Grade 12 - Midterm - Physical Education 3

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Philippine College of Advanced Arts And Technology

Recto Ave, Quiapo, Manila


Quarter 1

To The Learners
Welcome, PCAAT Students! Another brand-new school year of learning
and productiveness has come. I hope you are fully ready for the exciting journey
that awaits.
To start off, it is to inform you that this module is created as part of your
journey in discovering things in life, especially yourself as a fruitful and important
member of the community. Assessing yourself to find out your strengths and
weaknesses is also aimed that will lead you in becoming a better version of you.
Through this learning material, you will be able to understand yourself
further. You will have a realization about the skills you have and of the ones you
are lacking that prevent you from reaching your full capacity.
You must answer the challenging activities and meaningful performances
provided based on your understanding of the lessons and through your personal
insights and knowledge connected to it. You can use the internet and other
education materials as your reference to enhance the process of learning.
This module is divided into eight sections: Quests, Pre-test, Recalling,
Lesson, Activities, Noting, Post-test, and Reflecting.
 Quests contain the learning objectives you are expected to carry.
 Pre-test is given to check what you already know about the lesson to take.
 Recalling connects the current lesson with the previous lesson by going
over the concepts you learned previously.
 Lesson presents an overview of the topic/content of the module concisely.
 Activities are set of exercises or practice tests you will perform
independently, in pairs, or in groups.
 Noting is an enrichment activity to measure how you learned from the
 Post-test evaluates your level of mastery in achieving the learning
objectives. It validates the concepts you learned and provides more
opportunities to deepen your learning.
 Reflecting is an activity that gives you a chance to think of your
skills/knowledge gained that can be transferred into real-life
This self-learning module is designed for your independent learning at your
most preferred time. Before starting the module, you must keep in mind the
following simple instructions below so you will be guided in accomplishing tasks
as you aim to attain the goals successfully.
1. Read carefully. Follow all the instructions provided here and there.
2. Take note of the important ideas that you can use in answering the
different activities in this module.
3. Write your answers on the provided activity sheet.
4. Accomplish all the learning task and activities in this module.
5. Assess your answers with the help of your teacher.
6. Enjoy learning and have fun!
LESSON Optimizing Physical Education 3

 Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to Physical
activity assessments participation and one’s diet.(PEH11FH-LG-I-6)
 Set Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) Goals on training principles to
achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness HRF(PEH11FH-I1-j-7)
 Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings. (PEH11FH-Ia-t-8)
 Analyzes Physiological Indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and or/adjust
participation or effort. (PEH11FH-Ik-t-9)
 Observe personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo-
and hyperthermia during MVPA participation (PEH11FH-Ik-t-10)
 Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
equipment (PEH11FH-Ia-t-12)
 Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues
concerned. (PEH11FH-Ik-o-13)
 Recognizes the value of optimizing ones’ health through participation in
physical activity assessments. (PEH11FH-Id-t-14)
 Organizes fitness event for the target health issues or concern. (PEH11FH-

ASSESSMENT NO. 1: Optimize Energy Systems
A. Direction: Circle the letter of the best answer to the following questions.

