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Study of an upper arm exoskeleton for gravity

balancing and minimization of transmitted forces
V N Dubey1* and S K Agrawal2
School of Design, Engineering and Computing, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK
Mechanical Systems Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

The manuscript was received on 10 April 2010 and was accepted after revision for publication on 28 July 2011.

DOI: 10.1177/0954411911420664

Abstract: An upper-arm wearable exoskeleton has been designed for the assistance and func-
tional training of humans. One of the goals of this design is to provide passive assistance to a
user by gravity balancing, while keeping the transmitted forces to the shoulder joints at a min-
imum. Consistent with this goal, this paper discusses: analytical gravity balancing design con-
ditions for the structure of the exoskeleton; a possible implementation of these conditions
into practical designs; the minimization of transmitted joint forces to the shoulder while satis-
fying the gravity balancing conditions; the numerical optimization of the system for gravity
balancing and minimization of transmitted forces; and the effect of parameter variation on
joint moments and joint forces via numerical optimization.
An implementation of the design was undertaken using zero-free-length springs. The design
idea presented in this paper may be useful in relieving the actuators effort of exoskeletons to
support the weight of the arm and therefore the possibility of using small actuators and mak-
ing the system light and portable or even a stand-alone passive support device can be devel-
oped based on these gravity balancing conditions.

Keywords: arm exoskeleton, gravity balancing, assistive device, portable systems,

rehabilitative device

1 INTRODUCTION which has a need for exoskeletons consists of peo-

ple who suffer from impaired motor skills such as
A large number of people are affected by arm condi- those affected by strokes. The exoskeletons can be
tions whose symptoms include profound muscle used as a rehabilitative tool to improve functional
weakness: these conditions include spinal muscular movement as recently demonstrated in lower
atrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and limb extremity studies with the exoskeletons GBO and
girdle [1]. As a result sufferers have problems lifting ALEX [4, 5].
their arm against gravity. Consequently, they are To allow these devices to be worn continuously
unable to independently perform various activities they should be light in weight and provide anatomi-
of daily living (ADL) [2, 3]. The functional capabil- cally consistent motions. This precludes the use of
ity of this group can be enhanced by augmenting many existing upper limb exoskeletons as they are
the arm with external mechanical supports in the not designed for continuous use and are bulky.
form of exoskeletons. Such devices can provide Some well known designs for post-stroke upper
assistance to movement of the arm. Another group extremity functional rehabilitation are ARM [6],
MIME [7], and MIT-MANUS [8]. There have been
*Corresponding author: School of Design, Engineering and many improvements to these designs in recent years
Computing, Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 [9–14]. Some newer designs that feature cable
5BB, UK. actuation are promising and could be further devel-
email: oped but for now they still remain bulky [15, 16].

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A challenging problem in exoskeleton design is

