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Maximum Likelihood Method for MIMO

Mobile-to-mobile Channel Parameter Estimation

Alenka G. Zajić and Gordon L. Stüber
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA

Abstract— A three-dimensional reference model for wideband problems [8]. On the other hand, stochastic channel param-
multiple-input multiple-output mobile-to-mobile channels is re- eter estimation techniques employ statistical channel models,
viewed. To allow comparison between the proposed model and where the only unknowns are the parameters of the distribution
measured data, a new maximum likelihood based stochastic
estimator is derived. The proposed estimator extracts the relevant functions used to characterize the angles of departure and the
model parameters from the measured data. The performance angles of arrival. The first stochastic estimator, which employs
of the new estimator is evaluated by deriving the Cramér-Rao the 2-D MIMO F-to-M channel model in [9] and estimates
lower bound (CRLB) and by comparing the mean square error the parameters in the von Mises distribution function, is
of the parameter estimates to the CRLB. Simulation results introduced in [10]. Compared to the deterministic parameter
show that the proposed estimator has an asymptotically optimal
performance, since it reaches the CRLB for a small number of estimation approach, this method leads to lower complexity
samples. and faster convergence [11], [12].
In this paper, a new maximum likelihood based stochastic
I. I NTRODUCTION estimator is derived to extract the parameters needed for our
Mobile-to-mobile (M-to-M) communications play an im- 3-D wideband MIMO M-to-M channel reference model in [5]
portant role in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks, intelligent from measured data. The new estimator jointly estimates the
transportation systems, and relay-based cellular networks. The parameters of the distribution functions used to characterize
statistical properties of M-to-M channels are quite different the azimuth and elevation angles of departure, the azimuth
from conventional fixed-to-mobile (F-to-M) cellular land mo- and elevation angles of arrival, and the parameters that specify
bile radio channels [1]. M-to-M communication systems are how much the single- and double-bounced rays contribute
equipped with low elevation antennas and have both the trans- to the total averaged received power. This estimator is an
mitter and receiver in motion. Akki and Haber [1] proposed a extension of the stochastic estimator in [10], which only
two-dimensional (2-D) reference model for single-input single- estimates the parameters of the distribution function used to
output (SISO) M-to-M Rayleigh fading channels. Reference characterize the azimuth angles of arrival. The performance
models for 2-D narrowband multiple-input multiple-output of the new estimator is evaluated by deriving the Cramér-
(MIMO) M-to-M channels have been proposed in [2], [3]. To Rao lower bound (CRLB) and by comparing the mean square
appropriately model an urban environment, we have recently error of the parameter estimates to the CRLB. Simulation
proposed the three-dimensional (3-D) reference model for results show that the proposed estimator has an asymptotically
narrowband and wideband MIMO M-to-M multipath fading optimal performance, since it reaches the CRLB for a small
channels [4], [5]. number of samples.
Realistic M-to-M channel models are necessary for success- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. For ease
ful design of M-to-M systems. In order to validate channel of reference, Section II reviews our 3-D wide-band MIMO M-
models, comparison between the channel models and measure- to-M reference model and its space-time-frequency correlation
ments, and consequently estimation of the model parameters, function (STF-CF). Section III presents the new maximum
is necessary. Deterministic parameter estimation techniques likelihood based stochastic estimator. Section IV derives the
employ deterministic channel models that have a large number CRLB for the proposed estimator. Section V compares the
of discrete waves with unknown amplitudes, phases, and mean square error of the parameter estimates to the CRLB
frequencies (e.g., Space Alternating Generalized Expectation- and evaluates the performance of the proposed estimator
maximization (SAGE) algorithm) [6], [7]. Such an estimation by comparing the analytical and measured STF-CF. Finally,
approach leads to maximization of highly non-linear likelihood Section VI provides some concluding remarks.
functions with many local optima, which causes convergence II. A 3-D T HEORETICAL M ODEL FOR W IDEBAND MIMO
Prepared through collaborative participation in the Collaborative Technology This section reviews our 3-D theoretical model for wideband
Alliance for Communications & Networks sponsored by the U.S. Army MIMO M-to-M multipath fading channels proposed in [5]. We
Research Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement DAAD19-01-2-0011. The
U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for consider a wideband MIMO communication system with Lt
Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. transmit and Lr receive omnidirectional antenna elements. It is

