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PLANNING IN SPORTS > Meaning and Objectives of Planning > Various Committees and Its Responsibilities (pre, during and post) > Tournament : Knock-Out, League or Round Robin and Combination > Procedure to Draw Fixtures : Knock-Out (Bye and Seeding) and League (Staircase and Cyclic) Revision Notes CE Rely lathe emu MCC melita > "Planning isa process of setting objectives and deciding how to accomplish them" Objectives of Planning are (9) Improving the success rate (ii) Completing the task within the given time period Finding out causes of failure iv) Working efficient (v) Remaining within the budgets while achieving the pre-determined targets > Functions of Management (a) Planning: : Planning is the process of achieving pre-determined goals and decicle what is lobe done, how itis to be done, when its tobe dane and by whorn iis to be dome. (b) Organising: Organising is the management function of assigning dutics, grouping tasks, establishing, authority and allocating, resources to carey out a specitic pla, {6} Staffing: This function is concerned with finding the right person for the right positon at the right time, (a). Directing: Directing is the process of supervising, motivation, Leading and communicating with the subordinates to achieve the organisational cbjectives. {e) Controlling: The task of controlling involves establishing standards of performance, measuring current performance, comparing, it with established standards and taking corrective actions, if there is any significant deviation between actuel and planned performance, > Objectives of Planning, {a} To reduce the chances of mistakest It is also an important objectives of planning, Mistakes and oversight in any field cannot be aveiced completely but we can reduced up to some extent through proper planning. {b) To enhance the risk bearing capacity: It's also an important objective of planning. REC can be used in the process of defining the risk appetite and tolerance to the mistakes and financial impacts. 6) Toenhance the sports performance: Without proper planning its impossible to improve the performance of sports person. (a) Goal oriented: Planning is goal-oriented process, It aims at conducting sports events. No plan can be implemented in absence of « goal. Before defining an objective for a sports event, the organising committee ‘must have full knowledge of the event and its various aspects. correc EE pmb 97 PHOS «ATT « co ene agp 109 uy « aanuuo> UREIYSOIPR « aanumusos eouEU + aannunusoo Srp rgna « Sonmunuto> aseysin + nuruioo pressiy pu [eO1payA « ‘onruntuo> yuawdinbo pur punose ‘ung 10) ung « mL MESH « qoanwseaye, POT eq suodg « ton myysut ue Jo sem ay aprsyto paunoyiad are ypiyeas dS mpeay + aaj untuo> 2uiSpoy pue Beps00, joo wondarey « Sounuressioud 94 ays ue Jo snuse> 40 yeas ayy anya. pauuoyad ar ypu SaRLABDe ay, « ayersur 30 saaueys a4 at oe Seapr aAReAOUUT mOWOAY « Supqeut uospep ut dH © prey SuNSINe Wa} « apurwioyad suods ayp aoue pg « ucpeuiquies « ene + yno-20ury « “Apuo1yjasjeo8.a4p ur spre ue sjeo8 yo Bumas ogy a>ueape ut _ Supyumy yo ssap0rd jemarpequT UP SI3] « oy a0] dawg jo tsar pue sur Sqeug wees © ‘ryt ur susp snowea Suoure ‘euonqaduos sods Jo sous ys (@) Policy: Defining a policy sets out the boundaries for overall conduct of the event. It serves ‘sa guide and helps in all decision-making process related to the sports event, (® Economy: Planning helps in foreseeing future events and thereby help in cost seduction A clearly defined budget defines the financial mits ofthe sports events, (g)_ Defining the course of action: A well-laid procedure identifies the steps that need to be taken to accomplish a task. It helps in standardizing the work of committees, heads or individuals (h) Rulos and regulations: Rules and regulations of tournament or sports events are determined andi circulated. in advance to reduce the chances of biasness and malpractice (@) Strategy: It provides the way through which an organisation can successfully conduct the event. The ‘organising commiliee must devise a strategic plan and thoroughly follow the same, ‘Various committees are formed to plan and successfully implement the plans lke, to organise a tournament ‘There are different committees which are formed and each of them are assigned with a different task. Various Sports Committees and their Responsibilities ‘Administrative Director Executive Committee (Organising Committee for Games/Sports Transportation Juryof Registration Equipment | Ground Committee Appeal Committee Committee | Committee Healy ‘Technical BoaFding Health —_Sectrity Food Records —_Discpine Committee and and Committee | Committee Committee Committee Lodging _Safety Committee Committee Pe eee eee eee Press and Media Purchase Public Cerificate Announcement Decoration Committee Committee Committee Relations Writing ~=— Committee. «and for Committee Committee Ceremony Entestainment Committee ‘Some important committees and their responsibilities = Prose and Media