the need for a portable power source. Whilst such
power sources will be developed in future, an alter-
native solution to this problem would be to design a
gravity support system which could partially or fully
eliminate the effects of gravity on the arm over its
full range of motion, thus mitigating the need for a
power source. Such a design would be dependent
on parameters of the human and the exoskeleton
[17, 18]. Recent studies in gravity balancing have
focused primarily on eliminating the torques at the
joints to support the arm in any configuration.
However, another issue that is equally important Fig. 1 Model of the exoskeleton on a skeleton arm
and also needs to be addressed is the nature of the
forces transmitted at the joints. Ideally, the design
should be such that it does not exceed the force- have four degrees of freedom; three at the shoulder
bearing capacity of the joints in the arm. In addi- and one at the elbow. As seen in Fig. 2, body 1 is
tion, sensitivity of the design should be studied with the cross-bar connected to the shoulder, body 2 is
respect to variation in the parameters of the human the U-link connecting the cross-bar to the arm,
and the exoskeleton design. This paper addresses body 3 and body 4 are the upper and lower arms,
some of these issues from a design implementation respectively. The shown angles (u1, u2, u3) are joint
perspective. rotations about the Z, X, and Y-axis, respectively
The paper is organized into the following sec- that define the plane of elevation, angle of eleva-
tions. Section 2 discusses the design and a simple tion, and internal/external rotation; and the angle
kinematic model of the upper arm, section 3 devel- u4 is the elbow rotation about the X-axis with
ops gravity balancing conditions for the arm, section respect to the shown coordinate frame. The skele-
4 evaluates design parameters and their effects on ton emulates the motion of a human arm with
the transmitted forces at the shoulder joint, section
three rotational joints at the shoulder and a revo-
5 presents a numerical optimization for minimiza-
lute joint at the elbow [20]. The details of the arm
tion of joint torques and forces, and section 6 dis-
parameters including that for gravity balancing are
cusses design implementation, finally, conclusions
given in the appendix. The kinematic parameters
are drawn in section 7.
of the arm are shown in Fig. 3 and the correspond-
ing Denavit–Hartenberg (DH) parameters are
2 KINEMATIC MODEL OF THE UPPER ARM listed in Table 1. The axes of rotation of the joints
in the initial configuration are shown in Fig. 4. The
An upper-arm exoskeleton has been designed to transformation matrices that can be obtained
assist in movement training of the human arm. The based on these DH parameters are well known
solid model of the exoskeleton over a skeleton arm [21], for brevity these are not included in the
with comparable degrees-of-freedom to the human paper.
arm is shown in Fig. 1. The complete design details
of the cable-driven exoskeleton using cuffs at the
shoulder and arm are described in reference [19].
The exoskeleton has cuffs on the upper and forearm
to which cables are connected. An inverted U-
shaped shoulder cuff holds the motors. The arm
cuffs have channel sections which hold circular
tubes that can be inflated or deflated for sufficient
grip on the arm.
The design using cuffs and cables allows a flex-
ible structure for the exoskeleton that makes it
light in weight, portable, adjustable to different
sizes, and able to accommodate any auxiliary units
that may be required for gravity balancing. The Fig. 2 A solid model of an arm having the same num-
arm supported by the exoskeleton is considered to ber of degrees of freedom as the human arm

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obtain the gravity balancing condition for the arm,

the identification of various arm parameters includ-
ing axes of rotation and locations of the local frames
is important. The location of the centre of mass of
the upper arm as seen in frames 3 and 0 is given (Fig.
3); note S and C are sine and cosine trigonometric
functions which represent the arm configuration
2 3
2 3 0
Fig. 3 Kinematic chain of the arm 0 6 d3 7
F3 = 4 d3 5 F0 = 0 T 3 64 0 5
2 3
Table 1 DH parameters of the skeleton arm d3 C1 S2 + d3 C1 S2
6 d3 S1 S2 + d3 S1 S2 7
Link/parameters ai ai di ui =64 d3 C2  d3 C2 5
1 0 90 0 u1 1
2 0 90 0 u2
3 0 90 d3 u3
4 a4 0 0 u4 The vertical height of the centre of mass of body 3
determines its potential energy, which can be writ-
ten as

Vg3 = m3 g(d3  d3 ) C2 (1)

Similarly, the location of the centre of mass of the

forearm in frame 4 is
2 3
F4 = 4 0 5

On expressing this in frame 0 and taking its vertical

component, the potential energy of body 4 is

Vg4 = m4 g ½(S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 )(a4  a4 )  d3 C2  (2)

Fig. 4 Zero configuration and axes of rotation of the
The initial approach adopted in this paper is to use
two springs to gravity balance the system with the
3 GRAVITY BALANCING CONDITIONS OF parameters described and as shown in Fig. 5. As will
THE ARM be shown later, a minimum of two springs is neces-
sary to achieve this feature.
A device is said to be gravity balanced if its total The attachment points of the spring in the local
frame are P10 (h2Z ^ 0 ) and P14 (r2 X
^ 4 ), writing the
potential energy remains invariant with configuration
[22]. This can be achieved if the centre of mass of the expression for spring length in frame 0
device remains inertially fixed [23, 24] or if elastic
elements are added which compensate for variations kP14  P10 k2 = (a4  r2 )2 + 2d3 (a4  r2 )S4
in the potential energy due to motion of the system + d32 + 2d3 h2 C2 + h22  2(a4  r2 ) (3)
[25]. A number of designs have been reported for bal- h2 (S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 )
ancing mechanical manipulators using springs
directly connected to links [26, 27] or springs Therefore, the potential energy stored in the spring is
through cable-pulley arrangements [28, 29]. In the
implementation proposed in this paper a cable- 
Vs1 = 12k1 (a4  r2 )2 + 2d3 (a4  r2 )S4 + d32
pulley arrangement is used to achieve a zero-free- (4)
length spring between the attachment points. To + 2d3 h2 C2 + h22  2(a4  r2 )h2 (S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 )

