malala Yousafzai was dangers facing her became more acute.
born in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the When she was 14, Malala and her family
country’s Swat Valley. For the first few learned that the Taliban had issued a death
years of her life, her hometown remained threat against her. Though Malala was
a popular tourist spot that was known for frightened for the safety of her father—an
its summer festivals. However, the area anti-Taliban activist—she and her family
began to change as the Taliban tried to initially felt that the fundamentalist group
take control.Yousafzai attended a school would not actually harm a child.
that her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, had
founded. After the Taliban began attack- On October 9, 2012, on her way home
ing girls’ schools in Swat, Malala gave a from school, a man boarded the bus Ma-
speech in Peshawar, Pakistan, in Septem- lala was riding in and demanded to know
ber 2008. The title of her talk was, “How which girl was Malala. When her friends
dare the Taliban take away my basic right looked toward Malala, her location was
to education?” given away. The gunman fired at her, hit-
ting Malala in the left side of her head; the
Even at the age of 11, Malala understood bullet then traveled down her neck. Two
that the best way to free young wom- other girls were also injured in the attack.
en was to see that they are educated.In
early 2009, Yousafzai began blogging for The shooting left Malala in critical condi-
the BBC about living under the Taliban’s tion, so she was flown to a military hospi-
threats to deny her an education. In order tal in Peshawar. A portion of her skull was
to hide her identity, she used the name Gul removed to treat her swelling brain. To
Makai. However, she was revealed to be receive further care, she was transferred
the BBC blogger in December of that year. to Birmingham, England.Once she was in
the United Kingdom, Yousafzai was taken
With a growing public platform, Yousafzai out of a medically induced coma.
continued to speak out about her right, and
the right of all women, to an education.

52 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Though she would require multiple surger- died. Strength, power and courage were
ies—including repair of a facial nerve to born. I am the same Malala. My am-
fix the paralyzed left side of her face—she bitions are the same. My hopes are
had suffered no major brain damage. In the same. My dreams are the same.”
March 2013, she was able to begin attend-
ing school in Birmingham. .“So here I stand one girl among many. I
speak – not for myself, but for all girls and
As she recovered from a wound that boys. I raise up my voice – not so that I
would have set many back years, Malala’s can shout, but so that those without a
voice has become stronger and clearer. voice can be heard.”
She has toured the world, stood on impor-
tant stages, telling men and women, boys She has also written an autobiography,
and girls, that all are equal.Malala said I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for
her world may have changed but she has Education and Was Shot by the Taliban,
not. Recounting the horror of being shot at which was released in October 2013.
point blank, a bullet almost going through Unfortunately, the Taliban still considers
her brain - all because she spoke up for Yousafzai a target.
the rights of young girls to go to school,
Malala said her first thought waking up Despite the Taliban’s threats, Yousafzai
in a hospital in Birmingham was how she remains a staunch advocate for the power
or her family would pay for the treatment. of education. On October 10, 2013, in ac-
What if the Taliban targets her life again? knowledgement of her work, the European
Malala says she isn’t scared by their new Parliament awarded Yousafzai the Sakha-
threats. “I may be scared of ghosts,never rov Prize for Freedom of Thought. That
of the Taliban.” same year, she was nominated for a Nobel
Peace Prize. She didn’t win the prize, but
She gave a speech at the United Nations was named a nominee again in March 2014.
on her 16th birthday, in 2013.At UN, Ma-
lala rallies youth to stand up for universal 12th july is officially announced by the
education.She addressed hundreds of UN as the ‘Malala Day’ in honour of her
young people at the United Nations, urg- heroic stand to ensure education for all.
ing them to use education as a weapon Her words are not to be taken for grant-
against extremism. ed. They are urgent on most of the planet.
Tens of millions of girls are out of school,
about half of them in sub-Saharan Africa.
A third of women aged 20 to 24 years old
.“Let us pick up our books and our pens. in developing nations were married as
They are our most powerful weapons. One children, most of them given to an older
teacher, one book, one pen, can change man as property.Untold numbers of young
the world,” women are subjected to suffering and de-
privation inside relationships where they
.“The terrorists thought that they would are essentially kept as prisoners.
change our aims and stop our ambitions
but nothing changed in my life except this:
weakness, fear and hopelessness

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 53

Malala Yousufzai, a global icon for world
leaders and citizens alike, still says she
sees herself just as an ordinary teenage
girl.if an ordinary 16 year old girl can do
this much ,then why can’t we??its high
time to think...
come on let us hold our hands and say..

“ Malala, you are not alone. We are all

with you, standing behind you.”


54 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Fulfillment in Life, for

a Woman. Pratibha Padmanabhan
A cup of coffee on a chilled night, walking So I guess, the present saying should be
through the beach feeling the cold air on “Behind every successful woman,
your face, or even dancing in the middle of There is a man”.
the rain, are a few things I am really cer-
tain , are there in any woman’s wish list. I would never personally define success as
reaching the highest qualification of your
Making a wish list of your own is totally dif- office or even earning a six figure salary.
ferent from considering to fulfill it. But success lies in the smallest memories
From the time I was taking my first steps, we cherish, like getting the house hold run
to date till now , I have always been told for Rs.10 less. These are the moments
that— where we live life our own simple way.

“There is a woman behind every success- So whether it be creating your own identity
ful man”. in the society or shopping away your part-
ners salary, success is all about living your
In rural India, girl children are often con- dreams in this life and no woman can ever
sidered to be a burden. Women get mar- be denied of it.
ried at the age of eighteen or even before.
They sit back at home and wait for their “Life is not measured by the breaths we
husbands, to sever the food that they have take,
cooked. For them probably success lies in
getting only their spouse to recognize them. But by the moments that take our breath
Earning a single Rupee of their own, or
making their own decisions is still a big So in the fast run of life, we must remem-
dream, unless they are permitted to do so. ber that success does not lie in increasing
our bank balance, but instead in weighing
Even the most educated families follow our happiness more than wealth.
these costumes’.
A woman who gets to cherish these
Thus whether you work or you stay en- heights, in a roller coaster ride of life is
closed within the four walls, having Ein- truly successful.
stein’s brains, lies in the hands of your
partner. ***

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 55


The Pros And Cons

Of Driving Vidya G

Driving is the most interesting and dan- Never take these as an advice since I am
gerous task in this world. Driving can be not a good driver or a great adviser but I
thought of as an easy task as well as a dif- am certainly a well wisher.
ficult task. People who are confident think
of driving as an easy task. If you drive with * Obey traffic rules - These are followed
confidence, you are responsible for your by most of the citizens in the city, but still
safety and the safety of your near and it needs to improve. The citizens follow it
dear ones. since they are afraid of the cameras that
are placed near most of the traffic lights.
Driving may be thought of as an easy task. * Maintain speed limit – Even though
If you have your own vehicle, then it will be speed restrictions and highway codes
easy for people to make fun of you. They have been designed for protection, very
may say, “Oh! It might be easy for you to few have respected them.
travel since you have your own vehicle; we * Wear seat belts – Most people stay
have to travel tough by hiring auto, going careless in this point, since they will be un-
by buses etc. How lucky you are!”. Some able to move or turn from their sitting posi-
may get irritated by these words. What tions according to their comfort.
could you do? Could you buy a vehicle for * Avoid multitasking – Some people
them? Or lend money to buy a vehicle? All have the ability to do many tasks at a time.
you can do is to keep calm. During driving, such multi tasks are put-
ting make ups, sending messages, attend
If you own a vehicle, it is easy for you to calls etc. But remember, all these can wait
reach places according to your wish. So till you halt. Your life is more important
mostly you would reach that place in cor- than such things that should be given least
rect time or you would reach late. But it is importance.
rare that you are punctual. So, if you start * Wear helmet if you are on a two-
late, you increase the speed of the accel- wheeler – Some may wear helmet for the
erator rapidly, so that you could reach in sake of escaping from police’s eyes. But
time. This lay lead to accidents if you over- if you wear helmet for your need, make
speed your vehicle. So it is better to start sure that the helmet strap is fixed properly.
early. Even though it has been made compulso-
ry to wear helmets in this city, most people
Let me introduce the old and gold rules for wear loose strapped helmets that do not fit
safe driving, which are very well known, properly. Instead of being afraid of police,
that tastes bitter to follow. be afraid of your life and value it.

