... My Perception For This School Year 2020

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My perception for this school year 2020-2021

Due to this pandemic we, students as well as teachers are need to face this new
normal to overcome this school year 2020-2021. As a matter of fact, I expected this new
learning system will be more difficult today and for the coming days every one of us are left
with no choice but to adjust on everything. All of us are having a hard time to cope up
regardless of being a student and a teacher. I also expected that since we started the class very
late, the educational system would be prepared for everything, but it turns out they weren’t. I
expected a lot from it, our government did not even try to reach out to the students at all,
some students don’t have enough internet connection nor gadgets for this so called “new
normal” even the modules are also a problem, since the budgets for the papers used for the
modules are not enough as well.

Moreover, I expected teachers to become more active on reaching to the students

who’s having a hard time studying or catching up because of some unavailability on
something they lack of and do their very best to teach the lessons clearly and not expect the
students to do their own research at all times because not everyone can study on their own
and has a parent available to guide them. In my opinion teacher must at least give students
easier task and more time to finish it. Bombarding us with tasks negatively affects our mental
health, thus, defeating the purpose of learning. As well as consider or understand the reason
in regards to having a slow signal or low internet connection in submitting homework’s
quizzes and other paper works because of the fact that some students can’t afford to buy a
stable Wi-Fi or load. And at least give more patience to all students because we are still in the
phase of adjusting from these.

On the other hand, I also expect my classmates to be more patients and active on the
class and try their best to understand every lesson. Even though were having a different state
and level of intellectuality and abilities we should keep helping each other to adapt this new
learning system, so as much as possible instead of pulling each other down we should work
together so that nothing will be left behind.

Lastly, I found out that my chosen strand which is Accountancy and Business
Management is a bit difficult since we do have subject such as Accounting, Gen math, basic
algebra and E-tech which is really difficult from now. Especially I don’t have equipment’s
for practicing the lessons in E-tech like computer or laptop, and I hope this online learning
will definitely help us to understand and learn more especially to our core subjects.

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