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE. 1

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
(m,l) (n,k)
assumed that both the Tx and Rx are in motion and equipped imuth angles of departure and arrival, αT and αR , are
with low elevation antennas. The radio propagation occurs in characterized by the von Mises probability density function
outdoor metropolitan environments that are characterized by (pdf) [13]. The elevation angles of departure and arrival,
(m,l) (n,k)
3-D non-isotropic scattering with either line-of-sight (LoS) βT and βR , are characterized by the pdf [14] f (ϕ) =
or non-line-of-sight (NLoS) conditions between the Tx and π cos (πϕ/(4ϕm )) /(4|ϕm |) for | ϕ |≤| ϕm |≤ π/2 and
Rx . The MIMO channel can be described by an Lr × Lt f (ϕ) = 0 otherwise. The parameter ϕm is the maximum
matrix T(t, f ) = [Tij (t, f )]Lr ×Lt of the time-variant transfer elevation angle and lies in the range 0◦ ≤| ϕm |≤ 20◦ [5].
(l) (k)
functions. Finally, the radii Rt and Rr are characterized by the pdf
2 2
The 3-D reference model is derived using the 3-D geomet- f (R) = 2R/(R2 − R1 ) [5].
rical “concentric-cylinders” model shown in Fig. 1. Around The normalized STF-CF between two time-variant transfer
the Tx , M fixed omnidirectional scatterers occupy a volume functions Tpq (t, f ) and Tp̃q̃ (t, f ) can be written as [5]
between cylinders of radii Rt1 and Rt2 . It is assumed that the
M scatterers lie on L cylindric surfaces of radii Rt1 ≤ Rt ≤
(l) Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ) = Rpq,
p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ) + Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf )

Rt2 , where 1 ≤ l ≤ L. The l cylindric surface contains + DB
Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ) + Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ),(2)

M (l) fixed omnidirectional scatterers, and the (m, l)th transmit

p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ), Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ), Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ), and
(m,l) SBT SBR DB
scatterer is denoted by ST , where 1 ≤ m ≤ M (l) . where Rpq,
p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ) denote the normalized STF-CFs of the single-
Similarly, around the Rx , N fixed omnidirectional scatterers Rpq,
occupy a volume between cylinders of radii Rr1 and Rr2 . It bounced transmit, single-bounced receive, double-bounced,
is assumed that the N scatterers lie on P cylindric surfaces of and LoS components, respectively, and p, p̃ ∈ {1, . . . , Lt },
radii Rr1 ≤ Rr ≤ Rr2 , where 1 ≤ k ≤ P . The k th cylindric q, q̃ ∈ {1, . . . , Lr }. The expressions for Rpq, SBT
p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ),
surface contains N (k) fixed omnidirectional scatterers, and Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ), Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ), and Rpq,p̃q̃ (Δt, Δf ) are
(n,k) given in Appendix A.
the (n, k)th receive scatterer is denoted by SR , where
1 ≤ m ≤ N . The parameters in Fig. 1 are defined in Table I.

D The distance between the centers of the Tx and Rx cylinders.

Rt 2 Rr 2 Rt(l ) , Rr(k ) The radius of the l th Tx and k th Rx cylinder, respectively.
Rt(l ) Rr(k ) dT , d R The spacing between two adjacent antenna elements at the Tx and
Rt1 ST(m,l ) Rr1
Rx, respectively.
ε p, m,l ε m,l ,n,k The orientation of the Tx and Rx antenna array in the x-y plane
ε p , n, k θT , θ R
S R(n, k ) (relative to the x-axis), respectively.
AT( p ) ε p, q ε m,l ,q
AR(q ) ε n ,k ,q ψT , ψ R The elevation of the Tx’s and Rx’s antenna array relative to the x-y
ψT βT( m,l ) plane, respectively.
vT , v R The velocities of the Tx and Rx, respectively.
OT ψR β R( n,k )
~ γT , γ R The moving directions of the Tx and Rx, respectively.
AT( p ) OR The azimuth angles of departure (AAoD) of the waves that impinge
hp α T( m, l ) , α T( n, k )
(q~ ) on the scatterers S T(m, l ) and S R(n, k ) , respectively.
vT vR hq AR
α R( m, l ) , α R( n, k ) The azimuth angles of arrival (AAoA) of the waves scattered from
( n ,k ) S T(m, l ) and S R(n, k ) , respectively.
γT γ R αR
α RLoS The AAoA of the LoS paths.
OT ' π − θT π − α R(m ,l ) OR ' π − θR x
αT(n ,k ) π − α RLoS The elevation angles of departure (EAoD) and the elevation angles
β T( m, l ) , β R( n, k )
αT(m,l ) of arrival (EAoA), respectively.
D ε p , m , l , ε m, l , q , ( ) ( ) ( )
The distances d AT( p) , ST(m, l ) , d ST( m, l ) , AR( q ) , d AT( p) , S R(n, k ) ,

