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The New lorkTimes

Late dition
"All the News Today, clouds and sunshine, show-
ers, strong thunderstorm, high 86.
That's Fit to Print" 0gnt,ceanng,a Ditcooer, ovo
1omorrow, cloudy, less humia, ngh
83. Weather map is on Page A24.

VOL. CLXX.. No. 59,126 D 2021 The New York Time Company NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021 S3.00

Alzheimer Drug Approved

Despite Doubts It Worked
Tivo Inquiries Examine FDA.s Process in
Collaborating With the Drugmaker

This article is by Pam Belluck, with Biogen than is typical in a

Shea kaplun ana evecea on Teguaory revEW
wO montns before the Food Allegations about the collabora-
and Drug Administrauons deadd internal inguiry after a
Biogen's Azheimer's drug, adu- consumer advocacy group called
canumab, a
council ot senior or an nspector generas invest
agency officials resoundingly gation, according to documents
ae aee wasnt enougn
agency has not disclosed the in-
The council, a group of 15 off- quiry was con
Clals that reviews complex issues, hougn the deciston
concluded that another clinical sidered one 0r the FDA.S mOst
proving the drug. Otherwise,
one in years, its leader, Dr. Janet
counc nember n0ed, approval woOdcock, tne acting commis
tients taking aducanumab
in munons or p
S0ner, was hot nvorven tne
eraons and iet tne inarunng
ceiving any benefit or worse, ble for drug applications, the
cause hm, accorang to mi agency connmed.
utes orthe meeting, oDtained by
n writen responses to ques
ite dod
is critical that the decision be
Tt defende
made from a place of certainty the drug the first for
the minutes saa
,aus or wncn The agency did not lower its

onstruction of new homes is on pause in Uakley, Utah, where access to water was one or the main draws for settlers in the 1800s. represented at least the third time ing, "and at no time considered do-
nat proonents or apDrovingaau ing so.
canumab n
ne DA. nd te The decIsion, the agency Sad,
e nvincimply was "intormed DySCence
U.S. Accuses A Utah Town Halts Growth. It Lacks the Water.
show the drug could slow cogni- cordance with applicable legal
Trump Insider right thing to do toum.The
g the bui On June
7 the FDA.
and regulatory standards
Necord Drought Hurts are already here is to restrict sion that has been met with 10 nStands
OFHidden Ties| OAKLEY,
moun Housing in the West:
People coming in:
Scathingrebuke rom many the clinical data that supported its
Utah- Across
tat the westernuned| Alzheimer s experts ana ouner
un sprnE that ploneers used to It's Just Brutal' approval
and nowis drought, heat waves andinto
vestgations Continued on Page Al5
and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM megalires exacerbared Dy cumate treatment that has little evidence
isS rorcing mnons o
WASHINGTONThomas J.decades. So when it dwindled to a hour's drive east of Salt Lake City, ple
change pe t helps pauents.
Barrack Jt, a close friend of for-| trickle O an
in this imposed a construction moratori-string of disasters that
year's scorching challenge hythe Aent
mer President Donald J. Irumpsrougnt,
Ocls s
umon new noesnd woud the future of growth. infusion mar.
fund-ralsers, was arrested in Cali- stopped building. h ieet towme in the Groundwater ana streams vaketed as Aduheim, nat ne CO
fornia on Tuesday on federal During the coronavirus pan- United States to purposely stall tne res der ote
hein Dany has since priced at 56.000a
charges ot taling to register as ademic,the real estate market in growth for want of water in a new hilt deener into wild reeions and
justice and lying to investigators. remote workers flocked in from beaharbinger of things to come in forests. Extreme heat makes sional committees are investigat
eee ue
outdo0rs more age
A Sevencount inactment
Cused r anrC, , acthe west Coast and second-home a hotter, drier West.
0r Using nis wers staked weekend rancnes. "Why are we building houses if
ing the approval and the price.
Much is still unknown., but an ex
he forein of the
wont nave enougn water? mer monsoon rains have brought found that the process leadine to
United Arab Emirates and then megadrought dries up reservoirs mayor, who in addition to raising ome the rent reet o out
approval took several unusual
vues tr
nves ar8s ne wes
So this spring, Oakley, about an
horses and Judging rodeos has
spent the past few weeks defend-
99.9 1percent
Continued on Page Al18
Utah iurns, including a decision for the
EDA. to work far more closely
Dr Janet Woodcock, the acting
commissioner ot the FDA.
Federal prosecutors said Mr.
Barrack Usea nis POSOs a
viSer irumps
Bezos Reaches Many Haitians
Emirates agenda while soliciting
arecuon, eeuback nd k
points rom senior Emirati offh
Space but Sees Look to Future
Once Mr. Trump was elected,
Barrackinvited seen-
hey said, Mr.
ItasSmalI Step With Cynicism
ior Emirati officials to give him a
h nteWasioo o By KENNETH CHANG

zos, the richest human

ff Be-

within the tirst 100 days, first sux

months, irst year and by the en
in the Gerard Lovius falls asleep at night
world, went to space on Tuesday. on the tloor of an empty classroom
Irump's term, prosecutors
of M ws65 Drtun g ore tsun Eurt e and ns
Among other key Emiratiobjec than miles into the sky above shelshocked
netghbors started
Tor the
T D R Pusned not to hold
was built by Mr. Bezos' rocket gang members invaded his home,
ra0n cOmpany, Bue Orgin.
enaunEs eewen
Persian Gulf power that was un- while M. Bezos was beaten to three children running nto the
Rde tnat une Emirates Sonthe Rritish entrenrenear whoing: nomonev noossessionsnot
and Saudi Arabia, an Emirati all flew in a rocket plane from hiseven a cellphone.
Mr. Barrack is latest in a long companyVirginGalactic, some,On uesday moming Mr
analysts consider Blue origin, Lovius was back at his job as a

SnE 0er mades

rund-raisers and assoctates to 20 years ago, to be a more signif-|
the day's stately memorial for
osidenths companv Trump
SCant contender in the
future spaceHaiu's assassinated leader in the
organization, and its chief finan na urner, a prOgressive in greater Cleveland, is challenging the Democratic establishment. 1he company nas amb Chimps de ars,, the capitals
clal omcer were naictea flights for sDace tourists. and it is Moise wOuld soon be laid to rest,
M Trumns former per- backed by the entrepreneur who and the sparring members ot his
sonal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, In Ohio, Democrats Fight Over Future of Party Amazon nto an economic EOvernment had Just reached a
pEaded Eny n a nush-money
Mr. Trump pardoned his
20l6 y JONATHAN WEISMAN A iousee Nace cApOses
f th
ana w , iuty
o served as dep-
administrator of NASA during
Party is heading: toward the defi-the Obama administration,
vowng to lead the country

But there was litte peace in Mr.

campaign ma
in saldILoSSe
OWonad Deen convicted in WARRENSVILLE
a Generational pit ant and progressive approach Ms.that Mr ezos has a huge. longn Godhe sad, haulng a whee
the special counsels invesug
egist, Stephen K. Bannon, who Tabernacle of Faith Church in the
see ingttional" She added that his intentHaitis leadershave caled
the establish- for Blue Origin was to "compete political truce a new chapter, a
more by

ad Deen nder teder ndletCadences and tremulous volumes She's gone through hell and ment than by the lerment stirringOr Ev gnr sNES ue
nE nepage the page n m ne
ment on charges that he misused ofa preacher when the Rev. Timo- high water" the pastor said to grass roots. of space.
son to there is little iness
words of the interim prime min
wall. eneeeation to lay hands on the
Dacking Mr. Trump's border
lie and not todie broader significance to this indi- that he would sell $1 billion of Am- work together, even if we are dif-
Authorites nave scrutinized a woman seeking the House seat of On Aug. 3, the voters of Ohio's vaual House primary contest, az0n stocK a year to una the rerent, even u we nave airerent
Continued on Page Al6 greater Cleveland. lth District will render that judg Continued on Page AH Continued on Page AI Continued on Page AS


Settlement for Opioid Lawsuits The Future of Food Trucks Grilling on the West Coast
Johnson& Johnson and three glant For many Tood truck operators and cart Tejal Rao celebrates all kinds of Califor
distributors were cloSe to a tentative vendors, uhe abilnty to make meaningul nia barbecue, from brisket and smoked
agreement worth S26 billion that would profits depends on large numbers or char siu, to cochinita pibil. PAGE DI
pay 1or drE eaunen. AE A wOKeSreturnng ne once PAGE B
Unionizing Small Restaurants
INTERNATIONAL A4-10 The G.O.Ps Virus Problem Biden Picks Top Antitrust CopP SPORTSWEDNESDAY B9-12 Stresses of the pandemic have moved
Floating on England's Canals As the Delta variant rips through con- Jonathan Kanter, an antitrust lawyer,
would De anotner criltc or tech in a
Bucks Win N.B.A. Titde many independentrestaurant
to start labor-union drives.
communies, many kepubl
More people are buying the narrow cans remain reluctant to confront vac powerful regulatory position. PAGE BI Ledby iannis Antetokounmpo, Mil-
wavs and livine on the midst. PAGE A12
DAE cine skepticS in thelr championship in 50 vears.PAGE BIO OPINION A22-23
Worried About Old Buildings Bret Stephens PAGE A233

Interfaith Unions in India Some communities are weighing new More Depth in the Caribbean An Iron Grip on the Olympics
After a woman, who was born a Sikh inspection requirements Tor agingB wo documentaries tell stories set in The 1.0.c.s president, Thomas Bach,
marned a Musim man, ner parents structures, Whie otners are stepping up the region that avord cliches or ster
eotypes, Isabelia Herrera says. PAGE I|went
used nis cout to ensure the
on, even in a pandemic. PAGE B9
accused him of kidnapping. PAGE A6 enforcement of existing rules. PAGE

DEAN BAQUET Erecutive Editor KATHLEEN KINGSBURY Opinion Editor
J0SEPH KAHN Managing tditor PATRICK HEALT Depaity Opition Editor
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EBECCA BLUMENSTEIN Deputy Managng Editor
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Publisher 1955 1961 DIANE BRAYTON General Counsel and Secretary
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ublasher i91-S

MONICA DRAKE Assistant Managing Edito R. ANTHONY BENTEN Chief Accounting Offioer, Treasurer
ATHEW ERSON ASsstant Managung Editor
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MARC LACEY Assistant Managing Editor
As o AE SACKMAN Asitant Managing Editor

Inside The Times The Newspaper




Join T Magaz ine on a house tour
with Kosita Missoni, the Tounder
of the Missoni fashion brand, at
ner nome outside or Mlan.
ytmes.cony viaeo
Make sense of the
news, every day, with
David Leonhardt.


Tbram X. Kendi (below) discussed

wnat nDerais and conservauves
get wrong about anracism, and
Annie Murphy Paul argued that
The New ijorkEimes work culture is built on a broken
m lerro-kl
The Morning


olympics. In a video event from

Japan, 1mes journalsts wl
interview anietes competing in
these sports, including the Ameri-
can surfer Carissa Moore and ne
Clockwise from top: David Myrza, a nurse, caring for Dr. David Gutierrez, who was released in morrow at 7 p.m. E.T; subscribers
June Dr. 1erese Hammond watcning à coueague pertorm procedure on Dr Guterre; RUDy a should R.S.V.P. at
Acosta looking at Alfred Sablan, her son; Jose cervantes, Mr. Sablan's father, playing Nipsey
Husse on s pnone ror s S0n, wO ed in arcn.

Up Close in a Desperate Covid Fight

By ISADORA KOSOFSKY Speak,and the most powerful connection
AS poo HI9
was bed of Alfred Sablan, 25, and imagine the
protected by four sets of plastic: glasses Sound of his voice, trying to sense the
Sign up for the newsletter OBLIes, tace shield and viewfinder But Eenue manner ns mouner desDe. LEARNING NETWORK
would lean over the bed ot Dr. David Gu- themorning there is no protection for the pain one eachers, The Learning Network
tierrez, 62,a physician who had become a
takes in.
Capcured images lora recent report by ws.
nas publSneu caendar
lor the next
Sheri Fink about a last-resort Covid treat- school year. The challenges, wncn
with words, but I felt our connection over
ment called ECMO, documenting corona will run monthiy, are just one way
ne classicroCK piayinE On nis iPad.
rus patients and the eucap Periodically, a staff member woud Ene ning. Find all of the network's
Health Center in Santa Monica, Calit. The to check on Mr Sablanor Dr. Gutierrez. Curriculum material at
families allowed me to share in the darkest Cracked
o uthe
asked a nurse as she
door ol lDr. Guuerrezs room learniin
moments of their hves.
were remindere Pn, there
e neracton helps me connect with fTgrace.
those I photograph. assgnment,
On this
Some people were not awake or couldn't FUnd the articie at

m or
ct Customer Care
A Headline in History
or 1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-463)


July 21, 1982. Eight British soldiers were killed and more than 50 people were wounded
The Times reoorted. The death toll later reached l,. One car bomb in Hivde Park exploded
as the Queen's Household Cavalry rode by. Two hours later at Regent's Park, a bomb
went or under a bandstand as army musicians periormea.
ubscribers can browse the complete I imes archives through 2002 at

HE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY E20 Fighth Avenun, New York, N.Y. D0018-140S
daily Periodicals pontage paid a New Yerk, N.Y, and vices that are ly
Lare Pet Weedy IE Hma to interet
is readers if you 2021, Th New York Times Compary Al rights
n Higher rstes, availnble en reques, or tify CterSr20 E a

ion outside the Northeast: H00-43-2580 AGSukber Preskde

int of bomedelbw t tpplca d, v run t and Chie xcve Offeer
Sumday cnly- 530.00 280.00 ery ubecribers wailable to marketing part nat to accvgt an advertiser's order: Only publication ef Diae Benýton, Cenerd Coumel and S

Of Interest

very year, tarmers in Bangladesh, Last year, the Indian state of Uttar
home to about 10 peroent of the Pradesh passed legislation that
worlds vuslim population, rear makes religious conversion by
millions of animals for sacrifice during marriage an offense punishable by
the festival of Eid al-Adha, the up to 10 years in prison.
commemoration of a sacrifice made India's Battle Over Love, Religion
by the prophet Abraham. And Interfaith Unions A6
For Pandemic Holiday Cows Delivered to Home A7

The staff of the Intermational Olympic (yoU

As far back as the Roman Empire, Committee, headquartered in e ha

female pigs were used to find trutfles, Lausanne, Switzerland, once was a all alpng
m dea
the smell of which similar to the couple dlozen people in the 1980s.
Ou had
mating pheromones o male pigs. loday it consists of roughly 600.
How Thomas Bach Keeps an lron Grip
the po
A Pig With a Nose for Trudrles Could Draw
4 Bounty Ds E HADDAD On the Oympics B9

Today, some 2,500 people live in

Uhe pow
In France, a climate law that passed In New York City, operators of food
uesday inctudes, starting in 2025, carts often have obtained the $200 Auroville, an intentional community
a ban on single-use food packaging aty-1ssued permit on the in India founded in 1968 that is
made of polystyrene. underground market, paying as dedicated to being an exemplar of
over two years. human unity
France Passes Climate Law, but Critics Say
It's Weak A9
much as 25,000
Longing for the Lunch Crowd's Return B1 Called Home by Memories and Devotion c MONICA
The Conversation
The "Dorothy" Medallion- Designed in 18k Gold or Sterfing Silver
"Best Day Ever': Highlights From Bezos For a century and a half, thousands of Native American chil-
And Blue Origin Crew's Short Flight to Space dren attended U.S. boarding schools that were designed to Please call 866. 598.2784 or Visit Us at
Times coverage of the brief space journey of Jeff Bezos, a for The Tinmes interviewed forme
milestone for Blue Origin, company he founded more than
the for an article that examined this history. She reflected on her
and three other passengers were weightless for about four reporting on Twitter. Read an edited excerpt below.
ninutes during the l0-minute flight.

She Hates Biden. Some of Her Neighbors Hate the Way Ihe discovery of about 1,o00 graves at schools for
indigenous children in Canada has cast a spotlight on a
oak past. But iong DerOre those dscovEries,Natve

ordered a New Jersey woman to take down American activists have been asking the United States
political banners over obscenity complaints, setting up a First w many chidren died on
Amendment fight. The article was popular in Google News. theld

We spoke to five survivors and 19 children of survivors of

the federal boarding schools to learm about the genera-
From July 10 to 25
TE tional trauma the schools inflicted.

Children who attended these schools were beaten they

SpOke their Own language, and several reprimanded

ality-from drumming to singing. The schools inculcat-

ed shame about their Native American orgin.

The statistics of just one tribe are damning: In the

1800s, Tederal agents complained that almost no adults
Anti-Sex' Beds in the Olympic Village?
orado soe
Enolish Toda aro 30neole s than
A Social Media Theory ls Soon Debunked 2 percent of a tribe of around 1,500, still speak Ute.
The discovery of cardboard beds-Olympic organizers say
tsthe nrst me beds at the ames wil De made almost
entirely ot renewable materialsled to speculation that they he survNors we spoke to described how it took them
were intended to prevent intimate encounters. Not so, say decades before they dared speak their language again.
organizers. One reader commented: "Don't smoke in bedl Among them is Bessie Smith, a Navajo elder, who spoke

How to Create a Secret Garden in Your Own Backyard art, the only place that the school couldn't police.
oned a
eaure aetaiie nowOne LOndoner as
small oasis with the help of a garden designer, passing Rukmini Callimachi @rcallimachi
along their tips on making the most of a space. It was one of
he most emailed articles on Tuesday. To read more, visit natioal

Quote of the Day "To have a virtually unanimous vote against approval and
then to have the E.D.A. turn around and approve-thats
never happened.
WAYNE PINES, aJorme senior official at the Food and Drug Administration, reacting to the
greenlighting of Biogen's controversial A lzheimer's drug, Aduhebn.

The Mini Crossword Here to Help


Much to my embarrassment, I recenty

Durst into tears during an office Zoom call.
A muc- tears was
one of regret and embarrassment. Why is
t that cying Bessucn a Dad rap
A Survey o dya00 woKers and exeCu
tives by Accountemps, a temporay
Stalnng agency, sugegested tiat more than
half of respondents thought it was accept-
Dr. EIsbach sald it can be helpful to
about crying at work. vE eave tne situaion, She sala, or Just make a
Research suggests that the conse vIsible attempt to get your tears under
control. Try to make sure your cry doesn't
Patchwork blanket
e7words o Writing maxim)
Delore no words
Tor women. nimbery D. EsDaCn, prores
sor in the graduate school of management
does distract others from their
work inst

8 KUssian president viadimir at the University of California, Davis, said
Alison Green, creator of the Aska Man-
1999 film) w he nerreived
ay h as weak" ger podcast and weDse,
person cries at work, sunatwnen
Its also worth
"unprofessional" and "manipulative." eflecting on what prompted the emotional
A few years ago I spoke with Michele
Cotton swab brand
Lam, TounEr O
ueaee Itook her advice and reflected on the
teamine mad CO, about an ardcle Sne nad
When It's Okay to Cry at work
we ewnenanreasons behind my tears. Ine co-worker is
4Big name in blue jeans
5 yplcal taKe D User
It Isnt). Ms. Lam had a more posive kE
(And editor witn Wnomvew
eral years. At the heignt oI ne paantE
Helping you live better.
on what it means when someone cries at she and another colleague andI were No matter where you are.
wor rmose a
B Ms. Lam noted that crying at work cann 5 f e and ission,
build a measure of trust between co-work and she is a thoughtful and careful editor
CABLE Es, Dut can
aiso make those aroun you who made my work better. Idont think I
DWY ER uncomfortable. its Ok to try to ease their
discomfort by saying. "pardon my tears,
could have gotten through 2020 without
T Real Estate
AT| she said.
Tara Parker Pope is the founding editor of Well
4 WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021

The New JorkTimes



Living on the Canals, and Loving the Floating Life

there are now 35,130 boats wending
tneir wa across the country's canals
LTTLE BOURTON, England On a more than at the height of the Industri-
lamp June arernoon, a tioating nome
bobbed gently on the Oxford Canal,
a rustic o anai sn1ot al
romance water tankS neeu ng, toue
village of Little Bourton, a blip on the
map witn just one pub waste needsemptying and ugnt quar
Rachel Bruce and her husband, Chris D nt
a, have eae tis yc spo nort
mooring have to move every 14 days

fields he
looking out from the hull of their canal
enncn over sweepng
where the wind blowing tnroug
and travel at least 2 mes "yea, u
der Canal &
Kiver rust rues
long been an affordable alternative to
But it was time to discover their next more tradiuonal nving arriangements,
DOat owners protested in June against
patch. So the mooring pins were freed,
and Ms. Bruce, 31, steered away Irom them from their homes lavinsg hare
f eif walk it naced thoh the sone o he tesions at play as the
nulking wooden and steel gates of the waterways become more crowded.
canals lox
or mve duCklings skimmed
ter.ehen theres ue
ABrOup staying warm while navigating are all a
ried along. ouickly
byDassing their cnanenge
boat. The vivid yellow of buttercups Ms. Bruce and Mr. Hall have their
peeked througn the nign grasS on the
accustomed to this
cles are not yet fully
e ust feeling like we've made a the ins and outs of
ite. Unlamiliar with
very good life decision at the moment,
boat maintenance and navigation,
MS. Bruce Sala aDut ue cope have relier on l E ana
choice a few weeks ago to Blve up ne guidebook for help
f Englande canal " "It felt a bit territying to buy a hunk
of steel with an engin
In the wake of the coronavirus pan-
emic, moe peope rouna tne EODe lop, boats along Grand Union Canal, which stretches from London to Birmingham, England. lop, Chris Hall and his
Bruce said ut then the secondI felt a
are re-evaluating their iiving situations, e
De Do
Od : 1ee de E eg coya o_ eThis is what
scared about tnatwas
need in my life.

work. And in Britain, more people are made her eager to get out ot the to feel Life on board is tight but comfortable,
city shakefree of whattlat.had begun ions

choosine to call these canasand he anyway monotonous and with a small seating area next toa within the world of canal boating- for
narrow boats used to navigate them
decided, ers just De aaventurous "All of the circumstances of last year wooc-burning stove, decorated with example, when an older couple with a
just gave us that final push over the
way a n esne
The canals, a vast network once used
and throw yourself into something, and Sccuenes and a stac Doru ges sny 0SKe nte cumsuy througn
o move go0ds across the country, cut has kept her London rental and spends felt like doing this is taking back control gas stovetop is steps away, and further metne
ther way rougn Bntans counrysiae weekends on the boat, eruising with her a little bit." along the hull is a Datnroom But they have also found a thriving
and meander through town and city Tamiy irom village to village. Within a week of looking at their first composting toilet. In the back of the community ot ike-minded tellow boat-
** auDie Dea ers who are quick to lend ther exper
trains and highways, they fell into oneideration as from town to
moving o adelonu Iodon life and small closet
Isrepa town would be imposSible while he is in and making the 6-foot 10-inch wide, Boat retailers are Seeing more first- I feel like we probably all
Since the 1960s, thougn, tney ave School. But some peopie wiuo 50-oot ong seetD ime buyers like Ms. Bruce and Mr.
en ey Something in common, Ms. Bruce said.
come popua
o ere rAnd
for many people, the appeal of turning
chin e takn adanto more
he the cen
oeirpermanet home a, ad they say the pandemic has
"It's become a little haven really
Ou KnOW oving the canals for the

Smelling polluted air And being able to

weekend jaunts or weeklong trips into a My aim this year was to get used to Alhough the boat is powered by auring the coronavirus vng on a hear the birds when you're sitting out
ermanent e ese is Deco0
tand see i enoyed the testyle, Ms. diesel, the couple say they use less
narrow boat and keeping yoursef to naving te
nnet e s
easy to
Tanmim Hussain, 46, a driving in otential for a more permanent future" in
in LonndoThie ie
oleo nat of the an evertive for Whilton Marina on the t
tructor and nouneror rour wno ves in For MS. Bruce and Mir. Hall, the peal, they say. They have two solar Grand Uion Canal in Northampton ne canals, who pass with a wave and
North London, bought a canal boat this stresses of work, a mental health strug shire. sone chat.
own an

anart small electronics, and a W-Frouter to The Canal& River irust, which is "Maybe you nke you ve
able to afford to
both Teel
nouse in London, and the pandemic change. Plus, they had long wanted to technology consultant. ways across England and Wales, says added with a smile e, Ms. Bruce

Above left, Mr. Hall and Ms. Bruce at home aboard the Glenrich V. "It kind of just felt like doing this is taking back control a little bit," Mr. Hall said of leaving their
London residence and buying the boat. Center, the intenor of a canal boat. Right, boats tor sale near Daventry, England.

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India Deaths
From Covid
May Exceed
3 Million

hn Dero people who

pandemic in India so Tar is
Key toexceed tnree mon
nearly 10 times the official

it one of the worst human

tragedies In the counry's
Soaccoraing a new

In an examination of the
rue toll O the pandemic in
pwng counuy or .4
Develonment a Washington
research, institute, at
tempted to quantity excess

state data, international est

mates, 5eTo0a suane
andhouseoid su
be in the several millions, not
nundreds or tousands,
making this anguaby indias
its authors, one of whom is a
Tormer Cner ecoo
Viser to the government o

The official government

numbes nave Deen
funral nres lit u
the night sky and bodies
A Sikh temple in Srinagar, Kashmir. Some in the Sikh community are pressing for a law making intertaith marmage illegal in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
up aog e anges
Indias Battle Over Love, Religion and Interfaith Unions widely underreporting the
scale or the deviaistation.
article is by Sameer Yasir, Sikhs."
A chorus or expertS ve
muly Schmall and Iqbal Kirmani. At a mosque in northern Kash imates are a gross under
SRINAGAR,KashmirMan June, Ms. Bali, 19, and
mir in early Statemen
The study released
meet Kour Bal nad
martiage in court.
to derena
e ir Bat, 23, Peore ia,
dri thir rriaacin tween 3.4 and 4.7 million
verted to Islam to marrya Muslim Ma 0 to their notarized marriage agree more people than would nor
man. Her parents objected to a ment y expected died be
marrlageOutsiae their commun Aerward, s. Bali returned to 2021, and includes an
E plaint she was repeatedly beaten over estimate suggesting that
In court last month, she testi- the reiatonship. deatns on u
ed sne had married 1or love,
at Now my family is torturing
not because she was coerced, ac to my husband. I will kill myself" with statistical confidence
reviewed by The New York Times. she said n a video posted to social may prove elusive, a te
media. thors wroeD
Days late she ended up in indias doath
capital of New Delhi, married to a aft home and re toll from the pandem
Religious diversity has define united with Mr. Bhat. kely to be an order ol mag
India for centures, ecoEnizeu Even though a relgious cere nitude greater than the olfl-
and protected in the country's pe o same
e also suggest that the first
were after her conversion- is wave wasS more ietnal than is
y illegal. recognized as legally valid, the believea.
d t he
pateonew laws acroSS In a
couple nad Cv ceremony and dercount of death after t he
dia, in states ruled by Prime Min their legal protections, The mar nrst wave or inrectons last
Janata Party, or B.J.P, are seeking rage agreement noted that the year may nave restea, n
o banish Such unions atogeue ts DEencOnractedDy the d
While the rules apply broadiy, PruesE
Manmeet Kour Bali. a Sikh by birth, converted to Islam to mary a Muslim posed to the sharp curve of
ae **
portray such 1awe P man, Shahid Nazir Bhat. Her parents obiected, however, and they hled a po- ents." ena
dreds or tousds
wave wen nu
Curoove Jinaa, he laea tnat lice complaint against her husband. Ms. Bali has since married a Sikh man. LIKe thousands or other col
usi en ples whodont share samethe rel gen, beds and vaccines.
d that echLaus fan er's faith, we thought we will cre- ne study ns saa nat tne
ate a small world or our Own countrys inabilty to grasp
anti-Muslim sentment undera
a Hinau where love will triumph over ev
promonE real time" during its first
niaionust that very religion became the rea wave romarcn 2040 to
akers in the
Sonof our separation." February 2021 may have
northern Indian state ot utar
Pradesh passed legISlaton tnat M55S Tatner eapoce placency that led to the hor-
makes religious Conversion y cOmp d in his rors ot the Secona wave
by up to years in prison. So far
10 daughter and forcing her to co e negntorhe second
1bz people there have been ar vert. York Times
reportere at er
rested under the new law, al On June 24, the couple turned maton grounds in india ex
The government is taking a de- nagar, where both were detained. posed an extensive pattem
ng ne
cisionthat we will take tough
measures to curb love Jihad, YOg
her testimony
Ba recorde
betore a judicial
official f
Nervous politicians and
ill boeonert fo lelam and nospita &aministrators may
Pradesh, said shortly before that marry Mr Bhat, according to her runeu o
states nawu
ersion orananee w
KelgIOUs con statement.
and dozens o o
use dead, analysts saicd. And
he gevingramies may De hid
5.J.P have either passed or intro turned to them. Ingcovd connectons
uced similar legislation. Cea now ne court the confusion.
ruled. The Judicial magistrate
InKashmir, where Ms. Bali and de
India is still reporting
nearly 40.000 new cases and
Sikh community have disputed an interview. Her parents de
the legitimacy of the marnage, clined an interview request. cording to a New York Times
Calnng t ove jnaa.
ney are
The day after the hearing, Man
aatabase Less anper
larvestSilh urdwara in Newcentof the population is Tully
While proponents of such laws That very religion became the reason of our separation Delhi, flew to Srinagar. He picked
The challenge of the pan
say tney ae neanproe u
SHAHID NAZIR BHAT, a Muslim who maried Ms. Bali and was accused of kidnapping her. up s. Ball, wiun ner palrens, iu demic is far from over, said
neradie women ro preo Arvind Subramanian, Mr.
ceremony, Mr. Sirsa flew with Modis senior
n f their ageney. Tthe
isa Tundamental nght thated, a nember in Lucknow. comm uniues. out- ovhe
nate s np the coupie to De fellow at Brown University
women can marry by their oWn tha eame evervwhere" Mr. siders "cannot t Saidation it doesn't
seem will go anvwhere
it wou be rong to say thatl who 1s a co-authnor orm
yer and women's rights activist in Verma said. "They want to lure whereby such couples are placed soon. an interview. "If anything adverse study.accination offers
Lucknow, the Uttar Pradesh state Hindu women and then change
heir reugo
in anostiue environment
The country's constitutional
In Bhopal, the capitai or
anya Pradesn state, the
a was happening, she should nave needs to be ramped up con-
atip, th police in
B..ed said" Siderabiy
the police officials have the
same Uttar Pradesh interrupted a wed- terpreted to protect couples from March modeled after the Uttar view with Ms. Bali was sent via
Mors overe
mind-set of patriarchy," she add- dingEceremony in December. Ihe pressure, harassment ana v0Padesh law, stureninE penalties Mr. Sirsa. He said she did not want third wave of infections,
ed. "Actually, they are not imple couple were taken into custody, lence from families and religious tor relhgious conversion through to talk. EOvernment scien
menung ne aw, uey y **when both proved
oved they were Mus. AMast
uhabit Khan, a Muslim, and easier to obtain. e nada reuorOWn tists say could strike as early

rena pouce v e ne sdsnoe

Across the country, vigilante acor Reema ngn, a Findu, Kept their venen 5noverse claims that their daughter was "The spirit of this paper is
groups have created a vast net-
work of
n dnusc
ror spreaaing aise rumors.
eEnes courtsnp secret Tom tneir ra
illes, meeting tor years in dark al Ister, Narottam Mishra, "but
Kidnapped and torced to marry
Mr. Bhat.
not pnvilege any one est-
t local informers, who tip
is mate but simply to lay them
the udy hat was released fro
riages. found that most Indians are op- desolate graveyards. Ms. Singh Members of Kashmir's Sikh lice custody four days after Ms.
ne or the largest Is Bajrang
Pseu AlyoE, Dut prcu

Dal, or the Brigade o Hanuman, wonen, marying outside eir

e l e stayea
er nve sne i. witn
Ds Ball lertTor Delni.
At his home in srinagar, he is
study, Abhishek Anand, Jus-
in Sanderur and D Suor
has filed dozens of police com marriages-four out of
are five-areIn 2019
n 2019, they married in a small similar law in Jammu and Kash- Ha cges manian, said.
ll tl e iculties,
plaints against Muslim suitors or arranged. ceremony with four guests, think mir battle to win her back, but he geting at the true estimate
grooms, according to Rakesn
he backlash against intertaith ing their amilies would eventu We immediately need a law 1eared the sikh community's dise wll g dnent and ony Dy
marriages is so widespread that in aly accept their decision. They banninginterfaith mariage approval would make their sepa- P
ogether data irom
Sameer Yasir and Iqbal Kirmani
reported from Srinagar, Kashmir, dered state authorities to provide central Indian city of Bhopal to Raina, a Sikh activist based in Sri- "If she comes back and tells a prove our understanding of
and Emiy Schmal Jrom New security and sale houses to those start a new life together in a new nagar "it will help save our judge she is happy with that man, the reality of the pandemic.
Delhi. who wecd against the will of their city. daughters, both Muslims and I will accept my fate," he said.

Flurry of Cyberattacks Offers a Glimpse of a New Era of Warfare

The world woke on
Pevelations of a sort that have asm t Pened, Dut ating, analySs an
become disconcertingly routine. But there is one important their hacking to private
ersnad Dreacne
erence,Eperts s
otespionage are mostiy welded
neos and outright eriminals. Moscow

1N 1ENFE IE universities in a governments. The almost demo ing a 20-year-old Canadian, to0

rCcheapernature of hacking govetnnene


FISHER mnitrate Ameticaln
paign to sEe than setting up an intel-
ackerfor-hire shadow
Search, according oa U.S. Jus privateindividuals can get in industry has exploded in recent
OIvea to0, Turue ddyun ears.eCrty researcners nave
Separatey, sever ve waers. And, Decause it Identifiednigniy sKIlea eroups
ministration, accused Beijing of too small, leaving virtually any firms. real estatedevel-
niring criminal hackers to inn
rate the world's largest comp
one opers,
dale Eastern energy
and the world Health
Only hours before como
a peon
Since the
Within Bounds
Clobalization and advances in
first international
unat gove
Or neWs genceseporteu
ens wo
Cyberattacks in the issusS, poncy
makers nave worried that one
consumer technology have
opened a near-bottomless pool o
e P e
sol gOVernment mignt gotoo rar in nce le inn

nalists, rigghts workers, opposl risking an escalation to war. economically troubled countries,
on pounckans ana roregn neads By 2010, Washington had where legitimate work is scarce,
State. institutionalized its view of cy E Pandemc
ash of allegations repre
ent what cybersecurity and domain," alongside land, sea, air MIT LKAYAM POR THE NEW YORA TIMES and expanding broadband allows
oreign pocy experES Say IS a
new normal or connuous, gov An
new military outfit called Cyber
NSO Group building in Herzliya. Israel. A report by a consortium of news agencies found that yoe pu ou d s
governments used the companys software to monitor journalists, nghts workers and politicans. erate openly. An Ind
new kind
now be a permanent feature of a of warfare to be de an firm offered to help clients
he global order ee5ut many
anu, u ecessy,
o. Russia for its attacks during the
s governments have learned major hacks with a public coun snoop on business rivals and
Governments have becomee
tivity of the digital era to ad. Ch
attackS nave Deen
2016 electons.
tinues to be to r
gradually converged on unwrit
incident went too far. The United
partners.The Pegasus software
send a clear message to Russia gations of worldwide hacks on
vance their interests and weaken patents. Russia's broke into U.S. or otnersS not to do tnis to us, ten rulestor cyber-competition. States, for instance, let it be journalists and dissidents is sold
er senemes.o nae reeane Bovernment emails ana, later,
wen do stu to you, he scholarSchaeiSch
nown that its hackers iniltrated by Nso Group, an Israeli com-
states. blurring tihe ral imar office. "Some of it, we will do have described the result as escalation meant to convince The shifting landscape hints a
inebetween international cyber tored foreign officials and slipped pubicy. Some or it we will do in 0mpenuve interaction witnin OSCOW nat eecuon nednn8 the gap between what policy-
onflict and everyday crime. wruses into nostile governments way nat they Know, Dut ho those Doundaries, räther than was not worth the trouble, ersexpected of the cyber

s DEOe a widey systems.

ents began treating
veyouy wul
of con
0 eW Ieveis
to purse toren
officials by coct et and wnat t actually

sion and raw economic gain. It is foreign hackers more like foreign y ne It is not that governments denial"methods to make Washington's against Iran or
source and difficult to trace.
spies. They would disrupt a plot,
indict or sanction the individuals
By the end of the decade, many promise never to crossthoSe
hackS less iKeIy
similar o su ussis during tne 2010e ecthann
mntarand intelgence planu Dn ed tions happen less frequently
smartphone is vulnerable. ish the government behind it. lated by Joshua Rovner, who was punishments that may not be ing their benefit. Rather, the new normal is
And hacking Dears tralt a In 2015, after a series of such cholarin-residence at the Na worth enduring Small but constant hacks. Chi
Pre sident 5den, in arraying
ommon to the most destabiliz- pisoues, Wasnington reached an ury geney and U.s. The scholars called these worid governments to condemn
nese-sponsored criminals raiding
nedieval siege devices to nucle hckina chi In almost all cases, Mr. Rovner phase" waiting to be proven out attempting to impose a diplomat Paranoid officials snooping on a
ar arms: It is tar more effective American targets dropped imme wrote in an essay tor the site Dy Eovenments tesng one c cost to Wncn Being may D local journalist, rival politician
e tan ensvese
dately, Some cypesecuriy
in 2013 amid a rise in ten-
war on the Rocks, hacking had anothers tolerance and the con
open-ended competition among
more sensitvethan MoscoW.It Is Or even nutrition advocates
they have gelled enough that the under Mr. Otbama. But, with pus t throuoh
nilitarylan ain
yberconflict might lead to the sions under President Donald J. rival states that resembles, and accepted contours are coming relations souring, Bejying may third parties or private software
eal thing, he emerging dangers rump,hinting at a new norm in 5Orten an extesion ot, esplo feel it has Ess to
lose that may be less sophisticated
fal e se and hat new understanding "puts crettan Se A Decentralized Danger
Dut is eaSIer to spread and easier

Kather than resembling a new Though governments largely the cyberspace competition in hinted at what has since become There is lttle that can truly No one such hack is ikery to
<ind ot war, hacking is oming to abandoned military-style deter perspectivehe added, but it standard proceaure. KOutine PreventBOvernments from upena tne ntenauoOnai oraer
Py oe m tne 2Ist rence, they have come to punish reguires a willingness to ive nacks may provoke a Secrer choosing to accept the risks that But, cumulatively, they suggest a

20th, analysts and former offi- Korea suffered countrywide Espionage contests are never down government systems re attack. And, because offensive ital theft, influence peddling and
ialis Delneve. It is a never-ending nternet outagEs shoruy arter won. 1hey carry gans ana iosses sposiDerne incaet, 1o Cybertechnology nas so consis snooping.And it may now De a
at-and-mouse game playeaDy President Barack Obama said Tor aill sides, and they operate in punish witnout risking eScalaton tenuy outpaced delensive meas ime in whicn, as manyor the
even hostile C DrEdk w
like, Adversarial North Korean hacking. Hecon ethat is neither war inevitably succeed learned this week, almost no one
ut tolerated within limits. Some- sidered similar options against peace But governments may answer That dynamic is only acceler 1s too pedestrian to be targeted.

For Pandemic Holiday,

Cows Delivered to Home
Going Online for Livestock in Bangladesh
By SAIF HASNAT the festival in Bangladesh, nearly
and MUJIB MASHAL 50,00nmals na Deen S01d
DHAKA, Bangladesh-Think
te and sheen And this holiday to the government's livestock de
season, the sales are skyrocket
was r
target, Dut an increase O
Snort or

Every yea, 1n D ofmated in local news media tor last

the world's Muslim population, year

were the
ons or animals for sacri nDuraloes
aurng he Tesuval of Eid ak
Rafiqul Ranju, who runs a small
eacrifice made hy the prophet transportation service in the inta
ucongested capital, Dhaka,
ADraham. Families crowd mar-
stp pme animals heavy traffic around the city areas
been very diticut to de
But this year, amid a surge in co-
infections across the
has on me
country, buyers and sellers have came when several private
ncreasingy snireu uat u
government entites piarunete
Farmers had worried that an e
cned Digital
ESumatea 1 mlon animals for than 50 merchants ith acce
sale, worh Dions nearly 500
cattle markets onto
ernment announced a pandemic onewepsite 1ne piattom Dank

loCKdown in the weeks before the P

festival. te
ment eased Testrictions
allowTo help small-time farmers,
Haat provides detailed in-
tor holiday shopping to inject Dg
some me no uneco
to the protest or neatn epe
stock. First: Clean the animal, and
photograph it in ront o a wa
with a measurement marker to
could become infection hot spots.
in an
erot o reduce sone or ue shepherd to give at least a sense of
rowds, officials set an ambitious size. Then: Make
Sure a
ial cattle online in virtual cattle s
visDIe.And T the animnal
markets. check, upload the certificate.
Snce e Take a picture of the animal in
onoraisndn diidaa a beautirul place, the instructions
gers nave been uploading a way that vou Can see how man
perienced onnne endos e have growm properly"
But whether or not ne gu

pnotographs of their cattle with ter little, as evidenced

videnced byhthe
the Clockwise from top, traders and farmers at the Gabtoli Cattle market on Tuesday in Dhaka, Bangladesh; a trader with a cow for sale
accnation status of the animal record sales and a scroll throuh during the holiday shopping season; using a video call to show family members sacrificial animals, such as goats and sheep.
cination status oruE a the posts orone e

diaries have stepped in to help 191, weighing

48 DOunds, vendors as well as smaller cooper mals for Eid a-Adha has tradition- Dairy Farmers Association, a animal was already sold. The mer
with photograph and video serv- shown grazing on fresh greens in V ally Deen a ramuy atait, witn sev group invoive n setting up Dig chants sent nim two otner avall
ices in retun for a commission. a short video: sold. Bull 0505,
webcam footagewhere prospec pounds and fimed from every an-
O a
opinions and try to avoid being"The buyers ask more ques
e u, v rs eed an ane
north ot Dhaka, said she had sold "After confirming the booking
ive buyers can watch the animals in a vioeo>e
gle in his shed in video set to wo cows througn one orthe nmer ripped ot. 1 ne mvoivement or onsD0ut tne selers tnan tne an tney sent ner representauve
chantslisted on Digtal Haat. government agencies and estab imals," he said, with some wary of around midnight to get the cash
s oeeu a tnoE persona And hen there was cow 05, ave us great opportunity to sell line platforms
ve a seems to have on a new platform. Tuesday, "They finally delivered
"If you want, youcan watch the the three photographs uploaded, animals so easily-we now dont eased somebut not allof the Sheikh Abdus Sobhan, resi- a the cows this morning
Ows directuly from the farmer's the animal's limbs and teeth are need to go to the market, donteservadons aDOu not conduct
dent ot northeasterm Dhaka wno His DiEgest concern, he noted,
said he was in his late 50s, logged was whether they would actually
house through video call, wrote not visible. But the owner stands eed to nire a car or run arterpeo nE egoauOns in perSO. ot o the
shirt. Cow 103 also solá He selected a
weighing 670 pounds and with an Nahar said. "without extra costs, digital cattle markets so far is ing prayer. "But by the grace of God," he
4-inch chest. Digital Haat aims to be an wenow can sell right from home huge, sald Shah Emran, the gen- cow and called the merchant to ff- said, "we got the same cow that
On Tuesday, before the eve of equalzer, hosting experienced The purchase of sacrificial ani- eral secretary of Bangladesh nalize the deal. But he was told the we had seen on the website."

Many Struggling Haitians Are Looking to Future Filled With Cynicism

From Page Al
world outlooks"
But for many in the
list of cabinet ministers published
ntne govermments oclal.Ea
zette teatured severa amnar
ing party including the new prime
minister and the newroreign min-
Ister, botn or whom hiad Deen an

"This is a provocation, Pierre

ESperance, tne execuave director
Righte Def unan
party's control of the new gov
emment meanstne crisisw
He argued that Mr. Moise was a
who "died because of the insecuri-

ago, violence and furious demno

strators condeimning corrupon
and demanding the president's

keeping the sick from hospitals,

children rom school, workers
o peopie m ne
stopped flowing
Gangs have become more
DrazenSince then, comtrolng
inu at willkidnanning children on
their way to school and pastors in
ne midale or deivering ther
The coOuntry is going to re nain
n the same condition, unless they
get their heads together, Rose
mane Jean Louls, 5ala snor E

ave no securiywe are nungry

we are in misery
s recounted how
she had casually said goodbye to

knowing it would be the last time.

piece of candy from the pile of
reats sne s0 utsE
then on
continued nis waytomeet
said, before being shot dead b
gang members in Iront o a
find his
said Ms. Jean Louis. 61 tears fall
ng. "They took it with them."
Crime, KIdnappinEs, Banes, Se
worus streamed re
Clockwise from top, pertomance at one of two memonalstor
nitaries paid their respects to the President Jovenel Moise in Port-au-Pnnoe, Hait, on luesday; the
departing pime minister, Claude Joseph, left, and the new one,
Anel Henry, at a ceremony; Gerard Lovus, who works as a street
made claims and count
deaner in Port-au-Prince and has not been paid for months.
OSe,Es sw
still in the streets protestingo ew overent stad O knownowSensive tings
their new leaders, whoever might prime minister's office. Mr. Jo Patrice Jacquet. "I have to take
PrEv,wOud no Care aDOut
ton to Mr Henry, who spoke at For many Haitians, the political
s too kidna
nis country" said Steve Mad-
Three Officers Are Arrested in Leader's Killing gripped the nation, the people power play by members of the
den despairingy, standing in a
By DAN BILEFSKY asking why so many key aspects from abroad who breached the d an eDusinesses
ne nes
nd roboesente te ana
looted promised them little relief. Some
govening parythat
president's home in several ve
cluster ot m Suae
of the crime remaina mystery.
last week
Haiti's national police
Avenue John Brown unced on Tuesday they had ne artests Came as Haiti held hicles. They encountered little store stability and prepare for and mourned the loss of a poli-
spills out Irom a usn vialey 1n restea hree police ollicerS in
connection with the ass assinain
e eay
isnce perOre openng ire, eeons. 1ne two en nugEEducan wno pane
enemy o entrenched interests.
nse s an
fe wh enred h wife Martine Moise. durine the briefly.

followedcntentioe eamh fornmer

den and ofher residents gathered. suggesting there may have been accusations of corruption and attack. sident' bomertite
Police sala tney naa s0 1ar a
A local port worker had been kid- an infiltration of their forcencreasiny autocraC actons 1or power Lawmakers and de inished a mural ol Mr. Moise on
napped the day Derore, and his anead or the Killin& duninghis presdency, but rested more than two dozen peo OC voes conennedOnyevennge e ny
Mr Madden Boni Gregoire, Clifton Hyppolite Haitians. The country on Tues- and searched 13 residences, dur- n i mpetion of frn9dirin th
said. A phalanx of police officers and Elie Jean Charles, but did day was also pO1Sed to replace ing which they had discovered state of siege right after the which had been done by his
stood nearby witn rge gu not elaborate on the specific role the interim prime minister, about 60 firearms, some of
s ep hey allegEeuuy nad playe ut ue
eugeon who had service. They said they had also president of the Senate, Jo-
The Champs de Mars, once a As the investigation pro been appointed to the position found a drone and three seph Lambert, said he was going clump of Tamilies that controls
place winere peopedanceu e
masse auring carival and assem-
gresses, one of the biggest ques Dy the president shortiy betore
tions swirling in Haii is how at he was lled.
De sworn
as ne
Then he abruptly
much 0r the Haiaan econom
Now he hoped the president's
tipronged inves- Haitils national
or share a beer with friends, has breach the president's security tigation encompassing Florida, viously said that Dr. Christian later in an interview that Ameri tinue his political legacy.
Deen iargey aesolate since neas detll npuencesDeencolombia and Hanu, Haitian au Emmanuel sanon, a os-year-old can officials, who have exercised wewill fight for Martine Moise
sassinatuon. Across the street rowng aue pace o tne inve5thorities have paunted a picture, doctor and pastor who divided enormous influence over Haitian to become a candidate in 2022, he

not replaced after the earthquake nresident was killed bw a team of Haiti, played a pivotal role in the o n 100 vears ago, had Mrs. Moise surprised the coun
more tnan a decade g0, a 5nal arold Isaac contributed report as many as two dozen heavily assassination, though that role unged him to stand down. y by returing on Siaturday
Ctcn wired towe an ca ngJrom Port-au-Prince, Hait. armed mercenaries recruited remains unclear. MrHenry had also tred to asMami,where she had been
rtrait of him with tears ittle stuccress He issued anews ne during the attack on ber husband.
roling down his face, had fallen on or Christopher said at the me lease promising to unveil his new Sheemerged from the plane wear-
where the anchor increasingly authoritarian rule ution, Mr. Joseph
the erouna. 1he wordsi ied, oumbus s ship, ne santa Mana, had alarmed many in and outside morial. CDinetattne aneoea land Ing a sling tor her bandaged rght

Kim Baptiste Jean-Louis, 32, Guests came in slowly, incud- country's oligarchs, a crusader ficially been settled. Mr Joseph for political announcements in the of sight, though a wrenching mes
rusned over toSet ne pce Ing the wo men who wresued towhoSe reputation had een assas aid onday tnat he nad agreed to past. sage was released on her veried
ese en SeenePesdentAne Snd etoreDe a poats anerves ster 5ut ust as ir Henrys news wter account three days arter
shrugged. But," he said, "he was pointed prime minister right be assembled beneath a trellis cov while Mr. Henry became prime last week, the hotel manager shut and encouraging the country to
Tore iOIsewas, Kiled, and renDogainve, ineig ainster, paving neway tor elec the buildings heavy metal doors, continue on his path
Osesenortook Caude Joseph, the interim prime east One oneiam tne oSe d tons inthe Tuture. 1he two men blocking news organiz ations from wenty-five years of living to-
f the Haitian National Pantheon, away
that week but quickly took control tioned by the United States in con- start of the ceremony, shoulder to formed of the news conference cenaries ripped him from
Shouder, Tankea D memberS or ahead ot time, he said, and didn't me thee recording said. lears
Harold Isaac and Federico Rios state of siege "You can kill a revolutionary, Mr. Moises cabinet.
to be seen supporting one wll never dry up in my eyes. My
cOerioutead reporting. Euogies Tor Mir. Mo1se, whose Dut yolu cant assassinate the revo- S0on ater the memorial, the political taction over another. heart will always bieed."

