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We, Derrick Laud Masope and Wyatt Afutu, hereby declare that this project work is our own

original work, and that due acknowledgement has been given to quotations and ideas

borrowed from other authors.

We accept full responsibility for any mistake in this work. This was written under the

supervision of Mr. George K. Akorfu (Head of I.T Department), Wisconsin International

University College, Ghana.

………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………

Mr. George K. Akorfu Derrick Laud Masope Wyatt Afutu

(Supervisor) (Student) (Student)


We wish to register our deepest and sincerest gratitude to Almighty God for His care,

faithfulness and mercies over our lives and in whose grace and wisdom we have conducted

our affairs.

We also want to take this opportunity to show our gratitude to all those who extended their

help to us in diverse ways. Even though we can not mention all names here, know that we

will forever be grateful to you.

Our sincere appreciation to Mr. George K. Akorfu, our supervisor (Head of IT Department),

for his guidance and support; also Mr. Isaac K. Nti and Miss Abigail Annan, who have

helped us do this work successfully. Thank you very much for your support.

Special thanks to Rev. Michael Awotwi for his encouragement and moral support during our

school years in school.

Finally, we acknowledge our indebtedness to the authors of the various articles and web

pages we consulted.

With the growth and advancement in computer technology over the past decade, there have

been incentives to replace outdated manual and other paper systems with electronic

Information systems.

We present an analysis firstly on the Information systems, with regards to Front Desk

Information Management Systems in Ghana. Our analysis identifies some major problems

which makes the manual or paper system slow, inconvenient, zero degree of security.

We also suggest some solutions, the paramount being the adoption of an electronic front desk

information system.

We conclude that for fast, accurate, reliable, easy and convenient data retrieval and usage, the

adoption of a Front Desk Information System (FDIS) for Wisconsin International University

College is the best option in information management.


We dedicate this project to our various beloved parents, Mrs. Elizabeth Ayiku (Wyatt Afutu

mother) and Mr. and Mrs. Masope-Crabbe (Derrick’s parents), who made a lot of sacrifices

to make us what are today. This work is also dedicated to our all our friends especially Jerry

Aduboffour and Winifred Osei-Tutu for their support and encouragement.


Abstract ………………………………………………………………………….. ii

Dedication ……………………………………………………………………….. iii

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………. iv

Declaration ………………………………………………………………………. v

Table of Content …………………………………………………………………. vi


Introduction ………………………………………………………………...1

1.1 Background to the Study …………………………………………….... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem …………………………………………………. 2

1.3 Objective of the study …………………………………………………. 2

1.4 Methodology …………………………………………………………... 3


2.1 Literature review...……………………………………………………… 6

2.2 Front Desk Information Systems...…………………………………....... 6

2.3 Types of Front Desk Information Systems…………………………….. . 7

2.4 Features of FDIS systems ……………………………………………... 8

2.5 New Trends in FDIS Systems …………………………………………. 8


3.1 Methodology and Design …………………………………………. 11

3.2 FDIS Introduced ………………………………………………….. 16

3.3 Design Specification of FDIS …………………………………….. 17

3.4 Database Design ………………………………………………….. 21

3.5 Functional Specification of FDIS ………………………………… 22

3.6 Feasibility of FDIS ……………………………………………….. 23


4.1 Implementation of FDIS …………………………………………….. 26

4.2 Deployment of FDIS ………………………………………………… 33

4.3 Real-life System Testing – FDIS on Trial ………………………….. 33


5.1 Summary Recommendation and Conclusion ………………………. 35


A. Data Dictionary …………………………………………………... 37

B. Codes …………………………………………………………….. 44

Glossary …………………………………………………………………… 51

References …...………………………………………………………………. 53


1.1 Background to the Study

Looking for a particular student in the university with over thousand students can be both
frustrating and tiring. Not having any idea whether the student has a lecture or is in the hostel
or is not on campus can also be frustrating. In another instance a parent who has no idea of
his ward’s identification number or he uses a surname that is among a list of about four
hundred records can also be hectic. Or even consider a case where your ward is a foreign
national. The analysis on this situation is real and can be very difficult in an organization or
university without any form of information system specially designed for the retrieval of
information for visitors and strangers.

