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CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN SPORTS > Motor development and factors affecting it > Exercise Guidelines at different stages of Growth and Development > Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordasis, Kyphosis, Bow Legs ‘and Scoliasis and their corrective measures > Sports participation of women in India Revision Notes Motor Development in Children Motor Development : Motor development involves underlying biological environment and task demands influencing both motor performance and movement abilities of an individual from infaney through late adulthood. It goes on all the time from conception until late teens. At the same time, the nervous system matures for any Types of Motor Development: The brain, nerves and muscles have to work together (@W) Gross Motor Development : It refers to the movement involving large muscles such as arms, legs or entire body. Performing plenty of movements for developing coordination among different musclesis Gross Motor evelopment. For example, walking, kicking, sitting, lifting ete (i) Fine Motor Development: Fine motor developryent involves skills of the smaller muscles of the body. Such as, fingers, hands, ete For example - holding a pencil, catching a cricket ball, picking up toys with Fingers, ete > Stages of Motor Development : {)Infanthood (0 to 2 years) Gi) Baily childhood (2 10.6 years) Gil) Middle childhood (7 to 10 years) iv) Late childhood (11 to 12 years) > Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth and development : The motor development in ehiklren takes place in various stages of growth, The infanthood or infaney is followed by the childhood, stage that is divided into three stages : the infanthood, the early, middle and later childhood, + Infanthood (0-2 Years) = Tums head, Moves arms and legs. Reaches and grasps objects, Rolls back from side to side, ‘= Crawls, stands and walks. 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S27 PONS «_[ATTTO « esc sry ayp Kea» rang epavouy pots renssuou seyn$250 « pound pauojard 10 $409 « auvouputs spouod jens span tones «| oe aes eet g ssorodoms + many arewto ; 4 4 3 ‘uopezapisuo 0109 pue saan epads e009 4% ‘vppur ur uawom jo . ‘upuiom soy saanent pue sued Jo 3907 « 2pm eo06 pu nba =apuRD + NN a” + Early Childhood (26 Years) Basic locomotor. = Ball-handling. = Eyeshand coordination. = Running, jumping, hopping, skipping grasping. = Games with-simple rules, ‘+ Middle Childhood (7 to 10 years) Fine motor skills, Fine eye-hand coordination Growth is relatively slow. Cognitive activites Movenent precision Balancing and coordination. Catching, throwing; kicking, Planned activities games. ste Childhood (11 to 12 years) Motor skills perfected. Onset of puberty. Beginning of sexual maturation. Competition, Planned activities, that involve a ot of movements. ee > Obstacles of Motor Development : Everyone is different and develops at different rates. Abnormalities occur in the muscles, joints and nervous system, These abnozmalities include health issues, hearing impairments, heart abnormalities, obesity, ete. It means the child is not doing the things what he/she should be doing at hisvher maturity level Factors Affecting Motor Development > Factors affecting motor development: The development and quality of a child's motor skils are influenced by many factors, These include: + Tone: It refers to the ongoing contraction and slate ofthe muscle at rest. Tone ean be normal, hypotonic or hypertonic, ‘+ Strength: It refers tothe force ofa muscle contraction purposefully exerted against resistance to carryout an activity. + Endurance: Thisis the ability fo maintain the exertion required for an activity. + Motor Planning: Its the complex and often intuitive ability to know hovr to carry out the steps needed to complete a physical, activity + Sensory Integration: It is the ability to accurately interpret sensory input from the environment and to produce an appropriate motor response. Peed > Some Common Postural Deformities are : 1. Knock Knee : Knock Knee isa postural deformity in which both the knees touch or overlap each other in the normal standing position, Due to this deformity, an individual usually faces difficulty during walking. (/\ Knock Knees 2 3. Causes: (Weakness of