European Journal of Operational Research: Vera Hemmelmayr, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, Martin W.P. Savelsbergh

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European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695

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Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

Vendor managed inventory for environments with stochastic product usage

Vera Hemmelmayr a, Karl F. Doerner a,*, Richard F. Hartl a, Martin W.P. Savelsbergh b
Department of Business Administration, University of Vienna, Bruenner Strasse 72, 1210 Vienna, Austria
Supply Chain and Logistics Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0205, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We develop technology to plan delivery routes for the supply of blood products to hospitals by a blood
Received 8 July 2008 bank. The technology produces low cost, robust plans that hedge against the natural uncertainty associ-
Accepted 3 June 2009 ated with blood product usage at hospitals. The technology relies on sampling-based approaches involv-
Available online 9 June 2009
ing integer programming and variable neighborhood search. An extensive computational study shows the
efficacy of the two approaches and highlights the impact of product usage uncertainty on the resulting
Keywords: delivery plans.
Inventory routing
Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Demand uncertainty
Variable neighborhood search

1. Introduction We examine a number of recourse policies, each progressively

more cost-effective, but also more complex from a planning per-
We are investigating vendor managed inventory resupply poli- spective, and conduct an empirical study to analyze the perfor-
cies for the delivery of blood products to hospitals in Eastern Aus- mance of each.
tria by the Austrian Red Cross (ARC). For practical reasons, the ARC In Hemmelmayr et al. (in press), two solution approaches are
wants to construct 2-week plans as it allows for advanced notifica- introduced, an integer programming approach and a Variable
tion of volunteers and for ensuring the availability of necessary Neighborhood Search (VNS) approach. We extend both approaches
delivery vehicles. An initial assessment of the benefits for the so that they can handle stochastic product usage, in both cases
ARC of changing to vendor managed inventory resupply is dis- using external sampling to convert the two-stage stochastic opti-
cussed in Hemmelmayr et al. (in press). This initial assessment mization problem into a deterministic optimization problem.
was carried out assuming known and deterministic blood product An extensive simulation study demonstrates the value of
usage by the hospitals. This is acceptable for an initial assessment, explicitly taking stochastic product usage into account during plan
but it is, of course, not completely realistic. The blood product construction and shows that employing a simple recourse policy is
needs for scheduled surgeries can be predicted fairly accurately, sufficient to provide a reliable and cost-efficient blood supply. Sim-
but it is far more difficult to predict blood product needs for emer- ple recourse strategies have obvious practical advantages.
gency surgeries. In this paper, we investigate vendor managed The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
inventory resupply policies in the presence of stochastic product we briefly point the reader to some relevant literature. In Section 3,
usage. we describe the environment under consideration and present a
When product usage is stochastic, it is no longer possible to cre- variety of planning strategies. In Section 4, we discuss two ap-
ate a cost-effective plan that is guaranteed to be feasible for every proaches for constructing high-quality plans. In Section 5, we pres-
possible realization of product usage in the 2-week period. There- ent and interpret the results of a simulation study conducted using
fore, it is necessary to introduce a recourse policy for handling real-life data. Finally, in Section 6, we provide some concluding
product shortfall during the 2-week period. The chosen recourse remarks.
policy with its associated costs has to be incorporated in the con-
struction and evaluation of the 2-week plan. The chosen recourse
policy not only affects the expected cost of the 2-week plan, but 2. Relevant literature
it also impacts the complexity of the construction of a 2-week plan.
The seminal paper in the area of inventory routing is (Bell et al.,
1983), which studies the problem of distributing industrial gases in
* Corresponding author.
a vendor managed inventory resupply environment. At the heart of
E-mail addresses: (V. Hemmelmayr), Karl. (K.F. Doerner), (R.F. Hartl), martin. the approach of (Bell et al., 1983) is an integer programming (IP) (M.W.P. Savelsbergh). formulation producing a short-term schedule, specifying which

