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Judy : Where is Sam?

He’s late again

Sam : I’m here. I am so sorry, boss. Sorry I'm late.
Judy : You are late again! I do not understand why you are late every day. Sam,
you’re 20 minutes late!
Sam : I apologize for being late.
Judy : The main purpose of today's meeting is why are you late this morning?
Sam : Last night my stomach hurt badly and I was hospitalized overnight, after
feeling better I went to work.
Judy : Do you feel better?
Sam : I'm OK. I can still keep working.
Judy : When you have a busy job, you should report to me before working
time. Would you agree?
Sam: That sounds reasonable.
Judy : You have been late two times in the last two weeks. Is this going to be a
continual problem?
Sam : I am terribly sorry. It's been one of those months. It won't happen again.
Judy : I know you is a good worker but lately your employee attendance record
and lack of punctuality has been poor. Your tardiness is getting out of hand.
Can we concentrate on starting managing your morning time better?
Sam: I had a lot of recent changes at home, but it's all taken care of. I will not be
late again
Judy : I was wondering if I could ask you must be at your desk at eight
o'clock. How do you feel about this problem?
Sam : no, boss. I agree with you on that point. I will go to work on time
Judy: If you are late, you will have to stay at the company to work overtime
Sam : Yes sir
Judy: Alright. Come back your seat.
Sam : Sorry, I’m late Judy.
Judy : Sam, why are you so late?
Sam : My sincerest apology for not making it to the meeting on time. Traffic
was unusually bad today.
Judy : What happened?
Sam: The blasted train stopped between the stations and could not move.
Judy : From where we stand, a better solution might be left earlier to avoid
traffic incident. Please try to plan ahead for traffic incidents in future.
Sam : Regarding your proposal, our position is that I was determined to get
to work on time today, but I can't predict what will happen.
Judy: But the work assigned to you yesterday afternoon, did you finish it?
Sam: Yes. In order to avoid missing out on the company's plans for today, I
worked with colleagues via phone and email while waiting for the train system
to be repaired.
Judy: You are very lucky. Even if you're late, you still get the job done. But if
you are late too many times we will probably have to look into disciplinary
issues, even you will be fired.
sam : It seems a fair suggestion.There are no words to show my appreciation! I
know that now, perhaps tomorrow I'll leave a bit earlier.
Judy: That sounds reasonable.

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