Fisa de Lucru 9 Activitate Remediala

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A Day in the Life of a Teacher (Reading Comprehension)

Read the text below, about a Romanian teacher of Geography, and then say if the
sentences are true (T) or false (F)/ Citiți textul de mai jos, despre un profesor de geografie
din România, și apoi spuneți dacă propozițiile sunt adevărate (T) sau false (F):

Elena is a teacher. She teaches Geography at a secondary school in a small town in

Romania. She likes her job very much. She also has a happy family life. She lives with her
family in a modern house. Elena is married. Her husband is an engineer. They have got a sixteen-
year-old daughter, Emma, who is in the 10th grade.
Elena starts her day at 5 a.m. She gets up, goes to the bathroom, takes a shower,
brushes her teeth and gets dressed. Then she prepares breakfast and eats together with her
husband. At 6:45/a quarter to seven , Elena leaves for school. She has 5 or 6 classes every day.
Her classes begin at half past seven. She usually has lunch at home. After lunch, Elena does
some housework and then she prepares her classes for the next day. At half past seven the family
eats dinner together. Emma is a helpful girl so she helps her mother with the dishes.
After dinner, Elena either watches TV or reads a few chapters from a book.
True or false?
1. Elena is a Science teacher.
2. She teaches at a secondary school in a small town in Romania.
3. She doesn’t like her job.
4. She lives alone, in a modern flat.
5. Elena is married and her husband is an engineer.
6. They have got two children: a son and a daughter.
7. At 6:45, Elena arrives at school.
8. Elena has 5 or 6 classes every day.
9. Elena’s classes begin at half past seven.
10. She always has lunch at home.
11. After lunch, Elena does some housework and then she prepares her classes for the
next day.
12. After dinner, Elena either watches TV or reads a few chapters from a book.
Answers: 1.F, 2.T, 3.F, 4.F, 5.T, 6.F, 7.F, 8.T, 9.T, 10.F, 11.T, 12.T;

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