1995 Provincial Profile - Surigao Del Norte

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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT FIDEL V. RAMOS NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE TOMAS P. AFRICA Administrator NELIA R. MARQUEZ Deputy Administrator ii ISBN 971-562-501-0 FOREWORD Countryside development is a reflection of total national progress. The growing interest in the economic, social, and demographic trends of the country's 76 provinces, including the National Capital Region, fas never been as eminent as now. The increasing demand for sinal-area statistics for policy making and development programs continually prompts the National Statistics Office (NSO) to publish the Provincial Profiles as a convenient and valuable resource material. The first edition printed in 1991 readily met the needs of data users, gaining wide patronage among researchers and planners. This second edition provides the latest available data at the NSO and other agencies atthe time of its preparation. It also has an expanded statistical coverage on several topics and follows the same format and presentation used in the 1991 edition for easy reference. ‘We gratefully acknowledge ‘the invaluable assistance of the national and local agencies in providing the needed it. information. Their contributions are indication of deep concem for national development Pn [eri t Table of Contents Foreword List of Tables List of Figures Map of the Province Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Labor Fores and Employment & Income, Expenditures and Prices 9 Agriculture 10 Fishery Forestry 12 Mining and Quarrying 13 Manufacturing 14 Housing an Construction 15 Transportation and Communication 16 Blketricity, Gas and Water 17 Trade and Tourism 18 Community, Social and Personal Services 19 Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services 20 Administrative Machineries ei List of Tables Table Number Chapter2 Physical Charactbristics 1 Status of Land Classification: 1981-1993 2 Summary Statistics on Climatological Normals by Month: 1993-3rd Quarter 1994 Chapter3 Demography 1 Popul jon Density and Growth Rate: Censal Years 1903-1990 2 Population and Housthold Projections: 1980-2000 3 Ageand Sex Composition of the Population: 1960-1990, 4 Urban-Rural Population by Sex: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 3 Population and Sex Ratio by City/Municipality: 1960-190 6 Population 10 Years Oid and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 7 Literacy of | Houschold Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group ahd Sex: 1980 and 1990 8 Population 7 Years Oli and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1980-1990 vi Page Chapter 4 1 2 Live Binhs by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Registered Births by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1990 Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Foetal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1990 Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1990 Marriages by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 amber of Migrants to Surigao del Norte by Area of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 Number of Migrants from Surigao del Norte by Area of Destination: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 Health and Welfare Estimated Vital Rates and Life Expectancy at Birth: 1980-2000 Distribution of Government and Private Hospitals and Bed-Population Ratio: 1991-1993 ‘Number of Health Facilities: 1980-1987 Number of Government Health Personnel and Ratio to Population: 1991-1992 28 a 32 33 35 36 31 44 45 ” 5 6 ‘Chapter § 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 1 2 Number of Government Health Personnel by City/ Municipality: 1987 Family Planning Acceptors by Method: 1 Crime and Delinquency Crime Volume and Crime Rate by Type of Crime: 1987-1991 Education Distribution of Schopls by Level of Education by Sector: SY 1977-78 to SY 1993-94 Enrolment in Goverment and Private Schools by Level of Education: ‘SY 1989-1990 to S¥ 1993-94 Education Indicators in Government Elementary Schools: SY 1977-78 to SY 1990-91 Education Indicatoas in Private Elementary Schools: SY 1989-90 to SY 1990-91 Education Indicators in Governent Secondary Schools: SY 1977-78 to SY 1990-91 Education Indicat vate Secondary Schools: S¥ 1989-99 to SY 1990-91 Enrolment in Seven Areas of Nonformal Education: SY 1983-84 to SY 1988-89 Labor Force and Employment Population 15 Yeats Old and Over by Sex by Employment ‘October 1988 to October 1994 Urban-Rural: Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban-Rural: October 1988 to October 1994 viii 48 49 st 64 16 Chapter 8 3 Chapter 9 Income, Expenditures and Prices ‘Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 3s, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Family Size: 8 and 1991 ‘Number of Fami 1985, Number of Families by Main Source of Income and Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group and Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 ‘Consumer Price Index for All Income Households in Surigao del Norte: 1988-1994 Agriculture "Numuber of Farms by Size by City/ Municipality: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Land Use: 1971, 1980 and 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Land Use and by City/Municipality: 1991 ‘Number and Arca of Farms by Type of Tenure: 1 180 and 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Size and