Cominittoy: Its main duty is to publish and advertise the sports events, ‘+ Transportation Committee : Its main responsibility is to make necessary arrangements for transportation. + Equipment Committee : This committee is responsible for making the grounds or laying out the track and fied. *+ Committee for Entertainment : This committee takes the charge of supplying refreshments and drinks tothe guests, officials, competitors ete + Decoration and Ceremonies Committee : The members of this committee are responsible to welcome the chief guests at the opening and closing ceremonies. + Registration Committee : This committee sends entry forms to the various institutions early. I also arranges seats for guests and spectators, It sometimes also prepares fixtures of teams participating in the competition *+ Technical Committee : This committee selects various officals such as referees, judges, umpires, etc + Announcement Committee : This committee is responsible for making all the announcements ducing the period of sports events, ‘+ Health and Safety Committee : This committee provides first aid to the vietim or affected sportsman/athlete, > For successful organisation of the sports meet, committees are formed under three heads These are Pre- ‘meet committees like publicity, ground and equipment, reception committee During mect committees like refreshment, lransporl commitlée and Post-meet committees ike award commill cee) ‘tures > Toumament is a competition held among various tgams in a particular activity according to a fixed schedule where we have to decide a winner. > There are various methods for organising a tournament which depends upon various factors such as, + The number of participating teams + Facilities of ground + Equipment and number of officals available + Days in which the tournament is to be completed > Importance of Tournaments + Development of sports skills + Helpful in solection of players + Development of national and international integration + Development of social qualities such as respect, brotherhood, discipline, sympathy, olerance, ete > Seeding is the procedure by which good teams are placed in fixtures in such a way that stronger teams do not ‘ect cach other at very start of the tournament. Seeding can be done only if the standards of the teams are known before the tournament starts, > Byeisa privilege given to a team which is decided generally by seeding itor by draw of lots, > Types of Tournaments + Knockout or Elimination tournament + League oF Rotind Robin tournament + Combination tournament + Challenge tournament > Knock-out or Elimination Tournament : tis type of elimination tournament where the loser of each bracket is immediately eliminated from the tournament. In such tournaments, if the number of competitors or competing, teams are not a multiple of 2 (ie. 4,8, 16) then some teams may be given a ‘bye’ and some teams are given ‘seeding! + Advantages = Minimum numberof officials are required in organizing tournaments = Owing to lesser number of matches, it takes less time to complete the tournaments, f= Ithelps in enhancing the standard of sports + Disadvantages '= Good teams can get eliminated because of their poor performance even in the first round 1» There are maximum chances of weak teams to enter into the final round, > League or Round Robin Tournaments : 4 league tournament isa type of tournament in which each contestant meets al other contestants in turn, In this type of tournament, there has to be sulficient time to complete the tournament + Types: f= Single league : In a single league round robin schedule, each p: fant plays with N(N=1 every other participant once. Number of matches played is equal to where Nis the number of teams, = Double league :Ifeach participant plays with others twice thisis called a ound robin double league tournament. Number of matches played is equal to NQV-1), where Nis the number of teams. ixture : Every tournament is arranged according to a set procedure whicl fixture. ‘+ For knock out tournament, the procedure to draw fixture is through bye and seeding, For league tournaments, the procedure to draw fixture is through staircase and cyclic method. + Thestccess of a tournament depends upon planning of suitable fixture + Tournaments are played in various forms of fixtures, is known as Ftures in Knockout Tournament + Seeding Method: ceding i a procedure by which good teams ae placed in fitures in such a way thet stronger teams de notmeet cach oterat the ery tar of tournament ts done fo overcome the Grabacks te sngle knockout tournament f seadingean be done only i the sanaards of he teams are known before the start of he tournament f The draw may roel btwcen the strong competitors at carly level compotion 0 they ae seeded? prevent hi f The top competitors donot meet until the quarterfinal seminal or nal rune & represents te tourament commie’ sub ecve rating othe various players and chances of ening the lumament + special Seeding 1s a mthod of setingin which the players or eam