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Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Greetings from Legal Aid Clinic, UPES School of Law

Legal Aid Clinic UPES has come up with the initiative of “HELPING HANDS”, which is
aimed at providing Pro Bono Legal Assistance to the ones in need of it. The team would be
glad to have you as their guiding forces in this journey. We would also like to state that there
are a few prerequisites, mentioned below, to be attended to and followed while joining us in
this initiative as the “Member of Alumni Panel”.

1. The panel member must be either 5 or 6 year LLB degree holder from UPES.
2. The panel member must not have been subjected to any disciplinary proceedings
during his/her course as a student in UPES.
3. There must not be any criminal action pending against the member.
4. The panel member must be a Bar Council registered practitioner for minimum 2
5. Availability for 2 hours per week, from Monday to Saturday.

Roles and duties-

1. Legal Advice- Advice in legal matters is given to all who approach the Centre, i.e.
how to make a will, how to file RTI, how to approach Consumer Forum, etc.
2. Dispute Resolution- Whenever a party approaches the Centre with a complaint
against another person, the Centre calls the opponent and after hearing both the sides
tries to settle the matter amicably or compromise/ negotiations/ conciliations are tried.
3. Support In Litigation- In cases of failure of ADR, litigation support is given in to
poor clients. Generally, the cases are referred to the alumni of the colleges practicing
in various courts.
4. Connect with DLSA- the alumni might also be need to represent the college before
the DLSA as and when needed.
5. Free Legal Services- to the ones in need such as drafting of petitions, notices, replies,
applications and other documents of legal importance
6. Oratory Team- Be a part of discussions and deliberations team for camps alongside
the other speakers, if local practitioner.
7. Mentorship- The members will be required to mentor the final year students in their
mandatory ProBono legal services providing, as per the direction of Legal Services
Authorities Act.

The alumni joining us the panel will be on further stage required to fill up a google form for
record and sign a consent form and once the consent form has been signed, it will be assumed
that the member has agreed to all the terms of the Legal Aid Clinic.

We look forward to your kind consideration of this invitation.

Sincere Thanks and Regards,

Dr. Kanchal Gupta
(Faculty Convenor)
Drishti Tiwari
(Student Convenor)
Sidhanta Sarkar
Ajay Narwal

Contatct us –
Drishti Tiwari Sidhanta Sarkar Ajay Narwal

9425556026 97202 81573 93284 44442

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