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Reflection and Personal Insights

Question One

Of all the topics studied in class, I find addiction quite interesting. Particularly, I am interested in

the description of addiction as not just a chemical but also a social problem. I felt touched by

Brittany’s story which showed that addiction is a chemical process in nervous system, but its

effects are felt by not only the individual but also the people around the addict (BadboyMMA).

The problem of addiction made me delve deeper into human daily practices, and I found out that

there are numerous practices that humanity needs to stop.

Noteworthy, addiction makes one unable to do without something. While growing up, I

used to be addicted to my phone. I would spend most of my time on social media, reading and

liking people’s posts. At some point, I would barely focus on my studies, and my interactions

with family members reduced significantly. The only friend I had was my phone, and a day

without my phone would be a ruined one to me. That way, my attachment to social media

changed my lifestyle a great deal; I would rarely go out with friends.

Thanks to the lesson on addiction, I can now compare my state then to Brittany’s case.

My inability to spend a day without my phone is comparable to Brittany’s inability to do without

heroin for four hours (BadboyMMA). That is a sign that my brain had developed dependence on

social media, and I would feel abnormal without it. Further, my addiction to social media was a

social problem as my interactions with and family members grew thin. Therefore, the lesson
Surname 2

showed me that addiction is a real problem, and people could be addicted to different things, not

necessarily drugs.

Question 2

In the future classes, I would like the topic of consumerism included in the course. Ideally,

consumerism entails promoting consumer interests to the public. For example, it is about

encouraging the public to take advantage of large-scale purchases, as it is economical in the long

run. Additionally, it could entail sensitizing the public on the need to avoid impulse buying and

hoarding disorder, among other economic challenges (Fernandes). Henceforth, consumerism is

not only a personal interest but also a social interest.

At individual levels, consumerism would help in eradicating cases of overspending,

which would harm the consumer in the long run. Noteworthy, if one spends on what they do not

need that money is wasted, and they would end up regretting the expenditure when they need to

acquire something they need, but lack the financial ability to acquire it. Besides, consumerism

would enable people to save, and therefore, accumulate wealth at individual levels through

investments. So, consumerism is a topic of interest to individuals in society since it encourages

sustainable consumption habits that would enable individuals to rise socioeconomically.

On the other hand, consumerism in a topic of social interest as it would ensure the

financial security of households, and therefore, the community at large. If a breadwinner acquires

sufficient knowledge of consumerism, they would be quite conscious of their spending habits.

Consequently, the entire family would enjoy high standards of living. Additionally, consumerism

would ensure a sustainable market for most consumer products. It would enable consumers to

budget appropriately and spend on various products in the economy. Thus, businesses would

flourish in an environment where consumers spend wisely.

Surname 3

Works Cited

BadboyMMA. “Intervention.s11-e01‘Brittany’ - Video Dailymotion.” Dailymotion,

Fernandes, Katherine. “Consumerism: A social problem.” Digital News Reporting, 2014.

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