56 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

* Avoid driving when you are tired or Show humanity in helping a person if he/
sleepy – If you are tired or sleepy, you she is met with an accident. If you be-
would not get a good view of vehicles lieve in safe driving and if you care for
that go in front or come from behind. the safety of others, then you are a re-
sponsible citizen. The future world would
* Respect pedestrians – Even though, completely depend on the vehicles. In
you over speed your vehicle or if the mis- such cases, each family will have their
take is yours, words will flow continuous- own vehicles. So, for a better tomorrow,
ly from your mouth without a pause, if a do something nice today. Think Safety,
pedestrian passes by. He/She will have and Drive Carefully.
to shut his/her ears until you stop. So, be
courteous and considerate towards them. ***

* Overloading is dangerous – Avoid ex-

ceeding the limit in number of passengers
allowed traveling in your vehicle. Once I
happened to see five people traveling in a
two wheeler (the number five seems to ex-
ceed the limit of the number of passengers
allowed in an auto!), of which two were
children. In buses also, traveling in foot
boards is dangerous. We might have seen
most buses slanting towards one side due
to overloading in which the passengers
show over confidence and over courage in
hanging out of the buses.

* Keep distance and ob-

serve other users on the road.
* Pre check your vehicle before a drive.
* Do not drink and drive.

Driving is fun, but it could turn dangerous

if you are overconfident when you drive.
While driving, you must keep in mind that
you are the one who should take care of
your life. You are responsible for the lives
of the passengers and also the pedes-
trians when you drive. The need of road
safety has gained a significant importance
in the modern world. ‘Think Safety’ is what
people say. But do not just think; do em-
phasize safety by driving carefully.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 57


Narendra Modi –The

New Face Of India
Vrinda L
Narendra Modi, in full Narendra Damo- 1995 state legislative assembly elections
dardas Modi (bornSeptember 17, 1950, that in March allowed the party to form
Vadnagar, India), Indian politician and the first-ever BJP-controlled government
government official who rose to become a in India. The BJP’s control of the state
senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Par- government was relatively short-lived,
ty (BJP). In 2014 he led his party to victory however, ending in September 1996.
in elections to the Lok Sabha (lower cham-
ber of the Indian parliament), after which In 1995 Modi was made the secretary of
he was sworn in as prime minister of In- the BJP’s national organization in New
dia. Prior to that he had served (2001–14) Delhi, and three years later he was ap-
as the chief minister (head of govern- pointed its general secretary. He remained
ment) of Gujarat state in western India. in that office for another three years, but
in October 2001 he replaced the incum-
Modi was raised in a small town in north- bent Gujarat chief minister, fellow BJP
ern Gujarat, and he completed an M.A. member Keshubhai Patel, after Patel had
degree in political science from Gujarat been held responsible for the state gov-
University in Ahmadabad. He joined the ernment’s poor response in the aftermath
pro-HinduRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh of the massive Bhuj earthquake in Guja-
(RSS) organization in the early 1970s and rat earlier that year that killed more than
set up a unit of the RSS’s students’ wing, 20,000 people. Modi entered his first-ever
the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, in electoral contest in a February 2002 by-
his area. Modi rose steadily in the RSS election that won him a seat in the Gujarat
hierarchy, and his association with the or- state assembly.
ganization significantly benefited his sub-
sequent political career. Modi’s political career thereafter remained
a mixture of deep controversy and self-
Modi joined the BJP in 1987, and a year promoted achievements. His role as chief
later he was made the general secretary minister during communal riots that en-
of the Gujarat branch of the party. He was gulfed Gujarat in 2002 was particularly
instrumental in greatly strengthening the questioned. He was accused of condoning
party’s presence in the state in succeeding the violence or, at least, of doing little to
years. In 1990 Modi was one of the BJP stop the killing of more than 1,000 people,
members who participated in a coalition mostly Muslims, that ensued after dozens
government in the state, and he helped of Hindu passengers died when their train
the BJP achieve success in the was set on fire in the city of Godhra.

58 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

In 2005 the United States declined to is- In addition, his and the party’s electoral
sue him a diplomatic visa on the grounds performances helped advance Modi’s
that he was responsible for the 2002 riots, position as not only the most-influential
and the United Kingdom also criticized leader within the party but also a potential
his role in 2002. Although in the suc- candidate for prime minister of India. In
ceeding years Modi himself escaped any June 2013 Modi was chosen the leader
indictment or censure—either by the judi- of the BJP’s campaign for the 2014 elec-
ciary or by investigative agencies—some tions to the Lok Sabha.
of his close associates were found guilty After a vigorous campaign—in which
of complicity in the 2002 events and re- Modi portrayed himself as a pragmatic
ceived lengthy jail sentences. Modi’s ad- candidate who could turn around In-
ministration was also accused of involve- dia’s underperforming economy—he and
ment in extrajudicial killings (variously the party were victorious, with the BJP
termed “encounters” or “fake encoun- winning a clear majority of seats in the
ters”) by police or other authorities. One chamber. Modi was sworn in as prime
such case, in 2004, involved the deaths minister on May 26. Soon after he took
of a woman and three men whom officials office, his government embarked on
said were members of Lashkar-e-Taiba several reforms, including campaigns
(a Pakistan-based terrorist organization to improve India’s transportation infra-
that was involved in the 2008 Mumbai structure and to liberalize rules on di-
terrorist attacks) and were alleged to rect foreign investment in the country.
have been plotting to assassinate Modi.
Modi scored two significant diplomatic
Modi’s repeated political success in Gu- achievements early in his term. In mid-
jarat, however, made him an indispens- September he hosted a visit by Chinese
able leader within the BJP hierarchy and President Xi Jinping, the first time a Chi-
led to his reintegration into the political nese leader had been to India in eight
mainstream. Under his leadership, the years. At the end of that month, having
BJP secured a significant victory in the been granted a U.S. visa, Modi made a
December 2002 legislative assembly highly successful visit toNew York City,
elections, winning 127 of the 182 seats in which included a meeting with U.S. Presi-
the chamber (including a seat for Modi). dent Barack Obama No politician in in-
Projecting a manifesto for growth and de- dependent India has been demonised in
velopment in Gujarat, the BJP was again such a relentless, manner as Narendra
victorious in the 2007 state assembly Modi, and no politician has withstood it
elections, with a seat total of 117, and the with as much resilience and courage as
party prevailed again in the 2012 polls, him, Not withstanding the entire Cen-
garnering 115 seats. Both times Modi tral government,influential sections of
won his contests and returned as chief the media machinery and civil society
minister. arraIgned against him. His dark patch
started with the unfortunate Godhra train
During his time as head of the Gujarat massacre and the ensuing communal ri-
government, Modi established a formi- ots in Gujarat in 2002, where several in-
dable reputation as an able administra- nocent people lost their lives. A train car-
tor, and he was given credit for the rapid rying non-violent harmless karsewaks
growth of the state’s economy. were set on fire and nearly 60 persons
were burnt to death.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 59

Understandably, but regrettably, this pro-
voked retaliation and mayhem resulting in
many innocent members of the minority
community losing their lives and suffer-
ing other indignities. It is equally true that
the desire for revenge did paralyse the
will of some law enforcement agencies,
including some prosecutors and judges.
Serious steps had to be taken to restore
the confidence of the victims ofrevenge in
the legal and judicial system of the state.

Today, vast sections of civil society see

in Narendra Modi the most efficientPrime
Minister of India. And hope he will plant
more visible footprints on the international
seashore. He has to speak of peace and
a durable solution to the Kashmir problem
with the rulers of Pakistan. The most dia-
bolical role was played by the Congress
government at the Centre. A bogus com-
mission was appointed to whitewash the
Godhra tragedy to establish that the attack
on the train was not the result of a con-
spiracy of some evil minded Muslims, but
an accidental stove fire. This serious crime
by the Congress government was fully ex-
posed when a Special Investigation Team
appointed by the Supreme Court made
their own independent investigation and
reiterated that the burning of the pilgrims
was a concerted plan by those who must
have known that it will inevitably lead to re-
taliation and atrocities against the minori-
ties, a finding fortified by recent court judg-
ments. Their evil calculations proved to be
right. Obviously, the planners wanted India
to get a bad name, its national unity and
integrity shaken and its defence against
scheming neighbours enfeebled.

Let’s hope Mr. Modi brings a new face to India.