1. What energy movement lasting about 5 to 15 minutes and does not

require energy?
A. ATP B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
2. What energy system that breaks down carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes
of energy?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
3. What energy system that requires carbohydrates, fats and protein where
energy is used in a longer period of time?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
4. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except:
A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Protein D. Vitamin C
5. Ruxyll constantly performs aerobic exercises because he knows the
benefits of it. Which of the following is the least beneficial factor of
aerobic exercise?
A. It builds muscles C. Reduce the risk of stroke
B. Strengthens the heart D. Controls blood the blood
6. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on
her exercise routine, which of the following is the best thing that she
should do?
A. Set SMART goals C. Meditate
B. Walk before you run D. Observe others
7. Dancing offers creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a
safe environment. The statement means:
A. It improves the condition of the heart C. It improves aerobic
B. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem D. Weight management
8. Reane performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were
observed: bilao, hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo, what is the dance
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern
9. Hiroshi attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed
some b-boying, breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance
competion he is joining?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern
10. Liam and Denise are the loveliest couple I love to see performing the Cha
cha cha, Rumba and Jive. They won as the best couple for the Latin
Discipline. What type of genre these dances belong?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern
11. Which of the following dance genre often considered to have emerged as
a rejection of or rebellion against classical ballet?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern
12. Which component of physical fitness refers to the physical attributes such
as the cardio-respiratory, muscular strength, and flexibility?
A. Fitness B. Health-related C. Skills-related D. Talent-
13. The hexagonal test is performed by jumping to specific direction inside the
hexagon in two revolutions in the shortest period of time. Which
component is being assessed?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Speed
14. Which of the following FITT principle refers to the amount of energy the
exercise requires?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
15. Sunshine gain her weights and eventually turned obese over the years.
Her reason is, “it’s easier for me to find excuses not to exercise than to go
out to do something”. This barrier in participating physical activities refers
A. Lack of time C. Lack of will power
B. Lack of energy D. Lack of skill

ASSESSMENT NO. 2: Physical Activity Assessments

B. Direction: Before exploring our body with dance activities, we must assess
our body if we are healthy enough to face different genre of dance as we
optimize our energies.

1. To determine the level of fitness of students;

2. To identify strength and weaknesses for development and improvement;
3. To provide baseline data for selection of physical activities for
enhancement of health and skill performance;
4. To gather data for the development of norms and standards;
5. To motivate, guide and counsel pupils/students in selecting sports for
recreation, competition and lifetime participation


Food Fuels for Energy

1. Carbohydrates (CHO) – preferred source of fuel during exercise (glycogen)
2. Fat – concentrated fuel used during rest and prolonged sub0maximal exercise
3. Protein – used for growth and repair (negligible use during exercise)

Energy is the ability or capacity to do work and is measured in calories or joules.

There are three energy systems:

1. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate – an organic compound that provides
energy to drive many processes in living cells such as muscle contraction,
nerve impulse propagation.
2. Glycolytic System – the breakdown (lysis) of glucose and consists of a series
of chemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes
3. Oxidative System – also known as Krebs Cycle and the citric acid cycle. In
this system, carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources converted
into ATP and this process takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. If we
have enough oxygen present in the blood, then pyruvate, the end product of
glycolysis, is shuttled to the mitochondria and we enter the oxidative energy

Lesson 1: Optimize Energy Through Dance

Aerobic vs Anaerobic


Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio”. During

the cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a
sustained period of time. Oxygen is your main energy source during aerobic
workouts, therefore Oxidative System energy is used.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercises:

✔ Reduce risk of heart attack
✔ Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
✔ Recue risk of stroke
✔ Help lose weight and keep it off
✔ Help lower and control blood pressure
✔ Increase stamina and reduce fatigue during exercise
✔ Activates immune systems, making you less likely to get colds or flu
✔ Strengthens the heart
✔ Boosts mood
✔ Help you live longer than those who doesn’t exercise

Anaerobic exercises involve quick burst of energy and are performed at

maximum effort for a short time. The energy system used are the ATP and
Glycolytic System.

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises:

✔ Build muscles
✔ Lose weight
✔ Maintain muscle mass as you age
✔ Strengthens bones
✔ Burns fat
✔ Increase stamina for daily activities like hiking, dancing or playing

Lesson 2 : Managing Stress Through Dance

Direction: Describe the picture below. Can you tell what causes this person to
act this way? Write your answer on the space provided.