Israel Answers Rocket Attack From Southern Lebanon With Artillery Shels
By PATRICK KINGSLEY Army later said it had roiled an at the aynanic between Hamas and
Palestaan milhtants. ground invasion in 2006.
sraeli empt by muntants to ire a uhird Lebanon's economic erash, ana Israelremains volatile. The two United Nations peacekeepers
No injuries were
fired severa fire deal That wonldallow more
No faction in Lebanon claimed da led some to fear that
reported in the brief
ut tensions remain
early Tuesday in a brief response responsibility for therockets, but the security situation on its south- money and supplies into Gaza, high and there are occasional skir-
to rockets fired into Israel hours an Israeli military official,
Speak ern border may, become even SRirmisn on luesaay. wneeupors a, expors ae snes Deween tnevanous rac
earlier by militants in the neigh ing on the condition of anonymity, more unpredictable. controlled by Israel and Egypt. In 2019,
tions. Israeli troops dis-
boring nadon. had been fired by Palestinian mili- ing, Prime Minister Naftali Ben- rocket fire from Lebanon is a had tunneled into Israeli territory
orted onei-
oe Suudy m
ther side during the skirmish, tantS based in Lebanon. nett or 1srael said Lebanon was ho means of exertingpressure on Ha Israeli jets regularly fly through
since the projectiles largely fell in he incident underscored the e e exc
eDneseurspace, ten to cary
open rocket from Leba- e ne
Suon On
e is
accePa eaaEeoskirmish
Leu me,
Israel and factions in Lebanon Out airstrike
Dome Israeli missile defense svs-
there are regular tensions be ael: Pes conflict. Israel invaded Lebanon Iran-aligned forces that are fight
tem while a second fell withoutween tne 1srael mintary and Benny Gantz, Israels defense rael in solidarity with militants in n 1s82 ater Leanon Decame a ng im the syrian civuwar.
causing damage The Lebanese ezDolan, an ra-oacKed snla nister, nad writenearner on Gazaled by the Islamistgroup Ha- D4seror Pauestunlan mutants co ,ne moSt recent reported
Adam Rasgon and Myra Noveck
tnatnos y across
ert re Oto mas who were then in the middleu s stenere was 1ate on on
contributed reporting Jfrom Jeru does notrecognize Israeli crisis in Lebanon to turn into a se- lamas has not fired rockets or years later, tensions continued be agency said Israeli jets hadstruck
salem, and Asmaa a-Omar from sovereignty. There are also occa curity threat to Israel. He called incendiary balloons into Israel tween Israel and Hezbollah, lead- a target in northern syria. The Is-
Beirut, Lebanon. sional attacks by Lebanon- based on the international community to from Gaza for several weeks, but ing to another war and an Israeli raeli Army declined to comment.

E.U Denounces Poland and Hungary Over the Rule of Law US. Military
enforcement actions. Uses Drones
3RUSSELS-Poland and Hun- may proe h To Support
gary were cricizeu Spy
point of arule-of-law report if, due
in a set of reports that said recent to lack of decisive acton and en
Torcement, there 1s no rule or law Somali Forces
en Judcial ndependence and tries 2 Coun
The reports reviewed the state In Poland, one of the reports and DECLAN WALSH
or the rule or law
in al z Euro
pean Union memDer sttes,
Says, the situation 1or justice has WASHINGTON-The Unitea
u eroeStates conducted a arne surike
concerns as regards the rule of antS in soma-
Hungary were severe, notwith
Stanaing heir reianvely Diand Du law,
n parucur a tary action against the Qaeda a
reaucratC language
wever, likely
Euonean pean Commission is inden
Commission is in nca Sinceoffice
the B
o he ea 18
administration o
a struggle with both about the rule
law and the suprtemacyo
The European Union has no ef
ecuve tooIS TOr quncRIy isepn
peanawover naaonal courts. Po-
The strike was carried out by
miltary aircraft against shaba
geber states, and a new in gners wno were attacking mem-
of the European Court of Justice
holding of E.U.coronavirus reco-
y runasrom countries
be undermining

autumn. if then
Hungary and
rouna to
he ruie oT 1aw

Poland get the

PRAAD NE wCn nas ordered the suspension
a disciplinary

Foland has refused, and the

warneu uae

can-trained Somalom
near the towm of Galkäayo
countryS nortn, sala
placed new limits on drone strikes
acuve w

when it comes to undermining the Poland does not comply with thetim t 0, Eve it
rule ot law, the naepeae
thejudiciary and media pluraliSm.

PRESS tioni
missionws e
the teto
icy. The Trump administration set
broad rules Tor stte p a
states, including Austria, Bulgar. A protester at the Constitutional Iribunal in Warsaw in April. An
E.. report criticized Poland. Jourova a y lar countries and delegated
primacy over na about when to carry them out, but
ia, Malta, Sslovenia and the Czech
Republic, also have Serious prob over the last year, onee othcial Survellance using Pegasus, the disCiplinary proceedings initiated uo w, SnE s
Eawhas ean DEproposals for strikes are now gen
lems with the sa are d sstill vas dorny
e Consoraunm sad.
Inion has omo
h in e on
The renort Poland alsno cite
routed tnrough
he white

seeking commission approval for some of them have worsened. mented carefully on those find- denied voting rights, are therefore intimidation of journalistsand aThe White House has since re
tner recoveryspenng plans
part or ne Dnon
a5 n
sues raisea tne reports in
cude chentellsm, Iavoritsm, nep
ngs, Wncn emerged arter
aay's reports were
es ungarys TOrelgn mnister, Fe
erowing 1aCK OU
mea piurs,jected a handful
of requests by the

military's Africa Command to

fund. But E.U. officials made clear media and questions about judi- Ursula von der Leyen, said Mon the use of Pegasus in surveilling that owns 20 of the 24 regional Shabab targets in Somalia be-

we ry
the rëEports reeased uesday
sEpaero u
cial independence.
ngary is also undeenewed
s was
u ngruE
utvd e
usce nset, SDseu ayer a
cause they aid not meet the new
Standards. But in this case, Mrs.
whether to anprove sophisticated Israeli-develoned ave in the Euro health checkand early warning p
or withhold erned by the rule of law and, like
money. Hungary isto get some Spyware called Pegasus to mon Pean on any decent state, in tne 2ist cen*yse On Stae ot te ner usceca
Command has the authority to
Dillion euros, and Pland about 24 torjJournalists, rignts workers, op- when ne reedom o media isuryit has tne technica meanstoe e ns conduct strikes in support of allied
The reports were presented
vera Jourova, vice president for
A consortium of media organ-
ote fsone of the core valesof the Eu tasks wold he a serios f
ropean Union. itis compietely un em we did not have hese tools,
aborafionwithmember states n
t Stll, European Union officials in Under orders from President
vades and uransprney, and
her eynders, commisSoner tor
2anons, Including ne washing
ton Post and he Guardian, re
E us woud De eDeEy ane useu n & ldwIu
Parliament i
Donald J. Trump, most inofSomalia
mecan troops based
the 700
k th But once again, the question of nalysts were skeptical about states and the EU
the effort to establish what N
ticated spyware has been used by any sanctions remains unclear. the impact of the rule-of-law re making decisions. Mr. Reynders tary and counterterrorism forces
rue of law S EaCuure o
uemOe tnan countres. At edst
five of the smartphones that
ap aganst E.u. members that does In the short term, this report portant part in rurure decisions
a were witnarawn
weeks of his nthe waning
administration, and
ckground briefing enya and
journalists, E.U. officials (under or the unanimous vote of member tion," said Laurent Pech, a profes-
individuals in Hungary, according Mr. Reynders described the re bouti.
allowtotne consorum, and more than States wicn would De impossSor or European law at MIddieseX ports as mayDe one or the most
Ttne grounarules, tney do not Mrs. King said the Danab com
themselves to be named were 00 Hungaran phone numbers ble, especialy Since Poland and University London, arguing important souircesfor the posible mandos were being advised re-
what as
hapened in Huneary that included some selected torSuch Socaled Article 7prioritized prompt and decisive
actions. henthev came under attac
There were no U.S. forces ac-
panyng oma TOrces auring
France Passes ducting a remote advise-and-as

Climate Lau, nated Somall parune

sits on a fault line between two
But Critics clans, and 1t 1s on a major
Smugeing rure usedDmtants
Detween A
Say It's Weak
raveling Shabads

The first drone action
PARISrance passed a wide-
ranging law to tacKIe climat against Al Shabab
change on Tuesday, ereangarat
transportation. housing and
con. during Biden's tenure.
Sumption that are meant to lower
greennoue gas en cue
heartland in southerm Somalia
irn he and the northern part ol the coun
measures aren't ambitious rynecIy nas Deen a 1ocus o
Danah and other Somali goverm
eather enieodes e nent torces.
erbated worries about the impact s. ing sala ignting EsW
delaving the A

goDalwaming, especialy d's

PewIC tecenuy unvelied assessment of the airstrike, the

away from fossil fuels, and where sevent overal this year against
counnes eutanyan the milnans, esident
gium were hit last week by deadly Biden's inauguration.
of the nolitical apenda. he strke came as the Biden
was considering
who is up Tor eec0n ne tary withdrawal from Somalia
under M. irump.
that took place
change. egtyrevE dE
Sut his support Tor a "prag vet been completed, a U.S. official
matic ecology made of small, sala. 5ut under one oponDE
nomic impacts-has faced criti consiaerEd, a simaller number or
CiSm rom eltewing polticians ploved to military hases in soths
and environmental activists who en Somalia, near the border with
to make a real difference, Court Kenya, where Al Shabab s intlu-
rungs and reports by top expert Th tion of continuing Amer
DOdies nave also Warned tnat is can military operations fromm
a tmnte to n
Dases nOrthern enyanor
duce greenhouse gas emissions.
ecutive director
u CA
of Greenpeace
cent months since a diplomatic
spat between somalia and enya
VALATA, VIA SHURASTOCKSevered air inks Detween the two
live up to "the emergency of the
Situation. Cockwise from top:A coal-tired power plant in Lavau-sur-Loire, in western Franoe; climate activists in Paris demanding stronger The Somalis and Kenyans are at
"It's a missed opportunity" Mr. environmental legislation in arch; a school cateteria in Lyon, which wil offer a vegetanan menu weekly under a new law
ng ownersnp ora range or O
s0 activists in are no longer allowed to rent lawmakers on Tuesday that the creased fuel tax snowballed into Earlier this month, the govern-
Pais on uesday. poorly insulated properties; sin planet was running out of broader and sometimes violent ment also dropped plans to en-| May, diplomats from Qatar medi
e mte aas
voesDy upPE
w ne
gle-use food packaging made of
polystyrene wll be banned start
breath and she cited the recent
floods in Germany and Belgium as
But environmental activists
snrine tne ignt agalnst cmate ated Derween tne two countes
changein Frances Constitution and appeared to have reached a
ter both houses compromised on a fuel energy, like gasoline, is set to
intoa threat" citizens panel- have complained cron, who had framed the change But soon relations plunged
os E
tarian menus wi become
we are living troubled and dif that the final version of the cH-
De phased out, and weekiy vege
the ficult times, she sald. But "our fu- mate bill fals short of the conven-
as the symboic backDone or hisagain, and Somalia suspended all
environmental polices and had ights from Kenya, including
Denoo care
ne law With a raised-hand vote: teriae calline the new law ltar of climate
roniseu w noaae
the d t MandaRav e
uonai ssiniDIy, wnere Domestic hghts lor Journeysshit that would bring ecoloEy d- cataclysms in Europe at the mo
can be made by train in less rectiy nto peopies ives ment, an aberratuon,
The High Council on Climate, an n
northern Kenya, which were po
independent body, warned in a re Soned to cany Out counterter
that thiS law is
avor and 35 against
2 ours are uness
tn zer nne
S iry an
hetanostne acts e orn o A since resumed.
ne aw Is a hodEepoage oflight. Subsidies for drivers who of 150 randomly selected people la Terre, or Friends of the Earth, its pledge to curb greenhouse gas But the U.S. official said American
trade poluting car tor na a
rom acro55 the country who were said at the demonstration esSons o Percent o z030 ntay Planes nad also been re
weioow nerv eficieneyceaner onehae been extengedasked wIth Tormulatng propos nneD

es re e malta urine the stondof

and reduce carbon emissions in law will also create low-emission would balance ambitious climate tax the polluting activities of ment commitments. France's top dde that convinced military plan-
y w Bo
z0es urban areasW over egisiaon witn economie Talr ireight merchandise transporta admnistrauve court aiso reEcentuynes u
ou Eyx at
effect immediately. 150,000 inhabitants Dy z045, n ES tion starting in 2024. And a tax on Bave the government a nine svey Dses enya l0r
Lanioras Mac ed t
*****5 luting vehicles. vention last vear in the wake of
in farming wil only be "consid- necessary steps" to reach its
Léontine Gallois contributed re Barbara Pompili, France's min- the Yellow Vest protests of late ered" if reduction targets are not emission reduction targets, or Hussein Mohamed contributed re
porting. ister for ecological transition, told 2019, when anger over an in met. face possible financial penalties. Porting from Mogadishu, Somalia.

Biden Has Angered Beijing, but the Communist Party Is Pushing Back
The result has been deteriora- more difficult, given a nationalis
ton or relations tnat, to tne sur moo at home c
Wendy R. Sherman, has become
diplomatic dispute, with officials
a China's growing economic and overwhelming majorities of peo
military might.T he strategy to re ple in 15 major countries had a
From China's perspective, the prise of many in Bejing, has sur X1 used a speech on July 1 on both sides wrestiing Over who cruit allies In the etfort seems to neganve
perceptaon or China.
pasSed even the Tour tumulruous ceebrating the wOuld attend any meetings, tenta-
th have particularlyrankled. is

blows from the United States just tinal Pelations

on s iso
E he erackciown Donald J. Trump. Party of China to warn that any-
Mr. Biden, who has already met lating China with a multilateral in Beijing, called on China's diplo
n AnanE. A Warning to interna ne UmtedstatesS has de one who chalienged the countryrs with another obstreperous Ameri cub strategy Tan xuetong, aean mats to De more iexIDie and cre
of the Institute of International ative in teling the country's story
tional businesses the deteri clared its comeback, but the world sovereignty would "crack their can adversary, President Vladi-
orating chmate n Hong ong 1n has not
minister of foreien affairs, said in Wall of steel built from the flesh M in Beijing, wrote in a response to "I often say that our diplomatic
researchers suspected of having arecent interviewwith the nation and blood or 14 bllion Chinese
Xi. Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi, who met questionshis strategyhascu personnehave made great
links to the People's Liberationu neWSSte, people. y anes as heir countries e surioes in their foreign language
Army. catchphraseThe United States ternational relations a Renmin vice presidents, have not spoken mentand pressure on China's dip stories and find emotional reso
NOW he united
at a needs to see these changes, adapt University in Beijing, said, "The Ourpus tele- lomatic relations
the than Irump's nance has been regressing in
cuse the Chinese Ministry of State to them, and reflect upon and corChinese government realzes American president's first monthunateral strategy great strides,
MEnu sad
cyberespi- n ne
very cieayp a hal in office. China has treated the deteriora eminar Now, Chinas natona
onage but alsonO
ona Chi-
or naCKIng pOnese O
n an
Spoesan oaganda problem. In public state this is directly related"
leader, Xi Jinping, has for En a
" * *the Chinese Ministry of Foreign
hae infh. mally signeu c word ments and on social media, it has But ChiniAS
Dut judging from The problem is they know that SOught to discredit the United seems unlikely to change soon.
but six months into
the tenure of President Biden, the recent weeks, patience with the has to change its fundamental pol- tional behavior and values. dinlomatic establishment, there is
Communist Pary eadersnp nas Biden administration has worn Cy, which 1s irmuy ned by'the An ideological conflict when a condominium collapsed an understanding tnat this tougn
rthoAerican thin. hinese eadesanopsne that shows little sign insurisIde, Fla, Lhinese Stare approc cones irdm ue top
In Beijing's view, Mr. Biden has American and
E wOr added. A une
ing of easing.
over China's political repres since the top diplomats from the over Similar tragedies at home. Mr Xi was reported to have re
tnan his predecesSOr, ennisung a
sion in Hong Kong and Ainyiang wO SIdes met n AlaSKa 1n
with an peared much more requenuy in
Chinese behavior in wavs that an.wn sacons
or meetings opened
S Own. t has Tnose
stryoesman, reCentuy caled
Affairs, dismissed the newest
pear to have trustrated officals. Chinese companies on American change about the issues that di- American-led accusations as example of "genocide" by the rising, while the West is declin
sSn ortaneasures, s stock exchanges. And it has
stepped up military activity in the
vide themn made up out or thin air He said
Bidens special envoy on clhthe United states was the world
uted states.
While Mr. Zhao's "wolf warrior
ing ne Was said to have toia a
party meeuing last year
ose of vitriol and sarcasm. and air around Taiwan in re lowed up with a visit to Shanghai WuQiang, an independent
po- alists. others in China hao roied C or o

Atnoug Dotn siaes nave saldsponse to a more visceral Amerl in April, but a jont statement itical analyst in Beijing, said mu- concerns about such an ag- who now lives in the Unitedd
tt ey wanttavonew can poleyor supporrone
island pieaging to reduce emissions inual suspicion was bioCKing re a Bressive strategy.

nat shows or easing. tary operations increases

erer seheneton
any issue has been scarce. In
o eeiack te
he sald. "This is the biggest obsta
war v
China and Globalization, a re
ehe nteneer
so far
*ee in

chances oT rmed conirontanon d, untre nds DEEen anost

Keith Bradsher contributed re even if accidental. The incendiary daly exchange of recriminations.
a In Beijing, there is no question
Searen group basea n the chinese
capital, Some scholars were stark
Chinas view now
are so strong that
it's no problem
Buckley from Sydney Australia. officials and state media in China intense that even a visit by the Mr. Biden's moves reflect an Arecent poll by the Pew Research front vou for as long as is neces-
Claire Fu contributed research. would make cimbing down even new deputy Secretary or state, Amencan mtenion to undercut>ervice, Tor example, TOund that sary, he said.

Floods in Central China

Leave at Least 12 Dead
evere flooding in central China
as Kiled at least 12 people, in-
cluding some who were trapped in
the subway in zhengzhou, the
than 100,000 people had to be
evacuated, accoraing to state me-
aia reports.
Sunday and continued through
wednesdaywas the heaviest on
recora in Zhengzhou, reported
one point near e
inches of rain fell in one hour in
Lengno or nve minon
sted The Paper,by THE PAPER

state news organization, showed On the subway in chest-high

Peple stranded ln aSuway car waler in zhengzhou, Lhina
with water up to their chests. In
away in churning muddy waters.
water continued to surge Past.
eal OBrapns ShOwed sev- and woman had heen et
lifeless bodies
Ona S in the current.
clear how many people were Iongwas aso epoeu In
ne cIy's subway,
which has seven lines and 140 S
ues ear Znengzhou.
were di
were displaced by floodwaters
The downpour flooded road nat inunaated scores or homes
na ralways and aisrupted Opera away todds.
een 1arge and mec

Eaport, CV re the flooded ar- The streets of Zhengzhou, China, the capital of Henan Province, on luesday. Rain began on Sunday and continued into Wednesday.
Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou eas were filled beyond "alert lev-
University, was reported to be in e,
reported the state-run Ainhua tive assessment. Yangtze River that killed hun try's state media often focuses on social media platform, complain
undated with
tioodwater News Eeney. FIO0aing iSroutine in china, Dut areds Or people and aisplaced mi ne enorts Or rescueworkers, n ng unat tne teievision stauons in
showed atonmobiles heino Swent
aound Zhenezh erehicheeaeher ed the Three ores Dam toits dom he aseso disastersnhts Fear ramhat
-in lives and economic damage attributed to climate change. highest level since it opened in their damage. he called an "anti-Japanese
Ciaire Pu, L YOu, Lu Yi and Cao Li seems ikely to rise when off China faced weekS of severe 2003 A journalism professor, Zhan drama instead of providing
contributed research. cials are able to give a more defini- flooding last summer along the In times of disaster, the coun- Jiang, posted a note on Weibo, the public-safety information.

One of China's Big Stars Faces # MeToo Trouble, and Brands Are Fleeing
By EL.SIE CHEN other young women. she accused Tuniues in show business. but that his staff took away her
July of
Several major luxury brandsthoueh thev Were ali cncubines lastvear. a Derson reaching out to did not have a ood time it coulld
Chinese Canadian singer with a in a harem. "You look at a lot of Ms. Du on Weibo asked her if she be detrimental to her future as an
nuge tollowing, ater an 18-year PIctures o Biris at drinking par woud Denterested n workingin actor
OId aceused nim or targeting and

Ppressurin ner and other you

unen Re mercnan ec Pressured nto drinking heav
post, addressing him directuy. Chat, a chat app, and asked if she with Mr. Wu. They dated until
wuhas denied the accusa e March, according to her account
The accusations, which Mr. Wu E utougn nis lawyer, zhal J- . of the events, when he stopped re
e nmundple statements, o,
have trigEgered wiaespread pubinc W aid that he had they were looking for new talent. es " asand

into tumult. At least 1l companies only met Ms. Du once in Decem sSince then, she said, she had
wnen sneEaeu
including Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Dero astyear P
heard from seven Oner wn
Porsche andLreal suSpenaedor heendeclare that there has never like her. "Indeed, we are all soft
wno nad Deen similariy treated.
er s r enoke
out during an interview with an
he wrote on the social media plat-
m weibo, rererring to s. Dus
cent express0n, Dut hieno
tnide e
their interests as well. She did not
identify the oher peopie, una u
C E EWs Ouuet on rem comment. denied He hav- VIA ASSOCIATLD PWESS playthings whom you can de-
e usauons could not be immedi
Sunday. AAAN PS
Wu. 30, rose to raped anyone. "If there was such Kris Wu at an awards ceremony in 2018. Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Since g Cenve she wrote in a post on
ablic, Ms. Du said
nember of the K-pop band EXO behavior. please dont worry, I wil Porsche and LOréal suspended or terminated ties with the artistShe said s she has been a target of cybertbul
a woman her lor sex. ter hat,
Mr. Wu's con- ng ana deatn tnreats, ana tnat
on solo career
a EO TO Jail Dy myself!" alter accused him of pressuring
Dere enDarking other associate of
asamodel, actor andsinger, drawW sawyer nasvowed to a e she had been diagnOsed with de-
tacted her on wechat to offer press
n rsementaeds win ir.uLe
line as well as lucrative endorse- her to the police for defamation. ere pannng tO respodto what she s considered hush
fan club said in a post on Weibo:
ment deals. Known in China as wu s.
D nas aiso Sd that spe re tance themselves from him.
Tuan, ne Is one or the country's POrteu ner accusations to the po This incident shows that nowa
but at least three groups affiliated demanded ublic apology from
with the government
ply to see a goundless in
put Out Mr. Wu, the associate said they nat that vinaresthe
tth d
0stpopuar ceebues to ace Ms. Mr. Du and
ays peope w no0nger
Wu did not re
Statements sa
cang Tor an invesu were considering legal actionae
Mr. Wu's accuser is Du Meizhu, spond to emailed requests to com- afraid of slut shaming" said Feng "Everyone is equal before the shots of the chat she posted on- But several other people on so
a university student in Being men
s with rine
Yuan, a feminist scholar and activ- law, and celebrities with huge fol- line. She said that 500,000 yuan, or
owings are no exception. China nearly S80,000, was later trans eenshots ofchatsthat thevsaid
sPeople increasingy wantto
ed see poste
invited to Mr Wu's home by his sign of the growing strength of the heard astate-run women's group, Wrote though she had not given her con:
a not give
agent witn the sugeestion that he countys sn e 1o0 ove #MeToo activism can be cha- on its social media page. "Believe sent. appropriately argeted young
onep rn Ce a n
P enging in China, where the ruling nat the laww not wrong a gooa n the Netease nterview on
h tterve h Ne eas mion eHh omnist arty poses
ch person, nor
wul t let a wicked one Sunday, Ms. Sad that she had emer han sanore
an online portal. Once there, she girishelpgiris and others caling debate. Some women who have Ms. Du's first started speaking batches and that she was gearing of a girl band, wrote on weibo on
wS P re
coas esscome owar accounts or out on July8, when she released Tor a legal ight.
Ondayarter snaingcree
n o
abuse have faced a public and le screenshots of conversations be- In detaling herfirst encounter shots ot conversations that she
ed. social media pages of several ten discourage women from re people she said worked for him. had been told that she would be asked her if she was virgin. "1 a
Ms. Du said she Delevea
hat Dranas with threats or Doycotts n Portngrape and ouner sex cres.she accused them o enucing gOIng to discuss potenta, joDs.Want to De loved too, Dut dont be
this was a tactic he used to draw they did not terminate their en- twas unclear how the authori- young women by dangling oppor She said that she tried to leave, fooled
WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021 All

The New JorkEimcs

FA.A. Clears
Path for Link
From Subway
To La Guardia

By 2025, travelers who use La Guardia

York City's notorious traffic to get there.
Aplan to buld a S2.1billion Air Irain to
EreU s DBBestremalning
nurale wtn approval irom e Federa
Preliminary work to construct tne le
Sume, accoraing to the PortAuthor
etbey, wnIch
oneratee the airpor
The decision is a notable victory for
GO Aparew .Cuomo, whohas cham
pioned the project as an integral piece of
object of constant derision to a "world
class trvel hub.1he airportS n the
ete vetau, Incuaing
and gates
The federal approval came over the
econsoep. Aexnaria cs
group Riverkeeper, both of whom raised
guestons D wye
the only plan tor getting people to and
e proects
Po uvVe

Crtics have also targeted the Air

rains o
indirect route get to Manhat

After the Surfside Disaster, Ijust don't think

we are thinking
east to connect to the sub
first riding
wayora commuter tranata staton next
to Citield, the baseball stadium where
about dangerous
Officials Across the Nation buildings In a Draad
Port Authority officials
route as the least disrupive o
have defended

enough ay. neighborhoods that surround the alrport

Scour Cellars and Skylines MAYOR QUINTONLUCAS,

of Kansas Caty, Mo.,
the north side of the Grand Central Park
way om wilets Pont to two stations a
where city employees have
By MITCH SMITH could be charged hundreds of thousands been told they must soon stop
Mr Cuono anu uc l
KANSAS CITY, Mo. When it rains
of dollars
to repair the structure. The
utsae Nansas CIty, Mo, It also rains eP Pcehaug ana laCK of enlorcement,
undenground garage, above the Air lrain as a 30-minute trip from
enerckeyunderground garage at a, uoweu the situadon too
Midtown Manhattan to La Guardia. But
City Hall, wnere piuking that estimate is measured from the timee
"Clearly, if you leave tho5e
and crumbled concrete that musty storm Doards up to make their own decisionsal line or an LLR.R. train at Pennsylvania
wer ca easilysetp nrogn time, there's competing interest with
Station, both of which serve wilets
e Ees ey nE Dn o said.
Compromises safety" Mr. Fulop Point.
when r ono
they park there. But fixing it had not But requiring more inspections can hari
Deen anugent prority untl nearly 100 Ppey would cost just $450 million, but the price
people died last month in the collapse of a eci t tag nas neariy qulntuplea snce hen.
Since then the nedestrian plaza above lapse. Though the cause of the surfside e eny nopes to use fees collected
the publicly owned City Hall garage has coapse remans unaer nestgaon, help it pay for the AirTrain, but the FA.A.
been fenced off, dozens of municipalers three ears earier torenairair nas not yet pproved aea
wor A oficials
have dis- structural damage arda Alpoteserves re
aDie, emcen,
cussed how to identify and fix other de- he stepped-up inspections will be
heprulthey are not inspecting super coastal buildings. when skywalks collapsed at a
Crepit structures in the ciy yat no Cuomo said in a prepared statement.
lo e lines patch the crack" said Abieyuwa of
our buildings" said State Senator Todd ing failures in modern American history With the Federal Aviation Administra
yne Guarala
and wondered whether a crisis might be AnayEa proesr ngineerng r
Drexel University."tcracks are happen
a Kaminsky, a Democrat from Long Island.
ansas aty otnicials sad they did not
ayor Lucas is seeking approval for aAT
plan to inspect buldings n ansas City ers willget"
nn nene
redy in Florida,
plans to step up inspections, eniorce ex
the crack there? If they're just sending risk of
collapsine. nor did they think City sibility of eventualy expandine that to The approval flies in the face of criti
properties have emerged in Los Angeles
wasngOn, and Jersey y,
out inspectors, who may not be engi-
Hall itself, built more than 80 years ago
towering 29 stories above down
privately owned high-rises. Downtownerte offcial
Kansas City, which experienced a revival Ocasio-Cortez asked the FA A to refrain

There is a true structural and, I think, The proposals that have emerge concrete have fallen in cOarus ging of-rom approving the project in light of in-
life threat in not addressing the core in- across the country since the surtside corecent years from the ceiling of the ga- nce towers, soaring industrial buildings verkeee
frastructure issue," said Mayor Quinton v dey oe C rage, puting cars and pedestrians at at v Deen coverted into lotts and t owed
Lucas ot Kansas City, who said the surt- tohil orbereo rilin th nguneeWerewOed noue new glass-walled high-rises. ge and the way ink or ferry boats, had been thor
deeply about the implications of parking stages of policymaking. ing that they recently had crews fence off plaza, the city is awaiting estimates on
in a troubled garage. "I just don't think
the Os Angees area,countysuper the grassy expanse directly above the how many millions of dollars it mightheartof oneofhe heavivima
t ted
we are thinking about dangerous build- garge, long tavorite site Tor
a news con make the areaSre. 1nent will De
COstto mnitioe h coVID.10 it
ngs ina Droud
iance and structural engi where some residents are worried about Even the plaza's fountains were drained. to patch up the structure for a few years ommuniy members opposing he de
neering rarely animate voters the sametheSalety ot their buliding In washing
way as taxes or crime, or even street re-
There's just fear that there might be
areas that we cant see until we remove
or pursue more comprehensive rebuild
that might be sturdy tor decades.
hichest othical
E o ne
pavin iinal ov
Muriel Bowser has imposed citywide ture throueh if there
many people this, do it the right way for the longest and it is clear that has not been the case
ernance, with little attention and insuffi-P un a speconteuurees, in a compact area," James Freed, the city amount of time said Brian Platt, the city
cient tunding. which she deseribed asan early warn architect, said. manager. "Untortunately, it takes an aresponse tO iverkeeper on ues
.. any plces e ente for New York, lawmakers urged the state s rinfai mah neonle in that direction some-FAA., said alternatives that could have
new structures, but there is often limited gOvernment to require inspections of ures. Forty years ago this month, 114 died times" had more benelits were ruled out
rolow-up 1n the uecades arter consuruc cause the man purpOSe or the project
tion is completed. Superv1SOT OeAI F

FE T ional transit proiect" he

Oca and s ernments and condo wrote.

Ke in
hansas , even wen rues are m place
wnere owners or
Neither Riverkeeper nor Ms. OCaSIO
CorteresDonded to ruests o com
ile periodic inspection reports with the
crat who represents neighborhoods near
ciycompllance and entorcement are FEF La uaraa, Caled tne decisionasapin
oftenlacking FF EF the face to residents who will be al-
states and cities for
por The plunge in air travel caused by the
said Mayor Steven Fulop of Jersey City, pandemic has damaged the finances or
wno nas proposed, an ordinance that ne Fort Autnorty,Wnicn iso operates
ert tr wark Lib-

ery 10 years for high-rises. "We're build- has pleaded for a $3 billion federal bail-
in ot 0DunES WILnou Ongong out bur so rar has received oniya porton33
satety checCKS alter a reasonabie amount of relief funds the government gave to all

Though large, occupled buildings Mr. Cotton has said that without more
rarely collapse n the United States un Tederal ad, tne Fort Authority wil have gi
ess there 1s an earthquake, terrorist at- to reconsIder its pläans to improve trans

significant building failure can be cata- Poionimeldina ne toinole at NR en

pnic nedyInternational. But he has sald the
Mr. Fulop said that in the days after the twoexceptions would be the ongoing
structural problems at the Surfside osrucOn at La Guarala and at New-
tower had Testered Tor years, nis once built and the existing AirTrain is set to be
DEegan recerving emalis rom Jersey y

tenance in their
own husildi The Port Authority has issued a re-
Fuop maintain the La Guardia AirTrain and
said nisOCe Decaneaware
expects to choose a winning bdder by
maintenance meaninpach homeowner mid-2022. The project 1s scheduled tor
A pedestrian plaza outside City Hall in Kansas City has been fenced off over fears about the parking garage below it. completion in 2025.

G.OP Sees Virus Surge on lts Turfbut Lets Vaccine Skepticism

By JONATHAN WEISMAN Fauc. Delta vari new cases peaker Pelosi
tested tion, the pos- so on Tuesda mornin " 5
rol spending
and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG very time Jen Psaki opens percent of al itive for the coronavirus, the in out-of-control s by the
her mouth or Dr Fauci opens political disparity in vac- house physician warned lawmak- "socialist" Democrats. But the messages on Fox re-
mouth,he sad, "0,000 more peo
nenestaneyis stark. ne 1
erS and star membeS that tne Even those lawmakers who ex main mixed, as do the Republican
rona virus Surges intheir states aiser
and districts, Ianned by a more e ee Eog NE E e was y ator Rand Paul, Republicas
contagious vr con- Some elected Republicans are Democrats had at least one shot, toget their shots, and warned that I'm tracking it daily, and it's of Kentucky and a doctor, is trying
gressional the ones spreading the
Republicans have de- false mask mandate may nave to be not goo0d, said Senator Josh Haw to change the subject. At Tues
clined to push back against vac-oods.Representative Jasonew York Times i Anrl ound reposed ey, wnosenes ssu, s ne o ee neag
cine skeptics in their party who

style" agents
knocking on the
vCR. that the least vaccinated counties Repr

was Suspended
eoo he
shots' safety and effectiveness.
ey "10 Greene of Georgia
from Twitter temporarily for writ
Missourians inoculated, saying it the National Institutes of Health
md a wideninE parusan di 0s o unvaccinated Americans
ference to ME. baens aoor
Trm oed

ing that Covid-19 was not danger

would only backfire with conser
vative voters.
funded "gain of function" research
experiments devised to identity
e oronavrus vaccina
a food of
There's a big gap, ana s int oblems
or over age 65. On Tuesday, where they say, 'You must do
statements, and the wide
ce presiaent or the Kaiser Fam
make a virus more powerful-at

u auon eaching their Such sne rerused to answera reporters the 1ollowing, Hawey sad. a 1aboratory n unan, Cnina,
constituents and instead focused spread silence Dy Kepubicans in
their message about the vaccineheace orvaccine skepicism,are
more of the unvaccinated are self- queston bout sne na
neer hat iswhy the presidents lan wneetne pandemie Degan
characterizing his drive to inocu- egists and party leaders. the privacy of health care infor the opposite effect." in May that the N.I.H. did not fund
late Amernicans as politically mott nethe way to avoia
gengcback Republicans lag in ao aw dOEs not b an r. larshall, a physlician whoSuc wOr. Dau snot Dck
vateu ana neavy-nanded. into hospital to get
Vacc individual from speaking about organized other elected Republi- that he was not lying, and accused
Stee Sae ofKentucky. the"Republican inoculatiOns but put hibit anyone from inguiring.) ents to get vaccinated, concluded hoods by implying American sci-
House Republican who said he leader, and a polio survivor, the blame on others. Yet many leading Republicans that "there's nothing that anyoneentists were to blame for the pan
had received his first Pfizer vac- pleaded on luesday, one orthe rew
Cine shot oniy on sunday, blanmed members or his party to take a ai reneeAnearineore tne onvinee some bouy to take the psed n concerns5re
criticism of Donald J. Trump's vac-
Cine drive ast year Senator
encourage everybody to do that dentitiea KepublCans,S hey was scant mention among Repub
cans about now to coniront vac-
off apitol Hill, some conserva of those trying to get more people
and to 1gnore al or tnese oter tiveshave become considerabiy noculated.
Tommy Tuberville, Republican of voices that are giving demonstra- e e u cine hesitancy, save tor the com- more forceful. Utah's Republican Youre seeing some people try
oet their ehots until thie admini. lamented spurious conservative "talkin
Nationall the average of new Conservative swaths of the Utah. who of heads instead of iust encouraging them
tration acknowledges the efforts coronavirus infections has surged country are Deing nit particulary conspiracy theories and won- "literally killing their supporters Mr. Sealise said. "Theres even
otthe last one
And Senator Koger Marshal o
neariy z0 percent in 4 days, to
more than 35,00 on Mondiay, and
ueE iss nd r
s dered wnetner enemes or,
county were putung Out misi
ourw ner vaCcine skepucism.
_he conservatve personalnty
Puun mask mandates
Dck On people in cetan states
White House press secretary, Jen up 44 percent from two weeks ago. fast, while 40 percent of new cases At a news conference by House Monday night to take the virus se- able, it's safe and effective.
Psaki, and the director of the Na The director of the Centers for are cropping up mionda. epubncan eaders On uesaay, riouSiy and get vaccinated. steve we Shouid De encouraging
ional Insurute or Allerey and In Disease control and Prevenion At the Capitol on 1ueSday, the coronavirus was nowhere to DOOCy, the co-host or Mr. Irumps people to get 1t, ne added, Dut
tectious DIseases, Dr Anthony S. estimated on Tuesday that the where a vaccinated aide to be heard amid the "crises" of infla- favorite news pogram, "Fox & not trying to threaten people

Scarred by Covid, Survivors and Victims Families Aim to Be a Political Force


roups, text chains and after
work z00m calls, survivors o
Covid-19 and relatives of those
into a vast grass-roots lobbvin
force that is bumping up against
tne disive poncs hat nepeu
urn tne pandemic into a natona
With names like Covid Sur
Ivorstor nange and ottoungwI
Ows and Widowers Covid-19,

emotional support are turning to IST

advocacy, Witing newspaper es
says and.tralning memberso

and diabilit henefitsnaid
leave; research on Covid "long
haulers and a national holiday to
honor victims. 0t
the pandemic and make recom
mendanons to preventruture Out
breaks trom causing so many

AAs Biden tries to

shepherd the country into a post UTE
pandemic future, these groups are
Syn TNot so fast. Scores of
are planning to descend on Wash
ington next week for Covid ViC
nes andsurvivors
with speakers art installations
ana meetings on Capitol Hl=
ey nope, at the white
Patient advocacy is not new in
Vashington, where groups R
tne Amencanancer ocey
have perfected the art of lobbying
ments to care. But not since the
early days of the H.I.V/AIDS epi- Madeleine Fugate, 14, stitched together a Covid Memorial Quilt, inspired by Kristin Urquiza, whose father died of Covid, helped organize next weeks
demic has an illness been so col- the AIDS Memorial Quilt, that she wants to display in Washington. Covid Victims' Families and Survivors Lobby Days in Washington.
Covid activists are navigating
challenging terrain. including Karyn Bishof, 31, a for- At the Democratic convention sights on him. She wrote to the members view the president as had signed on.
nort for desinatine Marchmer firefighter and single mother last summer, Ms. Urquiza very president asking him to meet with too eager to declare "independ Were going to get this thing
asa day to memorialize the pan-
demic's victims has 50 co-spon
Fla., nocao,
unded o
pubicly denounced Mr 1rump:
Eroup 1s nOnpartisan, and
her group's board; the White
House offered other officials in-
ene rom he virsas ne diodone
s ne rignt tine to do,

sorsall of whom are Demo

crats. 1ne an mvesugauve
36, a reading teacher from Wald- into his term and sauarely in For
or the
the record, I feel ignored" are desperate lor inancial and "The American people need to
call tor

founded the young
wick, N.J., Who
1dows group. What sparked my
of the response,
activists are training
she and
she said.

we all do. medicalhelp.

MS. Bishol, the 10rmer nre
ve y wnerewe cn co
ectivey say to our iuizens and
that followed the 9/11 terrorist survivors and Tamuy

etWItn Sience band's death," Ms. Addison said. bers of her long-haulers group
from a5en
BIden, Wno appea
In many ways,
fering: We see you. We hear you.
ue peope eere0ut ud wnenenator weStnd witn you and we care
than rile Rennblicans hy hackin9 ng heSe eroups echo thoseWo Tim Kaine, Democrat or virginia,
Tnat s wnat suvo
and coalesced into a political hauler diuring a Senate Health loved onesseem to want the
an inquiry that would focus in part
on tormer Presiaent Donad . force, pushing tor an investigation Committee hearing in March.we most: to Teel seen and heard.
rnp tisan rancor that killed
that led to changes in intelgence werekeontact nim now: se hey are aso hoping to pack a
excian visual punch by partnering with
plan to investigate the Jan. 6 rioter are mch t
0 Bishof was also instrumen
at the Capitol has made the Covid
activists search tor answers au
people died on 9/11; the pandemic tal in torming the Long
ovid Al washington to riause awareness
hasclaimed more nan oo,b ance, C0non or nean and coanc pusn 1or Permanent memor
This Dolitical finger
is American lives, and more are dy- ronavs-Tee Broups, wnn as of hem old
pointing exercisecomplained But there are significant differ- April when Representatives Don Madeleine Fugate, a rising ninth
Diana Berrent, o Long nu, ences. Sept. Iu Drougnt ne cou
aldS. Beyer J, Democrat of Vir grader in Los Angeles, has
who founced the roup uvvotry together. The pandemic tore gna,
anck BerEman, KepuDi sutched together a Covid Memori
ual of who was right and who was anart it er Dartisan lesislation authorizing Memorial Ouiit of the 1980sof
wrong. We need an autopsy r then, that these victims and rela S100 million forresearch and edu fabnc squares donated by peopleP
what happened." tives are coming to washingtorn to cation into long-haul Covid. vno ost loved ones to the virus.
ask that poitics and partisa nship thers have had a harder time LKe breast cancer survivors
oli ticalnoDvices
strangers to Washington. treated like any other disease. After her father died of Covid-19 survivors groups have
ovurvors or change
run by Cnris ocner, a medla
s "Unfortunately you have to use
the poliical system to get any-
COvid-9, 1ara krebbs, former adopted their own symbol-ayel-
Republican trom Phoenix who left low heart. Rima samman, whose
movement who said he has al about politics." sajd Kelly Keeney, elected, reached out to Ms. memorial on the beach in Belmar,
eaay uraneu norenan so0 sur 52, who says she has been sick tor Urguza on Iwiter. sne was rus Or rockS wn the names o
Vivors in the tools of advocacy more than 500 days with the ef- trated and angry, she said, and victims inside hearts fashioned
rdinating next week's event ie 0 wEe, Sne

run by Kristin Urquiza, a former ing session run by Ms. Urquiza, "because Covid is such a political but was vulnerable to the ele-
1SSue ments, and 1s now packedup
Drng opns07ner lo logether thetwo women helped awating a permanent home
and landed her a speaking slot ight memorial next week. NE TU man, Representative Greg Stan namesto bring to Washington.
at tne Dennocratc con iattonai wewant to make sure that our TL
ton, Democrat ot Arizona, to intro nstead, is. Samman Seeking
1s a
vention. She is bringing together legislators know the issues that 1here was a lot of silent grieving at first, duce the resolution calling for permit tor a candlelight memorial
rus-related groups for the lobby organized front that cannot be ig because Covid is such a political issue. to honor victims of the pandemic. nearthe White House, with 608lu-
days. nored," Ms. Urquiza said on the TARAKREBBS, whose father died of Covid Mr. Stanton said he was at a losS minariesone, she said, 10r ev-
Others are learing as they Eo,
a to explain why no Republicans ery 1,000 lives lost.

|G.O.P Picks
Big Spending May Help Trump Allies
Biden Avoid Usual Path For Two Slots
To First-lerm Drubbing On Riot Panel
By NA cOHN Its nothing like the pushback
ne 020 DemocraC pres cans over a decade ago when he
tive Kevin McCarthvof Calfornia
dential primary was often de- the minority leader, has chosena
scribed as a contest over Mr. Biden and his party a better pair or Tormer President Donala J.
matuurn to normalcv or sweeping chance to capitalze on what ne combatve allie tohe amon bi
change hopes wil be an increasingly five picks to sit on the special
Joe Biden may have found a avoraDe
ate have nroposed or that Mr. Biden's big spendin the Jan. 6attack on the Capitol,
enacted trillions of dollars in plans are all tairly popular. A quiry as a partisan battle.
eueral spending, usually under PO s
weekend Mr. McCarthy and Republicans
aeniees approved of Mr. Biden's infra- nad opposed tne creanon or tne
and infrastructure. structure plan. Arouna bo per the mob violence that delayed
cent of votersncung.
hat tack nas provided Mr.
Biden a way to enact an ambi-
Republicans-approved of his
fied AA SLFO
President Biden is enacting his policy agenda mostly without provoking a divisive ideological fight.
na win.
adopaon or
I ne Paane,
sparking the kind of ideologicallymron-dolar pendng on rate and siv Re.
vsve gnt tnat has deräled infrastructure ana neaitn nune the first $2 trillion package, most down. 1hat would Bve The growing disconnect be pubicans, ater, speaker Nanc
term or so many reCent
the first
Monmouth Universit y nepu to nonaze nuu rats rare cance to capltinze ween atudes about tne pres PpOedpresentle
indication, he may be pulling it
Around b0 percent or voters e
But in a way, the relative
Ponng on tne Demo
and universal direct pavments, favorable national political envi economy party relects an in- ming and a
harsh critic of Mr
rumps actions on Jan. 6, as one
Ot: which might have otherwise ronment. creasingly polarized country,
telling as the top-line results seemed like a jaw-dropping level
ttue ens
ieuera or
recent weeks, ME Biden

argued thatthe last time the ever be persuaded to say they

or ner eignt
Over the last 30 years, nearly from those surveyS; it signals a
every incoming president opened undamental lackof public con would have been a stretch to 1984 and Ronald Reagan was president or disapprove of their son, Democrat of Mississippi, is
nis term with an ambitious but rovery arou argue that "infrastructure, in relinguss moning n Amer own. But it may also reflect morecneuedtonavesistmeenng
remake mrieae hoalthcare FOSt poll released this month, for us ca. well, Its getting close to POlzinE presiaents, who Cater nedr rom members or
ystem.t Sapped pubiic support. ed not even ask aDout may goneral Tternoon nEre,
o andas Hke Columbia police force who fought
ueu e nexoraDie
enB Plans. spending and taxes, for nearly voters aot qute agree, yet. revamping the health care sys eoD. Anon e rea
P idrabhing in the ronavirus, crime, race, voun ypup, Dut nprovea nira ustpercent or Anercans
0, aess po1arzing legis uno
midterm elections. la ws and mmigraion.
The inability of conservauve
se s
not an ideolog
way thinus are gning in the
E a
ay Be B
has lobbied Republicans to sup
sarOOO expanded federal healtn ns United sates in a Galnup pol Strongeconomic erOwth to a Port an investiganon, and Dane
fate of Presidents Ril Clinton trillions of dollars of new snend- ance coverage. conducted in June, still well Stronger midterm pertormance. 1odges, Who was crushed in a
LIDerals and conservatives are Ow ue PErcent wno Said Democrats will most likely Some of them have been out
Barack Obama and Donald J. ing would have been difficult to
rump, Who all lost at least 4l
seats in the House in their
ne a decade aE,Wen ne nortation or enerpy infrastruc- matter the national political Spoken aDout tnetrauma tne ex
H miiomal onnosition ture is an important 1SSue, ac environment. Repubbcans are erenced tnat day, Dut Omcer
cording to Pew kEsearcn
About 60% of voters sure to intensiy tneir attacks as it wasn't my iob. wOuld
dle path between legislative to Mr Obama's stimulus and and
f I
gridlock anda bold initiative to
en n ataire econom-
nh aean approve of big-ficket have done that for free, he later
A taxes. Most Republican oppos tOla NBC ews. it was abSD
Biden is so far avoiding one of ics when they nominated Mr. ion to r braens
pla de
intrastructure plans. the House, where Republicans
E to p ony ive seats to take hite nationaie
the most obvious pitfalls of mod- ump wno proved in victoy from the new taxeS necessa control. Ihey ugn p u Ms. Pelosi still must agree
n presdential politics. tnat it waAs easier to appeal to Poo
of inflati they were satisfied just
gerrymanders. Andeven the D represen
before has selected.
course, and partisan politics over cultural issues than by Theres still time for voters to the pandemic struck in February very best midterm showings
pcanynvove ue presidents ne Eets nis way, uney will De
reigns. Republicans have mostly arguing for limited government. at mgnt Cnange the
Opposed Mr. Biden's initiatives. ConserVaive lawnakers ana o r economyontinues to mprove
P s
im Banks of Indiana
Mr. Banks, the chairman of thee
simil similar conclusion. They've Care Act n 2009. And conserva broadly popular. the Iimits possi
demonize him, his agenda or his eaned into thoSe 1ssues, not Mr.
Bidens poncy, ove ue
s any
at auae
their attacks on Mr. Bidens
Even an economic
resurgence, DE
not DE enougn to
wonder wnat more they could
ss nr
ittee will
Committee, will be the ranking
Pensblican state legislattures passage of the Democratic recon
on- victory.Over the nearly 40 vears the new Democratic spending
member o tne panel.
led several House
Republicans on
structure negotiations, while have raced to enact new restnc Since Morning in America, consequena
he plan is tne moSt New Deal. at the sotthecto d
conservative media has focused tions on teaching about racism in midterm elections relauonship between economic egislation since the
on the cunure wars.ATimes, tne pu OS,O He voted against certifying
Ds enart an ambitions acenda with-Fatinae ha rall weener omnarison Mr Riden is m
Sies over "critical race theory athletics oPportunities for trans- Out incurring great political .
rump remained unpopular, doubtedly striking an impressivedenendent binartisancomieei
ana unereva
Seuss books from publicatioon
Bender youtns.
Irump himsell argued 1or omy was strong or weak. Mr
pOtcalDance progressves
agenda can
to investigate the attack.
unustaand enabe posion ink nis Esiave In a statement on Tuesday, he
created the
than trillions of dollars in new coronavirus relief. The sheer size agenda-withouta controver ular, even though the economy at while conservatives can't be ad
spending. of his stimulus plans, especiallysial policy anvil dragging himn times was quite bad. bothered to care. tives and to justify the left's au-
noritarlan agenaa.
im Jordan of Ohio
Covid Quarantine Stalls Texas Democrats' Fight for Voting Rights A founding member of the hard-
right House Freedom Caucus, Mr
Jordan led the etort to discredit
and NICK cORASANITI1 Snecial consel Rohert S Muelle
, and was one ot the former
iexas ar
State lawmakers rom presaenEs most Suident aefend
vea n last week
washingBton n
sure on the Senate to pass voting Trump awarded him the Presiden
rights protections that would help nal Medal or Freedom.
Counteract a epuDIRCan eiecuon oPi
Covid-19 outbreak Biden on Jan. 6 and against creat
stalled their progress. E naependent Diparasan
enre aelegauon from ion. branded the se-
ton hotel after six of the Dem lectcommittee "impeachment
ic state representatives tested Round 3, telling Newsmax, "This
s go anter President irump"
peakerancy Rodney Davis of linois
has also tested positive. All of PASS THE M. Davis is the top Kepubican on
tnose wnonave tested posivere ne iouse Aaministrauoncom
neu, Dutnobody in the

meet in person with the group,

OR known as a pragmatist.
which has resorted to virtual PEDPLE noJon his paryrs ea eot
to invalidate electoral votes for
ntime, Senate Demno
cratic leaders remain focused on rIMESOne or only 35 Republicans who
ge, a
President Bden is in a stand. Atarally in Washington on Sunday, State Representative Carl Sherman Sr, Texas Democrat, pushed for federal voting legisdlation. partiaan commision to nvest
age, President Biden is in a stand-
and there has been no pubic sign portive state legislators from had also tested positive for the vi- them up clearance requirements, told the Illinois newspaper underHe
that the lexas Democrats have acros5 the county nave Deen de ruso
campus, Was expernenc
ng. "mud symptoms, and Ihe 1exas Democrats, who are wcnanumberoT Stares mostuy Herald & Review in January that
all said to be vaccinated, did not tne soutn had to receve Teaera the Capitol breach was the "sec
thing, this goes into a low
ush to pass new federal voting gear, but I think the momentum awaiting a test to confirm the diag- flights from Austin, nor on buses to laws transferred to the more had experienced as a member of
egislation without cearing a 60- StDuias and were
vote senate thresnoid. 1ney nave s
periect na
nosis.Sne wou not avuge and rom the aports.
nau wn
Comprenensive Feopiecongress after shooting on a
Because of the outbreak, meet Act, which passed the House and baseball field in 2017.
orne a
snEE Deten
ngs ana cCo
Senator KTsten Sinema of Ar Trey Martinez Fischer, a leader of By staving away from the .
the State ave Arenresentative for Mr. Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota
zona or with any Republicans. (A the delegation who is in a l0-day Capitol in Austin, the Democratic nOW on screens. Plans for at least yburn did not respond to a re Mr. Armstrong is a tormer crim
Sde se
wosnot partorEurnne n noe presenduvES nve deEe eEx wE DEEe ruze ve
frt eft Tevas did meet with Me lwerhins dona litiehit ht forthe State Hose toconde a h inehitis tht Democrotiedeleaaionwhceense durin the formerree
Sinema, the senator's office said.) this Covid is not unique to us. It business, delaying the passage of this new strain is among us and is members are now undergoing dent's first impeachment trial.
na they cannot 8o none tomay Just cnange Our engagement new restrcOns on voung 1nosevery contagious even among peodauy irus ests, no5ted a virua He dna notODject to electoral
lexas for another wo and a half methods, but we still have a way to voting measures, along with other ple who are vaccinated" said Gina news conference. the mem: votes for Mr. Biden on Jan. 6, but
rested for leaving the state. The outbreak, which began on forward in a special session that from Austin. Zoom boxes, and some simply had independent bipartisan inquiry.

