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UltraTEV Locator

Operating Manual

Product Code: UTL1

Version: 3

February 2013
1 Record of Changes 1

2 EA Technology Range of Products 2

3 EA Technology Training Courses 4

3.1 Substations 4
3.2 Cables 4
Power Cable Fault Location Cables for Power Systems (Part 1) Cables for
Power Systems (Part 2) Oil Filled Cables 4
3.3 Protection 4
LV/HV Protection Power System Protection Commissioning & Testing 4

4 Declaration of Conformity 5

5 Introduction 6
5.1 Non-Intrusive Detection of Partial Discharge Activity 6
5.1.1 General 6
5.1.2 Airborne Ultrasonic Discharge Activity 6
5.1.3 Electromagnetic Discharge Activity 7

6 Safety Note 8

7 Warnings 8

8 Kit Contents 9

9 The UltraTEV Locator 10

9.1 Charging the Unit 11
9.2 Turning the Unit On/Off 11
9.3 System Information Screen 12
9.4 Main Menu 13
9.5 Setting up the Unit 13
9.5.1 Adjusting Settings 14
9.5.2 TEV Settings 15
9.5.3 Ultrasonic Settings 15
9.5.4 Cable PD Settings 15
9.5.5 Temperature Settings 15
9.5.6 System Settings 15
9.6 File Browser 16
9.7 Scrolling 17
9.8 Text Input 17
9.9 Saving Measurement Data 18
9.10 Reading Measurement Data Files into Microsoft Excel 19
9.11 TEV Measurement Screens 22
9.12 TEV – Continuous Pulse Mode 22
9.13 TEV – Dual Probe 24
9.13.1 AUTO/MANUAL switch - function and operation 25
9.13.2 TEST switch - function and operation 26
9.14 TEV – Discharge Pattern 27
9.15 TEV Pulse Count Histogram 28
9.16 Ultrasonic – Internal Probe 29
9.17 Cable PD 31
9.18 Temperature 32

10 TEV Function Checker 34

11 TEV Measurement Procedure 36

11.1 Background Noise 36
11.2 Making a Magnitude Measurement 36
11.2.1 Notes on Amplitude Measurements 37
11.3 Locating Partial Discharge Sites 37
11.3.1 Locating Partial Discharge Sites 37
11.3.2 Notes on Location Measurements 38
11.3.3 Identification of Discharge Sources 38
11.3.4 Testing Plant Which Can be Racked Out 39

12 Ultrasonic Measurement Procedure 40

13 Ultrasonic Accessories 41
13.1 Flexible Sensor 41
13.2 UltraDish 41
13.3 Ultrasonic Contact Probe 42

14 Use of Ultrasonic Contact Probe 43

14.1 Detection, Measurement and Localisation of the Partial Discharge 44
14.2 Mounting Practices 44
14.3 Sources of Noise and Phantom Signals 46
14.4 UltraTEV Locator Mute Button 46

15 Guide to Interpretation of UltraTEV Locator TEV Readings 47

16 Relating TEV Reading (in dB) to Discharge Magnitude (in pC) 48

16.1 Surface Discharges 48

17 RFCT - General 52
17.1 Background Noise Measurement 52
17.2 Practical RFCT Connection Requirements 52
17.3 Cable Partial Discharge (PD) 53
17.4 RFCT Connection Requirements 54
17.4.1 Cable Type Restrictions 55
17.5 Guide to Interpretation of RFCT Readings 56

18 UltraTEV Locator Instrument Specification 57

18.1 TEV Measurements 57
18.2 Ultrasonic Measurements 57
18.3 Cable PD Measurements 57
18.4 Hardware 57
18.5 Environmental 58
18.6 Dimensions 58
18.7 Power Supplies 58
18.8 Battery Charger 58

19 Contact Probe Specification 58

19.1 Sensor Head 58
19.2 Hardware 58
19.3 Environmental 58
19.4 Dimensions 58

20 Flexible Sensor 59
20.1 Sensor Head 59
20.2 Connectors 59
20.3 Environmental 59
20.4 Dimensions 59

21 UltraDish Specification 59
21.1 Sensor Head 59
21.2 Connectors 59
21.3 Aiming Devices 59
21.4 Environmental 59
21.5 Dimensions 59

22 UltraTEV Locator Maintenance 60

23 Ultrasonic Contact Probe Maintenance 60

24 Warranty Policy 61

25 Calibration 61

26 Repair 61

27 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) 62

28 Note 62

29 Product Support 62

30 Contact Us 62

31 Notes 64
EA Technology UltraTEV Locator Operating Manual E503/L/01/3

1 Record of Changes

Date Drawing Number Changes

Section added re reading xml

files into Microsoft Excel.

Section added re time

constants of the
environmental sensors.

Section added re Ultrasonic

range adjustment and

Additional detail added to

RFCT section.

Screen shots and photos

updated and added.
January 2013 E503/L/01/3
Specification update re pulse

Ultrasonic – Internal Probe:

signal magnitude amended

TEV – Dual Probe: Time

function information added

Setting up the Unit: Default

TEV screen function
information added

Saving Measurement Data:

CSV format added

May 2012 E503/L/01/2 Specification updated.

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2 EA Technology Range of Products

Partial Discharge Instruments

UltraTEV Detector™ - hand held, dual sensor, Partial Discharge (PD) detector, which
enables swift and simple ‘first pass’ identification of potentially damaging HV equipment
faults and MV equipment faults before they become failures.

UltraTEV Plus+™ - advanced hand held, dual sensor, Partial Discharge (PD) detector,
which enables more detailed identification and comparison of PD activity across multiple
substation assets.

UltraMet Plus+™ - simple hand held tool for measuring Partial Discharge (PD) activity by
detecting ultrasonic sound. The sounds detected are displayed on screen as decibel
readings, as well as relayed to headphones as an audible signal

UltraTEV Locator™ - simple to use tool that can measure and record the exact location of
Partial Discharge (PD) activity to within 10cm in any substation assets, including cables and
overhead equipment. The most versatile PD investigation unit in the world, it can identify
faults before they become failures and deliver an accurate assessment of asset condition

UltraTEV Alarm™ - PD system that combines all the benefits of EA Technology’s award
winning Partial Discharge (PD) detection and monitoring, in one simple to install, automatic
set up. It can monitor over 100 assets simultaneously and raise the alarm if one or more
reaches critical PD levels.

UltraTEV Monitor™ - The ultimate system in EA technology’s PD instrument range, the

UltraTEV Monitor™ is much more than a fault detection and alarm system. It is the most
powerful tool ever developed for collecting and recording information on the condition of
large numbers of assets. It detects and locates, measures and monitors, records and
analyses all the data from all your substation equipment, including cables, to give you
unrivalled information on the condition of your assets.

PD Monitor GIS™ - purpose designed, retrofit condition monitoring system for all commonly
used pressurised Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS). It provides 24 hour detection, location
and analysis of PD activity to identify faults early and avoid costly failures and repairs.

Ultrasonic Contact Probe™ - high tech detector that can identify the sounds of surface
discharge activity in sealed chambers by monitoring the vibrations produced in the chamber
walls. Designed to work with EA Technology’s extensive portfolio of Partial Discharge
instruments, including the UltraTEV Plus™, UltraTEV Locator™ and UltraTEV Monitor™.

UltraTEV Calibration Checker™ - instantly checks whether your UltraTEV Detector or

UltraTEV Alarm Nodes are operating within specification

Cable Instruments

CableSniffer™ - Locate underground LV cable Faults in minutes, with fewer excavations,

less disruption and lower costs.

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Field Instruments

PURL™ - Pole Ultrasonic Rot Locator™ is the world’s most effective instrument for
accurately establishing the condition of pine poles, producing accurate condition
assessments without the guesswork of hammer tests or the intrusion of drill through tests.

Polarity Test Kit ™ - comprises an accurate and versatile Polarity Test Pen and a Test Pen
Checker, in one lightweight, portable unit that is essential for safe working around potentially
live cables. It detects live cables in all standard 220-250V 50/60Hz supplies, with or without
current flow.

Extended Voltstick™ - essential safety tool for identifying low voltage cables that have
been damaged during excavations.

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3 EA Technology Training Courses

3.1 Substations
Partial Discharge
Insulating Oil Handling & Analysis
Switchgear Technology for Power Systems
SF6 Training
Substation Earthing
Transformers for Power Systems
Substation Design Course

3.2 Cables
Power Cable Fault Location
Cables for Power Systems (Part 1)
Cables for Power Systems (Part 2)
Oil Filled Cables

3.3 Protection

LV/HV Protection
Power System Protection
Commissioning & Testing

For further information on our complete range of products, services and training courses
please contact:


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4 Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturers Name: EA Technology Ltd

Manufacturers Address: Capenhurst Technology Park


Product Type: UltraTEV Locator

Model Number: UTL1

I hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the provisions of the
EC DIRECTIVE 89/336/EEC on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Having met the
requirements of the following standards;

EN 61000-6-2: 2001

EN 61000-6-3:2001

Robert Davis
Chief Executive Officer
EA Technology Ltd

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5 Introduction

5.1 Non-Intrusive Detection of Partial Discharge Activity

5.1.1 General

Partial discharges are electric discharges that do not completely bridge the electrodes. The
magnitude of such discharges is usually small however they do cause progressive
deterioration of insulation that may lead to eventual failure.

