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Nama : Dyah Citra Resmi

Nim : 195055
Kelas : 3B RMIK
1 Diagnosis Arthritis komplikasi gondongan (mumps, parotitis,
BTM Arthritis with mumps complication
Leadterm Arthritis
Identasi -in (due to)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 B26.8† M01.5*
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 B26.8† M01.5*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition B26.8†
Kode ICD 10 Other M01.5*

2 Diagnosis Arthritis pada penyakit onychomycosis ibu jari kaki

BTM Arthritis on onychomycosis
Leadterm Arthritis
Identasi -in (due to)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 B49† M01.6*
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 B49† M01.67*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition B49† M01.6*
Kode ICD 10 Other B49† M01.67*

3 Diagnosis Gouty arthritis akibat minum obat aspirin untuk terapi

BTM Gouty arthritis
Leadterm Gout, Gouty
Identasi -drug-induced Aspirin Utk terapi jantung
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 M10.2 T39.0 Y45.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 M10.2 T39.0 Y45.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition M10.2 T39.0 Y45.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

4 Diagnosis IDDM neuropathic arthropathy

BTM IDDM neuropathic arthropathy
Leadterm Diabetes
Identasi -in (due to)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 E10.6† M14.6*
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 E10† M14.6*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition E10.6† M14.6*
Kode ICD 10 Other E10† M14.6*

5 Diagnosis Loose body pada caspuler ligament lutut

BTM Loose body on caspuler ligament of knee
Leadterm Loose
Identasi -body
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 M23.4
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 M23.4
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition M23.4
Kode ICD 10 Other -

6 Diagnosis Fatique fracture di tulang vertebra dada

BTM Fatique fracture of thoraric vertebrae
Leadterm Fracture, chest
Identasi -fatigue
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 M48.4
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 M48.44
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition M48.4
Kode ICD 10 Other M48.44

7 Diagnosis Sciatica sacral-sacro and coccygeal region

BTM Sciatica sacral-sacro and coccygeal region
Leadterm Sciatica
Identasi -with lumbago
--due to invertebral disk disorder
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 M51.1† G55.1*
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 M51.1† G55.1*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition M51.1†
Kode ICD 10 Other G55.1*

8 Diagnosis Bursitis pada bahu kanan

BTM Bursitis shoulder
Leadterm Bursitis
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 M75.5
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 M75.5
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition M75.5
Kode ICD 10 Other -
9 Diagnosis Hip osteoporosis post operasi angkat indung telur
BTM Postoophorectomy osteoporosis
Leadterm Osteoporosis
Identasi -postoophorectomy
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 M81.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 M81.19
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition M81.1
Kode ICD 10 Other M81.19

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