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695 687

customers to visit in the next few days and how much to deliver to the occurrence of emergency surgeries). Handling the stochasticity
them. A set of possible delivery routes is computed in advance and of blood product usage is the focus of this paper. Stochasticity of
used in the IP, which is solved using Lagrangian relaxation product usage complicates ensuring blood product availability as
techniques. well as controlling blood product spoilage.
There are a few early inventory routing papers that consider When usage is deterministic and constant, spoilage can be
uncertainty of demand. Federgruen and Zipkin (1984) consider avoided simply by calculating the total product usage during
an inventory routing problem for a single-day in which customer the spoilage period and ensuring that the inventory at a hospital
demand is random. Inventory holding cost and shortage cost, never exceeds this quantity. When usage is stochastic (a random
which can be determined at the end of the day, are minimized in variable supported on a bounded interval), spoilage can be
addition to transportation cost. The problem is modeled as a non- avoided similarly by summing the minimum daily usage quanti-
linear integer program and methods for the deterministic vehicle ties during the spoilage period and keeping the inventory at a
routing problem are extended to handle the random demand. hospital below this quantity. However, this will likely result in
Golden et al. (1984) also consider a single-day inventory routing frequent hospital visits, which will significantly increase delivery
problem with random demand. They develop a heuristic that relies costs. To balance delivery costs and spoilage costs, we have cho-
on a measure of the urgency of a visit for every customer. Custom- sen to limit the probability that spoilage occurs to at most 5%.
ers with an urgency below a certain threshold are not visited. For More specifically, we sample product usage during the spoilage
the remaining customers a large TSP tour is constructed, which is period and take the 5% quantile as the maximum inventory level
subsequently split into feasible routes. at the hospital; we denote this inventory level with Si and refer to
Recently, a number of papers considering stochastic variants of it as the spoilage capacity.
inventory routing problems have appeared. Berman and Larson More importantly, when usage is stochastic it becomes prohib-
(2001) study the decision that a driver faces when he arrives at a itive (or maybe even impossible) to construct 2-week delivery
customer and observes the actual demand (as opposed to the fore- plans that guarantee that no product shortage occur. Therefore,
casted demand) and then needs to decide how much to deliver to some recovery or recourse mechanism needs to be created to han-
the customer while taking into account the needs of the customers dle shortages if they occur. Recourse actions tend to be expensive
that are visited later. A solution approach based on stochastic dy- as they need to be organized on short notice and the planning
namic programming is developed. Jaillet et al. (2002) analyze opti- problem needs to incorporate expected recourse cost when evalu-
mal replenishment policies for a single customer and then derive ating a 2-week delivery plan.
incremental cost estimates for deviating from the optimal replen- We consider a two-stage stochastic program with recourse. Gi-
ishment policies. These incremental cost estimates are used to se- ven a set of first stage decisions (regular delivery decisions in our
lect the set of customers to be served in the next few days. The case) and a particular realization, from our sample, we can com-
procedure is subsequently embedded in a rolling horizon frame- pute second stage or recourse decisions and costs. We have a
work (which is similar to the one presented in Bard et al. deterministic problem for each realization in the sample. The stan-
(1998)). Kleywegt et al. (2002) consider the stochastic inventory dard objective function of a recourse optimization problem is
routing problem with direct deliveries. The problem is formulated gðxÞ þ Ex ½f ðx; xÞ, where x represents first stage decision variables
as a discrete-time Markov decision process and is solved using and x represents a realization of the random variables. In our case,
approximate dynamic programming techniques. In Kleywegt the first term corresponds to the cost of the regular deliveries,
et al. (2004) this approach is extended to incorporate multiple while the second term is the cost of the recourse actions (which
deliveries per trip. Their approach relies on decomposition and depend on both the regular delivery decisions and the product
optimization to approximate the value function. The policies pro- usage realization), which we approximate using sampling. More
duced by their approach outperform others proposed in the precisely, the cost of the recourse action is evaluated by drawing
literature. R samples and averaging their costs, i.e., 1R Rr¼1 f ðxr ; xÞ. We con-
Comprehensive literature reviews of the inventory routing sider four recourse actions, defined in more detail below. We as-
problem (IRP) are provided in Campbell et al. (1998), Kleywegt sume that product usage at the hospitals is independently
et al. (2002), Cordeau et al. (2007) and Bertazzi et al. (2008). distributed and that at the beginning of the day information about
the inventory of each hospital is available at the distribution
3. Problem description and solution strategies
 The first recourse action changes the quantities of planned deliv-
We consider the delivery of blood products to medical regional eries. This is the simplest recourse action that can be imagined.
hospitals. Blood products are crucial for hospitals as they are re- On planned delivery days, the planned delivery quantity for a
quired for surgeries and for the treatment of patients with hospital is increased or decreased based on product usage up
chronic illnesses. Blood products are delivered to hospitals on a to that day. Because the opportunities for adjusting the 2-week
regular basis in order to ensure that an adequate supply of the re- plan are limited, these plans may still be expensive (even though
quired blood products is available. On the other hand, as blood is the costs of the recourse action are nihil).
a perishable good, the inventory of blood products has to be man-  The second recourse action introduces out-and-back emergency
aged carefully to avoid spoilage. Therefore a blood bank has to deliveries to hospitals that are likely to experience a shortage
regularly supply a set of hospitals (outpatient facilities, clinics, (based on the inventory at the beginning of the day). Even
etc.) with certain products (blood conserves) which are consumed though out-and-back emergency deliveries increase the delivery
at different rates. Any delivery policy should be such that no flexibility, they do so at a high cost (out-and-back emergency
shortfall of products occur at the hospitals, but at the same time deliveries are assumed to be costly).
spoilage of products is kept at a minimum. Of course, a blood  The third recourse action introduces an emergency delivery
bank also wants a delivery policy that has low costs. As the size route. More precisely, there is a single emergency delivery route
of a bag with a blood product is very small, vehicle capacity is for each day visiting all hospitals that are likely to run out of
never restricting. product on that day. Emergency deliveries come at a cost, but
Planning of blood product deliveries is complicated by the sto- the cost is not as high as with out-and-back emergency deliver-
chastic nature of blood product usage (among others because of ies as the costs are, in a sense, shared.
688 V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695

 The fourth recourse action introduces emergency deliveries into tional study with small sample sizes (R ¼ 10) primarily to provide
the regularly planned delivery routes. The distribution center a baseline for comparison with the VNS approach.
inserts emergency deliveries in the planned delivery routes for For the sake of completeness, we present the integer program-
that day. Emergency deliveries come at a cost, but the cost is ming formulation introduced in Hemmelmayr et al. (in press) and
low as these deliveries are combined with regular deliveries. subsequently discuss how it was modified to handle stochastic de-
mands. The parameters and variables are defined and described in
There are various trade-offs that have to be considered when Table 1.
deciding on the most appropriate recourse action. The recourse ac- For the routing component, the integer programming model re-
tions are presented in increasing order of operational complexity. lies on short cutting a pre-determined fixed route in both, deter-
It is rather simple to adjust the quantities before the vehicles leave ministic and stochastic, cases. Experimentation has shown that
the distribution center for their daily delivery routes. It is much this provides adequate flexibility for constructing daily delivery
more complicated to introduce emergency deliveries into the routes. Under the assumption that the hospitals are indexed from
planned daily delivery routes. The expected delivery costs for the 1 to n according to the order in which they are visited on the fixed
2-week period vary depending on the sophistication of the re- route, the formulation is:
course action. XX
min t ij xtij
In the remainder of the paper, we examine if and how the solu-
t i;j
tion approaches introduced in Hemmelmayr et al. (in press) can be t
adapted to handle these recourse actions and perform a computa- subject to Itþ1
i ¼ Iti  uti þ di i ¼ 1; .. .; n; t ¼ 1;. .. ; T ð1Þ
tional study to see the impact on the 2-week delivery plans. IiTþ1 P I1i i ¼ 1; .. .; n ð2Þ
Iti 6 C i i ¼ 1; .. .; n; t ¼ 1; .. .; T ð3Þ
4. Solution approaches
tþk2 1