ast week when nearly 60 Demo-

departed Texas in an effort to pre
has now spread rurther. A press walked outof the Capitol atthe end gation met over a video call with we have a very robust agenda eo Mr
on Monday after coming in contact nying Republicans an opportunity of South Carolina, the third-rank State among the lawmakers who
members of Congress, said as-
vent the passage oa restnctuve witn lexas laWImakers last week, to pass a voung Dill then. ing House Democrat. Mr. Uyburn, Representative Ron Keynolds, sisted the Capitol Police in barri-
new voting bill by the Republican said Drew Hammill, a spokesman ug aEPu s sd E s opu presEs 0usn dredCaanE tne aoortne ouse Toor
arrival in Washington was met He said the aide had had no con- House Democrats who return to federal voting rights overhaul be-
son visits, We're still haying manyer. he ioined most Republicans in
with a swarm or television cam tact with the speaker since being the state arrested and "cabined" in fore early August, when the cur meetings via Zoom. voting against counting electoral
ers, ubsequent etorts to raW
exposed to the virus. Mr. Hammill the State House chamber unil a rent special session of the lexas he members also said they tor Mr Bden. He also op
SCCeecfl ue wEre
t and other Texas
ex Re- bott has nromised tocalla n n D g
POsu Torming an independent bi-
Now, with the coronavirus out for aides who had tested negative publicans have relentlessly if Democrats donot return by Aug. with Vice President Kamala Har-"I was proud to stand shoulder
rDnsr ervents
Washington gathering e
of sup-
or wno chd not come m contact
with the infected aide.
mockedthe Democrats. Dade 6, when the session ends.) ris last week. Shoulder witn Capitol polce
Jer Psaki, the
White House press secretary, said manded they return their S221 per a key measure in thee proposed tive Ina Minjarez, who is from San to calm the situation talking to
Lure Broadwater and Nicholas at a news conlerence that a fuly diem and said he had chartered a John Lewis voting Rights Act Antonio. were waiting for him toProtestors,M Nehls wrote on
Fandos contributed reporting. vaccinated White House official plane from Washington to pick the Justice Department's pre cal Twiter on Jan. 6,

In an Ohio Primary, Democrats Battle Over the Future of Their Party

From Pa, A backs Ms. Turner. She said she
one that pits two Black women had a message for Mr Cyburn:
aganstecn otnerina sare Demo Congressman, witn all aue re
that was repre
cratic district Ms Rrown. vounper than N As.
she was confirmed as President Turner, With an easygoing de
Bidens secretary or housing and meanor that apes not matchthe
urban development. urner campugns Esp
ks of 1the
campaign, the party establish- pushed back hard against the
ment is throwing copious characterzation ot her as a wash
amounts ot time and money into ington puppet.
gn is staffed by help
former Cleveand coiiwoman from SKDK, a powerhouse Demo-
and Ohio state senator known be- ratic political firm stocked with
n sS LE E n old hands from the Cinton and

include moderate House Demo

Woman in 2020 and a ubiquitous crats like M.
GOtneine, mayo
ne socast senator whom are mouvated by Ms. Iu
tand the phts
estinian right
will be read as a signal about thee But Ms. Brown insists she is no
partys uture t nas areu pawn tor estadisnment Demo
kindled old rivalries. The Con- wVo
You should ask the people who
cal action committee has en have tried to control me, she said.
aOrsea 1urners man tval,
Shontel Brown, he uyanOg
TOu wnd tnatl am an ne
ther allof the facts and
woman. So an informed decision.
have Hillary Clinton make
and the highest-ranking Blac At AlfrEd urants moor
member of the House, James E. shop in Bearoru, n of
will be campaigning here this motorcycle muscle on Saturday
weekend tor Ms. Brown. 1hey ar ugnt, O1der Black voters backed
M5. 5rOWn the Detter
5 her campaugns assessment or Ms
after for divisiv vears
NETwORK really don't.
President Donald J. Irump. It seems to me that Nina tends
Ms. Brown sees herself as liber hontel Browm greeting Akron ity Council members last week. Many traditional and more moderate Democrats are backing her. to work for herself more than
Congressional Black Caucus Turner and her allies, the power said. mean, need people who
ers, many of them older, more af member from Alabama.
Biden's call for adding a "public
fluent and white. "It speaks volumes to where PAC's intervention particularly ful Black establishment is inter are gonE to work together to
For Ms. urner to win, she they want us to be going as a rankied. with the rise ot nberal verning in an open-seat race be Shel's oing to heln
v d needs people nkeDewayne party said Kina Collins, who is groups ike Justice Democrats tween two Black candidates Harris agenda; that
means a lot"
heaith care system Ms. Turner cerated, who came out in the rain sage isore ot
welcome.and trenched Democratsin safe seats wantin
to e n
voved the Denise Grant, Mr Grants wife,
wans on Saturday to the Gas on God ifyou try to come in, we're going to the caucus has emerged as some race," Ms. Turner said, "but the sd or 5. 5TOW, oner
ilenpe orconfict: iust don't mmuniyGveaway,
hall pony
up the resources to silence thing of an incumbent protectionentire Congressional Black Cau- need anybody fighting with Biden
it Ms. Brown, who ande most service cus PAC? Thats sending anouner there"
seek out," said
Her husband jumped in, ex
Sees tne derences ore sy s
than substance. "And that's the
hoods. re to he abothericcesingleWiam Iav Clay Ieof Miesor anply
Medicare for all, a $15-an- a caucus member, in his unsuc ter-P
con ational politics that Ms.
stouno Opayer Mr. Clyburn's high-profile inter
for headlines. I'm looking to make she'sa ood womanMr Wlams hour minimum
Said. erone emotional after Ms. student loan debt and other cen challenger, Ms. Bush. last year, endorsing Ms. a
canceling Cessru Dtostave or 5acKVenon espeecia Srkingn s Turner embraced. "We did four
the years
Turner leaned into his car to give ment she helped create, She said of Ohio, now the chairwoman of candidate he liked best, not oppos- honolitics houldhe don't
nug- Given his experience
Turner's defense, with money. vol- vol-nma
the prison system. he said, "thein she had been warned from the be the caucus, in her sucessful bid to ing Ms. Turner But he did speak have to look at you every day"
unteers and reinforcements. Her changes she's trying to do ginning ot her candidacy that beat a Justice Democriat
to out agast ne siganeering O Ms. Turner does not back down
campaign has raised $4.5 million even care a little bit about that sit Washington Democrats would But the PAC also backed Repre the party's left wing. from that critique. Voters can take
last month. Representative Alex uationaetteyappreciate Nina" candidate. who is white, last year against his preciated the distinction. "My ancestors would have
awill bed casio-cortez of New York n, r.
willhams added,
But on Sunday, even she progressive challenger, Mr. BoW They want somebody they can never been Set Iree but tor some
knocKing on You'vee got toto be people canturn
be loud so people can u SuprisSea Dy he bitter man, who is Black. control, and they want somebody body bumping up against the sta
turn the contest had taken. The And now, inexplicably to Ms. to fall in ine, said stae
M andere will hear" EPIEensiave us anvmore: she said.
oucome or the special elec
JOn the iray in person the last E Martin Luther King, Minister
he artreroeeie rimar MalcolmA
w DeTOre Eecuon Day.
Hamer m sh iving eyam
the House" Mr. Sanders said. "She challengers have already
sey, Very strong progressive, sing lmpres ples of people who I'm sure folks
dto nope very much she is going who believe in
the starus qud wIsn
wn. nad D
ermacle of Faith
race has captured less anentatives Carolyn B. Maloney in itn,
deological divide than a genera T0r, anny A. DavIS in ChF astor Eppinger teed up Ms.
p pitng older votersago,onn Tarmuth in rosg Senon a
turned oT Dy une
nDer are
hoping to build on the suc spired by the Hebrew prophet

leaders and brash demands for cesses of Representatives Ocasio How long will you walk
Eganst younger vot amaa Bowman in nrougn cn0, ed ea
esese enend aner Roston Marie Newmanin Chi munities, dead governments? he
and world beine left to them. Cago and Cori Bush in St. Louis ive2
At every turn here, Ms. Turner
hits on the struggles of her city, DemocratiC oaeincumbents cesince
Ms. Turner, in a bright

the country, but also America's All of them face oppositioniro "All Sister Turner is saving is, we
mountain of student debt, its ineqthe DemocraticCongressional need somebody to speak life into
care na a Cmate Campaign Committee, the Con
en he ary bones or Ciy Ha, tne a
Darched and burnine. the ice caps
new political action committee, blesses me to so to that next place,
melting and Europe digging out Team Blue, started by Represent am going to continue to stand lor
deluge ves akeemJeres or ew
these dry
aian hotheimer on SLan
has The Plain Dealer But Ms. moderate FOR NW To that, the s0 or so parishio
Brown has the most reliable vot
from New Jersey; and
Terri A. Sewell, a Black Caucus Representative James E. lyburm is supporting Ms. Brown, the primary rival of Nina lurner. ners gave an amen.

Johnson & Johnson and Drug Suppliers Near $26 Billion Deal to End Opioid Suits
By JAN HOFFMAN cked court and Vest
n Several states and overdose Dartof the settlement llion
niesas well as those that have SL3bilon over thehree
next six vears federal in New York

The t
al distri nenn & rates reached record levels. In court proceedings, the dis cases pending, refrain from future Collectively the distributors state court The West Virginia
Johnson are on the verge of a $26 earler setlement pro
billion deal with states and mu- pOsals. this one appears to have
tbutors have repeatedly argued
that they were participantsinthe nesover n ns ne compawoupay
agres rd nd finance heot
nver on
eral for New Yorkannonced a
rees to the deal,
nicpa ein 40 states and a sweetener of $2 bil- federally approved. it would ask all of its local govern litigation for years, would be de SI.179 billion settlement with the
the opioid epidemic and pay for lon for plaintiffs' attorneys. In reAseparate agreement betweenensen uncpates tatucte rom he ta ture
and stribtors areeases the
addiction and prevention services
cent weekS, many terms were
rate lowe pr
Native American tribes and the
companues 13 Suul beng nego1at
e o
full payment is conditional
r t
billion settlement. Payments
ould e tioueaue
nounced later this week, although vious sticking point- bumped up, Even if the negotiators reach a o
several people with direct knowl- promptng entnusasm tnatanan deal, numerous steps are required Eor ple, said Mr. Fergu-
EOvEES15lish a third-party monitor toest track outosud months, Ms. James sad.
the talks
dge of the talks cautioned that nouncement was mminent, law before formal agreement, includ- son, most of the money that would drug shipments, intended to has been over the division of funds
eewere sull dedails being nego- anon s
In a briefing with several re
porters on Tuesday morninB,
settlement would not con- porters on Tuesday
of plaintiffs. It includes carrotDEppruoneu
law stick incentives to induce more counties ana 261 Ciues dg5 pconn ts
qcKy alert red-tlag pll sales.wo s
morning, law
metrovi anentenees,ncuding cities and

nr sn
clude all of the multifaceted na- paresto on board ational level and will make The new settlement envisionsa
tionwide opioid litigation but s ne deal is contingent on agree data instantaneously available, natonal lormula or disbursing
some of the companies with the talks, saying that states had to People involved in the talks say Said Joe Kice, a lawyer ror many money to stäates andexibinty
ueepest pOCKets in the pharma gret Derore local BOvern that eight or so states are still not
st Oula greeme
ceutcl upplychani the conlemen.A stateent from at:onbn oeose th vetie end thousands of, but The negotiations for
the states the funds is aimed atand prevent-
wouid nav ie imeffieio uDyew o enness
North he opiod epidemic
neys general of 10 states, includ- ng cases.
not all, pending
Amerisource Bergen, along with mg ennsyivania, NOrth Caroina Their proposal can be de- Caroina,Pennsyivania, Esrecurtence nson
is widely
the pharmaceutical giant Johnsonnd lennesse, Sala tne negotia scribed in three words-not good among others. as a company willing to try
& Johnson. weretions progressing well and enough" said Bob Ferguson, the he negoliations were stalled
cases ratner tnan sette, Dutt nas
a very igh bar.
osed to monitor quanti ee aceu ves O aaverse pubicity
tion. which has a September trial o s in the pre In
tributed different amounts of deaths related to its talcum pow
ties of prescription Cardinal Health decined to dis- scheduled
drug ship- against the distribu- scription opioid industry have yet
ments, nae Deen
sedofturmsh egaon. oher tors
for comment
e d
ese not represent real
ste esaauine e work and have fought over
fpharma and Mallinckrrodt, have sn0ulget pad now mucn. Now,
who der, a recall of some
andreportSorrare averseneuro
country ordered millions of pills Johnson & Johnson said ina money to help communities re sought bankruptey protection. would be paid to private lawyers single-dose Covid vaccine. The
tor their communities. Plaintis
also allege that Johnson & John
Statement, here contnues to De
progress toward finalizing this
Spona to the crisis they nelpea
representing thousands of coun-
ties and municipalities, S50 mil
company remains on trial in Cali-
1ornia state court Dut setded witn
other contentious issue
poppy growers in Tasmania to mitted to providing certainty for the proposed deal is what is Walgreens and Walmart, are even lion awwerwho New york coumties last month on
Supply opioid materials to manu invoved parties and criical as known as "global peace the Turther irom resoluaon. worked for states. (Many states the eve of trial.
actures and nade ltS own ren SStance Tor es and commu companies want assurance that
hat plain-
CCOrng 1awyers Taminaare represented by their own sala
1hnson iheniedrelatio
The money for the New York
settlement, >Zs0 m
any said the agree tiffs wnuld ad-
to doctors as well as patients. ment would not be an admission of ing swords for good. They are ask ship with poppy growers and vancing settlement terms has tional $33 million for lawyers'
Negotiations, which began abilty or wrongdoing and that it states ensure that kocal
ing that stopDped makingts rentanyi paten been the high-stakes gamble of a costs and tees, and will be de
more than two years ago, intensi- would continue to defend in cases governments that have not and other opioids, would pay $3.7 trial. The distributors have been ducted from the national amount.

This approval shouldn't have happened. It defeats everything I believe in scientifically and it lowers the rigor of regulatory bodies.
DR. VISSIA VIGLIETTA, a former Biogern senior medical director, who helped design the two late-stage cinical trials of the drug aducanumab.

How an Unproven Treatment for Alzheimers Was Approved

From Pge Al
For months atter the advisory commit
tee meeting, Dr. Dunn and his team con-

pressure, comvenuonal ap-
Facing mouning Dr. woo ward
val But when the case was presented to
process. Dr. Woodcock has publicly ac-
nowledgedprocess prooies, Dut nas rn evewouncl, meeting on March
This in members said the evidence did not meet
y quitee signiticantly, sald Wayne tne thresnold rornstlnng puonc cont
dence in the usefulness of the drug, was
Pines, a former ED.A. senior oficial who
nas writen histones about the agency necessary, the council agreed,
but could
fones are turned over. thatave every be "a shorter and more efficient trial,
nue is pursued to make sure that this was countering the contendon Irom approvl
t decislon that was made on the basis or uvOcates nat anouer ai woud take

sCientiic judgment and not on the basis

Although the councl, which advises
While some Alzhetmer's experts did on but ooe snt maKe approval decislons,
5upport the drug s aPproval given the recognzed that some patients would ac
dearth ortreatment cnolces tor padents, he minutes say, "the council, however,
medication with ech ela stressed that this should not intluence

benefit that trials showed can

and he regulatory declslon.
kuse Draln swengor oraln Deedng up brieflytoward the end. raised by Dr.
Two nearly identical late-stage clinical RIck Pazdur, head of ED.A.S oncology
center, wno was nor a COuncil nemberit
2019 because an independent monitoring
committeeE concuaed that the arug ald
was not ascusseu u
10t appear to De nelping panents. A later
standard apPproval, accelerated approval
nante roceiina
thehirhect doe of a ppearedDe tne onuy way to make tne
rug avalabie.
canumab in one trlal experlenced a very Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, Dr.
shght slowing of cognituve decine, but Dunn'sboss and director of the Center
palrcpantsin the other trial did not ben Ior DrUg Evuuauon and kese , eua
Analysts have predicted that the drug ANDREW REUTERS nae eeung aDout
Abheimerle "**
accelerated ap-
DEEn used for
could bring Biogen billions of dollars. But The EDA. investigated after allegations that it was collaborating too closely with Biogen, the maker of the drug de
since he approval, some major medical In tact, the ED.A.s most recent guid-
ance for AlZnemersarugs,1sueu y D
xecuve committee told the doctors celerotod Td Tor ac
no are is members tatbased on the for the disease, "despite a great deal of
clinical evidence, Aduhelm should not researcn ne guaance says tnat is De
Even some scientists who were in- s
causethere untortunately at present
volved in earller phaSes or the company's tacking amyloid plaques or other
ducanumab research said in interviews biomarkers of Alzheimer's"would be
Eyd no agee w e
DA sonably nkely to predict cinical bene

"This approval shouldnt have hap And at the November advisory com-
mittee meeting. Dr Dunn sald that
Biogen senior medical director who considerlng wnetner aPprove
rials of the drug. "It defeats everyth I
e amyloa

believe in sclentificaly and it lowers the .

Under accelerated approval, while a
E Or reBuliatory bodies. arug is on the marke, company must a
Because o realy delted conduct an additional trlal, a costy un-
"This was not the reason why my team standard approval, which it believed its
ana iad he work we ald designing the anted.
stuay At the April 26 meeting, Dr. Cavazzonl
lin June the
D.A. acknowledgedtinere was not suff- neurological drugs who had used accel
cient evidence that the drug would help erated approv irequenuy: D Pazdur
paiens. nsteu, t Sau n was E and Dr. Ferer Marks, the top vacclne reg
called aeeelerated ral
ows the authorization ot drugs without
ersuasive proor or benenti they are 1or
Biogen did Dr. Issam Zineh, director of the Office
t Pharmacology and DJacqueline
serious diseases with Iew treatment op EA ray, Wno led tne nternalre
disease's biology (now The director of the office of transla-
Diomarker) in a way that is reasonably donal scences, Dr. shaAvhree Buck
preuict cnical benefit. man-Garner-who Supervises both the
The reason given Dy tne ageney
Even some former employees at Biogen involved in earlier work on Aduhelm did not agree with the EDAs approval. DA did nof vote ves or no savinp she un-
clumps into plaques in the brains of peo derstood both arguments. The only clear
ple win one no vote, FD.A. documents say, was the
AZhemerS1s that the
agency official leading the aducanumad achieving a maximum understanding of
the existing data" on aducanumab. Svlva Collins statirne her helief that
ing would not be used, Many Alzheimer's
experts say there is not nearly enoughna5eurenstaeor
tne wholuy unique suaton
there is insutticient evidence to suppor
ccelerateapprovalor any otner pe or
evidence that reducing the protein, amy-canade en Felberbaum, the FD.A spokes-
oid, slows memory and thinking prob-
best be conducted as part of a bilateral man, said the agency "concluded that the
surrounding the
Many of the questions vovg tne ageney and Sponsor, reductlon in amyiold beta pläaques was
PprovalO he drug have centered on irougn a workstream' or "working reasonably ikely to predict clinical bene
the close working relationship the EDA.
Diuan caid the idea for coollaboration elerated approval
application orocess. That included meet was proposed by the FD.A. and was The 2018 guidance "no longer retlects
ng several times a week in the summerCareruy strurctured and documented, curtenstateauo he
ing data
science, he sald,
onay assess the data and " Ppropriae ironi
chart a path torward, as well as a joint T The ED.A. said it "often works closely drugs, evidence that many Alzheimer's
f independent experts. with industry," especially "where there is
eeu ior reatnentsIor dev-
e y s not Strong enougn to lunk
reduction in amyloid to the likelihood of
Eoeving etters DecemberaEcant
trom the consumer adoca
ale inestigationof the cok
h en n officials presented what
had happened to the companys
In its written responses to The Times,
the agency added tnat its aecIS1on took
u nto accunt nat pauents expressed
laboration, the EDA. began an ínternal rectos,Pepe eeustiown away
eewusn ne e that this would be the situation and that
YMCZ ainty about clinical benefit to get earlier
The inqiry toopudce ward path." said a person familiar with access to a potentially clinícally valuable
Henry Magendantz, a participant in the Aduhelm ical trial. finished re-
drug loomed, and was conducted by an the session. oeiving an infusion of the drug at Butler Hospital in Rhode lsland in May.
As tne prOcess untolded, a lormer em
oitice in the center 1or Drug Evaluation uh oein onideredf
and Research. The center includes the ployee was surprised y the coabora-
outside the agency who were tasked withaccelerated approval
instead of standard
ment. Public Citizen
said it was not in- shocked by was just how cose the inter
ter enior oficials said there voung on whether aducanumab was
oy 1he limes.
ng a0cuments 00

formed that the inquiry was taking place. actton was Derween tne reams was little evidence of a ready for approval. Usually, a company The show that Biogen
he company in
.A. nad noc contacted
the inquiry.
wne aducanumaD was in trials, Dr.
ein, benefit for patients. and ED.A. eviewers gVE SEPa P
submitted draft language for a label stat-
the deg's clinical develon- Th e ijoint presentation asserted at
that nE wicn pauents should be eligible for
oncluded. Michael Felberbaum,
spokesman for the ED.A., said the
al re ew
ament for Biogen, worked together on
several other projects, Interactions that
ws evidence effec- t
SuDstandal of coon step in the tinal
avenessto support &approvaand, in lan- proval, until about a week before ap-
agency would have no comment while some Sclentists, tormer ED.A ofticals Clals to colatborate on pubicatons and guage that a tormer FD.A. otficialproval was announced,
the 1atDE steu
evtermal ins
iect of
ne sub
thought blurred the expected boundary nies with applications pending before presentation, described the single pos- on ha recud
ldrug, atientsfrom
The approval was the culmination of a a
between regulator and an official of a those very officials" he said. "It under- itive trialwhichshowed that the high getting
the The finai approval
ller coaster journey for aducanumab,
which seemed to be dead when the trials
mines the essential arm's-length rela dose slowea decine Dy .0
P a
o bel, however, has only one word
contraindications: "None"

ED.A.S credhbility as the government
The F.D.A. sald it does not comment
two months later, Biogen decided that Alzheimer's disease published in 2018 as hat was not the conclusion of every
because 1ts subsequent analysis had ptowoer0up convenednpar Dy FDA sO 1ne gency's Dl0stust after "thoughtful consideration," the con
found a slight benefit for patients on the Marla Carrilo, chiet science otficer ot the sponsiby ot decding the salety and e cal offioe had reached an opposite as clusion was that it should be up to "the
en eacy roup that later pushed for adu- The F.D.A. said "it is part of the agen- presented to the committee that thereis reanE physiclan in the real-world" to
canumab's approval despite several ofcy's role to participate" in the group de no compelling, substantial evidence of pro-
That May, Dr. Al Sandrock, Biogen's Another change was made to the
hief medical officer, scheduled an infor-
mal meeting with Dr. Bily Dunn, direc
s Sclentiic advisers 5ayng the
ence Wasnt e0Od
enough. That etort
ev veloping the Alzhelmerstramework, but
decined to comnentaboutthe Joint pre
treatment etect or disease slowing
Atthe end ot the daylong meeting, the
posed label. Béfore apPproval, it sald the
drug's purpose was "to delay clinical de-
une palents win Aznelmer s dis
Alzheimer's drugs, at a neurology con Alzheimer's drugs drafted by Dr. Dunn's participation in them was cleared before agreed with the biostatistical assess-
erence they botn attended. Athe mee hand, ment. tne quesuOn Or wnetner unere
10 But after a comment was put in the
ng, tirst reported by the medical new: Dr. Dunn and Dr. Budd Haeberlein alsoAsked about Dr. Budd Haeberleins was enough evidence the drug would margin, the language was changed to
e ether onconerence oanes several dia
or some data underlying the new analy-times during the aducanumab trials.
Prva Sineal Biopens headof
global safety and regulatory sciences,
vatedno and one
were no yes votes.
unertain hereor thetreatmentoeedsEI
prescription drug promotion "is
S. wiinam B. Scnutz, wno served as 4 SaldRElationsnps do not Eoven the o have a virtually unanimous vote cerned with the promottonal impication
The discussion led to a formal meeting deputy FD.A. Commissioner and general regulatory process or1ts outaOmes. agalnst approval and then to have the of the phrase "to delay clinical decline
lanonsnp ua never happened" said Mr. Pines, the for proved under accelerated "
pus. There, according to minutes of the and Human Services, the ED.A's parent ride data gaps."
meeting, Biogen and Dr. Dunns team de- agency sad such nteractions were ill Last November, Biogen and Dr. Dunn's mer FD.A. officlal, who now directs the In a promotional context," the note
Ided that "it is imperative that exten- advised. team presented a jolnt review to an adv health practice at APCO, a public rela- cautioned,the phrase suggests a guar-
sive resources be brought to bear on It is not appropriate tor ED.A. otfi- sory committee of independent experts tions fim. antee of efficacy"

M.T.A. Postpones Planned Fare Increase as It Tries to Lure Back Riders

and ASHLEY WONG The transit agency, which has a
SI7.6 billionbudget for 2021, has
he ransit agency that runs
INew York CIty's subway, buSes steadily raised fares every other
neip Dalance its
and two commuter rails will hold 2003 0

traeles to 1ure Before the pandemic, a little

back riders over har or the agencys revenue
ter riaising Tares on aregua
yee ue tolls for bridges and tunnels con-
trolledby the M.l.A.
not move on what had been a pro0 aE
poSed 4 percent increase, Patric share than for many other transit
J. Foye, the chairman and chiefex-
For instance, in 2020, fares
ay, aised neariy >6.5 Dinon, or daD0ut
38 percent of the aBencyse
Ie's the board's unanimous rec-
Enon a . Tolls accounted for another $2.1
effects of the pandemicMr. Fove DuO, or about PErcent or ne
said an interview, ciung Work
nsit ushe
ers wno nave sutered joo osses through an increase in tolls earlier
and sala reducion5, and Dus this year, but delayed a 4 percent
hardship. a m rares. ransit officials
. The
agencyys move comes as fare increase last incdine
the M.TA., which had faced finan-
raising the base fare from S2.i5 to
an in- $2.85.
peared, has been buoved by ails, bil-
or Tederal ad. ties ranged from raising the price
usion . nas also Deen under Tor Single-ride and 10-trip ucKets
cted it and etateof. Dy percE vE
ficials who say that now is not the in-
creases was "the right move for
nsustaning the riders right now, and tare subs
workers whose incomes are lower es or o

nan many nce worETS
who are still able to work re The 7 train above Koosevelt Avenue in Queens. Ihe M.1.A. has raised subway lares on a regular cycle for
more than a decade.
said Lisa Daglian, the executive
alrector O heEinen
A premature fare hike would Zes AavisSOryommitee to tne
De nigny Egutae,tanng over
ers. y ay until e far this year after
its f Cuomo, who effectively controls alreadytoohigh. "What can
I do7 been an incredibly dificuit year
entiworkersd DannRid.
Mr. Foye said the board of the
M.lA. wIill address the fare issue
nances were stabilized by an ex-
pected l4.5 Dilion im rederal pan-
the transit agency.
Thetransit system will play a
said Mr. Louis, who does have
acar is not tair Tor a lot or pe0
not n weE not
u o une wus
Pearistein. a for
on ddition, Ms. Daglian aid
Ers Alnance, a grasS-roots advoca-u y meeng demic aid. crucial
ew TorsTecoy P
rOle in
she saw an opportunity for the
willunveil an update on its 2021 fi received S4 billion of that federal schools move to fuly reopen after dent of the Citizens Budget Com- transit agency to reassess how it
gainst raising fares when it is nancial plan. Mr. Foye said he pandemic aid so far, and expect to Labor Day. But fears of an uptick mission, a watchdog group, said chaneingcommutine
trying to bring back more riders to
the largest transit system in
oun ne est o ne
directing the agency's chieffinan-
eeivEe rea
through a multiyear reimburse
.0uon suDway
ne naesare
away some riders, and a staffing
Lnat wE une
s uiy a
ire For instance, she said, the agency
increase was reasonable given thee
North America, Mr. Foye said.
pated 2021 revenue from a fare in- onerafine e o ***

thousands of subway trips to be would only put more financialcmmuters and a 20-ticket pack
nue plunged at the height of the crease-about S17 million --from Still, at least one M.TA. board canceled and resulted in longer stress on the agency Ilieha monthly
paandemic as commuters workedne nmancal pian. member on Monday et open the wats and commutes hougn the ransit agency is ex pass.
Irom hofne, Dusinesses closuup M.TA. relies on fare reve
he posibility of a fare increase in theMany subway and bus riders pected to cover its costs for the "If we're going to open the door
s ridership more so than most other transit hike in 2022" said Larry crease, saying they could not af- pandemic aid as well as an addi-et's break open the door and find
has picked up, but it remains half agencies. SCnwartz, the chairman ot the ford one. tional $2.9 billion federal loan, it the most equitable policies for all
Or ne prepandemic peak or ore he agency had already post M.1A. finance committee and a Jonn Louis, 85, Wwho was riding a coud tace a s2.5 Dillhon budget rnders.

Workers at City-Run Hospitals to Need Vaccine or Test

By JOSEPH COLDSTEIN doubts aboue cem that
io has been reluctant
to make a full understanding of the side ef-
Tects nad yet to emerge otner
ronavirus vaccinations manda-
tory Tor anyone, noping tnat en also cited ne ogS
ferently from white patients and
past medlcal expermentadon on
But with two million adult New Black pe0pie
cuding angn percentage or em
tal system, NewYork-Presbvteri-
tem and the Delta variant an, announced last month that it
woula rEqure empoyees
wave of cases, City Hall is tryin8 vaccinated ag

ersin City-run hospitals and city's large hospital systems. ANNA WATS OR THE NEW YONK TIMES

neaitn cunics to ger vaccinated or

else get tested on a weekiy basis, t nasvet to entore that
policy, allowing employees until
Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to prison in New York last year
The new policy, which will be
Dr. Michael DeVita, who works in Harlem Hospitals emergerney
until Sept. 1 to get the first
shot. More than 70 percent of em
Weinstein Sent to California
announced by Mr. de Blasio on room,getting tested last year. A new policy starts in August. Ployeesare vaceinateu, accoring
he heginnina of Aa t e eork-Presbyteri- To Face Sex Crime Charges
wnere near as ar as san raneis
cOS announcement last month
LTFE an.
her rork
in New CIy
hospital systems
Angeles authorieoonly
sexual miseconduct or assault. He
in consensual sexual activity.
vaccinated. still, it is Mr. de Bla tor Weinstein to California to face After being foundguilty inearly
Sio's irstmove to require any city NYO Langone Health, a largecharges ot rape and sexual assault
employee to show proof of vacc New YorkK Ity hospital groupP, in the city where he made hise
s a move producer
ronavirus test as a condition of currentlv Vaccinated
ew be reversed.) If he were to be con
Showing up to work, CIEy oncls
w ppy
Covid-19. Vaccinations would beYork judge ruled in June that Mr.
come manaatory ro employees Weinstein, 69, could be trans ed wo
Angees, s E r_en
people who work for city govern-
whouead eems ater ferred, over histhat
lawyer's objecn
tranefer thee York.
oate ***
rom the Food and Drug Adminis- stein confirmed
remans i

unciear whether ud, LgonE pE had taken place early Tuesday. Mrweinsteins ega eam
woman, LISa uremet, sau u morning. fought hard to keep him in New
approach to other city employees
Mr. weinsteim nas been charged York, at
P eacners, Cler
Ocers, ministered in the U.S. under an he had severe medical issues
a workers-or will limit this to ENA NEUES emergeny use autnorizaton. rape and a cross-country trip a
forcible oral copulation, that made
nse wno wok
Debra Fraser-Howze getting a shot in February. Hospital workers
t er as
well as other counts related toiSKtOnis nealtnheyvere aDe
"It'sall about the safety of a tend to be vaccinated at higher rates than the general populaton.
health care setting. Bill Neid
heen Dart of conversations with Sex crimes, in incidents involving
Mr. de Blasio's administration plaC
o and as New York began its recoy-
ces srse
tary, said of the poli As the initial crush of adults ea- Bronx and Brooklyn are beloW A spokesman for Mr. Weinstein, ery
Hospital workers were the first Eer to getvaccinated Degan to
e enpru, henattonaaverEeBack leam about the mavor's new pol- Juda Engelmayer, said that the in June, an ut neoun
ErOup to Eet accesS Covid-19 o he Cty uried negnborhoods
cu y una Tuesday, according to pcedne Tormer prosecutor, Colleen Curtin Gable,
tion campaign kicked off in De offering shots in settings ranging lar tend to have lower vaccinationwO people Traminar witn the mar Tuesday morning from the Erie had declined medical treatment
cember amid New York's second from subway stations to muse rateS, Vt asfewas5 pecentor The County prison wherehe was being severates.Attnatappearance,
y m SeOme among mem- held. He said he believed that MEustce Nennetn Case or the ew
s latene ums,among other tacucs. And yet vaceulaeu
ages va rcinations
ahe hounital at nas no Hospital workers tend to be bership and we ve aone a lot toenstein,
wno says ne in poor
system is slightly below the city- campaign. Each day, fewer than Sgy
cinte a nernatedaunion snoeswomanwalker or a wheelchair,onhada federal proba- ferred.
e average
dismay ot public health experts
o s, o
tne 10,000 New York City residents onAcross New York ty0
of hospitalworkers
are fuily vac-
Preddi Goldstein, said. Stil, she bly been transported
said, "th union does not believe D plane
Mark J. werksman, Mr. wein
stein's lawyer in LoS Angeles,
cinated, according to state data, it's the place of the employer toyev can receive his be taken to the Los Angeles
City Hall's policy- which is eced med WOuld
more of a mandatory testing po compared with an adult citywide mandate dstein t course,
A first move in New added that the Cal care and of
so that he County jail and would be ar
icy than a mandatory vaccination cent. union was supportive of more can be treated fairly" Mr. Eng raigned on Wednesday or Thurs
York to put conalulons
litigation or a fight with labor un- But within the city's public
course with all things, S na sement. Due aay at the latest. Los Angeles
ions. Some of the largest labor un- on ciy employees. pital system, Health and Hospi- we ll need to see how its being anda fair iol are etill his bring Mr. Weinstein to trial, under
Sepesenung C
nealth care tals, the vaccinaton eis idemiologist right.
said the the terms of interstate extradition
their opposition to mandatory the system's work force is vacci- new city policy was better thanASOKesman tor the osAnge
average are opting to get their nated, a Health and Hospitals nothing. but he wondered why esdsniet attorney declined to to Wenhada
accinatiOn requiremens
ne cieysne poney wil appiy st sot. SpoKesman, Christopher Milet,esting wasonycung Once 201
In 2017, Mr. Weinstein was pub- would be lawful for Mr. Weinstein
force the public hospital sys
of isa pressing concern as the Delta Onereason for the low rate, city expanded beyond health care set licly acused by a number of wom- to be transported to the state, but
tem, Health and Hospitals. The variant has already sent case officials have said, is intertwined tings to include other city employ-en
orSexua ss ana na nhe str atorneso
system has hospitals, which in counts spiking to neariy b00 a day thedemographicSOrtne pub
wellas ursing homes and clnics,. the daily averge in late June.About percent of city hospitai
n stest, settingassment,
off the Mel00
Ce nad no
but more frequent testing sation about men who took advan- former producer cusuyO

The policy will also cover some And while nearly 54 percent of
workers are Black.
is always better when you have a tage of their power and status to The district attorney's ofhice re
employees of the city's Health De city residents of al ages are fully Black New Yorkers, who make lot of community transmission prey on otners. 1ne rouowing sponded to Mr. werksmans re
e still two million adult
vaccinated- some five percent up about a quarter of the city's and we accinated people rape
and eriminal seual act geles County sherifts.department
New Yorkers who have yet to re average- there are some neigh nated at lower rates than other the fall, said Denis Nash, a pro- charges in Manhattan. capable of providing Mr.
ceive a dose of any coronavirus borhoods with far less protection. groups. Ininterviews, many essor of epidemiology at cuNY By now, more than 9o women Weinstein with the necessary
vaccine The vaccination rates across the Black New Yorkers have voiced School of Public Health. have accused Mr. Weinstein of medical care.

Bezos Reaches Space U.S. Details

But Sees a Small Step China's Role
Toward a Bigger Quest In Hacking
for missions for Mars and else
From age Al where.
Spce venture, and Blue Origin y conurast, BIue orgEins com- ByCOPERROT
uy pursuea range ot 5 PrOecis, at least in the near fu-
The Biden administration dis-
business OpportunesSu asthe space industry the way losed previously Classified de
lander for NASA astronauts as pce nas. us on luesday about the breadth
s uncnng satetes tor the EEr resaDe rocket tor American oil and gas ninelines
Department ot Derense on lange
os' company is working on, New over the past decade, as part ot a
In recent years before he Glenn, Is still more than a year warning tO pipelnne oWners to in
steppea down as chlet executive
of Amazon, Mr. Bezos would typ
dway, u orts o win maor oettaf f atar
Denartment of Defense From 20 to 2013, Chinese
llWednesdavs focused on satellites have so far come up DacKed nackers tagered, and in
many caSes Dreacu, ey
Diue orgin. Tnat M. Bezos him p unr andernat BIue
Se was Seated in the capsule tor
wl someday
E Pe NAd pipelines, the FB.I. and the De-
that he is
tine narofiot selected, at least tor the moment, OERAEDLE/GETY IMACESPnenor Homeland Security
the top of his spending list. because NASA Said it had money revealed in an alert on Tuesday.
Above from left, Oliver Dae-
Tne ony way thati can see to ny one Oesign: >pacex's.
men, Mark Bezos, Jeft Bezos said they judged that the "intru-
deploy this much inancla re toise. As in the fable "The 1orto1se and Wally Funk ater ng Slons were Ikey intendea to galn
zon winnings into space travel," and the Hare, perhaps with nto space in the biuerigin, uaegic access to the industrial
he sald a Iew yea E steady, continual effort, Blue Ori which launched on uesday pipelines "for future operations
Mr. Bezos has describeu morming and drew onRE
Ms. Garver recalled Mr. Bezos rather than for intellectual prop
influenced by the proposals of Ge Boing to Washington to meet with ery thet n otner words, tne
un der il it
naries 5olden, the NASA gentiyset down in a Duff of dustcontrol of the ninelinesrather
cist. Inceton
physl .Diue
the 1970s, Dr. OTNel pro Origin was an enigma. ime, Ten minutes 10 seconds after than just stealing the technology
colonies that in great enough We were thrilled to hear of his 1auncn, its over A Tew mintes tnat Wed unem to runcton
was nere
une WOud support tar more

PeOpie n
industiy tnan are pos omnanv Iam nrenared to invpst form of email fraud known
with hugs from friends and family.
,1wo more passenger-carrying Spear phishing, the agencies sad
The solar system can easily over the long term. And my
Support a trilllon humans," Mr. Be- 0asare very aligned with NASA. gnts are Scheduea Or this yearthat lgwere compromised, wnie
n any way,
0sSald. Elon Musk
0 TONY CUTIERREZ/ASSDCLATED PRESS the pace of operations next year tent of intrusions into seven oper
founder of SpaceX. has focused on Blue Origin was worKing on a SIue ongn nas dened to SayatorS Was unknown Decause or an
the idea of settling Mars. Getting capsue nat could carry astro
how much eariy
the cuse aDsence data.
rs 1s an
esier task than ehaona Sce signed up. However, Mr. Bezos government tries to galvanize the
e es colonies,
million development contract sald:were apprOaching 100pipeline industry alter eroup
million in private sales already. based in Russia easily forced the
pitable to human civilization from NASA. workOn that ve
would be an enormous undertak-
andan Blue Orig
stalled, cle na neea ** t ridae noarluhalf the oaso
nd despite Tuesday's success the contracts that ultimately In addition to the high cost of line, jet fuel and diesel that flows
ful flight, Blue Origin has much eng and pace was slower tickets to ride on New Shepard, up the East Coast. That attack on
ERess O make. 10 have the ef-.Ow na steady the vast wealth at his disrosal company's business systems. not
fect on humanity's future that Mr.nn anybody noped, ms. uarver
when he remarked on how it was the operations of the pipeline itself
need much more than the smallButthe comparisons to POsSDo
Orlgim m tnance Biue ed the companyS
hipments T0t
New Snepard vencle that M. Be- pacea s exuraorinary Suc to thank every Am- he
0S and hree e Passengers are sonewnat unfair, she
2on employee and every Amazon capable of next.
e uge opace on ues report on n
nEnE no, s.
"We are really spolled Dy
newsS conference after the tight,| nas aces accompaned a Se