ε p , n, k , ε n , k , q ,
( ) d (S , A ), d (S , S ),
d ST( m) , S R( n) , ( n, k )
(m, l )
(n, k )
R and
d (A , A ) , respectively
ε m, l , n, k and ε pq ( p) ( q)
Fig. 1. The “concentric-cylinders” model with LoS, single-bounced transmit, h p , hq The distances d (O , O ) and d (O , O ), respectively.
single-bounced receive, and double-bounced rays for a MIMO M-to-M
channel with Lt = Lr = 2 antenna elements.


The time-variant transfer function of the link AT - AR is
defined as a superposition of the LoS, single-bounced transmit, E STIMATION
single-bounced receive, and double-bounced rays [5] The parametric nature of our wide-band channel model
Tpq (t, f ) = (1) makes it adaptable to a variety of propagation environments.
To verify our reference model with measured data, we need
Tpq (t, f ) + Tpq (t, f ) + Tpq (t, f ) + Tpq (t, f ),
to estimate the model parameters from the measurements.
where the single-bounced transmit, single-bounced receive, Hence, a new maximum likelihood based stochastic estimator
double-bounced, and LoS components of the time-variant is derived to extract the parameters needed for our reference
transfer function are defined in (3), (4), (8), (11) of [5], model from the measured data. The new estimator jointly
respectively. estimates the parameters of the distribution functions used
The model in [5] assumes that the angles of departure to characterize the azimuth and elevation angles of depar-
and the angles of arrival are random variables. The az- ture, the azimuth and elevation angles of arrival, and the

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE. 2

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
parameters that specify how much the single- and double- the Fisher
 information matrix can be written as [F(Θ)]i,j =
bounced rays contribute to the total averaged received power, −E ∂ 2 L(Θ)/∂Θi ∂Θj , where i, j ∈ {1, . . . , 8}. To obtain
i.e., Θ = [βTm , kT , μT , βRm , kR , μR , ηT , ηR ]. This estimator the elements of the Fisher information matrix, we calculate the
is an extension of the stochastic estimator in [10], which only first and the second derivative of the log-likelihood function
in (3) as follows:
estimates the parameters of the distribution function used to
characterize the azimuth angles of arrival. In contrast to the ∂L(ΘT,F )
= (5)
estimator in [10], which estimates its parameters from the ∂Θi

spatial correlation function, our estimator uses the STF-CF − Ns tr ILt LR −R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 R̂(T Δts , F Δfs )
to estimate the parameters.

By observing that both the theoretical and measured input −1

× R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) DΘi (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) ,
delay-spread functions are complex Gaussian random pro-
cesses, we can estimate the parameters Θ = [βTm , kT , μT , ∂ 2 L(ΘT,F )
= (6)
βRm , kR , μR , ηT , ηR ] using a maximum-likelihood (ML) esti- ∂Θi ∂Θj

mator with the log-likelihood function − Ns tr R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 DΘj (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )

L{ΘT,F } = −Ns ln π Lr Lt + ln |R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )| × R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 R̂(T Δts , F Δfs )
 × R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 DΘi (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )

+ tr{R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) R̂(T Δts , F Δfs )} , (3) + ILt LR − R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 R̂(T Δts , F Δfs )

where ln( · ) denotes the natural logarithm operation, R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 DΘi (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) ,
tr( · ) denotes the matrix trace, Δts and Nt denote the
sampling period and the number of samples with respect to DΘi (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) = ∂R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )/∂Θi ,
the time variable t, Δfs and Nf denote the sampling period DΘj (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) = ∂R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )/∂Θj ,
and the number of samples with respect to the frequency and ILt Lr is the Lt Lr × Lt Lr identity matrix. By observ-
variable f , Ns = Nt Nf is the total number of samples, ing that E[R̂(T Δts , F Δfs )] = R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ), the
T ∈ {0, . . . , tmax − 1}, F ∈ {0, . . . , fmax − 1}, tmax = (i, j)th element of the Fisher information matrix becomes
1/(Bd Δts ), fmax = 1/(Δfs τmax ), Bd is the Doppler  2
−1 fmax
spread, τmax is the maximum relative delay, and ΘT,F denotes ∂ L(Θ) Ns
[F(Θ)]i,j = −E =
the vector of estimated parameters in the time and frequency ∂Θi ∂Θj tmax fmax
T =0 F =0