directly participate nthe quarter Fal emr-fiel matches thus aiding their participation inthe iia ound + Byedthod :Some teams may get bye infirstrnasby which they et promoted tonext round competition This may be gven as a reward fr their ome previous ehioverents Byes are given in Ist round ony f The numberof byes that shouldbe given in a tournament is decide y finding the diference between the numberof eamsand the next power of two. Method of Drawing Fstutes n Knock out Tournament + Calculate Total number of matches hat willbe played ving the entre tournament. The numberof matches tobe played is called by subtracting | fom ‘otal umber of teams (N—1), + Catelate Number of Reninde~-Rewnds incidental rnd nee, senting ina. he ‘numberof eames apover of2, then numberof rurale will acy be mulpleof2 up tothat mule Example In case of camo, there are > teamoyco, numbor of ounds wil be ITpumber of teamsis nota power of then number of rounds willbe equal othe multiple of next power of two Example In cse of 1 teams, ther are (+6 teams, s0, numberof rounds willbe 4 + Calculate Number of teams in each half All he leans are divided ino wo halves. Tithe numberof eam is eve, then the numberof ean in upper al Tomer haf wil be equal Example: Incase of 2 tema, numberof eam in cach hal wil be NR, 272 cx, then the numberof teams in upper an lower hal willbe as under: case of 1 ean, number of tems in upper hal Wlbe Ifthe number of teams i Examp! and, numberof teams in lower half willbe Not 15-114 2 22 + Calculate Number of byes : Teams getting the byes do not play in the inital round. They ate given by subiractng the numberof teams bythe next power of Example: Total number of teams = 11 Neat power of two after I= 16 2! = 2,22 4,2 = 8,24 16) [Number of byes will be 1b ~ 11=5 + Calculate Number of byes in upper and lower half a Number of byesin upperhalt = Ns*=9—* ap Number ofbyesin lower halt = Nit. S216 + Method of fixing byes The last team of lower hali gets first bye. The first team of upper half gets second bye. The first team of lower half gets third bye. The last team of upper half gets fourth bye The second last team of lower half gets fifth bye. Like this the order continues, > Fixtures in League Tournaments + Staircase method : In this method, the fixtures are made like a staircase, Its arranged in sequential form, there is ne bye, no problem of odd or even and lnerefore itis easiest to arrange. 12 ws 28 Ww ow 15 25 33 45 16 26 36 46 56 ayo OM 47 BT OT 18 28 38 4g 58 6B O78 19 29 39 49 59 6979 BD) 149 240 310 gig 510 610 710 B10 940 141 21 31 etl SUL 61 71 8 9-1 10-1 saz 242 S12 412 S42 612 742 BA 9 1A HAZ + Cyclic method Tround Wround | [ Wround |[ IVround Vround | [ viround 9 8B soB 7 pile » s pills B steed 7 3 6 sis 7 46 35 Fw 64 5s 9 |/4 8 a 7 Boiee 6 2 Gang ao1|3 98 2 8 1 7 5 4 43 3 @ ||2 4 1 9 9 8 vuround | vittrouna }[ 1xrouna 3s eff[z sffa 6 aoaifr oalfs a 1 os]fs a ]fs6 5 es olfse slih7 «4 ao o7{l7 «ihe s STAND ALONE MCQs (1 Mark each) Q 1. Which of these is not an objective of planning? (A) Improving success rate {(B) Working efficiently {C) Finding out causes of failure (D) Learning sport specific rules ‘Ans, Option (D) is correct. | eptzmer cane peters | objective of the sports training process. 2. Which committee looks after things like camera, microphone, ete? (A) Administrative (B) Technical (C) Security (D) Health ‘Ans, Option (B) is correct. Explanation: Administrative committee looks after general conduet of the tournament. Security committee looks after safety of the layer, spectators, coach, urpires and ther Sicas related to the fournament. Health Commies loks after fines of player as well Hnvaid and injury management of payers dnd cial, Q.3. Which of these committees is headed by a qualified doctor? (A) Reception (B) Security (©) First aid {D) Lodging. ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct, Explanation: Vist-aid. committee looks after injuries that might happen to players. or officials during the conduct of the match or tournament and should therefore, shall always. be headed by a qualified doctor. Qa is a process of setting objectives and ‘deciding how to accomplish them, (A) Planning, (B) Organising (©) Controlling (D) Co-ordinating, ‘Ans, Option (A) is correct. Explanation: Planning isthe frst and foremost step in each and every management activity. Qs the success rateis the foremost objective of Planning. (A) Maintaining, (C) Reducing, Ans. Option (B) is correct. Explanation: Planning compares actual performance with planned perlormance and redefines figures to improve the performance and chances of success. (B) Improving ©) Removing Q.6, The head of sport commitee is (A) ‘Technical (B) Security (©) Administrative (D) Fintertainment ‘Ans, Option (A) is correct director Explanation: Administrative committee or the Governing Committee overall manages the conduct of the tournament. So, this eommittee is main committee and is headed by the ‘Administrative Director Q.7. Which of these officials is not selected by the technical committee? (A) Referee ) Judge (C) Chief Guest. (D) Umpire ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct Explanation: The selection of Chief Guests the responsibility of the Governing Body or the ‘Administrative Committe. 