Iti 6 usi i ¼ 1;. .. ;n; t ¼ 1;. .. ;T ð4Þ

In Hemmelmayr et al. (in press) two solution approaches were s¼t
introduced and evaluated: an integer programming based ap- I1i ¼ qi i ¼ 1;. .. ;n ð5Þ
proach and a VNS approach. In this section, we describe how we
adapted these approaches to handle stochastic product usage. Iti P 0 i ¼ 1; .. .; n; t ¼ 1; .. .; T þ 1 ð6Þ
di 6 C i yti i ¼ 1; .. .; n; t ¼ 1; .. .; T ð7Þ
4.1. Integer programming approach t
di P 0 i ¼ 1; .. .; n; t ¼ 1;. .. ; T ð8Þ
As mentioned in the introduction, a sampling-based approach is xij P yti þ ytj  1

taken to handle stochastic product usage. Suppose a sample con- X


sisting of R product usage realizations for the 2-week planning per-  ytk i ¼ 0;. .. ;n; j ¼ 1;. .. ; n þ 1; t ¼ 1; .. .; T ð9Þ
iod is available. The integer program will have two sets of variables:
variables representing decisions related to the 2-week delivery
nþ1 X
X nþ1 X
t ij xtij þ yti si 6 D t ¼ 1; .. .; T ð10Þ
plan, which are common to the R realizations, and variables repre-
i¼0 j¼0 i¼1
senting recourse actions, which are specific to each of the R realiza-
yt0 ¼ ytnþ1 ¼ 1 t ¼ 1; .. .; T ð11Þ
tions. The size of the integer program thus increases rapidly with
the number of realizations in the sample. Consequently, the integer yti ; xtij 2 f0;1g i ¼ 0;. .. ;n þ 1; j ¼ 0; .. . ;n þ 1; t ¼ 1;. .. ;T
programming approach is not likely to provide a computationally ð12Þ
viable option. We describe it here and include it in our computa-

Table 1

di A continuous variable indicating the quantity of blood delivered to hospital i on day t
dir A continuous variable indicating the quantity of blood delivered to hospital i on day t in realization r
d A continuous variable indicating the quantity of blood delivered by an emergency delivery to hospital i on day t in realization r
yti A 0–1 variable indicating whether or not a hospital is visited on day t
y tir
e A 0–1 variable indicating whether or not hospital i receives an emergency delivery on day t in realization r
Iti A continuous variable indicating the quantity of blood in inventory at hospital i at the beginning of day t
Itir A continuous variable indicating the quantity of blood in inventory at hospital i at the beginning of day t in realization r
xtij A 0–1 variable indicating whether or not the delivery vehicle travels from hospital i to hospital j on day t (where 0 and n þ 1 denote the Red Cross distribution center)
x tijr
e A 0–1 variable indicating whether or not the delivery vehicle travels from hospital i to hospital j on day t in realization r (where 0 and n þ 1 denote the Red Cross
distribution center)

tij Travel time between two locations i and j
et i Out-and-back travel cost to hospital i
si Service time at hospital i
uti The product usage at hospital i on day t
utir The product usage at hospital i on day t in realization r
Ci Storage capacity at hospital i
D maximum route duration
k1 Days of inventory available for safety stock
k2 Length of spoilage period
qi Initial inventory at hospital i
Si Maximum spoilage level for hospital i
V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695 689

The objective minimizes total travel distance during the planning Furthermore, we have to force the indicator variables e
y tir to be 1 in
period. Constraints (1) ensure inventory balance from period to per- case a hospital receives an emergency delivery, i.e.,
iod. Constraints (2) ensure that the inventory at the end of the plan-
d tir 6 C i e
y tir i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð22Þ
ning period is greater or equal to the inventory at the beginning of
the planning period. Without such a constraint no deliveries would e
d tir P 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð23Þ
be made towards the end of the planning period. Furthermore we y tir 2 f0; 1g i ¼ 0; . . . ; n þ 1; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R
e ð24Þ
consider our problem as a periodic problem which is repeated every
T time units. Constraints (3) ensure that inventory never exceeds Finally, constraints (9)–(12), (14)–(19) and (20) are also needed.
the storage capacity. Constraints (4) ensure that inventory does
not spoil. Constraints (5) state that the initial inventory is given. 4.1.3. Third recourse action – emergency delivery tour
Constraints (6) ensure that there are no product shortages. Con- The third recourse action introduces an emergency delivery
straints (7) and (8) ensure that delivery quantities are nonnegative route, which is a single emergency delivery route visiting all hospi-
and that deliveries can only be made when a hospital is visited. tals that are about to run out of product on a particular day. As
Constraints (9) capture short cutting of the fixed route. Finally, con- with the second recourse action, for each realization new variables
straints (10) limit route duration and constraints (11) state that the are introduced to capture emergency deliveries. However, it is no
distribution center is visited every day. longer sufficient to know that a hospital i receives an emergency
To accommodate different realizations of product usage at hos- delivery (ey tir ) on day t in realization r plus the associated delivery
pitals in the integer programming formulation, we introduce a sub- quantity ( ed tir ). The emergency delivery route needs to be deter-
script r to represent a realization, we change the parameter mined as well as how it impacts the costs. Therefore, we introduce
representing product usage to utir , and the variables representing variables ex tijr , indicating whether hospital j is visited directly after
inventory to Itir . The constraints related to inventory are adapted hospital i in the emergency route of day t for realization r.
accordingly. The objective function minimizes the planned delivery costs
plus the expected cost of emergency deliveries, which is approxi-
4.1.1. First recourse action – delivery quantity adjustment mated as the average cost of the emergency delivery routes, where
The first recourse action changes the delivery quantities of we average over the realizations, i.e.,
planned deliveries. This implies that there is a delivery quantity XX 1XXX
for each realization r and therefore the variable representing the min tij xtij þ x tijr :
tij e
t t
R r t
delivery quantity is changed to dir . Constraints (9)–(12) remain un- i;j i;j

changed, but constraints (1)–(8) are replaced by: As in the basic model, we assume that a fixed emergency route vis-
ir ¼ Itir  utir þ dir i ¼ 1; :::; n; t ¼ 1; :::; T; r ¼ 1; :::; R ð13Þ iting all hospitals is available and that the emergency delivery route
ITþ1 P I1ir i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð14Þ performed on a given day is determined by short cutting. Short cut-
ting of the emergency route is captured in (25). Constraints (26)
Itir 6 C i i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð15Þ state that the depot is included in every emergency route and tour
Itir 6 Si i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð16Þ length restriction for emergency routes are given in (27), i.e.,
I1ir ¼ qi i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð17Þ x tijr P e
e y tir þ e
y tjr  1
Itir P 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T þ 1; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð18Þ X