Non-intrusive partial discharge detection provides a means for identifying these potential
sources of insulation failure that result not only in loss of supply to customers but can also
endanger staff.

A partial discharge emits energy in the following ways:

 Radio
 Light
 Heat

 Audio
 Ultrasonic

 Ozone
 Nitrous oxides

The most practical techniques for non-intrusive testing are based on the detection of the
radio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum and ultrasonic emissions. The
UltraTEV Detector has specifically developed to enable electromagnetic and ultrasonic
activity to be detected in a single simple to use instrument.

5.1.2 Airborne Ultrasonic Discharge Activity

Acoustic emission from partial discharge activity occurs over the whole acoustic spectra.
Audible detection is possible but depends on the hearing ability of the individual. Using an
instrument to detect the ultrasonic part of the acoustic spectra has several advantages.
Instruments are more sensitive than the human ear, are not operator dependent and
operating above the audible frequency are more directional.

The most sensitive method of detection is using an airborne ultrasonic microphone centred
at 40 kHz. This method is very successful at detecting partial discharge activity provided
there is an air passage between the source and the microphone.

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5.1.3 Electromagnetic Discharge Activity

When partial discharge activity occurs within high voltage switchgear it generates
electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency range which can only escape from the inside
of the switchgear through openings in the metal casing. These openings may be air gaps
around covers, or gaskets, or other insulating components. When the electromagnetic wave
propagates outside the switchgear it also impinges on the metal casing of the switchgear
producing a transient in the earth potential. The Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) is only a few
millivolts and lasts only a short time with a rise time of a few nanoseconds.

The partial discharge activity may be detected non-intrusively by placing a probe on the
outside of the switchgear whilst the switchgear is in service.

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6 Safety Note

The UltraTEV Locator is designed to detect partial discharge sources in high voltage (HV)
Plant. If no discharges are detected, this does not necessarily imply that an item of HV
Plant is discharge free. Discharge sites often have dormant periods and insulation
structures can fail through causes other than those attributable to partial discharges. If
discharges of considerable magnitude are detected in plant that is connected directly to the
high voltage power system, the authority responsible for the plant should be notified

7 Warnings

The UltraTEV Locator is designed for use at ground potential only.

 When testing electrical plant ensure that the metalwork is earthed before taking any

 Maintain safety clearances between structures at high voltage and the instrument, its
probes and the operator at all times.

 Adhere strictly to local safety procedures.

 Do not make measurements when there are electrical storms in the vicinity.

 Do not make measurements immediately following the energisation of a circuit.

 Do not disturb plant during measurements either mechanically (e.g. by shaking or

striking it), electrically (e.g. by increasing the voltage) or physically (e.g. by applying

 Do not operate the instrument or its accessories in an explosive atmosphere.

 Mains supply voltages are present within the battery charger.

 This unit contains no user serviceable parts, always return to EA Technology or your
local distributor for service and repair.

 Care must be taken where work is performed in tight corners, where the proximity of
other earth planes will affect the reading. If possible maintain a distance of more
than 30cm from metal work which runs perpendicular to the sensor faceplate.

 Strong electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, RF transmitters, VDUs and un-
screened electronics in the frequency range DC to 1GHz can have an effect on the
readings. A measure of local fields can be obtained by holding the UltraTEV Locator
in free-air at least 1 metre away from any conducting surface.

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8 Kit Contents

UltraTEV Locator

 TEV/Ultrasonic Probe
 TEV/Magnetic Probe
 Ultrasonic Contact Probe
 Flexible Sensor
 Non-Contact Temperature Probe
 Peltor Neckband Headphones
 AC Reference Source
 Battery Charger
 Carry Case
 Operating Manual

Battery Charger Operating Flexible Sensor




TEV / Ultrasonic Contact Probe

TEV / Magnetic

AC Reference


Cables Non-Contact Temperature Carry Case


Fig A - Instrument and Accessories in Carry Case

Spares and Accessories

For spares and accessories please contact:


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9 The UltraTEV Locator

Front Panel and

External Sensor


On/Off Button

TEV Function
Checker TEV Function


Dual Probes
CH1 TEV Sensor

CH2 TEV Sensor CH1 Ultrasonic

with Magnetic Sensor

Fig B - Instrument and Probes

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Fig C - Instrument Front Panel

9.1 Charging the Unit

Before first use, the unit should be fully charged. Full charging takes approximately 14
hours, however, if the unit is already partially charged this time will be reduced. The unit
automatically stops charging once the battery is full. The charging status is indicated by the
LED next to the charger socket.

 If the LED is off, there is no power from the charger

 If the LED is red, the battery is being charged
 If the LED is green, the charging is complete
 The UltraTEV Locator can be left switched on during charging, however, this will
increase the charging time
 Measurements CANNOT be taken whilst the charger is plugged in

9.2 Turning the Unit On/Off

Push to turn the unit on. After approximately 15 seconds the EA Technology Logo will
appear on screen. To turn the unit off, push .

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9.3 System Information Screen

After the logo screen, the system information screen is displayed. To skip the system
information screen tap the touch screen.

The system information screen displays the following information:

 Model Number – The model number

 Control S/W Version – The current control software version
 User Interface Version – The current user interface software version
 Serial Number – The serial number of the unit
 Calibration Due – The calibration due date of the unit.

The system information screen can also be viewed by selecting: Info from the SETTINGS

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9.4 Main Menu

After the system information screen, the main menu is displayed, as shown below:

Menu items are selected by tapping the touch screen.

 TEV – The TEV measurement screens

 ULTRASONIC – The Ultrasonic measurement screen
 CABLE PD – The Cable PD measurement screen
 TEMPERATURE – The Temperature measurement screen
 FILE BROWSER – The File Browser screen
 SETTINGS – Allows a user to change settings for the various modes and to
view the system information

9.5 Setting up the Unit

The UltraTEV Locator is pre-set with default settings in the factory and is ready to take
measurements immediately. Some users may wish to modify the settings according to their
preferences or procedures.

From the main menu, select SETTINGS using the touch screen. The available settings
appear in a list under various headings. The list can be scrolled up and down using the
arrows on the right of the touch screen:

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 TEV Settings – Settings for the TEV measurement screens

 Ultrasonic Settings – Settings for the Ultrasonic measurement screen
 Cable PD Settings – Settings for the Cable PD screen
 Temperature Settings – Settings for the Temperature measurement screen
 System Settings – System preferences settings

In addition to these settings, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the
screen: Info, -, +, Defaults, Save, Menu.

Info – View the system information screen that is displayed at start up

- – Decreases a setting
+ – Increases a setting
Defaults – Resets the settings to their factory defaults
Save – Saves the setting configurations
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

9.5.1 Adjusting Settings

In the SETTINGS screen, use the arrows on the right side of the screen to display the setting
to be modified. To select the setting, highlight the value by tapping the touch screen, then
change the value using the - and + buttons. Once the setting has been changed to the
desired value, press the Save button to save the new configuration. Additionally when
changing the language and pressing Save, the instrument must be switched off and back on
in order for the new language change to take effect.

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9.5.2 TEV Settings

 Red Threshold – Sets the red ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 29dB)
 Amber Threshold – Sets the amber ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 20dB)
 Trigger Buzzer – Turns the ‘trigger buzzer’ on or off
 System Frequency – Sets the system frequency used in calculations at 50 or
60Hz as required
 Default TEV Screen – Set the default TEV screen

9.5.3 Ultrasonic Settings

 Red Threshold – Sets the red ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 6dB)
 Gain – Adjusts the measurement gain, higher gains allow
measurement of smaller signals (default 100dB)
 Recording Length – Sets the duration of the sound recording (default 10

9.5.4 Cable PD Settings

 Red Threshold – Sets the red ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 20,000pC)
 Amber Threshold – Sets the amber ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 3,000pC)

9.5.5 Temperature Settings

 Red Threshold – Sets the red ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 35ºC)
 Amber Threshold – Sets the amber ‘traffic light’ threshold (default 30ºC)

9.5.6 System Settings

 Day – The current Day of the week

 Month – The current Month
 Year – The current Year
 Hour – The Hour of the time of day
 Minute – The Minute of the time of day
 Button Buzzer - Turns the ‘button buzzer’ on or off
 Language* - Sets the language

 When changing the language and pressing Save, the instrument must be switched
off and back on in order for the new language change to take effect.

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9.6 File Browser

The file browser is accessed either via the main menu or the browse button when saving
measurement data. The file browser provides an explorer style view of the measurement
data stored on the device and allows this data to be copied to an external USB memory
stick. All data is stored in a specific folder structure consisting of a base study name and an
equipment name. When transferring files to a USB stick, all folder structures are preserved.

In the file browser screen, the current level in relation to the root can be seen at all times
across the top of the screen. To change level, use the ‘Back’ and ‘Select’ buttons. Select a
folder from the list and then click on the ‘Select’ button to go to that folder. Click on the
‘Back’ button to return to the previous folder.

Clicking on the ‘Delete’ button will delete the selection from the internal disk and any data
below that in the folder structure. For example, deleting a study will delete the study and any
equipment within that study, along with each of the files for each piece of equipment.