60 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Sajna Noushad

The moment you are in tension

You will lose your attention
Then you are in total confusion
And you’ll be in irritation
You won’t get co-operation
Then there arises some complication
And your BP may be rise to caution
And you may have taken meditation
Instead you can understand the situation
And try to think about the solution
Many problems will be solved by discussion
Which will work out better in your profession
Don’t think it’s my free suggestion
It is only for your benefaction
If you understand my intension
You’ll never face any depression


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 61

Quizes and Riddles

Math Brain Teaser

Sruthi GM

1) One brick is one kilogram and half a 3) A passenger train leaves New York for
brick heavy. Boston traveling at the speed of 80 km/hr.
What is the weight of one brick? In half an hour a freight train leaves Bos-
ton for New York traveling at the speed of
ANS:There is an easy equation which 60 km/hr.
can help: Which train will be further from New York
1 brick = 1 kg + 1/2 brick when they meet?
And so 1 brick is 2 kg heavy. (Kids might know the answer faster than
the adults :-)

2) Two trains, 200 km apart, are moving ANS:Of course, when the trains encoun-
toward each other at the speed of 50 km/ ter, they will be approximately the same
hour each. distance away from New York.
A fly takes off from one train flying The New York train will be closer to New
straight toward the other at the speed of York by approximately one train length
75 km/hour. because they’re coming from
Having reached the other train, the fly different directions. That is, unless you
bounces off it and flies back to the first take “meet” to mean “perfectly overlap”.
The fly repeats the trip until the trains col-
lide and the bug is squashed. 4) The circumference of the Earth is
What distance has the fly traveled until its approximately 40,000 km. If we made a
death? circle of wire around the globe,
There is a complicated and an easy way that is only 10 meters (0.01 km) longer
to calculate this cool math puzzle. than the circumference of the globe,
Think outside the box. could a flea, a mouse, or even a man
creep under it?

ANS:There is a complicated way count- ANS:It is easy to compare old and new
ing a sequence. Or simply knowing that if perimeter - original perimeter is 2xPIxR,
the fly is flying for length of wire is 2xPIx(new R)
2 hours still at the same speed of 75 and find out that the result is about 1.6 m.
km/h then it flies a distance of 150 km. So a smaller man can go under it and a
bigger man ducks.

62 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

5) We know little about this Greek math- ANS:You can put one foot-bridge over
ematician from Alexandria, called the one corner (thus a triangle is created).
father of algebra, Then from the middle of this foot-bridge
Connect all 9 dots with 4 straight lines lay another foot-bridge to the edge (cor-
without lifting the pencil off the paper, and ner) of the castle. You can make a few
without going over the same line twice. easy equations confirming that this is
except that he lived around 3rd century enough.
A.D. Thanks to an admirer of his, who
described his life by 8) At noon the hour, minute, and second
means of an algebraic riddle, we know at hands coincide. In about one hour and
least something about his life. five minutes the minute and hour hands
Diophantus’s youth lasted 1/6 of his life. will coincide again.
He had his first beard in the next 1/12 of What is the exact time (to the millisec-
his life. ond) when this occurs, and what angle
At the end of the following 1/7 of his life will they form with the second hand?
Diophantus got married. Five years from (Assume that the clock hands move con-
then his son was born. tinuously.)
His son lived exactly 1/2 of Diophantus’s
life. Diophantus died 4 years after the
death of his son. ANS:There are a few ways of solving this
How long did Diophantus live? one. I like the following simple way of
The given situation (when the hour and
ANS:There is an easy equation to reflect minute hands overlay) occurs in 12 hours
several ages of Diophantus: exactly 11 times after the same time.
1/6x + 1/12x + 1/7x + 5 + 1/2x + 4 = x So it’s easy to figure out that 1/11 of the
So the solution (x) is 84 years. clock circle is at the time 1:05:27,273 and
so the seconds hand is right on 27,273
6) If it were two hours later, it would be seconds.
half as long until midnight as it would be There is no problem proving that the
if it were an hour later. angle between the hours hand and the
What time is it now? seconds hand is 131 degrees.


7) A square medieval castle on a square

island is under siege. All around the
castle there is a square moat 10 meters
Due to a regrettable miscalculation the
raiders have brought footbridges, which
are only 9.5 meters long.
The invaders cannot abandon their cam-
paign and return empty-handed.How can
the assailants resolve their predicament?

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 63


Why do we Dream?
Thamji Bayar

The human brain is a mysterious little ball Participants in a dream study who
of gray matter. Scientists have been per- were taking a language course showed
forming sleep and dream studies for de- more dream activity than those who
cades now, and we still aren’t 100 percent were not. In light of such studies, the
sure about the function of sleep, or exactly idea that we use our dreams to sort
how and why we dream. It’s also pretty through and convert short-term memo-
commonly accepted among the scien- ries into long-term memories has gained
tific community that we all dream, though some momentum in recent years.
the frequency in which dreams are re-
membered varies from person to person. Another theory is that dreams typically
reflect our emotions. During the day, our
The question of whether dreams actually brains are working hard to make connec-
have a physiological, biological or psycho- tions to achieve certain functions. When
logical function has yet to be answered. posed with a tough math problem, your
But that hasn’t stopped scientists from re- brain is incredibly focused on that one
searching and speculating. There are sev- thing. And the brain doesn’t only serve
eral theories as to why we dream. One is mental functions. If you’re building a
that dreams work hand in hand with sleep bench, your brain is focused on making
to help the brain sort through everything the right connections to allow your hands
it collects during the waking hours. Your to work in concert with a saw and some
brain is met with hundreds of thousands, wood to make an exact cut. The same
if not millions of inputs each day. Some goes for simple tasks like hitting a nail with
are minor sensory details like the color of a hammer. Have you ever lost focus and
a passing car, while others are far more smashed your finger because your mind
complex, like the big presentation you’re was elsewhere?Some have proposed
putting together for your job. During sleep, that at night everything slows down. We
the brain works to plow through all of this aren’t required to focus on anything during
information to decide what to hang on to sleep, so our brains make very loose con-
and what to forget. Some researchers feel nections. It’s during sleep that the emo-
like dreams play a role in this process. tions of the day battle it out in our dream
cycle. If something is weighing heav-
It’s not just a stab in the dark though -- ily on your mind during the day, chanc-
there is some research to back up the es are you might dream about it either
ideas that dreams are tied to how we form specifically, or through obvious imagery.
memories. Studies indicate that as we’re
learning new things in our waking hours, The truth is, as long as the brain re-
dreams increase while we sleep. mains such a mystery, we probably
won’t be able to pinpoint with abso-
lute certainty exactly why we dream.

64 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Urmila SR

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 65

True Story

A Versatile Person
Vidya G

It was a pleasant climate…Bhagavathy His family was the most respectful and
Ammal was about to give birth to her sec- popular in Thrikkariyoor. Moni had his
ond child. Her neighbor said, “This is the schooling in the same village and he
suspicious moment for the birth of your was intelligent and sagacious in studies
second child!” She predicted that he will as well as in dealing with other issues.
be turned into a legend. After sometime, He used to walk miles to his school. He
Bhagavathy Ammal felt pain and cried never fought for anything. He was an
loudly. The neighbors and other relatives angry, obstinate and unbiased person.
rushed her house and helped. Thank God!
She gave birth to a baby boy. The neigh- After his school education, he turned to
bor ecstatically came out and loudly said Trivandrum and joined at Government
to Bhagavathy Ammal’s husband, “Mr. Sanskrit College for higher studies. He
Ranganath, your wife has given birth for a could hardly learn, living in a thatched
baby boy. Both mother and baby are fine and leaking house for rent. He used to
by the grace of God. It is sure that he will take food from Sree Padmanabha Swa-
uphold your name.”. “Thank God”, cheer- my Temple. For his hard work, he got first
fully said Mr.Ranganath. Mr.Ranganath class in Sanskrit.
was a religious priest at Thrikkariyoor, in
Ernakulam District, Kerala. He has gained At the age of 22, he got married to Sub-
Veda Sashtra, Upanishadh, Hindu cus- bulakshmi Ammal, who was born in Palak-
toms and rituals. He was liked and loved kad and brought up in Mysore. Her father
by the local people for his philanthrop- was also a scholar in Veda Sashtras, San-
ic mind. The name of the house where skrit and other religious/devotional issues.
Mr.Ranganath and his family lived was Their marriage was solemnized at Ka-
called “Kootingal Matom”. His lucky boy lady, Kerala. Subbulakshmi was a noble
was named Subramonia Sarma and was lady, very soft-hearted and had enduring
called by his siblings and other kiths and capacity. From his childhood, Moni had
kins as Moni. He had four sisters and four significant interest in Astrology and read
brothers. different kind of books written by scholars.
They had six children, consisting of two
Moni was a naughty boy in his childhood. boys and four girls. Moni briskly learned
He loved his grandmother a lot. He also Astrology and became popular.
supported his father to his best of abil-
ity. He obeyed whatever his grandmother Moni and his family stayed in many places in
said. He was under the wings of his grand- Trivandrum for rent. When he was living in
mother while other children were under a small and dilapidated house situated oppo-
the wings of their mother. site to Southern entrance of Sree Padmanabha
Swamy Temple, the Secretary of the then