 y tkr
e i ¼ 0; . . . ; n; j ¼ 1; . . . ; n þ 1;
dir 6 C i yti i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð19Þ k¼iþ1
dir P 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð20Þ ¼ 1; . . . ; T r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð25Þ
y t0r ¼ e
e y tnþ1;r ¼ 1 t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð26Þ
Note that constraints (16), which limit spoilage at hospitals, use the
pre-computed spoilage capacity Si (which was defined in Section 3). X
nþ1 X
nþ1 X
x tijr þ
t ij e y tir si 6 D t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R
e ð27Þ
i¼0 j¼0 i¼1
4.1.2. Second recourse action – out-and-back emergency deliveries
The second recourse action introduces out-and-back emergency
x tijr 2 f0; 1g i ¼ 0; . . . ; n þ 1; j ¼ 0; . . . ; n þ 1;
deliveries to hospitals that are about to experience a shortage. There- t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R ð28Þ
fore, for each realization new variables need to be introduced to cap-
Finally, constraints (9)–(12), (14)–(23) and (24) are also needed.
ture emergency deliveries. More specifically, the delivery quantity
d tir , associated with an emergency delivery to hospital i on day t in
4.1.4. Fourth recourse action – integrated emergency deliveries
realization r, and the indicator e y tir , tracking whether or not hospital
The fourth recourse action introduces emergency deliveries into
i receives an emergency delivery in realization s on day t.
the regularly planned delivery routes. The objective function min-
The objective function minimizes the planned delivery costs
imizes the expected routing cost averaged over all realizations, i.e.,
plus the expected cost of emergency deliveries, which is approxi-
mated as the average cost of out-and-back emergency deliveries, 1XXX
min x tijr :
tij e
where we average over the realizations. Note that the cost et i of R r t i;j
an out-and-back emergency delivery to hospital i is simply
t 0i þ t i0 . Therefore, we have To model short cutting we need to consider regular visits and emer-
XX 1XXX te gency visits at the same time. Hospital j is visited directly after hos-
min tij xtij þ e
y ir t i : pital i on day t in realization r when hospital i and hospital j receive
t i;j
R r t i
either a regular or an emergency delivery and none of the hospitals
The inventory balance constraints have to be extended to cover the in between receive a regular or an emergency delivery, i.e.,
emergency deliveries, i.e.,
 t   t  X
x tijr P e
e y ir þ yti þ e
y jr þ ytj  1  y kr þ ytk i ¼ 0; . . . ; n;
ir ¼ Itir  utir þ dir d tir i ¼ 1; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; k¼iþ1
r ¼ 1; . . . ; R: ð21Þ j ¼ 1; . . . ; n þ 1; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R: ð29Þ
690 V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695

Of course, on a particular day in a given realization, a hospital can- many days of the planing period T a visit is required, and a set C i
not receive a regular delivery and an emergency delivery, so of allowable visit-day combinations. The goal is to choose visit-
day combinations for all customers such that the sum of the daily
y tir þ yti 6 1 i ¼ 0; . . . ; n; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R:
e ð30Þ
routing costs is minimized. These daily routing costs are obtained
Furthermore, in our computational experiments we have imposed a by solving a vehicle routing problem for each day for the set of cus-
limit on the tour length, i.e., tomers to be visited on that day. For the planning of routes for the
delivery of blood products, the service frequency for a hospital is
nþ1 X
nþ1 X
x tijr þ
tij e yti þ e
y tir si 6 D t ¼ 1; . . . ; T; r ¼ 1; . . . ; R; not pre-specified, but chosen during the search. A set of feasible
i¼0 j¼0 i¼1 service frequencies with associated sets of feasible visit-day com-
ð31Þ binations is pre-computed; visit-day combinations are feasible if
they do not lead to product shortage or product spoilage.
where si denotes the stopping time at hospital i. Finally, constraints We start the VNS from an initial solution in which every hospi-
(9)–(12), (14)–(24) and (28) are also needed. Note that due to our tal is visited every day (the feasible visit-day combination with the
modeling choices, i.e., short cutting of a fixed route, emergency highest frequency). Visit frequencies for every hospital are gener-
deliveries are no more expensive than regular deliveries, which ated in a preprocessing phase and have to be feasible with respect
causes the role of the base plan to be limited. to inventory constraints. Then routes are built for every day using
the savings algorithm (Clarke and Wright, 1964).
4.2. Variable neighborhood search Three operators were chosen to define our neighborhoods:
move, cross-exchange and change-combination.
Because the size of the integer program is huge for any reason-
able sample size, it is unlikely that the integer programming ap-  In a move, a segment of customers of one route is incorporated in
proach will be computationally viable for all but the smallest a different route of the same day.
instances. It is much more likely that the VNS approach can be  In a cross-exchange, two segments of different routes are chosen
adapted successfully. Metaheuristics for stochastic optimization and exchanged.
problems have been studied, among others, in Alrefaei and Andra-  When performing a change-combination, as the name suggests, a
dottir (1999) and Gutjahr and Pflug (1996). new visit-day combination (and possibly a new frequency) is
VNS is based on a systematic change of neighborhoods; larger assigned to one or more hospitals.
and larger neighborhoods of the incumbent solution are explored
(Mladenović and Hansen, 1997; Hansen and Mladenović, 2001). These operators are used to define 15 neighborhoods. Each
In each iteration, the current solution is modified by a neighbor- neighborhood has a parameter k that limits the number of hospi-
hood move, followed by a local improvement procedure. After- tals that can be affected by the operator. The first six neighbor-
wards, the solution is accepted as the new incumbent solution or hoods involve the operator change-combination, the next three
not. If no improving solution was found, the search proceeds to neighborhoods involve the operator move, and the final six neigh-
the next larger neighborhood, otherwise the search continues in borhoods involve the cross-exchange neighborhood. The number of
the same neighborhood. A solution can simply be accepted if it im- hospitals to be assigned a new visit-day combination in change-
proves the incumbent solution, but for complex problems it often combination is randomly chosen between 1 and k. In the move
pays to have a strategy that sometimes accepts non-improving and cross-exchange neighborhoods the length of the segment(s)
moves to avoid that the search gets stuck in a local optimum. to be moved or exchanged is chosen similarly.
Fig. 1 shows the steps of a basic VNS, where N j ðj ¼ 1; . . . ; jmax Þ For the acceptance decision, a scheme inspired by simulated
is the set of neighborhoods. The stopping condition can be a limit annealing (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983) is used. Improving solutions
on CPU time, a limit on the number of iterations, or a limit on are always accepted and inferior solutions are accepted with a
the number of iterations between two improvements. probability exp ðf ðx TÞf ðxÞÞ, where f ðxÞ is the cost of solution x and
In the VNS approach of Hemmelmayr et al. (in press), the plan- T is the temperature.
ning of routes for the delivery of blood products is modeled as a To adapt the VNS approach to the variant with stochastic prod-
Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem (PVRP). In the PVRP, each cus- uct usage it is necessary to properly incorporate and account for
tomer indicates a service frequency ei , which specifies on how any recourse actions. Handling the first two recourse actions is

Fig. 1. Steps of the VNS (c.f. (Hansen and Mladenović, 2001)).