To copy data to an external USB memory stick, first ensure that a compatible USB stick has
been inserted in the USB port on the rear of the device. The screen caption will indicate if a
USB device has been detected. Data can be copied at any of the folder levels. In a similar
manner to the delete function, copying a study will also copy all of the underlying equipment
folders and the files contained with each of those. Selecting a single file from an equipment
folder will copy the single file, although the folder structure will be preserved on the USB

The file browser also has the provision for the creation of folders. Clicking the ‘Create’
button will create a new folder (providing a valid name is entered and the user does not
cancel the input), at the current selected level.

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9.7 Scrolling
A number of screens incorporate the ability to scroll down the page using the scroll-bar on
the right hand side of the screen. Scrolling can be achieved either by pressing the
appropriate arrows or ‘thumbing’ the scroll bar in the direction required. The latter option is
akin to actually scrolling the page with your thumb.

9.8 Text Input

On occasions where user text input is necessary, an on-screen keyboard will be displayed.

Touching the text (when the keyboard is displayed) will move the cursor or highlight the text
as desired. To finish typing and save the text click on the button marked ‘Enter’. Clicking
the ‘Back’ button will cancel the changes and return to the previous screen. As well as the
standard alpha-numeric characters, there is a set of standard symbols and punctuation
characters accessed by pressing the function button labelled ‘Fn’.

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9.9 Saving Measurement Data

Pressing the ‘Save’ button will result in measurement data being saved to a file in a memory
area internal to the instrument. Data can be transferred to a memory stick for external
analysis via the File Browser using the ‘Copy’ button. Data is saved in the universal XML
format and CSV format which can be viewed in any text editor or web browser. This data
format can also be imported into applications such as Microsoft Excel. All data must be
given a study and equipment name, this information is stored within the data file and also
provides the folder structure within which the files exist. To pick an existing study/equipment
name, click on the ‘Browse’ button. This will bring up the file explorer screen where the
study and equipment can be selected.

When saving measurement data, the instantaneous readings when the ‘Save’ button is
pressed are saved. The exception to this is the ultrasonic audio recording, this will start
recording when the ‘Save’ button is pressed on the save screen not the ultrasonic screen. A
slight delay will then occur as the system records the audio. The recording time may be
changed from this screen.

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9.10 Reading Measurement Data Files into Microsoft Excel

To open recorded XML data in Microsoft Excel, first open Excel on your computer. Clicking
File, then Open (depending on which version of MS Excel you are using), use the open
browser window to navigate to the location of the XML file. Once opened, Excel will present
a number of options.

If you select the default “As an XML table”, the data will open in a table structure familiar to
Excel users.

NB. If you see the below error, ignore it. It is telling you that some data has been read into
Excel as text – this is actually the date and time value. It is due to the incompatibility
between XML dates and Excel dates.

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If the XML file has multiple lines of data, the output should look like this:-

Recordings with single lines of data will import automatically into Excel like this:-

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You’ll notice that the data does not include any headers, and shows only the values. The
best way to remedy this is to use the open option “Use the XML Source task pane”, which
allows you to output the data based on its XML schema.

1. Select all elements from the pane to the right and drag them into the worksheet (with
a minimum of 1 row above).

2. The “Header Options” icon should appear next to the cells you have dropped the
schema into. Click it and select “Plase XML Heading Above”.

3. You have created an XML map for the data. Now, all you need to do is right-click one
of the cells, and select “XML”, then “Import”, and re-open the file you wish to have
mapped to the schema.

NOTE: It is possible to save the XML map and retain it for later use.

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9.11 TEV Measurement Screens

Pressing the TEV button on the touch screen will select the TEV measurement screens.
There are a number of different screens to select and the screen used in the previous
session will appear initially. The screens available are:

 TEV – Continuous Pulse Mode

 TEV – Dual Probe
 TEV – Discharge Pattern
 TEV – Pulse Count Histogram

By default after start up, the TEV – Continuous screen will appear.

9.12 TEV – Continuous Pulse Mode

This screen displays the more advanced information about the TEV levels detected from
Channel 1. This is a continuous display that is updated every second as shown below.

Measurement Battery State

Maximum Reading
TEV Reading

Traffic Light Display

Historic Display

 Measurement Mode – Informs the user which mode is currently selected

 TEV Reading – Shows the current measured TEV level in dB. This is colour coded
as per the traffic light indicator
 Pulses – Shows the pulse count over a 2 second period. The UltraTEV Locator
measures pulses over half a second and multiplies this by 4 to provide a comparable
readout to the UltraTEV Plus+
 P/Cycle – Shows the pulses per cycle based on either a 50Hz or 60Hz mains
frequency reference signal. Note system frequency is set in the Settings screen off
the main menu
 Severity – Shows the short term severity, this is calculated by TEV magnitude (mV)
multiplied by the number of pulses per cycle
 Historic Reading – Shows the last 15 measured values on a scrolling histogram,
colour coded as per the traffic light indicator
 Traffic Light Display – Shows the status of the current TEV level as either, Green,
Amber, or Red, and is determined in the settings menu. The default settings are the

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same as the UltraTEV Detector (less than 20 dB = green, 20 - 29 dB = amber, and

greater than 29dB = red)
 Maximum Reading – the maximum reading obtained since entering this mode or the
maximum being reset

In addition to this information, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Mode, Back, Save, Menu.

Mode – Moves to the next TEV screen

Back – Moves to the previous TEV screen
Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

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9.13 TEV – Dual Probe

This screen activates the instrument in Dual Probe mode where both TEV probes are active.
In addition to dual TEV levels, precedence information is also displayed.

 Channel 1 TEV level – use the + and - buttons on the left to increase or decrease
the TEV trigger level shown as a large number
 Channel 2 TEV level – use the + and - buttons on the right to increase or decrease
the TEV trigger level shown as a large number
 Channel 1 Trigger – This is indicated by a green rectangle below the TEV level
and shows whether the UltraTEV Locator is triggering on Channel 1 at the current
TEV level
 Channel 2 Trigger – This is indicated by a green rectangle below the TEV level
and shows whether the UltraTEV Locator is triggering on Channel 2 at the current
TEV level
 Channel 1 First – This is indicated by a red rectangle below the Trigger indication
and appears when Channel 1 is triggered before Channel 2
 Channel 2 First – This is indicated by a red rectangle below the Trigger indication
and appears when Channel 2 is triggered before Channel 1
 Trigger Level – This indicates the trigger used for the precedence indication and is
either Auto or Manual
 Time (seconds) – Displays the number of seconds since any button was last

The precedence information displayed on the First indicators is used to locate the source
of the discharge signal.
It is also possible to see a First First indication which indicates that both channel 1 and
channel 2 are being triggered at the same time.

On both sides of the screen there are three buttons: +, Auto, -.

+ – Increases the TEV trigger level

Auto – Takes an automatic measurement of the TEV level. This button is
highlighted when the measurement is being taken
- – Decreases the TEV trigger level

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The buttons on the left side of the screen control Channel 1, the left probe, and the buttons
on the right side of the screen control Channel 2, the right probe. These buttons are
duplicated on each Probe.

In addition to these functions, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Auto / Manual, Test, Mode, Back, Save, Menu.

Auto Prec. – Toggles the precedence trigger from Auto to Manual

Test – Activates the test pulse at the sides of the instrument
Mode – Moves to the next TEV screen
Back – Moves to the previous TEV screen
Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

9.13.1 AUTO/MANUAL switch - function and operation

This switch controls the trigger threshold levels applied to the instrument's precedence
detector. It is the precedence detector that establishes which channel is triggered first and,
hence, which of the First indicators is to be illuminated.

The AUTO/MANUAL switch does not affect the pulse magnitude measurement trigger level

AUTO position selected:

The trigger level for the precedence detectors is set automatically just above the
background noise level.

For straightforward applications, the TRIG LEVEL control should be set to


MANUAL position selected:

The trigger level for the precedence detectors is set at a level below the trigger level
set manually for the TEV detectors.

The differential between the TEV trigger level and the Precedence trigger level is
dependent on the manually set TEV trigger level, and linearly increases as the TEV
trigger level is increased as shown in table below.

TEV Precedence Differential

Trigger Level Trigger Level
(dB) (dB)
10 5 5
20 12 8
30 19 11
40 26 14
50 33 17
60 39 21

Using the MANUAL switch position and adjusting the attenuator settings may be
necessary to isolate the TEV transients from individual discharge sites on plant

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containing multiple sites. A similar procedure may also be necessary to perform

meaningful timed measurements when electrical, or physical access to an item of
plant is restricted and an irrelevant signal path exists between the two probe

9.13.2 TEST switch - function and operation

To verify that the TEV circuits of the instrument, including the probes and their leads are
working satisfactorily a test pulse source is provided built into the instrument. The test pulse
is applied to two plates, one on either side of the instrument located behind the label marked
‘probe test point’.

Pressing the test button will highlight the button indicating the test source is active.

The TEV trigger levels for CH1 and CH2 are automatically set to 36dB to give reliable
triggering - the pulses applied to the side plates being a few dB higher than this.

Pressing the test button a second time will return the button and source to the inactive state.
The last set TEV trigger levels will not be affected.