Tewure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Tenure and by City/(Municipality: 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Type and by Tenure: 197 ‘Number of Farms Reporting and Area Planted by Kind of Temporary Crop: 1991 ix 88 89 on os 103 105 107 108 too 3 9 Chapter 10 2 Chapter 11 1 2 3 4 Chapter 12 1 2 Namber of Farms Reporting, Total Number of Trees! Vines/Hills and ‘Number of Productive Trees/Hills/Vines by Kind of Permanent Crop: 1991 Livestock and Poultry - Number of Farms Reporting and Population by City/Monicipality: 1991 Fishery ‘Area and Production of Brackishwater Fishponds by Type of Ownership: 1992 and 1993, Quantity of Marine Fish Landed by Type of Fishing Vessel: 1988-1993 Forestry Census of Forest Obcupants: 1981-1986 Integrated Social Forestry Projects: 1986-1991 Active Sawmills; 1980-1986 Timber Licenses; 1980-1987 Mining and Quarrying Overall Mineral Production: 1990-1993 Numnber of Mining and Quarrying Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by CityMunicipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Mining and Quarrying Establishments by ‘Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993, 1a 16 120 nt 124 1s 126 127 130 Br 132 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 1A 1B 2A % 4a 4B SA 5B Manufacturing ‘Number of Manufacturing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by CityMunicipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Manufacturing Establishments by ‘Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipatity: 1993 Housing andConstruction ‘Number of Houscholds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 ‘Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1970 apd 1980 Number of Occapied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by CixyMunicipaity: 1990 ‘Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by City’Municipaity: 1980 ‘Number of Houischolds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Flopr Arca: 1980 and 1990 Number of Hoyseholds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Type of Occupancy: 1990 Number of Households in Occupied by Type of Occupancy: 1970 anc Units by Type of Building 980 ‘Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 ‘Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1970 and 1980 xi 138 138 138 138 139 1 12 3 Chapter 15 1 2 Number of Households ia Occupied Dwelling Units by Year Built, by Construction Materials of Roof and Outer Walls: 1950 ‘Number of Households olds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Kind of Lighting Facility by City/Municipal 1980 and}990 ‘Occupied Dwelling Units by Use and Source of Water Supply, 1980 Number of Housetiol Urban-Rut Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Source of Water Supply for Drinking by City/Municipatty: 1990 holds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Source of Water Supply. ing by City/Munici Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Toitet Facility by CityMunicipality: 1980 and 1990 Summary of Local Government Construction by Type of Construction by Type of Project: 1987 Existing Road [Length by System Classification and Standard: 1990 Number, Floor Arca and Value of Private Building Constructions by Type of Building by City/Municipaity: First to Fourth Quarter 1994 yments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Muni ‘Nutaber of Construction E Transportation and Communication Comparative Statistics on Motor Vehicles by Type: 1985-1994 Registered Motor Vehicles by Major Classification: 1985-1994 145 M9 1st 183 158 159 160 165 169 i ' oo Chapter 17 2 Chapter 18 2 [Number of Transportation, Communication, Storage and Warehousing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Distiibution of Employed Persons in Transportation, Communication, Storage and Warehousing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Electricity, Gas and Water Status of Energization by Cooperative by City/Munici 1992-September 1993 Number of Electtcity, Gas and Water Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Enployed Persons in Elect ‘Actual Total Engaged by City/Mi y, Gas and Water Establishments by Trade and Toutism [Numaber of Wholebale and by City”Municipal Distribution of Eniptoyed Persons in Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishmentby ‘Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipatity. 1993 Community, So¢ial and Personal Services 1993 xiii 170 m1 173 15 1%6 19 182 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Financing, insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Number of Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 184 Distribution of Emaployed Persons in Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality 185 Administrative Machineries Voting Poputation by District by City/Municipality: January 18, 1988 Local Elections 187 i List of Figures FI F Figure Number i 3. Vil Stites 1985-1999 : 3.2. Urban-Rural Population: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 i WW Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban-Rural: October 1994 f 81 Distribution of Families by Main Source of Income: 1988 and 1991 : 8.2 Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group: 1988 and 1991 i ‘ 83 ‘Consumer Price Inidex for All-income Households: 1988-1994 : 91 Number of Farms by Land Use: 1971, 1980 and 1991 : 92 10.1 ' 1 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Type of Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 ‘Area and Production of Brackishwater Fishponds: 1992-1993, ‘Area