V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695 691

relatively easy because a recourse action at one hospital does not of other hospitals in the same cluster. More precisely, if a combina-
interact with recourse actions at other hospitals, and a recourse ac- tion consists of days on which the other hospitals in the cluster are
tion at a hospital does not impact the regular delivery routes. Han- visited, then it is more likely that this combination is chosen. In the
dling of the last two recourse actions is more complex because a stochastic case another bias is introduced. If a combination con-
recourse action at one hospital does affect the cost of recourse ac- sists of days on which other hospitals in the cluster are visited,
tions at other hospitals and, in the case of the fourth recourse ac- but these hospitals have high emergency delivery costs, then it is
tion, even affects the regular delivery routes. less likely that this combination is chosen. The common visit-day
As in the integer programming approach external sampling is bias is stronger than the emergency cost delivery bias.
used to convert the two-stage stochastic program into a determin-
istic optimization problem. Again, we suppose that we have a sam- 4.2.3. Third recourse action – separate tour
ple consisting of R product usage realizations for the 2-week The third recourse action introduces an emergency delivery
planning period and a delivery plan is considered feasible if there route. For every day there is a single emergency delivery route vis-
are no product shortfalls for any of the realizations in the sample iting all hospitals that are about to run out of product on that day.
(which may of course require recourse actions). Because the cost of an emergency delivery at a hospital is no longer
independent of emergency deliveries at other hospitals, the ex-
4.2.1. First recourse action – robust plan pected costs of emergency deliveries can no longer be computed
Adjusting the delivery quantities based on up-to-date informa- in advance. Changing the visit-day combination for a hospital not
tion on the actual inventory level at a hospital is implemented in only impacts its own emergency delivery costs and the costs of
the VNS approach by always delivering the maximum quantity the regular delivery routes, but may also impact the emergency
possible when a delivery is made, i.e., the inventory is filled up delivery costs of many other hospitals (in a non-trivial way).
to the physical storage capacity or to the inventory level that guar- The only proper way to handle this situation is to compute the
antees that no product spoilage will occur. As a result, for a given expected emergency delivery costs when evaluating a 2-week
realization it is easy to establish whether a given visit-day combi- delivery plan, i.e., by computing the emergency delivery costs for
nation results in product shortfalls or not. Consequently, in the each realization in the sample and averaging these costs, which in-
pre-computing phase, we can easily identify those visit-day combi- volves for each realization and for each day in the planning horizon
nations that do not result in a product shortfall for all realizations identifying the hospitals that require an emergency delivery and
in the sample. Only those visit-day combinations are considered in solving the resulting routing problem. Because such an evaluation
the VNS. has to be done each time a change-combination move is per-
The operator change-combination is similar to the one used for formed, this may become computationally prohibitive.
the deterministic case. A frequency is selected randomly (with a
bias to frequencies that are lower than the incumbent, as the high- 4.2.4. Fourth recourse action – emergency insertion
est visit frequency is assigned to a customer in the initial solution). The fourth recourse action introduces emergency deliveries into
Once a frequency has been picked, a visit-day combination of that the regularly planned delivery routes. This situation is similar to
frequency is chosen. The selection of the visit-day combination is the previous one. Again, the only proper way to handle this situa-
biased by the visit-day combinations of nearby hospitals. That is, tion is to compute the expected emergency delivery costs when
if a visit-day combination contains days on which nearby hospitals evaluating a 2-week delivery plan, i.e., by computing the emer-
are visited, it is more likely that this visit-day combination is cho- gency delivery costs for each realization in the sample and averag-
sen. Since the operators move and cross-exchange only influence the ing these costs. In this case, computing the emergency delivery
routing decision, they are the same as in the deterministic case. costs involves for each realization and for each day in the planning
horizon identifying the hospitals that require an emergency deliv-
4.2.2. Second recourse action – out-and-back ery and inserting them in the cheapest position in the regular
The second recourse action introduces out-and-back emergency delivery routes.
deliveries to hospitals that are about to experience a shortage. Be- The VNS for deterministic instances employs a temperature to
cause the recourse action for a hospital is independent of recourse decide whether or not to accept neighborhood moves that worsen
actions of other hospitals, it can be handled in the pre-computing the quality of the solution, similar to the use of temperature in sim-
phase. For a given visit-day combination and a given realization, ulated annealing. Experiments have shown that for the stochastic
we can easily determine the number of emergency deliveries that VNS a higher starting temperature is needed to converge consis-
are required and thus the emergency delivery costs. Therefore, we tently to high-quality solutions.
can compute the expected emergency delivery costs for a visit-day The VNS for deterministic instances has a fixed number of iter-
combination simply by averaging over the different realizations. ations before it completes. Experiments have shown that for the
The expected emergency delivery costs associated with a visit- stochastic VNS the number of iterations needs to be larger to con-
day combination are incorporated in the evaluation of a neighbor- verge consistently to high-quality solutions. This is an indication
hood move. Note that all visit-day combinations are feasible with that it is harder to identify a portion of the search space where high
this recourse action, because any visit-day combination can be quality solutions reside (compared to deterministic instances).
made feasible by the introduction of emergency deliveries.
The VNS for the variant with deterministic product usage has a
bias for selecting visit-day combinations with a lower frequency 5. Computational study
than the frequency of the current solutions because such combina-
tions will reduce the cost substantially. Due to the expected emer- A variety of computational experiments has been conducted to
gency delivery costs associated with a visit-day combination this assess the impact of uncertainty on the distribution costs, the ef-
may no longer be true. In fact, by changing to a higher frequency, fect of the choice of recourse strategy, and the quality of the pro-
emergency delivery costs may be reduced significantly or even posed solution approaches.
eliminated. Therefore, the bias for lower frequencies is removed The VNS algorithm was implemented in C and compiled with
from the change-combination neighborhoods. the GNU C compiler version 4.1.0. The VNS runs were performed
Moreover, the deterministic VNS clusters hospitals and biases on a high performance computing cluster with 2.4 GHz processors.
the selection of visit-day combinations by the visit-combinations The integer programs were solved on a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4
692 V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695

