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Warranty on work done by BMR Workshop

Terms and conditions

All vehicles worked on by BMR Workshop will receive a 6 months/ 10 000km warranty ON WORK

Should the customer/owner experience any problem with the work done by BMR Workshop they MUST return the
vehicle to BMR Workshop for the warranty to have effect. An investigation will then be launched to determine the
cause of the problem, IF the problem is due to bad parts and/or workmanship supplied by BMR Workshop the
vehicle/problem will be repaired by BMR Workshop at no cost to the customer/owner.

Should the above mentioned investigation show that there was tampered with, worked on and/or stripping of any
kind done on the vehicle (where BMR worked), without a letter of consent by BMR Workshop, whilst under BMR
Workshop warranty, the warranty will then be void/ expire immediately. Any and all cost then related to the repair
of the vehicle and the problems experienced will then be for the customer/owners own account. BMR Workshop it’s
owners and or employees will not be liable for any accounts related to the repair of the vehicle.

Should the investigation show that negligence by the customer/ owner and /or extra work recommended to the
customer\ owner , that was not given attention to is the cause of any problems which may occur, BMR Workshop
it’s owners and /or employees will not be liable for any accounts related to the repair of the vehicle.

No warranty on electrical parts and/or parts supplied by the customer/owner.

No refunds of any kind will be given.

I _____________________________________ID no __________________________________ hereby accept and

understand the terms and conditions of the warranty on work done as stipulated above by BMR Workshop.

Vehicle __________________________

Reg. no __________________________

Vehicle km _______________________

Signature ____________________________ Date______________________________

BMR Workshop_______________________ Date_____________________________ _

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