When the test source is active the instrument generates pulses of similar magnitude,
duration and rise-time to discharge transients.

The pulses are fed to two plates on either side of the unit. A pulse arriving at the plate
adjacent to CH1 arrives a few nano seconds before the pulse arriving at the plate adjacent to

The TEV circuitry performance can be checked as follows:

With CH1 and CH2 probes plugged into the unit switch on the test source.
Hold CH1 and CH2 probes in the adjacent test plate position on either side of the unit.

CH1 must show a First indication indicating the pulse arrived at CH1 before CH2. This test
confirms the precedence detectors are working correctly.
Swapping over the probes must result in the First indication moving to CH2.

The actual level of the pulse should also be checked to verify the TEV trigger levels
detectors are working correctly.

Press Auto on CH1 probe – a reading of 38dB typically will be displayed.

Press Auto on CH2 probe – a reading of 38dB typically will be displayed.

The levels will vary slightly if only one channel is held on the plate. This is due to the relative
capacitance return paths being slightly different with only one probe.

The above tests should be carried out with the AUTO/MANUAL switch in both positions to
confirm correct precedence operation in both modes.

Note: The test source is not a calibrator; the instrument is calibrated before dispatch
and should be subsequently calibrated annually.

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9.14 TEV – Discharge Pattern

This screen displays the discharge pattern on a mains cycle time base for Channel 1. To use
this feature, the 50/60Hz mains reference source must be connected to the instrument or the
photo sensor must be able to pick up a reference from mains powered lights. If a mains
reference source is available this will be used by the instrument even if the photo sensor is
able to pick up a reference. The time base is split up into forty slots and will indicate if a
trigger has been detected in this slot over the update period. The display is then updated
every second.

 To adjust the TEV level, use the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons on the right to increase or
decrease the TEV trigger level shown in the centre of the screen
 The discharge pattern on a mains cycle is shown beneath the trigger level; the
horizontal axis represents the time base and is marked at 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360
degrees. Triggers are shown as vertical lines along the time base

On the right hand side of the screen there are two buttons: + and -.

+ – Increases the TEV trigger level

Auto – Takes an automatic measurement of the TEV level. This button is
highlighted when the measurement is being taken
- – Decreases the TEV trigger level

In addition to these functions, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Mode, Back, Save, Menu.

Mode – Moves to the next TEV screen

Back – Moves to the previous TEV screen
Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

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9.15 TEV Pulse Count Histogram

This screen displays a histogram of TEV pulse magnitude on the x axis against pulse per
cycle on the y axis.

This screen can be useful to identify more than one discharge at different levels and different
pulse rates. In particular a high pulse rate discharge can be masked by a lower rate higher
magnitude discharge.

In addition to these functions, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Mode, Back, Save, Menu.

Mode – Moves to the next TEV screen

Back – Moves to the previous TEV screen
Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

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9.16 Ultrasonic – Internal Probe

The Ultrasonic Measurement screen is shown below:

 The ultrasonic reading is displayed in dB microvolts (dBμV)

 The maximum reading obtained since entering this mode or since the last reset
 The ‘traffic light’ display indicates if the reading is above the threshold set in the
Ultrasonic Settings menu. The default value is the same as the UltraTEV Detector,
i.e. > 6dB = RED
 The gain can be adjusted from 60 to 100 dB in 20dB steps using the ‘G-’ and ‘G+’
buttons at the side of the screen.
 Signals that are outside a given range will result in a flashing ‘gain adjust’ arrow and
‘Out of Range’ message being displayed. The arrow direction, up or down indicates
that the gain should be increased (upward pointing arrow) or decreased (downward
pointing arrow) to accommodate the signal being investigated.

Upward pointing arrow and ‘Out

of Range’ message indicating
that the gain should be
increased to accommodate the
signal being measured.

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 The volume of the heterodyne signal supplied to the headphones can be adjusted by
pressing the volume scroll bar at the level required.

The magnitude of a signal source that can be measured on each gain setting is indicated in
the table below.
There is some overlap between the ranges which allows some signals to be measured on
more than one range.

Gain range (dB) Signal magnitude that can be measured

100 -7 – 25dB
80 10 – 45dB
60 28 – 100dB

On exiting the ‘Ultra Mode’ and returning to the main menu, the instrument stores the current
gain setting and subsequently uses that setting when returning to the ‘Ultra Mode’ screen
from the main menu.

The last stored gain setting will also be used by default when entering the ‘Ultra Mode’
following instrument switch on.

In addition to these functions, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Test, Mute, Reset, Save, Menu.

Test – Activates/Deactivates an Ultrasonic test source behind the grill that is below
the CH1 TEV connector on the front connector panel
Mute – Pressing the Mute button will drop the volume bar to zero. Pressing the
mute button again will restore the previously set volume. This button can be
particularly useful when using a contact probe as touching or moving the
probe can cause excessive volume to be experienced through the
Reset – Resets the Max indication to zero
Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

When taking ultrasonic measurements either with the instrument or flexible sensor,
the front face of the instrument or the flexible sensor should not touch the plant item
being investigated.

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9.17 Cable PD
The RFCT is used in conjunction with the Cable PD measurement screen shown below:

 PD Reading – Shows the current measured discharge level in pC

 Historic Reading – Shows the last 15 measured values on a scrolling
histogram, colour coded as per the traffic lights
 Traffic Light Display – Shows the status of the current discharge level as Green,
Amber, or Red, and determined by the settings
 Maximum Reading – the maximum reading obtained since entering this mode or
since the last reset

In addition to these functions, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Reset, Save, Menu.

Test – Injects a 10000 pC level (+- 500) into the input of the cable PD circuits to
verify cable PD circuits are functioning correctly.
Reset – Resets the maximum reading
Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

Fig D - RFCT with BNC attached

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9.18 Temperature
The temperature measurement screen is shown below. To use this feature the non-contact
temperature sensor must be connected to the instrument. Depending on the supplied probe
there will be differing field of views. The field of view translates into the following spot
diameters in the table below. The spot diameter is the diameter of the spot over which a
reading is taken. The emissivity of the probe is fixed at 0.95. If the target has a lower
emissivity than the sensor's setting, then the sensor will read low. If the target emissivity is
higher than the sensor's setting, the sensor will read high. The size of the measurement
error depends on the error in the emissivity setting and the temperature of the target.

Model: CI 5183
Field of view 2:1
Spot diameter 12mm 62mm 112mm
Distance: Sensor to object 0mm 100mm 200mm

Model: CI 5217
Field of view 30:1
Spot diameter 12mm 45mm 79mm
Distance: Sensor to object 0mm 500mm 1000mm

 Temperature Reading – Shows the current temperature on the non-

contact temperature sensor in degrees Celsius
 Traffic Light Display – Shows the current temperature as Green, Amber,
or Red, determined by the settings

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‘Please Wait’ message

indicates the ambient
measurement is still

 Maximum Reading – Shows the maximum reading obtained since

entering this mode or the maximum being reset
 Pressure - Shows the ambient barometric pressure in millibars
 Dew Point - Shows the dew point associated with the ambient
temperature and humidity
 Ambient Temperature – Shows the ambient temperature around the
instrument in degrees Celsius. A ‘Please Wait’
message indicates the ambient temperature
measurement is still stabilizing. Two identical
readings are required over a 10 second period before
the message is switched off
 Humidity – Shows the relative humidity around the instrument
as a percentage

In addition to this information, there are a number of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
Reset, Save, Menu.

Reset – Resets the maximum reading

Save – Saves the current readings
Menu – Returns to the Main Menu

Note, the ambient temperature sensor has a time constant of 30 seconds and the relative
humidity sensor has a time constant of 8 seconds. It will therefore take 150 seconds and 40
seconds respectively to reach 99.6% of the actual temperature and humidity.

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10 TEV Function Checker

UltraTEV Locator is supplied with built in function checkers. The purpose of these is to verify
the UltraTEV Locator is operational before taking a measurement on any switchgear. Note:
It is not intended to check the calibration of the instrument.

To check whether the UltraTEV Locator is operating correctly, switch the instrument on and
select the TEV – Dual Probe screen.

Pressing the test button will highlight the button indicating the test source is active.

The TEV trigger levels for CH1 and CH2 are automatically set to 36dB to give reliable
triggering - the pulses applied to the side plates being a few dB higher than this.

Pressing the test button a second time will return the button and source to the inactive state.
The last set TEV trigger levels will not be affected.

When the test source is active the instrument generates pulses of similar magnitude,
duration and rise-time to discharge transients.

The pulses are fed to two plates on either side of the unit. A pulse arriving at the plate
adjacent to CH1 arrives a few nano seconds before the pulse arriving at the plate adjacent to

The TEV circuitry performance can be checked as follows:

With CH1 and CH2 probes plugged into the unit, switch on the test source.
Hold CH1 and CH2 probes in the adjacent test plate position on either side of the unit.

CH1 must show a First indication indicating the pulse arrived at CH1 before CH2. This test
confirms the precedence detectors are working correctly.
Swapping over the probes must result in the First indication moving to CH2.

The actual level of the pulse should also be checked to verify the TEV trigger levels
detectors are working correctly.

Press Auto on CH1 probe – a reading of 38dB typically will be displayed.

Press Auto on CH2 probe – a reading of 38dB typically will be displayed.