processor running the Windows XP operating system and using for recourse action 4, the expected emergency delivery costs has
Xpress-Optimizer 2007. to be recomputed after a move, cross-exchange, and change vis-
Our computational analysis uses nine data sets. All data sets are it-combination.)
derived from a year’s worth of real-life data. Eight of the data sets
are derived from the product usage in a particular month, where 5.1. Algorithm tuning
the months were chosen in such a way that they cover the spec-
trum from a very low demand month to a very high demand Our first sets of experiments focus on the impact of the chosen
month. The final data set is derived from the product usage during sample sizes. Table 2 shows the average total delivery cost for the
the entire year. For each data set, the average daily product usage 2-week plans produced by the VNS with recourse action 2. Recall
for each hospital is computed; this quantity will be referred to as that for recourse action 2 sampling is used in the preprocessing
the deterministic demand. Next, two stochastic demand distribu- step, so increasing the sample size raises the run time only by a
tions are created: a continuous uniform distribution in an interval small amount. Experiments were conducted with sample sizes of
around the deterministic demand (default setting) and a truncated 103 , 104 , 105 and 106 . The third row in Table 2 shows the deviation
normal distribution in the same interval. To simulate low levels of (as a percentage) from the average total delivery cost obtained
uncertainty as well as high levels of uncertainty, the length of the with sample size 106 for each sample size. We observe that the dif-
interval was varied between ±10%, ±25% (default setting), ±50% of ferences in average total delivery cost are negligible.
the deterministic demand. Product usage at hospitals is assumed Table 3 shows the effect of different sample sizes for the IP with
to be independent and identically-distributed over time. recourse action 2 for two instances, and sample sizes of 20 and 50.
Furthermore, we consider three different levels of storage A time limit of 4 hours was imposed. We report the total delivery
capacity at the hospitals; specifically 50%, 75% and 100% of the ac- cost (from the evaluation of the best solution found within the
tual storage capacity. Finally, a spoilage period of 41 days is as- time limit) and the number of nodes explored in the search tree.
sumed and the initial inventory is equal to half of the storage The impact of the sample size is clear when we consider the num-
capacity at each hospital. ber of nodes explored in the search tree. Far fewer nodes are ex-
To evaluate a 2-week plan, we perform a simple simulation. A plored with a sample size of 50 than with a sample size of 20.
product usage realization for the 2-week period is generated for Most likely, this explains the difference in total delivery cost of
each hospital using the appropriate distribution. The 2-week plan the 2-week plans produced. With a sample size of 50, the search
is then used to supply product to the hospitals performing recourse may not have reached the best possible solution yet, and this is re-
actions as needed. This process is repeated 100,000 times. The fol- flected in the total delivery cost of the 2-week plans produced. For
lowing statistics are collected for the 2-week period: average recourse action 3 and 4, the computational requirements of the IP
emergency delivery costs (and thus average total costs), average become prohibitive even with a sample size of 20 and thus we
number of hospital visits per day, and average number of emer- decided not to include these settings in the remaining experi-
gency hospital visits per day. When evaluating a 2-week plan using ments. The runtime of the IP in the remaining experiments was
recourse action 1, stock-outs may occur so in that setting we also limited to 2 hours.
keep track of the number of stock-outs. To reduce the run time of the VNS for recourse actions 3 and 4 a
The sample size has a dramatic effect on the size of the integer smaller sample size has to be used. Unfortunately, this means that
programs that need to be solved. It has been clear from the start the evaluation of emergency delivery costs becomes less accurate.
that only relatively small sample sizes can be used with the inte- Experimentation revealed that using the same sample to deter-
ger programming approach; in the order of 10–20. The situation mine emergency delivery costs during the course of the search
is more complicated for the VNS. For the first two recourse ac- leads to better results than using a different sample in each itera-
tions, the expected emergency delivery costs for a hospital for a tion. When a different sample is used in each iteration, it seems
particular visit-day combination can easily and efficiently be that the VNS ‘‘exploits” the presence of low product usage realiza-
computed in the preprocessing phase, so large sample sizes can tions, or ‘‘adjusts” based on the presence of low product usage real-
be accommodated without a significant increase in computation izations, instead of converging to robust 2-week plans. To be able
time. On the other hand, for the last two recourse actions, the ex- to use different samples in each iteration, it appears to be neces-
pected emergency delivery costs incurred for a hospital for a par- sary to use a large sample size, which leads to unacceptable run
ticular visit-day combination depend on the visit-day times. We also experimented with a single large sample from
combinations of the other hospitals, and have to be computed which a random subset was selected at each iteration, but the
from scratch after every change in a visit-day combination effect was the same.
(regardless of the hospital for which the change occurs). Conse-
quently, only relatively small sample sizes can be accommodated
efficiently. As the impact is less severe than for the integer pro-
Table 2
grams, we have decided to use an increasing sample size for Comparison of different sample sizes for VNS with recourse action 2.
the last two recourse actions; we start out with a small sample
size and slowly increase the sample size during the course of Sample size 106 105 104 103

the execution. This balances the need to do a large number of Avg. cost 2464.28 2472.30 2466.24 2467.08
iterations and the need to have a reasonable sample size when fi- Deviation from 106 (in %) 0 0.33 0.08 0.11

nal decisions are being made. In our implementation we start

with a sample size of 10, which is increased to a sample size of
50 during the course of the algorithm. Table 3
The average run time for the VNS for recourse action 1 using a Comparison of different sample sizes for IP with recourse action 2.
sample size of 100,000 is 10.12 minutes, for recourse action 2 it is Capacity Total delivery cost Nodes examined
9.77 minutes, for recourse action 3 it is 3.49 hours, and for re-
R = 20 R = 50 R = 20 R = 50
course action 4 it is 9.15 hours. (The difference in run time be-
tween recourse action 3 and 4 is due to the fact that for 50 3230.89 3282.93 591,145 169,100
75 2531.02 2575.10 544,248 241,750
recourse action 3, the expected emergency delivery costs has to
100 1837.31 1837.79 620,400 162,300
be recomputed only after a change visit-combination, whereas
V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695 693