RUBRIC for Grading

 Quality of responses (35%)
 Organization (25%)
 Completeness (25%)
 Punctuality(15%)
TOTAL: 100 %
Exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts
more pep in your step every day.
Exercise has some direct stress-busting benefits.
 It pumps your endorphins
 It’s meditation in motion
 It improves your mood
How to make your exercise successful:
 Consult with your doctor
 Walk before you run
 Do what you love
 Schedule your work out
Steps for sticking exercise routine
 Set SMART goals
 Find a friend
 Change up your routine
 Exercise in increments

DANCE as Stress Reliever


People from different places enjoy dancing such as in schools, social

venues, community halls, our own home and even in social media through vlogs
and tiktok. Dancing has become popular way to be active and a healthy exercise
program. Here are some reasons why dancing is a popular stress reliever:

1. When the body feels good, the mind does too! The scientific reason for
why dance has the ability to act a stress reliever stems from the idea that
when the body feels good, the mind does, too. Any type of physical activity
releases neurotransmitters and endorphins which serve to alleviate stress.
Endorphins are body’s natural pain killer to reduce stress and improve the
mind’s perception of the world. It cause the body to feel calm and optimistic. It
also aids in improving the quality of sleep, so that a few sleepless nights due
to stress can be avoided after dancing.

2. Dance offers a creative outlet for people to express their personalities in

a safe environment. Dancing offers an outlet for people to express who they
are – through music, movements or even costumes! Dancing helps you
connect to whom who you really are.

3. Dancing improves your physical health. From weight loss, to increased

flexibility, stronger bones and building muscle tone, dancing is a total body

Introduction to Dance
The fundamental principle that dance is an art form or activity that utilizes
the body and the range of movement of which the body is capable. Unlike the
movements performed in everyday living, dance movements are not directly
related to work, travel, or survival. Dance may, of course, be made up of
movements associated with these activities, as in the work dances common to
many cultures, and it may even accompany such activities.
But even in the most practical dances, movements that make up the dance are
not reducible to those of straightforward labor; rather, they involve some extra
qualities such as self-expression, aesthetic pleasure, and entertainment.

One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression and

communication of emotion. People—and even certain higher animals—often
dance as a way of releasing powerful feelings, such as sudden accesses of high
spirits, joy, impatience, or anger. These motive forces can be seen not only in the
spontaneous skipping, stamping, and jumping movements often performed in
moments of intense emotion, but also in the more formalized movements of “set”
dances, such as tribal war dances or festive folk dances.

Dance Genre:
1. Folk Dance - a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of
a certain country or region.
2. Modern Dance - a broad genre of western concert or theatrical dance,
primarily arising out of Germany and the United States in the late 19th and early
20th centuries. It is often considered to have emerged as a rejection of or
rebellion against, classical ballet.
3. Ballroom Dance – a set of partner dance enjoyed socially and competitively
around the world. With the emergence of dance competition, it is now known as
4. Hip-hop Dance – also known as street dance styles primarily to hip-hop music
or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.

Lesson 3 : Set FITT Goals

Physical Fitness Test is a set of measures designed to determine a
student’s level of physical fitness. It is intended to test two categories of physical
fitness commonly referred to as “health-related” and “skill-related”.
Health-related components refer to those physical attributes which enable a
person to cope with the requirements of daily living such as:
✔ cardio-vascular endurance or stamina
✔ muscular strength and endurance
✔ flexibility
✔ appropriate body mass index (BMI)
Skill-related components are physical abilities that show potential for
good performance in certain skills (usually in sports) like:
✔ speed
✔ agility
✔ reaction time or quickness
✔ balance
✔ coordination

1. BMI (Body Mass Index) – is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass
BMI = W where W is the weight in KILOGRAMS
H2 where H is the height in METERS
BMI = 30kg = 30 = 20.83 (Normal)
(1.20m)2 1.44
BMI Classification
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 – Above Obese
2. Zipper Test – to test the flexibility of the shoulder girdle
Scoring – record zipper test to the nearest 0.1 centimeter
5 Fingers overlapped by 6cm and above Excellent
4 Fingers overlapped by 4cm to 5.9 cm Very good
3 Fingers overlapped by 2cm to 3.9 cm Good
2 Fingers overlapped by 0.1 cm to 1.9cm Fair
1 Just touched the fingers Needs Improvement
0 Gap of 0.1 or wider Poor

3. Sit-and-Reach – to test the flexibility of the lower extremities (particularly the

Scoring – record the farthest distance between the two trials to the nearest
0.1 centimeters
5 61 cm and above Excellent
4 46 cm – 60.9 cm Very good
3 31 cm – 45.9 cm Good
2 16 cm – 45.9 cm Fair
1 0 – 30.9 cm Needs Improvement