The levels will vary slightly if only one channel is held on the plate. This is due to the relative
capacitance return paths being slightly different with only one probe.

The above tests should be carried out with the AUTO/MANUAL switch in both positions to
confirm correct precedence operation in both modes.

Note: The test source is not a calibrator; the instrument is calibrated before dispatch
and should be subsequently calibrated annually.

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Fig E – Testing the instrument and probes using the built in function checker

Switch off the test pulse with the ‘Test’ button.

It is recommended that the UltraTEV Locator is checked before each use.

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11 TEV Measurement Procedure

11.1 Background Noise

Electromagnetic signals from external sources can also induce transient earth voltages on
the outside of the switchgear. These sources may be overhead line insulators, transformer
bushings, strong radio signals, and even traffic on a nearby Motorway. These sources
subsequently produce TEV signals on metalwork that is not connected to the switchgear,
such as metal substation doors or fencing. This background noise must therefore be
measured on such surfaces before any measurements are made on the switchgear. If the
background noise is <10dB then the UltraTEV Locator pulse counter is not incremented and
will read zero.

Measure the background noise level on a piece of metalwork that is not part of or connected
to the switchgear, (e.g. a metal door, a metal fence). Record three consecutive dB values
and counts on the metalwork and then take the mean amplitude reading as the background

11.2 Making a Magnitude Measurement

Switch the instrument on and select ‘TEV’ on the touch screen and then put the instrument
into TEV – Continuous mode using the buttons on screen. Connect a probe to Channel 1.
To take a measurement hold the TEV probe squarely in contact with the metalwork on which
the measurement is to be taken (preferably keeping the probe body away from neighbouring
metalwork as shown below). The unit will display the TEV reading on the screen and the
historic readings on the scrolling histogram.

Correct Incorrect

Fig F – Probe positioning when taking TEV measurements

Other single probe modes available include:

TEV – Continuous Pulse Mode

TEV – PDL Mode
TEV – Discharge Pattern
Measurements on switchgear are made at the centre of each component of each panel e.g.
cable box, CT chamber, busbar chamber, circuit breaker or VT. The position of the circuit

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breakers or other MV/HV switches should be recorded, because if these are in the off
position, certain components will not be energised and therefore readings will not be valid on
such components.

Record the first set of readings at each switch position unless the measurement amplitude is
greater than 10dB above the background, and greater than 20dB, 50 counts. If this is the
case, record three consecutive sets of readings.

11.2.1 Notes on Amplitude Measurements

1. At least one measurement should be made per panel on an extensible type switchboard.
If signals of significant magnitude are detected on a panel, further measurements should be
made to establish where the signal strength is a maximum.

2. Measurements on cable sealing ends (i.e. where a cable is terminated for connection to
an overhead line, or to plant with exposed high voltage conductors) should normally be
made with the probe about 1.5m above ground level.

3. As the magnitude of TEV signals reduces rapidly with distance travelled, a rough location
of a discharge site will be given by the position of the largest signal.
Within 5 metres of the site however, local maxima can occur due to constructive interference
between the signal and its reflections.

4. For more accurate measurements, the discharge site should be located by comparing the
arrival times of the transients at different points. This is achieved by using the UltraTEV
Locator in the double probe mode as described in the following section.

5. Measurements should be taken with the instrument supported with the strap around the
users shoulder or neck. This ensures the instrument will be a relatively controlled distance
from the surface being measured with the probes. Placing the instrument on the top of a
plant item under investigation is not recommended as this can result in reduced amplitude
measurements as TEV signals can be capacitively coupled into the circuit board ground
reference of the instrument.

11.3 Locating Partial Discharge Sites

Before attempting to use the UltraTEV Locator on items of plant, operators should familiarise
themselves with the equipment. The following text assumes that the operator is familiar with
the functions of the controls on the instrument.

11.3.1 Locating Partial Discharge Sites

1. Set the instrument to TEV – Duel Probe mode. Place the probes on the test specimen at
least 600mm apart and press the 'Auto' buttons on both probes.

2. On completion of the auto magnitude measurement ‘Trigger’ should flash simultaneously

under both readings and the leading channel should be indicated by ‘First’ on screen. Note:
To obtain satisfactory triggering, it may be necessary to reduce the attenuator settings by a
few dB's. Moving the probes should quickly establish where the discharge source is located.

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11.3.2 Notes on Location Measurements

When locating discharges, it is important that the operator takes into consideration the
possible signal paths. For example, when tests are made on cable sealing ends, the external
TEV mode signals always travel along the outside of the cable sheath away from the
termination regardless of whether the discharge source is in the sealing bell or in the cable.

This is a consequence of the high frequency skin effect that restricts high frequency currents
to a thin layer on the surface of conductors. The signals cannot travel through the thickness
of the cable sheath. Instead they must travel to the base of the sealing bell before
transferring to the outside of the cable sheath and travelling back, along the outside of the
cable, to ground.

11.3.3 Identification of Discharge Sources

The various types of discharge site exhibit characteristic patterns of behaviour in terms of
signal amplitude and time of occurrence relative to the phase of the high voltage supply.
The TEV – Discharge Pattern mode can be used to help identify the discharge type. It must
be noted that the phase relationship between the mains reference signal and the discharge
source in general will not be known; therefore the assessment must be made on the pattern.

Tests for discharges in cable sealing ends can be frustrated by corona discharges from
sharp projections on components such as arcing horns and conductor clamps. If the
discharges are found to occur repeatedly, in quick succession, around the peak negative
voltage of the high voltage supply, and nowhere else during the cycle, and the discharges
are all of similar amplitude, this is indicative of corona from a sharp projection on a
component at high voltage. If the discharges occur around the positive peak, the corona is
associated with a sharp projection on the 'earthy' side of a discharge gap. If the absolute
phase is not known, it will not be possible to distinguish between these two options but the
presence of a corona source will still be apparent. If these are the only discharges detected,
no further tests need be made and the circuit can remain in service.

Discharges between two insulating surfaces (e.g. in a void within the insulation) generally
show considerable variation in amplitude between events. They occur in two parts of the
cycle starting before each zero voltage crossing and finishing just before the ensuing voltage
maximum. Within these time slots, their occurrences can be fairly random. The behaviour is
similar for both time slots.

Discharges between an insulating and a metallic surface (e.g. at a poorly fitting electrode)
exhibit similar characteristics but there is asymmetry between the positive and negative
going time slots. Discharges between two metallic surfaces (e.g. between the earth foil of a
capacitor bushing and its connecting plug) are, generally larger in amplitude and more
regular in terms of amplitude and timing.

If one side of the discharge site has a small external radius and the other is relatively flat
(e.g. a piece of metallic swarf adjacent to, but not in electrical contact with, the chamber of a
gas insulated switchboard or, at the edge of a stress grading foil in a capacitor bushing), the
discharges exhibit strong asymmetry between the positive and negative going cycles.

A poor electrical contact is easily recognised because it generates a large number of

discharges when the current is a maximum. This is most likely to occur when the item under
test is being energised from a test transformer. Note: The item under test will normally be
reactive and so the current will be a maximum around the voltage zeros.

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11.3.4 Testing Plant Which Can be Racked Out

A problem can occur in identifying the source of discharges when testing plant which can be
racked out, such as circuit breakers, voltage transformers, etc. If discharges are found on
this type of plant, it is possible to arrange for the item to be isolated by racking it out to
determine whether the discharges are in the plant item or are coming from the busbar
chamber. In particular, it may be necessary to determine whether a discharge site is in the
plug bushing of the circuit breaker or the orifice bushing of the busbar chamber.

A discharge site in the orifice bushing may remain active if the plug bushing is withdrawn
and it might therefore be expected that the level of discharge on the busbar chamber would
be unaffected when the circuit breaker is racked out if the source is in the orifice bushing.
However, this is not the case.

When the plug bushing is disconnected from the orifice bushing, there is no central
conductor at the outer end of the orifice bushing. A short length of circular wave-guide will
therefore be created which will appear as an open circuit to all signals below its cut off

The effect of this is to reflect internal discharges generated in the orifice bushing back into
the bushing, preventing them from being detected externally. It will therefore appear that the
discharge source is in the circuit breaker as the discharge on the busbar will have
disappeared. If this situation occurs, it will be necessary to carry out separate HV tests using
a test transformer to energise the circuit breaker under standard HV test safety procedures.

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12 Ultrasonic Measurement Procedure

Ultrasonic activity above the background levels may be a significant indication of partial
discharge. Genuine discharge can be identified by a crackling sound (similar to a sizzling
frying pan), through the headphones.

Turn on the unit and select Ultra Mode from the menu. Plug in the supplied headphones
and adjust the volume. The reading will continuously update on screen. A measurement of
the background noise should be taken within the substation. This is done by pointing the
probe away from any direct ultrasonic sources, such as switchgear and fluorescent lighting,
and taking a measurement. Record three consecutive sets of readings and take the mean
amplitude reading as the background measurement.

To survey the switchgear, point the ultrasonic sensor towards any air gaps, particularly
breaker spouts, air filled cable boxes, VT and busbar chambers. Set the gain to maximum
initially and reduce the gain if the readings are too high.