The ability to manipulate static documents and information are the main?? in this season of
phenomenological, scientific and technological age. The usage of software and databases has
reduced the stress on paper work and has created the avenue for fast, reliable and accurate
access to information by the click of a button or the press of a key.
In these few years, the emergence of computers, programming languages and
analysis/synthesis techniques, are used to retrieve data in any format for the perusal of users
and students.

Nowadays, we have a rich repertoire of modeling techniques that allow for quick view and
updates to the world of data and information at different levels of complexity and proximity.
In response to this computerized age, most organizations and institutions are adopting latest
technique to have quick access to information at the first point of call to their facility. Some
organizations could retrieve detailed records and reports on their staffs and further query
them for their usage. Another way is just to ask for short information that can give you a fair
idea of where you are and what you could access at a point in time.
In view of this, Wisconsin International University College should not be left out in the
search for information using the latest technique available so far as information technology is

The university should create the comfort and ease the stress of visitors, students and strangers
by embracing the idea of a FRONT DESK INFORMATION SYSTEM that seeks to create
conducive atmosphere for both students and their respective seekers.

As computer science students, we want to take up this challenge for ourselves and the
university in general to develop an equally interesting and attractive and interactive package
for Wisconsin International University.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Imagine you have gone to an organization where tracking the movement of a particular is
difficult. Such a scenario can happen when there are no proper systems in place to get access
to information quickly.
Since there is no way of keeping track of information as to whom and when a particular
person did came into the university.

Also having to move all the way to book an appointment is a very difficult and frustrating
thing to do.
Having to deal with a lot of paper work such as processing and manipulation data can be

1.3 Objectives of the study

This project seeks to develop a Front Desk Information System (FDIS) for Wisconsin
International University, where students, parents and visitors could be reliably informed
without going through any form of difficulties.
The project also looks at creating the atmosphere where reports could be generated either
monthly, quarterly or per semester basis, and also information capturing feature for
registration purposes and a quick view feature.
The project used a friendly and interactive Graphical interface for users and operated on a
Xampp at the backend.
The main objectives of this project outlines are summarized as follows;
• Assist visitors and parents to have quick access to information.
• Assist the university to keep track of people who come into the university.
• To account for fast, accurate and reliable information.
• Reduce the paper work involved in information processing.
• To have a system that serves as an intermediary point between the administration and
the security section or departments of the university.
• To embrace technology and make good use of the information management.
• Ensure effective and efficient processing of information.
• To reduce and eventually eliminate the stress and frustrations visitors go through
when looking for their friends.
• To help prospective client to book appointment online without having to come all the
way to the school.

1.4 Methodology:
A systematic approach to information gathering was used for data collection. Our sources of
data are the internet, articles on the subject matter also our primary sources of data are from
the questionnaires, interviews and research granted.

1.4.1 Questionnaires
Questionnaires were sent out to individuals and organizations who volunteered to give out
their ideas and opinions on the need for an information management system as a front desk
on the campuses of Wisconsin International University College, Ghana.

1.4.2 Interviews
To supplement data obtained from questionnaires and existing documents, face to
face interviews were held with a representative sample of people at the university and the
students’ representative council, students and all the front desk personnel in the school.
1.4.3 Existing Documents
Other existing document which has in-depth information on front desk information system
was also analyzed for further knowledge on the latest trend in the act of information

Other sources, such as the Internet, magazines, journals, articles and periodicals were also

1.4.4 Analysis and consolidation of data

Data obtained was consolidated and analyzed to determine lapses in current front desk
information systems and based on those deductions other functional ideas were adapted to aid
in designing a very good information system.

1.4.5 Limitations of the Study

This study used Wisconsin International University College Ghana as a case study.
Financially, the researchers had limited funds available for purchasing new complete
software so we were limited to use the enterprise editions.
Finally, we had problems with time. Thus we undertook this project whiles in school and a

combination of academic work project was very difficult and the forced us to limit the scope

of the study which affected the authenticity of the generalizations of recommendations.

Secondly, it was tedious for us to frequently visit or contact all the stakeholders involve in the

project especially those outside campus.

