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Unit 2 Eating healthy

New words

Ex 2
1 wholesome lành mạnh
good for you, and likely to improve your life either physically, morally, or
2 obese béo phì
very fat, in a way that is not healthy
3 responsible trách nhiệm
having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of
somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong
UNFIT/ʌnˈfɪt/ not of an acceptable /əkˈseptəbl/ standard /ˈstæn.dəd/; not suitable
4 physical education giáo dục thể chất
/ˌfɪz.ɪ.kəl ed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/
classes at school in which children do exercise and learn to play sport, or the area
of study relating to such classes
5 nutritionist chuyên gia dinh dưỡng
a person who is an expert on the relationship between food and health
6 active tích cực
busy with a particular activity:
7 moderation điều độ
the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme
8 traditional truyền thống
being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of people,
that have not changed for a long time
9 tuck shop cửa hàng gần trường
/ˈtʌk ˌʃɑːp/
a small shop in or near a school that sells food to school students
10 expert chuyên môn chuyên gia
a person with special knowledge, skill or training in something
11 Youth trẻ the time of life when a person is young, especially the time before a
child becomes an adult
Term /tɜːm/ kỳ hạn
the fixed /fɪkst/ period of time that something lasts for:

EX 7
1 Good-great
2 principal chính /ˈprɪnsəpl/ most important; main
Headmaster hiệu trưởng /ˌhedˈmæstər/
a teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school
3 greater amount – more
4 tierd feeling that you would like to sleep or rest; needing rest
Sleepy needing sleep; ready to go to sleep
5 advertisement quảng cáo /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/
a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service
publicity /pʌbˈlɪsəti/ công khai
the attention that is given to somebody/something by newspapers,
television, etc.
6 overweight  /ˌəʊvərˈweɪt/ (of people) too heavy, in a way that may be
obese /əʊˈbiːs/ very fat, in a way that is not healthy béo phì
7 Choose –select /sɪˈlekt/ to choose somebody/something from a group
of people or things, usually according to a system
8 tuck shop /ˈtʌk ˌʃɑːp/
a small shop in or near a school that sells food to school students
Food kiosk also food stand, temporary /ˈtempəreri/ food service
facility /fəˈsɪləti/
9 Fast food hot food, such as hamburgers and chips, that is served very
quickly and can be taken away
Junk food food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat
10 Sport a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and
skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a
Physical education classes at school in
which children do exercise and learn to play sport, or
the area of study relating to such classes
11 Healthy having good health and not likely to become ill
Wolesome good for your health
12 help to make it easier or possible for somebody to do something by
doing something for them or by giving them something that they need
Encourage /ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ/ to give somebody support, courage or hope
13 suggest đề nghị /səˈdʒest/,
to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about
recommend gợi ý /ˌrekəˈmend/
to tell somebody that something is good or useful
14 uncooked /ˌʌnˈkʊkt/ not cooked
Raw /rɑː/ not cooked: chưa chín
15 specialist /ˈspeʃ.əl.ɪst/ chuyên gia
someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular
expert chuyên môn chuyên gia/ˈekspɜːrt/
a person with special knowledge, skill or training in something
16 Serving /ˈsɜːrvɪŋ/ phần ăn
an amount of food for one person
Portion /ˈpɔː.ʃən a part or share of something larger:

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