8 Which of theses a during-meet committee? (A) Publicity committee {B) Reception committee {C) Awards committee (D) Transport committee ‘Ans, Option (D) is correct. Explanation: Publicity and reception of guests are done prior to the tournament. Awacds are distributed after completion ofthe tournament. The transportation of officals and sports continues during the tournament the events. So, transportation committee is a during meet committee 9 The total number of matches in a knock out tournament of 34 teams are: (a) 8 (B) 32 os (0) 35 [DethiOutside Dethi 2020], Ans. Option (C) is correct. Explanation: The total number of matches in a knock out tournament is caleulated using the formula (n-1), where nis the number of teams participating in the tournament. 10. is the procedute of arranging teams in ‘Gayslemalic order (A) Tournament (©) Seeding ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct, (B) Fixture (D) Bye Explanation: Finture makes it easier to conduct the tournament according to the schedule. Q.11. Which of these is also known as round robin tournament? (A) Langue {B) Consolation (©) Combination {D) Challenge ‘Ans, Option (A) Q.12. In which method, no byes given? (A) Siaircase (B) League (©) Round Robin {D) Combination ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: In Staircase method, each team competes with every other team playing the tournament once. 50, no teamis given achance to move to the next round without playing the initial round, Q.13. League-cum-Knock Out Tournament is a part of which Tournament? (A) Knock Out (©) Combination (8) Round Robin {D) Consolation [CBSE SQP 2020] ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: League-cum-Knock Out Tournament combines the best features of both league tournaments and knockout tournaments. So, i isa part of Combination Tournament. Q.14, Whats the formula to determine number of maiches in league fixture for even numberof teams? W N+ BN (© Nw-12 (N+ HR [CBSE SOP 2020] Ans. Option (C) is correct. Explanation: Here n is the number of teams competing in the tournament, Qs. isa privilege given to a team which B decided generally by seeding it or by draw of Tots (A) Seed (©) Bye Ans, Option (C) is correct. {B) Seeding {D) Siaircasing directly play its first match in the second round, of the tournament, Explanation: Bye enables @ strong team to | Q.16, A league tournamentisalso known as tournament. A) Stairease (B) League (©) Round Robin (D) Combination Ans. Option (C)is correct. Q.17, In staircase method, the fixtures are made like a @) ladder (B) Staircase {C) Steppingstones _(D) None of these ‘Ans, Option (B) is correct. Explanation: In designing this type of fixture, at every level one team gels reduced that hhas to compete with the remaining, teams in the tournament. this gives an appearance of staircase to the fixture Q.18, Calculate the total number ofmatchesin 3rd round, 128 teams wil played in knockout tournament, ws 8) 2 4 5 ‘Ans, Option (C) is correct, Explanation: In the first round, the number of matches that willbe played willbe = 2° = 14 In the second round, the number of matches see willbe = 2 {In the third round, the numberof teams will be odd number (7), 50, the number of matches will =r Qa. is a large contest of many rounds ‘among various teams. (A) Tournament (B) Match (©) Bxture (0) Bye ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct, Q.20, To avoid the careless mistakes uncler pressure and to achieve the goals, Which of them should be ‘more valuable (A) Planning, (C) Supervision ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Q.21. Which type of tournaments is best if there are large number of teams and the organisers wants to complete tournament early? (B) Staffing (D) Budgeting, (A) Knock out tournament (B) ladder tournament (©) Combination tournament () League ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Q.22. If there are 19 teams playing in a knock-out tournament then how many byes will be given? a2 (B) 10 5 (D) 13 ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct. Q.23, otal no of matches for knock out tournament is decided? () W-1) (8) (NP-1) © NN-) (D) NN +) Ans. Option (A) is correct. Q.24, Which one of them is not a type committee in sports event management. (A) Finance committee ) Roll model committee (©) Ground equipment committee (D) None oF these ‘Ans, Option (B) is correct Q.25. Which one of them is nota characteristic of knock cout tournament (A) Every player gets equal opportunity to compete, Except those who get bye in Ist round. (B) ltsaves ime and money (©) Best for elite to.compete in. (D) Easy w organize ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. 