1.4.6 Participating Organization

The first participating organization is Wisconsin International University College, Ghana.
This organization is used as a case study of this project. Also questionnaires and interviews
were granted in this institution.
Further Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Accra (GIMPA) and
University of Ghana Legon (UG) were also used to test the project.
1.4.7 Organization of the Study
The project is divided into five chapters. Chapter one comprises the background of the

study, the objectives of the study, methodology used. Chapter two reviewed existing

literature on Front desk Information Systems, while Chapter three will focus on the

methodology and design of the project. Chapter four will includes the implementation

process. Finally Chapter five which is the concluding chapter talks about summary,

recommendation and conclusion. Appendices, abbreviation and references are


1.4.8 Definition of terms

• ENTITY is an object with a distinct set of easily identifiable properties.
• The Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia definition to FRONT DESK
INFORMATION SYSTEM as “an electronic management system that uses
encryption to allow a user to call or retrieve information per defined parameter
via the computer using a designed software and database, for specified purpose”
• FRONT DESK INFORMATION SYSTEM would also mean that “an information
system that works or take a source path from a remote access or server for usage
at the first point of call. They would hence be used interchangeably”.



In every human endeavor, getting access to good information and on time enhance

performance and gives good impression of the source. Information and how they are
distributed and used are very important especially to those who need it most. What is more,

lessons from the past enable one to minimize mistakes and be in the right position to advance.

2.2 Front Desk Information Systems

 The Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia definition to FRONT DESK INFORMATION

SYSTEM as; “an electronic management system that uses encryption to allow a user to

call or retrieve information per defined parameter via the computer using a designed

software and database, for specified purpose”

 FRONT DESK INFORMATION SYSTEM would also mean that “an information system

that works or take a source path from a remote access or server for usage at the first point

of call. They would hence be used interchangeably”.

Most information systems are based on the concept adopted by the owners or the policy of

that institution or even the users of that system. Another fact is that, information system can

be computerized or manual. For example, a computerized system at a university for research

and data retrieval


A review of the literature revealed that there are two different types of FRONT DESK


• Paper-Based information systems

• Electronic Information Systems

2.3.1 Paper-Based Information System

Paper-Based information Systems are information systems which are used to retrieve, record

and verify information, by direct entry using a paper or a book that has been designed for

such purpose.

Such systems are very slow to use and information retrieval is very frustrating and

cumbersome. Most organizations are less productive based on this method since it slows

down the activities of the firm.

2.3.2 Electronic information Systems

Electronic information systems, used computer based databases and software to capture, view

and update, search, process, query and generate report as many times as needed. It mostly

comes with picture facility and remote access oriented. Thus, the source is on a server whiles

the clients are remotely positioned for usage.

Electronic information systems, can be upgraded when the needs of the organization changes.

That makes is very current and reliable.

2.4 Features of an Information systems

The integrity of an information system used in producing information or request via any

means is fundamental to the acceptance of the results of that information provided is very

accurate and reliable. Information systems should therefore be sufficiently transparent and

comprehensible so that those who give the information can be sure of what they are giving

and those receiving can accept the results.

For any front desk information systems, be it electronic or using traditional paper to be

considered transparent and comprehensible, some important criteria must be satisfied on bio

data. These are:

o Name

o Age

o Sex

o Profession

o Location and Address

o Telephone, Fax, e-mail

o Marital status

o Etc….

2.5 New Technology in Front Desk Information Systems

With the Introduction of computer technology, several countries are now replacing outdated

paper based information systems to paperless or electronic Front Desk Information Systems

(FDIS) with the aim of increasing information accessibility by just some few seconds. In

addition to this new trend are programming languages that make it possible to design and

develop an information system which will suit your needs.

The new trends in Front Desk Information System for educational purposes consider such

data on a students as; Index number, Name, Sex, Programme, Department, Year of entry,

Level/year group, Picture etc.

This information makes it possible to check on any student at any time by either a parent or a

visitor. It also tracks visitors, date, time and purpose. In summary, it gives enough

information to anybody at any given time.

The new trend for Wisconsin International University is to look at a system running on a

server strategically positioned so that all client users will tap information from it and

manipulate it. This Remote-Access technique even gives security check to entry into the

school. The sketch below shows how the proposed case will look like and the flow of

Administration I.T Department


Business Dept.



firewall OFFICE





This is project used 5 entities namely, the employee attendants table, Wisconsin Directory,

login, student Registration and appointment table.