of Forestry Projects: 1986-1991 ‘Value of Mineral Production: 1993 xv PROVINCE OF SURIGAO DEL NORTE i : t Chapter 1 VERVIEW OF THE PROVINCE Surigao del Norte is situated at the northernmost tip of Mindanao ieland. The province was once a part of an old territory that existed in northeastern Mindanao, called "Caraga", named after the people called "Calagans", believed to be of Visayan origin who inhabited the place at the time. It is bounded on the north by Leyte Gulf, on the south by Surigao del Sur and Agusan del Norte, on the east by Pacific Ocean, and on the west by Surigao Strait. Although its entire length is exposed to the Pacific Ocean, the province is not as ravaged by typhoons as most of the provinces located pn the eastern side of the Philippines. Surigao del Norte, like the vest of Mindanao, lies outside the "typhoon belt". Important industrieg are lumbering, fishing, and mining. An iron mine operates in the municipality of Mainit and according to the Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences, Noncc Island has the largest deposit of nickel in the world. Also, the province has a rich history influenced by the Malay, the Chin Japanese, and the Arab, along with snippets of European and American culture. 7 the On dune 19,1960, Surigao del Norte as a province was created by virtue of Republic act No. 2786. Below is the list of city/municipalities with their corresponding lan land area, classification and number of barangays: city/Municipality Land Area Classification /a Number of (sq kn) barangays Alegria 42.5 sth 10 Bacuag 44.8 6th 9 Basilisi 115.0 6th 17 Burgos 9.5 6th 6 L Cagdianao 227.0 6th 14 Claver 322.4 6th “4 Z Dapa 91.9 Sth 29 Del Carmen (Numancia) 2122.2 6th 20 [ Dinagat 35.5 6th 12 General Luna 41.3 6th 19 Gigaquit 139.2 6th 13 Libjo (Albor) 207.5 6th 16 Loreto 233.1 6th 10 Mainit 131.9 6th 21 Malimono 111.0 6th 14 Pilar 77.4, 6th 15 Placer 89.9 6th 20 San Benito 53.3 6th 6 San Francisco 43.3 6th a2 San Isidro 58.3 6th 12 Santa Monica (Sapao) 17.4 6th aL Sison 54.7: 6th 12 Socorro 132.5- 6th 13 Surigao City 245.3 6th 53 ( Tagana-an 74.8 6th a4 Tubajon 30.0° 6th 9 i ‘Tubod a7.. 6th 9 {588 Provincial Profile. Soure Ya Based on Executive Order No. 249 issued on July 25, 1987. Chapter 2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The province lies adjacent to the Philippine Deep, one of the lowest troughs in the world with a depth of 10,790 meters. This deep could submerge Mt. Everest, the world’s highest mountain. Because of its geological formation, Surigao del Norte registers tectonic tremors. Mountains break the level plains of the province on its midportion. Along the coast, mountains and hills practically limit communication and transportation to the sea. Surigao del Norte comprises the northern half of the eastern coastal plain and mountain slopes of Mindanao and several islands, the largest of which are Dinagat and Siargao. The coast is very irregular. The rivers, though short, are navigable for boats that go down to the ports for abaca fiber and copra. Lake Mainit, the crater of an extinct volcano, ia a great source of fish. There are hot springs nearby. Sigopon is the only principal river of the province while Paco is the principal volcano. The province has a total land area of 273,902 hectares, 121,573 hectares or 44.4 percent of which were certified alienable and disposable land. The remaining 55.6 percent were forest land with 145,665 hectares of classified forest land. The biggest portion of this classified forest land (67.8 percent) were the established timberland; 30.0 percent were established forest reserve; and 1.7 percent were national parks. The climate of the province belongs to the second type with no pronounced dry season, but a very pronounced maximum rainfall. | The Province had a total of 221 rainy days and an average rainfall of 3,851-3 Pillimeters in 1993. The month of February had the highest number of rainy days (26 days) and the month of June had the least rainy days (10 days)- Yearly mean temperature is 27.7°C. The coldest mouth of the year is February with a minimum temperature of 23.0°C, and the hottest month June with a maximum temperature of 33.0°C. ure was posted at 1,008.5 millibars annually. ed East with a speed of 15 miles per second. Mean sea level pr Prevailing wind was dir Soil type in the province basically clay loam and sandy loam. Below are the general soil classifications: wocation «= SBE SOTL_ EXPE Dinagat 70% Dinagat Clay Loam 20% Kabatohan Loam 5% Bolinao clay, Steep Phase 5% Others Siargao 80% Bolinao Clay 10% Bolinao Clay, Steep Phase ‘5% Jamoyaon Clay Loam 5% Others Bucas Grande 60% Kabatohan Clay 40% Bolinao Clay Middle & East Bucas Grande 100% Clay Loam Anao-aon, Malimono 50% Malimono Clay Loam 50% Kabatohan Clay Loam CUENTA A Ldated below are the different types of soil corresponding land capability, dominant features, limitations, recommended land use, and 5 in Surigao del Norte with their extent: Soil type Land capability Dominant Limitations/ Recommended Extent features hazards Jand use Mectares Percent Ango-aon silty Very geod 1. Level to Hone to Diversified 12,458 4.50 clay (Lands suit: nearly level; very slight upland field San Manuel sandy for cultivation) well drained; crops clay loam medium texture, Kitcharso clay deep to very ‘Loan deep noils Jamoyaon clay -—Moderately Moderately Moderate Upland field 7,202 2.63 loam goed land sloping ;well erosion crops with Bad-as sandy {Lands suitable drained fine intensive ‘lean for