ligaments and muscles Gi) Overweight body Lack of balanced diet iv) Lack of Vitamin D Flat Foot :TLis a deformity in which there isno arch in the foot and the foot is completely flat. The individual faces problem in standing, walking, jumping and running. co, 0 te, Occ * vy Flat Foot Causes: () Heaviness of the body (ii) Standing fora long time (Gi Faulty posture (iy) Use of poor quality footwear not having arch Round Shoulder: tsa postural deformity in which the shoulders are drawn forward, the head is extended and the chin points forward, AA Correct Forward Head Causes: (Due to poor posture in work, particularly in desk job (Gi) Faulty furniture (Gil) Careying hoavy load on shoulders (iv) Poor posture while sitting and standing Lordosis:ILis the inward curvature of spine. Ibis an inereased forward curve inthe lumbar region, Ik creates problems in standing and walking, Lordosis Causes: (), Habitual overeating, Gi) Improper environment Gi) Lack of exercise (Gx) Diseaces affecting vertebrac (¥) Improper development of muscles 5. Kyphosis:Itisa deformity of the spine in which there isan increase of exaggeration of a backward curve or a decrease of a forward curve. Itis also called round upper back. ie Kyphosis Causes (Reading in dim light {i Cary heavy london shoulders Wearing light and shapeless clothes (iv) Habit bending hie walking Bow legs Itis a deformity just the reverse of the knock knee position. In fact if there isa wide gap between, the knees, the deformity can be obsorved easily when individual walks or runs. Bow Legs Causes: @_ Putting extea weight on leg muscles (ii) Lack of balanced diet (Gif) Lack of calcium or phosphorus in bones (Gv) Improper way of walking (¥) Forcing baby to walkata very early age Scoliosis: Its a postural defect in which there is one large lateral curve extending through the whole length ‘of the spine, or there may be twa curves. This type of deformity is als called 'S' shape curve. Scoliosis Causes (), Short leg of one side (di) One side flat foot ii) Heredity defects (Gx) One side paralysis of spinal muscles Cotta Tare ud Postural Deformities : There are two types of postural deformities i, functional and structural. In functional doformities, only the soft tissues ke, the muscles and! ligaments are affected. In this case, correction of postural dleformities is possible through various physical sctvities. > Exercises for Kyphosis : (@)_ Swinmning, Bench press, Push-ups are beneficial as remedial measuces, i) In corner exercises, the patient stands facing a comer with one hand on each wall, arms atthe shoulder level and elbow at 90” from this position, the body moves forward mainly from the angle joint, This is a very good ‘exercise for stretching the pectoral muscles. (ii) Lying on the back on a narrow bench with ring weight hanging from elbows, the arms may flex to avoid any stress to elbows, (iv) Holding a towel or stick in a wide hand grips with arm extended above the hand and shoulder gives a good stretch to pectoral muscles and also strengthens posterior neck. > Exercises for Flat Foot (By rising on the toes, by climbing stars, by eyeling (ii) The emphasis should be upon the exercises involving the flexor, foot and ankle flexion. (ii) Exercise like sitting on a chair grasp a pencil under the toes of one foot and try to write the alphabets with long, strokes, Gv) One should wear special shoes properly fitted with arch support made by orthopedic centre, — Txorcise for Flat Foot > Frewises for Row Legs (@)_ Walking by bending the toes inwards. (Gi). Walking for some distance on the inner edge of the feet (ii) Performing Anda Matsyendrasana and Garudasana. vA Ardha Matsyendrasana—Garudasana > Exercisos for Knock Knees + (@,_ Use of walking calipers. Gi. Hlorse riding isthe best option for this deformity. Keeping pillow beliveen the knees and standing erect for some lime, iv) Performing Padmasana and Gomukhasana. ()_ Seated quadriceps contraction and hamstring curls. Exercise for Knock Knees Exercises for Round Shoulders + Round shoulders is a common postural deformity: It can be corrected with the help of following exercises (Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulders and encirele your elbows in clockwise andl ant forsome time (i) Hold the horizontal bar for some time regularly ‘t ¢ \ (di) Perform