Fig 3.1

3.1.1 Employee Attendance (Empattend)

This is the table that records the attendance of all employees. This entity has feature to

replace the old manual way. Instead of writing or signing the attendance book, one need to
only do so via the Ethernet. Some of the attributes of this entity are date of reporting,

Employee Name, Time in and Time Out.

Fig 3.1.1

3.1.2 Appointment

This is also another entity in the database. The role of this is to keep records of all

appointment made with the University. The appointment table also has features such as

confirming of appointment or terminating of appointment made earlier. Some of its attributes

include names, date of booking, available date for appointment, and name of company,

contact number, purpose and name of the person.

Fig 3.1.2

3.1.3 Student Registration

Student registration table is the entity in the database that keeps records on all students. This

captures the records of freshmen every semester and allows continuing students to modify or

update their data if there has been a change.

Fig 3.1.3

3.1.4 Wisconsin Directory

This entity has records of all the contact numbers of the entire lecturer and the most frequent

contacted client. This table entails full details of all the workers and has attributes such as the
name, address and contact number.

Fig 3.1.4


FDIS is a Direct Retrieval Electronic (DRE) Information System which provides a platform

for simplifying the data analysis procedure not only in organizations but also in schools and

where information plays a major role in productivity and service delivery. Its strength lies in

the fact that it is robust, secure and simple.

In consequence of this assertion and other factors, the Wisconsin International University

College’s FDIS has several security requirements such as user authentication and access

control incorporated into its design architecture, thus making the system ,not only secure and

reliable, but resilient as well.


This Chapter provides a detailed and technical discussion on FDIS’s design architecture. The

topics discussed include:

• The top-down design of FDIS

• The screens to be generated by FDIS

• The algorithm behind each screen.

• The database design.

3.3.1 Top-down Design of FDIS

FDIS consists of four major subsystems namely:

• Student Registration

• Appointment

• View and Update

• Report Center

• Log sheet

3.3.2 Students Registration Section (SRS)

SRS is the system which is responsible for managing the registration process. It provides

GUI interfaces where students or data entry personnel’s can enter records as well as update


3.3.3 Appointment Section (AS)

AS is a system which allows you to make or cancel appointments which has already been

made. It allows you to configure and customize appointment scheduling using the automated

system. Not only can you automate your front desk needs, but your customers can make or

cancel their appointments online, using any wireless device, or over the phone. This offers

your customers a flexible and user friendly approach for making or canceling appointments at

any time, day or night.

3.3.4 View and Update Section (VUS)

VUS manages activities regarding data loading and updates made on them. It allows for the

usage of a search criteria to fetch the data. It however depends on your user privilege and data

accessibility. It provides interactive GUIs for users to effectively use the system

3.3.5 Report Section (RS)

RS is the system responsible for consolidating the details automatically and generating a

report for usage. It works in conjunction with SRS and VUS and provides a user-friendly

interface for displaying the results of a student or even a user. It also provides facilities for

printing hard copies of all records.

3.3.6 Log Sheet (LS)

Log sheet is a special aspect of the design procedure that tract all users with their passwords.

It is a system check on the database administrator and those who enter into the system at any

time. It provides data integrity and consistency.

Fig. 3.1 The top-down design of FDIS

Fig. 3.2 Login Page Design of FDIS for Student Registration
Fig 3.3 Login Page Design of FDIS for Appointment
3.4 Database Design

ODM plays an important and indispensable role in the operations of FDIS. ODM is that part

of FDIS that enables the FDIS System Administrator to interact with the database.

This chapter discusses the database design architecture underlying ODM. It provides

information about entities, attributes, queries, and other database objects relevant to FDIS.

3.4.1 Entities and Attributes

An entity is an object with a set of easily identifiable properties. Entities serve as the

building blocks of databases, and are represented by rectangular boxes. An attribute is a

property of an entity. Unlike entities, attributes are represented by ellipses.

Entities and attributes, when put together, form the design structure of a database table.

Database tables have a name (which often is the name of the entity from which it was

derived), fields (each attribute of the entity), and records (a collection of fields).

Put together, the design structure of a simple database could be seen as:

Fields → Records → Files → Database

3.5 Functional Specification of FDIS

3.5.1 Installation of a Database Management System (DBMS) to manage system data

A DBMS called the FDIS DB Manager (ODM) was installed to manage system data.