4. Three-Minute Step Test – for cardiovascular endurance. It is the ability of the

heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues,
as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize the oxygen.
Endurance may also refer to the ability of the muscle to do repeated work fatigue.
Scoring – record the 60-second heart rate after the activity
5. Push-up – measures the strength of upper extremities . Strength – is the ability of
the muscle to generate force against physical objects.
Scoring – record the number of push-ups made
Boys Girls
5 33 and above 33 and above Excellent
4 25 to 32 25 to 32 Very good
3 17 to 24 17 to 24 Good
2 9 to 16 9 to 16 Fair
1 1 to 8 1 to 8 Needs Improvement
0 Cannot execute Cannot execute Poor

6. Basic Plank – to measure strength/stability of the core muscles

Scoring – record the time in the nearest seconds/minute. Maximum of 90
seconds for boys and girls


5 51 seconds and above Excellent
4 46 seconds to 50 seconds Very good
3 31 seconds to 45 seconds Good
2 16 seconds to 30 seconds Fair
1 1 second to 15 seconds Needs Improvement

7. Body Mass Index

Purpose: To determine Body Mass Index
Material/Equipment Needed: Bathroom scale, Tape measure (you may use
ruler, yardstick and ruler)
 Height. Stand straight, with buttocks and shoulder pressed against the tape
measure. Record the score in centimeters (cm)
 Weight. Stand straight with weight evenly distributed on the center of the
weighing scale. Record in kilograms (kg)
 Waistline. Locate your upper hip bone. Place your hands around your waist,
squeezing slightly and then moving your fingers downward until you feel the
top curve of your hips. Place a tape measure around your stomach above
the upper hip bone. Record in centimeters (cms).
 Hipline. Place tape measure on the widest part of hip in line with the pubis.
1 Body Mass Index (BMI) – measure the body mass based on height and weight
that aid in determining weight categories.
BMI = weight in kg.
(height in m)2
Meters is use for height and Kilograms is use for weight. Supposed your weight
is 60 kilograms and height is 1.7 meters; here’s your BMI:
BMI = 60 p
= 60
= 19.53 (normal)
To identify if you are severely wasted, normal, overweight, obese refer to the
table below.
Below 18.5 Severely Wasted
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 and above Obese

Principles of FITT
Frequency Intensity Time Type
Cardio and 5 to 6 times Easy to 30 to 60 Running,
Weight Loss per week moderate minutes or walking,
60-75% of more cycling,
maximum swimming,
heart rate rowing
Strength 2 to 3 times Depends on Depends on Weight
per week, not amount of intensity of machines,
consecutive weight lifted. workout. resistance
days The heavier If intensity is bands, body
the weight, the high, reduce weight like
less sets and time spent push-ups, dips
Stretching 5 to 7 times Slow, easy 15 to 60 Static, Passive
per week and relaxed minutes and and PNF
hold each (proprioceptive
stretch 40 to neuromuscular
60 seconds facilitation)

1. Overload Principle – the body adapt to stimulus, once the body has accepted
then a different stimulus is required to continue the change. In order for the
muscle (including the heart) to increase strength, it must be gradually stressed
by working against a load greater than it is used to.
2. Progressive Principle – means the body adapts to the initial overload, the
overload must be adjusted and increase gradually.
3. Recovery Principle – adaptation to physical activity occurs gradually and
naturally, but time must be allowed for the regenerate and build.
4. Reversibility Principle – all gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not
continue to exercise
5. Specificity Principle – training should be relevant and appropriate to the
individuals need in order to produce effective result
6. Variation Principle – training programs varies in intensity, duration, volume
and other important aspects of practice

Lesson 4 : Barriers To Physical Activity

Direction: Describe the picture below. Can you tell what causes this person to
act this way? Write your answer on the space provided.