66 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Maharaja of Travancore happened to visit Thereafter, Moni was looked after by his
his house to see his last baby boy. He ob- two sons. He continued the horoscopi-
served the house and asked Moni wheth- cal verifications upto his age of 96 and
er he was interested to buy a spacious earned moderate income. He had not kept
house in the Eastern side of the temple. the pension amount and income from pro-
Moni immediately agreed and bought the fession for his sole purpose.
house shortly and settled with his family.
The Secretary was coming from Aristo- Moni had also shown interest in serving
cratic family and he was a philanthrophist. public and helped many people in his early
Apart from worshipping Lord Padmanab- age. His disciplined routine helped him to
ha, Moni worshipped Lord Ganapathi ar- withstand any disease. Regular oil bath,
dently. exercise, chanting of mantras etc led him
to be an Iron man. His control in food gave
Following his diligence and deep research him longevity and good health. Above all,
in Astrology, he became popular and at- he had written the horoscope of the foe-
tracted by many people. Moni had entered tus of his third daughter. He had predicted
the service in Oriental Researsh Institute that his daughter will give birth for a female
and Manuscripts Library, University of and clearly narrated the symptoms. He
Kerala, and retired as Research Officer. also predicted the exact time of delivery.
He stepped down from his service in 1974. By the grace of God, his prediction went
After temple visit and ‘Thevaram’ pooja true. None of the astrologers could take
(hereditary pooja), he engaged in astro- such a kind of effort. This clearly shows
logical consultation. The ‘haves and have his perseverance.
nots’ approached him with various prob-
lems. After scrutinizing the horoscopes, He got opportunity to meet several dis-
he advised small remedial poojas accord- tinguished persons in every walk of life.
ing to their capacity. He spent most of his Certain persons were highly grateful and
lifetime in verifying horoscopes i.e, match- certain persons were not. He had taken
ing, the present and future of bride and tuition for Vedas and Mantras, and impart-
bridegroom etc. He never deviated from ed moral matters to one famous doctor.
his principles. His decision was stern, in- He had taken classes for 36 years without
flexible and transparent. any remuneration. But one day, the selfish
doctor argued with Moni for a silly matter.
He was also efficient in Ayurvedic treat- Unbiased and fearless Moni immediately
ment especially in ‘Nostrum’. He had pre- rebuffed. At once, the shameful doctor left
scribed Ayurvedic medicines to his chil- the premises. Both Moni and doctor had
dren, and other people. been intimate friends for a long period.
Before their rift, the doctor had request-
Quite unfortunately, his beloved wife, who ed Moni to prepare a detailed explana-
was supportive in his life in solving all tion concerning medical science for him-
problems, breathed her last in 2003 fol- self to present in a medical conference in
lowing Jaundice. . Moni was depressed England. Moni took strenuous efforts in
as soon as he heard the demise of his life preparing the medical explanation for the
partner. But he controlled his feelings and doctor. The doctor presented the paper in
gave directions to his sons to undertake England and was appreciated by every
the obsequies of their beloved mother. delegate.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 67

Without taking into account the efforts of
Moni, the doctor turned into an ingratitude

He guided his children and grandchildren

to lead moral life. He loved his grand chil-
dren in exceedingly well manner.

His 100th birthday was celebrated on 21st

October 2014, both socially and religious-
ly. After six months of his birthday, he suf-
fered respiratory problem and was hospi-
talized. He breathed his last on 8th April
2014 and abode to heaven on the day of
Sree Rama Navami. He is my beloved
grandfather and I could live in his pres-
ence only for 20 years. I don’t know how
many of us would touch this century mark
but I can proudly say that with many peo-
ple’s blessings, my Grandpa lived for 100
years! As far as I am concerned, the loss
of my Grandpa is an irreparable one. But
still he blesses us in each and every part
of our life. Love you Grandpa… We miss
you so much… Your blessings mean a lot
to those who love you. We hope that we
will stay blessed. I swear that my grandpa
is a beamish light.


68 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Aurum Designing,
Aurm Art Sarannya B
Jewelry design is the art or profession of want for jewellery is no more a symbol of
planning, rendering, and/or fabricating, financial security but a trendy fashionable
one of a kind, studio multiples, or produc- wear that can go well with different occa-
tion jewelry. sions.
Jewellery designing, manufacturing and
trading has been an integral part of the ndia and jewelry, jewelry and Indian wom-
human society since five thousand years en - the terms are linked inherently. At the
and more. And our country is no exception. time of wedding as well as numerous oth-
In fact, our country is world renowned for er occasions, a woman is gifted jewelry by
its jewellery and jewellery designs since her parents and relatives. Although the gift
ancient times. is meant to give her security in contingen-
cy, ornamentation is an obvious purpose.
Earlier a few select families ran the busi- All the cities across the length and width
ness of jewellery designing and jewellery of India have shops of jewelers - some tra-
making. Moreover, the technical knowl- ditional and some modern jewelers, cater-
edge associated with this trait was kept ing to the need of all kinds. Not that the af-
a closely guarded secret and passed on fluent class people wear ornaments, there
from generation to generation. However, are low cost jewelry items in ample, which
all that has changed. The current boom cater the demand of low income group as
experienced by this industry has commer- well.
cialised this art and opened new boundar-
ies for job seekers. India houses various kinds of jewelry arts,
ranging from Meenakari and Kundan to
Jewellery today is more of a fashion state- stone and bead work. The craft of cutting
ment or you can say a reflection of who and polishing precious and semi-precious
you are. In this context, different person- stones and giving them glamorous face is
alities and different senses of style have something artistic. Emeralds, rubies, gar-
revolutionised the traditional gold jewel- nets, amethysts, corals, sapphires, and
lery and modernised it to the taste of the turquoises are among the stones which
new era. are used for the enhancement of gold and
silver jewelry. Gold jewelry is the most
Now-a-days jewellery designing as a ca- popular among South Indian women. In
reer is flourishing like never before. This southern part of India, gold is considered
profession is not only rewarding but also auspicious and a status symbol. Talking
available for anyone who has a creative about the art on gold jewelry, Kundan is
bend of mind. People these days have be- something that comes into our mind.
come very image conscious and the

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 69

It is a Mughal-inspired art of setting pre-
cious stones like diamonds, rubies, and
emeralds in gold and silver jewelry. In
Meenakari, enameling is done to protect
gold and floral pattern coloured in red, blue
and green attracts the attention. Silver
jewelry is not far behind in popularity, par-
ticularly because of its affordability, mak-
ing it popular among low income group
people. Jhumka, hansli, chokar, nath and
bracelets made of silver are quite popular
among women in India. In short, the range
of jewelry in India is wide as well as var-
ied. Be it gold, silver of diamond, you will
find everything in the country

thus jewellery designing is an

art of a designer from soul.