Although private enterprise A uavEr

nas way5 wored gve Even if Blue Origin has not yet first American in space, rose from space. At 82, Ms. Funk, who goes this" ers and operators of pipellnes
recent decades that private com- lived up to its lofty vision, more the company's launch site in Van
panies have started seeking to companies will mean more com- Horn.a thin etof fire andexhaust
by Wally, was the oldest.
num-eened D
That remark prompted a
to thank youweet ber of scornful responses fromportation Senminstraton
make business.opportunties tromWe
Rlne i .
Carver gine. Over the past six years, Blue
Orngin has conducted 15 success-
during a news
conference. "Tve from those who say he is just using against ransomware and other at
been waiting a long time" his wealth to create diversions for tacks, and to put in placea contin-
mpli ents ald.
pale next to the rocket companyLaura Seward Forczyk. founder
led by another of the world's rich apacecosE that Ne Shenardwhich ies
eop es s nce the booster used up.S
t td fmdidahtvemp
B nn en
werent made nbic ht
ficials said thev Sought to address
Musk founded a couple of years "Although their progress has been with no pilot, was finally ready for about 47 miles. Bothpieces contin- acts of civility and courage. some of the huge deficiencies
after Blue Origin started. slow, they haven't had any large passengers-their boSs included ued to coast upward to 66.5 miles,
he award offered sl00 millon e another
uready aDenemoth
the space Dusiness. It reg
indicate to me that assegers assge hetnerthre
is stil finding its wav for- Oliver Daemen, a Dutch student of outer spaCe.
e dr c o pe an ones" The directive folows
and José Andrés, the chef and May
that required companies to
who was Blue Orgin's first payingThe passengers unbuckled and
to the International Space Station, ward." restaurateur to
be donated to
it has deployed more than 1,500While Blue Origin awaits the passenger and Mary Wallace floated around the capsule, som
tiontove a
e down, Tuesdays flight was a mile- among group of women who balls and Skitles candy as they
charitable causes of each recipi-
he na
erywhere, and it is developing a stone, the first flight from the com- passed the same rigorous astro- experlenced about four minutes of
Whatever Blue Origins
will be, Mr. Bezos
fturehe newly declasifed
remainedws u n

gargantuan rocket called Starship Pany to carry people to space, naut selecton criteria employed ree ta eu on uesday would he cEu nackeS targeted oil and
Even thougn it ala nor enter DyADt wO un
orbit uesu ne Dosrnde rc How fastnais devised new ways of holding
Karen Weise and Neil Vigdor con- rocket and capsule, named New rocket. At 18, Mr. Daemen was the SpaceX's
rival reusable Falcon 9 can you refuel that thing? Let'sher operators hostagea or
urlbutred Shepard after Alan Shepard, the youngest person ever to go to rocket. The capsule then de- go somware 1s form of

the victim pays. The attack on Co

Judge Orders Leader of Cultlike Group to Pay $3.4 Million to His Victims 4
mno,n ryprocurreney
e FB.l. Sezed
By COLIN MOYNIHAN fis, of Federal District Court in requests for restitution totaling on uesdy
Another four people are entitled s sd
Nearly 10 years ago, the lDe

e nesneorngrthat
state New York were intended to
D.O.S. members were also di
rected to pertorm sexual acts by
said. They included DO.S. mem-
bers, a business consultant who Act
induced her to submit to pornoPartment ot omeand ecurty
the Mandatory Victim Restitution
996, which applies to graphic photography sessions.
eave scars that served as perma nKng members. Worewn
nent piedges ot oyaty to elth the courtroom but attended by nearly 15-vear court hattle with fraud consniracy
I ne
rinesncdingcketeering.uge ars
ao sadower oil pipelines and electric power
statutorilyentitled to the returmof Operators at an alarmingE rate
Raniere, the leader of the culthke video from Arizona, where he is Nxivm. Among those to whom Mr. their collateral" and directed Mr. tion of those attacks to China, but
Women who joined a secretive aEuP en
Aoe pseorSaaner eE orere P ntna eror aneresst
in 2012, its motivation was
s wnn Navm called the vow,
Tha sometimes contentious award resttution to 25 peopleone of the first people to sSpeak Raniere's appeal of his convicionclear: Were the hackers trolling
inausa seresr
Award resSutuon
or D.u.s. Were hela aown on a ta Tor
wee proceeding on Tuesday resOvea a Judge Garau publicly about the brandings. In is exhausted. for
Master lease brand me. it process that had mainly been hid
would be an honor. Then, another den rom pubic view. A Seres or that
17 peopie
01 s
she told ne ew T0TK Imes
that sne wept as sne enaureu
neresuturon process coud Desome future attack?
rue "We are still trying to figure it
member or tne sect woun au tution have been filed under Seal, ution under of my body" u
ut presented himself to the world as out, a senor Amerca u
Raniere's initials into hea part of an effort tO protete theancking her recipients ncdea wonmarenunclate who shunned ma Times in 2013. "They could have
But some women may now be soe ho
ctums Proe an dentuhed onlya5ie who terial possessons, andhemay not been doing both."
But the alert on Tuesday as
able to get rid ot tho5e scars. At a- an acronym for a Latin phrase which applies that she was ordered to have sex is ordered to hand over.
T Mthat roughiy translates toLordy Keith Kaniere to crimes In wth him and described ue witnin n a memorandum to the court
US. pipeline infrastructure at
Panio h ct Master ot the Obedjent Female cluding torced D.o.S. as "hes and deceit and before Mr Ranieres sentencing
traffie SK"
2019 of offenses including sex traf- D.OS. members, know ment servitude. Those victims are fied as Daniela, who testified that ported an interest in the $8 million ne et Ws prompeu y new
utrcE slaves, were required to provide enttled to restitution tor legal Mr. Raniere became jealous when estate ot a deceased former part critical infrastructure, brought to
ctmit me t ometomasters sensitive embar
re brand.
or counse they retained in
On witnand hn
connec shereected him and caused her to ner and told probation authorities the fore with the attack on Co
ollateralaccordin to court gation
allocated to women to have brand-collateral Mr Ranierpls criminal The lareest rpstitution amount Nvivm and from another orani onial Plpeline. I hat breach set off
remove documents and testimony. That proceedings, the value of unpaid $507,997, was awarded to Dan- zation he founded called Execu- aamsne weo
Energy D
nEe materal was then usecd to coerce aborthey pertormed wthin elas younger sister,amaMr ve Success Programs. hatthat the nation could have af
bor, the judge, Nicholas G. Garau
forre sometoedp niengdimental
About 100 people had submitted brand removal.
ealfh are min heshes sa
g to court records. Judge Garau-
the sehatorfeited forded only three more days of
funds" be used for restitution. emdss transit and
Mandiant, a division of the se-
Corrections curiy nrm Piretye, sala ne aa
ent the wih Ch
on multiple natural gas pipeline
in 2018. It burned about 230,000 passed between the second round ecutive action, not an executive aress bias crimes mnisstäted thne
companies and other critical oper
aes, not 30,000 acres
An article on Monday about the
etects o
Sults It was more than a month the riele alen deecibod inco rican Americansin California last Ors
o 2011 t0 2015, 5ut tne

identi INTERNATIONAL not nearly a month. 1he article rectly how current DACA recipi- year. According to a report re- noting that it "strongly" believed
fied a site where tanker trucks An articie on Monday about vo sdeounu ne v a
ents are affected by court ru eased Dy ne state atorney gen that in one case, Chinese hackers
taKe on treated wastewater or unteers in Germany leading the nin dae, F ing. The judge allowed renewals erals office, there were 456, not had gained access to the controls,
s vineyards. it iS a Napa san- vEry irom a devastating aflood dro asulo, by 100 votes. Mr. to proceed, he did not temporar 8/3. whicn cou
d notentially
taon District raciny, not a Cty
of Napa sarnitation department a
ee misstated the name or
the losing
candidate. with a total y bar their approval.
Errors are corrected during the press et or an explosion.
lfwrk not the of 8,836,380 votes. An article on Sunday about dis run whenever possible, 50 some error n recve aa not
trie is run iointly by the city and Technisches Helfswerke, 1ne
agreement in the Asian American noted here may not have qppeared inintsion One.ofthe.cmnanies ine
aruNATIONAL community over strategies to ad- all editions.
the county, and covers the city as Ce also iSSpelied the ven filtrated by Chinese hackers over
well as several adjacent county hune or thne operator of the Cas-
pari Hotel. She is Stefanie Nelles,
nthat ruce on Saturday about rul-
nat sametimeirämewas ierven,
which monitors more than half the
fomd rhe Deferred Action
for h rding
an editing error, an ar
no tephanie. ica P S " North
5ecause Childhood Arrivals program un- correction requests, please email merica.
cie uesday about the soo An arncie 0n uesaayaDoute lawul misidentified the method correctionse emtime mor call
leg Fire in Oregon misstated the
size of the Carr Fire in California
rus presidential election mis-
stated the amount of time that
President Barack Obama used to
create it. He did so through an ex
Tosharefeedback, please visit
Eileen Sulivan contributed rep0rt

A Utah Town Stops Building Homes. There Isn't Enough Water

FromIPage Al
locked in severe drought condi
nons and reservolrs are less than

Utah, whose population swelled

8 percent irom 2010 to 2U20,
making Tt the fastest-growing
worry that cutting off develop
ent to Conseve w ony
worsen an
Farmers and rancherswho
use to 0 percentOr water a
elli off
an no onger eraze. Gov. Spencer
us any s airm nad
_"It's just brutal right now, Sad
M COx, who also asked the taith
ful to pray tor rain. "it we continue
now and have another drought
Ke this 10 years, implications.
[there will De
rea arihKing-water
a worties me
the most
For now, most places are trying
to stave or
hxi ff the eniaot
growth. State oficials say there 1
Su peny oarn waer and
Ps stp people irom mov-
A huge consideration for many
pOcins5 astnat they ont
be viewed a community nat
to an
Katharine Jacobs, who directs the
ey oArZ0nas clmate
adaptauon research center. ire haze. hate government in-

for eaidore rhgement m peopes ives, Dut

S1,000 fines or shut-offs if hey toerack down
find customers flouting lawn- Oakley 1s planning to spena as
scoOr rinsing much as>Z mlnon ariling a water
well 2,000 feet deep to reach what
are spending millions to rip up
ErssEuswasEwae ana re
Stems But 30 miles north of Oakley
servation measures that have past ary irrgadon antches, rum
epe aesert cluesuKe Las vegas
and Tucson reduce water con
dropping-isthe town of Henefer,
tions exploded. In California, Gov. wee Dudng8 Deen
ov ewsom nas caled To 13
PErcentcuts in water use- but so sources to provide water for land-
Rut water now looms over Scaping nd outd
save its precious drinking
many debates about building. Wa water.
ter authorities
in Marin County,
Mayor Kay Richins said of the
the wet ngWItn building moratorium. "I don't like
considering whether to stop al
Wing new water
nookups to EXperts 5y e
elopers in a dry stretch ot few places in Utah are as tiny or
sprawl between Phoenix ary as cno, a Jumbie or nomes
and Tucson must prOve they have squeezed between a freight ra
access to 100 years of water toget
Echo was already struggling to
extensive groundwater pumping niang on ater the two cares eloSed
Tor agriculture has down. Then 1ts spring-ledwater
Jeft the area with lhttle water for Suppiy nit critcal lowS tnis sum
Mony developers see a need to Echo's water manager has been
tind new sources of water "Water truckingin drinkng water rom
nearby cities. People worry that
wl De and shouia Deas t re
tes to or and soutnwesttn lop, a reservoir near Oakley. Utah. "You feel bad for the people whove been saving up to build a house in Oakley, said Wade Wool
et, he mayor 1o save wate, Ji. gnt, nave iet ner lawn go yeow m nearby Deno. gle brush fire could deplete their
Irussel and wesiey witernaiter,
Spencer Kamps, the vice tanks.
At their house, J.. Irussell ana
ome Bulders A5s0clation of oSvoracious
In Utah,
nousinE market.
the nearby
turn on the water. Climate change Trump flags flutter and the mayor
is coming home to roost right now, is dubious of human-caused cli
One projectthat
that would build as their 1awn
their íawn ke
cure water supply, obviously de-
velopmentShouldntT nappen.
arming town Or Henerer are vow
Ing not to grow unul they can se
g us
nard. mate change. 1ts beauty and loca
the 1s00s, water was one or on a nai-hour rom the sk-tOwn
many as 36 new homes on tree
covered pasture nearthe townS
showers sparingly. But some
neighbors still let their sprinklers
Late lastmontn, tnestatewate hhdrilia i hitatloThe o traciv i tof le
would not approve any applica- expensive and uncertainstaters.
side the Weber River, and its wa-who've been saving up to build a grandparents helped build was on
tions for developers seekin8 to Propec ter and oher mountaln springsi Utan law allowed uaKEy's Cty nouse Uakiey, Mayorwoo the Drink orarying n
up and Diowin
use groundwater within the area. Inese towns are canares in ge and andsuppore uncu to pass oniy SIX-montn stennume saldas ne aroveaway
from oeal develoners who said Brooks, a professor of hydrology ley a epEcRIEd ne val-
city is hoping can tap a new source ossiblev I los
of water" he said. "It
into dusty fields that would normally only
Itis still a conservative tanming water source before deciding be lush with alfalfa. The distant would make living here almost im-
the restrictions would make it at the University of Utah. "They
harder to meet the needs of Ar cant count to go to the tap and community where tattered 2020 whether to re-up the moratorium mountans were blurred by wld- possible

U.S. Accuses Trump Fund-Raiser of Hiddern Ties uve mandate

Mr. al-Malik was
a key
ary between Mr. Barrack and the
From Page Al ratiitien he had one ive
number of Trump aides and asso- marily in California, prosecutors instance
Malik 43. A
himas mirati Oficia r fromthde tw Persian
tries through investments or
af cu Emirati leadership. i courtp
pers, prosecutors sad Mr. Bar
ciates over suspicions that they ad, utthree years ago, ater
it states that "Emirati
theoicialmet with Mr Irump at other transactions.O that,about clals in 2017 that he did not know
improperly provided govern- veu, et e Y0,40 cane sove wnere Mr. al-Malk was rom or
m- prosecutors said in court papers. governments.
hammed met with the president. whether he was affiliated with any
paign or his administration. Theawyers or representatiestorher Barrack stepped down as foreign Bovene
escriptons also matchMr.
indictment portrayed Mr. Barrack the wo men could not reached for thatof rown Prince Mohammed. Colony Capital's executive chair
rack repeatedly referred to Mr. al
as a flagrant exampie or abusmg cently
Prosecutors said Mr Trump clals as M.B.Z. renamed DigitalBridge Manktne iresee
"The defendant is charged with was
among those betrayed by Mr
he indictment said that Eml- According iling this month to a wepon dvae s egn
extremely serious offenses based ci worKea with M awith Securities and Exchange P dietration
n S e
2016 to early 2018. And Mr. Bar fora conference at Camp David, percent of that firm and is one of
ecutors in the case wrote to a fed- racks hopes to influence Mr. Md. press the Emirates to its directors.
After one media appearance
Barrack emalled Mr al-Malk,
eral judge in Los Angeles, asking
er to aetaln
ades were some
tP ata, another
e i
hsbeen n arackraise re Thomas J. Barrack Jr. in 2018.
e was arrested on
asng thatenadae
the indictment
his removal toitNew
Barrack pending For example, Mr. Barrack had The indictment also referred to He helped money for Mr. 1uesday aid.
YoTk O
that Mr.rump would is hoped
arrack s work witn Emirati irumps ist presidental cam Ihe two men repeatediy met per
charged with acting under the di- name him to be a Middle East en- Oficial who appears to
it the paign and ran his transition team asonally ne
with high-level leaders of es
rection or control of the most sen-
tePrsetors ad thatMr entialamhassador to Washintonhans hest kno for eaing Mr eienAeents Reeistration AL the mirates.and Saudi Arabia,n
rf ore Barrack advised Mr. al-Malik that Yousef al-Otaiba. The indictment Trump's inaugural committee, known as FARA, and led to a cember of 2016, court papers say.31
Matt Herrington, a lawyer for Smiratess posts enpoe u
d tnat eart e rmp wnc ralsed on e
Late Tuesday, a federal magis-
Mr. Barrack, said: "Tom Barrack areed Mir Barrack could "deliver Barick to ask if he had insiehtSpent to ceebrate an inaueur: uires those who work for foreien trate detained Mr. Barrack andE
Mr. Grimes, pending a ban nea
nas made nimserVontariy more" in such roles. into the new administration's tor tion. governments, political parties or
available to invesgators romtne
mleading mot uiu
But Mr. Trump dla not give
Barc eeoandauviEr

ana we are working
Cridcs caimed thecommitee otner
DeCame a nuD Tor pedalnng access
ees to uence Ane described Mr. Barrack as a flight
risk, citing his wealth. Lebanese

wo other men were aso administration.

have our regional interest in high leaders, or those actingg on their ment. cuviuesueP s
citizenship, private e
Cnargedwitn actng as Emra profile Mr Barack wrote back, behal, but investigations by sev Several former rump aides
The indictment suggests that Persian Gulf countries
agents wthout registering witn Mr. Barrack was working in direct
according to the indictment. eral local Jurisdictions into the who were charged by the special
nd T
The indictment comes at a dell
quired: Matthew Grimes, a for Mohammed bin Zayed, the de private equity firm, Colony Capi- with no charges filed. the statute in guilty pleas, includ- catemoment for U.S. diplomacyi
mertop execuve atE 5ar facto ruler of the Emirates and os tal, profited from substantial in- The federal inquiry into Mr ing Mr Manafort, the 2015
racks copany and Kasnd atensibly one of washington's clos vestments trom the Emirates and Barrack's ties with toreign leaders paign chairman, and Rick Gates,
cam- c
nessman who is
close to the Emir- could have implications for
cur- closely aligned, In the three vears tion led by Robert S. Mueller
i. referred Mr. Barrack's case to the billion sale of high-tech
ates rulers. rent u.s.policy. after Mr Irump became the Re the special counsel, into Russian U.S. attorney's office in BrooOklyn, aereed upon under Trump
Mr. Grimes, 21, was arrested on e indictment does not explic publican Party's nominee for interference in the 2016 presiden apparently because the allega Including b0 F-35 fighter jets, as
Tuesday. Authorities were unable itdy name Crown Prince Moham- president in July 2016, Colony tial election. tions went beyond his investiga- well as sophisticated drones.


COulc at
Make a
plan today.

Ready FEMA

John Veronis, Who Helped Start

Paychology Today, Is Dead at 93
By RICHARD SANDOMIR leader in brokering the sales of During dinner at Claridge's in
onn veronis, an ebullient in- euu LOndon, Mr. veronis Wrote, he ad-
vestment banker whose boutique
firm specialized in major media
ver e
ththe net
next decade, the firm
Iragmented vised the rvalsthat hey contin
doomed to fail wETe

arranged the sale of Diamandis The merger, d ir No-

that owned TV Guide, and who vember iu, Created British Sky
nad earler helped launch Psy-
a Broadcasting, also known as
OyOday, aed on June 24 at million; Details, the fash lion from M
or S712
M e

a **** 1on magazine, to conde Nast FuD rate fee, Lauren veronis saud na
wite, Lauren Veronis, con canons,, andaer tAnnen phone interview, DEcause Ku
His was Dusted.
E edeatn. of TV Guide and Sey.Pert e to be ca led
r.verOnis nau po enteen, to Mr. Murdoch's News Sky, with operations across Eu
Corporation for $3 bilion. rope. It was acquired by Comcast
started at Popular Sctence in the
ate 0s and helped make Psy. he entre n 2018 Tor >J Dunon
chology Today a qulck sucoEss
facing partner, with many key re onn Jameseronis was Don
cility for putting
buvers and sell- wick, N.J, and grew up in Easton,
ers, together. In one instance Pa. He was one ot sIx children ot
irvin 50rowsy, a p A magazine executive Greek immigrants; his tather,
ProntaDIerde magaZes, a5KE jobs in a fur factory and din
who later played a role took
ers in the United States; his
zine, the entertainment and din
ing guide, which had been losing in major media deals. mother Angeliki (Eftinmakis) CAMBAS
veronis, was a homemaker.
ldn't a
Veronis said in 2007
inte College in Easton. Mr
with the Drucker Institute, latonships the important
with Veronis headed to Manhattan, Jymeltus
founded by Peter Drucker, an ex mela eaderS and owners rom where he was hired at Popular
pert on modern management.
tinue to bleed red ink and endan
He Stevensonmanain
r , narter
what snoweronis Suhler
ne mg
moved to Field and Stream, then
John Veronis in 1975. He helped broker Rupert Murdochs purchase of TV Guides parent company.

Ber his stronger magazines.

"Why hold onto Cue?" Mr.
Sevenson, wuc E
vOlved in medla Dut invests in in-

ne ea
where he lon experts. Once the magaz ine ptcy in 19s. hepard ended in divorce.
Mr Rorowsky renlied. "My wife health care and education indus- Dublication by brineing in adver- began publication, Mr. Charney They had one more venture to- Betore his first meeting with
him again. gether: Book Digest, a magazine Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Davis to dis-
es it." tries. asing irom Procter & Gamble. He cted ut
sonerm as aISnvove
"Get rid of her or it, Mr. Vero- rose to publsher, and Several
our debts
were growing" Mr. best sellers, which started in 1974 in 1990, Mr. Veronis and his wife
is to hhe recled
ten exclusively family. for his
staton in Baffal and
the ie ia
quisition of two TV stations by the became president of the ocompa-
Charmey recalled by phone. "So i
o orces.
and was sold to Dow Jones four knocked on doors in London. If a
years later or aout
mion homenaa a Satete ishey
enuno urOup, une oPEtdr o nysmagazine aivsion. rtors hth itntdico h ith th Aomrit
He earned 3400,0t0 1or arrang
ing Cue's sale to Mr. Murdoch in
work of an
hat had dona th
investment banker. Ker
panish-language networks that

the merger between wo

19e0 Mr Veronisbeloed hro. nterhlie of Comnanies
advertising glant, where rhe nar te he a
and within two weeks he
raised $l million.
giving others, Mr.Veronis started
mwnewote Sunier.
out dishes, they asked residents if
they would consider subscribing
s he f

culdnt belheve ths was neensa

what nvestinent baningwas atinE
s researched. what motvated con and educational films, then sold
suers company in 1971 to
to helping his son Nicholas with search that Mr. Veronis had done
tute did wa sell ereerience Broadcasting, which had acumu- i eie ndnvenathe
market for a mazine about psy scnde orporatio for a
Capital Netork and his step
Boise his financial technology company, in his early days inmagazines,
andt ae
im mortant infor
and knowledge."
n5 verons rognt
lated total losses ot more than Sl.5
ncentauy, in colaS
that experience and knowledge to tensions between Mr Murdoch Charney was trying to launch 250,000.)
current cireulation at about ,
gage lender. iBorrow.
addition to his wife, his son
with Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Davis.
million. (Psychology 1oday 1Ists
Mr Veronis learned that some
Nicholas and his stepson, Mr. subscribers didnt know the dif-
which he started with John Suh tive of Reed International, a key who had a doctorate in biology were less successtulMr.
in thetr ac ter, Jane Veronis; another son, two services, and ta
er, a former president of the CBS Brlsh Satelnte sharenolder. and biopsychology and knew Mr. quisition that year of Saturday John; his stepdaughters, Perri others were wary of the steep cost
Fubusningroupeir tiung wo men ne
weenot ust veroniss a
brotherieoTge, promReview tor a reported mlPeltz and
S5.5 Alexandra Peltz Gelb; o adish

The firm quickly became spised each other" guided him to business and circu- monthlies, they filed for bank- ander. His marriage to Sarah ity"

Carol Easton, 87, Biographer |Rick Laird, 80, Bassist at Forefront ofFusion
OFMusic and Movie 1itans ByGlovANNI RUSSONELLo
Rick Laird, a bassist who played
By SAM ROBERTS Ms. Easton's biography of a central role in the az2-rock u
Carol Easton, whose curiosity Jacquellne du Pre was described of the Mahaiehm
Dout creativity inspired her to enes BOOK Review by then retired from music to pursue
write biographies of four prom
e e
ao cluding
r tin
this one, from the violinist July 4 in New Cty, N.Y. He was &0.
ugn was lungcan.
line du Pré and Agnes de Mille Maguire: she was ike Laird, said the cause
champagne, Ireshly uncorked, a
une at ner home in er.

e she was 87.

Cl. na letter to The Times in 1999, The guitarist John McLaughlin
alled Mr. Laird in 1971l with an in
ariuruay oy
Kins Ms. Easton also contrasted nerac
on. du Pres
Count of Ms. e winu forming with the goal of uniting
fascinated lim Hlary and Jackie (98),
neWias always Carol Easton wrote with detail. z-0CKesthetcwhich
p in the
arts, Ms. innon vine's sister, the futist Hilary du Mr. McLaughlin had helped estaD

aid."A Pré, who recounted an a be- and Tony williame

and Hilary's Well-received profiles
writer for years, she decided she nacqueline tric
bands-with Indian classical
wanted to wrte ne nst DioE
cqueline du Pré's friend ariven by a curiosityy musicand European

Her nirst supee

and, at her request, her biogra about creativiy. mble,
the Maha
pher, I know that she ws nene ishnu Orchestra, which also fea
Stan Kenton, whose popularity Sunt na
the British media tured the drummer Billy Cobhiam,
Spanneuourdecades. Her sorbed monstre sacre of her sis, ne eyrtn ner
"Straight Aheaa: The story son
Kelly said sheused uumaun, De
ters self-sServing book," Ms. Eas- where. her
Ne Pa *ton wrote. "Rather, she was to sneak onto the Samuel Goldwyn strumental bands of its time. it re VIA SOPHIE LAJRD

She followed that with The ngy numan.

He s n
n eased a pair ot studio albums now Kick Laird in 1s69. He was later in the Mahavishnu Orchestra.
dwyn ), born on Sept. 27, 1933, in San Fran- antiuar film Th Nh C eEarded as classics tor Columbia
a profile of the pioneering no g aerent hneups. tualy, tne couple spt up.
cisco t nrepre She studied theater arts at the Flame" (1971) and "Birds of Fire"
Pré: A Bioeraphy" (1989), about eur and ournaist,ang Herbert Universityof California, Los Ange (1973), and one live album, "Be decade as a bassist-forhire withsheen farm in New Zealand.Hon
Herzenberg, abusinessman. les.
ln 19b6,sne marrieuey tween NOthingneSs & ECysome of the most esteemed names Ing to pursue a career mus, ne
the child prodigy cellist who deve- in
en a ayCarol
sions: The Lfe ofAnes de Milmothers second husband. Jack
was legally adopted by her In addition to their daughter
and their son Kelly is survived by
Mr Laird had already
prove himselfinthe jazz world as a
na, ournened pn satesventuy moved to Aus
rla, where he Bained a reputa-
(1996), which delved into the life ofastoaHolywood agent, and another soAndyverandc promising upright bassist, but among others In the late 1970s he ing to London.
TooK nis surname. dren, and a Drounet, dack
the choreographer who endowed with Mahavishnu he switchea to spent a brief stint in a band led by There he Decame nuse ne
dance wiuh a distncuve Amerlcan
e e the keyboardist Chick orea. Dassistat KOnnle >cos, a topaz
energy terplay over odd time signatures his own Sof F Sed musICans
New York Times Notable Bookof
the Year in 1996. It was described
oy Jennier unning. 1ne mess
Nonlemissions VIsanon.
was all dependent
power with re-
which featured Mr. Hender- some of the world's most famo

Carng unat& mus-

taenor the
Kes eguitarist
playeWes ne
knack for balancing
dance critic, in a review as an "ex- grew older, die Hubbard, and engagements
straint. stable as he Mr. Laird
cluding Ms. de Miles ground
and Broadway (in- h s tography. embraced his other passion: pho
He had bought cameras
with the saxophonists Sonny
Rollins and Ben Webster led to a
Dreaking choreograpny rorKla- me," Mr. Laird said ina 1999
homa"); her impassioned advoca- inte ship to Berklee
view wtn 5a5ayermapaine fellow musicians. He soon made College of Music in Boston that
outspokennPss first took Mr Laird to the United
the Arts; and her aOrasdeat taking pictures his ful-time job,
shooting States, 1in 1956. He moved to Los
(When she recelved the National reooaliih portraits, for law firms
py 0
Medal ot Arts in is86,MS. Easton
pendabe person in that band" agencies joined the drummer Buddy Rich's
wrote, she told President Ronald s payeu w also composed and re
Lardne But he band for a year betore relocatingS3
was necessary to Keep ne
tor now than you were in the mov testocorded irequenuy nrougout nis E
es rails" E v
SIcal e a Ne Vork Cit where he lived un- g
NO ntermissions, the review
concluded, "1s an absorbing, en
He was my rock, Mr. Cobham released. til til his death. He died in a hospice
read. and that is quite an accom
and explore musical that
n addition to his daughter, Mr.
Lairdis survived byhis sister, Tan
ayln an interview tor
Gutar Play
plishment for a
b0ok about so gate without his partner, Jane Meryl. His two flected on a career as a side musi-
him having my
pricKy and ser-made an lcon.. back!" marriages ended in divorce. C1an.
In The New TOT All of Mr. McLaughlin's band Richard Quentin Laird was born you play a supportive role,
mid-1970s amid disagreements ther walliam Desmond Laird.a chances of becomine
Easton's book, "For those who still know well
wonder, as do, how
made, she describes in
Milles choreographic
dance 1s
detail de
d lille
over money, creative control and
the role ot religion n the group
Mr. McLaughlin was a devoted
building contractor, was Protes
tant, and his mother, Margaret
Muriel (Le Gear) Laird, a home
by the average audience are very
slim he said. The more lve re
fined my skills, the less I get no-

came i her mind first, how Chinmoy and wanted the band to though neither parent was partic- "It'saparadox, but I don't mind.
many notes and what kind she express his teachings directly) He ularly religious, their families don't think I need my ego stroked
made before going into the studio" Her biography ot Agnes de Mille delved into the world of dance. I

would continue the band for years, weren't on speaking terms. Even like that."

Marjorie Adams, Big Fan

Ofa Forgotten Founder
Of Baseball, Dies at 72
By RICHARD SANDOMIR In the 1990s, an article about Ad-
Marjorie Adams, who tirelessly ams by Mr. 1Thorn in Eysian
romoted the canddacy of her es
Quartey, a baseball jour
Breat-grandfather Daniel Adams, nal, nelped Ms. Adams see her MCHELLE V AGINS/THE NEW YORK TIMES

a 19th-century founding atner o greand not only as "Daniel, Marjorie Adams, left, in 2015,
promoted the achievements of
Fame, died an July 7 in a hospice in the baseball guy" as he was known
Brantora, Conn. sne was 16.
n tne Adams Taniny
e ause was unE cancer, her nuanu Deg Payng tor
codified some fundamentals of
epnew e eat. bockers Base Ball Cub n l845. baseball in the mid-18000s.
randfather, who was known wtn the eam, he creaed
DOc (he came Dy his nickname le-ne snortstop pOSOnseay
gitimately, having received a med md halle and non fies, He
Pushing for a spot in
became Ms. Adams's consuming made his most critical contribu- the Hall of Fame for
passion. She advocated for him on Ons to the game n 1857 at a rule- her great-grandfather.
a weosite, at conerences, at meet-making COnventon ot which he

Deeeareh SARR) and at There he codified some of

vintage baseal estivals, where e infeet the lenth Awaiting the vote that Decem- ther's baseball career-an effort the earlier ones" ams's role in baseball history
ana an en
nicknamed herself Cranky. for
a game attnine innings and
hases 90
ber Ms. Adams told that included several visits to Coo
0n ingwnen estownad
Adams was nearly elected when
a narural appea the pre-integration era committee
came up for auction. Three surviv

cranks," a period term for fans. number of men per side at nine.
y s. Adams. athlete," she told
voted in December 2015. He re
5asebail s the naona pas ll, Adam emaned 00Scure SABR. "I'm a book person, a his
ing about Doc. You can't stop me." other candidate but two short of rule-making at the 1857 conven-
Wood chapter. "It's important that
r hietmn 2015 M
Adams continued her campaign to
She added: "As Babe Ruth said, tory geek" Doc Adams's election the required 12
Youjustcant beat une person who to thne Hal, she sand, would be tne
She was very disappointed,
iOn, sold for S3.26 milhon.

ihe historical record IS correct. se ner great-granaraters pro 50 times a day" Her tenacity at promoting her
ber of aze
SAB believed that the "LawsS would e
recora was a ror a long e, M. Tnorn presented ma- Marjorie Putnam Adams was great-grandfathers Hall-worth Search committee who helbed Ms. et ner greagranarather eiected
ember born on DeC.7, 1948,in Mannatan. nes5was Sucntnat sne once
Domn Adams with her campaign.
Doubleday was for many tion-era committee, which voted was a banker, I
her mother, Ad- Adams: The True Father of Base E ing, in 2018. But in July 2016, the
S Alexander
d DDSveo elade (5arkieAdams, was a Dai Sne nanded them out to Toni Hall resuructureu P
And arwright who esand erecutes rome
homemakerAftergraduating strangers and struck upconversa there talkine about Doc Adamsnamed it the early baseball era
the year before Jackie Robinson bia, Mo., she began a career as a "Then she wanted to be fair and That's what her thing was-to get until this December.
the Hall ot Fame
N.Y., With some ot the
in C0operstown,
Droke the color barier in Major
eague Baseball. Adams was put
saleswoman and interior designer
at rurniture stores in Manhattan
honest and printed up cards that
said, "One of the True Fathers of
ATew montis later, Ms. Adams
."Itsapity she couldnt hang on,"
Mr. Thorn said by phone, "because
tn e actuy
esearching her great-grandfa- phone, "She made me throw o
domentar grandathers day 1s

Josef Silverstein, 99, Scholar of Myanmar and an Adviser to Its Opposition Groups
By SETH MYDANS shut itself off from the outside
losef Silverstein, a scholar and world to pursue what Ne Win
Durneseway to soClak Guiding rebel leaders
Outspoken criuc or Myanmar's re-
Peve ay eaders Over a ny, ncudng rotessor on the concepts of
turbulent half-century, died on
ome in u
v y DE
NVARS federalism and
Joset Silverstein was on
son, Frank, said the cause academics who re D constitutional law.
ws complicaions of dementia.
His wife, Mariyn (ooper
KnEw and spoKe out about
and the terrible toll the military
FEUEKEN studies program at Cornell Uni-
collaborator, died eight days earli- continued to infict, Phil Kob versity.
rtson, tne aeputy arectorotne His introduction to the country
Professor Silverstein, whoAsa divI5ion ot Human gnts that would consume his iie came
aught mternaona P In 15,wnen ne received a Pu
that, he earned admirers nong

gers University in New Jersey, fo- the Burmese people ana their ad Rangoon, the capital (now Yan-
ue o democracy and human oun
tne woria, ana uhe gon), and complete his research
rights in Myanmar both as an aca ys
Or nis a0ctorae, wC ne r
rondadviser to opposition insights helpeu eEP n
His eived with honors in 1960.
groups. journaiists on track hrougn th vas to Wesleyan University in
ecause Or nis cricism or the wsanu turns orMyanmars
Connecticut, where he taught
military leOersp massacres of protesters in 1988 itacal science rom 1398 0
career. As a result he frequently and tne more recent siaugnter or
He then moved to Kugers, wnere
net witn reber leaders along theKOngya Musiims. tired and became a professor
borders with Thailand and China, we, at nen
ne emeritus in i992.
ederalism and constitutional law. telligent, insightful comment on *
e toeves or aD5ence to De
he was invited by opposition leaders to speak. A vocal aFubrignt lecturer at Mandalay
Professor Silverstein "was no developnents in Burma, Someone riti Silverstein Myanmar I990, when

in in
run-of-the-mill Western expert or in our bureau would say, Let's critic ot the countrys represive miltary leaders, he was denied entry tor most ot his career the University of Malaya in Ma
Hdemc, aung Larnl, nd nos agemcy's longtime Bangkok
urm verstein. "He was always looking tially making herself irrelevant. sales associate at Bullock's de
human rights activist, wrote in an Dureau chiet, wrote in an email. forward to the day of real demoe We have not heard Suu Kyi talk as partment store in Los Angeles.
appreciation published online this Andne aways came througn racy 1or Bur Suu y ProfessorSlverstein spent
tit Sothee
of the Institute of Southeast
month. Rather, he said, the profes n reb. 1,amntary coup ended in 1,aer proe ten ar SanS
scholars who "chose to Myanmar that began in 2011, Suu KV was Teleased from two ers abroad. Darticulariy bv failing marine. siening after Peari
Wa the nce rsAnE machol onand o Professor Silverstein's publica
tions include the books The Polit-
forego access to the countries and
peoples they studied and cared
when paliamentary elections
and other, reforms were ntro
decades of house arrest, Profes-
sor Silverstein was prescient in
to speak Out against the military
massacres of the Rohingya minor
Harbor and serving in the Atlan
tic, Pacific and Middle East war
aboutas they endured under duced, And the militarys bioody warning about the political com- ty.
eo Josef Silverstein was born in 1952 he ned a bachelor's Burma: Military Rule and the
hips protesters has continued. "To the outside world, nothing Los Angeles on May 15, 1922, the degree at the University of Cali- Politics of Stagnation (9).
After a coup in 1s62, when the Know hoOW devastated he has really changed with her, she middle of Frank and Betty
child fornia at Los Angeles, where he addnnon to nis son, Froressor
military, led by Gen. Ne Win, re would be knowing of the events is Suu Kyi and
all the beautiful (Heymanson) Silverstein. His fa- was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He Silverstein is survived by another
Manmar thern nowas Rarma Mr Gr said of Professor
Gray SNew Vork TmesShes sten Holvwo and his mother wa
a scenc m the StheasAsia
terr Brng

Jeutgs Beuths deutns Ueaths Bratns

ASSETTA came public school teoc his former wife it he br Celebration of Beverty's

a ehe e eoch of these toys in eoch Frisching, Adele Lit Modeline

oth to his profession
a dedicrted s
and his Lite will be held virtualy
Shooi ienen in
of Science triends
Gn hovin highshool cand usboy at the Brickrmngn Hioteteled the worie was.aity orggnizgtiorsBevery
Thot how.CarCuna Eris e
O esTdn FRISCHLINGAdele s. on stndards wos the only way d from NYU gnd sUNY Ar Dongtioos in his me dongtion toYour fovorite
torthe post 62 vear. TOaeth held at Fronk E Hie went on to become a ChildS
C io
three wonderful sons: Bil dertu friend andG pant of m 1076Modison AveNew York coreer Spanmed ix decode wDSCIENcedue died July 17, 2021. Devoted
there was a family that wasyegr, and will missher the Juy 21at 10pm with bunai tice, he served as Director of orandmother. She is survived
Frischlings are it! Cuppy and "Audrey metery. 73s Forest ces at Rockland County Com HOCHHAUSER-Beveny Jeremy (Debbie) and Emiy
tome of what love songs ore Feuerstein Farmily wDe recerv guests at also servino brietty as its ActBevery Hochhauser, 85, a no- Charlie, and Toby Frank and
e vite thot e 112E. 75th St, New York City, of Rise West School and a Pe Atlanta GA passed awoy aranTy

an Marrh 21st 1983, a AShes Chavi whosE value 5pm to 8pm. In lieu of flowers HavesHospifal. He was a Fiday morning after battling e
oldi d
chool ond Bucknell LUoivers UDOv. Those.or Us wno hod RSCHLNGAOee nation to the charity of yourmentor who served as Assis-Bevery thrived in her coreerwolt. to te ery er.Oe
than-iteDersonality, She SuDer Or
sThe not e
most wonderful person R airnin V,MD.
OC Di vers Du
Se woo
uroeons. Dr Hart olso two children A life-long lear
soon Tuand odmirable
lite. He ieft
never De
iting and colortul and but forever. Adele Dely
have all otthers, Corolyn en- penod whe
TLC. d fri
oen July 17, 2021 from complica-
E E wor OTSD
morketing, spending her d d ee e
oved wife ot Corl for over 62 V ew Yorhe med to Bos Chinese coob mortal services
and ESPN. and most recenty tectiongte and Datient core their three sons, BiL Jimmny ultina Psychigtrist at Arbourbashediy insisted upon exce- emorialservir
bv side with her father. CaroTeddy who a
woshipped in-Haw of Amy. Barbara and
aty at the gge of 8Dr.Hanwhat she belieyedinand reNoonTrioi ime 4th ROc
-vear-old son Coltorn Cassel- were always at the ready to RSCRL Robert Elizabethh amer, a student of history. se she loved,"One-of-a eviile. CTOHn9. Dse

ondhesisterKotherneand every time their help wassicians and Surgeons and Codoughter of B ond Bobbe g up with the latest medical tion for this beautiful "frog la-
red H. McGrath & Son treasure. Delly cherished ical Center mourn the pass-TUde wIose eroc the newest hardcover re by ol those who gdored her
ween the hours of sto Spm her lite. In the same wav that Adele Frischiling. With herery aspect of her life. She was ved theatre and opera riends in New York and At ALLACEodnne C.

e e
friends- Charlotte Elman member of our Board of Ad:eocher coowner o h greatSadnesswe amarathon of Colurmbo re-waiters home helpers do
f flowers, piegse dionne toervthing
else! You could ol-and Ac Frlscnano TO d
wit w predereasehhis weara tie fo almost every oc many others who could not
Cb Goodbar in one of the IarsEODcOOnoproS DEd rts fi AAD tth Cschewed the trend toward nd
afection. For Bevev
Maybe thafs why Delly and O Od EOe o COn
O e casual. Marty will be remem foo inapPpropriate no drink
RISCHLING-Adele- n P BO Vaelos MD Chair ed in Kind, She will be missed dan Nog ond Arvo. Devoted QUIC anreverert serise o o polco debde too con

r i Anil K Rusta MD. Interim COuse her le9ocy is that beingeriniaw, and is glso survived Tt eod
vevdear triend toe tte Dei hor the tinas thev Se O CultiesN.YC.
nofi the Facul TO 212 550-3sco. OR OUTSIDE N.y.C. TO TOUL FREE
1-a00-458-de n hnrdwokin tduanterudreond
nahle an o funn fter wemare indastrioshennene nd MedicineN MEMORIAM') FOR IHE HOLLOWNG ELITKONS Until 430 PM he dayw alidinat esiveSeot ond samh ister to
h S Colleoe.ot PhvsiciansS.ngivs Nstionae Fdion until 12-4 PM Ssturrtv toe Sntyis Nea Yor
w e ote d t i lumbia University su e calion Tuesday heough Friday. Phiotos patients., His home and office her four grondchildren 7och. and will loove you forever.
Beta Kapoa. We then both| hod the best nome: PLAY ITI RVon >eOona dnO >voney.A | Love always, Ball

TheSew Jork Eimes

Good Riddance, The Anti-Vaxxers and Their Enablers
TO THE EDITOR: Thechiropractor may offer a
TurboTax Re ""Better Safe Than Sorry': Los
Angeles Keinstates Indoor Mask
healthy alternative to traditional
nedical care. At our best, we can
Mandatine masks indoors for dysfunction of musculoskeletal
hose who are fully vaccinated njuries without the use or arues or
y puta uanperOn ne vccina ugey worst we are dan
on movement. I he atn tude may eapEupie astray win

have to wear a mask anyway? The positions on vaccines ex

nsteac oencouragng vaccin pressed by some health profession
tions, Lo5 Angeles COuny Is ais als in this article are misinformed

Many people fear the vaccine e penalized by our state boards.

it. The just reward o gongask
nyabuy SiatCned
JOANN LEE FRANK Re The kepublican Path From
CLEARWATER, FLA. warp peed Praise to vaccine
dREhot Opposition" (news analysis, July
The position of many Republican
Re "Where Few Got Covid viaccine, politicians, at least pubuciy, is tn
Binyamin Appelbaum LA
Many Get Sick" (tront page, July the government should not dictate
tnat our populaton receve vacc
NTUIT, the tax preparation giant The Arkansas pulmonologist
performed a public service last week Caring 1o pauents wno nve Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeting:
Dy announcing its eXit from a federal
flooded Cov1d- war People have a choce
program that let Some Amencans
use a free version ot its Turboiax soft- for Dr. Rebecca Martin to lament need your medical brown shirts
Deng unaoe to go nome to nave vaccinations. You can't force peo-
dinner with her kids. Ihat label ple to be part of the human experl
With this move, the company 1s mak
ommunity who refused a safe and
uit and the rest of tne tax prep inaustry effective vaccine fora life-threat e Be
want Americans to pay to file their taxes. ening illness ana now reyu e the government has the rignt to
itizenship. Intuit is clearing way expertise orce women to maintain pregnan
the for DEBBIE DUNCAN, STANFORD, CALIF cies, whether they like it or not,
the federal government to do what it
Ou nvedne oug agcrete a pu- ro THE EDITOR: ss antieabortion legislation.
ic website most Americans can
where People have a choice?
Prepare and nue lncome taxretums at no Re"Vocal Chiropractors Split the
This not come
Profession on Vaccines (Business, HINDA KELLER FARBER
as a surprise. ne ree
In countr such as Japan, the EW KOCHELLE, N.

Netnertads ana Brta, st tpay Anything that makes it more use

Iread this
ardcie wiu e
rs dont Tne tax Tetu
o ul tor Anerican täxpayers makes t a chiropractor from Missouri
ho an r Dnlawith ssuseru ror
tax preEparauon cOmpa- state with a low vaccnationre
enewaDie Energy
more complicated finances still need to which adv "free.
surrounded professionally and iHE EDITOR:
ill out torms and submit them, but ev- sions are promoting the
snread of
woud otfree, free" version of its TurboTax soft-
ryone else can simply check the gov-
ernments math and move on with their
e ware, says that it will still offer tree tax Covid, in all its territying formns.
vaccinated n
ron nes
filing, thougn
Fe program. Intuit
nor as part oe e
says it will be able
was graterui to be

In the United states, a strange coan The companies say teer in the vaccine Pnng centralzedWind and
10n nas repeateuy prevented cre ne the government is saving outside the strictures of the govem- Soar power agalnst decentrazed
ation of a simmuar ystem. 1ax piepe moneyDy y soludons
ment program. But the company maKES eolar supply
tion companies joudiy protest the untair mohe
avnense of tavnavers money oy cnargng ro extrds, lKe ad about 11
percent of America's elelec-
She Got the Epstein Story
fits by making it easier to deal with The federal review estimated 14 million is riciy. hats a tiny raction or

Ey dvewn support Aeneans paia 10r a tax prep program needs to craata an alormari h TO THEEDITOR:
wh.ts needed if we are to achieve
from anti-tax zealots ike Grover in 2019 even though they were eligible free to use Re "Her Fight to Expose Epsten,
NOrguist wno sav naging it easer
tat e A number Or Sler companeS sl Goldbers (eoum 1 1
electricity" by 2035.
raise taxes. The I.R.S. has joined the re- what should be a free service 0rer tax preparauon websires
eeeproram. Butt
as part o
woula De a
supposeI worked hard as a
journalist.T had a bit ot troublee
apturg e nuge wind power
of rural states like
SIstance at critical moments, earing
that it wil receve new veenes
Gependence on mist
responsidiitiespve tapreparo weDSTessS0govenment's bargain with industry is
ha i
without new funding impeding the astDu
ts w ramines with children un
yOten. kes no
rotten. tItmakes Subject was, as they say, hush- sion plans have been held up by
a plan to create
woae SCut- Py
PrEssure COmpanes to under hush. There were even moments of runaing nurdles and nieuons oe
5ystem for filing taxes online after fierce ineterusnessean esy er dangera prisonot or wo tween state and federal regulators.
The 1.R.S. should create a can own
create its
Ppositio1 irom tat conuOn O
tne u
willing. To make the government's sur
freesystem for preparing
could icense a private program and of
i RBut when I read Ms. Goldberg'sg's
column about what Julle Brown . transmission in the pending Infra
structure Framework is one criti-
ndustry sioned a deal with the IRSI Tert as d pubuc seTVIce went through trying to get the al step in the nght direcúon.
and filing tax returns. Austan Golsbee, a onetime eco lefo metoin Iamm humhled She Empowening the proposed Grid
exchangetor the agency's promiSe to ao
O g tne compnes dgresu to orer Obama, estimated in a 2006 analvsis not only knocked herself out to get permits is another.
ree versions ot ther tax preparation er a new ederal program. Tne Biden
on- that a government system tor tiling
he story, Dut sne aiso
a wu At the same time, we must make
decades, that Free nents as a tax cred- Spe Ax Terurs Coud sve wer The Miami Herald. opusnto veoP Sor
come households roughly $2 bilhonnp ower at the local level. Extending
it. People who filed federal incometax
ile program has failed to serve most
returns receve the money automat- the milions of hours of record-keeping
They allowed her to purstue
Americans. Seventy percent of taxpay story, ut
cut her salary, which led for residential solar beyond its
rs are eligible to use it. But in 2019, the cally people wno dont owe taxes can and paperwork that Wouia n0 1Onger
to her thinking about wnats
planned phaseout at the end of
ye 0 rournRt heranse onvernment need to De done my early years in journalism."
2023 Is one key step.
I nis must
Wyden of Oregon, tne include a provision allowing low
review. doesn't have its own tax preparation e ierald nad notning agalnst
The IL.R.S., starved for funding, has not site, it is stuck referring people to Intu- called for Congress to fund the develop- Ms. Brown, was Just it goin to convert the tax credit to an
paud to advertuse the reee
since 2014. The companies, naturauy SO e ao ne ment of a free filing program. A vehicle
This is not a time to choose
tohis in Snanish is nOW at hand: Democrats pia pss
t reporter's talent and industry
DIB ana going lo,
charge people for the same service. In- Last year, after the I.R.S. tried to
deed, aogged reporng oy tne JournalStrengnen the Free Fle program, tne
Ear to
rrepr h tne agency's aDilty

view OT that, it made no sense
for her to push ahead. But she did.
clearly need a vigorous commit

S nonpron DCnas snownneSecond-lgestproviderortax prep sort

should add a little more
so the her push is a book, "Perversion of en to Don.
ways that intuit, in particular, tried to ware, H&R Block, announced that it
gency can ease hee burden of tax filingg Jusbce, which Ive just ordered. PHILIP WARBORG, NEWTON, MASS.

In 2019, ProPublica reported that Intu- TurboTax sofrware is used by moreoreveryone eSe BETTY ROLLIN, NEW YORK The wrter is a seniorfellow at Boston
tadded lines of code to the free version Americans than any other tax filing pro- BINYAMIN APPELBAUM is a member of the The writer is the authorof "First, You University's Institute for Sustainable
f its Turboax website so that the site gram, is leaving too. eaitora Dard. cry" and "Last wish." Energy

A' Free England Descends Into Chaos

when the Engs, chaos for businesses and wae o ase waw
Tanya Gold rik in individuals alike, The situation has have some sunshine along hthe way? head. allegediy beat a sea gull to death
a crowded room, go clubbing, haveevery been called a
pingdemic, tor the sound or perhaps this is what happens when with a plastuc spade. 1 you love meta
over. No need 1or maskKS. But realy, it on people s phones.) Mr. you elect a charismatic pertormer with phor, England used to be the spade. Now
Oone the alert makes

was onday ti t lif

confusion Day, a monument to chaos,
Johnson's response was to airily excuse interesting hair and no thought beyond it is the sea gul
1 bad We
country's remaining Covid re Nevertheless. he said, do need to think the hair fluctuated according to the crushingy lostthe
the "we but then
ks feo
n Fittingy, Prime Minister Boris John
Son, lover of liberty (especially his own)
stick to the system as isgnoring
fact that the day before, he himself tried
the stock market. Now Ithink it responds to
polling. It is currently big hair to match
football championship, a fable about the
English national character we cannot yet
in he co and arcnitect of the "plan, couldnt cele- big polling, with the Conservative lead, bear to untangle for what it might mean.
and, er, the goddess of chance. (Scotland, in contact with Sajid Javid, the health and an ineffective op- fact of the day. That was a man who told
cination campaign
government has
wales a
ortnern irend,ue de minister, who was double-vaccinated and he osion,tretching to nine percentagea ewspaper woke up, did three
voednatons, hiave sensiDiy cosen to tested positive for the coronavirus on
etaln soe Tesu Saturday. (The English are discovering
lifted Covid restrictions, n enar
teverto think wenensndgrams
its terrifying
of cocaine who says we cant
still do not trade globally ?-drank 20 ciders, lit a
late Over the : 1
in but cases continue to rise. know
vears to scrutinize
*** Oe
previous week, 332,170 people tested pos- vincible.) Mr. Javid is new to the job: He
coronavirus-the most Since
itve lor the was installed last month after the previ No matter what M. Johnson Says, D-Day in reverse. There were no rules
Januara5 ne Delta varantcourses
around the country. New covid-l cases
ous health minister, Matt Hancock, was
photographed kissing an adviser in his of-
avoa SeisoatOn In Mronnsons
England, arter all, yesterday is a ifetime
nothing can dispel the sense that we are
a country in decline, segueing to crisis.
that day" he said. "I was off my face, and
Iloved every minute."
dizzying figure of 100,000 a day later in distancing guidelines with his tongue. Perhaps this is a strategy to achieve ers of malaise-like the fact that 30 per- kno vDy
e ehe nber ospt ..onnea toemted
is counttyslde residence, ybrid immuniy, wncn a great in major cent or Brius cilaren, tne nth-larg n archetype: a typical subject of Mr. John-

rections because of the vaccination pro
the popuanon vaccinated or esteconomin ond, as povery
homie the halting obfuscation, that is his recenty infected by the coronavirus (orbut also from smal things. Last week, te en sons experiment with freedom. What
happens next, we can't know. But it's
reeping un es son, wearing thin.
is In the first week of version of what seemed to be the govem denly with water during a rainstorm;
Details, details. This was Freedom Day, July, more than s00,000 people were ment's initial, much-maligned approach some people swam in it happily, despite TANYA GOLD is a British journalist who
s the government and the right-wing contacted by the country's tracking to the pandemic. But the government de its possibly being filled with sewage. In writes for Harper's Maguzine, The Specta- O
press insistently reminded us. The time service and told to self-isolate for 10 nies it. Instead, ministers insist a third Cornwall in southwestern England, a tor and UnHerd.