ODM offers an opportunity for data about students to be retrieved, added, updated,

deleted, sorted, and traversed easily and quickly. ODM was also stored data

regarding users, copy, changes and other information relevant to the system.

3.5.1 Facilities to allow for the FDIS

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) application was developed to allow student’s bio-

data to be used on the screen. The application also provided a functionality which

enabled only the Database Administrator to access data as and when required.

3.5.2 Implementation of controls to avoid unauthorized Users.

In order to guard the system against data mishandling and rigging, user authentication

and access control functionalities was built into the system. Secondly these security

features help prevent unauthorized access into the system. Consequently, a user who

attempts such procedure would be denied access into the system and then prompted

3.5.3 Generation of reports

The system would offer facilities to allow reports ranging from students Registration

Details, log sheet to track users and visitors and statistics per day or month to be


3.6 Feasibility of FDIS Technical Feasibility

FDIS can be implemented with the hardware, software, and other IT resources currently

available on the market System requirement

• Windows98/Me, Windows2000/XP/2003/Vista operating system or above.

• Intel Pentium 166MHz or above.

• 64MB memory.

• At least 10MB hard disk space. Development of software components

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 was the choice of language for several reasons. Firstly,

Dreamweaver offers much flexibility in syntax than most languages, thus making it relatively

simple even for beginners to use.

Secondly, it offers drag-and-drop functionality, making it possible for programmers to

literally place controls (labels, text areas, text boxes, list boxes, etc) on the screen without

having to write lengthy codes to generate such. Consequently, a programmer could develop a

professional Window-based application within a relatively short time.

Thirdly, and most importantly, Dreamweaver is an object-oriented programming language,

and as such offers such advantages as code re-usability, realistic modeling and resilience.

The following software components were used for the backend.

• XAMPP a free and open source cross-platform

web server package facilitated the designing of the project work. It is embedded with

 Apache: Is the web server component of the

popular XAMPP web server application stack, alongside

MySQL, and the PHP/Perl/Python programming


 MySQL: Is a rational database management

system (RDBMS) which runs as a server providing multi-user access to a

number of databases. It is used to design the database (Back end) for storing,

managing and retrieving information.

• PHP Editor was used in writing the codes for the

web pages.

• PDF Creator was used to convert word files into

PDF files to aid easy download and printing of files.


was used for editing and shaping of pictures files.

Furthermore, to make the system user friendly, technical aspects of the system (such as

coding) would also be encapsulated (or hidden) thus providing easy-to-use interfaces for

users to use with little or no assistance.

3.6.2 Operational Feasibility

The FDIS has been tailored to function within the existing organizational and operational

framework of the University. That is to say, all major procedures undertaken by the database

administrator has been taken into cognizance and has consequently been incorporated into the

system accordingly.

However that may be, the system could also be implemented for other organizations.

3.6.3 Economic Feasibility

Although the initial cost of developing and implementing FDIS on a large scale is relatively

high, it is believed that its benefits far outweigh its initial investment cost. The University can

equally produce this in large quantities for others who may need it.


The implementation of a project is about the most important phase in the life of this project.

This Chapter discussed both the high-level and low-level design aspects of FDIS and

proceeds to discuss how each design aspect has been integrated into a working system.

Testing and deployment of each of the programme components, therefore the system was

tested with real data.

Fig 4.1 Screen Developed For Each Of FDIS Subsystems.

The Index screen (http://localhost/project/)

Fig. 4.2 Screen Developed For the Login Page

The Login screen (http://localhost/project/apptnew.php)

Fig. 4.2 Screen Developed For the Appointment Page

The Appointment screen

Fig. 4.3 Screen Developed For the Student Registration Page

The Student Registration screen

Fig. 4.4 Screen Developed For the Student View and Update Page
The View and Update screen
Fig. 4.5 Screen Developed For the Data Retrieval Page

The Data Retrieval screen

Fig. 4.6 Screen Developed For Report List

A sample report list screen

4.2 Deployment of FDIS

FDIS, as has already been discussed, is an integration of several subsystems or modules, with

each module performing a different role. The preceding section outlined the screens of each
of the modules. Even so, each module does not work in isolation, but rather is dependent on

a module or two contained in FDIS.

