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Holy Name University

College of Health Sciences

Department of Nursing
Tagbilaran City


Title: Hypertension Health Teaching Plan: Care and Management


After the allotted time I. Definition & Risk Factors 15 minutes Patient X with Date: 9/21/21
for discussion, the other
audience will be able Hypertension is a systolic blood pressure Hypertensive Venue: Hospital Powerpoint
to: (SBP) of 140 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic Patients Conference Room
blood pressure (DBP) of 90 mm Hg or higher
(American Society of Hypertension)
Evaluation Parameter:
1.Provide accurate Risk Factors: (Mayo Clinic Org, 2021)
Question and Answer
definition of
“Hypertension” and  Age: risk increases with age. Patient/s was [were]
identify the Risk Factors  Race: common among those with able to define
involved. African Heritage “Hypertension” and
 Family History: HBP tends to run in identify its Risk Factors
 Obesity: the more you weigh, the
more blood you need to supply
oxygen and nutrients to your tissues
 Not being Physically Active: the
higher your heart rate, the harder
the heart must work
 Smoking: the chemicals can
damage the lining of the artery
 Too much salt in diet: cause body
to retain fluid, increasing BP
 Too little potassium in diet: sodium
can build up in the blood,
increasing pressure
 Excessive Alcohol Drinking: heavy
drinking can damage the heart
 Stress: can lead to temporary
increase in blood pressure
 Certain Chronic Conditions:
conditions such as kidney diseases,
diabetes, and sleep apnea can
increase risk of HBP

II. Simplified Pathophysiology

2. Ask questions Evaluation Parameter:
concerning the Blood pressure is expressed in terms of Question and Answer
pathophysiology of systolic [contraction of the heart] blood 5 minutes Powerpoint
Hypertension. pressure and diastolic [relaxation of the A few raised questions
heart] blood pressure. This Blood Pressure is regarding the
determined by the Cardiac Output
Pathophysiology of
balanced against Systemic Vascular
Hypertension. Most
questions were
Definition of Terms: regarding the
 Cardiac Output: HR per minute Definition of Terms
multiplied by the amount of blood
pumped each beat
 Systemic Vascular Resistance: amount
of force exerted on circulating blood

The process of maintaining BP is complex

and involves numerous physiological
mechanisms and dysfunction on any of
these mechanisms can lead to the
development of hypertension.

Reference: Pharmaceutical Journal, 2015

III. Diagnostic Tests

3. Identify the Evaluation Parameter:
Laboratory Tests Routine Laboratory Tests: Question and Answer
 Urinalysis
 Blood Chemistry Test
 12-lead electrocardiogram
10 minutes Powerpoint One of the audiences
 CBC were able to identify
the tests mentioned
awhile ago.
Reference: Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Med-Surg
Nursing 14th Edition

IV. Signs & Symptoms

4. Describe the signs & Evaluation Parameter:
symptoms that  Severe Headache 5 minutes Question and Answer
characterized  Confusion Powerpoint
Hypertension.  Fatigue Audiences were able
 Pain to describe the signs
 Nosebleed and symptoms of
 Irregular Heartbeat
 Blood in Urine
 Pounding in Chest, Neck, or Ears

V. Medical and Nursing Managements

5. Correctly identify
respective Medical Managements: 10 minutes Evaluation Parameter:
medications and Question and Answer
describe a wider  Lifestyle Modification:
range of behavior and Two from the
Weight Reduction
knowledge regarding Powerpoint audiences were able
DASH eating plan
self-care Physical Activity to mention their
Dietary Sodium Reduction respective
Moderate Alcohol Consumption medications and was
able to identify proper
 Pharmacological Therapy:
ways of taking care of
African-American and all patients 60 themselves by giving
years of age and older with Stage 1 examples
Hypertension: Calcium Channel
Blocker or Thiazide Diuretic

Less than 60 years old with stage 1:

Angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor or ARB

If BP does not fall to less than 140/90

mmHg, dose is increased. If it reduces,
there’s a gradual reduction in dosage.

Nursing Managements: 20 minutes

 Increasing Knowledge
 Promoting Adherence to the
Therapeutic Regimen
 Promoting Home, Community-
Based, and Transitional Care
Leaflet on Self-Care
 Educate about Self-Care

Reference: Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Med-Surg

Nursing 14th Edition

VI. Alternative Managements 10 minutes

6. Site ways to prepare
Bawang (Garlic)
the Garlic and when Evaluation Parameter:
to take it. Powerpoint Question and Answer
Preparation: Maybe fried, roasted, soaked
in vinegar for 30 minutes, or blanched in
boiled water for 15 minutes. Take 2 pieces 3 Patient/s was [were]
times a day after meals. able to site way to
prepare Garlic for
Reference: RN Pedia, 2007

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