Image (left):

Image (right):

The role of physical activity in our day to day lives has changed over the
centuries because of modern technological advancement that have made people
less active due to certain barriers to participation. Understanding common
barriers to physical activity and creating strategies to overcome them may help
make physical activity part of daily life. The following are some common reasons
why people remain inactive.

Personal Barriers
1. Lack of interest
2. Joint Pain
3. Dislike of going out alone
4. Not belonging to a group
5. Lack of energy
6. Lack of encouragement
7. Worries about looks
8. Lack of time
9. Discomfort after exercise
10. Social influence
Environmental Barriers
The major environmental barriers are Time, Place, Space, Climate and Noise.
The environment which we live plays a major role on our level of physical
activity. Factors such as Poor street lighting at night and a lack of convenient
places to do Physical Activity, traffic, crime and pollution may also have an
effect. Where we live, learn, work and play appear to have a great deal to do
with how active we are. Creating activity-friendly environment is one way to
help people become inactive such as buildings, streets, and communities that
encourage walking and biking.

ASSESSMENT NO. 4: Dance As Stress Reliever

Direction: List down at least five (5) Physical and Mental Benefits of Dancing:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
RUBRIC for Grading
 Content (35%)
 Organization (25%)
 Completeness (25%)
 Punctuality(15%)
TOTAL: 100 %

ASSESSMENT NO. 5: Introduction To Dance

Direction: Try to search from the internet and identify the dance genre of the
following terminologies.

Write Folk, Modern, Ballroom or Hip-hop

_______________1. Abduction _______________9. Distal

_______________2. Abracete _______________10. Dos-a-Dos
_______________3. B-boy _______________11. Down rock
_______________4. Battle _______________12. Flexion
_______________5. Bilao _______________13. Hayon-hayon
_______________6. Breaking _______________14. Jaleo
_______________7. Cuban Breaks _______________15. Plantar
_______________8. Cypher


Directions: Try to identify the what principle of FITT the statement refers to.
Write if it is frequency, intensity, time or type.

_______________1. Adjust the number of times you exercise per

day/week/month to reflect: your current fitness level; the time you
realistically have available; your other commitments like family and work;
and the goals you’ve set for yourself.
_______________2. It refers to the dedication to exercise usually depends on
the type of exercise undertaken
_______________3. The factor that refers to the monitoring of heart rate.
_______________4. The kind of exercise you choose will have a big effect on
the result you achieve. That’s why it’s important to know what you want to
gain form your efforts.


Directions:You are challenged to learn the different genre of dance for this
semester. Identify the following principle applied to the following Dance Routine.

Note to Teacher: These are just suggested dances. You may change according
to how you contextualize the lesson.
Time Type
My Freque Intensity
(num (cardio,
Type of Heart ncy (slow,
Dance Activity ber of strength,
Energy Rate (___x medium,
minut stretching
(bpm) week) fast)
es) )
Wk 1: Fundamental
Arm and Feet
Wk 2: Folk Dance:
Lapay Bantigue
Wk 3: Folk Dance:
Wk 4: Modern Dance:
Contemporary Dance
Wk 5: Modern Dance:
Lyrical Dance
Wk 6: Dancesports:
Cha cha cha
Wk 7: Dancesports:

RUBRIC for Grading

 Content (35%)
 Organization (25%)
 Completeness (25%)
 Punctuality(15%)
TOTAL: 100 %
ASSESSMENT NO. 8: FITT Principles and Dance
After the 10-week dance challenge and self-directed activity, I have learned the
Type of Dance Terms Body Part Improved Values and Attitude
Ex. Fundamental Arm Oblique Arm Strength Persistence
and Feet Positions Raise Abdominal Stamina Accuracy
Half-circle Discipline









RUBRIC for Grading

 Content (35%)
 Organization (25%)
 Completeness (25%)
 Punctuality(15%)
TOTAL: 100 %
Direction:Perform some of the task at home with the help of your family

If you are done assessing yourself, then let’s begin performing our Physical
Fitness Test.. Record a video and write your scores in this score sheet.

RUBRIC for Grading

 Completeness (50%)
 Punctuality(50%)
TOTAL: 100 %
The teacher must review and demonstrate the procedures of each test.