The gain can be adjusted from 60 to 100 dB in 20dB steps using the ‘G-’ and ‘G+’ buttons at
the side of the screen. If an arrow pointing up appears next to the gain value, increase the
gain setting to improve the accuracy of the reading. If an arrow pointing down is displayed,
decrease the gain accordingly as the instrument reading will potentially be higher than that

Note: appropriate safety distances must be maintained at all times.

To convert from dBµV to dB SPL (sound pressure level) subtract 19dB from the reading.

Fig G – Probe positioning when taking Ultrasonic measurement

When taking ultrasonic measurements either with the instrument or flexible sensor,
the front face of the instrument or the flexible sensor should not touch the plant item
being investigated.

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13 Ultrasonic Accessories

13.1 Flexible Sensor

The Flexible Sensor provides a means of

reaching inaccessible parts on the
switchgear. The sensor is mounted at the
end of a flexible goose-neck which allows the
angle of the sensor to the handle to be
adjusted. This allows the user to make
measurements where it would be difficult to
use the built in sensor and still be able to
read the display.

13.2 UltraDish

The UltraDish provides a means of detecting

discharge sources at a distance. It
comprises a transparent parabolic reflector
that focuses the ultrasonic sound on to a
sensor mounted at the focus point of the
reflector. The UltraDish gives an effective
increase in gain compared to the built in
sensor. The UltraDish can be aimed at the
target by using either the optical sight or the
built in laser pointer activated by a switch on
the handle.

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13.3 Ultrasonic Contact Probe

The Ultrasonic Contact Probe (UCP) is

provided to enable discharges to be detected
in enclosed areas where there is no direct air
path from the discharge source to the
sensor. The Probe connects to the external
sensor connector of the UltraTEV Plus+ or
the UltraTEV Locator and is clamped on to
the area or interest using the magnets
surrounding the sensor plate. The Probe will
detect discharge sources inside the enclosed
area by detecting the energy transmitted to
the enclosure.

The Ultrasonic Contact Probe was designed

to support the assessment of HV assets for
the presence of Partial Discharge (PD). The
main asset group identified are hermetically
sealed devices such as cable boxes, SF6
switches or GIS switches.

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14 Use of Ultrasonic Contact Probe

The Ultrasonic Contact Probe should be used if there is not a direct path between the PD
source and instrument sensor (Figure 1b). However, it must not be used if the tank
containing the expected PD source is separated with another layer (see Figure 1c). In cases
where there is a direct air path between the source of PD and the instrument, an airborne
sensor should be used (Figure 1a). Due to the physics of ultrasound, in some cases the
Ultrasonic Contact Probe may offer better sensitivity than that obtained using an airborne

Surface PD Surface PD Surface PD



a b c
Fig H – Use of the Ultrasonic Contact Probe

a) Ultrasonic signal can propagate through the air path. The Ultrasonic Contact Probe can
be used; however, better results may be obtained using the airborne sensor.

b) No available air gaps - using an Ultrasonic Contact Probe is the best practice.

c) There is no access to the tank containing PD source, neither the airborne sensor nor the
Ultrasonic Contact Probe will provide a valid reading.

Cable Socket
Contact Probe

Aluminium Body

Sensor Head (stainless steel)

Asset surface or measurement point

(where the Ultrasonic Contact Probe is attached)

Fig I - Ultrasonic Contact Probe Construction

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14.1 Detection, Measurement and Localisation of the Partial

Detection of the Partial Discharge using the Ultrasonic Contact Probe is based on the PD
pattern recognition carried out by operators. The audio signature of a Partial Discharge
detected by the UCP is similar to those obtained using airborne sensors. Special care has
to be taken to distinguish phantom signals from genuine signals caused by surface PD.

Before carrying out measurements the surroundings should be made as quiet as is

reasonably practicable to allow detection of ‘quiet’ sources. In loud or noisy industrial
environments measurements may be compromised. The conditions under which
measurements are taken should be carefully recorded to allow relative comparisons to be

Due to the differing propagation paths of the ultrasonic signals, measurements carried out
using the UCP cannot be compared against measurements carried out using airborne
sensors. In general signals detected by the UCP are smaller as a result of the physical
properties of the asset and propagation path. Comparisons between two UCP
measurements should only be made on assets of the same type using the same
configuration of the UCP.

14.2 Mounting Practices

The Ultrasonic Contact Probe was designed to provide sufficient sensitivity to allow it to be
used to detect low level ultrasonic noise sources. As it is a very sensitive device the best
results are obtained in a working environment which is as ‘quiet’ as possible.

Figure 3 shows scenarios where the Ultrasonic Contact Probe is mounted ineffectively to the
asset enclosure.

Any air gap between Sensor Head and measurement point will effectively attenuate signals
to a level where even strong discharges will not be detected. Therefore before any
permanent or temporary installation, the Sensor Head and asset surface need to be cleaned
of any loose or unstable material. If the assets surface is very rough and uneven this will
create air gaps which will result in poor contact between the Sensor Head and the asset.

Contact Probe Contact Probe

a b
Fig J - Incorrect Mounting Scenarios

a) Dust ingress between Ultrasonic Contact Probe Sensor Head and the asset surface.
b) A rough or uneven surface will drastically decrease the amount of signal being transferred
to the Sensor Head.

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Figure 4a shows the correct way of mounting the Ultrasonic Contact Probe to the asset in
order to take a valid measurement. Ideally the Ultrasonic Contact Probe will be attached to
a relatively flat surface using its magnetic clamp. This will eliminate any phantom noises
which are described in the section below.

Figure 4b shows a case where the surface is very rough and uneven. One of the following
couplants may be used:-

 Water based – suitable for quick measurement offers very good coupling.
 Oil based – suitable for long term monitoring as the oil will not evaporate
 Solid state – suitable for long term monitoring but does not offer as good
coupling as oil based.

Figure 4c shows the application of pressure to the Ultrasonic Contact Probe against the
asset under investigation. This can improve the signal transfer and increases its detection
abilities. Please note, when the instrument dB values are read for comparison purposes,
always use the same type of the sensor, in the same position as previously used. The asset
measuring point can be marked on the plant item to facilitate easy location in future.

Contact Probe Contact Probe Contact Probe

a b c
Fig K – Correct Mounting Scenarios

a) Relatively flat and smooth surface.

b) Using suitable couplant in the case of a rough surface.
c) Carefully pressing the Ultrasonic Contact Probe towards the asset to increase coupling
may eliminate the need to use a couplant.

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14.3 Sources of Noise and Phantom Signals

Figure 5 presents some examples of how unwanted signals may be introduced during the
PD detection process when using the Ultrasonic Contact Probe. These can be categorised
as sources of noise and sources of phantom PD signals. The difference between the two is
that noise decreases our detection capabilities by masking the PD signal, whereas phantom
signals may be confused as a PD source.

Figure 5a shows that when the UCP is kept in the hand during measurements, even tiny
movements of the hand can introduce significant noise to measurements through surface
noise. In cases where it is necessary to hold the Ultrasonic Contact Probe during
measurements (e.g. pushing the sensor to obtain more signal or non-magnetic asset
enclosure), a coupling fluid may help to reduce this type of noise.

Any vibrations of the asset surface caused for example by rain in outdoor assets or vibration
of transformers may cause phantom signals. In such cases the audible signal may be
appear exactly the same as a genuine PD source. These two examples are shown in Figure
5b and 5c.

a b c

Contact Probe Contact Probe Contact Probe

Fig L - Sources of Noise and Phantom Signals

a) Shaking Ultrasonic Contact Probe, e.g. when held in the hand.

b) Rain in outdoor assets.
c) Vibration (including transformers) of asset enclosure where the Ultrasonic Contact Probe
is attached.

14.4 UltraTEV Locator Mute Button

Handling or moving the Ultrasonic Contact Probe when in use can produce an
uncomfortable level of audible ‘noise’ through the headphones. The volume can be
temporarily muted when handling the UCP between measurements by way of a mute button
on the UltraTEV Locator. This feature may not be present on any instruments sold before
November 2010. Earlier instruments can be updated with this feature by way of a firmware
update when the next calibration is carried out on the measuring instrument.

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15 Guide to Interpretation of UltraTEV Locator TEV


TEV Reading Conclusion

1. High background reading, i.e. greater (a) High levels of background noise can mask
than 20dB. discharges within the switchgear
(b) Possibly due to an external influence. If
possible remove the external source and
re-test alternatively re-survey using the
PD Monitor to identify any discharges in

2. If all the readings on the switchgear and No significant discharging. Re-survey

the background reference are less than 20dB. annually.

3. For switchgear readings greater than 10dB Strong possibility of internal discharge activity
above the background and if the reading is within the switchgear.
greater than 20dB (absolute), i.e. not 20dB
above the background level, and is more than Recommend further testing using the
50 counts. PD Locator or PD Monitor.

4. For readings with a count rate greater than There may be transmitted background
1000. electromagnetic activity in the region. If the
readings are greater than 20dB then it is
recommended that a PD Monitor be installed
to identify external electromagnetic activity.

A high count rate may be caused by surface

discharges. If this is the case, ultrasonic
emissions will be present which can be
detected with the UltraTEV Locator, provided
an air path is present.