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1028 V N Dubey and S K Agrawal

kP23  P24 k2 = (a4  r2 )2 C42 + ½(a4  r3 )S4  h3 2

= (a4  r3 )2 + h23  2h3 (a4  r3 )S4

The associated spring energy is

Vs2 = 12k2 (a4  r3 )2 + h23  2h3 (a4  r3 )S4 (10)

Combining equation (10) with equation (6) and

Fig. 5 Spring attachment for gravity balancing of the equating the coefficient of the trigonometric func-
arm using two springs (refer to the notation in tion S4 to zero provides the third design condition
the appendix for the shown parameters)
k1 d3 (a4  r2 ) = k2 h3 (a4  r3 ) (11)

Combining all of the above energy terms, equations Equations (7), (8), and (11) give necessary and suffi-
(1), (2), and (4), the total energy of the system is cient conditions for gravity balancing of the skeleton
given by arm and parameters satisfying these conditions will
(5) eliminate the torque from each joint over the whole
V = Vg3 + Vg4 + Vs1 range of arm motion.

V =  ½m3 g(d3  d3 ) + m4 gd3 C2 + m4 g(a4  a4 )

(S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 ) + 12k1 (a4  r2 )2 + d32 + h22 4 DESIGN PARAMETER EVALUATION UNDER
+ 12k1 (2d3 h2 )C2  k1 (a4  r2 )h2 (S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 )
+ 12k1 (2d3 )(a4  r2 )S4 As seen from equations (7), (8), and (11) several
combinations of the design variables will satisfy the
The gravity balancing conditions are obtained by gravity balancing conditions. r2 can be directly
grouping the configuration-dependent terms together obtained from equations (7) and (8) and this vari-
and equating them to zero able only depends on the arm parameters

V = fk1 d3 h2  ½m3 g(d3  d3 ) + m4 gd3 gC2 m4 g(a4  a4 )d3

+ ½m4 g(a4  a4 )  k1 (a4  r2 )h2 (S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 ) (6) r 2 = a4  (12)
  m3 g(d3  d3 ) + m4 g d3
+ k1 d3 (a4  r2 )S4 + 12k1 (a4  r2 )2 + d32 + h22
Equation (12) can be substituted in equation (7) to
Two of the terms that arise from equation (6) are obtain the stiffness of the spring k1 as given by
equation (13). Depending on the choice of the
k1 (a4  r2 )h2 = m4 g(a4  a4 ) (7)
attachment point h2, the stiffness of the spring is
given by (the rest being the fixed arm parameters)
k1 d3 h2 = m3 g(d3  d3 ) + m4 g d3 (8)
m4 g(a4  a4 )
k1 = (13)
The coefficient of S4 in equation (6) is still not zero, (a4  r2 ) h2
thus in order to cancel this term another spring is
required between P23(h3 Y ^ 3 ) and P24(  r3 X
^ 4 ). This In the same way, the stiffness of the spring k2 can
has been achieved by introducing spring (k2) as be obtained by rearranging equation (11), which
shown in Fig. 5. The location of the attachment results in equation (14). In this equation two para-
points in frame 3 are meters h3 and r3, are unknown. Therefore, one para-
2 3 2 3 meter has to be fixed in order to get the other. Due
0 r3 to the practicality of implementation of the attach-
P23 in F3 = 4 h3 5, and P24 in F3 = 3 T 4 4 0 5 ment points, r3 can be taken to be at the same loca-
0 0 tion as r2. This may, however, be taken differently
2 3
(a4  r3 )C4 from a parameter optimization point of view (see
= 4 (a4  r3 )S4 5 section 5)
k1 d3 (a4  r2 )
k2 = (14)
The square of spring length for this attachment is (a4  r3 ) h3

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Table 2 Parameters based on anthropomorphic data