26. are organised to make people ‘aware oF deadly diseases ike AIDS andl cancer (A) Shuttle Runs (B) Fun Runs. (©) Health Rams {D) Deadly Runs ‘Ans, Option (C)is correct, Explanation: ‘The special races or events organised to spread awareness about health and health-related issues or some diseases are called health runs. Q.27, Extramural encompasses the activities which are performed the Walls of the institute ‘or schoo. (A) inside {B) outside (©) on {D) both (A) and (B) ‘Ans, Option (B) is correct @ ASSERTION AND REASON BASED MCQs POU C To Tl} Directions: Inthe following questions, a statement Cf Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R), Mark the correct choice as: (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (isthe correct explanation of Assertion (A) (@)Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of “Assertion (A), (© Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (8) is false (0) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) stu. Q1. Assertion (A} Planning is goal-oriontedl Reason (R): Sports planning aims at conducting sports events. ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Q.2. Assertion (A) It provides the way through which ‘an organisation can successfully conduct the event, Reason (R): The organising committee must devise strategie plan and thoroughly follow the same, Ans, Option (B) is correct. Explanation: In reality, Ais the correct explanation of K, The organising committee devises plan that provides the way forward for fn organisation, 4. Assertion (A): Technical Committoe selects various. officials such as roferees, judges, umpires, oc. Reason (R): Technical Committee is also responsible for making all the announcements during the period of sports events. ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct. | Explanation: The announcements made during, | the period of sports events is the resportsiili of the Announcement committee 4, Assertion (A): Assertion (A): Health and safety committae is always headed by a qualified doctor. Reason (R): Health and safety committee caters to the injuries caused to sporlspersons during, fhe event Ans, Option (B) is correct Explanation: In realty, isthe correct explanation | of. Q.5. Assertion (A): Seeding is the procedure by which, ‘good teams are placed in fixtures in such a way © CSSD er 1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: In the beginning of the annual academic planning. for the school, a physical education committee ‘meeting was held which included of the school Principal, teachers and student, alumni and parents, The agenda of discussion was to plan for comprchensive program for Physical Education. ‘and Sports for all age-groups and prepate @ schedule of events along with recommendation for various sub-committees to conduct sports events, ‘The team released the schedule of the events 10 ’be conciucted in the current academic year. As per interest and capabilites of students and teachers, various sub-committees were recommended, ‘The sub-committee consisting of house teachers and students provided feedback about concerns regarding, draws and fixtures in intramural school tournament where the best teams competed that stronger teams do not mest each other at very start of the tournament. Reason (R): Seoding can be done only if the standards of the teams are known alter the tournament starts, Ans. Option (C) is correct. Explanation: Seeding is done before the commencement of the tournament and not after the commencement, Q.6. Assertion (A): A league tournament is a type ‘of tournament in which each contestant gots ‘eliminated after being dofeated in the round. Reason (R): In league tournament, there has to be ‘sufficient time to complete the tournament. ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct Explanation: & league tournament isa type of tournament in which each contestant meeis, all other contestants in turn. In this type of tournament, there has to be sufficient time to complete the tournament Q.7. Assertion (A): In staircase method, the teams are arranged in sequential form. Reason (R): There are no byes and no problem of ‘odd or even numberof teams in slairease method Ans. Option (B) is correct. Q.8. Assertion (A): Some teams may get bye in first round, by which they get promoted to higher round competition, Reason (R): This may be given as a penalty for their past poor performance. Explanation: Bye is awarded as a privilege to a team for its past good performance. ‘again each other in the initial sounds itself The students also felt that sometimes the teams were not cohesive and did not display sportsmanlike behaviour on or off the field. They felt such situations were unseemly and could be avoided. through asystematic process. There wasalsoa need toinerease the coordination among the committees with more defined roles and responsibilities of ‘each member. To provide exposure to the potential athletes and for talent development, a proposal was put forward for hosting a state-level inter- school competition at school. To this end, the ‘committees would need human resouree, technical ‘support