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Nama : Dyah Citra Resmi

Nim : 195055
Kelas : 3B RMIK

1. Diagnosis Luka bakar telapak tangan kanan derajat ke 2

BTM Burn of second degree of wrist and hand
Leadterm Burn
Identasi -palm(s)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 T23.-
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 T23.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition T23.-
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition T23.2

2. Diagnosis Fraktur leher femur, terbuka

BTM Fracture of neck of femur, open
Leadterm Fracture
Identasi -Femur
- -Neck
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S72.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S72.01
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S72.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition S72.01

3. Diagnosis Fraktur humerus distal

BTM Fracture humerus distal, closed
Leadterm Fracture
Identasi -Humerus
- -Distal end
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S42.4
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S42.40
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S42.4
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition S42.40

4. Diagnosis Masuk biji kacang ke dalam rongga hidung

BTM Foreign Body in Nostril
Leadterm Foreign Body external cause of injury
Identasi -Entering through orifice -foreign body
- -Nostril
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 T17.1 W44.-
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 T17.1 W44.9
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition T17.1
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition W44.9
5. Diagnosis Emboli udara akibat trauma pembuluh darah
BTM Air embolism due to traumatic vascular
Leadterm Air injury
Identasi - Embolism (artery) (cerebral) (any site) -blood
- -Traumatic vessel NEC
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 T79.0 T14.5
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 T79.0 T14.5
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition T79.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition T14.5

6. Diagnosis Urticaria akibat reaksi alergi terhadap krim kulit

BTM Contact urtikaria
Leadterm Urticaria
Identasi -Contact
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 L50.6
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 L50.6
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition L50.6
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

7. Diagnosis Keracunan makanan jamur (mushrooms)

BTM Poisoning food due to mushrooms (mycetismus)
Leadterm Poisoning
Identasi -Food (acute) (diseased) (infected) (noxious)
- -Due to
- - -Mushrooms
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 T62.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 T62.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition T62.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

8. Diagnosis Keracunan sehabis makan kerang

BTM Poisoning after food seafood
Leadterm Poisoning
Identasi -Food (acute) (diseased) (infected) (noxious)
- -bacterial (see also intoxication, foodborn, by
- - -Seafood
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 T61.9
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 T61.9
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition T61.9
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -
9. Diagnosis Keracunan tetrasiklin
BTM Poisoning tetracycline
Leadterm Poisoning (bisa dicari di antibiotik)
Identasi -Drug — see Table of drugs and chemicals
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 T36.4
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 T36.4
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition T36.4
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

10 Diagnosis Cedera gencet pada tumit

. BTM Crushing injury of ankle, forest
Leadterm Crush external causes of injury (crush)
Identasi -ankle -between objects
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S97.0 W23.-
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S97.0 W23.8
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S97.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition W23.8

11 Diagnosis Luka tembak pada abdomen dan hati

. BTM Open wounds of abdomen and heart
Leadterm Wound, open
Identasi -Abdomen, abdominal
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S31.8
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S31.8
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S31.8
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

12 Diagnosis Luka tusuk pisau pada telapak tangan

. BTM Open wounds of hand
Leadterm Wound, open
Identasi -Hand
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S61.9
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S61.9
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S61.9
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

13 Diagnosis Cedera saraf sciatic (ischiadica)

. BTM Injury nerve sciatic (ischiadica)
Leadterm Injury
Identasi -Nerve
- -Sciatic
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S74.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S74.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S74.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -
14 Diagnosis Cidera arteria femoralis kanan
. BTM Injury Arteria Femoral Right
Leadterm Injury
Identasi -Blood vessel NEC
- -Femoral
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 S75.9
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 S75.9
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition S75.9
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

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