Mx =  m4 g ½(a4  r2 )(S1 C2 C3 C4  C1 S3 C4 (15)
for gravity balancing and estimation of joint + S1 S2 S4 ) + d3 S1 S2   m3 g(d3  d3 ) S1 S2
My =  m4 g ½(a4  r2 )(C1 C2 C3 C4 + S1 S3 C4
Parameter Value (16)
+ C1 S2 S4 ) + d3 C1 S2   m3 g(d3  d3 ) C1 S2
m3 2 kg
m4 2 kg
d3 0.3 m On selecting the parameters using gravity balancing
a4 0.25 m conditions, the arm becomes fully gravity balanced
r2 (calculated) 0.1667 m
r3 (assumed) 0.1 m for the full range of arm motion. Figures 7(a) and
d3* (assumed half of arm length) 0.15 m (b) show the joint moments prior to gravity balan-
a4* (assumed half of arm length) 0.125 m cing; the plots show variation of the joint moments
at the shoulder over the range 10°<u2 <170° and
60°<u3 <60°. The effect of variation of the elbow
The initial design parameters for the human arm joint (u4 ) is shown as separate plots for comparison.
based on anthropomorphic data of an average male The last plot (Fig. 7(c)) shows the resultant
of height 170 cm and weight 75 kg are listed in moments along the two shoulder joints after gravity
Table 2 [30]. These values are used for a gravity bal- balancing. It clearly shows that the arm is fully
ancing design and for joint force evaluation. balanced with zero moments in the plot for the full
These values give k1 = 147.15 N/m and range of the arm motion.
k2 = 163.5 N/m for h2 = 0.2 m and h3 = 0.15 m to The gravity balancing, however, changes the joint
achieve the full gravity balancing condition of the forces due to the addition of the spring. Prior to
arm. However, different values of (h2, h3) can be gravity balancing, the only joint force was in the Z-
used to be compatible with standard values of direction due to the weight of the arm. However, the
spring stiffness. Figure 6 shows a plot of spring spring creates additional forces in the X and Y direc-
stiffness versus attachment point for the para- tions. These spring forces are given by equations
meters listed in Table 2. These graphs are non-line- (17) to (19)
ar and can serve as a reference for parameter
selection. Fx = k1 ½(a4  r2 )(C1 C2 C3 C4 + S1 S3 C4 (17)
Prior to gravity balancing, moments at the + C1 S2 S4 ) + d3 C1 S2 
shoulder joint are purely due to the gravity forces
acting on the arm, which are given by equations
Fy = k1 ½(a4  r2 )(S1 C2 C3 C4  C1 S3 C4 + S1 S2 S4 ) (18)
(15) and (16). Note that there is no moment about
the Z-axis (variation about u1 ) since it is parallel to + d3 S1 S2 
the gravity direction
Fz =  (m3 + m4 )g + k1 ½(h2  a4 + r2 )
(S2 C3 C4  C2 S4 )  d3 C2 

The initial joint forces (Fz) and the resultant force at

the shoulder after gravity balancing are shown in
Fig. 8. As can be seen the maximum resultant force
has changed from approximately 40 to 60 N in
Figs 8(a) and (b). Even though the joint moments
have been fully balanced, the increase in joint forces
may have a detrimental effect on the wearer, there-
fore these must be optimized for acceptable range
of moments and forces at the shoulder joint.



In order to avoid excessive joint forces, the exoske-

leton parameters may be adjusted by optimization
Fig. 6 Spring stiffness variation with attachment with the goal to have a partially gravity balanced
points for gravity balancing conditions system with minimum joint forces or have a fully

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1030 V N Dubey and S K Agrawal

Fig. 7 Shoulder joint moments (a) and (b) before gravity balancing and (c) after gravity balancing

Fig. 8 Initial joint forces (a) and the resultant joint force (b) after gravity balancing, the three sur-
faces in each plot show the force variation due to elbow orientation at (0°, 60°, –45°)

gravity balanced system with minimal joint forces. 5.1 Generalized parameter optimization
The objective function used for parameter optimi-
The three parameters listed in Table 3 were consid-
zation is minimization of the resultant force given
ered for the generalized optimization; no other con-
by equation (20) which involves the arm para-
straints were applied in this case. The objective
meters. This may be used to validate the para-
function in this optimization was to minimize the
meters for gravity balancing of the system (to that
resultant joint forces (equation (20)). The para-
described in section 4). The optimization of the
meters after optimization are also presented in
design parameters was achieved by applying the
Table 3.
fmincon function of MATLABä with lower and
It can be seen that the optimized values of the
upper bounds on the design parameters. This is a
parameters are different from those obtained for
gradient-based method designed to work with con-
the fully balanced system and do not match with
tinuous functions such as the current formulation
the pair-value of k1 = 100 N/m and h2 = 0.3 m as
for the resultant joint force at the shoulder
seen in Fig. 6. This means that the arm is only par-
tially balanced. This, however, results in the mini-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mization of the joint forces and it has been found
F= Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 (20) that the maximum joint force (Fz) is almost back
to the original level when the arm was not
In the following section initially a generalized opti- balanced.
mization is considered where all variables are free The resulting unbalance in moments at the
to be chosen from their specified range and later a shoulder joint is shown in Fig. 9, clearly this is the
constrained optimization is carried out keeping the condition for a partially gravity balanced arm
moments about the joint fully balanced i.e. a fully (compare this with Fig. 7). The plots show that
gravity balanced arm. approximately 80 per cent of joint moments are