cultivation) subsoil, erosion deep soils control practices Dinagat clay Fairly Strongly Severe Pasture 131,654 48.02 loam good land #loping; erosion if (forage (lands suitable well draii cultivated production) for Limit. moderate]; continuousty or tree cultivation) doop with fam fine ‘subsoil Jasaan clay loam Surigao clay loam hi soil type Land capability Dominant Limitations/ Recommended Extent features hazards Jand use Hectares Percent Riverwash Fairly Nearly level severe Pasture ano 0.18 good land to gently ‘droughtiness: (forage pro- (Lands suitable sloping; ex- low duction) or for limited cessively fertility Lmited upland cultivation) érained; mode- cropping with rately deop soile sufficient irrigation Beach sand Fairly Nearly level Severe Panture 319 0.22 good land ‘to gently droughtiness; (forage pro- (bands suitable low fertility duction) oF for limited gevere salinity limited cultivation) probles upland cropping with deep soils sufficient irrigation Kabatohan clay Landa limited steep; well very Pasture 95,318 31.15 Loam to pasture or drained; severe (grazing) Malimono clay forest shallow erosion it or tree loam soils cultivated farm or Sapa clay loam forest Bolinao clay Lands linited Very ateeps Excessive Forest land 31,446 11.48 ‘steep phase to forestry weil drained; erosion if or tree Rock Land. shallow cultivated plantation Mountain soils soile ‘undifferentiated Byéronol Lands limited Very poorly Excessive Fishpond, 5,026 1.03 ro wildlife drained) max- wetness salt bed sites source : 1988 NSO Provincial Profile, Surigao del Norte. shy or swampy or recreation See: Physical Cheractaristics ~ Surigao del Neto Table 2.1 Status of Land Clacsifeaton: 1 Mitary ad naval reservation Charon ‘Source: Philippine Forestry States, Bureau of Forept Development. ‘Game rofuge and bird sanctuaries / wilderboss arses. Physical Characteristics ~ Surigao dei Norte Table 2.2. Summary Statistics on Climatological Normals by Month: 1993 ~ 3rd Quarter 1994 {Station: Surigao City) Temperature Mean Prevailing wind Rainfall Rainy (e030) soalevel — ——~—— ~~ nn Month {mmy days ~ === nnn pressure Direction Speed ‘Maximum Minimum Mean (ms) «mps) 4904 27774 150 one 242 an w 7 vanuary 408.5 23 208 aaa 268 E 7 February 3007 10 29.8 237 268 NE 7 March 4178 23 30.1 238 27.0 NE 17 Apri 2075, 7 30.9 28.5 a2 E 35 May 108.2 7 22.8 25.0 28.9 s 10 sane 207.3 19 312 aa a78 w 40 suy 840 10 318 25.2 285 ssw 15 ‘August 1547 14 23.0 248 288 we 14 September 1938 18 315 aa 280 w 18 1993 zat su 2a arr E 15 January 25 20.5 aat 263 € 10 February 26 202 230 261 & 15 March 18 905 23.4 27.0 & 2 Apri 16 31.0 23.9 278 € 13 May 14 ga 2a7 284 € 12 June io 33.0 25 202 s 14 sly 16 92.8 248 287 w 9 ‘August 20 an 2as 279 w ° ‘September 14 320 243 282 w ~ October 7 ana 287 28.1 w 1” November 2 208 2a 276 s 15 December 25 30.3 240 e72 NE 30 Source: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysica! and Astronomical Services Administration. Chapter 3 DEMOGRAPHY Thie chapter contains population data and vital statistics. Population data were gathered from private as well as institutional living quarters. A household consists of a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement for the Preparation and consumption of food. In most cases, a household coneists of persons who are related by kinship ties, like parents and their children. Household helpers, boarders, and nonrelatives are considered as membera of the household provided they sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food and do. not usually go home to their family at least once a week. . Persons who sleep with a household but individually cook their meals or eat elsewhere are considered separate households. A group of unrelated individuals, as in the case of a group of students or workers who decide to rent a place and make common arrangements for the preparation and consumption of their food, constitutes one household. Institutional population consists.of persons living in collective living quarters such as welfare institutions, penal and corrective institutions, dormitories, military camps and lodging houses. While a complete count of the pcpulation was made, data on other population characteristics such as language or dialect generally spoken at home, school attendance, literacy, and economic activity of the person were collected on a sampling basis. All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, the geographic place where the enumerated person usually resides. Vital statistics, on the other hand, are facta related to births, deaths, foetal deaths, and marriages collected systematically by civil registration and compiled numerically by local and national offices involved. It must be noted that the data were based on the documents filed and no adjustments for underregistration were made. The National Statistics Office ie responsible for the collection, compilation and dissemination of population data and vital documents. (POPULATION ‘The 1990 Census of Population and Housing revealed that Surigao del Norte has a total population of 425,978; an increase of 17.2 percent from 1980 figure. In terms of population size, it ranked 47th among the 73 provinces nationwide and fourth within Northern Mindanao Region, comprising 12.14 percent of the region’s population. (DENSITY If the province’s total population were distributed equally to the ‘ total jland area of 2,739 square kilometers, there would be 156 persons for Between the two censal yeara 1980 and 1990, the population of the AVERAGE ANNUAL province has an annual growth rate of 1.60, a downtrend from the rate of ui (GROWTH RATE t.04 percent registered between 1975 and 1980. 