Black Workers' Jobs Matter, Too
Eric Adams Is
William Spriggs CAlREERS non-profit socia enterprise is
seeking a sdll-time General
Going to Save
Mananer with hiieineee erience
NAPRIL 2020, after the labor mar SENERALHELP WANTED OGUS of

ieeking someone for general help,

PIT Sales assistant sales, New York
women suffered job losses propor- We are looking forbigh energy
onate to those or wnite women. sul, g: filing, organižRg, errands,
career oriented sales assistanf ERIC ADAMS ARRIVES Tor unch alone, no
etrge or medla nanaier. He shows
nswering emails. Mustkoow how tnrive Sdds SENIOR ADVIsOR ASS says, that Joe Biden "asked to see" when
already nad nigner unempOy
ment rates, as has always been the case, type. $10 per hour to start nent. YOU must DA welFostablished ind the twomet recentiy to discussBn
but their unemployment rates did not onstantly $12/F wealth management orE enceHeorers a tomato salad ithno
BEGEPIION seeking a qualifier hautecrowned king
tact, while the Black unemployment rate wEEAEND of New York.
Advisor ASSIStant tO Jo
normally hovers around twice the rate we are seekpa a general pe
For some progressives, the prospec
or wnite people, the racial disparities in ,000 Adams as mayor (he still has to deteat
assistant to Sunday aftern
eight of the coronavirus crisis. between
He hours of H30a d Procesing Specialist vembery is a nightmare. Hes been a
Black job losses were not as extreme 5:00p.$12/H
ciens Seekng a talented and thorn in the side of every institution he's
s mgnt nve Deen expeeu e erièqcedWor ever Dee"P ol

ecialishtn ininaeir
ProceSs team for a etical As
Hes aaormer
ormer co
April 2020, the ratio of Black to white un-
enpioyentnas peenonaatntOrerurn NEW AD r U crat who was once a registered Republi-
an, a nacnine pontCan wno cAsts ni
city Dureaucracy, a self
to its typical level Ddck w
Sales Assistan sOe or

oloyment as their white neighbors charter schools and real estate
on-profit socialenterprise is develop
nere ae g0oa reasons ror bOtn cen
tral bankers at the Federal Reserve and kng a tul-timegeneral iWe currently havean excell
aw-and-order whorerutes uedea aa
centiy slip back into tolerating these dis agerwinbusness experience For the rest of big-city America, not to
parities as an acoeptable facet of eco- ad ana manag3, tne Tocus o opportunity in bur sales office. mention the Democrauc Party that usue
nomic normalcy.
Work will be on sales, more intormatio about ally runs it, he s a godsend.

hat the l tnk ceting, $60,000 per annum company. See our website becoming the party of urban misrule,
problem of longstand ing strains in
the ust as they were in the I9r0s. In Portland
Black commumy. No long ag0, he Fed Send resume. ana >eatde, pro8ese ayo
eral keserve based ES policies On a me
and rioters, In San Francisco and Los
level of unemployment, which led
bankers to sIow dow the economy
ENGLISH CLASs UnIG 1S 10pKing Tor a Angeles, to homeless
aadicts. n Chicag0 an
encampmenus na
Tral peptionist that ilooking to grow
whenever the overall unemployment
ant Englisinas a S our a driyén, passionate and:
centre ois is position ew ork the city that in ne
siek 1990s and 2000s led the way in the his-
sequence of this mentality, every month
Irom september 1S/s to June 199, the
Accent Redu for
notivated person. Candnadonwie reductions in crime,
Black unemployment rate was in the
Lessonfees CALL NOW
Economists have tried to rationalze
this disparity by sayng t merely relects
person, $20/hr pe We year-old girl hit by stray bullets in May in
DOd dyign
ust "
difterences in skill evels. whether said etuient sTANEY H W TORE TMES THOTOC ATWSTNDOI vo DEVONTL, V ikTT IMACES is
ams s
stuca nves is
mission is not to let New York go the way
Skills and bence lower
levels of been gong up becau se the increase plarnation tor these
2p, becse their dseination i hiing and pax 5nce of Port) or >an rrancisco.
policy Tixes for it. This approach labor and anti-discrimination policies Ey 15 ne ponce. In 2D19, multiple
strained at this point to be believable: . ES Success rate
hiah at finding jobs. Despite record job open-
gnores historical evidence that discrimi have fallen out of favor (at least until
very recently). So wage gains stagnated.
no response after being doused by
e Dureau or Laborsta n n ne 1abor market can be ob-
school dropouts is almost always below neckiers with bucketS o waterwhen
over all, are
not uelcom. at Sald were going to lose tn
nempoynent over Survew emplovers Slack men made relative to white men Council of Economic Advisers, is among hat
across all eaucadon levels. why would the senior economists in the Biden ad- officer, you didn't attack that individual.
ing Black workers with open arms; they

school always have lower unemploy- ppear to De iooKIng past tnem.

The result has been a steep ciimp
ministration who better unaerstana ue You attacked the symbol or sarey
ment rates than Baack people, even as entral bankers shouldnt Shipto enduring heightened Black un Adams graduated from the police acad
Black peope increasedtheir leveis O ea emy in 1984, another era ot diminished

to these months of
workers-still the last hired, as the say
5 E A ne lbor marketsS current
ignore racial disparties in e
seems to now understand, according to
tne pandemic recovery since April, the ne nteu States is HKely to get unemployment. s D
r ot more peole of For progressives, a
unemployment rate for white high
school dropouts
h late fallof 2022 That wod be on all colors left on the sidelines who can be
nightmare. For big-ciy
gres. Only last month didiates de-
the Black un- another slow
time for
time late
for the longterm unemployed,
course, recovery
showed emplovedthut
ofrom 6untthe
for that the pro-labor mind-set ot institu 70
Egniting nlatio than
America, a godsend. moensto anorithe Ao
P Delow DlcK unemployiment rate.
tne unem- moral issue; it ignores potential growth
In addition to union-friendly policies
pioynenrate orngnscnor from lono-term unemplovment. with iob- and higher rates of union membership or faith in law enforcement, not least among
explain why the Black unemployment
er un e
ispane unem
less spells that are somewhat worse
than EWncrusion O Black WOrKers who had
r DlCKwoTkers. Ana, IKe Black e rae
There will be doubtersin the montis
few decades is a dangerous one that we
cops themselves. 1he prevalng
y Was, "TOu hold on for 20 years,
ployment rate, given Hispanic educa- oestnissrue even or gny eclue n
tie nation's minimum wage laws. There was ought not repeattor our economy and ing you're going to do about crime." Here
exceed Black people's.) that weak job networks and social dis- also a new level of inclusion of Black Pp Jecteatat atude ana nade nis name in
the 1990s as a dissident officer fighting po-
n the past few months, Black workers criminauon are 1SSues plaaguing both woKEwell as eyin the public worplces
who nave Deen
siueuneu navee sector. Tne
WILLIAM SPRIGGS 1S a professor in the
departmment economics at iowrd
But he also believes that effective po g econo-
0 acuve as an ev.
t oto donot like racial discr Act of 1964, which finally abolished legal mist for Dss r usuce, nDE
Cnsneit. Well-intentioned n ene
liberals, he
pealing, attractive con satiion. ou
Know, Black LVes ater wel, ir tney

The Subway Crime Problem Wont Fix Itself matet, aamn it, then we should be talk-
natad DEng assassi

He argues for reversing the state bail

Nicole Gelinas Crowds help, but they are not the ony rerorms tnat reatedsOme roopernes as
Prevene orce avallaoen 10 m

the subway and 18,324 felonies overall. In last year by Bill de Blasio and for using
tered Manhattan Stop-an e
the wake of these statistics, the transit heremnds

Street every weekday in recent

unarcn or220. MOSt
police under Bill Bratton sought to stop
people from commiting small crimes
constitutionally abused
eto fill a weekly
ping it
nto tor uay Civlans.
would prevent them from committing P
0 rAs
As for abolishing the police: "When
ground and streamed into offices a worse crimes.
Over he past ive years, the police
see that cop at the top of the stairs."
way theatets and nes e nave easeu Suc
Ater reDuking certain proressives
town and Lower Manhattan the anchor of enlorcement still works. Of the 779 peo-
New York's finest, heewsn
pe arrested he subway system this est. "Sixty-five thousand families pay 51
ana rebruary, o, 0 .perce
SIXteen months after New Yorks lock- January
percent of our incone taxes, Saly e
resembles that on sleepy Sunday, So n e r Pe hose income taxes are going to the po
many of the city's highest-paid workers 0day the problem is that this type of tion. We have people who say
are still working at home full time, keep- entorceent has ralen with reduced rid- whether the rich leave? You'd better
nces n e to their ership. In the yearS Defore tne panoenc, connect the dots. care
prepandemic levels. minor infractions erime remained low toun becaSe of sv.hieh taves houch
But we need to comront a root impedi- This was, in part, because of near-record he should). But he knows that they'l flee
ment to New York's coming Tuly back to Subway crowds. But now the crowds aretosarey T tney nave to Tear tnat their
gone, and Satety in numbers has disap
and someother cities, too: Tear of the sub- he c1y
ters of daily he
wlys. paenCeequ
visitors to Midtown and
EIRSTKN LACE FOR THE NEW YOR In his overall reform of the Police De- does itself with its results-unfriendly bu-
partment, Mr. Adams should staft the eutrcy
more than 2.2 million on the subway. To-
Riders will stay away it transit system with more officers to
wer cwilan foot traffic.
d e uss
day, weekday subway ridership remains uus nard to protect against. Of the tive pen, but you have the Department of
less than half ot normal.
also fear crime and har
theyre scared. The police Pple areste orSOtnesuDwy
killings since Maen 2020, none
to engage respectfully and with minimal dngs nat takes er and
tnerco1-0 to get inside?"
Covid. but the need to step uP agaln. eforce w with suspected fare-beaters and
he asks
assment, according to the Metropolitan to0, have increased. In
Other felonies, &.lT
agessors. pancy.Try opening a hotel: If you can
vast majoriy o enrorcement for
ransportaon Autnonty in tne irst e were Telonies committed " get sprinKer systen pe
oy O city toward the police, this will be a test per millon rides, up rom 1.45 in 2019.
to be civil fines, not criminal charges. And ouea
miracle maker
risk of violent felonies against people as the CompStat program did inthe 1990s
and harassment on trains, down from 65 him to meet. the city must make clear, through better
percentinthe inalquarter otz0. sta n A new analysis of subway and police opposed to property. reporting, that t
wll not toerate raca when it took police units out of their re-
s ues ere suse
Prce data that l created 1or the Manhattan In My analysis tound that violent felonies
Spectve Os o make tnem See the
lown from around 70 percent. counter the threat of crime and har- have increased disproportionately com- to go back up, fixing the problem natu- down from historic highs to historic lows,
w0ETs ve d ueedso assment againstpotential riders. Be pared with nonviolent property rime. ray t iste possiple tnat suway rd until liberal guilt got the better of prag
O woy Do s E
S tween January 2020 and May ot this year, During 2020, despite severely reduced rshp wil Stay at depressed leveis Tor matic good sense. At one point he guotes
Eric Adams, most kely the ay's next erage number of killings on the subways Though the situation has improved bigger crowds. have to catch the mouse" It happened to
ayot, 1 EOng t0 nave to solve. nas Deen one to twO annuaily. In ne Snce hen, it is Tar Irom normal. Accord
FearYorkof the subways partly defined have been a Tavorite ot Deng Xuaoping
V e e pe E yS sNew
amsw safe
in the 1970s and 80s. Mr. Ad-
on the
LISteningto Adansn0d rOrtn ue tnis
he knows it well. The city needs to
in-.Crime underground is still rare. But it lent felony, as opposed to a property-theft people feel af ful experience, because it's so refresh
Cese th evepoce enoceents ess rare than it was Derore. oreover,Telony in 204L Tthrougn une, at an aver rails. giy ree or Ideologica Cant TAdams
against smaller crimes in subways. the nature of these crimes introduces an
the age of 1.5 instances ot bodily harm per
GELINAS IS a contributing editor to
vem as
Cmembe ne campaigned, he'l be re-
enough to use transit to go back to office crime above ground, crime in the sub- three times the prepandemic average. the Manhattan Institute's Cty Journal. York from walking itself off a ledge. It
Jobs and other activties. Given the pos- ways appearsto be almost always What can we do to combat crime on the She is at work on a b0oR about New York probabiy Wont be the last, much less he
ture of many progressive leaders in the stranger-orn-stranger. ubways? City's modern transportation history. highest, office he'll hold.

Weather Report Meteorology by AccuWeather

vaca Metropolitan Forecast

TODAYShowers, strong thunderstorms
Hgh 86. An approaching front will bring
P he snotty showers or thunder- M WI
> Record
storms, with the greatest risk for stronger
storms occurng auge d
TONIGHT . ..Becoming clear
LOW b. Inunderstorms may linger into
hy the evening in some neighborhoods. The
est o ue 8 he oler
pe than last night with a light breeze. Normal
t Louis highs
TOMORROW Less humid, some sunshine
Hgn 83. Dy air wil move in, ana there 30
Lte Rock wilbe sunshine with some clouds. Ihe
temperature will be close to average with
a light breeze.
t Worth FRIDAY ..Afternoon thunderstorms
90s Another front will bring a mix of sunshine
daretorme during the aftenoon Hieh 84, 70 Normal

Party sunny Saturday
Sunday will be mostly sunny and season
abie with lOw to moderate nurmidiny. Hign
undy w ou6a
possiDie, Forecast

mainly later. High 83.

HH OW MTY SWRs 5508M lows


Highlight: Gusty Thunderstorms Today National Forecast Metropolitan Almanac

The leading edge of cooler

d ess nun ir nthe th

w Gamp
s e a, 1Or ne 16 nours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday.

pectea to bring a line of

he Interstate 10 and 20 corridors. Some Temperatun Preapau0
gusty thurnderstorrmi aa
cOmmunies may De nit nard witn Tiasn 00 MON. YESTERDAY Record
an To0ding
Northeast today. The Ror the last 30 days
prrary SK TTOm tnese through the Ohio Valler and r ern ACTUam

os w De locaily
darmaging winds, especialy
states with heavy. gusty thunderstoms. last 365 da
ridor uring
with nign winds, nail and riash iOOding h 84 **
the Detroit LAST o DAYS

afternoon nours. Because HUNDERSTORMS America will linger in part of the region
ion Ar pressure Humidity
or SaturatEu
os, isbur here will be spotty storms over the
not täke mucn raintalto onpignae pper portion of the Mississippi Valley
while much of the central and southern low og
looding. 13
n Deg
More storms will dot the interior West
witn isolateO Has oo0ing and guSy Teslerday snas aate

winds. Much of the Pacific Coast will tar this se (sance January 1) 613
remain dry.
Trends emperature Precipitation
Cities Los Angalo 71PC 70 PC
y89 0 112/ 94 S 112/ 91
Dm, vesterday. Eastem time, and precipitation (in inches) Momchis anghai 3y 81 0 3/ 81 PC 91/ 81 T
st days
Miwauko ycnay 6y 47 0.02 58/ 42 R 62 Pc 30 days

douds Nanhyile hran 7/ T8 0 9 82S 100y 82 S

Reservoir leves New York Caty waber suppy)
365 da
L. ce T.
Soow shor
Thunderstorms 0 70 P 23 ordan

Est. normal 91%

Cnar w haw een
eere precwso

Dain W Windy y8S in F57 001 72/ 60 R 757 BC


eteuk 30 P
PCRecreational Forecast
Yok GN PC Sun, Moon and Planets Beach and Ocean Temperatures
87/ 69 0
63 0 63 PC
ast QUrter New rst Quarte
lodays Drec.ast
8/65 T 64 PC
tanbul 86/ T7 0 8/ 38 82 TS
ronton 3/63T 63 020
er Sat Lako Cty
10:36 p.m 49am
anDiegp 70 PC
00/ 69 0 B Sun
8m. Moon . 3/63 Shower, thunderstorm
TO San Jose 74 0 80/ 71 S 8/ 718 ape ce
E 2r30 84/ am. a.m.
Saettlo is 63S 8 ts s Per B:31 53
71 0.12 8 71T 8/ 73T Sncane me B67 0 86 67 5 87/ 67 S Sature LL North Shoe
wwwh O.D pat.
HOug T2 0 8 4T 8 0 Thoems 81 PC 55 0 6/ 53 PC 78 54 PC "

0 0.04
S5 G 65T Tamcs
6 0 74/ 57 PC
7 se s e0/69A strong thunderstorm

uttalo 81/ 64 0 75/59 PC 75 60T 7T 7T North America Yesterday Today Now ork
Ba/6BA Uhunoe
ach 79 004 8/ 81 Pc 8 79 Sh Ffarbor.

hattanooga y 70 0.70 87/71 T

72T Gaalaar 5 R617 8 61T a/66A thundertarm
Cncinnat 8/ 67 0 82/ 63 PC
OceanCilly Md
y/OA uroenio e
olorado Springs 8/61 0 7ATe 2 AT 72 T

CeE NH :30 am 6:04 p.m.

My 78Pary sunny
879 0 88/ 80 PC 8/ 76 PC 9 0.0 PC B T Barneel inet 5:43 am B:13 p.m. teemnerabure,

. 0 B1 60 T

52 0 74/ 54 PC SHG

264 0.05 54
B4 67 0.11
3Y 62 0.02
76/ 59

Sh 74 54 PC
87/ 68 PC
Beach Havern
Ciy Island

7:09 a.m
9:44 am
7:41 p.m.
p.m nere win
midity at the beaches
De moderdre warm and nu
today with periodic

74 045 75 T
5T Bejing
A 5a
5 Port shneton 1A 10130m during the morning, then strong thunder-
71 1.18 87/74T 7AT Hong Kong
740 5T CSendy Hook
551 am
623 .m
storms at many beaches during the after-
Kansas Oy uito 50 n0.02e 51 PC 67/ 50 C Stamford
:34 9:53 p.m. O gLdeg
& ess nurmid and mostlyy
as Vogas 04/ 87 0 103/ 87 PC 104/88T Marin n da.
Janoro ry 61 0 7 82 oc 7 64 S **" 38 wed
BybP MumbM 85 81 T antago 3 38 PC PC

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ebe siew JJork Cimes


Dentsu, an advertising giant In upstate New York, a The Norwegian beach

that had been on track to be revival is percolating for the handball team dares to ask
Japans biggest winner ot the business complexes emptied the question: Why do we
Olympics, faces a new test. when IBM lett town. have to wear bikini bottoms?

| |

Ehe Netw orkTimes

Longing for the Lunch Crowd's Return



New York City food vendors are seeing slight upticks in business, but for many the operating costs are prohibitively high. "I'm never going to make what I made pre-Covid again," said Nicko Karagiorgos, the co-Owner of Uncle Gussy's.

Thousands of food truck operators and cart vendors in New York, dependent on hungry
office workers for meaningful profits, are forced to adjust to a changed city.

CORAL MURPHY MARCOS r S ny eaningrues, students and out-oftown vis
your friends like the food last making it worth their while to haul chicken and rice to coffee and an
Around l:30 8. timee
hattan, the line for Uncle Gussy's
5ut soon, he got to his real ques
tions: when is your office reopen with
Duaings i up even steak meal5. 5ut tor now,
IO0d ruck Startea to Torm. workers and tourists return thesevendorsare primarily

snerucK Served warm gyros iw Food trucks and cart vendors Some offices have
begun bring
the customers who wandered out For Mr. Karagiorgos and thou are part of the city's fabric, fast ing employees back and there has
of the sleek office towers nearby, sands ot other to0d trucks and and inexpensive options tor hun Deen an increase in tourists, but
Nicko Karagiorgos, the food cart's endors in New York City, their gry office workers, retail employ- coNTINUED ON PAGE BS

New Pleas Medical Debt Much Bigger Than Thought Biden Turns to a Tech Critic
To Vaccinate By To Fill a Top Antitrust Post
Americans owe nearly twice as
On FoxNews much medical debt asamount
was prev DAVD eose. And this McCABE
owed has h e The white House said on Tuesday g execunve order aimed at in-
By caana Yconcentrated in states that do that it would nominate Jonathan Creasing compettion acroSs the
Hsu L0n na
not participate in the AToruae er De ne top anarust offl y ana nming corporate
ne morninE ancors plea wasCare Acts Medicaid expansion cial at the Justce DEp
Mr. Kanter, 47, is the founder of
of terms: Get the Covid-19 vac New research published on longtime critic of Big Tech and Kanter Law Group, which bills it-
cine, or you could aie. "t will Save uesaay n JAMA Tnds t corporate concentration to a pow- self online as an antitrust advo-
your life, he said on Tuesday, collection agencies held Sl40 erTl regulatory poSIon. cacy boutique" He previously
year. An earlier study, examining an antite law.
point Mr. Kanter
he ne
media as the highly con-
Deta varantarives a ise debts in 2016, estimated that Don'tTake st
yer who has made a career out of A Career bult on
n coronavirus infections. Amencans neid d8l Dillnon in representing rvs representing rivals of
was Steve Doocy. the conserva-This w paper
tive co-host of "Fox & Friends,"
took a mOre
complete look at which patients
MyCare tech glants

tw the ad- Facebook and Google.
iso siding with the
and the venue was Fox News, the have outstanding medical debts, growng ed wa
pert urdoco K nnvuswo donot Wee ind n
the view that vaccines can be dan- counts. Using 10 percent of all sze
power over the way Ameri son. His services have attracted
erous ana Amencans are Just rednt reports irom the credit
ned in refusing them. rating agency ranso
cans speak with one another, Duyone o nost promunent e
products online and consume iCs ot Big lech in corporate Amer
ot th e only big
Fox News personality to intensify of Americans hold medical debt Mr Biden has named other crit News Corp and Microsoft as well
nis warnings about
the coronavtatIS in couecons.found that, cs of Big ech to prominent roles,asupstars ie pouny rep. an
rus this week. >ean iannyurgea I ne
Such as Lina Khan, a critic ot Ama
conirmed by the senate,
take Covid seriously-I can't say cal bills herame the lr Co T the Justice Denartment that last
it enough. He added: "T believe in source of debt that Americans gal scholar who says regulators ear filed a lawsuit arguing
tne science of vaccination. Owe coileCtlons agencies. overall ES
need to crack down on the tech gi- Google had illegaly protected a
cONTINUED ON PAGE B3 cONTINUED ON PAGE B4 A debt gap between states with expanded Medicaid and those without grew. |
ants, serves in an economic policy coNTINUED ON PAGE B4

The Digest

agency that oversees the coun


4 Trump-Era Rule g8est Danks, the office of Raly Shows Wall St.s Divide on Virus Risk
On Redlining Is Scrapped ill the cu By ESHE NELSON
rent verslon ol the rule and start saP INDEX and CORAL MURPHY MARC0S
On a ew one
The S&P 500 Index
nttde more than a year, one of
ne irump administratuons slgna
S Pped back on
rebounding from Wall
Street's ro Or tne >ar S0 Index at 1-minute intervals on Tuesday.
ture changes to ban king rules 1s worst day in months in a dramatic 4,340
tor, Joseph Otting, tinalzed a re
leThe rule was supposed
supposed to gve
to give e
streamline ts e u wo among investors over the threat of w 4,320
anks a road map for adhering to make ke to fok the Delta variant to global growth.
ne ommuny Kenvestment low. But critics said they would
Act, a 40-year-old and-reanng we aken the rule and let bankS Tu *****

eo l their dutes without helping as The quickening spread of the

of monetary noliev haeh
ninority communities that they and other services in the banking DOW JONES NDUSTRALS nath
normaily avola. On luesday, the system. EMILY PLITTER a reminder that the economic re
*** Previous close
ECONOMY markets this week. The S&P 500s
Home Construction percentunp eY** LO
d. VOOn p.m. 4p.m.
ts biggest daly galn simce ia cal Sauroe: Reuters HENEW YORK TS
Jumped 6.3% in June
Monday was its sharpest decine
since r 1ay.
Home construction in the United 5anksalso bounced backtroma
States vaued 3 percent inune "Markets are ciearrease Housing Construcuon rocky session on Monday. JP Mor

another big swing in a volatilee NASDAQ COMPOSITE INDEX while Mor

ariant" said Hugh Gimber, a New private housing starts a
+1.5/% strategist at JPMorgan Asset permits authorized during tne than 3 percent.
The rise in June put home con 14,498.88 Management in London. "Noth- month, at a seasonally adjusted
5tructon aEa Seasonaauste
annual rate of L.64 million units,
e The swings
investors havent
this week show that
setueu ye
the Commerce Department re very effective at preventing se Starts impact bets on the economy's re
Home construction starts rOse
2.6 percent in the west ana 3.i ily homes.
vere ilness, but the optimism 2.0 million.
ny and now
ers Openngneres strong gu
ment to be made tor growtn to
percent in the >outn, otsemng Supply chain problems ciausea reopen has faded this week. ber of cases, said Priya Misra, the
" Dy e coronavirupaue
w ran overnnen Dons
was volatile, with the yield on 10
head or Strategy
0r TD200 ne
10-YEAR TREASURY YIELD est rate markets at Securities.
APplications for building per earlier faced
its declined in all tour reglons. and inflated prices for lumber, L.23% sharply before recovering tO the U.S. will keep hospitaliz
hose decunes coudvaldate Home-building activity has *u0 pon
about.23 percent. On Monday 1onslow," Ms. Misra said. "Even I
the yield had tumbled 10 basts
Source: Commerce
sales over the last year may begin digit swings in either direction.
o Siow, especlally TIor single-fam- ASSOCLATED PRESS Stocks are taking their cue from
Deprtne aN Traders in particular w
ne ond marker atne oment, After trading ended, United payinE CHOSe attenuon to
a matey, reopening as a test case that could
Mnber sald losaid it lost $434 milion duringg the
HEALTH CARE tributed to better-than-expected
even lower is not consistent but fared better than anticipated vaccinated population can reopen
HCA Healthcare Profit earnings In the uter aa a
CRUDE OIL (U.S) with strengtn or the global eco during that quarter and expects to without restrictions said Mr
raised forecast for 2021. omy toda ne sald. n the cur Der o oPMOrBan Asset Man-
Surges as Admissions NSe $67.32 proitady
oroavirus cases started S0.90 tumbled 2.3 percent on Mondav
00, which
Airlines rose 8.4 per On Monday, the British govern-
The first major hospital chaln to climbing around the country ts worst day this yearrose 0.3 cent and Norwegian Cruise Lines ment lifted most ot its coronavirus
with how much
r ir has aroat e
agalnOver the last tew weeks,
urwing concern from federal offi-
ues prices, cimbed 8.3, percent after tum restricuons
more thanDercent the ayurecautin
England Dut stl
country re

plaly spreading pandemic C Tuesday's rally left some sec tions from the Delta variant have The same day in the U.S., the State
curtaled surgeresd o nearly
varant spreads,
every state as a hlgniy
co u
they were betore Monday's sell
prope ay ovennents to
maintain or reintroduce travel re-
Deprunent entes D an
ease Control and Prevention told
CA Healthcare said Tuesday
naatadmissions to its hospitals vng
minons of still unvacci-
GOLD (N.Y,) gained 6.6 percent ahead of its and mask mandates. New cases of there. On Tuesday, the British
Soaredwhile Covid-19-related second-quarter financial report coronavirus also continue to over pound tell 0.3 percent against the
are fell in the threemonuw ASSOCIATED PRESS
1,81 on Tuesday. It had fallen 5.4 per shadow the festivities of the Tokyo U.S.dollar, to its lowest level since
dow tnat ended une s0. 1nat con- cent on Monday. Oympics


What Happened in Stock Markets Yesterday REFINITIV

s&P500 4323.06 15% Nasdaq Composite Index 14498.88 T 1.6% Dow Jones industrials 34511.99 T 1.6%

4,400 36.000

13.500 S3000

3,000 320
3,B00 31.000
2500- May May

Best performers Worst pertormes Most active World Stocks TOTAL RETURNASSETS

HCA Haakhcare (HCA) $248.0014.4% PPG ndustrie (PpG) -4.4% pple Inc (AAFPL) S146.15 +26% 62 Vanguard Total htl Stock lndax IwýVGiS) 26.4% 0.9% 51932
Amarican Ail (AAL) 20.56 +8.4 Omnricom Group (OMC 43 Alion Phar (ALXN 182.50 L7 005 American Funds Captal ncome Ba AAIEA +18.6 6.6 67 4

2368 *8.3 12.70 5.8 751 Ancan uOS w SeCve AWP

4CoroxCO R2A -28 oOMolor Co(F) 139 4.Amencan Funds Capta Wond GrkincAICWGBO) 620
25.63 6. Vertax Pham (VRTX)
196.55 14 Bank ofAmeri (BAC a7 69 21 594 6. Dodge &Cox irtarnational Stock DOOFX
. Pfizar Inc PR
Dovr Cp(DON *o. E 7. American Funds SMALLCAP World ASMCWX) +38.8 +17.9 382
& Amencan Arl AAL 8. Fidlity Iernaticnal indeFSPSX
.32 *O% 62
M c 132.51 -11
(AEPGX) o4

Sector perfomance How stock markets fared yesterd ay in Asia .. . in Europee . and in the Americas.

Industrials 2.7 w York1.5%

Real estate 1.9
w oe Toronto+1.1%
Consumer discrebonary +1.7 London +0.5%
Information fechnology +1.5
Materials12 Shanghai .1%
Health care 2

onaton servces +1.1

Uities Major stock marhet indexes

-O.1 consuimer stapes 1.9

6p.m. 12 a.. 6a.m. 12 p.m 6 p.m.

What Is Happening in Other Markets and the Economy

Bonds Currencies Consumer rates Commodities Economy

Key rates 1 euro- $l1.1783 s100 a barrol Crude oll Unemployment Rate Consumer cofidence
Fad Funds
Borrow ww 15%


16 17 18 21 12 '14 16 18 20 18

Yield curve $1-10985 yen 10a bushe Corn New-home ales Industrial production
w Savings
ra 000 thousarnd


17 38 19 20 21 10 20 21 12 '14 16 8


Suffering After Delay

OFOlympics, Dentsu
Faces Another Test
By BEN DO00LEY country's largest marketing firm,
and HiSANO OENO wiun a grip on neary 28 percent of
not an official spon- e counrys vast advertising
or ot the Oymplcs Dentsu started life in olasa
who begin tuning in this week. But nes gency Derorereangaover
wnu ne 1okoGames cOuld coent wn
not have was
the Olympic the lead-up to World War Ii it
curtain is Dentsu, an advertising intoa state-tun news
EOnatn ith near mythical levels a pumped out propa
nd inuence apan
hied anest economy it has be-
n nder 11Sceunation the or
ganization split into three parts:
come a major figure in interna- eney Dentsu and Japans
a prom
P Playe Ye hyoo

ent roe
o In the years since, Dentsu nas
clusive advertising partner, bring Decome iard-wired into neariy
cordsnattering >3.6 bil- ey or nsticuuon in Japan.

1ro control and media connections, it has

over the Olympic marketing bo served as the unoicial conmun
nanza, Dentsu stood to be Japan's
DIBEeStWinner O isea ite more than 75 vears in nearly
ayed havoC with the event, a coninuous power
company accustomed to always he conspiratorially mindedd XUG MILIS THE NEW

unfamiliar ositon n anas Japans CLA, a puppet master Dentsu stood to be Japan's biggest winner of this years Games. Now there are fears of a public backlash against companies underwriting the event.
Its expectation of an enormous using its vast network to gather
windral nas awindled. 1he aaver tot pans competition regulator has rely entirely on private funding, mostly provided logistical support Burns, a sports consultant and
using campaigns and promodonalOs le wce issued warnings. entsurusned to putis corpotrate and nandled ne domestuc side or Tormer nternaonal oympic
mparison is fanciful, said
on traditiona media both broad. Rut hehind the seenes the sit. to
mount in the months before the
Olympics have been canceled or
Ryu Honma, author who began
cast and print, Which are loath to
lead in the bid
process when Japan hosted its
ation appears to have been murki-
Tf ou're goin
marketing business in Japan,
d Sports

Dentsu of
pared down. depriving
e parts of the sport-
he n aa
made itself indispensable to
offend the company and its cdients
Denteule Tdominae nce has
second Olympics, the 1998 Winter
Games in Nagano. And when l0
er1he French authorities have
y en
o, 0E Ost
o your irst ana last
y d a 10

ng pageant. pan nc. made it an indispensable partner summer Olympics, the company tions of corruption surrounding Dentsu was in need of a win. It
And with thempics about toeni nito apans political class I as
was the obvious choice. the Tokyo 2020 bid process. has struzgled to adjust to the rise
clients hae e
1oyota, a top sponsor, said on
n done. no matter how diffcult,For
years, it was KnOwn rora rutniess
nietr hi t Tokyo
arter a
lost out to Rio de Janeiro
the closing ceremony of the 2016 wide LDentse D d
Among the questions is the role
nlowee nlaved in lobbving peo-
ot digital media. was damaged
suicide link
and a high-profile
Monday that it would not run xese d olympics in Rio de Janeiro **** DEE nam- ple with longstanding connections the companys Intense work cul-
dai ments. instructing emplovees to
e cOmpany
sway the outcome
n an enort to re. deven derOre the corona
flecting concerns about a possible never let goof a job, even if it kills Nintendo-also a Dentsu client.
What kind of message v ne rm
Us, nad oEgun posung
to t the
pubic bacKIasn aEanst c0mpa Sportsnas long been a criucal ao you sena rignt now: tion of the head of the TokyoBut when the pandemic hit,
nies underwriting the event.
ece O Lne copanys rst ad
t's a really difficult Olympic commitee. Dentsu has sy 0u

their olympic advertising cam- Dentsu to say, that ineudes

likes agencies to recognize how inter-
said it had no involvement in the tne excte anci
paigns, Dentsu facesa serious world s l00 top adveris national sporting events could stioi
test of its message control. Polls
5ers.otherecruitsS irom tne ränks or Osamu Ebzuka, a visiting professor
Dod rdless of how the Games EOI2uka, the lormer company
It raise clients profies abroad and
wo, ne company stood to o uouDt nat

Japanese public opposes holding said to show a preference for the kets, said Michael Payne, who for
inreiT make an enormous profit. Within
Oberlin Dents
a year, the Tokyo Olympic com o
the olympics, which were p0stcren o po ns, Cerebrues years led the marketing division ope for the best as it tries to help
poned by a year and will now be and titans ot industry. of the Intemational Oympic Com
a Stale o energeney in keting partner, after a bidding ts chents navigate the uncertain
Dutside Japan avoid conflicts of in- Dente
entsu has leveraged its role as uy e procesSs that competitors de Sauon, ir. Eb1zuka said.
What kind of message do you terest by representing only one
Sen ntW reay d om
a conduit to Japanese ad dollars
Deome negra e
toout ahead ockefine alm05t 87
percent of the Tokyo committee's to eliminate the
of havin
a "subdemessage" he said:"Let's
look toward the future and just get
definitely troubled by it" said Os clusive. Dentsu frequently works ming, while also developing expenditures, according to a gov only one company represent eachhrougn he pandemic together:
amu Ebizuka, a veteran of for competing firms in the same strong relationships with FIFA, t m
Dentsu's sports marketing de- sector, one of the keys to its ubiq the governing body of soccer, and 01 anesere sponsored Dy n UCCAublic Sale Notice

Pre a Dentsu offers virtually evey

aor eg D
it from playinga significant role in ple, Tokyo 2020 is sponsored byein
ment at J.E Oberlin University in kind of service related to commu The company's ties to thehe z020 Did, said icK Variey,
consultant who was brougnt on to
two of each. That allowed Dentsu 200p
to use its connections tO persuade
(realing lsen fine nhe nt ies e
Tokyo. nicanons. Denrsu ad execuveS Oympics date back to the 1964 1o-hhr 1907 al e te
starring actors repe chare of relation's.TheThe bid
ubli committee assured pay over $3 bilion to support
The him the y
the Olympics, said it was "not a sented by Dentsu, to TV stations Games had not yet been commerhat Dentsuwoula not De in Games. Hedord Gnrit,and al h allitaal pedgad

Sponsor S0 it was "not in a posi nere Dentsu nanages ad saes Calized, and entsus roe D waso ereinao
OKOne5amongst un thut orahn Anmd
td n
aon to comment.
its challenges,
.ne company buys up enure more asIgn ofnts stature and p0nte was SuroDquey nrwa
caed nose or e dend dd
Dentsu remains an unparalleled ads to fill them. Its hold on televi- Butin 1984, when the Los Ange with Dentsu. jorative in any sense the ed Party, ediy, te ee hCalid h n
rorce m Japan. 1t 15 Dy Tar the sIOn adverusing is sO ugnt thatda es OympleS Decame the nist to On the suTace, at least, Dentsu Dentsu Gamnes, sald lerrenceranuianLL, 135 Predwa, e, Mew
k en
Th Iia Diremd abitr cuTp

r01a the ottr bt at artan

nit zine l
On Fox News, Rising Pleas to Vaccinate Add to Mixed Messages
ROM FIRSTBUSINESS PAGE nalists this spring with several of- and more than 300 have died.)
Fox News has no changeu fiCials who are heipinE WIn ueCO
what about the efficacy of the
similar remarks on Monday, his Oirus response. Vaccine1sell among aauns
CO-OSt Brian Kilmeade issued a similar discussi with other net several vaccinated memberS of tde
counterp01nt, teug ye works. Jen Psak, the Wnite the texas Leisaturc w
The sie of the Colatral wl
uhet te lpphci t
House press secretary, Sal_ posiive for the coronavirus

show 1ollows .
ineraham, whose
Democrats on Mondayotyng
a ,
10 p.m.

h i
audience about the Covid-19 vac
Cines and their benents. Sne add
ed: "We dont see vaccines as a po
zed encing mild or no symptoms.
We want everyone to be d
eliminate inconvenient optnions
Erng neir Lov respons that, Ms. Ingraham said. "But
Still, the comments irom
The conversations have not Sometnings going On here. Some 0 ad p u an
some heads.
FOX TNews has faced heavy criti , acan
cluded Mr. Murdoch or his elder
urdoch, who runs
thing's going on here. And all they

ask estions."
Rgtee olatwa

ISm recent days over
Cne coveg,
s vac did they involve senior Biden ad- One of Ms. Ingraham's guests D W

visers like the chief of staft, Ron- Fox News has not changed overnight. Tucker Carlson, MS highest-rated nost, s DEiis 0rtEWbaofthe Seared Patyandah bi
ntale oni
ald lain. questioned the ettectiveness of vaccines as recently as Monday night. thor who in the early davs of the mtatund tar, st dnine sniartasiarndn
Somethings going on ereveeeno ne pandemic,argued that its serious-
here. And all they do is
want to attack peoplele
Media and the White House re "Mask/Vax Cult" But Newsmax.
garding our coverage Fox News a
cable network whose opinion
ad.The anchor Bret Baier said in
April that he as eratefurl to be er
rease nandemic af theun:
taan y hdhr dei t he bem nad a bd tht
e pospecve biddersin dommeCton wi the sale er ta when in
said in a statement. "We had one spOws rn ute have revios told view- vaccinated" was "simply a lie." d termnne adum he sae to anathw tn, wthar rther
who ask questions.
aura ngraham, a nightime rox
House in early May on vaccina-
tion rates, and our D.C. bureau
Tuesday by its chief executive,
Christopher Ruddy, that
ers to consider whether a vaccina- p
tion would be beneficial to theiro the virsehe five states
o e
News host wnose tone v DuenSvaccinuon enors. ves and their families. ith
pe the sale of the Cotd s te Sead Party may
da d
epua al.
Ponnel re reguiary in touch
as is the case withevery other net: vaccine Mr. Ruddy wrote in the Doocy echoed government
s"the worst current outbreaks have s
of-. below-average vaccination rates.) nd i
cae weeyouet
e piece, which
was published on the
ficials in noting that nearly all co Tackere o iewes
ciation on the Senate floor and ac Aides to Mr. Biden say they are Newsmax website. "There's no ronavirus deaths now involve un- esterated hosttold ae f the Gllteel, d bas arñont knowladge and getano
cusations of hypocrisy after a waryof criticizing Fox News di question inmy mind countess vaccinated people.After acknow were not saying here is no ben-e netb tas veste ndhas suoet taancal me

nleetid e alled to onerorductive to nomoin vaccine was available earlier pregnant women,. might be hesi- efit to the vaccine -there may h Clted whd a h
maskless in the office if vacci- pro-vaccine message to Fox NewsIn an interview, Mr. Ruddy said tant, he said: Everybody else, ifvaccine He
veers. ouse aunocon ou navetne cnance, get the shot.
ated.And witn vews on vaccines
seem to lower he rg ey he h orifale la the limd labdty
increasingy split along partisan
heo lrme at Tedeadi
e need every mediaplatform
tacted ewsmax regardng ts co
wanted tocredit Mr. Biden
for"do- ne vaccine
o a Various Vaccines

is "killing lots of peo


the effects of the disease, make it

pope, Dut he also a
eof the Colaval he Seased
the sted undertheseurdeskctand
Farty y
do or changes your D.NA wpara
toll of the virus in conservative information," a White House ing a go00d job, though he also ple Or ing,"It makes you wonder, how ef-a: the olatal in onelana
th al aka
states an suricts. spokesman, Kevin Munoz, said in cautioned that his network would comes wit te mcrocps lective are those drugs anyway? uledandee s denadin te iedrnt and

heidenaministration, a statement that avoed a agoesor er e P

more skeptical message. * PEt
Already, Fox employees are ex
epee of a prospective bidder
a st, and
Covid-related "As with any misinformation, we lice" he said.

as focused on Fox News's cover don't shy away from calling it out. Fox News has produced its own Ms. Ingraham argued that vac woman for the Fox Corporation, id a nd
t sd bi nt da

age, given tne cnanners inuence me rignewng mea

0EO vacenePuD SEve propones were yi Sad the company was allowing dinedia de leas ale nhe date dfthe Sde nd 2

8 P OsnOuntaruyo d
vaccines. Ihe white House orga- Breitbart News, for instance, still ris Faulkner, Dana Perino and serious illness."(More than 16,500 to skip wearing masks or social the iere and
te Ts
zed an intormational briefing eatures articles on its website John Koberts." you can, get the children have been hospitalized distancing, as local health guide actiag lt Rsmboy ghneati213412-50t ty m
for Fox News producers and jour grouped under the category vaccine," Ms. Faulkner says in the with Covid-l9 in the United States, lines permit.


Rioals Wecken |Medical Debt Much Bigger Than Thought


On Subscribers other sources, declined during

that period as the economy re
By EDMUND LEE covered from the Great Reces-
are showing in Net
flixs worldwide dominance.
"If you think about Americans
getting phone calls, letters and
Nettlix I5 still King or sure on
knocks the
doorro ue
rivals, more often than not
shifting toward new
namey he walt
DISIEy pa care system, said Neale Ma
ny's Disney, cuu honey, a health economist at

Netflix's share of worldwide

Stantord Oniversiy
and hee

d Dees neasr ra The $140 billion in debt does
Senator Ron Wyden said the bill
make the pass-through policy fairer.
wille new
man suhscribers a stream. to health care providers, because
t measures only debEs that have
not count all medical bills owed
ing service 1s likely to attract
Bill Takes Aim fell below 50 pereent or u The increasing number ot laW
time in the second quaet
Suits that hospitaise aga
to collect debt, which
At Tax Break The company's "lack of new hit
Origina programin8 and ne
Can le
garnishments, are not included
creased compenuon o
For Businesses in the figure. Nor are ue e
tnat patents pay with credit
have negative impact on sub-
By JONATHAN WEISMAN scriber growth and retention, ment plans. Some of the differ
enate Finance Committee Dem- anews
release be ence between the new estimate A 2017
protest in salt Lake City to preserve the Affordable Care Act. Twelve states have not expanded Medicaid.
sua Dus
on Tuesday
e nad auuracteu .o
n heer, Smaer one
retlect diterences in hoOw dirfer
new subsCribers in the ting agencies catego
How Medicaid Expansion Slashed Medical Debt
break in the 2017 tax cuts that con- rize debts. TheUpshot
gressional Republicans passed ing the low bar it had set when it ne new paper does not in thosethat haventexpanded at all erew auicky after 2014. The Upshot provides newS, analysis
and that President Donald during the coronavi-
reet that it anticipated and grapnCs bout polues, policy
hey unveiled measure that T ne
million. available is 2013
People in states tnat
and everyoay ne.

takes aim at "pass through" busi- to add about 3.5 million new sub-The ameliorating e 100
nesses ike law nirms, real estate scribers in the third quarter, lower ecad expansion were nota
trusts, family Tarms and OLne w e papers au Democrats included the idea in
than the approxim milion 6
ast week's S3.5 trillion reconcili-
owner's individual income tax eNDcng * 2on-
80 pacgegisaos anare
rate. The 2017 law granted those percent in after-hours debt asa
ung he rignt policy to
tanonExpanding Medicaid Medical
ssses a percent de Tuesday before rallying a ittie.
The company now has 2 is the single most
snare of 2013 debt
Expanded after 2014 should provide the uninsured
wiun subsiaes to Duprivate
ocrats want that deduction tor example, or work
limited to traditional smal bus- the in
United States and Canada, effective solution to
nesses and pian to inciude most ucranve region, overne
coverape locall lnaas
theire1S Expandea n 904
as well
now has 73.9 million Closing our states
fort in the $3.5 trillion economie
BIden nas pro-
Period. It 40
0 how to pay or
ode 66 million in the United States. COverage gap. ne mostecent proposa

Though it was billed as a small- na

letter to shareholderS, Net Senator Raphael Warnock, Obamacare Medicaid d on Ossoff of Geor-
business break, Democrats on the xa una
te pro Democrator Georgia expansiOn Degns gia and lammy Baldwin of WIS-
Fnance Committee say 6p a ighter first-half-of-2021 slate" Tepresent statess
ss s

the top I percent of earners. UnderNetiix relies on creating as many

now medicad coverage
rae lation
tne z017 measure, a rich business
partner at the highest income
Ows an
e ms Tor as
ost that would allow the federal
axsible. and the Dandemic upset that low-income adults Can get cover gOvernment to provide Medicad
overage n states that decline to
formula, forcing the shutdown of Wnou paynE pre
surouna the world. and with minimal cost sharing

"Half the benefit of the pass-P Tra "Expanding Medicaid is the

nrougn deductiongoes to million- Iraditional meaia players have
eliminate the kinds of medical financial health for people who ButmeaIcal deDts eee e
single most effective solution to
ares, and Decausetne Deneit S so tentially setting off another race Dils that result in outstanding improvements in those people's much less likely to be repaid.
losing our state cOverage 8P
Main Street small-business own- for talent, studio space and pro- with renortere
ncreases too suggests that
duction resources
Mohon id he was Eal tonealthDe explained by new
*ny Teerc
ers are excluded, Senator Ron ld shocked to see the widening
rg peopie win medical debts Others see a need ror DiBger
ebuy WarnerMedia from AT&T,nequality in medical debt that
meua etein said the ailing Change n nis presIdental can
Committee chairman, said in a
guE SEOnd-argest media p De s10ns appear new paper was a reminder that pay your utility bills could Sanere f DErne
Under the revised tax break, han
Netfies rwo weeslater have declined to expand Medic- health insurance often acted as a resultin shut-offs, and failing to eliminating medical debt alto-
complicated categories and calcu- Amazon announced that it would aid-particularly in the South adversit
agalnst financial pay
your auto on coua ca gether part or a plan to move
counuy to a Sinpay
dos n pdrt buy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, home "It's a misnomer-it's not just ical debts, in contrast, tend
* he

y to the James Bond franchise, for to insure your health, she said. mosty to s
harm people credt medical care directly

nesses quality would be ditched, lysts considered rich.