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Table 3 Parameters and constraints for joint force Table 4 Parameters for force minimization of fully
minimization and optimized parameters balanced arm and optimized parameters
Parameters Constraints Optimized parameters Parameters Constraints Optimized parameters

k1 (N/m) 100\k1 \400 100 k1 (N/m) 100\k1 \400 100.2248

h2 (m) 0.1\h2 \0.4 0.1954 h2 (m) 0.1\h2 \0.4 0.2929
r2 (m) 0.05\r2 \0.15 0.15 r2 (m) 0.1667 (fixed)

balanced (estimated by comparing the maximum 6 INITIAL DESIGN VALIDATION

value of the unbalanced moment in Figs 7 and 9).
However, if the moments are constrained to be In order to validate the proposed techniques a
fully balanced the results of the optimization are simple test set-up was developed. It uses a cuff on
found to be different as discussed in the following the forearm (Fig. 10(a) and a shoulder-mount
section. (Fig. 10(b)) for the spring attachment. Note that a
single spring balances the shoulder joint as evident
from equations (7) and (8), the third condition in
5.2 Constrained optimization for a fully balanced
equation (11) simply balances the elbow joint. The
system with a minimum of joint forces
implementation uses a zero-free-length spring i.e. a
For this optimization the objective function still linear extension spring in which the force is propor-
remains the minimization of the resultant joint tional to the length of the spring rather than to its
forces (equation (20)), however, this is constrained elongation, connected from the waist-belt passing
in such a way that full gravity balancing conditions over a small pulley on the shoulder-mount through
are satisfied. This was achieved by fixing r2 to the cable connected to the cuff, depicted in Fig. 11.
0.1667 m which satisfies the full gravity balancing This allows the spring to be located remotely and
conditions (equation (12)). The upper and lower provides space for elongation. The cuff was pro-
bounds for the parameters used in the optimization duced using the rapid prototyping technique which
are listed in Table 4. This results in a different set of provides a special feature of self-orienting of the
optimal parameters, which is compatible with attachment point depending on the location of the
Fig. 6, that satisfies the full gravity balancing condi- arm. The cuff is also adjustable to fit different sizes
tions. It has been found that the forces are the least of arms.
from all the previous cases. Tests were conducted (after obtaining informed
The resulting moments at the shoulder joint are consent) on a healthy subject with approximate
found to be close to zero. Thus, the analysis pro- arm parameters as listed in Table 5. The subject
vides a tool for the evaluation of design parameters used in this experiment was asked to provide quali-
subject to different levels of moment and force bal- tative feedback based on ease of moving his arm
ance via numerical optimization. The same tech- when wearing the device, thus precise measure-
nique can also be used to study the effect of ment of involuntary muscle contraction was
parameter variation on joint moments and joint not considered in this experiment. For this user, it
forces. was recorded that the person felt weightlessness

Fig. 9 Unbalanced moments due to the minimization of joint forces resulting in partial gravity
balancing, the three surfaces in each plot show the force variation due to elbow orientation
at (0°, 60°, –45°)

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1032 V N Dubey and S K Agrawal

Fig. 10 Adjustable forearm cuff (a) and shoulder-mount with straps (b) for gravity balancing test

smaller range was 0.75 Nm. This supports the idea

that the joint torque required to move the arm is
relatively small for a smaller range and as a result
the user felt that it was easy to move his arm when
he was wearing the device. This also supports the
idea that for a smaller range partial gravity balan-
cing could be easily implemented for the human
arm with careful selection of the design