Chakrasana and Dhanurasana for some time, \ ) )'| aa Dhanurasana Chakrasana Exercises for Lordosis: (Lange forward with knee on a mat. Take position ofthe foot beyond knee. Place both hands on knee, Straighten, hips of rear leg by pushing hips forward and hold suetch, Repeal with opposite side. (i) Sit ona chair with feet wide apart. Bend and postion your shoulders between knves. Then reach to the floor under back of chai, Hold this position for some duration, Lie in prone position on the floor, Keep the palms of your hands on the floor according to shoulders’ width, Push torso up keeping pelvis on floor: Hold this position for some time iv) Sit down with knees extended, feot together and hands at sides, After that bend forward, touching the fingers looes, Hol this position for some time, Then come back and repeat, clockwise direction i Exercise far Lurdusts Exercises for Scoliosis () To swimming by breast stroke technique. (Gi) Hanging from horizontal bar ‘Holding the horizontal bar with your hands and swing your body to left and right sie. (iv) Bending exercise should be performed in opposite side of 'C’ shaped curve, (a) y Exercise for Scoliosis Pate a Sports Participation of Women in India: Here, sports participation of women means women's participation in the field of sports In the first Modern Olympics held at Athens in 1896, there was no participation of women. Women started to participate in sports from the year 1900 onwards. They participated in two events only: In 2000, Sydney COlympies the number of women's participation reached to around 5,000 which was a huge change in the time ‘of 100 years, In the Olympics, held in 2012 at London, number of participants were around 11,000 out of which around 5,600 were women. Saina Neha, MC Mary Kom secured Bronze medal for India. Now, there are many women from our country having a good name at the higher levels. Some of the examples are: Sania Mirza, Mithali Raj Saina Nobu et. In the 2016 Rio Olympics, shutlzr PV Sina became the first Indian woman to win a silver smudal; Sakshi Malik first Indian fernale wrestler to win a medal (bronze), gymnast Dipa Karmarkar became the first Indian woman to feature in a gymnastics final, finishing fourth in the vault, and Lalits Bakar became the first Indian ‘woman to enter a 3,000 m steeplechase final, finishing 10°. Kighteon- years old Aditi Ashok - the youngest golfer from India-also entered the final round of the women's individual golf eve. > Reasons for less participation of Women in Sports : () Lack of fitness ii) Lack of legislation (iii) Lack of education among women, (iv) Lack of interest among spectators (8) Less number of women coaches (vi) Mate dominated culture (wil) Lack of personal safety (wil) L.e35 facilities for women, > Primary Areas of Differences in Gender : Includes physique (body size), body composition, strength, energy system, cardiovascular endurance capacity, motor skill development, athletic abilities, > Effect of Physique and Body Composition on Sports Performance : In the high jump, long jump and triple jump, heights also an important factor because the centre of gravity of the body is higher in men in comparison to women. Motor Skills and Athletic Ability : Males aze considered to be stronger, possess greater muscular and cardiovascular endurance and more proficient in almost all motor skill. The number of anatomical, physiological and mechanical reasons are the reasons for low performance in females, By tot ole Ore CU mrt) > Menarche : Menarche isa young woman's first menstrual cycle and bleed. Throughout history, ‘menarche has been an important social rite, making a gis passage fo adulthood. However, it ‘happens during.a ime of physical activity or sexual maturation when a gi usually has her first period between the age of 9 to 15, In 5 percent of cases, menarche accurs between the age of 16 to 18. > Menstrual Dysfunction : It is defined as abnormal bleeding in the absence of intra cavitary or uterine pathology. Menstrual dysfunction in athletes may include primary amenorrhoea, secondary amenorrhoea,oligomenorshoes and lutea! phase deficiency, In adolescence, i is considered lo have delayed puberty when breast development has nol begun by 135 years of age. Pune mu Curse er) > Female Athletes Triad: The ‘female athletes triad’ isa syndrome