instances T Δts and F Δfs 1 . The matrix R̂(T Δts , F Δfs )
is the Lt Lr × Lt Lr matrix of measured correlation func- tr R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 DΘj (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )
tions, whereas R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) is the Lt Lr × Lt Lr 
matrix of theoretical correlation functions, having elements R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )−1 DΘi (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) , (7)
[R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )]q+Lr (p−1),q̃+Lr (p̃−1) =
Rpq,p̃q̃ (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) that are defined in (2). After The expressions for the derivatives DΘi (ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )
removing the constant terms that are not dependent on the can be obtained by taking the partial derivatives of the STF-
channel, the ML estimates are obtained as CF in (2) with respect to Θi/j . Here, these expressions are
 omitted for brevity.
Θ̂T,F = argmaxΘ̂T ,F − ln |R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs )|

−1 In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed
− tr{R(ΘT,F , T Δts , F Δfs ) R̂(T Δts , F Δfs ) , (4)
estimator by comparing the analytical and measured STF-CF
and by comparing the mean square error of the parameter
with the constraint ηT + ηR + ηT R = 1. The expression in
estimates to the CRLB.
(4) is optimized using the sequential quadratic programming
To verify our reference model with measured data, we need
algorithm [15]. The final vector 
of estimated parameters Θ is
−1 fmax −1 to estimate the model parameters from the measurements. The
obtained as Θ̂ = (tmax fmax )−1 Tmax
=0 F =0 Θ̂T,F .
measured data used in this paper is reported in [16]. The dis-
IV. C RAM ÉR -R AO B OUND tances between antenna elements (dT and dR ), the directions
To study the performance of the proposed estimator, we and speeds of the Tx and Rx (γT , γR , vT , and vR ), the azimuth
derive the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLB) for the estimated angles of the Tx ’s and Rx ’s antenna arrays (θT and θR ), and
parameters Θ = [Θi ]8i=1 = [βTm , kT , μT , βRm , kR , μR , ηT , the elevation angles of the Tx ’s and Rx ’s antenna arrays (ψT
ηR ]. The CRLB bound of the estimated parameter Θi is the and ψR ) are obtained from the antenna array geometry and
diagonal element of the inverse Fisher information matrix video camera recordings. The Rice factor is estimated using
that corresponds to the parameter Θi . The (i, j)th element of
the moment-method in [17]. Furthermore, the parameters Rt2
1 Operation · denotes rounding up to the next integer, B is estimated
and Rr2 are estimated from the measured psds by setting
from the measured sD-psd, and τmax is estimated from the measured psds. Rt2 = Rr2 = c0 τmax /2, where τmax is the maximum relative

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE. 3

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
delay and c0 is the speed of light. The parameters Rt1 and Rr1 Theoretical Re{R12,22[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]}

Space-time-frequency Correlation Functions

are chosen to be Rt1 = Rr1 = 0.1Rt2 . Finally, the parameters 0.8 Theoretical Im{R12,22[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]}
Θ = [βTm , kT , μT , βRm , kR , μR , ηT , ηR ] are estimated using 0.6
Measured Re{R12,22[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]}
the proposed maximum likelihood based stochastic estimator. Measured Im{R12,22[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]}
Figs. 2 - 4 compare the theoretical and measured correlation
functions. The parameters used to obtain curves in Figs. 2 - 4 0.2
are βT m = 5.1◦ , βRm = 10.2◦ , μT = 31.3◦ , μR = 141.7◦ ,
kT = 12.5, kR = 10.2, ηT = 0.213, ηR = 0.234, ηT R =
0.553, θT = θR = 0◦ , ψT = ψR = 0◦ , γT = γR = 90◦ , λ = -0.2
0.123 m, Rt1 = Rr1 = 3.1 m, Rt2 = Rr2 = 31 m, ΔH = 0, -0.4
D = 300 m, γ = 4, Lt = Lr = 2, dT = dR = 2.943 λ,
fT max = fRmax = 90.86 Hz, and K = 2.41. -0.6

Theoretical Re{R12,22[Δt,Δf=0]} -1.0
0.8 Theoretical Im{R12,22[Δt,Δf=0]} 0 1 2 3 4 5
Space-time Correlation Functions

Measured Re{R12,22[Δt,Δf=0]} Normalized Time Delay [ωDΔt]

Measured Im{R12,22[Δt,Δf=0]}
0.4 Fig. 4. Comparison of the theoretical and measured space-time-frequency
correlation functions R12,22 (Δt, Δf = 72 Hz).
-0.2 10 MSE_kT
-0.4 MSE_μT
-0.6 MSE_βT

0.1 m

0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalized Time Delay [ωDΔt] 1E-3

Fig. 2. Comparison of the theoretical and measured space-time correlation 1E-4

functions R12,22 (Δt, Δf = 0).