1 AGESEX About 40.9 percent of the total household population were less than ‘COMPOSITION 15 years old, 55.5 percent were 15-64 years old and 3.6 percent were 65 i years old or over. Sex ratio was recorded at 101.9 males for every 100 females. Vi ‘URBAN-RURAL { POPULATION In 1990, 52.0 percent of the total household population in the : province resided in rural areas. This figure is lower compared to 70.3 percent in 1980. MARITAL STATUS 49.1 percent of which were married; 46.1 percent were never married; 4.0 perceht were widowed and 0.8 percent were either divorced/separated or the statup was not stated. percent oh 10 years old and over in 1990 numbered 307,427 in 1990, aL LITERACY RATE. Of the total 307,427 private household population 10 years old and over, 93.4 percent were literate. Compared to 1980 results, the population now were more literate than in the past ten years. Literacy rate was slightly higher for females (94.0 percent) than for males (92.8 percent). Literacy rate in the province which stands at 93.4 percent was higher than the regional level of 92.9 percent and slightly lower than the national level of 93.5 percent. Seer nee ‘mers In.1990, a total of 9,791 births were registered in the province. It increased by 4.8 percent from the reported 9,342 births in 1989. There were more births registered from September to November, DEATHS Registered deaths for the same year totalled 1,873; 60.1 percent of which were males and 39.9 percent were females. Most registered deaths were of ages below one year old (9.9 percent), and 80 and over (12.0 percent). MARRIAGES A total of 2,742 marriages were reported in the province in 1990. # This number showed an increase of 12.2 percent from 2,444 marriages in 1989. Most of these marriages took place during the month of May, il | Between censal years 1985 and 1990, there were more out-migrants (19,236) than in-migrants (15,111) in the province. In-migrants were mostly from National Capital Region and from the neighboring provinces of Surigao del Sur and Agusan del Norte. Fig. 3.1. Vital Statistics: 1985-1990 Thousands 12 — 1 10 3 a Live births | 8 = { 6 — 4 Marriages Se el ; So o——_Infant Deaths i ° 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Year Fig. 3.2, Urban-Rural Population: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Percent urban Crurat 1970 1975 1980 4990 14 Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 8.1 Population Density and Growth Rate: Censal Years 1903-1990 consal Populaton Growth rata Density A tmerconey fers) 1908 42,997 - 18.08 1918 6,743 200 2497 1990 125,014 07 4507 020 156,008 204 20.50 1680 10481 199 ns0 1970 2oe,714 208 e715 1975 206,080 456 108.09 1980 309,414 aoe ss208 1900 sasere 160 15682 on ‘Source: National Statistics Otfice, 1990 Census of Popuiation and Housing, Report No, 9~81 J 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Report No. 7. kn eR ale b ' i a5 Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 3.2 Population and Household Projections: 1980-2000 ‘Number of Year Population households 1980 af 366,874 1085 420,457 3986 431,524 1087 442,718 1988 454,025 1989 465,455 1990 470,060 190t 498,629 1992 500,281 1993, 512,243 1998 524,185, 1995 536,224 1996 348,092 1997 560,475 1908 572,659 1989 594,810 2000 306,929 tion Projections by City and Municipality: 1960-2000 2: Moderate Fertlity Decline and Moderate Mortality Oectine). af Censal Year oe Table 3.3 Age and Sex Composition of the Population: 1960-1990 tes kesees: Stzagasaagy: g 088 (683 054 119 C4 i ‘Source: National Statistics Oce, Census of Pe and Housing: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990, Integrated Consus ofthe Popuiaion and its Economic Actives, 1975, €a/ Includes population of Surigao dal Sur which waa stil together with Surigao del Nerte as the old province of Surigao. + Based! on household population Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 3.4 Urban-Rural Population by Sex: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 1970 1975 1980) 1990 Area classification | = —~--~—~ ~~~ ~- ~~~ nen and sex Number Percent Number Percent. Number Percent Number Percent Total 2981714 100,00 288,080 100.00 963.414 100.00 425.270 117.02 Male 1982064953 150,143 «50.37 181,850 50.03 214,630 ©8047 Female 120478 $0.47 147997 48.63*181.884 49.97 210.651 49.53 Urean 64188 22,70 74,154 «= A.B 107,901 29.72 204,270 808 Male 26427 14.07 86.631 1223 52760 «1482101538 23.88 Female 27761 14.08 -87,628 1259 BS.231 «18.20 102782 4.16 ural 184526 7.90 223,926 ©7512 255.428 «70.08, s187 Male 91,809 9846 113512 38.08. 