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Edgar & Stephanie

Civil Wedding Cermony

29 March 2017

JUSTICE : We are gathered here today for a very special reason,

the civil wedding of EDGAR MARILIN and
STEPHANIE MACASPAC who will pledge their love for
each other before all of us. Though this is a civil
ceremony, let us join in prayer that their married life
will be blessed with love, fidelity and prosperity.

PRAYER (Atty. Reean) : Heavenly Father, EDGAR and STEPHANIE are now
about to vow their unending loyalty to each other. We
ask you to accept the shared treasure of their life
together, which they now create and offer to You.
Grant them everything they need, that they may
increase in their knowledge of You throughout their
life together. In Jesus' name. Amen.

JUSTICE : EDGAR and STEPHANIE, you are here today to seal

your love with an eternal bond in conformity with the
laws of the Philippines and in the tradition of men and
women of all places and times.

You stand before me having requested that I

solemnize your civil marriage. Did you come here of
your own free will to bind yourselves forever in love
and service to each other?


Justice : Since you wish to contract marriage, please join your

right hands and express your intentions before me.

STEPHANIE, do you take EDGAR, here present for

your lawful husband according to the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines.


Justice : Do you accept him as your lawful husband?


Justice : STEPHANIE, do you come to this union of your own

free will, and with the intention of being forever
faithful in marriage to EDGAR as long as you
shall live?


Justice : EDGAR, do you take STEPHANIE, here present for

your lawful wife according to the laws of the Republic
of the Philippines?

EDGAR : I do.

Justice : Do you accept her as your lawful wife?

EDGAR : I do.

Justice : EDGAR, do you come to this union of your own free

will, and with the intention of forever being faithful in
marriage to STEPHANIE as long as you shall live?

EDGAR : I do.

Justice : EDGAR and STEPHANIE, do you have tokens or

symbols of your love which you wish to exchange?

EDGAR and STEPHANIE : We have.


Justice : EDGAR, give your token to STEPHANIE and express

your promises:

EDGAR : STEPHANIE, I give you this ring as a constant

reminder of the promises we exchanged to day. Wear
this ring as a symbol of my love, commitment and

Justice : STEPHANIE, give your token to EDGAR and express

your promises:

STEPHANIE : EDGAR, I give you this ring as a constant reminder of

the promises we exchanged to day. Wear this ring as a
symbol of my love, commitment and fidelity.


Justice : EDGAR, you may now declare your Marriage Vow:

EDGAR : STEPHANIE, I, do take you, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I

promise this day forward to be your ever loving and
faithful husband, for better and for worse, for richer
and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and
to cherish, as long as I shall live.

Justice : STEPHANIE, you may now declare your Marriage Vow:

STEPHANIE : EDGAR, I, do take you, to be my lawfully wedded
husband. I promise this day forward to be your faithful
wife, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as
long as I shall live.


JUSTICE : EDGAR and STEPHANIE, you have exchanged your

promises, and have given and received tokens of your
genuine love for each other in my presence. By these
acts, you have become husband and wife.

By virtue of the powers vested in me by the laws of the

Republic of the Philippines, I hereby pronounce you as
husband and wife.

I enjoin both of you to love one another, to support

each other and remain faithful to each other. Above
all, let God be your guide every step of your way in
this journey called married life.

You may now seal your promises with a kiss.

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