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Appraisal may refer t o:

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Appraisal (decision analysis), a decision met hod

Archival appraisal, process for det ermining which records need t o be kept , and for how long

Project appraisal, comparing opt ions t o deliver an object ive

Economic appraisal, an appraisal based on comparison of monet ary equivalent s

Property valuation

Real est at e appraisal, t he pract ice of det ermining t he value of real propert y

Business valuat ion, t he process of det ermining t he value of businesses

Art valuat ion, t he process of det ermining t he value of works of art

Domain appraisal, t he act of evaluat ing t he wort h of a specific domain name

Archival appraisal, t he appraisal of archival collect ions in libraries

Appraisal value, t he value of a company based on a project ion of fut ure cash flow

Other uses
Appraisal (discourse analysis), t he ways t hat writ ers or speakers express approval or
disapproval for t hings or ideas

Appraisal t heory, a psychological t heory of emot ion and cognit ion

Appraisal Inst it ut e, an int ernat ional associat ion of professional real est at e appraisers

Performance appraisal, a met hod t o evaluat e employee performance

See also


Evaluat ion (disambiguat ion)

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Last edit ed 1 year ago by Bonadea

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