However that may be, each module has been developed to be used during a given phase in the

information management process. And so, for example, the Registration Subsystem would

be used during new Registration Exercises, and not during information retrieval.

Although the entire system ( Registration, Retrieval, Manipulation, Reports and FDIS DB

Manager) would be accessible to System Administrators at anytime of the data management

process, some subsystems [Data retrieval and Time table management], however, would be

accessible to the System users only during those times the system is in use on the network.

4.3 Real-life System Testing – FDIS on Trial

Although FDIS is yet to be tested on a very large scale, it has been subjected to several minor

but effective in-house tests, all in an attempt to determine whether system requirements have

been met. Notable among the tests was one where the system was installed for usage at a

primary school. The essence of the test was to determine how effective and efficient FDIS

would be when used in real situations.

Another notable test simulated the usage of Wisconsin International University as a case

study to give vivid understanding on the implementing environment and the immense benefit

for the school once employed.

All said and done, both tests were a success in that almost all system requirements and

objectives were found to have been met. On the whole, majority of the users were surprised

not only that computer technology could be used for tracking and fast tracking information

flow, but also at how it simplified information management procedures at the front desk.

Most students were eager to try out the system also because the entire concept of Electronic

front desk information system seemed a new experience to them.

Although no major problem was encountered during the test, the system would function to

appreciation once a very good networking environment has been put in place. It was noticed

that the university could take advantage of such a project to blend it with their wireless

access. Thus through an internet based database system, you can check and have access to

student information online.

Questions asked ranged from the ease of use, feeling of anonymity, security, and interface




Growth and advancement in computer technology, in recent times, have affected literally

every aspect of human life. What is more, the 21st Century has seen an increase in the
development of systems to handle several important tasks which, hitherto, were done


Even so, an important institution which has been influenced by computer technology in the

past few years is information security and accessibility. Several systems and methods have

been devised, while researchers are still exploring new and better ways of conducting

information analysis, with the recent being electronic front desk information systems.

Although front desk information systems seek to simplify information handling techniques

while reducing processing cost, designing a secure and reliable electronic system is a huge

challenge in that the system to be developed should, amongst other things, protect the privacy

of the user, seeker and the beneficiary, and also be comprehensible to and usable by the entire

target group, irrespective of age, infirmity, or disability.

It is upon this background that FDIS, an electronic Front Desk Information System has been

developed. The system, as presented in this write up, was developed after having studied the

manual process of information management and processing of Ghana. Be that as it may,

other institutions which use manual information processing avenues as a decision-making

tool. Although FDIS offers a number of advantages over the conventional paper-based

system in Ghana and many institutions, it is not infallible. Strange to say, a major concern has

not been how to protect the system from outside attack (i.e. from hackers), but from inside

fraud. That is from a system administrator who has access to all the database keys, passwords

and the entire system, and might thus alter information in the system. We recognize that

information is very powerful and highly contentious and that needs to be protected. As such

we suggest that FDIS be protected through a distributed group of individuals – none of which

can act alone. No one individual should have the right to stuff the server change or delete a

However that may be, FDIS undoubtedly offers convenience to the user and administrative

ease to institutions administrators as they can get results out more quickly than conventional

methods of hand count.

Even so, for electronic FDIS to become more widely accepted in Ghana (and Africa, for that

matter), the users and students should be educated in its use, and the university should make

noise about it. Secondly, electronic FDIS systems should be opened to experts in system

analysis, computer programming and high-grade security for scrutiny. It is only when FDIS

systems are certified by industry experts that public confidence would be increased.

Data Dictionary

This Data Dictionary is a condensation of FDIS Database Manager (ODM), taking over 30
references pertaining largely to field names or attributes.

In determining the definition and description of an entry in this material, careful

consideration was given to various database objects (such tables, forms, queries, reports, etc)
in which it appeared.
Users of this Data Dictionary would find it helpful, particularly in providing, about fields,
such information as fieldname; data type; maximum character length; source table; foreign
key table references; forms, queries and queries using such field.

It is hoped that users would find the material useful and practical.

Data Definition

Name: Address
Description: Refers to the address of a student.

Type: Text

Source Table: Registration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveRecords

Name: Age

Description: Refers to the age of a student.

