Earthsci Lesson 1

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Earth science

Origin and
structure of
the earth
Grade 11
Earth Science
Universe is the Totality of space and time,
matter and Energy. The universe is at least 13.8
billion of years old and the Earth/solar
system at least 4.5-4.6 billions of years old.
But how large exactly is a billion? How long
will it take you to spend 1 billion pesos if you
spend 1 peso per second

Solar System Milky Way Galaxy


Everything that you see is just a small part of the

universe – from the dust in your room to the stars
that you see with your naked eye or with
telescope. These are all part of a very vast,
complex and mysterious universe that scientists
hope to understand.
One of the greatest mysteries of the universe is
its origin. Since no one witnessed the actual
beginning. Thus, many theories has been proposed
and the most accepted of them all is the Big Bang
Learning objectives

1. Trace the historical development of

theories that explain the origin of the

2. Describe the structure and composition

of the universe.

3. Explain the Big Bang Theory and

evidences supporting the theory
Origin of the Universe
Non-scientific Thought:
❑ Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods
and myths which narrate that the world
arose from an infinite sea at the first
rising of the sun.
❑ The Kuba people of Central Africa tell the
sory of a creator god Mbombo (or Bumba)
who , alone in a dark and water covered
Earth, felt an intense stomach pain and
then vomited the star, sun, and moon.
Origin of the Universe
➢ In India, there is the narrative that
gods sacrificed Purusha, the primal
man whose head, feet, eyes, and mind
became the sky, earth, sun, and moon
➢ The monotheistic religions of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam claim that a
supreme being created the universe,
including man and other living
Modern Theories on the Origin of the Universe

Oscillating Universe (1930)- Einstein favored model after he rejected his own model, this follows
the general theory of relativity equations of the universe with positive curvature, results in
expanding for a time and then contracting due to pull of its gravity in a perpetual cycle of
big bang, followed by big crunch.

Steady State Universe (1948)- by Fred Hoyle, an English astronomer and Austrians Thomas Gold
and Herman Bondi. The theory predicted a universe that expanded but did not change its
density with matter being inserted into the universe as it expand in order to maintain a
constant density.
Modern Theories on the Origin of the Universe
Oscillating Universe (1930)
Einstein favored model after he rejected his own model, this
follows the general theory of relativity equations of the
universe with positive curvature, results in expanding for a
time and then contracting due to pull of its gravity in a
perpetual cycle of big bang, followed by big crunch.
Modern Theories on the Origin of the Universe
Modern Theories on the Origin of the Universe

Inflationary universe(1980) – An American physicist Alan Guth proposed, based on the big bang,
this incorporated a short, early period of exponential cosmic inflation to solve the horizon
and flatness problems of the standard big bang model.

Multiverse(1938)- This theory sees our universe as just one many bubbles that grew as part of a
multiverse according to a Russian American physicist Andrei Lin. American physicist Hugh
Everett and Bryce De Witt had initially developed and popularized the concept of “many
worlds” structure of the universe in 1960s and 1970s.
Modern Theories on the Origin of the Universe

Big Bang Theory of the universe (1929)

The current accepted model on the formation of the universe is the big bang theory. The big
bang theory describes as expanding, having originated from an infinitely tiny, infinitely
dense point around 14 billion years ago. According to the theory, matter was not present at
the beginning of time; there was only pure energy compressed in a single point called
The fundamental statement of the big bang theory is attributed to Begian Roman catholic
priest Georges Lemaitre in 1927. It was later supported by Edwin Hubble’s demonstration of
the continuously expanding universe through his observation of galactic redshifts in 1929
and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation by Arno Penzias and
Robert Wilson in 1965.
Definition of terms
• Baryonic matter – ordinary matter consisting of
protons, electrons, and neutrons that comprises • Thermonuclear reaction – a nuclear fusion
atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, and other bodies. reaction responsible for the energy produced
by stars.
• Dark matter – matter that has gravity but does not
emit light. • Main sequence stars – stars that fuse
hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms in their
• Dark energy – a source of anti-gravity: a force that cores: outward pressure resulting from nuclear
counteracts gravity and causes the universe to fusion is balanced by gravitational force.
• Light years – the distance light can travel in a
• Protostar – an early stage in the formation of the year: a unit of length used to measure
star resulting from the gravitational collapse of astronomical distance.
Structure, Composition and Age
❑ The universe as we currently know it comprises all spaces and time, and all matter and energy in it.
❑ It is made of 4.6% baryonic matter, 24% cold dark matter, and 71.4% dark energy.
❑ Hydrogen,, helium and lithium are the three most abundant elements.
❑ Stars – the building block of galaxies born out of clouds of gas and dust in galaxies. Instabilities within
the clouds eventually results into gravitational collapse, rotation, heating up, and transformation to a
protostar-the core of the future star as thermonuclear set in.
❑ Stellar interiors are like furnaces where elements are synthesized or combined/fused together. Most star
such as the Sun belong to the so called “main sequence star.” In the core of such star, hydrogen atoms
are fused through thermonuclear reactions to make helium atoms. Massive main sequence stars burn up
their hydrogen faster than the smaller stars. Star like our Sun burn up hydrogen in about 10 billion years.
Structure, Composition and Age

❑ The remaining dust and gas may end up as they are or as planets, asteroids, or other bodies in the
accompanying planetary system.
❑ A galaxy is a cluster of billions of stars and cluster of galaxies form superclusters.. In between the cluster
is an empty space. The organization of matter in the universe suggests that it is indeed clumpy at a
certain scale. But at a large scale, it appears homogenous and isotropic.
❑ Based on the recent data, the universe is 13.8 billion years old. The diameter of the universe is possibly
infinite but should be at least 91 billion light years (1 light year = 9.4607 x 1012 km). Its density is 4.5 x 10-31
Big Bang Timeline
Activity 2: The Big Bang Theory
Direction: Based on the lesson given, summarize the concept of the Big Bang Theory by
accomplishing the Frayer’s Model diagram.
Show at least 4 ideas about the Big Bang Give 4 things going on after the Big Bang
Theory. Theory.

The Big
Is it true?
Give 4 proofs that Big Bang really Tell things you learned today
happen. (Your
Reflect Upon
Do you think there
are other life
forms exploring
the universe aside
from humans? Has
Earth been
explored already
by other life

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