Pearl Sent Tom A Book. Monarchs Look Beautiful. We Named Our Dog Brownie

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Test I. Identify the sentence pattern in each sentence. Label each part of the sentence.

1. The accident happened yesterday.

2. I teach the students English.

3. She sings beautifully.

4. Mother helps the child.

5. The winner is he.

6. The Pharisees questioned the disciples.

7. Sarah took the test.

8. Pearl sent Tom a book.

9. Monarchs look beautiful.

10. We named our dog Brownie.

11. Thelma slept soundly in the couch.

12. She recklessly hit the brakes.

13. Neil taught us the recipe.

14. My gas bill was outrageous.

15. Amy defeated Andre fairly.

16. Jacob gave Joseph a garment.

17. The class elected Josephine as president.

18. John Wilson is the headmaster.

19. Rhodora seems nervous.

20. Mr. Park called the lady beautiful.

Test II.

1. He bought his girlfriend a ring.

2. She made the problem complicated.
3. John and Marry are swimming.
4. He brought me a cup of tea.
5. I called my dog Dodo.
6. He is brave.
7. I wrote my friend a letter.
8. Ricky is the team leader.
9. He appointed John his assistant.
10. They are internal auditors.
11. I am a programmer in this company.
12. I wish you good health.
13. They went out.
14. He called the cashier beautiful.
15. It is dark everywhere.
16. My grandfather told me a story.
17. The reporter made the senator angry.
18. Mother bought a new bag.
19. I tipped the waiter five dollars.
20. I wrote legibly.
Sentence Patterns.

1. S-IV

2. S – TV –DO

3. S – TV-IO-DO

4. S –TV- DO – OC

objective complements describe a direct object. Generally,

objective complements are nouns or adjectives that describe direct

5. S-LV-C

 Common linking verbs include be, am, are, is, was, were, and seem.

Complemments nouns, pronouns, or adjectives.

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