Peg euucuon poenualy
panded Medicaid, the chasm has saiaprotect
In the earnings call after the re-rown wider. 2020, Americans
ue evee o poor De
nave aiso propose
oaKe neuca
to more businesses. But the de- Senator Chris Murphy of Con
Medical debt is unlike other ing these debts, sald Benedic
individuals earning more than think it made sense for Netflix to of S$375 more than those in states

ne mcome under which jump into the consolidation game. at paricipated in the program,
kinds of debts because people
cbose wnener 0
Amercan Enterprise lInstitute,
attnte necticut ew
introduced legislation
ast year that would require
Mr. Biden has vowed not to raise
He even offered his own analysisoeaated he choose to buy a less expensive examining medical debt in Amer- thevoler eht anda the
mmittee did not immedi-
isiyear before enactmenl Car than ner richer neignbor, Dut ca. "you had to choose De interest rates that patients could
I She nas a neart attack and
tely say how much the income tion of the bulk of Rupert Mur myFinkeistein,4 proressor
or economics at .l.l., was
Tween Keeping une ngnts on aa
Owe. Ihe 1aw woula Tedue so
cap would save the Treasury, butit s1 uy rox. a hill inst a hie he meib clear communication from hospi-
could be substantial-without uy that showed how Medicajd cover The new paper finds that ng to again, think
SEe l a lot of fore they could turn to a col
d general entertainment serviceaEe coula improve nnercans edical
oebts ae g us woula make ne Sane uEc ecton ageey
uucton. B the panel's estimate,auner anjusta kias and Tamily, nealtn. sne studied nnca POOrer neignbornoods. In the
ts in Cor hav
Tunderstand that hospitals
Slal-business owers witn in-ne saia mearner-scoverysda lottery to randomiy offer s
studied, people owed recently shown strong interest in dollar out of their consumers
comes under Sz00,000 have made
helps some, but it's not as signifi-Medicaid coverage to a share of an average of $677. Those in the providing coverage to millions of Mr. Murphy said in a recent
claimed the deduction,. but 524 cant, would say, as Disney-Fox"ow-income
I adults seeking highest-income Pcodes owed
an average or iz0, wd E nervewut n ney
Ercent oT tne revenue lost to theie dowPuayeu compe
e study found substantial
E SnOu
etin prac-
coieCion ra
y went to munonaires anarante hasve ebi t its Improvements in measures ot not just debt holders. tices."
Joint Committee on 8e Disney+ more
Taxation estimated that tax sav- douoed ES Share ot demand
iSung Dreak tor compared with a vear earia
nn e Amazon
Prime Video, APpleiV+
Max are also gainin8, ac
Biden Picks Tech Critic to Fill a Top Antitrust Post
he measure is the first of what to shareholders, often making it difficult for those
will be sew ot meaSures that
py a aa
Netflix said the industry overallllmonopoiyoveronine Search
But last year, ne eaue
woula or was saulvery mucCn n ne earythe
ays" of the transition Irom radi-
agency has also been asking
taxes on the rich and on wealthy questions about Apple s business because his portfolio represent-
corporations. Because those"We are confident that we havePT ng criucs or the tech giants con
measures will go througn a budga long runway for growth," it said. than six months from Mr. Biden's flicted with other work the irim

P process called reconciliation, "As we imprOve our swearing-in to land on Mr. Kante Jonathan made this decision
if all share of screen time in the U.S. The administration has had to jug-
any Republican support ue to a complicated legal conflict
Ble progressive ana moderate Iac nave requre o
DemocraEsS and ther two nde and around the world. nat woud
pendentanes stay ume. Fastngs said compeudonas the likelihood of Republican
essemp crss
all ompanie E support in a aivided Senate.
1ne aecision won immediate
and relationships," the firm said at
he ume.
middle-class business owners, "As you get new competition in,
while also raising billions for pri- you get validation more rea advocacY eroups heping to lead Mr. Kanters crilucs are ikey to
orities like child care, education
and health care, Mr. wyden said.
id u
for at the charge for more stringent an work is a conflict of interest that
least the next several years, the ne SARAHRETH MANEY/ THE NEW YORK TIMES ou ovesuga

erown stoy Sureamng &s a Senator Amy ODucia tions into the Bothh
tech giants.
Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota, called Jonathan Kanter
v im. the
antitrust subcommittee of the an excellent choice to be the Justice Departments top antitrust oftieal. asked tha Khan e ve
uo .
from the "secular competi-Judiciary
Hastings Said, referring
to Disney or HBO. So that gives
Commitee, calea
an excellent choice, cit-
a "great leader" of the division merger of Aon and Willis Towers
called him a "serious lawyer Watson, its irst major antitrust h Dacrou
self from
matters involving the

the FTC, even
Netflix,. he said, is really com- sIve action. ment experience. The ET.C. announced in March sentative for their rivals.
peting against traditional telev
sion, and the "shakeout" won'tctorO
e Aecan con x The announcement may be less that it was forming a group to "up
Seu wnetE
embraced by dea-makdate its approach to evaluatingwoUd recuse himser rom casSes

the majority of viewing. advocacy group, said in a state- helped drive mergers and acquisi- deals, an industry that generally White House official simply said
PROPERITES The argument that Netflix has ment that President Biden has tions volumes to record levels, Talls under its purview. That fol- the administration was contident
met operties
P been competing with regular telemaen exceen hoeea propelied in part by an exuberant lowed a report led by Representa tat it could move Torward wth
Other Arvas
605 vISIon and otner sre noting that Mr. Kanter had "de- Scrutiny in Washington on ac Californi
California, tinti e e s exper

YASoes new rivals Apvoted his career to reinvigorating quisitions has expanded beyond he industry
like Disney+ and Even if Mr. Kanter has the votes
Mapr Hoe p
g with0
mucn cneaper than naurust entorcement.
Nettlix (and subscription telev

headine-grabbing BIg Tech deals In recent years, Mr. Kanter built to be conirmed it is ikely to be
Makan Delranim, a lawyer who toindustrieslike consumer goods, an unusual practice out of criticiz months betore he takes over at the
COerng Haliesrouro
ices produce far fewer originals titrust efforts under President care. . Washington's corporate law firms. takes a long break during August
McN than Netix, they appear to beDonald J. irump, said in a text
getting more bang for their buck. | message that Mr. Kanter would be
he toJustice
Department has he tech giants have become lu which could push his confirma-
block the proposed crative clients for major law firms, tion past Labor Day


Virus Briefing
Apple Delays Return to Office
Amid surEe or Derta variant
Apple pushed back its return-to-

response to the recent surge in co-

ronavirus cases, which has been
rueed Dy the spread or the Derta
npany old arenplop
now ees
on Monday that they
pected to return to the office as
eary as oct.Iinsteado early Se
TemberrnecompanSd tnat
pending on the spread of the virus,
ana that E woula give employees
at leasta month s notice betore
they are expected to return, ac
employees, which was viewe by
The New York 1mes.
AS the situation continues to
evolve, were committed to the
have taken all along" the email
Some employees, such as those
who build hardware, have alreaay
heinnine of the nandemie Annle
closed many of its retail stores,
hose naveSinceeupe
Ppes returm-to-work policies

New York
Apple decined to comment fur
ther. The company had 147,000
ber. Bloonmbere earlier rerorted

Lunchtime at Uncle Gussy's food truck in Midtown Manhattan this month. Without large numbers of office workers to feed, the trucks have often operated at a loss during the pandemie. the changed return-to-office date.
Throughout the pandemic, Sil-
con valley has been at the tore

Longing for the Return rwith tech comnanies

Twitter and Facebook among the

Of the Lunch Crowd e.Beef Kebab

irst to order their empioyetES To
Work from home in early 2020.
faallyderided to make remote
totaled $3,000 a day
f the usual customer Alami hut Work permanent
base has not yet reappeared. And in profits after paying$350 in op- DuPpie nas DEen more resist
erating expenses ant to lose its in-person office cu
Ineed the offices to be open so tionamon emnlouee who want
of being able to work from home a M caid The city is dead to continue working from home.
ewaays wee5OOne because everyone's home d NICAS AND MIKE ISAAC
these vendors. CoVId-13 caSes m Dennis Apreza, owner o ne ENTERTAINMENT
Sd ne had to
started to rise at a startling pace, Hollywood Studios Can Require
up an average or 20s percent over ty in the area plummeted during vaccines tOr Everyone on Set
past 14 days
une panu
than halt is sales. M. Apreza
Holywoods major unions agreed
Monday ngntto a short-term plan
game ver M that woua allow stualos to re
sald. "We have to
ccept tnat una
44 University, where he found more
customers, mostuy stuaents set to be vaccinated.
in a small business, you cant ne greemen, which will be in
ong.I m on my feet all day, but I'l spot for more than a weelk Mr erecrtrougn ne ed or Septem
ber, will also relax some pandemie
uwane e
ouE Apreza said. We only go to Mid-

ujugge tOwn once a week Deecause its not as

the ity's ood the Delta variant climbs and
trucks may have weathered the Aside from a ew LOs Angees County puts a masSK

etitive with one another, they fol seg oOu on

fits and starts,
pandencDetter than Some o including an office job for a few
their resturant pts Decause oyears, aaragoTEO n
TOK ys
. ew
Because of their mobility, the vendors may have weathered the past year and a half better than some restaurants.
anaate Tor ndoOr setangS back
in place. Studios will be able to de
virus testing and loosen mask
ow hoor code, Ke respeclng his uncle's hot dog cart in the
De longne patking s80S WInen ne was 0. is The
mandates in outdoor settings.
arrangement was agreed
formation with oneanothr was at oist street and Park
h rt on by the Directors Guildof Amer
where to tind customers. sage, spinach ple and souvlaki Theatrical Stage Employees, In-
"During this pandemie, there platters. He and nis Droner O0K ternational Brotherhood ot Team
were severooucsar over the cart in 2007,expanding to
stets, thereen ACtOrs d
about each other's journeys, said From his corner, Ms. karagior-
American Federation ot lelev-
zDne wer o n
re, aruck tnat seves a or
gOs has seen the real-world effects
of booms and busts of Wall Street,
the studios as represented b the
Alliance of Motion Pictures and
ney would tell us to bubbles, His customers TelevisiOn Producers.
The parties sala ney
ot seEooa
it hadn't fully Con
Ceran Come baCK
corporate chief executives and
themaliroom worke velonments and will consider
Ms. Egziabher recently decided New York City shat d further modifications."
aragiorgos parked his truck in
antil September, wnen, sne niks, April and walted. e coneeu AIRLIN
United Posts Quartery Loss;
cially difficult for the smaller food for the trucks to feed city hospital Epects>econd-arrots
carts and endors, thougn. any
workers (donations funded their r United Airlines announced ues
arereeen an meals) hen, Deean organizing t day that it lost $434 million during
sued permit on the underground weekends to cater bar mitzvahs June but Said that it fared better
marePayingasmuchas and weddings. In recent weeks, than anticipated during the quar-
25,000 over two yearS to tne per the assoclation, which has about er an nat t expeedt ta
profit in the second half of the
during the pandemic. (The city food trucks, has arranged for the
0pes to eminare ne unde trucks to cater lunch tor corporate of S5 5 billion in the aarter aho
O0 ne eits hichtsid

eSmaller lines in Midtown mean he has to "hustle a little harder" said Nicko Karagiorgos, Uncle Gussy's co-owner half of what it collected in the
uld not be able be traded to in have eight or nine trucks rotating same quarter in 2019.
United said lucrative corpOrate
an underground market, over the three times a week at Goldman
next i years. Just 2,800 exist Sachs for the entire summer, feed- ana i had fore-
"Most of the vendors are work cast. The airline expects a pretax
ng and theyve seen a smalpresident of the New York Food pront e ru quarew
anountoDp n tne a re ruck AssOciationEveryone Would be its first since late 2019.

t ws Caerea emtegrauon
coffee or falafel cart in Midtowm to entioe people back into the of- September, would be down about
Osts too much, said Mohamed ce 26 percent, compareu I ue
ta, 5 at the 1lr we thoseypes orevents are
same quarter two years ago.
ban Justice Center. Vendors must tom line, they're not enough to he upDeat tne
oL Onuy Pay 1 ue0and DEv make up tor the loss of his norma Air Lines reported a profit of $652
erages they each day, but
stock Midtown lunch crowd. He said million ted Dy rederal STm
S80a day to transport the cart cent of his pre-Covid business. but lus funds-for the three months
ack and 1orth trom depots in that the cost of chicken and other
Queens and elsewhere. began. American Airlines, which
day iust to open the doors when even fewer Deople are goin
ana you Te not Seeng thOse to the office, are his worst days. Thursday, previewed its financial
Kindso saes, oing to lose raised our rces, he sad. e
Were ha a
o New KOng to The industry has enjoyed
dop" boom in summer ravel within thhe
rOm Bangladesh in 1998,
pays S18,000 every two years to With that in mind, Mr. Karagrio- United States, fueled by wIde
the person wno the permtois gos Is husting to set up his Plan B.
Grill Halal Food, from a corner of tor to package and sell Uncle Monday on fears that the Delta

tn SreEt and AvEnue or the Gussys Souvlaki on a Skewer d varant unreatened unatrecovery,
Americas. rect to consumers, whether they but have since rebounded.
Beiore ne ndemi
pandemc, nis sans Bo nO e once or noc. Food sellers in Manhattan say they have had to pass higher prices for supplies on to their customers NIRAJ CHOKSHI

How it's reimagined at Netflix

Joni Tristan
How it's invented at DoorDash

How it's Ogrown at Bushel

How it's launched 2 at Snap lInc.

Cindy Yinka
How it's sourced at sweetgreen

How it's personalized at Cambridge Health Alliance

How it's scaled at World Central Kitchen

How it'sboptimized at Colgate-Palmolive

How it's LAO designed at Wayfair

How it's a7 improved at Eagle County

Alexis Chris



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Commercial Real Estate

Building on What Big Blue Left Behind

IBMs former New York campuses are drawing a mix of new tenants, fueling local revitalization efforts
to purchase and redevelop, is 90 per
Square Feet horle are also being considered for ti
site, she added.
Arevtalzation 1s happening nere,
D N and its necessary, Said Adam watson,
are empty enough that bicycles cruise moved to iPark in part for its thick
ner engn witn smo0t a8
years ago, wnen an
But oors,
all celings and easy wastewater
plant nummed disposal. 1heres also a bar, whose

lists might have picked a different circuit boards discovered in a renova-
ure tion.
Durng Tuncn nour, you couldnt see manyor our customers wna up
many peonile" said Mary Morlev the workedin this hildine or that bild
owner of Angeline's Flowers, one of the ing. Mr. Watson said.
ew storefronts witnoutaToen
eu De quite the place.hoas
ner sectons nave aiso Deen
l5-acre warehouse for Amazon is being
Dusy. A

DEena pastime in the SouthernTier eastern side of East Fishkill by a team

ind iudson valey areas or New rork that includes the industria-locused
State since IBM began siashing operad Bluewater Property Group. The deal,
980s. Indeed. the entire region was will create 500 ful-time iobs, according
once sort or an extenaed company town to towm officials, Who rezoned the entire
or the tech glant, wnicn started there Pp 019wnc ure neusers. But
pus, once made chips Tor
retail rowth When Ri Rine left eco
nomic pain ensued. 22,000 IBM workers in its heyday,
But tne large campuses thatremaln Nattonal KesourceS Sad. Biuewater nad
hold keys to an economic rebound, in no comment, and an l5M spokesman

Endicott, say business leaders working ment numbers.

o reinvenE them. Instaling non-iBM tenants, of PHOTOCRAS BY WILL ELIs FOR THE EW YORK IMS

Lined with warehouses, well served course, is no guarantee of success. Part of the campus IBM vacated years ago in Endicott, N. Y. Local leaders hope the former upstate campuses will spur an economic rebound.

Aproject called Techcity was envisioned at

ne ister campus in tne ssus. Berow, ar
lene Yacos With a vintage I8M computer.

the cme s
tenants involved in large-scale produc
nd sppng aSenent ne
industrial market that has grown dur-
ndemic-related relocation
Adam Watson, left, and Justin Taylor, the co-founders of sloop Brewing, in the brewery's new home at the iPark 84 complex in East Fishkill.
f New Yorkers to points north has put
possible new work force within reach,
adding momentum to redevelopment But conflicts erupted between the some Iite and energy to a sad place, bought the 139-acre campus for S65
Cornoorations shouldn't be let off the
taxes, and a required cleanup of ground tive, who nevertheless praised IBM. tenants, including BAE Svstems,a
hook so easuy Tor just Tading away pollution went uncompleted, pronmpting which empioyed his grandfather for 36 European defense contractor
axpayers paid ror all tneir rods, saia delays. Today, signs at TechCity, which years despite his never earning a high ArTving this summer will be iM3NY,
Lynne ward, an execuuve vIce pre a maker o
mer 1BM properties in ntnu D
based in Connecticut that buvs though only a handful of companies ster are geting a makeover, too employees but expects 2,000 within six
reman.Bur this wee, IsterCounty his summer RBW, a 14-year-old years, saa aul Suraton, a senor vice
naustrial parks acrOSS the country.
But some great inirastrueture nas filed to foreclose on the property over lghing design company in Brooklyn, Drsent opnysiE wo
Deen left
Denina. newhome. The pandemic inspired the
own where IBM
et ess unty
0 acres along Interstate 84, the good nave
ts very interesting to
a blank canvas thats s De
While the process plays out, attentton
Ocusea ona
TechCity, an 80-acre,
two-ouing par
or move, 5ad Aex Wnans, an Ks
co-tounderr who moved to his weekend
300,000-square-foot space once used for
C Doara snipping.
There is great potential for transfor
DOnes seen Darcuany
arceo a "Dilbert" kind of space similar tay isse Thie lammed New York Many workers at tonher Pelto said of the complex, which
dusinesSes. Since
Alex Williams, a co-founder of RBW. cOunty received about two dozen pro RBW, which employed 55 prepandemic, has a 65 percent occupancy rate.
2017 and renamed it iPark 84, space has POSsOreaeveiop0r ease une sie are expected to relocate as well, though Mr. Pelto realzes hisongoal to some
DEen leased to companies that make ciudng ale he has also been hiring locally
all- 0-wall aiay nave ,00ors ne ncot
CoOKIEs, COCKtall syups and crepes. Amazon's facility will stand on a site will announce their picks within weeks; carpets imprinted with the shapes of fall far short of IBM's early-1980s peak,
tnis tna 3,00
ok owned a decade ago by the Linuo
Group, a Chinese So1apane manun
many wnners are expected, ney sald, cnars, wamssaid, and add a
because having a single ocupant for altree-lined 1,200-Square-foot courtyard
when l,000 employees toiled there and
at a Site in nearby Glendale.
Farm Dairy, a milk provider based
turer. slmary,a a
nearby. (BM 1s also an iPark tenant, the employees
The 7,100 who worked at Twenty vears ag0. it might have ing issue is to preserve some of the
Sports King Dome, an athletic facility TBM, which closed that location in 1995, been trendy to revitalize a factory he dilapidated structures, regular remind-
of DM at purchased most Dut htde Construcuon has nappened were the driving 1orce behind the areas said. But think its very interestingE to ers ot the villages glory days, accord
Sce ne project was announced in Wari Mint Dank canvas thatsa 'Dilbert
Owns a lb0-acre plece.) off in
lo create a buzzy scene, National efforts to reintroduce residents to the 2004; her father worked there for 44
Across the Hudson River in the town A diverse mix is also a priority at
KesourcesIS construcing a barnike of Uister, redevelopment has also been 5mewnataesolate area are galning nancot,wcn sits aong nesue eas nnsen.
wE tricky, though a tresh marketing push is raction wth concerts in the vast lots was
hanna River and home to IBMs They sitjust there, said Ms. Yacos,
there can be offered to the public in a project called TechCity promised to en route to making typewriters and punch cards, data storage devices tha History and Heritage Center. "And they
8rOcery Serdng, Ms. Ward said. transform a large chunk of 1BM's 258- air-defense systems. were sort of prototype computers. have been our legacy 1or more than l00
The complex, which cOst S300 million acre campus. "We have been trying to bring back Huron Real Estate Associates, which years.


Bntin 9, tnis8.6O0-Sure FOR SALE nese lour buidings in East RECENT SALE
ereal este vsymbu
$1.04million has six three-bedroom apartments
dnd a vacant ground Tioor class
$5.1 million eing sold together. The 3,200-
square-loot building at 101 $8.25 million three-story office condominium in
Midtown East. The condo has 32
East 37th Street (between
2307 Avenue D (between
ast 43a
tied as a day-care space. Au u Bemont Avenue (between Belmont AVenue was Duit
n 345 Fist offices and was built in 198 ne a
are rent-stabilized, and ad
bOUEvaT 1899 8na nas two aparunes 10 AWEnUES Dase or tne on
rookth Es topher Avenue) The Manhattan
Buyer: 2307 Avenue D 980 Rutland Road (between East building at 980 Rutland Road, 8one Medical center campus. Ihe
Seler seVICe amiy 92nd and East 93rd Streets) Dit in 1950, nas 8 gound-ioor new owner is leasing the offices to
Broker: Eik Rodriguez ot Kodn COmmerca spct a medica prolessionals.
COmimerciai Kealty
296 Legon Street (at Livonia Ave
18e ca Kein Chisholm. Bastien
3324 Tilden Avenue (at East 34th square-foot building with three Broda and Trystan Polsinelli of 60
Street) apartments and a store. The
3roONYn 1931 building at 3324 Tilden
Broker: Adelaide Polsinelli of

Seller: 101 Belmont, Bedford

Avenue Hoding, MRD Equities
Daniel Aminov of Alpha Realty BRIANA SCALIA


The New Jork Times

How Thomas Bach Keeps

An Iron Grip on the OlympicsS

senter, whoever it was, had simply

Using guile and diplomac pushed the wrong Dutton.

a former fencer ensures that Anonymous toonemost casual

tans, Bach, 67, is of the most
the Games will go on, even
linoual Cor
in a pandemic, like it or not. man whose decisions can alter the
tdtes ornoEOne spot, Dut dozens
By ANDREW KEH not one Country, Dut nundreas
Thomas Bach was rying. Hee elite professionals a
e pedk, Dut is oce qu
wide athlete population in the mil-
was early March, and Bach,
tne presiaent or the internati0nal Over the past yea, as an mps
Olympic Committee, was stäing SIOneu
delain nlacid the Gamesfirst postponed tor a
smiling faces of the organization's year, now pushing forth amd a
membership scattered in offices, pandemic-related state or emer
libraries and living rooms around
On the agenda for this virtual centrifugal force propelling themn
meeting was a presidential elec ahead.

t_Bacl,ungOg nterviewS Witn more than two

posed tora secona tet, t l nmaional
ereu not
n offñcials and experts con-
but a arm batn

he has amassed
a eslainE
or oDsequl
e power
controlling the
Thomas Bach, top, the head of the International Olympic Committee. Above, National
Stadium in lokyo, the Games' main venue. Below right, Bach in the 19760lympics.
are as
sports neovt
tnat perspeves on Bacn
uvese ds e arrd or
a clairvoyar

strategist. He is criticizea as an
We have one captain," Gianni autora He srespected uke a
SOCcer s
the presuen
w nead or Sate. He 1s nngnu d a
friend of dictators. He is a former
"and that canain e
four decades ago helped kick-start
"During these challenging enpowement move
Deter nan nent.e y0ungergenerd
you, Mr. President tion ot now sSeeking
athletes aner
Ihomas Bach,
has secured the fortunes of
land, "to navigate us through Oympics T0r tne next decade, He
Dugn waters, turn crises into op swhether they should
spireddebate about
portunities and guide the existat all.
D Success.
1, then ferredterm astoa sea
his initial, eight-year
of troubles (mar-
another, and another, looking at
once embarrassed and pleased by eeapnors ror wnatever rea
the relay race of praise. He teared son abound at the l.0.C., which is
up after being calea avisionar n
that time faced doping scan-
vate vote. Out of 98 votes, he als, chalenges to ts moral au
earnea s3, with tour abstentions noriy, tnreats or war. Even &ter
all of that, at the Starung
nd one aganst.
So accustomed to top-aown nar-
Games represent perhaps Bach's
vote apainst Bach soon becam steepest opStace yet Suppos a
the subject of back-channel chat Euy oyru symposium that is in
ter. So aCceptea
is tne presIuents eau couded Dy questions of life
Singular intuence tnat many ave Contie
come to asSume that the lone ais Continued on Page BI1


Bucks End 50-Year Drought as Antetokounmpo Meets Moment

By SOPAN DEB James Harden Milwaukee ost
MILWAUKEE-A half century tne irst two games of the series,
1go, Kareem AbdukJabbar-a neuding a 3s-pointDIOwout i
uen Known aS Lew Game 2. But the Nets were hob
Rucks to theirfirctehaminei Harden, and Antetokounmpo
For decades, it was the only time turned in star performances of his
rancnise Ow ExEnd ne sernes to seven
reache the final game, a jump shot
That Wins is, un- byDurant at the end of regulation
On ues
came wtnin a centmeter or end
ing the Bucks' season: His toe was
ght, he Buc
capped off their return to great shot worth only a game-tying2
ness. 1hey are once again led bya points and not a Bame-winnng .
behemoth with unique skil, this Instead, with Antetokounmpo's 40
Crooceirimamedh Celk points and l3 rebounds, the Bucks
Freak, Giannis Antetokounmpo0. overtime in Brooklyn.
n ts noe
court, waukeed
tne Foenx uns, 0-8
In Game 5 of the Eastern Con-
rerence lnais agalnst the upstart
win its second championship and t t ames each, Antetok
Compiere,a gruelnE N.B.A. Sea 34 ounmpo landed awkwardly and
SOnoD su coronavus fell to the ground holding his lett
Knee, raising tears that he would
The championship marked a re-
markäble rise TorAntetokoun stars to miss time because of a se-
P ume winner or the
Ardho had 50 ointe 14 witn his rerum date uncertain,
bounds and 5 blocked shots. He
entered the N.B.A. as a rai-thin and send Milwaukee to its first
prospect, drafted outside of the N.B.A.
nnais since
the lottery that is seen as a signifl Antetokounmpo's injury turned
er or impending stardom. He has allowine him torerD for the
since established himself as one of JT HANISCsA TA
championship round. In the finals,
Antetokounmpo won a champi
onship in nis eigntn Season, iling
Giannis Antetokounmpo, above center, carried the Bucks in
ame sconng pointsto brng waukee its firstN.B.A.
nesuns won the irSt wO Baes
at home, marking the third
ea ing noe on a resume forheip aainst the Bucks defense.had a team hiph 26 points faced a deficit. Antetokounmpo's
ions and a Defensive Plaver of * points auring ame in
the Year Award. 1op stars are or typically reserved for a bona fide fender and reliable shooter. waukee nelpea to turn the tide, as
en JucgeDyne nunber O upeveerans However, Milwaukee's playoff

cks, came
championship rings they have and several draft picks. The gam run seemed on the brink ot coback from 9 points down in he
ounmpo won his title with the tetokounmpo with strong help on again, Coach Mike Budenhozer, tourth quarter and evened the se
ies behind Middietons 40 pOnts.
ranchise that dratted him, in an
N.B.A. era when une Dest players
sides o
ScKS neeensParticuary
e Dai wnen tne in his third season with the Bucks,
came under withering scrutiny bered moSst for Antetokounmpo's
In the previous two seasons, anedrinSatuayiht mentsan de late-game block on Suns CEne
Antetokounmpos BuckS finished Game fenses or to come up with more A ne o
the regular season with the best During this regular season, the creative ways to use Antetokoun B nalehiet "

and e
elimimatod in the l hehind the Nets and the Philade And Khris Middleton, a two With momentum firmly at their
offs before the finals, raising ques- PAUL SANCYN ASSDCATED ESS
pha 7bers. Mlwaukee was aided time A-Star, once again faced N
ns Dout wnether AntetoKOun
o could be the one o truy stead, nte
unmpo bet on Mil
waukee in a big way in December
his superstar status.
in part by the health of its key
yesno ey Ave
questions about whether he wasa
o0d enoun aepyAntetok
a p
tAat n
n ne
ploited his below-average
by signing a so-called super max
It helped that Milwaukee gam
bled and traded for Jrue Holiday, a shooting in the postseason. Holiday at the end of the game.
shooting aDy extenson worth nearya quarterwel-regaraed versatue player
or a Dilon dolars. He tnen delnv
March, the Bucks tradedIn the semifinal round, the n Entering Game 6, Antetokoun
Entering season, there
this whout the pedigrëee or perenhial with Houston to acquire P J. Bucks faced the Nets, who were mpo was averaging 322 points, l3
leave the Bucks in free agency in putting to rest any doubts about sent
package to New Orleans with areputation as a tough de Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving and the

Norway's mens and womens

Norwegian Handball Players Reject beach handball teams, ny
different uniforms, in 2019.

Bikini Bottoms, and Are Fined for It Federation, said on 1uesday that
forcing rules set by the interna-
By JENNY GROSS zation's as at the was said the organization would pay
Norway's women's beach hand- on the Olympics, not uniforms, the fines. He said Norway had re ona rederaton nange can
ball team was fined by the Euro and that the organization had not peatedly complained about the bie emdonal ne
pean Handball Federation oneeveuC compiamts prev Kini botom requirenment to the in e Evel
Onayateraerswore the.onivcountrv that had oficialy"Nothing has happened" he said.
The eranon Norwegian Handball Fed-
kini bottoms, during a game over complained. "Globally we know Female athletes have spoken Sugtseu cnanE
uniform requirements Tor temaie
to payn
E weekend.
The International Handball
at tner countes especially
bikinis, for example,ke in
out against the doubie standards
for their uniforms many times in
European Handball Federation in
wear bikini bottoms"witha close Norway's team had been plan quired to wear more revealing
be discussed by the International
fit and cut on an upward angle to ning lor weeks to iout the rules to outitsin several sports, Incuding WIAN HANDBALL FEDERATION Har
ward the top of the leg" The sidespoint out the double standard for track and tield, beach volleyball er Schoene said
The exchange lert Breen an
shorts for Sundav's
bronze meral WordEederatin decroed hat appropriate. Welfler, the Norweglan hand-
the other hand, can wear shorts as game against Spain at the Euro women must wear skirts or teammate, really
ustc ddo was
et made me so anory ball player, sald there were pay
ong as our inches above their
knees as long as they are "not too onships in varna, Bulgaria. oruer to nelpreviveaggng ue
aparees aa
came up tome and she was she said. "We shouldn't be told
ers in Nonway wno
ad tot w
like, "Can I speak to you, Oliv1a?
tpl yone
in wt we because of uniform requirements.
some cases, women think comment like that2
A spokeswoman for the
shorts" said Martine Welfler,
have In Na
m daheasius i
domestc tournaments, No
players can wear shorts.)
natona andbalederaton, Or the Norwegian players.wt Deen inea Tor thei unitorms De your briefs are too revealing, and I Lio, of the Norwegian Handball Tha
essica ocktro. sad on ues
Sn for the lsWre lokinahleto weara liie bitmore hen
ng too ong. In others, the unb think
ih h ham-
a a
you should consider buying Federation, said there was no rea be the be
pair of shorts.
e r
hould requireu
be to
pate" she said. She also said fe-
into t internally," she said. you play"
Kockstroh said that the organi Each Norwegian player was
pionships over the weekend, the aback: "My first response was, "Women should have the right
Paralympian sprinter and long Are you joking? And she just have a uniform they think is suit. focus should be on
in atir
the game. she
tosined k
fined 150 euros (aboutir). jumper Olivia Breen said she was said: "No, I'm not. And I think you able for performing in their sport," said. "

Amanda Moris contributed re the

portir Norwegian Handball Federation, briefs she was wearing were in- pair of shorts In a 2006 letter to the Interna- nce orsyn,
an asSsociate
andbl ederation, NorP rO
way's handball federation said ne mer director
of the university's In-
bikini bottoms was insensitive to ernational Center for Olympic
THE NEW YORK TIMES CLASSIFIED LISTINGSS ncountres Cutura norms ertan un
IN PRINT & ONLINE AT NYTIMES.COM and could be embarrassing for 05,especiaily in rcand neld
heir bhodies exposed. according to letes an edge. But in the case of
Dat n acowdance wih aplcable provbsons o
- a copy seen by The New York

naball, a sport that

Deacn nandpall, weang snores
ea o DIKInis would not allow
ha aleeners should
be faster in the sand.
Imted tabety canpay (he "Caan, 28 7 e Mer
L, a kew tort tmted lablty campary (he "edu ty itests in and ta Mangas imestar, LP (Denar), wch ws 1% allowed to wear less-revealing dont see how that argument
uniforms because they use all holds any weightshe sad. 10
canpuny (šearnd
P), a te aucesur n itarst to the Prefered Menber. The Secured Party ahal canduct a pei onk 1954. The pibie aucton wil be hetld n August 6, 201 at 2:0 pm P h wmen ar tod or
Thomas Schoeneich, spokes lows them to be better athletes is
e Sle he Collateral wil be conducted en Tuesday, kugust 24, 22La110p. (8264871 ton phones and Mdeo systema), Calin Mumber:(415) 855-01. ane man for the European Handball just silly

Mde w al he sie ta a ahe The sae

IC Mou can alse dal 17124128 and enter i he macted b Maenin

t M
n AP
am gg) 759-52 arl t utact Seced Part's oaunul ta recelve te

sclaure ae

aaial sal sel ASS WHERE IS, md

al wmantes of qualily, litnes, and merctantablty an hereby NOT 9AND he Seu Jork Eimes
excuded Secuned ay maes m egresatien aTanty. 1e Calsenl w be sad ordy as a oat Secued Pary m LOST
FOUND PrOvDe your

nat be acoepled 51005102 with dital access.


ck P, S75 Thed Aremue, 9th Fear, lew Yark, lene Yint 102, Phone (212) stO-6040, Fx (212) 95-214, Emat: ANDEALL RDERATON
& Maneng Agent Mr. Beg Carbn, koewd Nealy g, Dy ieepene al (zi2) 309904
The Norwegian women wore shorts in a match on Sunday, a
protest over the bikinis that they had been planning for weeks.

Like It or Not, the l.O.C.s President Keeps an Iron Grip on the Games
Oswald, who was named a mem
From First Sports Page
Deror Bacs execunve Doard n
hat the president, amid all 2017, backtracked on his com

ment" he said. A journalist had

lenges swirl around him on a giv asked him a question, he added,
en day, renects tne cocoon or and in the endsaid that without

nas Dulnt tor himself atop reany g

With few internal checks and lit- The President
tle extermal accountadiy Bacn
has consolidated conuroi nsioe Bach's pubiC
hat he he words, delivered in a professorial
many allies and critics alike, the paragraph5, Speckiedwitn ary nu
most inuential prEsident in the
private Bach s ekse
bottles of red wine bad ones he
ore com-
plicated through the organiza calls Bruhe, a German wora tor
Swll nd enoys tne card game
essence Bach, like the men who
ask to safeguard the liberals known for its affluent con
Olympic Games tor the rurure, no sttuency. He 15 known to enjoy a
mater une opposluon ney aee plate of currywurst.

hrotctima Andinthis orea-

cally a volunteer, though the
pivotal moment, Bach has done nization in 2015 revealed that
Precisey that, grabDng nold or an 5ach was receiving an annua"in
institution viewedDy crics as
rupt, and ensuring it will never to cover his activities as presi
theless prosper for another gener dent. LIke the two 10presi
ation, by whate ver means neces dents before him, he ves at ne

the center of the city, free of

The Champion charge.

Bacn 1s an exacting Doss. M

The building Do
he fencin c eer ioked that he felt
piste. Winning a gold medal with like Bach's "slave" during Bachs
the westGerman team atthe 97b
em as presiaent o ne eman
Olympic Sports onfederation
tial. Watching his country join thee very demanding" Vesper said.
Doycot oRe
cow awakened
him to the mazy
you, i you have a
He always asks
neavy aay or task, nen wnatwIl
and politics. And some have theo-
you ao n e chis a dis-
a remem
ed tnatnis masteryor
encing arming small-talker;
tenetsr e p
berer of Dirthdays, a coneCor or
served him eouallv well in the personal factoids he jots onto slipps
un- *vOIynpiCS
tamed world of international AnyWhe re. lator **"*****o
Sports dministrau0n. Last year, as the coronavirus
00, Bacn was under
wEpt urouen urope, bacnE
that extracted from him a distinc-
Lausanne Tor e ET
e style. and let his perpetually cropped
"He would keep corming at
ray nair Brow snagey when his
t relentless" said Ed Donofrio, wife, Claudia, went back to Ger-
who competed for the Unitedd he
was left to fend for himself in
States at the iy/6 Games the kitchen. He lOSt weignt. ne
He was dnhcult to hit because
naroest partorthe situaron, Bac
e dearth of human
SCrapping said Barry Paul, a Was
"I'm d of a hugger, he said.
Bach grew up in a small, south He relishes an argument the
hischofsheim. When he was a same way he did the to-and-fro o
Daby, nis tatner, Andreas, was dh
e licy but he
agnosed with heart diSease ana answered in the affirmative-
his fathet
that, Bach said, taught him the whetner ne reeretted anyning
value of resillence. set of the pandemic. Less than
A rambunctious child, he was 6
nree weeSDEOree posupone
with Emil Beck, a disciplinarian homas Bach, top center, with other members of the gold medal-winning west uerman encing team in 19/6. Above, ant ment or tne 1Okyo Games was an
coach whose great Innovatton, Oympics prolesters last week in lokyo. Bach has pressed to stage the Summer uames despite the coronavirus pandemic. Olvmnianme to
Athletes, scrambling to prepare,
tisticair. and applving to it the in- being able to put one in
tensity and dynamism of other,
each camp, chael Payne, who
phenomena. Other presidents ran
the at their personal
been rife with brilbery and corrup
Don. More recenuy, thnougn, the
two bodies that in a parallel
verse might serve as independent
from the LO.c.
of informatio
Or formation
more Drual sports. led the 1.0.Cs marketing teanm whim, as many contend Bach does .0.C. has struggled to attract via watchdogs ot the Olympics, fur I think there was a lack of com-
Reck tells v t Emil r " 1709 000, Sald O Bach.
Dr o png neDecanesana concerns
orerextends acnrencorpora- unication to explan thisS Deter
"to tne tO
don't look to see if there 18 a chair The Diplomat moth as the contemporary ver Bach tackled these issues by tion, in essence, with a twist: they ask sald,
ask peopie,
behind you said Matthias Behr sion and none were operating in a simply changing the rules. In 2017, are sel-governing, self-regulatingvourself intoOur shoes
who trained alongside Bach and ra ne issues 5ac must nav space as complicated as the mod- he unceremoniously altered the and autonomous, said Lisa Kihl,
Bach knew the sports world
Bach was always studiously Games starting with what, ex- Until the late 1990s, the L.0.C. hosting rights for two Games at for Responsible Sport Organiza-ws ance.nEEOn
He admited
ns eve er
he should have
reading the Frankfurter Allge D e P largely maintained a back-seat once. The 2024 Games were given tions at the University of Minne
meine zeitung newspaper, Behr Pa s role in the operauon o the
er or
to Paris, while Los Angeles, als0 sota. Who do they report to if nossible outcomes
of the 1980 Olvmpics He continues to beleve eetina aost cit to lcal de toin on for2028 T O
His contrition, though, this bit
conceived by the United States
strongiy that the lympcsshouldganzing
committees execute the years later, Bach scrapped the old Bill Mallon, an Olympic histori-waSunmoved b roands of sur
gOvernment to protest the soViet
Games. That atude changed
the 1990 Mosco boveott erthe Aanta Cames. which
a Diading protOcol atogether, movan who has worked for the I.0.C., yevs this vear showinp thatthe
mg theprocess. larebehind said members' main Japanese people
hanstanokes perk mow is majority of
competitive career, he slipped al- experience a moment, he be with transportation snags, techni- sial host cities (Brisbane, Austral- tee's various commissions, whichwantedhe ames to De canceled
most seamiessiy pur ev
P s ue la, was recentiy revealed as not
imto other cal glitches and seCurity breaches the are assembled by the president. Yo foke a

f the IOC Athietes Commission

abot whfo inancethethat
Olympics bars athletes from dem proach
the OC determned
to avoid further dienrder
top candidate tor the 25Sum This, insiders say, explains the garding
PRE u culture of deference.
Olympic Games5
which is followed by billions of
n 1981. He started his own law onstrating on the pocium at the In response, the 1.0.cs staff at cy and potential conflicts of inter done it better said Jens SejerAn-
practce e stepped unt tne orith h tries esiaits headquarters in Lausanne, est dersen, director of Play the Game, globe, by h
sessornn China, that have poor records on
human rights.
Switzerland, has swelled from a
to about 100 peonle in the 90s to
Sometimes you Just nave
thatcan anne tt
an onEanizaton mat pr0moEs
ethical sports governance.
Similarly, he disputed that the
Oympres, as a conept
das under Horst Dassler, who
peu cree uneyse
posorsp nat greW pro
industry (and whom The Guard-
on on a thought he articulated in
othht he artirulared

vision of the Olympic movement:

rowu, "
therole or
, ns
roughly 600 people today This
the 1.0.8 memoer
sometimes it
youe aong na Dt
ana unete
can appear that himself as the conductor of an or udeu
onur chestra-
or sonenow unwork
a metaphor surely acknowledeed there was a world-
neant to auuer une men wide "culture ot
mistrust toward
1an once describea ne man as DEp y from around the world who once casions are necessary" said Se- port
One nae
a ep governments and large orginu.a
wOWe ne beOOK On the sys Dut sport cannot be apolitical. To handledny on of disagreement, then, are Ons ne
05Eany noo
ned Sp Sworid Atniecs, Pres 0sions
har dofinedo e sapway the 1 oC. msst navigate aSkS noOw undertaken

moet erinnliee Ocnt h

Dy Sea
d C
he internauonal rare. are a of
"There lot sycophants in
ential crisis, he said, did not match
Cs ). to maintain its autonomy, howev The reality. He noted mat attrave
s, nao Sponsors (ke
An n a nvreJuan thedistinctiom dto the membership's power came That the 1.0.C. also exercises Pound, a longtime memher from
ue wn vern Canada who believes Bach has broadcast partners (NRC
Decome an0C.member Dy
210ng WIL responsibility: voting on host cit worla And-Dopin8 nEE
ismatic, all-action Olympic pres rusuao y ies. The process had traditionally
*aouy e Lourt
done aexpressions.of
good joD as pesiaenl, ma
Arbitration oof DSport,1avShlavish expresS10ns
Court oo Dud sunnort
ol support
n e
sIgned up unrougn 40o6.
If they aia not nave
athe Games to ebecome has handled revelations of

TOundauon Tor Bach Conuec

the eco state-sponsored doping in Russia,
nat you Eee ou a
nour nangene
8 amaranch cisms leveled at him today from One rare moment of discord oc- would never make these long
paniard who led the IL.O.C. from active Olympians, particularly currea in 4015, Wne, Bac was term agreements, Bach said.
1980 to 2001, imparted to him those Irom western democraCies, PARIS2084
E Bachs arguments, t is clear,
recru ssonso thlete land, was quoted saying he did not momhorshi

footed: to network constantly himself, is out of touch with their share the same values as 5ch Once Bach's re-election was
with allhes and opponents aliKe, concerns. Bacn, m tun, argues and sugEested Bacn nad ueu s
contirmed at the vrtua e
managing relationships, reading that they represent only a subset side baeiee t
a vuin March, he stood up and walked

the "universality of the Games"-Olympics must accommodate Echoing vocal critics outside where members were clapping
tneir chier appeal Dy Keeping compeutors, and pon vew ne 10 Swad aiso Suggested their hands in front of their cam-
many Sports tederia POlnts, Irom more than 200 coun
wus that Bach was compromised by eras. They were coecuvey

the Olvmnie umbrell wVou may think it's impossible Fahad al-Sabah of Kuwait, abravo!" "coneratulationst" and
These were formative years, as to think differently, Bach said in global sports kingmaker, who as felicidades!" crackled through
Bach developed the mental play- an interview.But, you know, peo an .0 member nad oDoed On the room.
books required to move through ple think differently about all is- Bachs behal,
hesheikh, Tacing Bach stretched his arms, curled
lucrative worlds of sports, busi- The enormity
in Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Bach Los Angeles Mayor
EACE ot corrupaon, has since ped group hug toward the towering
ness and politics.
"It's like a person having three
Tuence ana
of its president
singular authoriy
are fairly recent
Eric Garcetti after the 2024 and 28 Games were awarded.
Reached by phone
from his olympic
last montn,
or disembodied, grinning


B And Alone:
0 54 426 17
os An
To Tokyo

akland 6, LA Angols 0 By VICTOR MATHER

oston at Toronto TOKYO-Alone in a mostuy
ax as at Doto bare room, mypassport and
seemed prudent to let my col-.
dnesd DaYa leagues know whereeI was. Imn
CTRD)t Tampa Bay Mach
ambeing detained by the
tapped out on my phone from
on deep inside one of 1okyos inter
a Pineda 35) at Chicagp Whila nauonal aurports late Monday
Sax (Coaso 7-)
Was my trip to the TOkyo
olympics, years in the planning
and still only a few hours old,
8.. ver belore it had begun?
For most or this year, Tising

w apan have caused grave con

cern and sgniticant debate
among ctizens here about the
ast De
A as 37 Brazil's Itako Fereira, a medal favorite, during a training session at Tsurigasaki Beach on Tuesday. The waves remind no one of Oahu.

risksof alloi en
okradde.. 53
athletes, officials and news me
68 22
28 into te county
Aami at w
at Y
wa Surfing Arrives. Will Waves Follow? bes
To assuage

dee to ensure
hcag Cube at 5t Lous that only a few, or preterably
rghi at Arizona
ttsbur zero, Covd-posive people ener
the country
ednesdaye A World-Class Field Could Encounter Jersey Shore Conditions during the Games.

Tokyo, for example.

news media
Tounaaini 0-0 1220 1st gam
00), 706. By JOHN BRANCH stop, Pipe Masters in Hawaii, with eoers,naaathietes and visiting
to prod uce two
ICHINOMIYA, Japan -Kolohe a chance to take the title. He fin Oucls
520, 2nd gam
4 tMrakoe Andino, 27, has never had to go far sned ninth in the contest and fifth s ests, aownioad
to find good waves, the kind that Toruhe se
he already knew he phones and agree to use them,
araw people rom tar away. O Torms and print
Clem had become the first American 0uta siew
Fodse 47) 706 "wagtor ente, Calif., the son of a profes y 0 e oympics.
SOna surer rom he s05 an He watched as Florence and Kelly ne stregy nas not Det
Uris 123 10-10 A Doors early 9us, Andino has always Florence got it. the list of Olympic posivesO
BASKETEBALL steady break at T Street and the Then the 2020 season was scut-uesday is thorougn, Dut t
sporadic pumpers a oppe aa tled, and both Andino and Flor which helps explain why I had
N.BA. PLAYOFFS Lower Tresties. Andinosstainedahich-ankle nassnort and mediia
d at
waukee leads sades, lumpics in Janan nart of the sprain in March, during his first and left to sit, alone, wondering
RPhoan 1iR, MWALko 108 four-person United States team, t Eve ws
whether i was about to be sent
nome on the next flight.
y 14: MBwakee 109, Phoenk 103 all those ears in is hometOwn when h ird
yureu us
hie km t
ecay: Phoon at i
h ead onlv heen the start.
at the Tokyo Games promisesDgThe Andino and Florence oniy Upon arrival at the airport in
SOCCER_ name talent but unspectacular nenericans Caroline Marks and Kolohe Andino during an eased baCK into the waler neJapan, a l-stage pcess
L.S. STANDINGS wavesjust the kind that Andino ympic exhibiton in >an clemente, Lant, last mont. the unfamiliar wor 0 venue, the ex eSteps a cheerful
ew Engiand., .8
rando Cityy..
3 3 27 23


13 good, Aaino sad. "T greEw

three times
Dino said.
I could hithishis house"
2032 is expected to
2032is in Brisbane,red
be m
to De
Australia. All of those locations,
ited number ot cormpeutos etors
maybe three documents to in
spect. At another, a roo o
astvlle... 14 surfing simar wae As for the Olympics, the father like Rio, summon more sparkling wide open. media members rom news
Y.CFC. 5 15 mense r edoes not like calling the anticipat- images of surfing than Japan.
ope to Sso welird, competitive surf f n0 tubes

POOr waveS 1
ve one
g0od T0r me wnen tage for his son. change that. Tsurigasaki Beach rhe e et e
the mot At one station, a bright yellow
"But he should be comfortable, has held second-tier international alked-aboit surfer whatever and sheet reading OOCHA- the name
ne said.
vind of Hive Oh competidons, 00ne you go out there and you just need t each E pp was nanded

ing about it. I thrive in that."
onto the Olympic program for there.
and its supporters pushed.t
So does Dino Andino.
would be more of a spectacle go down the
Score and you cannot find a we were ushered to an attendant
fiel imming whose main job seemed to De to
dotac Beach (sometimes caled Sh toecedin the Hawa or
asin whenscore and he can't find the ball scrutinize the yellow sheet we
rneata. hot snot with world-class
waves narly" Dino Andino said. Rut On the women's side, both
dashita Beach by locals) in Ichi
Paal Salt Laka, .
and a picturesque backdrop ew peopie ould be able to Moore and Marks are strong med
The site is about 60 mles from To nstead., its Ompic debur will relate thtbecaus
coastline but few world-class where they are
to dot France and Australia's Sally process,
they test results and preparing for the
Dala Kyo on Japans east coast. ple Fitzgibbons and Stephanie and things seemed to be
gong smo00thiy unul step 8.
Houon at Vancouwe As predicted, and feared, the breaks. It is more Jersey Shore To
adapt to the expected condi oh
ed Buls at Ioronto F pm
waves were small, Dreaking
forecast is for biser swels. Der.
than North Shore.
e 0
ner past
mp Medina and Italo Ferreira are the already heavily-scrutinized docu-
two world champions and en ments and abrupuy ushereu e
ante t Cnci haps nudged by a tropical storm, waves, but the Olympics decided in the types of waves they expectee
andyour credential
ourouneuae onur
an Jo at Kansas Cay, &0 pm Edny nexE Week. several years ago thatit was more to see at the Games. ond raised in Cali. don

dos FC at Portand, 1030 pm
Andino 15 not bothered by the
the Olympic contest will have less-
than-monumental waves. His fa
women tional
important to stage the competi-
No one is sure what to expect.
Carissa Moore, the four-time
two-time men's world champion
The format, for 20 men and 20 John John Florence are from Ha-
women (and no more than two
oWal, home or some
fornia to Japanese Parene is

thohwhich eld
worids set 2019, five of the top 10 surf-
ohe in
On one document I was Victor
Mather, on the other Victor
seemed to befuddle
ham EC... 5 petitor, shared his positive vibe. four days of competition over an 19, is from Florida, but made a 1 planation about being named for
in >outnern California a few
participate in the oymplcs, Open both my tather ana my great
riando......4 3 4 16 14 13 Dino Andino, 4, Erewup wtnour eight-day window. One

Louvio ..3
2 11 7 i3 cn parentaserSo nsan Surf conditions can be fickle, years ago *o
known na
grandfather made impact.

anas City. 3
beard, dishwater blonde mop the best breaks on theldhe Hawa more powerful Andino is a bona fide Surfing wait, w
oham K. ced unar oPpy neThere 1s concern that bad timing waves, clear water said Brett
hd is ahot1 monthe older Hemore worryingly, my documents
North Carolna
2, Onando

at Kansas Cy, 8 p.m

o T
Times wreote in 1993 the vear he c
n Japan might make the

l fan etomadto ima

mpcSimpson, the uS Oympic coach won a record nine national titles-disappeared.
h enanthaf heir as an amateur, and qualified for Keer came ater a somewnat
TENNIS fore kolohe was born.) of giant turquoise barrels or viral peting in California and around the WSchampionship tour as a polite and friendy attendant
no tned to De ne Kin o videos o Dg-wave Surting he au ey're at the top returned, handed back my docu-
reer that led to the World Surf
ure 7
Games in Paris will hold their
re veause they can adapt ther f the generation that
Drougnt acrobatics to the waves, put me DacK n nne.
I'm still not exactly Sure what
en's les Andino had finished in the top Sealed
onnis NoW A League championship tour at age
surfing competition in Tahiti, in seven in the season-endingW.S.L.
P got out oi the airportthreehours
French Polynesia. he 202 Stanangsuee
go 0oh Br. championships. It is the kind of aftermy plane toucnea down.1
Ti pick up a rock ana tnrow it ymplcs are in LOS Angeles, and 2019 when e arrived at tne nnapproach that may prove useful at had made it to the oiympics.
the Olympre You can't blame Japan 1or

k wiznd ln Andino hasS never wona champi onslaught of people from all over
onship tour event, Bong o Tors in the world during a pandemic.
Lonro, AIgmdna. /6, 4s /6 (
PALERMO LADIES OPEN heac-to-nead inals. Tm savingit The rigorous process will nop
or the Olympics he Said with a doubt do a good job in keeping

ina Zavatska Ukraine, He can think of nothing better spread coronavirus. And perhaps
Andino saa that he records and a few Jrs., Ill's and IV's.
consumes OiympiCs coveraE
n ine BuceSpan 75, Fasca people devoting their lives to a
3aviwsh, Rssie, 75, 63, Okas Daniovic. sport ana to uat
Daniele Colins ), Unilod said. "And Brown uP ext
T've o
6. 62 6-2
6. 63 Asra Sharma.
y. 4
, H, a.
triotic. It's kind of like ihose
worlds come into one, ntoan ex
RANSACTONS posion O Tun-iesS Ou
He added, "This is so siCK, Just
gh East on
being a part or
robabasaam At the ime, he was still using
crutehes to get arouna, proteng
te 10day L, rotoacve to July 19.