and financial assistance. A new feature £0 the annual physical education programme, was the conducting of a mass nun for crowd funding ‘and to promote integrity and peace. This could be sponsored by various NGOs and government agencies. QA suitable and systematic process for fixtures would be (A) Round robin (C) Draw of lois Ans. Option (A) is carrect. (B) Bye to top teams (D) Choice Fxplanation: Bye to top teams, draw of lots and choice are not systematic procedures for designing fixtures. The most systematie way to do 50 is round robin process (Q.2, Responsibility for Distribution of certificate should be the role of (A) Logistics Committee {B) Marketing Committee {€) Finance Committee {D) Technical Committee ‘Ans, Option (D) is correct. Explanation: Qutof the givenchoices technical commitiee or its sub-committee , Awards lee is exponible for distribution ates to all the winners andor the participants Q.3. The purpose for conducting a community ran is for (A) Talent identification (B) Run for Publicity (C)Sports training (D) Crowd Funding ‘Ans, Option (D) is correct. Explanation; Community runs are organised. | to generate awareness, maximize participation and ensure crowd funding for the event, IL Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: With the aim of promoting physical fitness and healthy lifestyle amongst students the Physical ‘education Teacher at XYZ. School plans to organize intramural competitions al school, For conducting. the event he has given this assignment to the students of class XII who have taken up Physical Eclucation subject so that they can get first had experience of organizing events, On the basis of {given information answer the fellowing questions: [CBSE QB 2021] Q-1. The work of committees is divided into, (A) Pre, during and post (B) Preand post (C) Preand during {D) During and Post ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: Some work is to be done before the commencement of the event and some work is to be done after the completion of the tournamentorsports event. The maximum part of the work is done during the continuance of the event. Accordingly, the sports committees are divided into pre-event committeos, postevent committees and during-event committees respectively. Q.2, Match the following: {@) [Technical com- [li nitive [To provide shifting] facility ro resolve dispute (@) [Finance com. [ia mittee (© [Transport com- |(iu) [To deals with money) nite land expenditure (@ [Firstaidcom- |fiv) [To provide medical mittee facility (A) ai, boii, div (B) aii, bi, 5, div (©) aii, bal, oy, i ©) viv, diici di ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct Q.3. Which isnot the objective of Sports Tournament? (A) To Provide Recreation (8) Tohelp in overall development (©) Toachieve high performance (D) To provide opportunity. ‘Ans. Option (C)is correct. recreation for the spectators but they are not Explanation: Sports tournament are a source of organised with this as an objective IML. Below given is the Tournament fixture procedure ‘of a CBSE Football National ae Hi T= = (On the basis of the above data, answer the follow- ing questions [CBSE QB 2021] Q.1. What isthe number of Non-Seeded Teams in the Tournament? (a) 04 © Ans. Option (B) is correct. (B) 08 (Dy or Explanation: teams in frst half and 4 teams in the second half. (Q.2, The provision which places good teams in separate halves or pools so that they do.not play with other ‘good teams a earlier Rounds is known as, (a) Bye {(B) League tournament (©) Seeding method (D)Knock out tournament Ans. Option (Cs corroet. Q.3. Which of the following s nota Seeded Team? (A) Team 10 (B) Team os (©) Team 13 (0) Team 07 ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. | Beplesicoes Toot 8 isthe fourth sec Tenia 13s the fifth seed and Team 7s the third seed. IV. Below given is the Tournament fixture procedure ‘of a CBSE Volley ball National competition On the basis ofthe above data, answer the follow- ing questions: [CBSE QB 2021] Q.1. The formula for calculating number of matches in Round Robin tournament are where‘N’ is number cof teams i (a) NIN-1)2 BN (©) (N=) (DN +1) Ans. Option (A) is correct, (Q-2: In League tournaments the winner is decided by (A) British method (B) American Method {C) Noof Matches won (D) Both (A) and (8) ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. | Explanation: "The American method is followed. | in Knock out tournaments, 8, Which of the following, is Not ¢ League Fixture Procedure? (A) Ladder method, (C) Cyclic method ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. (B) Stair method (D) Tabular method are staircase or stair method, cyclic method and tabular method for designing, fixtures | Fiplenation Theres noadder method. There | V. Below given is the Tournament fixture procedure ‘of a CBSE Football National competition. Competing in physical activities has been the natural tendency of humans. The competitions or tournaments are held according to the set rules and regulations, The success of the tournament depends upon suitable fixture, Observe the below given fixture and answer the questions [CBSE QB 2021] 7 ; i ¢ 4 : > > . 