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16 Relating TEV Reading (in dB) to Discharge

Magnitude (in pC)

Conventional Partial Discharge detection according to IEC60270, measures the apparent

charge transfer from the high voltage conductor system when a discharge occurs. Thus the
discharge magnitudes are normally expressed in pico-coulombs (pC). At the detection
frequencies used by conventional PD detectors (typically 10 - 300 kHz), all items of high
voltage plant, with the exception of long cables, can be considered to be lumped capacitors.

The TEV measurement works over the frequency range 3 - 100MHz. At these frequencies
high voltage power plant items behave similarly to transmission lines rather than capacitors.
The area under the voltage/time curve would be proportional to the charge transfer during
the discharge process.

TEV sensors measure the peak voltage of the detected transient, rather than the area under
the curve. Therefore, it does not measure the charge directly.

Furthermore, it is the peak of the wave detected on the external surface of the metal-
cladding that is measured and this will be a fraction of that within the cladding.

As the pulse travels along the external surfaces of the metal-cladding it disperses, i.e.
spreads out. This has the effect of reducing the peak amplitude whilst maintaining the area
under the curve. Therefore, the further away from the discharge source the pulse is
detected, the greater the attenuation.

Clearly the relation between dB and pC is dependent on many factors, most of which are
difficult to quantify.

Some recent laboratory tests undertaken by an independent party, and field measurements
undertaken by EA Technology, on various system components, combining both conventional
discharge detection and TEV measurements, yielded the results detailed in the tables on
pages 36 and 37.

16.1 Surface Discharges

The most successful way of detecting surface discharges is using ultrasonic techniques.
Surface discharges produce very low TEV signals compared to internal discharges. In
addition, the electromagnetic signals produced by surface discharges are lower in frequency
than the operating band of the TEV instruments. This is due to the slower rise times of the
waveforms. In many cases the signals will not be picked up by TEV only instruments as
they will be lower than the ambient noise levels.

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Table 1 dB-pC guidance for 25kV close to termination

TEV Reading (dB) PD Conventional

Measurement (pC)
0 32
5 56
10 100
15 178
20 316
25 560
30 1,000
35 1,780
40 3,160
45 5,600
50 10,000
55 17,800
60 31,600

Table 2 gives some empirical results for a phase to earth discharge in a compound-filled
11kV cable end box.

Table 2 dB-pC guidance for compound-filled 11kV distribution cable end box

TEV Reading (dB) PD Conventional

Measurement (pC)
0 100
5 178
10 316
15 562
20 1,000
25 1,780
30 3,160
35 5,620
40 10,000
45 17,800
50 31,600
55 56,200
60 100,000

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Table 3 gives some empirical results for a phase to earth discharge in a SRBP bushing in an
Oil Circuit Breaker.

Table 3 dB-pC guidance for SRBP Bushing in Oil Circuit Breaker

TEV Reading (dB) PD Conventional

Measurement (pC)
0 134
5 239
10 423
15 753
20 1,340
25 2,390
30 4,230
35 7,530
40 13,400
45 23,900
50 42,300
55 75,300
60 134,000

Table 4 gives some empirical results for an internal discharge in a Cast Resin CT at 11kV.

Table 4 dB-pC guidance for Cast Resin CT at 11kV

TEV Reading (dB) PD Conventional

Measurement (pC)
0 224
5 399
10 708
15 1,260
20 2,240
25 3,990
30 7,080
35 12,600
40 22,400
45 39,990
50 70,800
55 126,000
60 224,000

It must be stressed that the tables above should only be used as a rough guide. Whilst it is
generally correct that increasing pC levels equates to increasing dB levels, factors such as

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the source of the discharge activity and the attenuation path all have significant influence on
calibrating results.

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17 RFCT - General
Using the RFCT for online PD (Partial Discharge) tests on medium voltage (6.6kV – 132kV)
power cables is relatively straightforward and very safe, as the current transformer is simply
clamped around the earth cable using its split core as illustrated in Figure A. This method
can be used on-line without disconnecting cables or switching off supplies to customers.

17.1 Background Noise Measurement

RFCT measurements can be affected by background noise generated either inside the
substation or from outside. Examples of noise sources are:-

 Local radio transmitter

 Corona from outdoor switch compounds

To measure the background noise level, fit the RFCT to a nearby LV earth.

For the background noise level to be acceptable readings less than 2,500pC for PILC and
250pC for XLPE cables are required.

Fig M – RFCT Online Partial Discharge Test

17.2 Practical RFCT Connection Requirements

To measure Cable PD signals the PD current must pass through the RFCT. This can either
be in the conductor alone, or the earth strap alone. If both the conductor and earth pass
through the middle of the RFCT then the PD signals will cancel each other out and no
reading will be obtained.

Normally the simplest method when completing an online PD test is to use the earth strap.
The plant item must allow access to the earth strap and there must be insulation between
the switch gear earth and the cable earth.

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With XLPE cable installations the user can normally get access to the cable earth strap or
the core of the cables. The earth strap can be looped out of the termination box to give
better access.
With PILC (Paper Insulated Lead Covered) cables difficulty may arise attaching the RFCT
unit as the cable earth and switchgear earth can be bonded together. This is more usual on
older PILC cables using compound filled cable boxes. The placement of the RFCT is then
not possible until an insulated gland has been installed with an earth strap bridging the gland
in order to earth the cable and the switch gear earth together, so as to allow a PD test.

17.3 Cable Partial Discharge (PD)

The power cables being tested for a PD event must be earthed via an earth strap to allow
measurements to be made of PD between phase and earth. Once a PD event has occurred
through the electrical insulation of a cable, a set of pulses both equal in magnitude but
opposite in polarity are seen on the line conductors and the earth conductor. Also if a PD
event occurs between two phases, the effect of equal magnitude and opposite polarity is
seen on the phase conductors that the PD event occurred.

It should also be noted that on XLPE cables the PD event will normally take place on the
cable terminations and it is unlikely that a phase to phase PD will occur within the cable
itself. Conversely, on PILC cables the PD effect can occur more often (than on XLPE types)
between phase and phase, and the PD events can also be seen on the cables terminations.

The illustration below shows the effect of a partial discharge. However, the PD effect has
been exaggerated for the purpose of this explanation.

Fig N - Effect of cable partial discharge

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17.4 RFCT Connection Requirements

The RFCT detects the occurrence of a partial discharge between the line conductor and
earth by monitoring the condition of either of the three connection methods mentioned

By monitoring the earth cable only (figure C),

By monitoring the line conductor without the earth (figure D) or,
By monitoring the line conductor and earth within the sheathing and the earth cable external
to the sheathing when passed back through the RFCT (figure F).

IF the RFCT is placed over both the line conductor and earth cable at the same time the
discharge currents are cancelled. This is illustrated in figure E and the method to counter this
effect is shown in figure F and figure G

Fig O – RFCT Connection examples

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Fig P – Overcoming cancellation of discharge currents by looping back earth


17.4.1 Cable Type Restrictions

In cable types like the XLPE the phase cores are separately screened. On belted cables
there is a common screen around the three phases.

This is important because on belted cables phase to phase voltages exist, whereas on XLPE
cables this is not the case.

On the 3 phase 6.6kV – 11kV belted cable types, the RFCT will not see a PD occurring
between phases when placed over the earth strap, as the discharge current flows only in the
phase conductor.

The implications for online PD tests for belted cables is that only phase to ground PD
measurements can be taken, with the phase to phase measurements not being possible
unless access to the individual cores is obtained.

Although it is difficult to gain access to the cable cores in belted cables within compound
filled boxes, it is a little easier to gain access to the XLPE cores at the dry type terminations
below an earth point. However this access is dependent on the safety requirements given by
the owners of the plant, and permission must be obtained before trying this method.

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17.5 Guide to Interpretation of RFCT Readings

Using the guide levels in the table below an UltraTEV Locator in conjunction with an RFCT
can be used to condition monitor and assess both XLPE and PILC cables operating at MV
(6.6kV to 132kV) levels.

The results in Pico-Coulombs (pC) and can be used as a starting point in building up a
database of measurements over the longer term.

PILC Cables XLPE Cables Cable Condition

0 – 3000pC 0 – 250pC PD limits are acceptable
3000 – 6500pC 250 – 350pC Little concern but PD
monitoring is recommended
6500 – 10000pC 350 – 500pC Raised concern and regular
PD monitoring is
10000pC and above 500pC and above Replacement or repair is

Table 1 - PD levels and cable conditions for MV 6.6kV to 132kV cables.

PILC XLPE Condition

0 – 4000pC 0 – 500pC PD limits are acceptable
4000 – 6000pC 500 – 1000pC Little concern but PD
monitoring is recommended
6000 – 10000pC 1000 – 2500pC Raised concern and regular
PD monitoring is
10000pC and above 2500pC and above Replacement or repair is

Table 2 - Acceptable PD levels for MV cable terminations and joints.

Anything above 6500pC for PILC cables should be regularly monitored. For XLPE cables the
threshold is a lot lower at 350pC due to this cable type being far less resilient to PD activity.

The PD levels given for both XLPE and PILC cable terminations and joints have higher
acceptable PD levels than the cables themselves. This is because the terminations
inherently contain more insulation than the cables, which results in the terminations being
less susceptible to degradation at a given PD level of activity.

