Limitations of Organizational Behavior

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Limitations of organizational Behavior


Organizational behavior or organizational Behavior is the: "study of human behavior in

Organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization, and the

organization itself”

Limitations of organizational Behavior

1. Knowledge about OB does not help an individual manage personal life better

2. Dualities of OB are baffling.

3. Has become a fad with managers.

4. Is selfish and exploitative.

5. Managers expect quick fix solution not possible.

6. Principles and practices may not work in the events of declining fortunes.

7. Cannot eliminate totally conflicts and instructions.

Major limitations of organizational Behavior

The topics which include here are from a specialized point of view that emphasizes

primarily the human side of organizations and the kinds of benefits that attention to that side can

bring. It describes the research results identifying payoffs in the areas of stress levels, employee

turnover, absenteeism, and a decrease in employee performance. Improved organizational

behavior will not solve unemployment. It will not make up for our deficiencies. It cannot

substitute for poor planning, inept organizing, or inadequate controls.

It is only one of the many systems operating within a larger social system.

Major limitations of OB are;

1 Behavioral Bias

2 The Law of Diminishing Returns

3 Unethical Manipulation of People

1. Behavioral Bias

Behavioral Bias is a condition that is a reflection of tunnel vision, in which people have narrow

viewpoints as if they were looking through a tunnel. They see only the tiny view at the other end

of the tunnel while missing the broader landscape. Following the behavioral bias, people who

lack system understanding may develop a behavioral bias, which leads them to develop a narrow

viewpoint that emphasizes employee satisfaction while overlooking the broader system of the

organization about all its . It should be clear that the concern for employees can be so greatly

overdone that the original purpose of bringing people together, which is “productivity

organizational outputs for society” could be lost.

An effective organizational behavior should help accomplish organizational purposes. It

should not replace them Behavioral bias can be so misapplied in a way that it can be harmful to

employees as well as the organization as a whole. Some individuals, despite having good

intentions, so overwhelm others with the care that the recipients of such care become dependent

and unproductive.

They find excuses for failure rather than take responsibility for progress. They do not

possess a high degree of self-respect and self-discipline.

The Law of Diminishing Returns

Overemphasis on organizational behavior, the practice may produce negative results, as

indicated by the law of diminishing returns. It places an overemphasis on an OB practice that


may produce negative results. It is a limiting factor in organizational behavior in the same way

that it is in economics. In economics, the law of diminishing return refers to a declining amount

of extra outputs when more of a desirable input is added to an economic situation. After a certain

point, the output from each unit of added input tends to become smaller. The added output

eventually may reach zero and even continue to decline when more units of input are added.

The law of diminishing returns in organizational behavior works similarly. According to

the law of diminishing returns, at some point, increases of a desirable practice produce declining

returns, finally resulting in zero returns, and then follow negative returns as more increases are

added. More of a good thing is not necessarily good. The concept means that for any situation

there is an optimum level of a desirable practice, such as recognition or participation.

Unethical Manipulation of People

A significant concern about organizational behavior is that its knowledge and techniques

can be used to manipulate people unethically as well as to help them develop their potential. .

People who lack respect for the basic dignity of the human being could learn organizational

behavior ideas and use them for selfish ends. They could use what they know about motivation

or communication in the manipulation of people without regard for human welfare. People who

lack ethical values could use people in unethical ways.

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