of three related conditions generally seen in teenage of adult female athletes who aren't meeting their energy zequirements, which wllimately leaves ther undernourished. There are : (Anaemia : Is usually defined as a decrease in the amount of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) or haemoglobin in the blood. (di) Osteoporosis: Estrogen is lower in girs with female athletes triad, Low estrogen levels and poor nutrition, «especially low calcium intake, can lead to osteoporosis, Osteoporosis is weakening of the bones due lo less of bone density and improper bone formation. This condition can ruin a female athlete's career because it may lead to stress, fractures and other injuries, (di) Amenorshooa: It i a menstrual disorder or illness in females in which females of 18 years of age and above either never begin menstruating or there is absence of menstruation for 3 months or more. > Disordered Eating : Most girls with female athletes trad try to lose weight as a way to improve theie athletic performance. The clisordered eating that accompanies female athletes triad can range from not eating enough calories to keep up with energy demands to avoiding ceriain types of food the athlete thinks are Bed’ (such as foods containing fat) to serious eating disorders like anorexia nervasa or bulimia nervosa STAND ALONE MCQs Poche cto0) Q.1. Scoliosis isa postural deformity related with, A) foot 8) leg (©) vertebral column (D) hand [Delhi/Outside Dethi 2020] ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct Explanation: Scoliosis is @ postural defect in which theres one large lateral curve extending, through the whole length of the spine, or there may be two curves. 2. Which of the following is not a spinal curvature deformity? (A) Kyphos (B) Scoliosis (C) Lordosis (D) Flatfoot ICBSE SQP 2019-2020] ‘Ans, Option (D) is correct. Explanation: Flat Foot is a deformity in which there is no_arch in the foot and the foot is completely flat, Lordosis is the inward curvature of spine. Kyphosis is a deformity. of the spine in which there is an inerease of exaggeration of a backward curve or a decrease fo a forward curve. Scoliosis is & postural defect in which there is one large lateral curve extending through the whole length of the sping, or there may be two curves 4. Fine motor development is involved in: (A) Sitting, (B) Walking, (C) Standing (D) Catching a ball [CBSE SQP 2019-20] ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct. Explanation: Sitting, walking and standing are ‘gross motor development activitie, Q.4. Gomukhasana and Padmasana are performed to rectify which postural deformity? (A) Hlatfoo! (B) Scoliosis {C) Knock-knees (D) Bow legs [CSBE SQP 2019-20] Ans, Option (C) is correct, Q refers to the movement involving. Tage muscles such as arms, legs or entire body. {A) Development {B) Motor development (C) Gross motor development {D) Fine motor development ‘Ans. Option (©) is correct. Explanation: Motor development means involving muscles for all types of muscles and covers Gross Motor Development (involving, large muscles) and Fine Motor Development (involving small muscles). Q.6, 11 fo years the age of (A) Early childhood (©) Late childhood Ans, Option (C) is correct, Explanation: Middle childhood ends with 10 years of age and adolescence/teenage starts {B) Middle childhood {D) Adulthood ‘with 13 years of age 7. Postural i one of the factors alfeeting motor Si (A) disorders (B) disabilities (©) deformities {D) disease ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct, Explanation: Posture means structure and structure has defor Q.8. The head, trunk and controls are masterad before the caordination af hands and fingers. (4) arm (8) neck, (©) foot (Dj eve ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: ‘The controls are mastered in order of head, trunk, arms, hands and fingers. Q.9. Many diseases can be provented by proper (A) medication (©) exposure ‘Ans. Option (D) Explanation: Medication, treatment and exposure are remedial’ measures while Immunization isa proventive measur. (B) treatment {D) immunization correct person normally faces juring walking, (A) Knock knees (©) Flat foot ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. {B) Round shoulders {D) Scoliosis

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