The relative proportions of PD activity failure rates relating to cable accessories and cables
for XLPE and PILC cables is summarized as follows.

XLPE = over 90% for the cable accessories, and up to 10% in the cables themselves.
PILC = around 70% for the cable accessories, and around 30% within the cables.

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18 UltraTEV Locator Instrument Specification

18.1 TEV Measurements

Sensor: Capacitive
Measurement Range: 0 – 60 dBmV
Measurement Bandwidth: 2 – 80 MHz
Resolution: 1dB
Accuracy: ±1dB
Max Number of Pulses/Cycle: 2216
Min Level for Pulse Count: 10 dBmV
Pulse Count Level: Measurement Level less 10dB
Min Pulse Rate: 10Hz (rolling displays only)
Precedence: 0.3ns equivalent to 10cm

18.2 Ultrasonic Measurements

Measurement Range: -7dBµV to 68 dBµV
Resolution: 1dB
Accuracy: ±1dB
Transducer Sensitivity: -65dB (0dB = 1volt/µbar RMS SPL)
Transducer Centre Frequency: 40 kHz
Transducer Diameter: 16mm
Heterodyning Frequency: 38.4 kHz

18.3 Cable PD Measurements

Sensor: RFCT
Measurement Range: 0 – 25,000pC
Resolution: 98pC
Accuracy: 98pC
Min Pulse Rate: 10Hz

18.4 Hardware
Enclosure: Self-coloured injection moulded plastic case
Indicators: Colour back-lit LCD
Charging indicator LED
Controls: Membrane keypad
Connectors: TEV/Ultrasonic Lemo mixed socket
TEV Lemo mixed socket
Cable PD BNC socket
External Ultrasonic sensor Lemo multipole socket
Non-contact temperature sensor Lemo multipole socket
3.5mm stereo headphone socket
USB 1.1 port
2.1mm 18V Charger Input
1.3mm 9V AC mains reference input
Headphones: Min. 8 ohms

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18.5 Environmental
Operating Temperature: 0 – 55 degrees C
Humidity: 0 – 90 % RH non-condensing
IP Rating: 30

18.6 Dimensions
Size: 240mm x 140mm x 140mm
Weight: 1.7kg

18.7 Power Supplies

Internal Batteries: 3.7V 27.2Ah Lithium-Ion
Typical Operating Time: approx. 13 hours
Battery Conservation: Automatic ‘switch off’ when low battery voltage
18.8 Battery Charger
Rated Voltage: 90 – 264V AC
Frequency: 47 - 63Hz
Charging Voltage: 18V DC
Charging Current: 2500 mA
Time for Full Charge: 7 hours
Dimensions: 74mm x 44mm x 34 mm
Weight: 0.12 kg
Operating Temperature: 0 - 40 degrees C
Humidity: 20 – 85% RH non-condensing

19 Contact Probe Specification

19.1 Sensor Head
Sensor Head: Stainless steel 304 core
Sensor Material: Piezo Ceramic
Transducer Centre Frequency: 40 kHz nominal

19.2 Hardware
Enclosure: Aluminium with stainless steel 304 core
Connectors: 7 pin Lemo

19.3 Environmental
Operating Temperature: 0 – 55 degrees C
Humidity: 0 – 90 % RH non-condensing
IP Rating: 54

19.4 Dimensions
Size: 84mm x 42mm diameter cylindrical
Weight: 338g

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20 Flexible Sensor
20.1 Sensor Head
Transducer Sensitivity: -65dB (0dB = 1volt/µbar RMS SPL)
Transducer Centre Frequency: 40 kHz
Transducer Diameter: 16mm

20.2 Connectors
Signal Connector: 7 pin Lemo

20.3 Environmental
Operating Temperature: 0 – 50 degrees C
Humidity: 0 – 90 % RH non-condensing
IP Rating: 54

20.4 Dimensions
Goose Neck Length: 175 mm
Handle Length: 120 mm

21 UltraDish Specification

21.1 Sensor Head

Transducer Sensitivity: -65dB (0dB = 1volt/µbar RMS SPL)
Transducer Centre Frequency: 40 kHz
Transducer Diameter: 16mm

21.2 Connectors
Signal Connector: 7 pin Lemo

21.3 Aiming Devices

Passive: Grooved V gun sight
Active: Class 3R Laser with trigger on/off

21.4 Environmental
Operating Temperature: 0 – 50 degrees C
Humidity: 0 – 90 % RH non-condensing
IP Rating: 54

21.5 Dimensions
Dish Diameter: 275 mm
Overall Length: 340 mm

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22 UltraTEV Locator Maintenance

It is important that the unit is kept clean and dry. It is not weatherproof. Avoid storage in
damp and humid conditions and do not subject it to temperature extremes, excessive
vibration or shocks. Do not stand on the case.

Internal, rechargeable batteries power the instrument.

No attempt should be made to gain access to the internal circuitry of the instrument, or its
accessories. Advice should be sought from the manufacturer, or the supplier, if any doubt
exists over the equipment's performance or operation.

The unit should be cleaned with a damp cloth. If more heavily soiled, a foam cleanser may
be used, provided care is taken not to allow fluid to enter the instrument. Abrasive cleaners
must not be used. Take care not to scratch the plastic overlay of the front panel, especially
in the area of the LCD window.

23 Ultrasonic Contact Probe Maintenance

The Sensor Head of the Ultrasonic Contact Probe should be kept clean during
measurements. Any significant scratches on the Sensor Head will introduce empty voids
between the Sensor Head and the asset enclosure, decreasing the amount of signal being
transfer to the Sensor Head.

Stainless steel has been used for the Sensor Head to prevent any oxidation. However, it is
important that Ultrasonic Contact Probe is kept dry.

The Ultrasonic Contact Probe is a very sensitive device and any significant mechanical
shock may cause internal damage and/or decrease its sensitivity.

Dropping the Ultrasonic Contact Probe onto a hard surface must be avoided at all costs as
this can destroy critical internal bonding of components that are required in its normal

Scratches and small marks to the aluminium body in general should not influence the
performance, but may be an indication that due care has not been exercised and that there
may be damage to the sensitive internal components.

The unit should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

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24 Warranty Policy

What Does the Warranty Policy Cover?

EA Technology products and accessories are warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for twelve months from the date of despatch from our premises.

During the warranty period, EA Technology will, at its option, either repair or replace
products, parts or accessories which prove defective.

What is not covered by the Warranty Policy?

The following are not covered: damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, product
modification or neglect; damage resulting from failure to follow instructions contained in your
operating manual; damage resulting from the performance of repairs by someone not
authorised by EA Technology.

Warranty Policy for repairs

Repaired products are warranted against defects in workmanship and materials for a period
of six months, or the remainder of the original warranty period, whichever is greater.

For warranty repair, please contact EA Technology Product Support:


Telephone: +44 (0)151 347 2293

25 Calibration

Calibration Interval: 12 months

Your application may require a different calibration interval dependant on the frequency of
use. The calibration interval should begin on the date the instrument is placed in service.

26 Repair

For information on our repair procedure please contact EA Technology Product Support:


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EA Technology UltraTEV Locator Operating Manual E503/L/01/3

27 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Directive (WEEE)

EA Technology is a member of an approved compliance scheme as defined by the WEEE

directive. When an EA Technology product reaches the end of its operational life, it must be
recycled by a licensed waste management operator, or returned to EA Technology for

28 Note

EA Technology has a policy of continual product development and enhancement.

Consequently, there may be minor variations in specifications or operation that are not
covered in this operating manual.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this operating manual
is accurate at the time of going to print.

If any errors or omissions are noticed, please notify:

29 Product Support


Freephone: 0800 032 6657 (UK only)

Tel: +44 (0)151 347 2293

30 Contact Us

UK Head Office Tel: +44 (0)151 339 4181

EA Technology Ltd Email:
Capenhurst Technology Park Freephone: 0800 027 7243 (UK only)
Chester, UK, CH1 6ES

US Corporate Office
Don Genutis, President1001 E. Tel: +1 813 752 6051
Baker St., Suite 200 Email:
Plant City, FL 33563

Middle East Office Tel: +971 2 673 5326

Alan Preece, Manager Email:
P.O. Box 46153

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EA Technology UltraTEV Locator Operating Manual E503/L/01/3

Abu Dhabi

Australia Office
Dr Keith Beven, Managing
Tel: +61 07 3257 3096
Mobile: +61 07 3990 1450
EA Technology Australia
7/34 Commercial Road
Newstead QLD 4006

China Office
Dr Yuan Tian - Manager
Room 27, 47th Floor
Tel: +86 (0)21 5116 2858
Hong Kong New World Tower
300 Huaihai Zhong Road
Shanghai 200021

Singapore Office
Tel: +65 6634 3591
Victor Chan, Managing Director
EA Technology Asset Mobile: +65 9438 1061
Management Pte Ltd Email:
8 Ubi Rd 2, Zervex, #03-08,
Singapore 408538

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31 Notes

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature
without the written permission of the copyright holder.

© EA Technology Ltd 2003 - 2013

EA Technology Limited, Capenhurst Technology Park, Capenhurst, Chester, CH1 6ES, UK

Tel: +44 (0)151 339 4181 Fax: +44 (0)151 347 2404
Registered in England number 256631

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