129070 35.52 26.60 Female 92.717 98.84 110,414 87.04 126,983 «8477 27 ‘Source: National Statistics Ofce, Census of Population and Housing, 1980 and 1960, Integrated Census of te Populalion and ts Econemie Actes, 1975 * Based on household population, Demography ~ Surigao de! Norte ‘Table 3.5 Population and Sex Ratio by City/Municipality: 1960-1990 Tota 194961 Negra 1/ - Baeusy as79 Bosiisa2) = Bargas sf = Cagtiareo Gave Dav Dei Carmen (umarcia) Diragat Genera Lure Ggaqut Lp fio a) ~ Loreto co Naini 19582 aimono 6587 Son Beto) - ‘San Fancisco (Anao-aor) 6272 Senso 2630 Si. Monica (Sapa0) see ison 582 Sgro chy mee 20 z, Togane-an 760 ‘aon 7/ ~ ect 8397 Pier S227 Pacer 1089 San dose & - to2t 72 1000 8 a9 70 84 351 Bt on oro 1083 984 26 69 60 971 re 2 82 1017 r088 ra 63 1015 e814 wrt 8129 4 12195 987 19900 905 1016 001 68 1001 08 979 et 1006 1049 1029 103.0 1026 11598 18713, 1168 7.395 21463, 16157 4315 9.434 5245 7180 e266 14162 toors 11570 5778 aya 7.260 18400 38 1019 1058 1017 302 1040 009 1020 1089 1020 1093 1012 108 1088 1041 1050 $28 1043 23 102.7 1074 rat 1082 ‘100 1057 1009 1038 mA ‘Source; National Statistics Office, Census of Popuition and Housing, 1980, 1970, 1980 and 1900, Integrated Census ofthe Population and is Economic Activities, $575. * Based on household population. +1 Created municipality June 15, 1968 under RA. No. 5208; taken from Mairi 2 rented mur pall ame al ue 17, 1967 urder RA. No. 456, aken Kor Diezat;reremed Basia “kre 21,1959 er BA NO. 8778, 13) ented muricpaliy June 17, 1967 unde RA No 5080: tken tom Sia, Meica 41 Created Tenamed Lbjo. 5 Created muricipalty 6 Created 2 Crested muricpalty Noverber 15, 1989 uncer RA. No. 6769; aken from Dinagat, ty aamee Aber Februery 29,1960 urd EO, No, 981; taken rom Dinagetand Lovet; 17, 1967 under LA. No. 48, 40, 197) under RA No. 6098 22, 1960 under EO. No. 418; taken tom Dapa are Del Carmen. 77 Created muricpalty June 21, 1969 under RA. No. $848; taken tom Loreto. et Demography ~ Surigao de! Norte Table 3.6 Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 ‘Age group 10 yrs. old ‘mamed Martieg Widowed Separated stated Others and over 1990 907 427 141,753, 150,949 12,968 1611 925 421 Not stated - - - - - ~ - 10=14 yr. 55498 924 23 4 tot 5 15-19 664 2806 34 33 14 16 20-24 23334 19565 24 134 0 eo 25-20 9446. 21858 196 199 29 74 30-34 9454 22880 294 225 42 52 95-39 455 49937 413 215 5 a 40-44 922 seraa 646 208 10 36 45-49 66 16085 938 178 2 40 50-54 458 12875 1236 16 2 at 55-59 209 70 1428 87 2 22 60-64 205 ear 1625 82 4 16 65-89 160 475 1599 52 6 8 70-74 129 2698 3487 39 2 7 t 75-over 158 2855 2375 92 8 5 1980 252792 114679 126,447 10013 1484 199 - Not stated - ~ ~ - - - 10~14 yr. 47.887 47,693 7 2 40 - 15-19 41,850 38.644 80 2 5 - 20-24 91529 a78a1 86 180 96 - 25-29 24:40 5738 116 140 26 - 30-34 20,983 2.068 220 232 14 - 95-39 19,286 ‘985 498 187 5 - 40-44 16,227 570 581 159 29 - 45-49 43/080 396 810 tot 2 - 50-54 10,949 216 4337 126 10 - 55-59 8,502 116 1239 528 - - 60-64 6,834 138 11310 7a 5 - 65-69 53968 47 4.479 50 = - 70-74 3,098 er 1.093 32 4 - 75~over 2981 2 1497 7 - - } Continues 19 I 20 Demography — Surigao del Norte I Table 3.6 Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 (concluded) ' Total Never Divorced Not | ‘Age group 10 yrs. old married Maried —Widowed-«Separated = stated_—Others, 96.386 100,005 7,088 66 2 ~ 18 12 3 - 25 23 4 = L 88 4a 12 - 12 62 7 - 208 88 5 - 335 20 8 = 399 73 2 = 588 68 8 - 787 58 4 2 782 50 1 = 1.187 a2 3 = 750 14 1 = 869 15 2 = 950 " 2 = ener 828 958 - 1 - 51 - at 3 70 = 7 21 “5 = 6 94 6 = 132 126 " = 162 95 23 = sr 100 8 - ' 43 35 8 = | 596 28 2 - 760 64 co = 802 46 2 = $29 36 it - ta 18 6 = 760 4 6 = 1,087 10 6 = Source: National Stasis Office, Census of Population and Housing, 1970, 1960 and 1990; Integrated Census of the Population and iis Eeoneme Actives, 1975. * Based on household population. Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 3.7 Literacy of Private Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group and Sex: 1980 and 1990 Both sexes TEES bang © nee germ san aes sagen - 41,024 124,603 102,887 107,798 e4i2 24978 1888 19.872 2251 20523 19,190 20.069 4996 15.198 13,975 15260 2023 11.855 10.861 11415 2148 © 90808744 sta 24249584 8149 8.643 Zee 80s 6 664 6.840 2905 6.427 4.970 5.183, : Sa 52143897 4126 : g0s7 ass 2.79 2755 | 2782 8207 1.958, 2,080 2900 3067 1719, 13468 15681476 77 ‘o92 1722 1,498 748 494 ‘Source: National Statisios Office, Census of Population and Hovelng: 1090 and 1900, * Based on household population, vores 22 Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 3.8 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1980-1990 Age (years) Yeat/ Highest 7 a ee oT gadecompleted ~~--~~~--~~-----~---------~--"---_--------------=---~------------~-=-------- oe . 1900 11057 5958 5,704 11,048. Set! 545187 SOM S87 12,089 0,188 5.888 ‘No grade completed 9963 1.827 15081082 g as state 4a 205148 Preachoo! 27214791298 732 433 209 263 1848 t4@ 93 St Elementary 5500 2647 2903 9.005. 44084588 «= 106855407 S278 11,402 5828 5.605 tst=ath grade 5500 ©2647-2953 «9.035 4a8S 4508 «105555557 5,198 10,359 -5.352 5,001 Sth~7th grace - - = - ~ = "50 eo = ate 685 High schoo! = = = = = = : > - = = = Undergraduate = - - = = - = - - = = : Graduate = = : = = = = = = _ = : Postsecondary = = : : 2 = = z Z = = Z Undergraduate = = : = = = = = = = = = Graduate = = : = = = = = z = = = College Undergraduate = - - = - - = = = = = - ‘Academic degree holier = = = = = = = - = = = = Notstated 2 - 2 1 028k 403 7 %e 2 8 1980 10,900 10204 81775417 10,244 5.968 «4876 10,209 5,250 4.950 No grade completed 5910 1964748618 668536 ms er 79 Elementary 5520 8990 44314499 «9575 5.015 4560 9.948 5.073 4875 tst~3rd grade 5500 8774 4372 4402 SKS | 4.A8B BBS 5.486 30K] AT 4th grade - ‘131 SO Bt 1046469 S77 8.150 108174 Sth grade = Es 9 16 120063 S708 50350 eth=7tn grade - - - - 6 Mt 200182 High schoo! = = = = ~ = = 1% fa 5 ‘st~ard year = = = = = - = 15 ie 5 4th year = = = - : : = ° - : College = : - z : : = = = ‘st-Srd year - = = = = : = . = a ‘ath year—higher = = = - = = = = = = ‘Academic degree holder - = = = = = : = = = Not stated = = = = = = = - = = ‘Continued Demography ~ Surigao del Norte 23 Table 3.8 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1980-1990 (continued) Year/ Highest grade completed College Undergraduate Academic degree