8 ee The method followed in drawing the fixture is (A) League (©) Ladder Option (B) is correct. {B) knockout {D) combination to the next round ond the losing team gets Explanation: As the winning team moves climinated, so the fixture is knockout. Number of matches played can be calculated by the formula WN (B N- (N41 (D)N +2 ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct, The advantage of this tournament is__ (A) Economical (© Both (Ajand () Ans. Option (C) is correc, Explanation: Knock out tournament reduces the maiches fo be conducted by hel alter each round, 9, its both economical as wells time- saving, (B) Less time {D) None of the above In this type of tournament, a team once defeated gets (A) eliminated, 1B) bye (©) another chance (D) wild card entry ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: The winning team moves to the ‘next round and the losing team gets eliminated 1s soon as it is defeated in a match, A privilege given to a team to play at a higher round is called (A) fixture (©) reward Ans, Option (B) is correct. Explanation: The bye helps the team with a proven past good performance to play directly at a higher level so as to reduce its chances of being eliminated in the initial rounds, (8) bye {D) Allof the above VI. While organizing sports events for the Annual Sports Day, Arjun and Ravi being the captain and ‘vice captain of sports, formed various committees as shown below. [CBSE QB 2021) Q.1. The members of this committee are responsible for welcoming guests and spectators (A) Decoration committee (B) Reception committee {C) Publicity committee {D) Transportation committee Ans. Option (B)is correct. Explanation: The reception means to receive. So, the reception committee receives and ‘welcomes the guest and spectators Q-2. Announcement of venue, date and events is done by (A) Publicity committee (8) Transportation committee {C) Ground committee {D) Commitive for officials ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct, Explanation: The Publicity committee makes announcement about the commencement ff the tournament in various media to gain popularity and encourage spectators to view the match, So, the dates ate announced by this committee. Q.3, Organising and conducting of sports events involve (4) planning, (8) Forming committees (©) Boshi) &@) (D) only delegation ‘Ans. Option (C) is corect. splanation: Planning and organising forming, committees) are the first and the foremost stops to successful conduct of any and every tournament. 4. Complete responsibility for success of competition is taken by (A) Announcement committee (B) Administrative director (C) Firstaid committee {D) committee for officials Ans. Option (B)is correct. Explanation: The Administrative Director hheads the Executive Committee organising the tournament. So, the success (and failure) of competition is borne by the Administrative Director Q.5. To prepare a proper score sheet for record is responsibility @) pre tournament (8) during tournament (©) Post tournament (D) allof the above Ans. Option (B) is correct. Explanation: The scores scored by various teams and sports persons are to be maintained while the match and the tournament in progress. So, it is a during tournament responsibility. VII. Read the passage and answer the questions that fullaw by choosing the correct option: ‘As Me. Kiten Rijuju, Sports Minister has ordered. to popularize the game of Kabaddi among school students to develop theie physical ability, Me. Gopi, Physical Education Teacher of a reputed CBSE school has decided to conduct an Inter School Kabaddi tournament sn his school premises alter proper drawing of fixtures, He consulted the Management and the Principal to conduct the ‘Tournament of Pro Kabaddi pattern but the PE teacher was notawate of pro Kabaddi Tournament. Soe discussed with the National Kabaddi Referee [CBSE QB 2021] QA. Which of the following is the best method to ‘organize this kind of tournament? (A) Knock out {B) League (©) Ladder {D) Pyramid ‘Ans, Option (B) is correct, Explanation: Fxteamurals are best conducted by organising League or Round robin tournaments “Association. Q.2, The Knock out tournament is also known as (A) Combination tournament (B) Elimination tournament (©) League tournament (D) League cum knockout tournament ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct. Explanation: As the winning team moves to the next round and the losing team. gets climinated, so knock out tournament is also referred to as elimination tournament, 3.117 teams are participating in this tournament, how many teams will get bye? (A) 15 (B) 1 os D8 Ams, Option (A) fs correct. Explanation: The byes are awarded to the difference between the number of teams and the next power of 2. After 17, the next power of So, byes are awarded to 32~17 = 15 teams. VITI, Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: Kumar of XIA isa great athlete, After thelock down, the went to ste his Physical Education Teacher Mr ‘Murugan, the PE teacher is shocked to see Kumar, because Kumar has gained alot of weight, He al observed many other students have also gained ‘weight. The PE teacher decided to conduct an “inter House Tournament’ in the campus, Kumar requested PE Teacher to conduct the lournament fon League basis, [CBSE QB 2021] Q.1. Kumar feels that league method is best one for Inter house tournament. Why? {A) less period required. (B) Limited oficial {C) True Winner {D) players would be less tired Ans. Option (C) is correct. Explanation: League tournaments help in bringing out hidden talents in intramsirals, They actually help in identifying the true winner - the one who is able to defeat all the competitors — and not one who gets hucky in a single match and is promoted to the next round. Qa. 7 teams participate in a Double League ‘Tournamentsuch asin the IPL, how many matches «will be conducted in the first phase of league? (ay 2 8) 45 (©) 54 (0) 58 Ans. Option (A) is correct Explanation: The number of matches are determined using the formula NON 1), where Nis the number of teams participating, In thiscase, the number of matches will be 76 =a Q.3, What is the formula to determine number of ‘matches in double league fixture for even, ‘numberof teams? (a) Ne (©) NiN=1)2 Ans. Option (C) is correct. TX. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: ABC School is one of the reputed schools in their location for the number of sports facilities it provides to its stake holders. Keeping that in. consideration CBSE Spors cell has given. them the responsibility of conducting CBSE Football cluster 235 teams have sent their entry for participation in [CBSE QB 2021] (B) Ne (D)NIN+H2 the tournament Q:4. Duetolargenumberof teams willing to participate, the school is conducting the competition by fixture, (A) League (©) Staircase Ans. Option (B) is correct. Explanation: If the number of teams is large, Knock out tournament is the best choice. (8) Knock out {D) Challenge Q.2, The number of Matches in the first round will be we (B) 12 ou (D) 16 Option (A) is correct. ‘Total number of rounds will be we (8) 5 os (D7 Ans. Option (B) is correct. Q.4, Total number of matches will be (ay 38 (B) 30 (©) Oy ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Q.5. Total number of byes in the fixture will be_ (ay 29 (8) 32 ox wD Ans, Option (A) is correct. Q.6, Total number of byes in lower half will be (ay 15 (B) 16 Ou m2 Ans. Option (A) is correct. X. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: Your school has been given the responsibility to conduct zonal volleyball competition, As a Head boy/lead Gitl of the student eouncil you have been asked to make various teams of students to help teachersin-charges for smooth conduct of the tournament [CBSE QB 2021] Q.1. To help the teams to know about the fooding and stay arrangement a group of students will be ‘assigned with ‘committee (A) Transport 1B) Regiteation (©) Boarding and lodging (D) Decoration Ans. Option (C) is correct. Explanation: Boarding, refers to having, food andi lodging means to stay. Q.2. Students good at art and craft and creative designing will be assigned with, committee (A) Reception (©) Decoration ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct. {B) Registration {D) Entertainment responsible for decorating the venue with cutouts, paintings, designs, ete | set ‘The Decoration team | 3 Fow students will be assigned with committee for prize distribution (A) Ceremonial (B) Transport (©) Registration (Dy Budget Ans. Option (A) is correct Explanation: Prize distribution isa. formal | ceremony and is the responsibility of ceremonial committee, XI. Read the passage and ansiver the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: Your school has. received an invitation for participation in a Badminton competition being “organized by XYZ School. There is a entry foe for the competition due to which very few students have shown their willingness to participate [CBSE QB 2021) Q.1. Which type of fixture is preferred if there are Tess ‘number of teams? (A) Knock out (B) League (©) Round robin (D) Both (B) & (C) Ans, Option (B) is correct. Explanation: League or Round Robin tournament gives every team an opportunity to prove ils strength, 50, in ease of Teser number of teams, such tournaments must be preferred Q.2 What are the advantages of using this particular fixcare? (A) More time consuming (8) Les expenditure (©) More opportunities (©) Both () and (C) ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct Explanation: More time consuming 8 a disadvantage. As number of matches are more jn league tournaments, so these are not less expensive. Q.3. How many types are there in this type of fixture? we (B)2 ©5 (Dy! ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: The types are seeding, special seeding, bye and super bye fiatures.

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