Bare (Triple A East.

was back in the familiar water,
oda . Just dovwn
Dreaks e
as weu as
ng e

H Zach Enin on the 10-day PESE- GETTY IMAG
N.F.L. does not know exactly what embers ot Australias wom-
ensympic baSketball team
Andino and his tather, Dino, a onetime champion

surfer, playing table tennis in Los Angeles last year.

expect in Japan, but he hopes it
feels a lot like home. arriving at Narita Airport.

They got game. But can they Growing up in

MUSIC BETTER TO HAYE GOHE a utopia haunted
Ledisi pays tribute to Nina AHVILLE
by ghosts.


EheNew JorkTimes

The "Zola actress has a knack for working-class
characters, though her own family is quite different.
Two new PBS films bring fresh
insight into Caribbean life.

TIS NIGHTTIME IN Puerto Rico. A dembow

Det, the rnytnmietoundatonoreggaeon,
hroos, slcing into the thick alr. man giis aA

droplets on his shoulders as he grinds gen-

ty agalnst nis dance partnet 1he crowa
hollers as a beloved reggaeton anthem ech
In the lilt of the island's familiar accent,a
volce has spoken: dont want to spend my
wnole nle nghting.
ldarondos documenta
moment of everyday pleasure, but one that
s contenas witn the psycnie Wegnt orpO
tical struEEe. captures whatit means to
ria and the 2019 uprising against govern-
ent corupudn. 1t IS an naEe O wrmn
and intmacy, Dut one that reruses to put
panied the last few years of life for Puerto
This approach alstinguishes Landfal
Rico and the Dominican Republic in PEBS's
POV program, from many documentaries
Droduced ror auaences in the United
hie inof nlevitvonscreen In
the West,the Antilles are vlewed as a locus
o nardsnp ana disoraer or vietmnood and
depravity In tnis reucu

Grand Palace
Is Reborm
As Museum
French artisans painstakingly
restore 8th-century splendor
PARISIt was a storehouse for the rurni
France's royal household. It's where Marie
Antoinettes death certiicate was signed,
Napoleoni and Josephine celebrated their
n France became law. It was the head-
uarters or rances Navytor more thnan
200years and, I1, of a di-
during World War

Htel de la Marine, the eagerly

awalted new Paris nuseum that openea to
the public last month, 1s layered in history.
Place de la Concorde is on view for the firet
time in almost 250 years after a Sl57 million,
ouear renovadon hat nvolved about

made to the building over time and restor

ng it to lS Tormerpiedor
kind of restoration that hasnt
administration," said Joseph Achkar, an au-
thority on 18th-century deslgn who over
saw the project with his partner, Michel


The Riddle of Riley Keough

ween wnat you donT know but want to find avo got there first and while she waited, a
When you do
Most actresSes play to you. When theyre
scanKeough's face for fickers of intention something well, gan to hover. The Chateau boasted hivh a
oreoen e
actly what that thing 1s. But Riley keough is
andemoton, you realize vou re eaning in.
shes one of those actors who so effort
people want it
again and then you
evel or celeDiy
densiy in iesPrepandemc
so often, a civilian still ge
it almost eme li i ien i
Whether she's weighing
matters of it alm kind of g tuck Thoh Rrao odded hackshe
money and sex inThe Girliniend Exper director Janlcza Bravo, who pursued RILEY KEOUGH Isy scanning the room for her would-be
nce r Stlring do romnucv eougn to play steran, an exoc dlancer star. 5ut this
normle, this nncelebriy, tnis
Dy ner table ike
he ewnect E
ice-blue eyes and a chin curved like a ques even when you don't fully trust her, and And then she said, "I'm Riley:"
on markirom ner ranrater ivS PesBravo kneweough could play that ambl- DrvOpologizea prorusely to Keough
gu morsel. that taste, that Juice,
What are Keough's characters think
Dus. flavorI wanted that," Bravo said. be like- I believed her to be a larger-than-
ng Tou can never ute e nlate z018, the ola script was sent to ure person-and what landed in irontot me
his isnta bad thing.nstead, itSthe pri a
eougn, and meeng was set atthe stiarry was s0meone with a good deal of ease,"
The Hotel de la Marine,
4yereu nisturg,
a new Paris museum
openeu ldst nO.


The Riddle of Riley Keough

CONTINUEb FROM PAGE CI upauo,even ner moensor oemg
said. "l'm maybe dancing around it, love plaving these charac
Me neither. When met Keough in mid- Seem like the bad guy. It's so much more fun
net e none
Iwas struck oicalm,
by her
rend LOS Agees,
undisturbed ener- ake
peope nave oents
where youre ikKe, T Tee Da
wu net.1a EO wIh
the most wellness-obsessed stars. With her tooo." 8 "

Keough, here is no eagerness to please, no Zola premiered in January 2020 at the

eeu to npress or to nave ne ees o Sundance Film Festival, ana heougn was

herin She's always been kind of a searcher, and if

So how does she hold on to that lack of the movie led to new and more interesting
Work in comedies, maybe those roles Wouid
sell-consciousness in Houywo0d? have
e n
nard his industry Dandemic scuttled thoSe Dlans. and as
shrugging. "I don't take things too seri- Keough was adjusting to months oft tromn
ously work, heryounger brother, Benamin, killed
Zola, based on a notorious Twitter n
folowed was"a year feeling
of like
advertisement but Keouph was thrown into the ocean and couldn't
prefers using it to puncture her own celebri- Swim, eougn sd.nest 0u
y: Though she has starredin a few films tor
ihe hot stuao A4, NEoug P
tal debilitatedconldot tolIk'fo
the A24 movies she failed to book, including op Riley Keough Aa
in Los Angeles. Above. Keough with Taylour Paige in Zola" thecomedy movie, Even noW, Keough tinds the tragedy hard
Uncut Gemspring BreakeS and" Ine wien son a
Dasea iwitter thread, premered in January z020 at the >unaance Fum Fesuval.
pectacular Now outrageous, she said. "Ifl'm going through
hose films messaged
Keough to offer apologies, but the rejections aDreaup:now wat to wtn that and ao

tDotnered her much to"T begin with. "I s nortmai? d was far
want it to be American Honey, this really where to file it in my mind, but suicide of
ocaretall, she said. have this atti from ordinary: When she was about 5, her Keough said."When you do something well, does that integrate? Itjust doesn't."
besides, there were bigger quandaries to mother, Lisa Marie Presley, split from her people want it again and then you kind of Keoughgot through it with the help of her
spend that energy 0n. musician father, Danny Keough, andmar get stuck friends and her husband, Ben Smith-Pe
wanted her to go big, too. Adorned
n en a sot access to moneyed fortresses like Grace- in blond cornrows and hoop earrings, Ste-
fani shrieks and cajoles in a blaccent so pro
some ground rules: "I wanted to make sure
that was feeling everything and Twasn't
ear The minuteof
tucking strands auburn hair behind her land and Neverland, while the other lived

What am
I got to Earth, I was like, more mocestl, in trailer parks with mat-
nonedthat even ly Azalea might blshrunning from anythingshe said that o
fani's voice, she would text recordings to
I doing here? why is Instead of helping to facilitate a birth, she
Keough had no qualms about visiting her
tather, once, sne even tola ni,"wne
row up, I want to be poor like you. She 5ravoAnd
Janicza ways u
More, more. I was ike, OK, ITyou say so
es eople rougn tne isstesat arise
during the tinal portion of their lives.
mark was., but that bifurcated childhoodPaige).can hardiy believe thevibe that Ste able put mvself in a position of service
WEARE OPEN with her brother, Benjamin, would come in fani is putting down, and in an era when she said. "IfIcanhelp other people, maybe I
ANGELIKA nanay in her z0s, when eougn pursuedwhte approptriation or B1ack euirure nasbe can hind some wal to nelp mnyse
HOW IT ENDS as well as enough privilege to live her life said, 'Am Igoing to get canceled for this? someone had told her to expect a sil
ver ifning shortuy alter Benjamin died, she
winout nucn won Bravo recalled. "But what shes playing
11:30 1220, 200. 30 5, 525, 715, R15 about hustlers just trying to get by, her can look like an apology" oflife and how every moment maters to me
SUMMER OE SOUL charactersfeel real and hved-in raie un neest 1s te
Polar oppoOSIeo now eougn Sald.
condescended to. Or, asa recent twet putit, Keoughs more tamped-down pertorm rs her new normal, one she sstillgetting
ing class way better than J.D. Vance." Was it and gut-bustingly funny, even if Keough can where Keough stands because until re
MINARI 1145, 220,560, 28 o to compare her to the Hibily Eleg ens at sone viewers dOTt KoOw wnat cenuy, stne
adntEen sure nete t
AnGLAAT R author turned struggling senate candi- do with her
ike, wed lau
t almost couldnt be helped with a child-
than 1,000 likes: Keough's brand is strong. Am I a bad person?" she said. "I love that. tremes. But at 32, she's finally figured
The lorida-set zola" at tirst appeared to m a htue bitthat o a troll in my heart, and I something Out.
e cut trom that same
WEuPARD Keough
cloth: stefani

has plaved plenty of in the past.

15 a thinkbring into my work. And you
tions as she goads Zola into a road trip that
think growing up, lwasalways search
evervthing's inside me. All vou can do is
Still, the actress wanted to use this opportu- quickIy turns dangerous, thats by design. Surrender and be present for the experk
CLUE DE THE DAY nity to push things a little further "I didn't "YOu don't know if the whole thingsama- ence.


Prince Harry Is Signed Up to Write a Memoir
ences, adventures, loSses, and ife lessons can help show that no matter where we
QUEEN OF SHEBA childhood andem nis
Se Prince Harry and Meghan
arkie, he via and Duchess oSussex,
ukeInstagram military service, his marriage to Meghan Amemoir by Prince Harry seemed all but
announced that hey were and fatherhood. ater tne couple gave an expio-
FOR THE CORRECT tablish their financial independence, the The book, which is as yet untitled and is SIve interviewin March to Oprah Winfrey,

ODAPD TONIGHT couple swiftly began building a media em published by Random House
in the United
OR LOOK IN THIS States, Random House Canada in Canada clearwhenMeghan's is coming. but a mem-
IN THE TIMES. ducttion deal with Netflix, with plans to and Transworld,an imprint of Penguin Ran OrDy nes aucnessSeems ey,)
dom House UR, in the United Kingdom. already a small ibrary
There of books
make documentaries, feature films,
SCripre Shows and childres, program
nancial terms but noted that
Prince Har decated torne ue and Ducness, ineud
rify and ioined the will be donating his profits to charity. Love, Leslie Carroll's "American Princess
handle speaking engagementsS. Tm wnng this not as the prince I was and Andrew MortonsMeghan: A Holly-
DOrn Dut aS the manI have become," he said wood Princess," as well as multiple books
Ow, tne memoirs are coming. On Mon-
Watch JEOPARDY! day, Penguin Random
Pri C I Tune Random House Children's
I p.m. on Channel 7 hich it described in a news release as "an terally and iguratively, and my hope is "Im writing this notas Books released a picture book by Meghan,
ntimate and hearttelt memoir that will o tnat in teling my story-the nigns ana tne prineI was born, titled "The Bench," about the bond between
fer "the definitive account of the experi- lows, the mistakes, the lessons learned- I Prince Harry says. Prince Harry and their son, Archie.

They Can All Play,

But Can They Act?
ric after l get-
By JASON ZINOMANN money, clearing
ting hustled out of the
Does every N.B.A. superstar reuya courts by swinginE a knie around ue
by the lonpand checkered history of plav. ecta rge sS0 convineng tnat you
o50ywo0d (not to mention the not
haskethal acti c aus

hine ehenre
built on hoops talent into the era of remakes,
of lms 1994
Bob Cousy "Blue Chips N
heres a gde to the bet ang worst per
formances by pro basketoal playetd, a
Stream it on Hulu and Paramount+.
This unsung morality tale about a B0DDy
Knight-like college coach (Nick Nolte,
979 filled with performances by famous plavers
Julius Erving "The That ngune ea, Lariy Bira and coacnes
(KICK PIno, nignt). Ihey all capabiy play
Saved Pittsburgh
Kent it on most major platforms. here is the Roston Celtics oreat Roh CouS
we are to Deeve this g00y move who transtorms into a morally ambivalent
and why not?-basketball at the height ofatnenc ireeto
isstarngiy a5Srea ARNER Os
disco meant players doing the splits to cele Pe cen 4 O Fanerrom une

Dr. J as the coolest man alive, Much of his his father. It's arole player of a performance LeBronJames soars into sheaky cnange or pace. yirie vings pe
that execures the game plan sKIITuny, occa stestactnge
adding to ts swagBer. in one
SOW oon, 1996
Shaquille O'Neal 'Kazaam Legacy" filling the shoes current stars moonlighting in movies per
and dasnking in street clothes. In an Stream it on DISey. worn previously by
O Estves S0SDOd
1998 Michael Jordan. move veSS
for Irving to try acompletely different
other, he enters a game byhot-air balloon.Shag isthe mostcharsmatic bg man n his Gheorghe Muresan My Giant'
wearing a glittery silver uniform, backea Dy y itec Rent it on most major platforms. ture to a hunch and affecting a weary voice.
unky So
musicrdonn ravota naa a
counterpart, tnis was it.
Du as ne star
os move
5 rcThe A0Oncne,the omaran centerne
orene Muresan was the tallest player in the nere arerole players
And it he seemed a ittie stift, its not easy to
act underneath such an elaborate makeup
year belore he would make one of the most
1979 Ogetable D superhero movies ("steel), y o tne N.B.A. hat was enough for a and those who should

Bernard King 'Fast Break

he denverEd us a early on, were unrefined. But for amateurs, emain on the bench.
Rent it on most major platforms. fantasy Trying to grant the wishes of a
wne xia wtn aivorced par-
ncn e toner nan 5ports. ntis
Dy ystal Duday movie, he's stuck in a
Kevin Garnett Uncut Gems
s eOnaama
Piayea oy uaDe Aplan at the height othis
a coach "Y D
fines mging and evenburpinefor lašghs
nes, mugging ana even Durpungtor iaugns.
(English is not his first language), and inhis
Stream it on Neylix.
On-court personality usually doesnt trans
"Welcome Back, Kotter" fame) who builds
reaction shots, he may hold another record: late to the screen, but this is a notable ex
east exprEsSive starin the nistory or com cepton. Playing an amped-up version of
star Bernard King delivers an understated, 1997 uy
vn eroanceHe sa
a silky jump shot.
Keeps upP
nusew Dennis Rodman Double Team
Rent it on most major pldyormis. 2012
ferocious getting in Adam Sandler's face as
ne was wtn ParicK EWIng.

too much on the court. Compared with the Despite winning three Razzie Awards Kevin Durant Thunderstruck
ecc video-game aesthetic orspaceJam, eanauae van Dammne nop, Dennis Rent it on most major platforms.
his character-driven
movie feels refresh e d in When it comes to movies starring oklyn
Michael Jordan >pace Jam
y numan.
flamboyant get-ups (lots of hair dye and Nets, Uncle Drew" featuring Kyrie Irving. Michael Jordan has enough star power to
wiyiy ves corny nes rif sner nd runner. But there s nothing ight up a commercialor a "Saturday Night
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 'Airplane' Ahis nto he athasethallin Thisrie the animation of Bugs Bunny to make the
ongimal lune Squad a powerhouse.
Rent it on most major platforms. comes from the glint in his eye, which he orously wholesome "Freaky Friday"-like
There is no more famous jock cameo than
Kareem AbdukJabbar playing himset pre
needs when delivering one of many basket:
ball references, despite the fact that he's not venca
ents with
he accenares ta
clumsy hign school kid. A com 2021
ending to be an ordinary commerCal air tremely tall arms dealer.
er Dut raner an ex LeBron James pace Jam:
includes a plot point with N.B.A. stars losing
Diane puo eneeven0OS
Deing challenged on it by a young fan is one 1998
erSis, Durantreay commtsto
Dad, ausng nis tormn
an consis
A New Legacy
Stream it on HBO Ma.

e this cassic comeay

countess okesin
But when his frustraOn13 Sup
Ray Allen He Got Game
Stream it on HBO Ma
this perfectionist
air Dall
trip making a crossover,
a aunk ana miss nis patented
usualy focuses on stats amassed and rings

uraiscea over
over and
is coolly unflappable stoicism. our major movie debut opposite
Denzel Washington must be as dauntingas
drange sho, again.
gue over: Who is the best or more pre-
2018 more
James in your first game. Exuding inno but James gets the edge, showing
cnarisma, Ray Allen, in the
rving Uncle Drew range plaing opposite cartoons, pretend-
Marques Johnson White Men t
neaty roe orConey 1sland basketball prod o or puuyorms. n De ne
overo ng sports dad aOng
ant Jump la
on ost piayor ms.
major well, even if you never forget he's moon- who everyone underestimates because h tapping into sloppy sentiment that Jordan
n the greatest basketball movie of all time, ghting. Hespersuasive as a diffident, par- ooks slow and out of shape, but then dom reserves for meme-able Hall of Fame induc-
his five-time al-star makes a briet but elec alyzed high school star with buned anger at nates the game through wily moves and tions.

Two Not Touch CrossWord | Edited by Will Shortz

ACROSSS Well-kept

All-ueeans42 Estai
Lakers, famillary
43 Island WNW o
Modern-day Molokai
s Wall s
o Bird with a
reduplicatve 4 Who sald Ihe
name he rence
14 Old pro
tne Surealists
17 Raucous music
oogie woogie
Big Dance org.
paces (out)
18 19 Action aera
49 Globe
Put iwo stäars in eacn row, column and region or the gna. NO wo stars may toUcn, not een dlagonaly. o Studied (up on)
20 Dontmake me -Reader
at npital
3 Ihe titular
Brain Tickler 2s
an A

in Tornado
classic sitcom
Dish with
Alley: Abbr. tomatoes and
cost of OZarella
Which of the following boy's names cannot become the name of a color by changing one letter? verhead
manufacturing? 61 Animal whose
histro cial Native Ame 40 Bit of sweet talk
passesin its canoe material insensitive
PLZZLE BYWILL.SHORTZ YESTERDAYS ANSWER Morgan Fairchild's first acting jbwas as Faye Dunaway's booy double in "Bonnie and Clyde"
31 50s campaign
button name emarks, Tor 4 lake by 1Orce
British meat ple Columnist Klein short
32 anenu eas 33 Nest protest -American
KenKen come rusted
37Seminalpunk Ihats nOT me
22 Encompassed

2 Give a pointer?
band, with "the DOWN Tg
s PUZZLES War inits. 4 nfo on a dating
Under olid
(appetizer) Who wantss profile
3 4 2 1| Nap sack? Drid citrus
some Bundle up
s0 U2 frontman

13 43 24|ANSWER Law & Order 30Super-hoppy costs

it'e ro

2 1 ETS 1o Blue state? SLR and buls 33 Make easier to
*opean peak
4|2]1|3||HOIS Great Lakes via
Actress Vardalos

351412SSEALEDBAM 1a Partner of 34 Vodka

Some N.L
cocktails6 inemen:
AIE E RSconfused

This AAMP 13 clue number 7 It can be tipped

552 ENDEDqYON AIMS 6 Available to
. Or colect ps

RIE STSIMPHHA 1s Passions watcn, in a way s Whichever

AS AR IM 1 Large unit of 37 Speckled coat se Restaurant water
Fill the gnd with digits so as not to repeat a digt in any row or column. and so that the digits within guess
howily outlined baxwll produce the target number using addtion, subtraction. multiplication
eachIAPBTO SPILTs resistance

division, as indicated in the box. A 4x4 grid will use the digits 1-4.A 6x6 grid will use 1-6. orHAP OTAATBARS
For solving tps and more Kenken puzzies: For feedback: IOIMGIEINE BALIol0D A
Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 9,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year).
PERCY Read about and comment on each puzle:


Called Home by Memories and Devotion

An experimental town is seen naee
through the lenses of memoir, ested in. A restless spiritual hunger last month ) as

history and cultural analysis. P a Deeuctne mons

tery ana landed nim in india, Where he rell
A louder, more troubling omission is
Maes herself. The contours of her faith, de-

ndian dcean, on the her contradictionsimpossibie too reconcile

TUCKED ABOVE THE land Does a utopian impulse run in fam r


yDE s 4y
dawn. Auroville is an intentional commun
re esapur aSK5. Wwakesatner nad ong
ings of his own; the title of the book comes
she who let young Auralice be raised by
neighbors but inststed on spooieeug u
Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, and your pilgrimage. May it have a good ending.

vage noon ornhumän uniy. 10day some

1HAUROvILLE Consecraeu to
exEmplay soEwnat Butho mater,Deter to have gone on 1t than beauty. Walker, on the other hand, not onlyy
o nave stayea nere quieuy. At the end or my
eft a cache of correspondence but proved to
be an uncommonly interesting wTiter. Some
erners make their home there, among or- cept love and compassion and the search,
HASH KAPUR Eanc tas, ree eoos and eunca desenwn i nave not made, tOr reanty
be found in his letters (extended quotation
studios, all subsidzed by donations ana the Maes, meanwne Brewup comeswitn its peris. apurnasnstalents
city swirls. designed to look like a galaxy. a writes. and the narrow conventionality of -the story 1s suspensefully structured, annd
eath. and the Quest world untO itselfor so it ikes to believe Flanders. she tound her way to Auroville tctin teiehe Men
for Utopia in Auroville Eariy Aurovilians coaxed lorests out o ndtS tning5pirit or icense.snenad two contain all the requisite multitudes in this
y Akashapu
Ccrihnr e 5
ertile for oroelaim ndr darver
often suppressed histories. One such story
ice withathird Walker Couniings were.cas
ual in Auroville, where Maes's geatest
tae rull Ornnisned businessandne
"Wreckage of history, in which "the wolf is
nas Deen tne aeatn o two members ne 0 or co tws EseTV spent in the "belly of the beast" (in this case,
nmunity in 1986: the American John the Motner. Ater her accidentshe rell 3 Harvu
named Diane Maes. o nity's meditation center, breaking her neck,
AKAsh ap
here 1s a mystery to be solved in this
The writer Akash Kapur grew up in Au October 1988 i
roville. He was a classmate of Diane's medical treatment, ttofeedrefused even a
even a wheel,
with a native son's fondness, fury, stubborn
loyalty, exasperated amusement
In Au- dving and a woman watching him wept.
mother died. Kapur and Auralice eventually spiritual duties with sufficient fervor, her
ua wOu
uog e
urinate on nim, turns out, t was tragic and deeply unneces
, nved in America but felt sum-DOay would be rendered whole. She spent
harred and
apur wrltes ma new DooR, eTest or ner re paralyzed below the renely untroubled. enance and desire, the reason, I suspect, for
T o these strands, Kapur adds a third: the the story of Walker andMaes cannot be that decorus reticence where Mes isco
le in a forest beneath a termite moundstory of Bernard Enginger, later known as s onging and navete o n re w

aprem, & Tonerenper or tne rrencn tangled uDrohe eiA

of reverence and neplect not uneommon

we nad uninished Dusiness there in thenlitics of Arouille itself

what naPpeneu nsE torture in the concentration camps. He tray which was thrown into an kdentity crisis af m uney
Aurove Swnen
the floor dying and Maes, long physically in- eled to India to work in the Prench colonialertne aatnottheotherin ne ae escaped To neoors hehaos
capacitated by a freakish accident, held
their cat n her arms and crieu and creu
administration that controlled the territory
the Mother In time he became a formidable
e he Yeannes
roville constitute areligion, a sect or a spiri-
her Kapur has eome to know the uaity of
hersilences there are places we dont
What did they seek, and what, finally, did spiritual leader himself- holding particu-uanY what are the airerences Detween
suppose one Une
Ey find? la sway over Maes. e three? Writes.T reasons of the
waiker wasthe beloved, indugedsc1ono omhine in this narrative Kanr weaves to text. however. Kapur's lackof interest in the walls
first curator of the National Gallery and a gether memoir, history and ethnography to colonial legacy of Auroville is surprising He accomplishes far more. He brings this
descendant of Thomas More, the author of tell a story of the desire for utopia and thee and his description othe landitsetat past intoa knd ot balance: Heshows howto
the 15th-century satire "Utopia." Gentle,
Be P
s ome snn on ly took me aback. (For a thorough
aarne a
been a fine line between utopia and treat tion. it is a compncated ouueng, nis Do
FOuOw uru engau on witer: @paru_sengal aystopià (See Jonestown) Dut t is told mentor the colonial roots or Aurovile and and the artiract or a great love.


Hurricane Maria, while Dominicans an
ialtlans are enemes IOCKed in anever-end
ng historical battle.

alities into rudimentary

stereotvpes hin

Ee popie to their co
or tnese isliands

u c urdunas. but Lanarall

The films lean into
tanty, res1sting a binary vision of pure ab
ecton orSimple vctory. Landrals prs
matic, with no linear structure; it features

sionistic composite of a community making

sense or p0nncal instabinty and hatural as
aster. "Stateless" features three main char
oat story about the triumph of the human
Both films exist in a documentary land-
Scape tnat ends to deraut toward

non-Western and nonwhite people intended

or Amercan auaiences, 1olow a comimon
thread: an underdog from a tough back
rouna conironts a social 1SSue, and

E immediately evident:she. says that

DOncansn na te ee
the Dominican Republic. Murat's journey is
as neartDreaking as it is enraging, One
Teary shot, he speakS aDout howdincutItIS
formative moments of their youth. Dien-
doAvar is audacious unrougnoue
ries to neip her cousin wn his status, a nid-
labvrinthine bureaucracy of the govern-
ment she even starts a sell-tinanced con
gressional campaign.
too. An interview at the Central Electoral

embedded in the poiileet e

little recourse for Murat But there is also
through sheer force of wll, overcomes ad- Clockwise from top: anding he resignation o Ricardo reliet that so many carry with them. oytne tnr endoml Avarereeis on ner
ve le teors corruntion and govemment Eateless arected p cneleStepne s vst to Hat, ner tatners nomeland,

sor nd t

rescue workers in the Syrian civil war neglect in Puerto Rico in the suffering the hurricane caused: "We try Rosa Iris Diendomi Alvarez; her stateless campaigns, preaching about making
These types of films tend to level layered re
alities into digestibie encounters and usher
2019 durng a scene from
ntaOSA ins Butink
we need to revisit hem, she
e n
uranattonalist, ladys Felz
neat a erdssrS IEvel. 1nrougot
P*helm makes an erortto connectthe prob
DC1al pro
resolutions. campaigning for congress in ute." There are moments of joy, too: shots math of a landmark 2013 court ruling that lonialism and dictatorship on the island,
disrupt this formula, "Landfall" as-
Sembies vignettes irom across Puerto Rico.
the Dominican Repuiblie in or
ends piaying d0mnoes on tne beaCn,strippea
shouting "iPal carajo Marna(Screw
citzensnp rom Domincans
Haitian descent born after June 1929. The
or avoiding stereotypes.
Atthe endof "stateless, the fates of Dien
nd transforma school into acommunal liy bor who remains withoutelectricity. government benefits and forced many to re There is no fantasy of resilience or sugges
ng spaceWere meais anda nousenod "Landfall" doesn't linger in despondence turn to Haiti, where they lack documents, tion that one individual's success will dis-
g00dsare aistributed among residents arter or the ability to endure. 1oward the end, cel eavingnem tareless. mantte the njustices ot the entire system.
tDea e goverent or tha aoermr'e oimation eo dae noiahhors holnina thomogietar ith tho attentior to he diffiestioshat etill lima
from continental U.s. arrive in
the of protests. Over footage of euphoric dem government so they can access social serv- for so many in the wake of denationaliza-
ayaguez in search orpront, BVEn the ter 1strators, a series of pointed voice-oversCes. Murd recounts now ne wa5 Torced to on.
oy s erto Ricans recalled their O etOCansevererate e nSo peoe erto ndtne

offood and gas after
fears about the scarcity ready to celebrate yet, said another. Isentiment that will feel familiar to audi- these films imagine more than simply a pro-
neya spent hours waiing in line. 1 here IS
s0 nce crowas swarmed now ve ne Dee r
way through, retlects a third. ltis this mul E rapists and criminals
Eetn demanding the
nsas pious Tuure ora aevastatlng preesent ror
the Caribbean. They refuse to pathologize
panish"Struggle, yes! Surrender, no! Without presenting a aightforw nar an indelible phrase from the Martinican phi-
difficult to watch. Feliz Pimentel is
ne heignto the z0uprising against polit
tis Edouard Glissant, they "consent
tive of recOvery after Maria, it considers casual, sometimes nonchalant about her exlosopher
cal corruption and government neglect, de th the unprocessed grief and the sense of tremist views, and the contradictions are not to be a single being"

Acknowledging a Debt With a Tribute

A new album from the singer Ledisi pays homage to Nina Simone, whose music saved Ledisis life nearly 20 years ago.

By SALAMIsHAH TILLET blues artist Johnny Ace and a sinper inthe

She tarred in ber n az ngdIS. Her new

Mahalia. Patti. Gladys. The soul and jazz oWn right, best known for his single "on the The Legend of Little Girl Blue," ana
about her reworked with different arrangements.
singer Leals hasrecEnty stalted as eachor eSlae that De reieased asthe Fropnet or se, ne motner and simone, rew a
en Rat Nina Simone is the musi- When Ledisi first appeared onstage with anh rndct while Ledisi exudes warmth onstage and
clan who saved her life almost 20 years ago. he New Orleans Symphony Orchestra at and the Metropole Orkestat London's Royal covers four octaves, easily adding exuber
.ist heard Nina sometime in z003, Le age 8, 1t was both a revelation and a contin Albert Hall. Just last December, PBS ailred anthollers, sophisticated scats, sultry rasps
S,4,entyrecaed n aVideo Inter nFeyearsater,neramyovto erSSpeC,Ledisi LIVe: A ITiDute orque naOnes wanted a vocalist with
black long-sleeve T-shirt that read "Spiritu- bank, Anibade. By 2000, she independently PrOduced by her long-term collaborator the grit and gravitas that he associated with
al Gangster wasonmy rockKIng chair on released ner nrst solo alDum, "sousinger: Kexkideout, "LedlSiSings Nna th 1s her imone to sing atop tne Meropole orkest, a
my porch in East Oakland, and I was de The Revival, and its follow-up, "Feeling Or- studio album, and her second on her owm la jazZ and pop orchestra based in the Nether

bums, but I had bills, just got divorced, strong critical acclaim, a core fan base and of what many see as long-overdue recogni- "I was really trying to find an artist who
HO: Arter receiving 13 Grammy nomna coud balance the powerora nugeorcnestra
ing. so i decided: OK. This 1s the day. Tm geonnoied as ajazvOcanist, LeEdisiwas
Os Over tne years, earned her tirst behind them, and lift that orchestra and the
As she sat contemplating her death, a in an industry that did not really know how ance, in March for "Anything for You." But it to shed a light on Nina's work but not as an
SOng On
rao erupteu:
version of "Trouble in Mind"
>umones to market ner ppearEn bEIS
teleised Black Griskocki ceremony in
s maS anotner mestone euisis
turn to her roots as a soul and jazz singer
aton, Dut as someuning resn ana new.
is because shes not Just replicating.
enthusiastically, while imitating Simone's Ambrosius, Jill Scott and Kelly Price stole her fans after shows or in record stores. Tm Going Back Home"
nands on ne plano and quolnE tne ycs theshoW with ther pertormance This is a ful-circe moment for her, formed as an upbeat gospel tune, gets
she sangrouble n mind, ITm blue/ But mone's anthemicFour women. Ledisi had Rideout said in a phone interview, his en transtormed on "Ledisi Sings Nina" into a
anna hine/ln mharkdor eomeda imatie endina ahot eahee th e erolr indenendent and didn'tt's part of our tradition here to end with
disi said she "just cried and cried, and as the characterin this epic tale ot four Black or-label deal but she was selling 40,000 to a song that's a New Orleans second line to
Song Kept playing, I started teeling better women, each aistinguished by her age, skin U,000 records on her own, through con wnich we can dance out, leave the stage,

On Friday, Ledisi will pay tribute to the When Ledisi got her 34 seconds, she and artists can connect directy to the audi- tra. Ledisi "just brings the spiritual and in-

ELedis naan auarte 5ces ucn nee detem onneg eneereeng steon. ti and Gladys are also
redone in orchestral, Jazz and pop arrange made many return appearances on the BET her at the New York club S.0.B.s. "As a con part ot her, Ledisi sald she believed her
ments. eyowse botn tne aiversTy Dte stage emporyocst, heres most no one uSIca and ang career woud nave Deen
and depth of Simone s musicianship
own voin a
and the
o LeEuisis plaln
been ina-ing since, Ledisi ex can think ot in the world that sings as skll mpossible without simone
rts o
Simone's repertoire into her concert "In terms of her range, dexterity, clarity, because if I don't get to exercise them, they
Leaisiscareer, now two decades deeP,WI tne Nanonalymphony urehestra ersatny, she can do anything she wants. Just go away she sald. "Bu, ths project
felt predestined. Born Ledisi Young in New (NSO Pops) at the Kennedy Center The Shes one of the great singers in the world, and this journey with Nina has just changed

icians Her mother Nvra Dnese was a in New Orleans with the drummer Adonis Ledisi's voice is powerful, but technically,
soul singer; her stepfather, Joseph Pierce Rose and his New Orleans Jazz Orchestra, itisn't much like her idol's. Simone is known Don't put me in your box. The music will
III, a drummer; and her biological father, which she followed up with "Nina & Me" at for her husky tone and limited octave range, say it for you.

Webber Delays 'Cinderella Musical

Thecomposer and By SARAH BAHR
k fro n the plan
fines for
producer blamed One day belore Andrew oyd ebbers reaching British coronavirus rules.
Britains coronavirus slated to open in Londons West End. and its story and book by the Oscar-win
ning sCreenwriter Emerald Fennell
restrictions for the wo days after a cast member tested pos-
postponement or the
of ue Po on Monday
poser and producer announced
lion musical had been set to star Carrie
Hope Fletcher in the tiue role,
West End show. lnd ha
nae openg nngi woud
in previews at nalr capacit at tne aan
"I have been forced to take the heart- lowd Webber 73 has been pres ssuring
Dreaking decislon not to open my Cinaere e government tor more than a year to a
la," he said in a Twitter low theaters to open at nu capacity.
interview with The New York Times earlier
strument that is the G nment's isolation
guldance mean that we cannot continue show to cancel performances because one
0 not speciy whether the production was member of the cast came into contact with
someone who tested positive could be the
though a spokeswoman for him later clari- The trouble we wouldn'tbe able to
hed that tne shows opening was eayed, carTy on" he said. "We can't carry on hemCinderella" had been in previews at the Gillian Lynne Theater for about a month.
not cancelea, ana
that they peu ope ngng nonye wet,DEsa but
the showsoon, but its very difficult under percent we do. It's almo0st unthinkable,
you just have to don's Riverside Studios announced that day, prompting widespread "Freedom Day"
The composer's statement was likely an hand in the towel:" The Browning Version," which had been celebrations.

cn ntsrs
duene o y oE EonDSgv A Surge or coronavirus cases in Brltaln, OP ex n Tng NEnE But for those involved with "Cinderella,
newsnaner front nages
driven by the Delta variant,has also been De aneed
Fngland's daily average to 39 950an
ne newsWas
said in the statementMy saness for
with atreafrmhref atine ie her
promising to open "Cinderella" at full ca Hairspray at the London Coliseum a proximately doublethe level just two weeks our cast and crew, our loyal audience and
pacity "come hell or high water even ir Romeo and Julhet" at Shakespeares Globe agoVrtually all social distancing and the industry I have been fighting tor is m-
he taced arrest tor doing so. He quickly tested positive earlier this month. And Lon- mask requirements were removed on Mon- possible to put into words.

Grand Palace Is Reborn as a Mluseum


The tiebacks, with ornate hanging tassels, take about 150 hours to make. A parquet floor combines sycamore, amaranth and mahogany. This dining room has been set up "as if the guests have just left"


Charriere. "Usuayou n
original color, then everythingis repainted
unat way ACnar sud. wnatweu was O
restore every detall as you would restore a
recreating the original colors, fabrics,
woodwork. Wtn the sme tecgues that mrsor the Hötel de
ueu m the i8th century
de te the
la Marine, a Paris museum
riginal structure over the centuries, saie that opened to the puDc
lastmon. J0sepa
hristophe Botuneau, the architectn
CnargeotFncesnstorconumens.ine Charrière, the interiorr
row anrtmen roided for the eeward designers Wno oversawtne
of the kings collection, as well as grand re
extensive restoration. The
on the Place de la Concorde,
DOOm, 1s on view for the
first time in almost 250
navy took over the building, adding new
foursvear rono
modate itsS omoes.
ion that involved taking
things away rather than adding them," Bot-
eau sald. What we did was to
The restoration ot the apartmen wa
TTSID D restore every detail as
the original furnishings
y of dc and 9UDIA you would restore a
here were uu paBes that hoted the
in painting,uncoverng
St aeralso TDC Iuriture, palnt color ayer oylayer and
While Achkar and Charrière sourced recreating the original
riginal turniure, artwoks textiles,
colors, fabrics,
ome of Frances most specialized crafts woodwork
sewed hanrlrode of e

hand, removed 18 layers of paint from the

wals, restored woodwork and Biding, and
a l ed and the originalbed-
iing, used by Maro-Antoine nerry de
Ville-dAvray, the second (and last) steward miraclehe said.
fi pris
he embroidery reworked using an 18th- would look seamless, without using any
entury neediework tecnnque modern techniques, du Pasquier said. "its
All of the missing moldings and wooden the tirst time l have ever worked lIke this,
ished with gold leaf or patina, said Alexis For his office, de Ville-d'Avray commis-
BoutrOee arector or operatons iorAS SOed a paruet HoOr nade or tnree kinds
sem, a renc capeny company un
oare wooxs sycamore, anardntn and
arried out the worl craftsmanship-jt almost feels three-di-
he main goal or nis work Was to De nls menslonai, Achkar sald. The ToOrs nad
orically c0rrect, Dut also create something Deen restored about 20 years ago, Dut mucn
u do thie h hand i tha ofachion -fasi nrrarroat B ollo coid
way, the patina is very subtle and full of nu- The dining room has been set up to "cre
te the atmosphere at an end ora meal,
ne ebcS, ecn n onate nang ne Buess nave ust e
Ackar Sd
said Eléonore Declercq, of Declercq Pas- lived-in apartment was an important part of
semenuers, a decorauve trimmings
comther approach. we various
didnt want
um, with
t to look
fie h ces ident
The rprocesscurtaimc matching the
threads to
threads to the curtain color. "It's like mixing of all sorts of things," he said.
paint, Du using thnread, she sald. 1ne he sumptuously embroidered 18thcen
tieback cable is created by twisting the tury fabric of the tablecloth is "magnificent
loom, and the "skirt," or hanging part of the to work with" Achkar added.
omament, 15 made bynana, oen neudng he opulent reception room dates from
ecoratve elements, like litte fruits. 1tn century and wast part Or tne re
nt kinds
of iohe and tech. tion center for visitors and will provide ac-
niques," Declercq sald. The company made cess to the huge balcony that looks over the
4onamental tiebacks lor the Hotel de la e
Place laoncorde
n Doth the 18th-
ttook six weeks to sew the red draped and10
19th EEnt
curtains by hand, said Lucas du Pasquier, tant, said Régis Mathieu,orwhose workshopps
n uphoisterer Tor Aexandre Phelppeau, repared or recreated all the ngntS TOr tne

he companyYnarmadenem unga ma Dgs nteror an extero

Ing was
s better, in away,"he said. "But the decision more refined: The chandeliers were mosty
as to ao things as they were aone at the Crystal witn rewer candies, ne sald,Twas
ey compncatea tasR, as he nghung had
o pin the fabric and attach the sides of
he draped curtains to the wall, the curtain- true to the era.
makers an
used 18th-century hammer with n the 19th century, he added, the roomns
magnetC back to wnich the nals are ixed. were bigger and more Blded and ostenta-
ered with fabric. "My colleague has the see it from outside, all lit up, you feel ike
as sthe tabric,
nou, auandis n une mide0
"sne Pasquer Sad.
neresa erand Dl natyoud uke 0 EO tO,

The tapestry, at center, is not the

uge on the outside and inside of the building "
riginal one that hung in this spotthat Boutrolle said. Because its landmark,a
1OWnangsntne encn EmbaSSy n kome evetning naa to De nistorically corect, ln
es frmanher
same time, but it
m made arond the rr oenathe
you have a lot ot good crafts

wasn't the
right size. In France,exXcellent
Then we lound a border that was actualily people with training, he added.
from the same workshop as the original-a There 1s a real wealth of savoir-faire."

Sweet corn adds a boost to Marks Off Madison in its

these arepas. BY MELISSA CLARK many guises. BY PETE WELLS

ips for mastering the thin How much is that truttle hog


The Netw Jork Times


The Rules
For Barbecue
Cooks at grills and pits
across the state,
unconfined by traditions,
forge their own identities
with overlapping styles.