Type: Number

Source Table: Registration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 3
Range of Acceptable Values: Integer

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveRecords

Name: LastName

Description: Refers to the Last Name of a registered student.

Type: Text

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords, RetrievePassword

Name: Level

Description: Refers to the level where a registered student has

Type: Text

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords

Name: MiddleName

Description: Refers to the Middle Name of a registered student.

Type: Text

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords

Name: Mother’sName

Description: Refers to the name of a registered student’s mother.

Type: Text

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords

Name: Password

Description: Refers to the password of a registered student.

Password is needed to access the Online Ballot System
Type: Text

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords, RetreiveVINAndPassword

Name: Photo

Description: Refers to the photograph of a registered student.

Type: Image

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of -
Range of Acceptable Values: -

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords

Name: PollingStationName

Description: Refers to the name of the Polling Station Student

Type: Text

Source Table: StudentRegistration

Foreign Key Table(s): -

Maximum Number of 50
Range of Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric

Programs Using: FDIS

Reports Using: Student Registration Details

Forms Using: FrmStudentRegistration

Queries Using: RetrieveStudentRecords, UpdatePollingStationName


1. Connecting to the database

mysql_connect('localhost','root','deenwyatt') or die ("connection failed");
mysql_query("use frontdeskinfo");

2. Connection to the login

# FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
# Type="MYSQL"
# HTTP="true"
$hostname_drpassword = "localhost";
$database_drpassword = "frontdeskinfo";
$username_drpassword = "root";
$password_drpassword = "deenwyatt";
$drpassword = mysql_pconnect($hostname_drpassword, $username_drpassword,
$password_drpassword) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);

2. Login 2

<?php require_once('Connections/drpassword.php'); ?>

// *** Validate request to login to this site.
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {

$loginFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) {
$_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = $_GET['accesscheck'];

if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
$MM_fldUserAuthorization = "";
$MM_redirectLoginSuccess = "Appointment.html";
$MM_redirectLoginFailed = "index.htm";
$MM_redirecttoReferrer = false;
mysql_select_db($database_drpassword, $drpassword);

$LoginRS__query=sprintf("SELECT username, password FROM login WHERE username='%s'

AND password='%s'",
get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $loginUsername : addslashes($loginUsername),
get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $password : addslashes($password));

$LoginRS = mysql_query($LoginRS__query, $drpassword) or die(mysql_error());

$loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows($LoginRS);
if ($loginFoundUser) {
$loginStrGroup = "";

//declare two session variables and assign them

$_SESSION['MM_Username'] = $loginUsername;
$_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'] = $loginStrGroup;

if (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl']) && false) {

$MM_redirectLoginSuccess = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
header("Location: " . $MM_redirectLoginSuccess );
else {
header("Location: ". $MM_redirectLoginFailed );

3. Connecting the Appointment form to the database

//include ["login.php"];
//$Id = $_POST['Id'];
$LastName = $_POST['LastName'];
$FirstName = $_POST['FirstName'];
$OtherName = $_POST['OtherName'];
$DateOfBooking = $_POST['DateOfBooking'];
$AvDateOfAppointment = $_POST['AvDateOfAppointment'];
$NameOfCompany = $_POST['NameOfCompany'];
$ContactNumber = $_POST['ContactNumber'];
$Purpose = $_POST['Purpose'];
$NameOfPerson = $_POST['NameOfPerson'];


mysql_query("use frontdeskinfo") or die ("Database not in use");

$insert=("insert into Appointment

mysql_query($insert) or die ("Couldnt insert".mysql_error());

4. Connecting the Student Registration form to the database

$StudentID = $_POST['StudentID'];
$LastName = $_POST['LastName'];
$FirstName = $_POST['FirstName'];
$OtherName = $_POST['OtherName'];
$Sex = $_POST['Sex'];
$Level = $_POST['Level'];
$Programme = $_POST['Programme'];
$Nationality = $_POST['Nationality'];
$Student_Status = $_POST['Student_Status'];
$MaritalStatus = $_POST['MaritalStatus'];
$PostalAddress =$_POST['PostalAddress'];
$ResidentialAddress =$_POST['ResidentialAddress'];
$Telephone = $_POST['Telephone'];
$Mobile = $_POST['Mobile'];
$Email = $_POST['Email'];

mysql_connect ("localhost","root","deenwyatt");
mysql_query("use frontdeskinfo") or die ("Database not in use");