70 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Pratibha Padmanabhan

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 71


Women in Sports
SreeLekshmi V

In sports more often people do not ac- For example television time is something
knowledge women sports as much as that both men and women teams have
men’s sports. From the time of early to compete over. In most areas men get
Olympics the role of women in sports most of this television time which is not
and games was neglected.Throughout fair at all. There should be equal television
the history of the advancement of sport, time for both .Women are just as impor-
women have had to strive twice as hard tant as men are. Also it is seen that when
to gain the same status and recognition it comes to salaries, coaching positions,
as their counterparts - men. There have cash awards and television time men are
been many factors, which have prevent- again given the preference. So to an ex-
ed women from participating in sport tent along with the concerned authorities
and reaching their full potential .Per- even the media is responsible in promot-
haps the biggest factor has been preju- ing equality to women in recognizing their
dice, stereotyping and discrimination. accomplishments. It is beginning to even
out a lot more though, than what it used to
The end of the 19th century and turn of be. Now days you can usually catch a girl’s
the 20th century saw the rising interest of game on some odd channel. The main sta-
women in sports both as participants and tions mainly have men’s games on them.
spectators. However compared to men’s
participation in sports, women sports are It is clear that the sports experience for
newer and is the reason for them not get- girls and women has been greatly en-
ting the recognition they deserve. But the hanced over the past decades, besides
world of sports has begun to see how traditionally popular men’s sport such as
women’s sports can be just as interest- baseball and soccer, a variety of women’s
ing and exciting as men’s sports can be. sport have generated attention in the me-
dia; many women actively participate in
An important role in encouraging women local sports groups or enjoy sports at fit-
to participate is played by the educational nesscenters.
society, be it at school or at college. The
provision of sporting facilities on an even It is no exaggeration to say that sports ex-
scale to both women and men shows the perience has become an essential aspect
new trend. This has seen a rise in the of culture for women. It provides commu-
number of women participating in sports. nication with other people and improves
More people want to see women play the physical, mental and emotional well-
sports now than in the past because of the being of women.
better quality of players. However a few
discriminations still persist.

72 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

In other words, sports are important for She was awarded the prestigious Pad-
women since they have significant value maShri in 1984. She won the World
for the quality of women’s lives. Trophy for best athlete in 1985, 1986.
It seems that the gap between men
and women is sport is getting small- KARNAM MALLESWARI
er in terms of statistics and systems.
KarnamMalleswari (born June 1, 1975,
Equality amongst men and women in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh) is an In-
sports should not merely be measured by dian weightlifter. During her career, span-
their physical drive and prowess on the ning ten years, she has won 11 gold and
playing field but also by the percentage three silver medals besides the presti-
of athletes compared to the total number gious Olympic bronze. She has been the
eligible. Great efforts have been-made to National Champion for nine years (twice
provide an equal opportunity for females in the 52 kg category and seven times
in the sports world and even greater steps in the 54 kg category).Malleswari partici-
have to be taken. Women have come a pated in the ‘National Junior weight lifting
long way and yet have a long way to go. championship’, and stood first. In 1992,
Increasing scholarships, salaries, airtime, she participated in the Asian champion-
operating and recruiting expenses will ship which took place in Thailand, and
help encourage female athletes. won three silver medals. She also won
three bronze medals in the world cham-
P.T.USHA pionship. She won a bronze medal in the
2000 Summer Olympics at Sydney lifting
Popularly known as P. T. Usha, is an In- 110 kg in the Snatch and 130 kg in the
dian track and field athlete from the state Clean and Jerk for a total of 240 kg, which
of Kerala. P. T. Usha has been associated made her the first Indian woman to win an
with Indian athletics since 1979. She is Olympic medal. She is a recipient of the
the brand ambassador for “SPEEDSTAR”. Rajiv Gandhi KhelRatna award, India’s
She is regarded as one of the greatest highest sporting honour for the year 1995-
athletes India has ever produced and is 1996. She is also a recipient of the civilian
often called the “queen of Indian track honour Padma Shri in 1999. Malleswari
and field”. Born in the village of Payyoli, was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1994,
Kozhikode District, Kerala, she is nick- India’s second highest award in sports.
named the Payyoli Express. In 1979 P. T.
Usha participated in the National School SAINA NEHWAL
Games, where she was noticed by O. M.
Nambiar, who coached her throughout SainaNehwal (born 17 March 1990 in Dhin-
her career. Her debut in the 1980 Moscow dar, Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh) is
Olympics proved lacklustre. In the 1982 an Indian badminton player who attained
New Delhi Asiad, she got the silver medal a career best ranking of 2 in December
in the 100m and the 200m, but at the Asian 2010 by Badminton World Federation.
Track and Field Championship in Kuwait a She is the first Indian to win a medal in
year later, Usha took the gold in the 400m Badminton at the Olympics.
with a new Asian record.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 73

She achieved this feat by winning the at the championship. She competed in
Bronze medal at the London Olympics Barbados in the 48 kg weight class, after
2012 on 4 August 2012. She is the first AIBA had stopped using the 46 kg class.
Indian to win the World Junior Badminton In 2012 London Olympics she won the
Championships and wasalso the first In- bronze medal.
dian to win a Super Series tournament,
by clinching the Indonesia Open on 21 ***
June 2009. Saina is supported by the
Olympic Gold Quest. Previously coached
by S. M. Arif, a Dronacharya Award win-
ner, Saina is the reigning Indian national
junior champion and is currently coached
by Indonesian badminton legend Atik-
Jauhari since August 2008.With the for-
mer All England champion and national
coach PullelaGopichand being her men-
tor. SainaNehwal plays for Hyderabad
Hotshots in Indian Badminton League.


Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom (born

1 March 1983), also known as MC Mary
Kom, Magnificent Mary or simply Mary
Kom, is an Indian boxer. She is a five-time
World Boxing champion, and the only
woman boxer to have won a medal in each
one of the six world championships. She
is the only Indian woman boxer to have
qualified for the 2012 Summer Olympics,
competing in the flyweight (51 kg) catego-
ry and winning the bronze medal. She has
also been ranked as No. 4 AIBA World
Women’s Ranking Flyweight category.
she won a silver medal at the 2008 Asian
Women’s Boxing Championship in India
and a fourth successive gold medal at the
AIBA Women’s World Boxing Champion-
ship in China, followed by a gold medal at
the 2009 Asian Indoor Games in Vietnam.
In 2010, Mary Kom won the gold medal at
the Asian Women’s Boxing Championship
in Kazakhstan, and at the AIBA Women’s
World Boxing Championship in Barbados,
her fifth consecutive gold

74 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Sleeping Well
Mahitha Gopi Kalyan S

Sleep is more important than you may think. When your body doesn’t have enough hours
Can you think of a time when you didn’t to rest,you may feel tired or cranky,or you
get enough sleep?That heavy,groggy may be unable to think clearly.You might
feeling is awful and when you feel that have a hard time following directions,or
way,you are not at your best.So if you you might have an argument with a friend
are not too tired,let’s talk about sleep. over something really stupid.A college as-
signment that is normally easy may feel
WHY DO YOU NEED SLEEP? impossible,or you may feel clumsy play-
ing your favourite sport or instrument.
The average kid has a busy day.There is
college,taking care of pets,running around One more reason to get enough sleep:If
with friends and doing your homework. you don’t,you may not grow as well.
By the end of the day,your body needs a That’s right,researchers believe that too
break.Sleep allows your body to rest for little sleep can affect growth and your im-
the next day. mune system-which keeps you from get-
ting sick.
Everything that is alive needs sleep to
survive.Even your dog or cat curls up for ***
naps.Animals sleep for the same reason
you do-to give your body a tiny vacation.


Your body and brain needs sleep.Though

no one is exactly sure what work the brain
does when you are sleeping,some scien-
tists think that the brain sorts through and
stores information,replaces chemicals,and
solves problems while you snooze.Sleep
is an individual thing and some kids need
more than others.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 75


Zindagi Na Milegi
Neena Jojith
“Trust no Future, how’ver pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act, — act in the living Present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead!”
- H.W.Longfellow

The above lines tell us what we exactly Do we speak up when it is actually neces-
need to do in life to make it meaningful. sary...? Are we all sure whether our words
It urges us to seize the moment at hand haven’t hurt anybody in some way or the
and only the present moment, since the other? Similarily, our actions are to done
past is long gone and the future is un- on time diligently. There should not be any
seen. It is really important that we re- delay in what we need to do at present.
alize the present moment is precious
and not to be wasted.The door that is Without the invisible hand of God, our ac-
opened to us today may be shut tomor- tions can never be fruitful. We should nev-
row. So we should grab the oppurtuni- er rely alone on what we think we know.
ties that God provides without any delay Trust in the Lord with all your heart.Re-
so that we must never regret our actions. member Him in all your ways and then He
will show you the right path...!!
Just like Hrithik says in the film Zindagi
na milegi dobara ”Chaliske bath i will ***
retire...”,some of us may have some hid-
den interests,dreams that we are post-
poning for some unknown reason.To
such people,my question is “If not u,then
who...? If not now then when..?”.We must
take hold of time,live life fully without any

In a day-to-day basis also,it is quite im-

portant that we speak and act necessarily.
Definitely God has blessed almost every-
one of us with the ability to speak.But on
second thought,do we make full and effi-
cient use of this blessing?