Table 4 can be made. First, the VNS with recourse action 2 estimates the
Evaluation of various 2-week plans. expected emergency delivery costs extremely well. There is hardly
Capacity RA 2 RA 3 RA 4 any difference between the expected emergency delivery costs and
RA2 50 3241.85 3440.65 3747.67 the realized emergency delivery costs for all levels of capacity. The
75 2313.91 2384.94 2557.73 VNS does a reasonably good job for recourse actions 3 and 4, but
100 1861.16 1877.02 1919.37 seems to underestimate the emergency delivery costs slightly.
avg. 2472.31 2567.54 2741.59 The IP performs fine at low levels of capacity, but seems to sub-
RA3 50 3215.69 3173.95 3440.98 stantially underestimate emergency delivery costs for higher levels
75 2310.03 2293.06 2366.94 of capacity. It is also clear that for low levels of capacity a larger
100 1856.93 1851.01 1897.23
avg. 2460.88 2439.34 2568.38
percentage of the total costs is due to emergency delivery costs.
This is to be expected. The smaller the storage capacity is at the
RA4 50 3202.00 3162.86 3088.57
75 2306.93 2288.83 2278.69
hospitals, the more costly it will be to ensure product availability
100 1853.77 1850.61 1847.87 using only regular deliveries. It will be necessary to make many
avg. 2454.23 2434.10 2405.04 deliveries to protect against unexpected high product usage. On
the other hand, when it is possible to make emergency deliveries,
even though they are more expensive, it is possible to take ‘‘risks.”
5.2. Analysis of the various recourse actions The cost-effective base plan can be used in most situations, but if
product usage happens to be substantially higher than normal, a
Next, we study the impact of the different recourse actions on more expensive emergency delivery option is available to handle
the 2-week plans generated. More specifically, we construct three that. We also observe the influence of the recourse actions them-
2-week plans using the VNS with recourse actions 2, 3, and 4. Then selves. Recourse action 2 is the most expensive, because emer-
we reevaluate the given 2-week plans by using recourse actions 2, gency deliveries to hospitals are handled independently, whereas
3, and 4. The results are presented in Table 4, where the column recourse actions 3 and 4 are less expensive, because emergency
header indicates which recourse action (RA) was used to generate deliveries to hospitals are coordinated. As a result, more ‘‘risks”
the plan and the row header indicates which recourse action is are taken with recourse actions 3 and 4, and a larger portion of
used to evaluate the plan. Recourse action 1 is not included in this the total delivery costs is due to emergency delivery costs. It also
experiment, because 2-week plans that are not specifically gener- seems that the solutions produced by the IP are more conservative,
ated for recourse action 1 result in stock-outs during evaluation, in the sense that a smaller portion of the total delivery costs is due
which makes cost comparisons meaningless. First, we observe that to the emergency delivery costs. This is probably due to the fact
when we evaluate using a particular recourse action, the 2-week that the VNS is more restricted in constructing the 2-week plan,
plan generated using that same resource action always results in because each hospital has only a limited list of visit frequencies
the lowest total cost. This is what one expects, but provides valida- and associated visit-day combinations.
tion that the VNS is able to generate 2-week plans that are geared Now that we have validated and analyzed the performance of
towards the recourse action they are intended for. Second, we see the solution approaches, we return to the main focus of the paper.
that, again as expected, the most cost-effective 2-week delivery It is intuitively clear that a delivery operation that faces demand
plan is obtained when the most involved recourse action, namely variability will be more costly than a delivery operation that faces
recourse action 4, is used. For all capacity levels, this setting results no demand variability, i.e., when demand is deterministic. The re-
in the least total cost. However, the differences are not that large, sults in Table 6 allow us to assess the price, in terms of increased
especially not at the 100% capacity level. The differences get larger delivery costs, the blood bank has to pay to handle product usage
when the capacity is tighter. This is not surprising as emergency variability. Table 6 shows the delivery costs assuming determinis-
delivery costs are likely to play a bigger role in the total cost. tic product usage, the delivery costs assuming stochastic product
Another way to assess the performance of our solution usage and operating the various recourse actions (with for recourse
approaches is to compare the expected emergency delivery costs action 1 between parentheses the average number of stock-outs).
of the 2-week plans produced with the realized emergency deliv- The results show that for the default stochastic setting, i.e., product
ery costs when the 2-week plan are evaluated (simulated). Table usage is drawn from a continuous uniform distribution on an inter-
5 depicts fixed delivery costs, expected emergency delivery costs val [25%, +25%] around the deterministic demand. When using
as estimated by the solution approach, the realized emergency recourse action 2 the delivery costs increase about 7% (average)
delivery cost, and what percentage of total delivery costs is made whereas with recourse action 4 the delivery costs increase about
up by the emergency delivery costs. A few interesting observations 4% (average). It is interesting to observe that the VNS for recourse

Table 5
Expected versus realized emergency delivery costs.

Recourse action Capacity Fixed costs Expected emergency costs Realized emergency costs Emergency costs percentage
IP RA 2 50 2991.96 220.91 217.80 6.83
75 2241.41 105.40 120.66 5.14
100 1818.57 81.94 102.22 5.23
VNS RA 2 50 2821.24 420.54 420.61 12.21
75 2213.92 100.10 100.00 4.21
100 1757.43 103.54 103.72 5.25
VNS RA 3 50 2564.74 591.45 609.21 19.03
75 2081.29 205.27 211.77 8.97
100 1700.95 146.28 150.07 7.66
VNS RA 4 50 2450.34 614.33 638.23 20.55
75 2025.52 242.41 253.17 10.76
100 1697.64 144.54 150.23 7.76
694 V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695

Table 6
Delivery costs with deterministic and stochastic product usage.

Capacity IP VNS
Deterministic costs RA 1 costs RA 2 costs Deterministic costs RA 1 costs RA 2 costs RA 3 costs RA 4 costs
50 2961.69 3218.95 (0.04) 3209.75 3075.43 3837.39 (0.00) 3241.85 3173.95 3088.57
75 2212.19 2388.74 (0.03) 2362.07 2139.14 2664.92 (0.00) 2313.91 2293.06 2278.69
100 1817.09 1948.16 (0.03) 1920.79 1742.13 2090.43 (0.00) 1861.16 1851.01 1847.87
Avg. 2330.32 2518.61 (0.03) 2497.54 2318.90 2864.25 (0.00) 2472.31 2439.34 2405.04