holcer Not stated B11 BBS 1980 10.087 ‘No grade comploted Elementary ‘ist- Sed grade 8 z g i cn BB co BBS ‘Academic degree holder Not stated, 24 Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 3.8 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1960-1990 (continued) Year! Highost ‘grade completed Elementary 5 College Undergraduate Academie degree holder Not stated High schoot tst—Sed yaar th year College 1812 yoar ‘th yeas~highar ‘Acactemic degroo holder Not stated Demography ~ Surigso del Nore 25 Table 3.8 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1980-1990 (concluded) anno sus ‘malo Goth Sexas Male Femnale purteveaeunas pyareetterraes Source: Nationa Statistics Office, Census of Popttation and Housing: 1870, 1980 and 1930. "*Based on household population 26 Demography - Surigao de! Norte Table 3.9 Live Births by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Month 1980) 1981 1982 f983_—«1984——~«tgaS «8G —~10By 4988 ~—~—~j089 1900 Total 8509 7,980 8,591 9,400 89128271 8614. «9,791 10,173,342 9,791 January 663 710 a7 722 862 680 634 752 as 790 oat February 617 603 613 638 766 578 566 677 797 718 659 March 751 642 709 694 691 672 600 766 856 816 798 627 665 688 765 702 712 690 828 793 756 a7 718 673 775 778 815 746 3806 894 846 773 ez 800 697 712 790 734 748 728 846 852 724 B19 751 617 716 795 728 645, 764 900 374 344 834 August 713 635 679 912 732 662 832 B15 826 786 a7 September 728 8 763 876 738 748 763 953 886 B49 908 October 770 685 732 854 718 762 807 819 879 800 gto November 693 651 Tat 798 708 654 716. 739 860 748 917 December 681 Gea 746 78t 724 664 708 802 889 738 829 Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Section i Demography ~ Surigao de! Norte Table 3.10 Registered Births by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Unlicensed Not Nurse midwife Others-—atated 133 5.920 349 - 126 5272 115 - 131 5.750 90 - 148 6.370 92 = 126 5,684 a 50 185 5405 63 82 ns. 5,728 145 49, 4 p38 26 36 103 7229 24 40 76 539 20 3 63 6728 15 4 ‘Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Sections 28 Demography ~ Surigao del Nene Table 3.11 Deaths by Sox and Age Group: 1980-1990 Demography ~ Surigao del Norte 25-20 96 90-34 82 95-30 7 40-44 116 45-49 105 50-54 12 55-50 12 60-64 129 65-60 103 70-74 170 78-70 108 80-over 238 Table 8.11 Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1990 (continued) 28 7 57 20 75 44 at 74 45 29 75a 28 72 a7 25 7 52 40 88 5 23 me 4 30 26, 62 24 78a 38 or 59 3210870 32 78 a7 3t 7 ee 50120 70 cy 47 99 56 “3 1m 7 4a7 93 541635 44 88 43 45 a1 43 106 «176 89 87 008 + 2 = = = = 1Eeareeseenee 29 30 Demography ~ Surigao de! Norte Table 8.11 Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1980 (concluded) 268, 150 196 104 185 108 79 182 a7 92 62 128 74 5 2 37 36 26 50 33 26 46 2 17 22 38 15 21 53 82 40 11 45 28 7 50. 31 a 22 6 32 33 60 a7 63 19 7 ar 25 58 a2 14 46 7 a6 58 28 35 st 3 2 18 3 48 49 79 20 20 39 14 73 st 22 92 2 20 58 a 73 50 23 84 61 23. n 24 144 7 30 53, 59 a7 70 37 86 8 35 113 4 36 R 47 121 70 51 108 50 50 70 49 125 78 a7 140 83 oT 73. 63 134 83 st 122 5 7 96 102 im 38 73 209 tot 108 129 148 225, 121 104 Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Section Demography ~ Surigao de! Nerte Table 3.12 Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 ‘Simply Year Total Attended ‘Examined, reported +980 2,168 580 55 1081 2.166 507 37 1982 2.220 505 44 1983 2,207 580 45 1984 2,522 548 850 1985 2,001 508 al 1988 2.123 B12 al 1987 2,228 623 a 1988 1,928 352 af 1088 2,022 565 al 1090 1,878 506 al ‘Source: National Statistics Otfice, Vital Statistics Section ‘af Considered not attended 31 32 Demography — Surigac del Norte Table 3.19 Footal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980~ 1990 Unlicensed Not Year Total Hospital © Physician Nurse Midwite micwite Otmers stated 1980 61 - 18 3 4 32 1 1981 68 - 2 2 2 49 5 1982 46 - 1" 4 a 30 - 1963 88 - 8 - 3 74 = 1984 55, - 18 14 - 2 - 1985 26 - 5 1 - = 20 1986 9 - 4 1 1 1 2 1987 15 - 4 4 2 5 ~ 1988 14 - 3 5 1 2 - 1989 290 - 13 1 2 1 4 1990 24 - 16 - ~ 8 1 ‘Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Section 33 Dornography ~ Surigao de Norte Table 8,14 Infant Deaths by Age end Sex: 1980-1990 hoe +1980 1981 1982 1968 1984 1985 1968 Malo Female Male Female Malo Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Malo Female Alleges 27919880108 28D tk ws ets ats Under 4 day 20 om 1 8 6 92 2 2 Cr nr 1-6 aye se 2 44 mF www mw 7-27 day 6 8 © 7 %® Bw 2 1% 1% 2 16 6 9 43 2ecays-3mos, 40 Bt 2 8 Fw 2 6 aR 4-6 mos 7 38k mw wt mw 7-908 se Btw wk iw] 10-11 mos, 4 3% 4 so O 7 SS & Oo mw ho BO Demography ~ Surigao det Norte ‘Table 9.14 Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1990 (concluded) Under 1 day 14 8 13 7 ° z 7 3 16 days 25 9 18 2 19 19 10 5 7-27 days 15 6 7 2 10 Mt 7 6 za days~ 3 mos. 18 14 13, 14 20 24 18 13 4-6 mes. 28 14 13 10 10 14 12 10 7-9 mos. at 15 13 20 30 12 13 n f 10-11 mos. 24 8 16 " 16 7 8 6 ‘Source: National Statistics Ortice, Vital Statistics Section, 2 REE sree sem a eee Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Tablo 8.15 Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1990 Under 15 yrs. 15-19 20-24 25-29 3 4 90-34 a 3 35-30 6 2 40-44 - 2 45-49 - 1 50~over 3 2 Source: National Statistics Office, Vlal Stalistics Section. 35 36 Demography ~ Surigao del Nore Table 9.16 Marriages by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1980 Month 1900 1981 = t982—«1983 196410851986, Total 2207 2.092 2172 2,988 «2.601 21022485 vanuary Pe a es) February nz 80 et 404 184 90 104 March 110 107 2 125 185 92 78 Apri 190 01481351927 188d May 204 2672692758752 June 234 247 267 202 357 249 325 ly 240 222188281283 200288 ‘August 78 68 280 76 3 96. 