76 Carpe Diem S6 CS2


Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Reshma DS

Zaina F Kamal

Why Loiter? Women

And Risks In India
M Sukanya

How much safe is our country for A strong recommendation about co-edu-
women?The dailies reporting about the cation should be encouraged in academic
domestic and public violence about wom- institution to establish a social harmony
en make us ponder about what is going among two genders.It might be hard to
wrong in our country? beleive that,most of the violence to wom-
en are arriving from middle aged men and
The recent issues reporting the brutal acts senior people than from youngsters.
of man has made every women in the
country to think about thuis issue.As it be- It shows a point on morality gives to the
came cultural prejudice which doesn’t al- people at younger age.Coming generation
low the women to face the world head on. should be taught to be recognized more
as people or individual then in gender,
Are the women in this country safe?The also we need to have efficient laws which
statistics show that nearly 1/4 of india have not even modified since 60 days af-
men were found to have comitted sexu- ter independence.
al violence at some point of time in their
lives and 1/5 th to have forced his wife The moral values,the acceptance and
or partner to have physical relations. mutual respect for genders should be
a must for the relief country as India.
The electronic media is also play-
ing a part ofin it,by focusing only on the ***
public violence,and the domestic vio-
lence are usually getting avoided. Their
news,limelight makes a feeling among
people that the public spaces are only
vulnerable for women which is a contrary
to the research that shows not only that
women are vulnerable it violence in their
homes than in public spaces but also that
more men get physically assaulted in pub-
lic space by their family.

78 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

True Story :)

Life in S6 CS2!! ;)
Shilpa Vijay

Actually ……at present am sitting in front No doubt……as you people

of my laptop with the Microsoft word page know, I have many besties in our class!:)
open and wondering what article should Mahi(Mahitha Gopi Kalyan S) and
I write for our class magazine……and RBD(Reshma B Daniel) are my best
the ultimate force behind this situation of friends!!! The main reason behind men-
mine is none other than my “cuppy cake”.. tioning their full names is that both of them
Sneha…she is our class magazine edi- would write their full names everywhere,
tor… who had been shouting in our class whether necessary or not, even though
from the past many weeks that “edey there is only one Mahitha and only one
onnu article kond tharuo..njan kaalu pidik- Reshma B D in our class.No compromise
kam..plzz”. As usual …nobody bothered in that! :p Now…lemme explain something we people of s6 cs2 are used about them. I share each and everything
to such quarrels ! Finally she decided to with them. There are no secrets between
collect a fine of Rs.50 from those who us! I met them 10 years ago, when I was in
didn’t submit the articles and that final- 5th std. We studied together in K V Pattom
ly lead to the present situation of mine! till 12th and the interesting thing is that
we were not best friends..not even good
First I thought of copying an article from friends! We belonged to separate gangs.
one of my old school magazines. I some- Mahi was a silent and obedient student
how managed to find out an old school and RBD was a “buji” and very quite per-
magazine and searched for an article…… son those days…and no doubt I was a
at last I found few articles ……though not “villathi” …same as now! Even though we
satisfied, I thought of typing them and then studied long 7 years together..we spoke
mailing it to Sneha. But few minutes later, to each other rarely, at some occasions
when I got in front of my laptop…I thought like when I had dance programs with Mahi
of writing an article myself…isn’t it a good or when I wanted RBD to move her huge
idea? I started typing without any ideas or round head to right side so that I could see
anything…and this is my first experience the blackboard(as she used to sit in front
as a writer…in my 20 years of life,I have of me in the class). Then we joined same
never ever written an article or anything as college…to be frank, I was quite unhappy
of my own before. After all these happen- to leave my active gang of friends and sit
ings…I thought of writing about my bes- with these 2 silent people…I thought that
ties and about our classmates! our bench would resemble a silent valley
and my 4 years are gonna be a big waste!
But within few weeks I got closer to them
and soon we became besties.

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 79

Mahi is quite secretive ,but still shares ev- Love them a lottt..!!!Ofcourse I cant imag-
erything with us (most probably after the ine a world without would be hor-
expiry date of that secret).She often gets rible.! I think I can write a whole book
angry and is highly skilled in beating us.. about them..but thought of stopping for
especially me! She sometimes plays the now! :) Now coming to Sneha…u might be
role of our mother and scolds us for mak- wondering why I called her “cuppy cake”
ing silly fights. She often writes notes for in the beginning……its ‘coz she used to
me ,no matter how many pages…she is sing the song “u are my sweet little cup-
always ready.After all she has a sweet py cake……” whenever she is in a good
heart…which cares for me n RBD. mood(it means whenever we get free
hours),dat’s all! She sits beside me,from
Now coming to RBD.!She is also quite the last 3 years and there is one hobby
secretive….but not as much as Mahi which she coudnt change till now and
dear!:p Within heart she is a sweet per- that is “stamping me”!Every day I earn
son…loves us a lot! From 1st year till this minimum 2-4 stamps from her and it usu-
semester,all the registrations such as ally happens when she put her leg on leg.
for workskops,competitions or filling up She is a computer bujiiii….very good at
of forms,etc…for me has been done by programming!As we say,big things come
her. I ‘am sooo lazy that am least both- in small packets! She is the only person
ered about such registrations n al…and ‘coz of which most of us could complete
am sure that she will take care of such our mini projects ,especially our group !
things! Because of her I have never She is sometimes louder,naughty,childish
known the stress or problems or hours ….at the same time she has a very good
one has to spend before computer to leadership quality!One important thing
make such registrations.She does every- is that she accompanies me in sleeping
thing for me and when the day to attend during boring class hours……as mahi
workshops or classes arrive,she informs n RBD hav good control at their sleeps!
me and I just walk in like a rani,without
any effort from my side!Because of this I I have another set of lovely friends, they
have got many certificates ,which would are Suku(Sukanya), Vandu(Vandana),
be very useful in future !You guys know Vini(Vineetha Mathew) and Priya! They
that how much valuable a certificate is to sit behind me!They are also my besties!
us(since each and everyone of us would Suku always has a neutral expression on
die for a certificate,perhaps we do spent her face(nobody never knows whats run-
lots of money and went till kollam just for ning through her mind or whats her feel-
a certificate!) ………just as valualble as ings from her face) and that’s the reason
Mahi n RBD are to me! We always have why I call her “injiiiiiii”!My main hobby is to
small fights n jokes between us during irritate her and make her angry by waking
class hours (when the teacher turns to the up her from sleep and ask her “ Sukuu…
board) and have lots n lots of fun!They are uranguayrnoo??” ! The expression on
very supportive n help me do my works her face at that moment is just awesome!
whenever I get busy with some coordi- Vandu and Vini are very good at finishing
nation works or anything!We do often my curries (especially potato curry).They
have combine studies for a whole day n are good at making fights which usually
all,where we study for 2 hours n chat for includes marshall acts( adi,chavittu,bottle
the remaining whole day! vechu thalakku adi,watch pottikal,etc) and