One of the goals of this research was to present the

design criterion for cancelling the effect of gravity
and therefore eliminating or minimizing the need
for a power source in the upper arm exoskeleton
while minimizing the force transferred to the
joints. As evident from the design and implementa-
tion considerations it is clear that it may be very
difficult to accurately model the human arm for
gravity balancing and verify it experimentally.
Fig. 11 Experimental setup and verification of gravity There are various factors involved in this design
balancing of a natural arm such as: the kinematic model of the mechanical
arm does not fully match with the human arm (as
this is based on a four-degrees-of-freedom system),
of his arm over a limited range (20°<u2 <70°, the joints are not accurately aligned with the
50°<u3 <0°, u4 = 620°). The experiment used the model, masses are spread throughout as opposed
closest match springs available in the laboratory to the idealized model-masses, and spring attach-
(spring parameters are given in Table 5). To verify ments as per the model is not possible due to arm’s
the extent of gravity balancing of the arm under girth. However, precise control of these parameters
these conditions these parameters were fed back to is only required for a fully gravity balancing system;
the theoretical model, it can be seen in Fig. 12 that a small deviation from the idealized condition may
the shoulder moments were relatively small for the still render a partially balanced system. It may be
above specified joint angle ranges. It was also useful to implement this idea for relieving the
found that the maximum moment of the unba- actuators effort to lift the weight of the arm or even
lanced system was originally significantly higher for the possibility of a stand-alone passive support
(6.5 Nm) and the maximum unbalanced moment device. It is also important to note that in this
for the specified range of arm motion was 0.9 Nm, implementation it has been assumed that the per-
whereas the maximum unbalanced moment for the son using this device is in an upright position,

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Table 5 Parameters used for implementation of grav- points were selected in such a way that the design
ity balancing on the natural arm could be practically implemented on a shoulder cuff
[19]. Various conditions of moment and force unba-
Spring/arm parameters Value
lance were examined and an optimization solution
Wire diameter 0.001 143 m was presented to minimize the joint forces, which
Coil diameter 0.0127 m
Free length 0.127 m may have a detrimental effect on the wearer. The
Maximum extension 0.38 m proposed technique offers an evaluation tool for
Maximum load 33 N designing a partially or fully balanced system with
Stiffness (k1) 100 N/m
Approximate upper arm mass (m1) 1.4 kg appropriate parameter selection resulting in mini-
Approximate forearm mass (m2) 1 kg mization of joint forces. The aim of this research
Approximate hand mass (m3) 0.3 kg
Cuff mass (m4) 0.32 kg was to explore this feature and conditions of gravity
Cuff diameter 0.15 m balancing for a human arm so that a lightweight
r2 0.1 m
h2 0.2 m
wearable upper arm support system could be devel-
d3 0.3 m oped. With partial balancing, one can use small and
a4 0.25 m low-power motors on an exoskeleton device for the
d3* 0.15 m
a4* 0.1 m arm movement. This has been experimentally veri-
fied in a simple set-up. This idea could be extended
for development of a stand-alone system for arm
support. The design shows the potential for devel-
oping a portable arm exoskeleton for training and
which is mostly the case in ADL; any change in the assistance.
base orientation may not provide the same gravity
balancing effect as expected from the theoretical
model. This has been the basis for all gravity balan- FUNDING
cing systems but the advantage of using this idea
The financial support for the first author was
on a powered exoskeleton is that the actuators may
partly provided by the Department for Business,
still be able to support the arm when the gravity
Innovation and Skills (UK) and a Global Research
balancing is not effective. Therefore, the contribu-
Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering
tion of this research is to help select various design
(UK) which is gratefully acknowledged. This
parameters to achieve tunable gravity balancing
allowed him to visit the Mechanical Systems
conditions for the upper arm.
Laboratory of the University of Delaware (USA).
In this paper gravity balancing conditions for the
upper arm were derived and demonstrated with the
help of a simple experimental set-up for the human ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
arm. Theoretically, only two springs are required to The support received from Xavier Velay, Martin
achieve full gravity balancing conditions on Mathias, Prashant Prashun, and Kevin Smith in
shoulder and elbow joints. However, a single spring devising the experiment is thankfully acknowledged.
is sufficient to achieve balancing of the arm at the
shoulder joint. The locations of spring attachment Ó Authors 2011

Fig. 12 Moment plots at the shoulder joint: (a) unbalanced system: (b) balanced system for the
full range; and (c) balanced system for a smaller range of the arm motion

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1034 V N Dubey and S K Agrawal

REFERENCES 13 Carignan, C., Liszka, M., and Roderick, S. Design

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APPENDIX P23, P24 attachment points for spring k2
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Notation from forearm end
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