ASSESSMENT NO. 10: Barriers to Physical Activity.

C. Direction: We just have learned the importance of exercise and its benefits to
our lifestyle, let us now evaluate yourself what are the barriers for you to do
physical activities. Circle the number that best describes.
Name: Very Somewhat Somewhat
Grade and Section: Likely likely unlikely
1. My day is so busy answering the Modules for the
3 2 1
“new normal”
2. Social distancing with friends, makes me
3 2 1
uncomfortable to perform exercises
3. I’m just too tired and bored with the “stay at
3 2 1
home” policy
4. I’ve been thinking about getting more exercise,
3 2 1
but I just can’t seem to get started
5. O think I’m healthy enough to exercise 3 2 1
6. I don’t get enough exercise because I don’t have
3 2 1
the skills for any sport
7. I don’t have access to jogging, trails, pools, bike
3 2 1
8. Physical activity takes too much time away from
other commitments – time, study, research, co- 3 2 1
9. I am embarrassed about how I look when I
3 2 1
exercise with others
10. I do not get enough sleep as it is. I just couldn’t
3 2 1
get up or stay up late to get some exercise
11. It’s easier for me to fine excuses not to exercise
3 2 1
than to go out to do something
12. I know too many people who have hurt 3 2 1
themselves by over doing it with exercise
13. I am not interested with any sports 3 2 1
14. It is too expensive. You have to take class or join
3 2 1
club or buy the right equipment
15. My free times during the day are too short to
3 2 1
include exercise
16. My usual social activities do not include physical
3 2 1
17. I’m too tired during the week and I need the
3 2 1
weekend to catch up on my rest
18. I want to get more exercises, but I just can’t seem
3 2 1
to make myself stick to anything
19. I’m afraid I might injure myself or have a heart
3 2 1
20. I’m not good enough at any physical activity to
3 2 1
make it fun
21. If we had exercise facilities and showers at work,
3 2 1
then I would be more likely to exercise

How to score yourself:

• Enter the circled number in the spaces provided, putting together the
number for statement 1 on line 1, statement 2 on line 2, and so on.
• Add the scores on each line. Your barriers to physical activity fall into one
or more of seven categories.
• A score of 5 or above in any category shows that this is an important
barrier for you to overcome

_____ +_____+_____ = ________________

1 8 15 Lack of Time

_____+_____+_____= ________________
2 9 16 Social Influence

_____+_____+_____= ________________
3 10 17 Lack of energy

_____+_____+_____= ________________
4 11 18 Lack of willpower

_____+_____+_____= ________________
5 12 19 Fear of injury

_____+_____+_____= ________________
6 13 20 Lack of skill

_____+_____+_____= ________________
7 14 21 Lack of resources

ASSESSMENT NO. 11: Optimizing Energy

Direction: Answer the following questions below.

1. Enumerate 3 things you have realized about optimizing energy?

2. What are the 2 things you want to clarify in this topic?
3. Express 1 “shout out” to encourage others optimize their energy for a better

ASSESSMENT NO. 12: Barriers To Physical Activity

A. Direction: Answer the following questions below.

1. What are my top two barriers in participating physical activity? What are my
plan of action to overcome these barriers?

2. What are my realizations as I answer the assessment tool?


3. What motivational quote should I input to myself for me to get involved with
Physical Fitness Activities?


Discuss briefly how you are going to OVERCOME the barriers to physical activity

1. Lack of time - __________________________________________________


2. Social Influence - _______________________________________________

3. Lack of energy - _______________________________________________

4. Lack of will power - _____________________________________________


5. Fear of injury - _________________________________________________


6. Lack of skills - _________________________________________________


7. Lack of resources - _____________________________________________


RUBRIC for Grading

 Content (35%)
 Organization (25%)
 Completeness (25%)
 Punctuality(15%)
TOTAL: 100 %


 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

 K12 MELCS with CG Codes

 Physical Education Teachers Guide - Department of Education

 Health Optimizing Physical Education - Grade 12-Alternative Delivery Mode

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