80 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

some verbal conversations inbetween(vere she would pull us to climb the stairs(she
onum ala, cheetha vili) !They are very help- might want us to loose our weights) and
ful at the same time(recently I got a task of only ‘coz of that we never get late during
finding a question n answer in FLAT,I got 1st hours and get attendance!). Sreya…
busy with some other work n they some- Ahh! I donno what to write about her.We
how managed to get me a question next are in the same busstop and whole time
day).Priya is a totally different person.She “kathi vekkal” is our main job(ofcourse
is a buji(verum buji ala,katta buji),very “vayinottam” also goes along with it),
silent(purathunnu nokumbo,aduth iri- talking with her is a great timepass.
kunna namukale original swabhavam Even though not trained,she loves danc-
ariyoo!) and spiritual(every Thursday you ing…and the expressions given by her
can see her running behind Christian are extraordinary and out of reach of a
gals to join them in the meeting of Je- trained dancer( expressions developed
sus Youth,most of them run away from by herself apart from navarasangal).
her and poor gals who get cought will
have to perform action songs with her!). I would like to mention about one more
person,its none other than our great Vi-
There is one more person in our gang,she nita V Nayak(hope the spelling is correct).
is Sruthi K. She is from kasargode(thani She was also my schoolmate and we had
kasargottu kaari), always has high opin- worked together for our house activities.
ions about her native place and always During those days itself she was very
speaks about the greatness of her native good at “chalu adi”. Then we joined the
place(as if we are all alians and trivandrum same college, I thought that she would be
is not even a part of kerala). She is inno- a normal person without any chalu’s and
cent (veruthe sukhipikan paranjata tto), by gods grace her “chalu adi” increased
worries for small things and laughs a lot by many folds that sometimes we may
for small things.She loves taking her own feel like crying. She is very good at get-
photos and never gets bored of it(koode ting teachers into trouble by asking doubts
nadakunna aalu photos eduth avasanam and the teacher may spend a whole
camera thane veruthu pokum,athrakku hour trying hard to clear her doubt( we
bheegaram aanu).We 8(mahi,rbd,suk guys feel happy ‘coz we get a free hour).
u,vini,vandu,priya,sruti n me) of us to-
gether form the gang named “X-Galzz!”. Reshma C and Sarannya B are also my
(story behind this name is quite long). good friends,I often talk to them. Reshma
is a sweet person,she has a sweet voice
My list of besties does not end up with and we have lots of laughs in our conver-
this,it also includes Sruthi G M and Sreya. sations( mainly ‘coz of her silly doubts ).
We 3 are in the same college bus.Sruthi Sarannya has got a very formal tone,she
always hungs up for window seat,no com- always uses English words inbetween(
promise in that(little baby). She is a soft puttinu idaku idaku thenga veykumpol-
spoken person and often gets into trouble ee…!). Another bestiee of mine is Shilpa
‘coz of me n Sreya.She is crazy about Joseph. She seems to be a very quite per-
staircases, always wants to climb up the son, a pakka innocent(sherikkulla swab-
stairs of our college in the morning( while havam kandal … ntammoo …apaaram) !
me n Sreya opt for lift,

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 81

First I thought she is a “paaavom” gal, but The remaining guys also form a good
once I got closer to her I came to know part of our class….they include Roshni,
her actual character, she is very good at Shejiya,Revathy,Vidya,Sujitha(very good
fights and extremely good at irritating me( at pinching me),Mehwish n Thamji(amul
but after all its great fighting with her with babies…born n bought up with great
duster as weapon and running al around care,so handle with care.. :p), Meena(our
the class) ! dearest mandaginii…always slow n
steady,the coolest person!),Reshma A,
There are few benches in our class Reshma Nair,Vrinda,Silpa S Kumar,Suma
‘coz of whom our class hours go fun- Iyer(yo yo gal),Sona,Srilekshmi V( bujii
ny like Neena ‘s bench(Chotu,Prati,S cum comedian),Preetha( most energetic
uma,Sajna),Susan’s bench(Reshma person,koprayam kanikunnenu oru athirum
Mohan,Maha,Megha) and Srilekshmi M P illaatha jeevi,most entertaining),Urmi(one
‘s bench(Niki,Sreya,Pooja)…these guys who tolerates Preetha),Reshma D S(most
are very talkative during class hours( least creative person and good at making sport-
bothered about teachers lecture) and often ive comments),Parvathy P L,Parvathy
they get the most horrible punishment(to Anil.
sit in the 1st bench) and ‘coz of this we
guys get rid of teachers lecture atleast Finally our reps Vishaghni n Vidya …to be
for few minutes and burst into laughters the reps is the most toughest job , as I have
upon their excuses for talking and on their experienced it once in S1S2.They always
sportive comments. We also have a set try their level best to inform us everything
of lateral entries(Manju,Akhila,Greesh in time and make all of us complete our
ma,Swapna,Sheena) who makeup a si- works in time( and ofcourse we are the la-
lent corner of our class (aareyum angottu ziest students and most probably put them
poyi upadravikkilla……avare aarum onum into more troubles).Our class people are
cheyate irunna mathi),very innocent guys best at mass bunks and our reps try really
and quite mature as well. Soumya chechi hard to avoid such mass bunks inorder
also sit along with them, she is the mother to avoid the after effects from our staffs.
of a small girl baby and hence has that Vishaghni is a loud speaker and the an-
maturity as well(we all appear to be very nouncements made by her in our class is
childish compared to them,ofcourse they audible to the entire college,but still major-
are elder than us,but I don’t think that we ity of us don’t listen to what she says and
guys will have their maturity even if we get finally she gets angry so that we listen to
into their age after 2 more years).But now- her(that’s the only way how she can make
adays these guys are getting a bit naugh- us obedient).
tier maybe because they are sitting close
to Sruthi Seb,Zaina n al..! :p A mixture of all these different kinds of
people make up our class s6 cs2. It’s a
There are few more special people in our very special class and each and every mo-
class such as Taniya (hope she was born ment in our class( especially free hours) is
with a book in her hand),she is a “padip- enjoyable.We started our journey together
ist” ofcourse.If teacher ask us to study in 2012 and after 3 years when we look
anything n cum,most of us would not even back each n every moment was really
touch the book but she n Shwetha would memorable (kollam trip for IEEE, IV, trip to
be studying during free hours(now we are veegaland,etc) and we have hardly 1 nd ½
not shocked at such sights). :p years remaining..

82 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

hope we enjoy the remining years in the
same way…and am sure that we will miss
our class badly once we get passed out.
We wont ever get such moments in our
life again(you might be thinking that these
are the most horrible days in our life,but
later when we get into busy lifes with lots
of family burdens ,at that moment we will
realize…how precious our college days
were, so better realize it now! )……so en-
joy it to the fullest!!!


Carpe Diem S6 CS2 83


Urmila SR

84 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Cover Article

Carpe Diem!
Sneha VL

We all get 24 hours every day. No one I asked them a very simple question.
is blessed with a minute more, or cursed “What is your unique dream?”, the dream
with a minute less. Then why are some that you dare to dream, something that
people remembered even after centuries deep inside you know you want it, but
and some are not. Here is were the real have a feeling that it’s just too hard to
escence of ‘Carpe Diem’ comes in. reach. Maybe it’s omething you think the
society or worse, your parents would
Malala Yousafzai was 16 when she gave never accept, Something that, when you
her speech to the UN. What were we do- tell your friends they might laugh at you
ing when we were 16? Chilling out, hang- and go “Really? You? Ha!”
ing with friends, spending sleepless nights
for entrance preparations and getting tired I must say I was really surprised with the
from hours sitting at the tuition centers. response. I’ve never felt more proud of
my class than now. Some poured their
It’s time we think about what we want to hearts out, some kept it short, but the im-
be a few years from now. Not the usual ‘I portant thing was, every one was honest.
want to go for Mtech, get PhD’ , ‘I want to
be a software engineer, get high salary’ etc I kept thinking, everyone must have a
etc. What about being someone or doing dream like that right? Then what’s stop-
something that will be remembered forev- ping us? If everyone stayed true to them-
er? Even after you die, wouldn’t you want selves, never gave up hope and took criti-
a part of yourself to stay behind? Not just cism positively, I’m sure right here, in our
be rememberd by your children, but by the college, we can find the future Malalas,
world? We remeber Mother Teresa don’t P T Ushas, Sheryl Sandbergs, Arundhati
we? What about Sachin Tendulkar? These Roys, Indira Gandhis and Rathika Ra-
people had a passion in their heart and maswamys.
even when people around them critisised
them and made fun, they never let go! It’s about believing in yourselves. Who
They never let time pass by wasted, they knows you better than you yourself? Your
worked hard everyday to achieve their goal. neighbour? Your distant relative who
It’s about siezing every moment you get never calls on your birthday but somehow
and to stop keep everything for tomorrow! always remembers the day your results
come out? Tell them to leave you alone.
Keeping this in mind, I made a google Your life is yours! never waste a moment,
form, and told my class mates to fill it. because you may regret tomorrow.

Best of luck! Let the world remember you!

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 85

“To be a good woman who doesnot cheat a research about time and universe.I will
any one+to be a fasion designer+to be seize the time and I will even invent a
the one who care about others+to be a time machine to go back in time.Finally,
great scientist+....... my biggest dream is to receive the Nobel
:P :P :P” Prize in Physics.”