$insert=("insert into studentreg


mysql_query($insert) or die ("Couldnt insert".mysql_error());


5. Connecting the Employee Attendance form to the database

$Date = $_POST['Date'];
$EmployeeName = $_POST['EmployeeName'];
$TimeIn= $_POST['TimeIn'];
$TimeOut = $_POST['TimeOut'];


mysql_query("use frontdeskinfo") or die ("Database not in use");

$insert=("insert into empattend

mysql_query($insert) or die ("Couldnt insert".mysql_error());


6. Connecting the Appointment form to the database

$Date = $_POST['Date'];
$EmployeeName = $_POST['EmployeeName'];
$TimeIn= $_POST['TimeIn'];
$TimeOut = $_POST['TimeOut'];


mysql_query("use frontdeskinfo") or die ("Database not in use");

$insert=("insert into empattend


mysql_query($insert) or die ("Couldnt insert".mysql_error());


7. Connecting the Student Registration view form to the database


$conn=@mysql_connect("localhost" ,"root","deenwyatt")or die (mysql_error());

$db=@mysql_select_db($db_name,$conn) or die(mysql_error());


$sql="SELECT * FROM studentreg where studentid='$studentid'";

$result=@mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
if ($num !=0)
echo "<P><h2>Congratulations, you're authorized!</p></h2>";
while ($newArray=mysql_fetch_array($result))

echo "<table width=\"344\" height=\"96\" border=\"0\">";

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4>Student ID </h4> </td><td width=\"91\"> $studentid </td> ";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Last Name </h4> </td><td width=\"91\">$LastName </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> First Name </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $FirstName </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Other Name </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $OtherName </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Sex </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $Sex </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4>Level</h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $Level</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Programme </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $Programme </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Nationality </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $Nationality</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4>Marital Status</h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $MaritalStatus </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Postal Address </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $PostalAddress </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Residential Address </h4></td><td width=\"91\">
$ResidentialAddress </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Telephone Number </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $TelephoneNumber
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Mobile Number </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $MobileNumber
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"111\"><h4> Email </h4></td><td width=\"91\"> $Email </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<a href='index.html'> back to the main page</a>";

//else {
//echo "<h1>Please enter the right year</h1>";


8. Codes for Uploading Picture


$uploaddir = 'c:\xampp\htdocs\project\uploadfolder\.';
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
print "<pre>";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
print "Picture uploaded Suceessfully. ";
} else {
print "Click on browse buttom to upload files! \n";
print "</pre>";


Attribute → This refers to the property of an entity.

Command Button → A rectangular control or object that performs an action when


Database → A set of computer programs that controls the creation,

Management System maintenance, and utilization of the database of an

(DBMS) organization

Domain Integrity → The process of ensuring that only a valid range of values

can be entered into a field of a table.

Entity → An object with a distinct set of easily identifiable properties.

Entity Integrity → The process of ensuring that each row in a table can be

uniquely identified by a key (field) known as a primary key.

Plurality → Receiving more votes but not necessarily a majority of the

total votes cast

Query → English-like statement used for data manipulation

Referential Integrity → The process of ensuring that all the values in a foreign key

match all the values in a primary key.

Suffrage → The right to vote

Virus → A malicious program that replicates itself by attaching itself

to another program

Worm → A malicious program that works like a virus


1) Kelly A. D. “Secure Oracle 91AS.” Oracle Magazine, January/February 2003, 45 –


2) The World Book Encyclopedia, (D) World Book Inc. 2000, 120 – 122.

3) The World Book Encyclopedia, (E) World Book Inc. 2000, 158 – 160.
4) Trelease, S.F., How to Write Scientific and Technical Papers, M.I.T. Press,

Cambridge, Mass., 1969, p.39.

5) Fischer, B. Heavy Ion Lithography, International Journal of Applied Radiation and

Isotopes, 1980, 31, (5), pp. 297-305.

6) Harrison, Nancy, functions of macromedia, Norfolk, 1987.

7) Ericson, John, the Importance of Good Visuals, In: Publish or Perish, Hills, P.J. (Ed.),

Peter Francis, Norfolk, 1987.



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