1.0 1E-6
Theoretical Re{R11,11[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]} 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
0.8 Theoretical Im{R11,11[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]} Ns
Time-frequency Correlation Functions

Measured Re{R11,11[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]}

Measured Im{R11,11[Δt,Δf=72 MHz]}
Fig. 5. Comparison of the MSE and CRLB for the parameters [Θi ]4i=1 =
0.4 [βTm , kT , μT , ηT ].


0.0 [βTm , kT , μT , βRm , kR , μR , ηT , ηR ], where Θ̂i denotes the ex-

-0.2 act value and Θ̃i denotes the estimated value of the pa-
rameter Θi . Since the results obtained for the parameters
[βRm , kR , μR , ηR ] are almost identical with those obtained for
-0.6 the parameters [βTm , kT , μT , ηT ], Fig. 5 plots the CRLB and
the MSE only for the parameters [Θi ]4i=1 = [βTm , kT , μT , ηT ].
The curves in Fig. 5 are obtained with the parameters in
Figs. 2 - 4. The simulation results show that the proposed esti-
0 1 2 3 4 5
mator has asymptotically optimal performance, since it reaches
Normalized Time Delay [ωDΔt]
the CRLB for a small number of samples, i.e., Ns = 103 . The
Fig. 3. Comparison of the theoretical and measured time-frequency correla- close agreement between the theoretical and empirical curves
tion functions R11,11 (Δt, Δf = 72 Hz). confirms the utility of the proposed estimator.

To illustrate the performance of the proposed estimator, VI. C ONCLUSIONS

we compare the derived CRLB with the mean square er- In this paper, our 3-D reference model for wide-band MIMO
ror MSE = (Θ̂i − Θ̃i )2 for the parameters [Θi ]8i=1 = M-to-M channels is reviewed. To allow comparison between

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE. 4

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
the proposed model and measured data, a new maximum q̃)dRy ΔT /λ + ΔtfT max sin γT + ΔtfRmax ΔT sin γR ] + kT
likelihood based stochastic estimator is derived. The proposed sin μT , xSBR ≈ j2π[(q − q̃)dRx /λ + ΔtfRmax cos γR −
estimator extracts the relevant model parameters from the mea- Δf Rr /c0 ] + kR cos μR , ySBR ≈ j2π[(q − q̃)dRy /λ + (p −
sured data. The performance of the new estimator is evaluated p̃)dT y ΔR /λ + ΔtfRmax sin γR + ΔtfT max ΔR sin γT ] + kR
by deriving the CRLB and by comparing the mean square sin μR , xDB ≈ j2π[(p − p̃)dT x /λ + ΔtfT max cos γT + Δf Rt /
error of the parameter estimates to the CRLB. Simulation c0 ]+kT cos μT , yDB ≈ j2π[(p− p̃)dT y /λ+ΔtfT max sin γT ]+
results show that the proposed estimator has an asymptotically kT sin μT , zDB ≈ j2π[(q − q̃)dRx /λ + ΔtfRmax cos γR − Δf
optimal performance, since it reaches the CRLB for a small Rr /c0 ]+kR cos μR , wDB ≈ j2π[(q − q̃)dRy /λ + ΔtfRmax
number of samples. Finally, the close agreement between the sin γR ] + kR sin μR , ADB = ηT R cos(2πβT m dT z /λ) cos(2π
theoretical and empirical curves confirms the utility of the βRm dRz /λ)2e−j2πΔf D/c0 /I0 (kT )I0 (kR )(1−(4βT m dT z /λ)2 )
proposed estimator. (1−(4βRm dRz /λ)2 )(Rt2 2 2
−Rt1 2
)(Rr2 2
−Rr1 ), dT z = dT sin ψT ,
dT x = dT cos ψT cos θT , dT y = dT cos ψT sin θT , dRz =
D ISCLAIMER dR sin ψR , dRx = dR cos ψR cos θR , dRy = dR cos ψR sin θR .
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This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.

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