-Vishagini V -Taniya F Thomas

“I would like to see the world as that of “What a world would it have been if peo-
the settings shown in the songs of direc- ple had a pure heart. When i look myself
tor shankar sir’s films. I would like to be a in the future i want to be one who would
world known singer.” try to uphold whatever good that exists in
the world. I wish that i would be a person
-Vidya G who leaves a landmark behind doing
works of the maker of the heaven and
“I want to be an athlete someday.....since earth. I am an ambitious girl. I’d like to be
my childhood days i have had this dream at the top of what I do. I hope I can be a
of playing for my country and winning woman who would give out to the society.
medals for her. In my school days i used In other words i AM a very ambitious girl
to participate in sports day every year but with a different mind-set. “
and win prices;whatever event they con-
duct my participation will be there in it. -Reshma Susan Wilson
Winning or losing in an event comes sec-
ond to me but the amount of joy that I get “I am also a CSE student .I am proud to
after participating in it is unexplainable..... be a CSE student ..From school days
and thats my dream and I will make it real i had a wonderful dream to become a
someday.....” “JEWELLERY DESIGNER” which is not
fulfilled yet...When i was in tenth standard
-SreeLekshmi V my dad asked “what are you going to do
after completing your twelfth?”...During
“Well..My Unique dream is to become those days i had no idea what i am going
an aspiring model!! well in fact a brand to do.. so i said “I don’t know dad i have
ambassador for a cosmetic company like not decided anything yet” ......And he told
Lakme,Garnier,REvlon,Herbal Essence me “ you must become as an Engineer”
etc..For becoming a model,all you need ...
is full dedication,confidence, and infact After tenth board exams we all had a
good looks and shape but its impossible very long summer holidays...During those
for me!!” days i used to browse internet to see ac-
cessories of good designs..And i got very
-Shwetha Menon much interest in it...
So i started to look for more designs of
“My dream is to become a scientist.I want various types like temple set,
to work in ISRO.So that I can explore the gems design jewellery and gold...I was
universe.Well, some say that there is no wondering that how this people can do
end for the universe. But one day I will very descriptive designs...Some thing
find the beginning and end of the uni- pulled me to search of it..
verse and disprove their theory. I will do

86 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

so i went through a good investigation “I just want to be a famous dancer !!!An
about this field and i came to know that Indian who can dance in any dance
this designing field is known as jewellery form!!!”
designing and it is a very much difficult
thing to do..At the same time it is very -Mahitha Gopi Kalyan S
interesting..And i decided that i should do
this course...That time i came across to “:).. I always wanted to be an author !!
one of the famous jewellery designer... To be an established novelist was my
Her jewellery making was some thing secret dream :P..
mind blowing.. As of now I’m an author of many small
I told my parents that i want to do “jewel- stories.Some of these have not been
lery designing” course..And they said “No completed. wont get a good earning from it and To accomplish my dream I’m ready to put
all” continues..I strongly urged that i my heart and soul into it :D”
am very much interested and i wanted to
do this course ...But nothing worked.... -Suma Prakash
You know jewellery designing is a sub-
lime field.....Unfortunately “I want to be the Prime Minister of India
or fortunately i joined B.TECH ...But after some day.and want to work for the Peo-
completing B.TECH i wanted to do jewel- ple of India :D”
lery designing from my own salary :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D ......If you beautiful ladies -Vinita V Nayak
are lucky enough and then i would design
an jewellery piece for your nuptial ehi ehi “First and foremost, my very biggest
ehi :D :D :D lolzzzz.......” dream is to become a great pop singer
known all over India. I want to sing with
-Sarannya B A R Rahman and share stage with Ste-
phen Devassy.My next dream is to be-
“My unique dream is to write a book come a dubbing artist and do many films
about human psychology, human behav- ( I am ok with Malayalam. :-P:-P:-P:-P)
iour at different stages of their life.....after That’s all.....:-):-):-):-)”
making a proper study about the people
around me!! -Reshma C
Am also very well interested in astrol-
ogy...when i meet a new person the thing “To be a spy and work for intelligence
which i never forget to ask is his BIRTH- agencies...........!!”
DATE! I like to study about ZODIAC
SIGNS and their behaviour and how far -Neena Jojith
it is true!!
step i have taken for accomplishing my “In 2 years I dream of me attending the
dream: campus placement for the post of princi-
I HAVE STARTED STUDYING OB- pal of lbs engg college and finally sitting
SERVING PEOPLE ;)” up in that room,ruling the whole group of
awesome girls!!:P :D”
-M Sukanya
-Vineetha Mathew

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 87

“Well, my dream is to travel around the
world. Its been my dream for so long
and I’m sure it would be fulfilled some-
day. There are so many places that I’ve
always wanted to visit, Eiffel Tower, The
White House, Niagara falls are a few on
the list. Another of my ‘so-not-gonna-hap-
pen’ dream is to travel on the Air Force
One :P”

-Vandana R

“My UniQur dReAm iS...

SOmedAy iAm gOing tO bE fRee ...!!
And Iam gOing tO tRavel All ArOund tHe
Miami...lOndOn..rOme.. vEnicE...dUbaI..
los aNgleas...aThens..
It wOuld bE rEallY a WoW mOment!! If
trAvelliN wOz free u wUd nEver sEe mE
aGain!!! :D “

Sreya Tony


88 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 89
90 Carpe Diem S6 CS2
The ‘kidilam’s of CS2
Like all class magazines, this magazine should definitley contain a class list. To make
things intresting, I gave a task to four of our funniest students to put nick names to all
students according to their behaviour or personality in class, and I must say, they did
an outstanding job!!!
- Sneha VL(Chief Editor)

This list is based on keen observation and survey conducted in CS2 by four
poor students of CS2. Please don’t balme us!
- Sreya Tony, Sreelekshmi MP, Pooja Raj, Nihdha R

M Sukanya Whatsapp Mougli
Mahitha Gopi Kalyan S Neelambari
Meena S Manglish Molykutti
Meenu P J Vaakathy Rani
Mehwish Sainudeen Silsila
Mekha R Mappi Madhavi
N Mahalakshmy Chala Mary
Neena Jojith Talking Tom
Neenu M S Dapp Dapp Janaki
Nicy Susan Koshy Kalikudukka Koshy
Nihdha R Kolappi
Parvathy Anil Jingina Mani
Parvathy P L Puchaavathy
Pooja Raj Kuthiravattom Prem Nazir
Pratibha Padmanabhan Podiyan Kothu
Preetha S Oolampara Oolala
Priya Mary Jose Face on Book
Reshma A Kanjikuzhi
Reshma D S Vethalam
Reshma Mohan Kuluki Thavala
Reshma R Nair Dillalankadi Kuttan
Reshma Susan Wilson Dikky Maria
Reshma B Daniel Popy Kuda
Reshma C Chellakili
Revathy L Silencer

Carpe Diem S6 CS2 91

Roshni S Nair Kumaranashan
Sajna Noushad Khalbilethi
Sarannya S Chottu Maama
Saranya B Chemmariyadu
Shahana S Penguin
Shejiya M S Thattathin Marayathu
Shilpa Joseph Ambi vs Anniyan
Shilpa Vijay Nonstop Kondattum
Shwetha Menon Kalimannu
Silpa S Kumar Urulaykupperi
Sneha V L Kaali Cylinder
Sona Sunil Komalangi
Sree Lakshmi V Chitti Robo
Sreelekshmi M P Natholi oru Cheriya meenalla
Sreya Tony Azhagiya Laila
Sruthi G M Belinta Molu
Sruthi Sebastian Madalasa in 1980’s
Sruthi K Kasargod kaattupucha
Sujitha A S Naakumukku Tholasi
Suma P Purushu
Suma P (23/4/1995) Donald Sayippu
Taniya F Thomas Pronto
Thamji Bayar Tenali Raman
Urmila S R Michelle Obama
Vandana Radhakrishnan Action Sheelamma
Vidya G Ujala Unni
Vidya S U Padayappa
Vineetha Mathew Mannar Mathai
Vinita V Nayak Gundu Shashi
Vishagini V Arisumutta Jayan
Vrinda L Panjara Kunju
Zaina F Kamal Bumber Bheeman
Akhila Das K P Jamban
Greshma Shine Vada yakshi
Manju V Indrans
Remya Raju Thumban
Rohini M G Peekiri Professor
Sheena N PK
Swapna Chandran L S Vaayadi
Soumya Krishnan R Chechiyamma


92 Carpe Diem S6 CS2

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