action 1 is able to construct a 2-week plan that avoids stock-outs emergency deliveries than the 2-week plans produced by the VNS,
during the evaluation, whereas the IP is unable to do so. This is but have lower delivery costs (3209.75 versus 3241.85). Even
likely due to the difference in sample size used. The IP uses a sam- though the 2-week plans produced by the VNS have fewer emer-
ple size of 10, whereas the VNS uses a sample size of 100,000. gency deliveries, the emergency deliveries are expensive; they go
However, it is also clear that it is costly to avoid stock-outs using to hospitals that are relatively far away from the distribution cen-
the limited recourse action 1. The total delivery costs of recourse ter. Since in the VNS only periodic visit-day combinations are used,
action 1 are 2864.25 (average) compared to 2472.31 (average) it can be cheaper to schedule emergency visits to hospitals with a
when recourse action 2 is used. high probability of a stock-out than to include them in the regular
We now look at the cost of assuming that product usage is routes. The IP has more flexibility when constructing delivery
deterministic when creating a 2-week plan (i.e., when creating a routes, so certain ‘‘emergency” visits are included in the base plan.
2-week plan assuming that daily product usage is equal to the As a result, the 2-week plans produced by the IP appear as more
mean of product usage in the planning period). In Table 7, we com- conservative.
pare the costs of the 2-week plan generated assuming determinis-
tic demand to the 2-week plan generated assuming stochastic 5.4. Product usage variability and multiple blood products
product usage, with recourse action 2 as the mechanism for deal-
ing with shortfalls when both plans are evaluated. We see that sub- Next, we study the effect of the size of the variability of product
stantial savings can be achieved when explicitly taking stochastic usage. More specifically, in Table 10, we show the total delivery
usage into account. More precisely, about 5% for the IP and about costs for the VNS with recourse action 2 for different levels of var-
8% for the VNS. iability in product usage, and in Table 11, we show the emergency
delivery costs as a percentage of the total delivery costs.
5.3. Analysis of delivery plan characteristics The results are as expected: both the total and the emergency
delivery costs increase when the variability of product usage in-
Next, we examine more detailed statistics related to the actual creases. Furthermore, the total delivery costs (and emergency
deliveries. In Tables 8 and 9, we show the average number of reg-
ular (i.e., planned) hospital visits per day and the average number
of emergency hospital visits per day, respectively for the VNS and
Table 9
the IP. Average number of emergency hospital visits per day.
We see that when the recourse action is more involved and is
more cost-effective, then more emergency deliveries are per- VNS IP

formed and fewer regular deliveries are made. This behavior is RA 1 RA 2 RA 3 RA 4 RA 1 RA 2

more pronounced for lower capacity levels, where ensuring prod- 50 0.00 0.32 1.00 1.41 0.04 0.41
uct availability is more challenging. It is interesting to see that 75 0.00 0.08 0.33 0.49 0.03 0.23
for recourse action 2 and for a capacity level of 50%, the 2-week 100 0.00 0.08 0.14 0.20 0.03 0.11
Avg. 0.00 0.16 0.49 0.70 0.03 0.25
plans produced by the IP result in more regular deliveries and more

Table 7 Table 10
The cost of using deterministic demand. Total cost for VNS with recourse action 2 for various demand distributions.

Capacity IP VNS Capacity Normal distribution Uniform distribution

Deterministic RA 2 Deterministic RA 2 ±10% ±25% ±50% ±10% ±25% ±50%

50 3285.96 3209.75 3491.52 3241.85 50 3068.43 3123.84 3214.41 3094.23 3241.85 3384.69
75 2536.55 2362.07 2611.99 2313.91 75 2216.22 2261.76 2284.14 2249.45 2313.91 2416.52
100 2060.24 1920.79 1997.50 1861.16 100 1763.06 1780.14 1846.55 1791.56 1861.16 1963.29
Avg. 2627.58 2497.54 2700.34 2472.30 Avg. 2349.23 2388.58 2448.37 2378.41 2472.31 2588.16

Table 8 Table 11
Average number of regular hospital visits per day. Emergency cost for VNS with recourse action 2 for various demand distributions.

VNS IP Capacity Normal distribution Uniform distribution

RA 1 RA 2 RA 3 RA 4 RA 1 RA 2 ±10% ±25% ±50% ±10% ±25% ±50%
50 8.12 7.09 6.53 5.88 7.93 7.44 50 8.75 8.80 12.53 9.48 12.21 16.78
75 5.99 5.30 5.13 4.94 5.94 5.72 75 1.54 2.38 4.15 1.12 4.21 7.93
100 4.91 4.46 4.43 4.34 4.98 4.71 100 0.96 1.76 4.16 2.18 5.25 6.48
Avg. 6.34 5.62 5.36 5.05 6.29 5.96 Avg. 3.75 4.31 6.95 4.26 7.22 10.40
V. Hemmelmayr et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 686–695 695

Table 12 for both recourse action 3 and 4. (The evaluation is performed

The effect on costs of aggregating usage of different blood types. using the appropriate recourse action.) The results show that the
Capacity 1 4 8 % dev. 1–4 % dev. 1–8 proxies work very well for the 100% capacity level, but that the
50 3241.85 3369.90 3402.24 3.95 4.95 performance degrades slightly for smaller capacity levels. This
75 2313.91 2397.60 2399.10 3.62 3.68 shows that further tuning is necessary for those capacity levels
100 1861.16 1917.74 1925.75 3.04 3.47 and that the scaling factor will likely have to depend on the capac-
Avg. 2472.31 2561.75 2575.70 3.54 4.03 ity level.

6. Concluding remarks
Table 13
Approximating recourse actions. We have developed technology to plan delivery routes for the
Capacity RA 3 proxy RA 3 RA 4 proxy RA 4
supply of blood products to hospitals by a blood bank. The technol-
ogy is sampling-based and explicitly accounts for the variability in
50.00 3212.44 3173.95 3189.31 3088.57
75.00 2299.32 2293.06 2295.19 2278.69
blood product usage at the hospitals. To control the delivery costs,
100.00 1854.24 1851.01 1850.66 1847.87 while still being able to guarantee product availability at the hos-
Avg. 2455.33 2439.34 2445.05 2405.04 pitals, a variety of emergency delivery options are considered. We
have presented an extensive computational study that analyzes
the efficacy of our technology and the impact of product usage
delivery costs) are higher for the continuous uniform distribution uncertainty on the resulting delivery plans.
than for the truncated normal on the same interval, because prod-
uct usage is more concentrated around the deterministic demand. Acknowledgement
In practice, of course, hospitals use various blood products, each
with its own stochastic usage. To assess the impact of multiple Financial support by Grant #11187 from the Oesterreichische
blood products, each with stochastic product usage, on the delivery Nationalbank (OeNB) and by Grant # P20342-N13 the Austrian Sci-
costs, we have conducted a final computational experiment in ence Fund (FWF) is gratefully acknowledged.
which we distinguish eight blood types (blood groups A, B, AB,
and O, and rhesus factor + or ). In our simulation, we sample
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