88 September 207 eat 280270 ae October 200 «197° = 025 HRB November foe 168175178 184178 December 199 1381601 10 108140 ‘Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Section, Demography ~ Surigao de! Norte Table 3.17A Number of Migrants to Surigao del Norte by Area of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 Number of migrants ‘Area ot origin 1978-1080 Both Sexes. Malo Female ‘Both Sexes. Al provinces 10141 8,250 7,901 15.111, 7,488 7,988 NOR 220 288 331 1,698 704 839 ‘Abra = ~ ~ 18 ° 7 Benguet e0 38 42 4 2 2 Hfugao 4 = 4 6 2 4 kallnga Apayao - - - 22 10 4 Mt. Province 2 6 ° 2 2 - locos Norte 20 6 24 19 8 10 locos Sur 26 10 16 18 10 5 La Union = - 14 10 4 Pangasinan 9 4 5 29 7 7 Batanes 4 - 4 2 1 1 Cagayan 149 iP 7 16 8 10 \sabela - = - 18 10 8 Nueva Vizcaya - - - e 3 3 ‘Quirino ~ ~ = 6 3 3 Bataan 28 18 10 8 5 s Bulacan 27 9 18 73 a 82 Nuova Eoja 5 ~ 5 18 10 8 Pampanga 23 ” 12 7 8 9 Tariac = - ~ 14 5 9 Zambales 28 5 20 43 16 28 Batangas °7 40 2 48 1" 5 Cavite 9 ~ 8 78 42 36 Laguna 49 34 15 a 18 20 ‘Marinduque 6 6 = 4 2 2 ‘Oriental Mindoro “w 12 8 26 13 13 Occidental Mindoro = = - 2 10 12 Palawan 5 5 - a 46, 35 ‘Quezon 48 20 18 174 94 80 Rizal 15 6 8 28 14 14 37 , 38 Demography - Surigao det Norte ‘Table 3.17A Number of Migrants to Surigao del Norte by Area of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 (continued) Number of migrants Area of origin 1985-1990 Female Both Sexes Male Female Rombion " 6 5 15 7 8 Aurora - - = = - - Albay 10 5 5 18 " 7 ‘Camarines Norte 10 5 5 10° 3 7 Camarines Sur a 16 5 7 2 35 Catanduanes - - 10 6 4 Masbate 962 280 339 178 101 ‘Sorsogon 4 = 16 ° 7 Akan - - ee 33, 35 Antique - 5 35 7 18 Capiz 35 40 2 6 15 Holla 27 30 7 34 33, Negros Occidental 554 523 624 see 290 Boho! 361 265 434 210 224 Cebu Bie er9 1,089 521 518 Negros Oriental 742 763 ‘426 225 pot Siquilor 7 10 28 12 rt Eastern Samar 4 ~ 4 7 7 Leyte est 681 508, 270 295 Northern Samar 35 35 48 22 28 ‘Samar 521 438 151 86 65 ‘Souther Leyio 48 38, 498 242 256 Bastian 13 4 10 3 7 ‘Sule 40 55 2 1 1 Tawi—tawi - - = 4 2 2 Zamboanga dei Norto 509 282 287 215 114 101 Zamboanga del Sur 435 238 197 375, 189 188 ‘Agusan del Norte a0 4at 460 1,384 680 704 ‘Agusan del Sur 575 908 270 ‘578, 201 287 ‘Bukidnon 332 179 161 407 208 201 Camiguin 21 16 5 18 8 10 Misamis Occidental 333 207 126 115 66. 40 Demography ~ Surigao del Norte Table 3.17A Number of Migrants to Surigao del Norte by Area of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 (concluded) Number of migrants Misamis Onlental 309 202 197 408 104 214 Surigao del Norte — ~ = - ~ = Davao del Norte 1,280 74 608 454 280 224 Davao del Sur 202 151 on 638 325, ai8 Davao Oriental 506 270 236 204 130 194 ‘South Cotabato 291 149 342 351 75 76 Surigao del Sur 574 300 285 1,388 689 m7 Lanao de! Norte 195 96 99 238, 122 14 anao del Sur 93 46 a7 57 at 20 Maguindaneo 4 - 4 108 52 56 Cotabato 101 40 eo 81 a 30 Sultan Kudarat - - - 41 18 23 Guimaras - - 3 2 1 Bilran - - 30 20 18 FC.a 2 - 9 ess, 41 25 Unknown 945 159 198 605 272 313 Agusan - = - 4 1 3 Bicol - - - 16 10 6 Davao - - - ur or 50 Hlocos - - - 2 ° 2 Leyte - - - 105 62 “3 Negros - = - 7 4 3 ‘Samar - - - 78 36 40 Zamboanga - - = = - - Luzon’ - - - 15 5 10 Visayas: = - - = - - Mindanao - - - - - - Source: National Stasi Office, Socal and Demographic Statice Divison a/ Foreign countries. 39 40 Demography ~ Surigao del Nort Table 3.178 Number of Migrants from Surigao del Norte by Area of Destination: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 All provinces 11,188 5.079 6,059 19.296 9.217 10,080 2,471 808 1,878 3.446 1370 2076 24 18 6 7 2 5 5 - 5 18 1 2 - - - 1 - 1 2 6 16 4 3 1 ~ - ~ 14 6 8 19 - 19 22 10 12 6 - 6 44 15 20 5 5 = 5 - 5 62 a 25 22 10 12 ~ = = 4 - 4 16 16 ~ - - - 26 a 45 54 2 35 10 ot ee 204 7 327 2 12 - 34 45 19 1" - " 76 31 az 6 = 6 38 5 10 15 10 5 101 47 54 °7 7 70 79 35 “4 92 a 6 104 79 115 Laguna 168 62 108 134 44 90 Marinduque ~ ~ - 14 8 6 Oriental Mindoro - - ~ 14 7 7 ‘Occidental Mindoro: 5 - 5 23 13 10 15 5 10 128 n 53. 5 5 - 7 5 12 Rizal 14 56 88 240 103 197 Fombion 6 = 6 3 2 1 cymes bh ‘Demography ~ Surigao del Nore ‘Table 3.178 Number of Migrants from Surigao de! Norte by Area of Destination: 1978-1980 and 1985-1990 (continued) ‘Number of migrants ‘Area of destination 1975-1080, 1985-1900 Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes = Malo Female Aurora ® 4 5 4 3 1 ‘bay 30 18 24 7 2 5 ‘Camarines Norte 2 16 5 25 3 2 Camarines Sur - - = 1B 7 8 Gatanduanes 2 6 8 3 2 4 Masbato 42 28 18 48 2 22 Sorsogon 30 10 20 3 1 2 ‘Aidan n 5 6 7 ‘ 3 ‘Antique - - - 14 ° 6 Capiz ~ ~ = 13 ° 4 toto 193 ° 87 108 2 os Negros Oceldents! 40 14 26 93 50 43 Bohol 190 108 85 251 123 328 Coby 676 300 376 1148 514 es2 Negros Oriental 55 28 ar o 23 38, Siquior 6 ° ~ 19 8 10 Eastern Samar 7 ~ 7 6 2 4 Leyte 168 86 2 1,208 es8 655 Northern Samar 30 19 " 35 17 18 Samar - - - “4 22 2 Southem Leyte 425, 185 289 778 409 38 Basin 12 6 ° 8 4 4 Sulu ~ ~ ~ - - - Tawi—tawi - = - 10 2 8 Zamboanga del Norte 20 19 10 142 72 70 Zamboanga dei Sur et a 20 173 63 20 ‘Agusan dat Norte 1.249 37 ore 2.480 1288 sen ‘Agusan dol Sur 706 389 oar tote 1098 631 Bukidnon 190 95 ot 408, 202 208 Camiguin 2 6 e 35 20 8 Misamis Occidental 3 5 100 40 54 Misamis Oriental 808 400 408 er 280 a2 Surigao del Norte - > - - - = aL

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