SIu. made nome

iu At OOSr s e
two seconds, max
- In a vast, sun-baked The belly meat radiated with citrus peel, Ms. Yee-Lakhani, who wraps her bellies in the Lincoln Heights

scanning the aerial salty and smoky, but not aggressively so. miles north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Angeles, the menu
map in my text messages. The car behind he tat that remamed after rendering had grew up speaking Chinese at home in Gar neudes ribs, DriSKets,
me honked viciously, but nothing could spol turned tender and bouncy, soft almost to the den Grove and Anaheim, Calit. she runs erde sausages and lots

ee-Lakhani was in her truck, iust a few candylike glaze, The char siu was faintiy in Orange County with three pickup points
nunared Teet away, wItn a paper bag Tui or eminiscent or tne swee, reddish-stained in tne LOS Angeles area 5erore the pan
mashed potatoes and mac and cheese, a hot antonese roast pork that Knew, Dut witn aemic, she operated Baja Fresh and SDarro
rack O Ds, DriSKet and simOKEd pork DELy s Own 1Sinct pOwer and pun. 1t Dareiy cONTINUED ON PAGE D

Organizing Labor in a Disorganized Industry

Workers at small restaurants The distillery owners, Jon Kreidler and
Dan Oskey, pusned Dack on 1atetsaus So
turned to union drives in the cial media accounts:"we don't believe a un-
pandemic, with mixed results. nfor emploveesor r mnan
But two months later, after much organ-
Worried al lurin ngand ne threator bot
nandemic and palvanized by the racial. 3 T
justice protests throughout their city, 7 receive regular requests from restaurant
codon empiyees at duersall S WoKers arouna the coulnuy asking now to
ing in nneapois told tne ovners aur Sstarttneirown. And latersais Owners say
intended to form a union. They wanted per quickly as pOssible.
Sonal protecuve equipment, Overime
and antiracism training.
Ihis is our nrst
union drive, Mr. Kreidler
going tnrougn
said last week.
mean legitimate fear aid Krystle We support their decision."
D'Alencar, a bartender and server. "Many of hepastyear and a halt has been a water
us, including me, live paycheck to pay- shed Tor labor organizing, as the pandemic
check. have
turned a
harsh snotlieht on low nay
and poor working conditions across the
Slow Bloom is a Southern uecan economy. One ot the most sur-
row ampalgns have sur


Burgers That Place Flavor Over Volume

Skinny and moist, but keeping
that certain smoky char

WITH THE SEEMING rise in popularity of

lacy-edgea, thiny Smasnea namDurgers,
many home cooks have turned to convert-
ng their backyards into makeshift diners

This is a trend I can get behind. Occasion

aly, I may be in the mood tor a Denemoth
poud urger e edsu
obliterating its own bun with juices before
u get naiwaytnrouBn), Dut, increasingiy,
more reasonably sized burger, with thinner
patues tnat maximize tlavor over volume
For a ne joys tndt Smasned Durgers
ter, they ack some essential summer tla-
vors: smOKiness and cnar e noe
because it is inherently built for it, but to
save our Kcnens rOm tne grease splater
ve eve u
nda grill and
choked down the dry, shrunk n
en resuts, you know adung S
ay iuic youwant your
burger to stay j
So what makes griled burger so tunda-
mentally dhrerentrom a siudsiu Du
wny are smasned Durgers sosuccessiu n
Smaller siZes? nas to do witn the cooking
hot griddle yields intense browning (and
tnus tiavor and texture).nisntense neat
1so cooKS tnem very tast, ana faster cooK
ng makesit so that less juice is lost through
evaporation. Using a solid griddle also pre
Grilled burgers have none of these ad-
vantages. Gils cook primariy tnrougn
nrared neatne erectromagnencraala
tion that travels from hot coals or grill bars
the sameway the sun's heat energy traves
cient form of heat transfer than direct con-
duction irom a hot griddle. Browning and
dvor deveopnent ake onge gvingne
patties more time to dry out. Rendered fat
mmediateyanps ottne durgerand vapor
the sooty deposits the fat subsequently
leaves on the burger's surface are essential
e vor C-ged ros,
Dut ess
trapped fat also means drier burgers.
There are structural issues as well. For
beef that's ground fresh and handled as
minimally as possible in order to keep its
texure hgnt and tender (Small ar pockes
n a loosey packed patty also act as insula
tors, keeping the burgers interior a shade
with thin patties, though, and even those
tnat survive tne initial ranster to the gril 2. Form the patties: Lay a second sheet of between them over entirely, then peel oft the
w crumoe wnen you ry to tlip them, fallk THNEUT JUICY CHAR-GRILLED parchment on top, then place a second rimmed other piece of parchment, which will now De on
ng through the grates like a smoky, fiery BURGERS
baking sheet on top o irst. ress down opeaso Durgers Eenerousiy with salt and
game ot Kerpiunk. the
very tirmly on the baking sheet, pressing pepper on the secona 5sie.
uctural problem is directy over cach paty in tun, to spread cach
straightforward, In many ways, eround ELD: 4 BURGERS (WITH 3-TO-4-0UNCE PATES) . These burgers will cook very quickly, so
ball into a thin patty that is wide enough that it
meat resembles bread dough. Both of them 4 to 1 pound ground beef (at least 15 epaeyourDusw Esand
will extend at least a full inch around your
8et thelr Sructure nrougn a matix or percent fat), or vegan ground beef
Durger ounson al
condiments as desired. (Placing any vegetables
terconnected proteins-animal protein in sioes. tUsing a vegan Deer on the bottom bun makes the burger more
the case of grouna meat, giuten in tne case
Kosher salt and freshly ground black enoush to extend 4 inch to inch beyond the stable and allows them to absorb julces that
may anp trom the patties.)
snare water, minerals, aromatic molecules pepper edges of the buns, as vegan beef altermatives
and tat. we all know tnat the more bread 4 5oft burger buns, toasted in butter do not shrink as much during cooKing.)
5. Cook the patues: Sing your nands or a
doug 13 Keaueu,e more robus is ppgssucn as shredded iceberg Refrigerate the patties until ready to cook. spatula, careruly lay the patues on the grl Thin burgers don't
structure becomes. The same is true tor sliced onion, tomato and pickles) and ver the hottest part of the flame. f using do well with sitting
Broundbeet. 3. Heat the gill: f cooking with charcoal (the charcoal, leave the Iid open. If using 8as, Keep
condiments (mayonnaise, ketchup or
ground beef in a bowl will
the hbecome preferred method, as charcoal gets hotter than the lid closed as much as possibie. Let or cooling, so be
ause p oteins to entangled with mustard), as desired
gas), gnite a full chimney of coals. When the
coo ready for them.
other sliced wenSurfaces,
one another: That's bad news for big, fat
Durgers, Dut netcessy u
cheese ot your choice (optional s are mosty covered with gray ash, spread
them out evenly under one side of the grill and
ut 1 minute.
knead my beet until it torms a mass thats
Just tack enougn to suck Bee
1. Divide the beef: Line a 13-by-18-inch
rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
aiOw e 8 to neat witn the lid off for 5
minutes. f cooking with gas, set the hottest
. Caretuly tip the patties.(here wil most
burners to high heat, cover and let the grill heat
meat durine this kneading phase. Salt will Divide the ground beet into 4 even balls
for at least 15 minutes.
dissove some muscle proteins, causing oNngW One
Daata une, nasse ne until the meat is just barely cooked through,
4. Season the burgers: When ready to cook, about 15 seconds.
Bet pay w
snoot texure reatast sausge hands,
w e Duey and tacky, about
roll each into a smooth bll about the
15 seconds. ext, using clean genty peetne top sneer or parcniment o ne
burgers and season them generously with sat 8. Transfer the pattiles to the Duns, a0d y
em: geometry As huroer (or anit
oe size of a golf ball. Place the balls on the baking and pepper. Replace the top parchment, flip
close, and serve immediately.
sheet, one ball in the center of each quadrant. the parchment sheets with the burgers in
meat) cooksS on the grill, several factors can
ter es Snape. Sond at rendes and anps
out, water evaporates and flies off into the even circle Lump charcoal burns hotter than com Does the Same method work for thin
aumospnere, a Poe B The trick to seasoning and transterring Pressed charcoal Drqueues. Dou 8 Duiu

cooks. but a thin. wel-kneaded Daty espe themto the griddle was to peel off one sheet nificanty hotter than your average gas ndeed t does.
cially so. With loosely packed burgers, I aim tur the parchment, ip over the entireaso callednfrared burners) can rival eril ad letie them sit undisturbed un
ecookine. r
With thin patties, I had to Dracti
parchment-and-patty sandwich so that you
could peel of the second sheet of parch
coal. But, even with the hottest fire, my bur.
gers were drying out before they browned
the first sides were deeply browned and
charred and the top sides showed just the
coOKIngwn tin paues, p T

uo ment and season thee second sIde. 1nis 00 P y D Tntestemnants OTpink co1Or, Could then 1

haping a few ounces of ground meat into a h u De

me parchment enough
Thats wnen t
occurred to la
fatter huroers. by flippine them to get even
me: een ptnem, ana lethe tameJust kisstnat sec-
paty with a half-foot diameter is no simple griddle. top.Finally, I got them straight into their
task Structuraly and geometrically, thingsbrowning on both sides. But thats not howa waiting buns. (1hese thin burgers don t do
ea an te sing 4ng
mold. I tnied t using a tortilla press. In tne
were working out well. My patties held to
thin smashed burger typically cooked. is
gether on the grill and shrunk to just the Rather, with a thin patty on a griddle, you
wel with sitting or cooling, so be ready for
od f unreasonal
method was to place balls of well-kneaded nes were stillthe most difficult elements
e sul the nost ancu to
time innine onlv at the last moment. The hureer? No nroblem
Deet between two sheets of parchment pa master. idea is that deep, dark browning on one side These patties are built for stacking
per, then press on them with the bottom of a focused tirst on my heat source. Grills will provide more tlavor than moderate preferably with a sice of melty cheese be-
sheet pan or skillet to make them into a thin, can vary wildly in their maximum heat. browning on two sides. tween each layer.


alcohol anu uue P rse ne
ue cnes wnO

Plantains chicha, usually purple and made include Sean Brock, Pierre
industrialy from purple corn, Thiam, Danny Bowien, Elena
Get lop billing
PLANTAN orten qunte sweet anua

Arzak, An Kos, JocE us

In Ghana, spcy tried plantains LOVE started on nis
cnicna project and Erika Nakamura, Daniel Rose
while he was an undergraduate and Marie-Aude Rose, and Su-
name that Rachel Laryea (right),.
at Fordham University. Eventu- zanne Goin and David Lentz. The
whose lamly is trom Ghana, has
given her new food counter in the East End Food Institute, a culi- ple fruit kebabs by Lee Anne
Dekalb Market Hall. Plantains
inform everything from décor to
ary incuoaror at stony Brook Wong of Koko Head Cafe in Hono-
REAREPLAR SOuunamp0. eu g and aegeteirittata Dy
ng om grown nearoy in >agapon will Goldrard or Koom 4 Desset
ck, N.Y, and sells his chicha at on Ball, to an aduiepleasing
Ms. Laryea created a vegan menu D OEAT FREE
ocal tarmers markets and on- ncke, eE trtgonpe
that includes a Ined plantain boat ler-
Ppeu w nalan sW, R AND A CHsRRATION com
bottles, $27.50, son of St. John in London. Each
Sweet plantaun taco shells with
entry has a compeling explana-
vegetabies, and a veBee DurEer rour Nas: A
black heans eneloed f Home With the World's Greatest
Chefs" by Joshua David Stein
plantain "bun" Sweet plantains (Phaidon, 539.95).
are the basis tor brownies, choco
late chip coOKJes
I he sweets, including a plantan
ana sort serve cooking
dark chocolate brownie mix, are TO FEAST

Pastrami Eggs Rolls

obelb nerrings, this year shipped di-
Market Hall, 445 rectly from the Gull ol d
Are Now Available
Albee Square (Flatbusn
Aee Lawre An Andean Drink
Downtown Brooryn, 929-322- ines Start chil- With Long Island Roots 4 For the lirst time Kearm, the
3480, ing that bottle of aquavit because innovative Chinese restaurant

year nere are nerring kits to Chicha, a centuries-old South PHLADA

with two locations in Manhattan
A and one in London, has started
package contains iresh herring im
SAVOR with Peru and the Incas. But comes frozen with instructions
seven tlavorsincluding ramp,
It's Herring Time Trat ero rana, wnois rom
Colombia and is selling a bottled

How Chefs
fhrougn a QR C0eAmOng ue
ptions are several assortments,
In Midtown nishes. The kit is sold on Fridays
version, Said it was actually popu-
and Saturdays through July 31 for
the entire Andean C0OK Ior Kids
1he season tor fresh herring pickup; umited deivery witnin a roughout
Acknowledging the challenges
llets uponis
u, a
pandemic pause last year, Aqua-
two-mile radnus or tne
is $5: Aquavit Herring Festival,
e TO NIBBLE bian davs. He said his chicha of feeding children, Joshua David

Hit the Irails recipe came irom his grand Stein, a food writer and parent,
Vit in Miatown
iannattan nas oo per perso1, and herring kit for
wo, S125, motner iS pale yelow, ciouay, introducesOE
resumed its annual festival of the With a IhrowbacK SNaCR slightly fizzy, modestuy swee Kids," his collection or recipes
ened, sharpened with lime andd meant to satisfy children, by
Keaay to inaly
outdoors, take that summer road
nt tne great rounded with cinnamon and
rp or even a nearby hike
shar drink. It has a mere 0.5 percent be a battlefield." So to fill the
to toss into your backpack. Re-
member simple tral mix or goP,
that loose couecton o
raisinsor otner areu ru, ay
uts de

with pieces of coconut or some

chocolatechips? it has it al over

and gimmicky snack foods. Every ncluding the restaurants popular

Ditas cruncny as it sounds, this pastrami eEE ols, lamo dump:
mix is made irom organic ingredl lings and pork Duns, and, irom its
ents- Dut no raisins n ds satellite restaurant, Decoy, a
biodegradable paper packaging Peking duck dinner tor tour
local environmen-
tal groups through a donation to
ne onsevanon Aancenar
So So
pancakes, scallions, cucumbers
and three sauces: RedFarm and
Decoy iel Rits,
Irail Mix, Jrom 318.89

1.5-ounce bags,

Jar Jiv INT
$8.50 for a 3.7-ounce canister at
neg OAsnnar


Special Arepas
For a Summer Day
Sweet corn joins the usual permarkets), instant polenta makes a good
cornmeal in arepas de choclo.
substitute, she sad. But don't use masa ha-
rina, which is a different product.
ner dwocado salad
WRERE He To0d stylist
D, ion has its zipped up with lemon Juice.
own variety of arepas. Some have more Ahough n colombla, arepas de choclo
, tuesecan nRE
e Do , esquez notes in aD
b ilf perfect for brunch, lunch or light dinner a
"From the sweet yuca arepas ot cesarto Arepas are something that everboay
ggue, rom the loves," Ms. Velásquez said, "the kind of reci-
breadfruit arepas of San Andrés to greenena ngs uKinas Or people togener

writes, for Colombians, "arepas are simply

ner naue bread.
An ancient type of flat, round cake made
arepas are also a cornerstone of Venezuelan AVOCADO SALAD
cuisine, and are ound n DouY o**
parts of Ecuador and Peru.
t to
write h
cookbook-a celebration of traditional and ELD4 TO6 SERVINGs
modern Colombian cuisine-there was no **ToURAPHSBY HYAN LEBE RR THE NEWORK TMES. PO00 SLST: AwGE RLCAE
uestontteverepesOrepas For the Arepas:
engee was
choosinu wieh Cup corn kermels (fresh or frozen,
"There are Just so many different kinds oked yelle uch
sne tod ne over une pone, Dut arepas de
Decause they are spe
en cup quesito or whole-milk ricotta

The word "choclo,'she explained, means % up grated Manchego or Parmesan (2

Sweer cotn muecud, ueang
ncas, which isstill spoken in parts of South 4Cup all-pur pose our
are mixed with the usual 3tablesp0ons granulated sugar
ground corn to
make the batter. teasnoon kosher salit (Diamond Crystal)
But even arepas ae chocio Can take nany
cup whole or 2 percent milk
"They can be thin enough to fold in half, or 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, meed,
Kerels Dreak Oown and mixture is siootn. bubbles form. Pour about% cup of bater onto
Iranster ground corn into a large bowl, and add the skillet or griddle, and, with the back of a
hicker lKe a cake, s.
You can iry them over an open ire, or wrap
esue plus tabiespoons Tor nying
cornmeal, quesito, Manchego, TIOur, suga, poon or offset spatula, spread batter into 4-to

cific taste
ves to give them a spe nemednum Avocado Salad:
Hass avocados, pifted, peeled
s. Sti
Sweet and moist in the center, arepas de 3nd cude tablespoons melted butter until just combined. time. Do not crowd the pan. Cook until golden
Chocio re usuay ueu. wi 2 Cups halved cherry tomatoes Drown, 2 to 3 minutes per Side iransrer arepas
Let tne bater rest ror LO to 15 minutes to alOw

uce or lemon
oie otve samnled one off their cornmeal tO absorb the iquid. to a paper towel-ined plate and tent toil on top
many iterations. . While the batter rests, make the avOcado O Neep Warm. kepeat with the remaining
Salt and freshyground black pepper
asquezs batter, adding more butter as needed. Reduce
ecipe 1s on the dellcate Cup tom tresh cilantro, 1or garnish a medium bOW, COmDine avocãdo and
Salad: in
side, and extremely stralgntorward. or
ith 2 umoPEd quesito or queso fresco, for natoes. Add emon juice and ol, and toss to
p Beug too not.
combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 4. Top arepas with avocado salad. Garnish with
asarepi (precooked cornmeeal) and two gamisn (opuona
kinds ot cheese. It you can't ind masarepa 3. Heat a lange cast-iron skillet or griddle over
(PA.N. 1S one brand avalable in large su- 1.In a food processor, process corn until medium-high. Melt 1 tablespoon butter until


AWine That's Worth Waiting For

Are vintages needing decades to
evolve better than newer ones

T'S ONLY 2021,and weve already had possl-

bly seven red Bordeaux vintages of the 21st

Depending on which criics you pay ten-

tion to, they include 2000, 2005, 2008, 2010,
2013, 2016 and 2018.
natsnaw otocoes, paruca
typically have endured a decade or two be-
ween vin tages that mignt widey be consld
ered gr
not all th
reat intavellymethod of
brving wine The
prevallng standiard
o1s greatness, Tor Bor
in pardcular, powertul wines that
can enaure 1or
ecd 5 ia
aromas and tlavors that transcend mere
pleasure ana aceve prornay
T've nothing agalnst arinking nose
level of aging, wines of this caliber have pro
vdeu nemordoie
Shape tne wayi
thinkK about
at nave eped to
wine and its pe0

But buying and aging these sorts of wines

for the decades necessaryto reach that
breathtaking threshold is dificult, both be-
d Etyevona my means
ture beyond my life span.
T'm sure 'mnot alone in feeling this sort ot
pathy about the great vintages. he audl-
with the hankmll to afford thenm and the re
Sources to age then. It makes me wonder
whether we should either think about ex PHSMA CHATEAU PONTET.CA

curre aaun in the secorndnton saurday

gle scale for measuring greatness. rs like Château
Wines with the ability to evolve slowly Ior Pontet-Canet, above, historic Pomerol estate, which I found
decades are rare and precious, no doubt. But make poweu wne aense, aark ana higy concentrated. 1 pre
mediately charming, and that still can give ure To
erred a Nargaux, Chateau Malescot St-Ex
immense pleasure after 25 years, but maybe develop complex vory, with tannins that will need years to
1ot after 50? Secondary ana teraAy often.
aromas and
Tiavors.. nis avae continued on sunday, thougn
lls 012
them restaurant wines because they are for a tasting of 1982 orit inhfiret ihtMa Chate
accessible enough to be enjoyed youngin the Bordeaux, organzeda Prieuré-Lichine, which was elegant, and ba
vast maoty or restaurants that dont have tng ot the 2005 anced with gentle tlavors of cedar and tobac
properly ncluding a Pontet-Canet, My favoritein the second flight Sunday
But so long as these wines are not lnsipld, Which waS converting to was a lovely Tirm, cedary Chateau Brane
shouldnt we value them more highiy? BBe- DiOdynamics in its
antenac,aargax, Whle the group chose
tvpically more widely consumed, and for uey Chateau Kirwan, yet another Margaux,
many people they are more important than The tasting closed with another exalted
eue Deen
et viges. nght that ncluded Mouton Rothschild, La-
hes ut uestns tour and Haut-Brion. Our consensus favorite
spective of the 2005 Bordeaux vintage in At- inr na and mow ot aranofl and ha
lanta in late June. it was intended to Dea 1
monious, with the potential to develop for
retrospecave, Scheduled months for Marc
he Vintage are not to my taste, not as much as
fore regularly scheduled programmingthe reshe
could be resumed.
asthev are in 2015 and 16For mone
ore s et tirst tlght on the Saturdayincuded
e e ATASTING OF thistype 1s singular, While we
ll nad ourtavorites, Chances ae thata sim
lar tasting on another weekend would yield
collectrof hoth Rordea and moder art
0s which as I've said doesn't go far with these
raretied wines, 2005 is by far the best and
lien, which I found savory, pure and bal
anced. The group preferred a St-Emilion, ations are less important than the overallim-
Chateau Grand-Pontet, which I found to be
The wines ranged across the leading Bor ame in flights of six bottles, aitr pression t the wines.
deauxappeladons and inciucea ininyO Ethree fights Saturday and three sunday. The 2005 vintage came at the height of the NTET-L On that, the results were clear: Regard
most Tanous names, eOWaw They were served Dina, aldnougn we Knew Wine culture war8, a time or soneues
Among the tasters were sommellers, en e
ldsung, mE group tanNE E ous
sharp disagreements over styles and direc ward long-term aging. The best will develop
tersand an
Curtts Mary
two autnorius
Margaret MC RANKING e crave.
NEVEK P other defending more classical wines of re it a great vin tage? Itdepends onm your
process course of
of earning Master of Wine accred- exposed to air.Over the the 20 to 30 Strant and subuet definition.
itations. minutes allotted to each 1ght, my opinlono
Tve always been on the classical side, and The wines that wil realize their potental
ne weeken connrned my opnionat,
y tne conventonal standards, tne z00s or s Py
a pe a
ists, although on far friendlier terms. It oc- cevng reatness will oniy be aval-
unity todrink the wines 15 or 20 vears from
wines continue after 16 years to be formida- The biggest surprise on the first day came now. Thatis tine. It used to be said in English
bly structured, though beginning to turn the gntnarineudedne ordeauxnea manors uhat you drank wines puirchased by
corner toward drinkability. The best ot these gns Lante Kotnscnld, largaux, 05
auu ugnt wnes to be

my favorite was Pontet-Canet, a Pauillac es- But wine-drinking Is far more democra-
Yet after 16 years Our top wines were re- tate that has been a leader in Bordeauxs zed and d now, WItn rew people navng

NO a ve,wn impeccabie e ng nterest in org8anic and biody- the wherewithal to age wines for years. Bor:
Daace s t he Led by the proprietor, Alfred Tesseron, thisand for vears have tried to make wines
century mantle. and the longtime technical director, Jean-Mi* tnat are moreccessDe in thelr youtn wit
TVe never cared much ror the z000 vin necomne, ne estate began converting to Out
compomisngnge pdop ho

tge.tor exampe wnesawas seemed tirely there in2005,he ne had a sheer T 900sntae hieroricrhhaps a
rather than offering the linear journey of lovely elegance, purity and tfinesse, with vintage of the century as has been said. But
aromas and flavors thatI believe will be swould love
nsAsn manyothese Wines,
iO years.
aye gea 5tneignt word.aye t
found in the Uas. to taste
it ln another
neesn0e inepdescrpo0te sot
The powertul, rounaeu wneso
ferred the Margaux, followed by the An ment, just as more accessible vintages like
EMAIL jolow rankea ne Fontetanet tourtn. 2001, 2004, 2006 and2008 should not be den
Eric AsimoV on Twitter: @EricAsimov
The Margaux was fifth in my personal rank- grated for not having 05s historic potential.


HEADLINER Sarashina Horii has A. J. Ojeda-Pons, formerly at warm beer cheese and an ice
the Lambs Club and Mercado eam float with Nightshine Black
ne nistory or tis restaurant, wnich speczallzes in soba noodles, goes
Littie Spain, organizing the Lager. (Thursday): 428 West 16th
verse and Tar-reaching wine list,
d Street, 646-4l02040,
imperial families in Japan. Using the heart of the buckwheat seeds, its
soba is white, making it more delicate and refined. Yoshinori Horu, who ind chris Jaeckie, taking a break reamlnenye.comynew page
from hand
runs une company, aecked nat ew rorK WOu De s nst overseas rolls, overseeing the
Snacks and small plates.
branch, but the pandemic stalled the opening. In the warmiy decorated
New York restaurant, the chef Tsuyoshi Hori (right; the name is a enesay)0arine sreer cines Ater seven yearsas
coincidence) and nis star make the soba that they use. hey also make Bedjord temperancenye
ood, this spinoff of a Parisian
can select which type of soba they prefer. There are more than a dozen COco Pazzena sutton Having staurant Eroup w5aEo0dDye
SoDa dishes, cold and hot, many servea with tempura and invoivingE rter service on Juuy
present execuave che, Diego
Searoou,Inets uke uc,
nd vegetdbies everl suce optons are Giorgione space in Hudson
Moya, has been on parental leave
so avallaDe. in ad0on, tne restaurant orers appenzers iKe deep
fried tofu, grilled eel with egeplant, crab cake, fish carpaccio and a
Square, Pino Luongo and his
els ne now must step away
pres ro at
veue, wno isal nd
stoneerilled n so, šuy akd, and
ne pzza oven, and
Bandini, who is managnga
Lille and Pascaline Lepeltier, and
Wednesday): 45 East 20th Street, 917-409-0546,

added a second one uptown

the manager Jared Dava,
wches witho
and other items:
this mo
ern Italian
nd the North-
et). pian to replace r oytne
restaurant has nad several execu
tive chefs over the years- but
250 Vesey Street (West Street), abridged for the opening weeks, den
line Beer araenream
Cicci di Carne Dario Cecchini, an masnp, is see 646-933-2920, hews closely to tne orgmal
will develop a new concept and
part of Sam Nazarian's C3 col-

elahe of bieteeea alla

fiorentina here; the shop and
Gabriel's Bar & Restaurant Two
years ago, Gabrel Alello closed
Avenue), 212-956-4600,

N.I, to open
Brewery in Livingston Manor,
an ouraot Dee
Chambers Street (Church Street),
cton o restaurants.
r Lec
Tay snop, in Panzano in
estaurant, in te BrOOKTEd
Flace complex at Batery Park
his long-running restaurant ana
barnearoumbus rce Decause enperance wine Bariswest
nes care in
an extensio
heisea arKet. 1ne
Chianti, has become world fa- City, sells and serves sliced meats the building was being demol- Village wine bar owned by Jona- brewery's craft beers will be More restaurant news Is online
mous thanks in part to his show- layered in hot and cold sand- ished. His new location opened than Rexroat and Devin Rochford poured and used in dishes like t tood.


One Chef, One Roof, Many Menus

What would you like? Bagels? MARK'S OFF MADISON
Lasagna? Belgian fries?
ON, Mark Stra
new place on East 26th Street, is trying to be
41 Atmosphere A New York coffee shop, a little
t least two diterentrestaurants,
hree. PosS1DIy Tou. All or
copter ana hi
One or tnose restaurants opPerkes ony
Service Friendly and, like mary places right
essentiallyBarney Greengrass Soutn, Serv now, stil finding its bearings.
ng eggs and Smoked tsnin vanous comD Sound level Moderate.
nations with bagels and bialys.
t would be ecommended Smoked and cured fish Es
preat idea even if the bagels at Mark's, telles chickern soup; soft pretze, calaman ala
giglia; eggplant Parmesan; spaghetti A.O..;
aked in orthe restaurant, were
thne Dack
1rmer and chewlerttnan they are up on 8bn eian friess tiramisd.
o aladonitre darkran Drinks and wine Cocktails are brisk and un-
crisper than Just about anybody elses, even rvolous, wines lean toward classic talian and
he cren ci alirormian SyEs, tne number or bODes unde
can get in New ror eo s50 IS reassuring
cind you can ignore. Prices Appetizers and pasta, $9 to $28; main
courses, $24 to $49.
Completing the effect is an indoor takeout
counter where locals on their way rom the Open Tuesday to Friday for dinner, Saturday for
Duady 1or Dreak-
stil-warmbagels and bialvs along withstuur fast and lunch.
geon, whieish salad, nova and saly lox. A Roservations Accepted.
5arney reengrass these would come witn Wheelchair access The dining room and acces
eted snerialist in ealoon i
Sable restroom are on the sidewalk level.
ades' expertise can provide. The white-jack- What the stars mean Because of the pandemic,

ed salmon specast at Marks 1s r estaurants are not beng gven star raungs.
rausna nimsel, og,and yo ae
room, checking on his loyal customers. in his own kitchen, has a more modern un
They are legion. A few have been follow derstanalng or the term al aente than most
ng him from kitchen to kitchen since 1988, of the old-guard places; he didnt last for

Fast Hampton, N.Y. Far more tuned in to cooking the linguine. A lot of his Italian cook-
im arter he came to Manhattan in 1990, tirst ng comes oT as an arecaonate trlbure,
at coco Pazzo and then at Campagna, and
espectr proveents, tone taan
Mr. Strausman's own invention. Whateverit crunchy crust and its grated mozzarella, has
vas, the Tuscan wave caused a revolution in
Italian cooking in New York that lasted fora
M a puny, bustered
In 1996, Mr. Strausman also helped found
other dishes Mr. strausn
Tor a Mar Srausman made The pizza- available on all days at a
Freds, the restaurant inside Barneys New and-lox Mark's are the second and third his reputation with noursmay or may not give us a rourtn
ork. Key to the success o his 2-year run Personalties, ltallan arks and overper talian food, and his new Mark's. There are around
1 ples on the
pecially pasta. But Mr. Strausman became Coffee-shop Mark's gets its fullest ex- chicken soup. rigatoni barely charred bread crumbs and chopped One, the white pizza decorated with a dark
at least as well known for paying serious at pression on weekend days, Simultaneous alla buttera, pretzels and rawtomatoes. 1he Dread-crumb ias on the pir or l-year-od basanc vieg de
ention to delicatessen, diner and club food WItn and as an aiternauve to Barney Green tiramisu, reflects hisS broiled clams are seasoned with enough serves its own room in the museum of New
eaeope cees n easn ou on austerests.elow, simnlesnaghetti in a tomato sace too and building one. On the other hand. the nies in

roll with coleslaw and Russian dressing fish, then the tuna salads (plural; recently customers. 8 that sauce is thicker, fuller and redder than generalare stiffer and not as full ot life as the
ued, autoblographicaliy, the Jewish Boy EE Wo urKEswes out
Just every otner version in tow nes at many or tne ciuys newe state-o
trom Queens. more realistic to onsider Mars an talian
ating locations for an eso rie
ev nt t
hatch in 2019 in case Barneys, which by then at Mark's, a watery brisket hash. Two strips the ones I haven't. Once in a while, as in the restaurant that happens to serve pzza, a
was in bankruptcy, fell into unsympathetic of bacon, thick and majestcally smoky impressive many-layered meat lasagna, the category In which there 15 less competition,
hands. The hedge fund that had bought the came with It and went a long way toward garlic is restrained. More often, it is sure ot and in which MarkS would come out close to
ErerirosSV sautéed chicken livers over Going to Mark's at night means golng to body is not deeply in love with it. The ways For dessert, just choose your favorite
sourdough toast, proving once again that
nt Duy uaste. Mr. Srausman pro
a ark5. rue, there are Just enougn
00dides on the dinner menu-the marvel- cooking comes at least as much from the lovingly traditional black and white
stvle pretzels. both clear products of Straus- ence. That spaghetti sauce, with its invisible be the inky-dark chocolate layer cake with
restored to their rightful place at Mark's manian opsessons Telyo that this is jolt of crushed red peppers, would berightat sticky white marshmallow frosting. And af-
ngnarcn gray that tastes of old port nmau
uuan testaurant. But torget the homeat the ParkSide n corona.he ingu nguine ale vongoe tshard to on
and iresn sage, the versare pledn a proudive weolchin ing version of the pink clam sauce at Don which incorporates what must be severa
lining room. They ride again along with egEplant Parmesan in which fried egEplant, Peppe in Ozone Park. demitasses of espresso. It is a dessert that
tomatoes and cheese have become one. Ihe Mr. Strausman, who is as adept with dried knows exactly where to find the line be-
EMAIL Shced and Drolled Squld s tOSsed win pasta as with noodles treshly rolled and cut tween sweet and bitter, and how to walk it.

Casual Indian Food

With Big Dreams
Two restaurateurs in New York
hope someday to go national.
Ten vears ago, Roni Mazumdar cautiously
added a Bengali dish from his childhooda
Deet, carro, potato and pea cutuet called
vegetabiechoptone menu orns restauor
anhattan DWe Dast Soe
NO one would buy it Mr Mazumdar
5ald. remember the batches that would
Why are we wasting? We might as well do
hicken tiKKA masala. RK TIMIE

When he and the chef Chintan Pandya

Ir. Mazumdar thought they needed to go
e ry, setVing trune khichdi and the chef of Rasa in Burlingame, Calif, will
in ham. a village in Tamil Nadu. with
But with the openings of Adda in Long Is- es ike maan kari, venison with coconut,
and y,
the Lower
eens, n 201
and Dnamaka on
East Side February, the
narrative, and started writing their own. lentils and coconut. He said he wants to
Ihey put indias bold, regional tlavors ront HA snow ainers tnat sOutnem dian To0d
and center, rather than hiding them behind menu tor Masalawala, and a reimagined more than Just dosa and idlil.
A number of restaurants, like Ghee Indi- Kumar's South Indian heritage. Adda will Masalawala in Park Slope, Brooklyn, the
un utchen in Mlam and Besharam San in aso move to a larger 1ocation about a mile comer oth Avenue and Fifth Street, will
Francisco, have won rolowings or their lo away, and
plans to Eet hquor cense.
venture into retail, selling staples like bas-
an alldav men
done so at the scale that Mr. Mazumdarand well bevond New Yorl Chintan Pandya, top lett, indian restaurant with a na- sauces. It will also offer
andya re aspiring toward. Until we really reach the heart of the and Roni Mazumdar at ona reach, ana ls nspired by tne New eglonal Inalan comrort rood, 1ke pigeon
Prom the aromatic Lucknow-style goat country," Mr. Mazumdar said, don't think
I Dhamaka at Essex Los
Tork taquerla, No.
lacos L up(Curry cheinad seaSoned witn star anise and cor
E t Rt onenine an Indian restaurant is com- Dhamaka, which opened w me- fish steamed in hanana leaf.
Si disn of

Dhamaka, the food at these restaurants plicated. Americans expect to pay less for Fere exempnes nal product, he said of Los Tacos No. L. "There have been two very specific an- H
speak in exclamation marks. Both places tandoori paneer than they would a burrata The tirst ot the teamS fast-casual restau es to ndian tood n
restaurants, M.EE
am e Danra eaide eer restudying en f bioh
ne evel ol spiciness,
Mr Panoerived wadM awa
Pandva above, acclaim. At Ae cie hich
nomination in 2020. Have you gone to your home and asked The partners plan to and Ninth Street. Mr. Pandya is cally has to be with foreign ingredients," the
As the country opens back up, Mr
Mazumdar, 38, and Mr. Pandya,41,are plan
your mother, Can you make a chicken, on a
scale ot 1 to 10 spice level,a 5? he said.
drey e on
we Deyond.
the numerous Indian iterations of fried
chicken, trom pakorasStonicken b, a splcy
otherthe generalzation of Indian cuisine
5 ng a deepet understanding or indl
this year. It will include two fast-casua this idea of catering to every other person in Chennai. A mo later comes Kebab- th just one restaurant group, he said.
restaurants in the East village, Kebabwala but the Indian palate wala,onecond Avenue ana Fitn sreet, But pernaps tney can make the patn a ne
and Rowdy Rooster; a new location and Mr. Pandya has long wanted to start a which will focus on classic kebab prepara tle smoother for the next Indian restaurant.

Organizing Labor
In a Disorganized TATTERSALL
Service lndustry

Taced is independent restaurants, bars and

ectiv Coffee,
which has 18 locations in Chicago and Wis
Consi,itneia aneec Tom tneir o
nion; a
ended in 99-99 De, and eunon Workers 'a
ational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers g
Local 494,15 now fghting to have chal
think about wnate
lenged ballots included in the count. At
emplovees went on strike in May after sey- NATALIA TryM
ral workers called in sick, lorcing some ofAROUNDERGPROJECT
ng producuon stan to worK long
ay wiue ey uy
irum the

ther 500 or so workers, the company has

raised waEes or
nouy workes.
"Honestty, in my 20 years Or organing,

ganize among restaurant workers, said JENN ACXEMAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
or one rar
ard Jayarman, the president

ho P
California, Berkeley.
How successful and long-lasting these e-
orts will be, however, remalns unciea ne

workers will learn over time whether, or

ow, they can changea decentralized indus

UBSTANDARD WAGES, long hours and little

o no benefits have become norms in the
restaurant business. And m z040, Se
of any American economic sector-12 per-
vetsus zvEtgeo 0.6 pEtnt r
, accorung to
At the pandemic's onset, as diners rushed
Support local restauriants with dellvery
rders and gift card purchases, many wortk
ets ret that ho one was iooking Out Tor thelr
This pandemic gave us all time to sit and
enecton now tneeu wew
ut down to this place or re Or deatn
he Tattersall Distillery server
Establishing a union is a complicated
rocess that can take years: it yplcally in
retfina workers to i nio cards win
ing an election and successfully negotiat
ng a contract. Unionzing restaurants 1s
ven harder, said Natalia 1ylim, a server at

he Kestaurant Organzing Project run by

ne Democraic Soclallsts or America.
HIgh turnovermakes it hard to build an
between workers in the dining room and
those in the kitchen, who are often compen
sated diiterenuy, Because oPEr
tere isnta
Independent restaurants pose special Top. Tattersal Distilling
stts Cn De
interest rOm exisung unions
Sna 9 year. Above,
unionzed last
ationships with managers and owners, a Wworkers
B0m edands,
Calif, will
ey may De uwlnng to rock tne bot. share in
People leel an alleglance to a small bus far left:

wT ie dunamie in the worknlace server at cork & Fork in

where people feel genuinely, or pertomna Pennsyivania; Shetgh
ea ramuy
Yet it's these small businesses that often
ral 17 and Natalia Tvlim.
a founder of the Restaurant
report harassment or ask for raises.
worst conditions I have worked In
MPAN organizing Project Overseen
by the Democratic socalists
1ave always Deen tne smallerrestauran,

Oueens who declined toeive his surname

or fear ot losing his Jo0
The pandemic, and the difhicuty many
restaurants now Tace in hiring, present a

said. Workers "are starting to think about

wnat ney conrioule, wat ney re wor
NFEBRUARY 2020, betore the lockdowns be-
gan, the renowned Tartine Bakery in Cali- N ACIRMAN FOR THE NEW YDRK TIMES TORR TIMES
Tornla made neadines arter tS worKES
alled a nckof job as floor manager, with anote saying that to be able to demand our dignity, because nerable status, she has long been afraid to
ency announced their intent to unionize. oritized profitability She helieves it was h tiall ii n a unon drve Now, as a member of the
lenges to several eiteup neDallots

ified and the union prevailed. The unit ex

neld process
cause she had organized workers around
bou y uanspa y and
protocols. (The company did not re o
But a union-organizing drive can fall

2020.19 employees at Cork lta

, there is safety in numbers.
utMs Jayaraman, or one rar wa
believes that unionizing can be an ineff-
means 1or ceattng mausuywide
n pegouatons soon on a con After Ms.
ine em-
belones to the union ployees went on strike; the restaurant shut
Vicinils evit she said Pennsylvania, tried to form a union to ad- change
dress pay, communication and scheduling."We don't think you can organize shop by
Because Tartine is well known nationallv down for several days before the owners, neyDrun Oa voe, ad o une shop by shop, sheowners said. She would prefer
e sald, its union has served as a powerful Aaron wker Yamagucn re anauk wheeworkere cotld oie their eoncern thaworkers and pusih 1or rederal
ropeuant TOr organzing eisewnere hoped to get her job back and help unionize and removed a manager whom employees At Augie's Coffee, a small chain in South-
yes at some restauriants opt re:

N7, but the strike fizzled as some employees nadcompaned about ern California, employees chose the union
They knOW we wu ust KeP
Ithink thatopePee
Sources, as Tartine's
SOurces, as Tartine's did with
with the Interna-
the nte o0S esewnere.
people leftne surike Decause
path, with different results ror aerent
gsnore ana warehouse Union. the
stri er, Tiffany Ramsey, 35. 8 WorKers.
f them
Don ne iongshore union and Unite
worked out," said Ms. Vicini, 31. "And they May 2020. savinp that the owmere
20, say Ati
other food businesses is relatively newcould see what it would be like if it didnt restaurant:
m and Andy Amento, had repeatedy aeneu
wage ncreases and abruptiy
recently in places like Detroit, Memphis tre, to tire
During the pandemic, restaurant work
Sheieh Ereeher
nr hhrh eAai and New York.
neesurnt workers Council in NewW
pnaemc nat

servers and two former employees picketed eventualy making tne closings permanent.
in March 2020, aims to force the creation of eponu o co
he secretary and treasurer
Local 1.
of Unite Here
reduced the T up pod
percentage orne a mult-employer bargalnng unit. ney
A fes
Whats distinct about many of these plan to picket several employers one by Tted their own cofee shop. Slow Bioom.
g an ncenuve o
he are not takine on corporations worth move was intended to give the kitchen star bargain togeth which will open this fall in Redlands, Calif.
millions of dollars. Most independenta bigger share ot that poo the picKelers "If you are only focused on the restaurant Workers sharein the ownership and profits,
restaurants operate on slim profit margins. Said the business should simply raise wages at hand that you work at, you are narrowing and have tormed a union that bargains with
the scope yo
hoine able to have vour schedule Sam Sachs, a former server who joined in de hie It is all good and well to say you want
ahead of when it comes out, he said. "stuff the surike, sala ne couldnt rally enougn in surname for fear of losing his job as a waiter everyones olce to De heard, sala Mathew
nat aoesnt cost anymoney. terest in aunon. Not everyone, ne sala, nas In a Brooklyn restaurant Solz, a slow Bloom worker who helped lead
Still, many recent organizing etorts the financtal securIty to take the risk ot
After working at N7, a French bistro in Servers "are some of the highest-pa dentified because she is undocumented, sustainable business.
New Orleans, for more than three years, hourly employees in the industry, said Mr. said that even though employees like her "I have only ever made lattes, said Mr.
Luna Vicini was fired last October from her Sachs, 25. "That does afford us the privilege are often paid the least because of their vu Soliz, 29. "I am learning all of this live


POST Worlds The Hitching Post,

BAR-R-D for its Santa Maria-style

STEAKS grill, left, over red oak. A

p,egetables and


California Rewrites Barbecues Rules

d meat for fun at
home, but she learnedthe work In more
eptn Watcning prtmasters on Touue,
taking notes and cooking through t

ook for in her fire, her smoke, her meat.

Eventualy, wnen Decame ciear sne
was DuldinE a smail DuSiness, nonurtur Counterclockwise from
smoker, custom-built to sit low to the n
st Los
Bround, witn counterwegnts on tne ao0rs Angeles, calls his style
s0 she
could open cos na e u Cnicano Darbecue
pitmasters" she said referrina to he ss include pCKied

5mall size. Smoke Queen, in Orang

On a recent weekend, Ms. TeeLaKnn County, smoked pork
er smokeu cnar siu and Drisket into belly char siu is inspired
sages seasoned with galangal and lem- and the pitmaster,
Winnie Yee-Lakhani, Is
a cent
DcKae self-taught, with help
xS, SIE bo nks o from YouTube.
ner style as her own.
never even Deen to lexas.
said. "I cant say Im selling lexas barbe

BARBECUE STYLES IN other parts of the

neauns, reso
masters across California who venerate
n Duteven anong os
O careuu
study ana recreate regon pleaSures tnat
nore playful than prescriptive.
n Lncoln
MoOSCrat Barbecue serve
As Anges, coula beaut-
helle and Andrew Muñoz
pepper the
menu with frito chile pies and smoked beef
neek tacoS. 1neirtnck, verae Sausages PHOTOCRAPs ADAM AMDMIAL FOR THE NEW YDRK TME

pudding has the dense creaminess of a

Sce ores eches.
e oende ne arant
becue. So I spent most of the summer driv
n ir sprup pouns
a sense of what
Carornla Darbecue Wnat t 1sS.

TSTARTED IN Santa Marla, on the Cenral

LosAnpeles slidine northalong the Pacific
oast Highway, through steep wo0ded can-
yons, then Dack down into golden hiuis dot
ed witnvneyards, ranches and hoop
This is Chumash land, but in the 1830s,
panish and
exican land
the region. Much like the Indige
rants re
n pits, rancheros and vaqueros
ihe open alr. 1hey threaded large cuts o
neat tirouenrods SEwers
e ue cuaus ney made n romurne red

AS the cooKIng Style, Known as santa

CR CD's esDeCamemoreneuned
ut was aged prime rib, seasoned only with
t, pepperonce
aC sa, Seved o nu
witn sides ol tiny pink
t *** DIead,
or blotting up the juices. b

pe for heartbreak when mes to taste of the food, and needed an explainer
ou can tnd it close to this way at the lo- food, particularly barbecue, which tends to he dragged into the backyard of his child- when they got to the cutting station.
oca al
ind Santa Mariatle
invite both tight, inflexible definitions, and
constant experimentation and integration.
hood home in East Los Angeles.
He faced quandary as he started to sell
herewere a pastor sausages ana
smoked, al pastor pork bellhes evocative of
cue for dinner as a smaller, shining slab of timeine, it doesn't simply start at one point formed not only by Tex-Mex, but also by dripping with rendered fat and pineapple

rech frie athe ehin

Dart time ansule and Dartrestaurant
and end at another. It swirls and zigzags
whieh i
and tolds back onto itself-layers and lay
your mother, your aunt and your
neighborhood taqueros
favorite Juice. There were ribs, lightiy sweetened
witn pluoncilo. 1heres oten an enticing tinecos
Though less concerned with presentation,
ers or syles waying COexstng
ing and ran exceptopon
aetaxonomy aoesntmatter toake tacos wn smoeDKet e

sJusts r-UpSusyng raw une Tm o sweet red-oak smoke. tion, but Mr. Cruz, who runs A's BBQ, and the nearby Kernel ot iruth factory.And Mr Barba Kush,
wIn so
Known as coastve oak, tnered ak hose tamuy comes rom Acapulco, Mex- ruz nas made tamaleswith smoked /barbakush
ged burritos at Rancho Nipomo. The tri sharn.tooti acannot leave A's without some orLaBludsos Bar Que, s09 North
Brea Avenue, Los

n droop like tiny garlands in the spring. It them to think of my food," he said. "And it's the cochinita pibil, a pork butt smoked for a
noono"aid Norm Hvsgrows closer to the coast than most oaksS, not just the food, it's my community, and few hours then wrapped up with citrus
Oh Onnno from Northern California all the way south the way we serve it: We're a bunch of Chi- juices infused with herbs and returned toDParkway,
s he walIved Oakland; 510-225-
collection at the Santa Maria Valley His- pitmasters working, in all genres, all messing around and we're making it up as add depth to the orange, and that grassy 6101;
eia ese V
m an old timer hut I still
across the region, burns soft and mellow
B 5
we go
I went to A's, a rooster
Juice emulsifies with the pork tat, stainedMoOSrat Barbeue 2118
with achiote, to form a kind of liquor. lts North Broadway, Los Angees,
think tri-tip's for grinding up and putting in THE FIRST TIME Alan Cruz tasted smoked joined as I
crossed the street, speeding Mayan pib, one of the many genres of un- mooscraftbarbecue.c com
a nambger
MEHays, who wrote a charming cook nh neored
ing that perfect aain
brisket, andIwas ruining a beat methene e
tothe line. which stretched down
derground pitsengineered by Indigenous
cooks, where barbecue was born, simulta
Smoke Queen, smokequeenbb
from his own family and other locals, de- neousiy,ns plCEs at once.
Slowly, Mr. Cruz learned his around t was made up of locals and friends, who Cali. heHCing P8t, 340
Sal Road, Casmalia; 805-937
ines Santa Marla-style barbecue as what the fires, andthe smoke, and howtogetit to greeted him with ist bumps and gOSSip, fornia, regional styles of barbacoa thrive 11
it was at one particular time. This is a reci- burn clean. He now turns out trembling. and people who had traveled farther fora coNTINUED ON PAGE Ds


California Rewrites Barbecue's Rules

t no with whole communities adap
ng their tools and ingredlents as neededto
develop the Tlavors hey want. One of myld
valeta, who has heen cookine Dah
style barbacoa since she was a child, roasts
ambs WIapped aguey o
ping of styles, about how it's impossible to
ep andena atanotner: The pit

lambmeat with huge, sot, treshly made tor-

las and thin but deeply Tiavored cooking
Juices makes it clear that barbacoa chefs
ecue in
California, but also its present

his father and rondft
worked in construction, smoked meats like
bs, ChcKen andO 0

ers with offset fire boxes.

Tremember the ribs and chicken, heav-
y sauced, and the hot links plain, but with
Horn's grandfather would use a plece ot NAWSE from lef
Dread toake a crisp-sKnned nOt nk ore a Smoker ar
grill, and hand it to him as a snack.
Horn Oakland; Matt Horn, the
owner, learnea now
pulled one of his grandfather's old smokers
Out ron ue tPenEu upan smoke me
practiced smoking in his grandmother's yard
with his grandfather's

n west Oakland, at Horn Barbecue, Mr. addition to not nas,

10rm makes potae w ehicken, brisket
his grandmother (though he uses fres. and ribs, and he coORS
tatoes, not frozen). He turns out the kind of wnole nog Darbecue on

weekends, and ages quail and duck.

His plain hot inks are a highight ot the
menu, exquisite, In my opinion, ana ne s

sages-roasting plums, smoking them,

Se g tne runt arecty ontne cnarcoal.
What is M. Horn s Work not ts ve
yie or Cal-
lornia barb ned
Bludso, of Bludsols
Rar R. NEvin
erstood why pitmasters in altornia are
often lett out or tne nadonu
which has a rich history well beyond Santa

"At one point, LA

had so many barbecue
rntSuren tsricans
bama and other places, they brought their
styies, changed them up, and they bunt ieg
Enary restaurants n L.A. througn he
Around that time, when Mr. Bludso was
sonAvenue wIth his
Eu wu
brother and sister
Bar-B-9 for him. His order was a soda, a
half-slab of ribs and a rew pleces of bread. out rejected his grandmother's thin, almost used makeshift grills all over his communi-
Snes, swentsy ey eravy_ 1nsws prooe e uey weetced r ne
where his family came from, She smoked selyes here before him. he tweaked the stvle pits, as his granny might have done, The
meats every weekend to sell at the juke joint he had learned. chickens were kissed with red-oak smoke
wnen ne opened Blucisos inOmpton, n BIudsos Daroecue chcken ls dell
ith red oak and ut entler chickens These ere bhed to mimic the where alravs helonwed in the nlare
smoke on the meats. And he learned to cook spicy, comtorting tlavors of the pollos asa- where it was made. It always belonged in
a thicker barbecue sauce-Angelenos tlat dos turned out by the street vendors who Los Angeles.

A Pig With a Nose for Truffles Could Draw a Bounty

The bond between By VICTORIA PETE RSEN together, Mr. Sarnosk Sd hunting is high stakes. In Northern Italy and relles and huckleberries, Mr. Rucker wanted
Robin Feld s journey to find his plg un sounestern France, wnere the mostexpen to showeaSe a sense O place.
human and animal
may be priceless,
n the new
m olas cage plays
left the city's high-end restaurant scene
earths a dark side of the truffle industry, full
S5000 iet on he life o isanimal
sive trufles grow, the price can top S10,000 a
and noisonine have comnfed the rare
nat cane up witnas a ute sn DIE

andnfe dinin ht omerhim witha eol

Dut tne economicS or to live in the Oregon wilderness, where he As far back as the Roman Empire, female luxurious truffle industry. gon soul," he said.
truffles are real. oreso nseovep pigs were used for their keen nose for truf- A fully trained Lagotto Romagnolo, the Mr. Sarm0Ski added,"we always knew we
es, the smel o wcn S Simlar to the mae Wanted to use actual dishes trom actual Port
y ana
loved pig, which was stolen from him late is, the pigs want to eat the truffles. Truffle ing such dogs is a common crime among ri- sort of grounded thefilfilm
ne nignt. hogs can also damage the fragile fungal val hunters. Untortunately, so Is poiSoning Oregon is home to hundreds of speciessof
Ao nePEntonatshe dc,n a structures in the sol, stunting tuture truttle
i reaso Ded ne use or truftle e truffles, with four edible varieties. The busi-
Bwarmadcally in recent years,
ovie, as he navigates the criminal under- for this We're talking upward of 100 dogs in
in aa sin-
world search ot his animal.
in "Most truttle hunters around the world than S700 per pound in peak season.
Pig which was released in theaters on
iday, istheeature-m wng and dire
se trained dogs said Charles Lefevre,
1orest mycologIst and 1ounder or theregon
ao n o nie mosSt r nensvoe ep
in "Pig" is the kind found in Europe, poach-

plot was inspired by stories he had ompany that


neard or traite nunters wno camp on their

sells inoculated seedings
trune erowers. Alm0St noboy
Jacobs added. Theguys with the bestBecause
of their growing value,
truffles are becoming more susceptible

porches at night with shotguns

ft th imale tooit to0
to fend off ained plg5 tors. or people who are trvingto get the dog plundering Truffle poachers use large rakes
sure where the idea of a truffle
ot in I
e a eeland in for themselves." to ag and Cnurn upeverytning Delow tne ror

unter tirst came trom, but I Just loved the Canada.

As with ME Cages KOO
nn eop along with ripe and unripe truffles. The low
mage or an old man and a plg n the wooas Dut oy means canlhe or porcine,
truftled pi nt grade truttles bring prices OW, ue
cases, truftle dogs are also family members," neous useu to retrieve them leave
tars as a Mr Letevre said. Sell Mroftme eaid. u nat a ware or
"People tend to De S0 pr anybody poisoning anybodys dog 0r ste
renowned chef turned
ete torager
down his
find these treasures underground. thinkit's

ee ag aont tink anyhing


Ck unversl experience with truffile PpEned.

nistic g?
dog handlers to have an enormous amount sile ackmowledging
the prevalence of
recreationally with his two Lagotto Romag dogs today, Mir. sarnoski salcd that plgs are g
nolos, Mocha and Dante. stway more unque andadorabie
Mr. Sarnoski said he wondered early on if 5ranay, ne plg use in the move, s not
f orld bt he ltimately decided on movie pig.
Portland because ot Oregon's robust domes we lound the cutest plg We could nnd,
tic trultle Industry and the cuys ery and sort of tried to traln her to De
vauessa Block,
s ewriting"Pig," he hadnever D n to the film's co-writer **
Portland, and had eaten truffles once. To get ForForMr. Sarnoski the
Mr. Sarnosk maus
the man-pg relatonshp
a taste of oregon, the crew went on a truffle represents Robin Feld's more traditional, bue
hunt and dined at many local restaurants.

Chris Czarnecki, the chef at Joel Palmer more traditional way of doing things, and a

When choosing whlch recipes to contribute, That was the classic way ot doing i4, even
e o we ve a better way
RIEYOFN the nims nnal dish pigeon, chante though tound maybe

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